Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Nov 1914, p. 3

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¢ 2 wHiG, 2 ad ¥, : (nee Ruth A. Webster), will leave the city' for Florida, ay at iil 1.08 p.m., where Hey ntend spend- it he the winter. . H Mrs. George Dar-agh and Miss | emma saris mEssss Lillian, King street, left yesterday . for Moutreal to visit Mr. and uy Charic: Edwards. Wot Eva Richardson Soturusd home a ll days 3 Srna Phe out cago en route, and Ww in the for mer cily a detightfal dunce was giv: en in her honor. Miss A gues Rich- ardson, who has also been in Winni- , is staying in Toronto for a few days before Ti ome. rs. C. G. Griffin, Storey and Miss Bessie Storey motored up from Brockville this week and wer the King street, guests of Mrs. W. T. Mimnes at "Hilleroft." * Mr. Walter Elis, Albert street, in Montreal for the week-end, Professor and Mrs. N. F. University avenue, expect to neat California, where they will spend oo winter. Mrs. Charles Taylor and littie Miss Jean Taylor returned from Napanee on Thursday. we pr, 1 vane wo [fl 1 €2 Aprons Try and Mie. ¥. 154 Beautiful Pron: Tea Aprons, by Miss Betts. The cup for: tho | Shaw, ( y street, for a few days. |X. Grant, University avenue. highest score in points will be play- Mrs. J. Byrne, Ottaws, is leaving Mrs. BE. B. V. Wright, of Ottawa, ue at from 40 to 60c, Which we offer ed off by Miss Betts and Miss Fair-| this week for Kingson to visit her), nd Mrs. Arthur Wtibht, of Quebec, lie early this season. In the din- | sister, Miss 'Oldrieve. ore visiting Mrs. R. R.*Carr-Harris, ing-room, the polished tea table was Miss Laura Nicolle, Miss Jessie Nicol | Madk street. centred by a silver bowl of Ameri- | and Miss Beatrice Lambert will be Many friends in town will be deop- can beauties and was presided ov- [guest of Mrs. T. Clarence Chown in ly shocked and sorry to learn the gad er by Mrs, W. R. Givens and Miss | Montreal for the week-end. news of the death of Mr. Karl Tan- Ada Rireh. 'The guests included Ans v2 dy, which occurred in Fdmonlon yes- Mrs. R. S. Waldron, Mrs. Robert| Mrs. Graham Thompson, of Toron: |iirday. : Fraser, Mrs. J. C. Strange, Mrs. A. |to, has been spending a few days with Mrs. WA W. Winnett, Mrs. Herbert Robert- | Mrs. John Mowat, Johnson street, | phar parents, Mr. and Mra. FoA. Reid son, Mrs. H. C. Nickle, Mrs. Elmer | this week. : Bagot street, left on Tuesday for her Davis, Mrs. Herbert Wood, (Van- drs. Carlos Kirkgaarde came 10 [home at Avimer, Ont., where Mr. Hoe couver), Mrs. Mellis Ferguson, (St. | town from Cordova to-day to visit eroft has been inducted as pastor of Fhomas), Mrs. Bernard Browne, | Mys. Henry Merrick, William street, Knox Presbyterian church, and Miss Giwenneth Merrick; who has ------ Mrs, W. H. Craig, Mrs. J. Murray, gi (Toronto), Mrs. George Ellis, (Van- | been her guest, returned with her. Mrs. W. B. Dalton, Johnson street, couver), Mrs. W. A. Mitchell, Mrs. C. 8. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. J. M. Camp- | will spend the week-end in Montreal bell, Mrs. G. F. Emery, Mrs. W. H. | with her daughter, Mrs. Andrew For man. Macnee, Mrs. W. E. Macpherson, Missés Waldron, Miss Helen Fras- Mrs. J. er, Miss Phyllis Knight, Migs Hilda | end visitors in Montreal this week Hague, Miss Bessie Smythe, Miss | Messrs. W. Garrett apd Lesslie Smith. Florence Cunningham, Miss Jean Mis. T. G. Marquis will arrive from Craig, Miss Kathleen Daly, Miss| New York, the énd of the week to Ada Birch, Miss Edith Folger, Miss | visit her mother, Mrs. George King, Martha Smith, Miss Marion Leslie, | Alice street. Miss Mabel Richardson, Miss Marion Redden, Miss Minnie Crothers, Miss Lettice Tandy, and Miss Anna Fair- lie. ER 14, 1014. PROBS, --usqttlen, with snow, , turning to sleet or rain, EEE 1 LY | BE RITE Bruck si Jeet, it on , Thussd for with a few rg a Mr. Fred. Sutherland, 15 Belmont street. Mr, Gorden Shui i Jbhhaon street, is spen a few i's a ontreal with rp Mrs. , Gurd. Miss Father Kerry Te to-day jum Montreal ry Hoe] Mrs. Douglas Mr. Harold i is in Montreal | from for the week-end. Misp Gertrude Viooman, of Lind- say, who is visiting Mrs. L. T. Dest, Sydenham street, has been the guest of honor at{a number of informal teas this wok ' Miss Lilias Sanderson, Johnson street, is in Montreal for the week- end. i 3 Miss Mabel Dalton, president of the Ladies' Kingston Curling club was hostess at a delightful tea on , Wednesday afternoon at her home i. on Johnson street, for the presenta- tion of iast season's prizes. Mrg. Dalton received the guests who were, with thd exception of several | vigitors in town, all members of the club. The players of the rink winning the Club Trophy Were i! Miss Kathleen Daly, Mrs. Elmer | Davis, Mrs. K. 8. Waldron and Mjss Aunie Fairlie, skip. The players of il] the rink which won the consolation ji prize were, Mrs. .A. W. Winnett, Mrs. Hugh Macpherson, Miss Hilda Hague and Mrs. Herbert 'Dawson, skip. The prizes for doubles were Rev. Js ; won by Mrs. H. W. Nelles and Miss? Amprior yesterday after spending a Maude Betts. Miss Betis also won | jew days guest of Professor and the Shaw medal for singles. Points | Mrs. Yillisan Morgan, Mack street. in January were won by Miss Anna | Mr. lian Antliff, of Montreal, is Fairlie and in February and March | the guest of his aunts, the Misses Exceptional erpricing at ~ Steacy's o-night Store Open Until 9.45 P.M. Ww class stock _-- W. i. Godwin & Son. Phone 424 Rl ts Flip Ieee * » = 0» Mr. Robert Richardsbp, Weil" 'to Monireal on the Queen's rugby excursion yesterday. Cadet Rodger Stewart left to-day for Quebree. Yen. Archdeacon Patterson- Smith is the guest of Rev. E. and Mrs. FitsGerald, at 371 Brock street. ' James Faulds returned io is Kit Toilet Rolls Handy keep Brushes, Comb, Razor, Soap, ete, in, making a compact strong roll 75¢c tw $5.00. Also Pocket Mirrors Soap Boxes Fountain Pens Patriotic Stationery Military Brushes Pocket of exceeding daintiness and good val- To-Night at 25c¢. to Boys' Sweaters Made y the best wool in colors navy, grey and khaki: coat or pull-over style; values from $1.50 to $2.50. All siges. To-Night 95c. Special Suit Sale | Exceptional bargains are being offered and no one in need of a smart u to- the-minute suit can afford to pass this great value giving event. | Any Suit 2 sale will 11 be laid aside with a small i if you's "re not brepared to buy | STEACY 4 Beecroft, after visiting Druggists and Mnke up your kit to-day at Best's i Opticians Open Sunda 1.30 to 5, 6.30 to ©. shededderodededeop dob fe ddd Bobb bd bib dd * WAR BULLETINS, , London Nows Agency de spatch says Dixmude was re cupied and the Germans driven out at the point of the bayonet Friday afternoon by a brigade of French marives. Berlin war office admits that the Austrians are retiving be. fore (he Russians, but jn good order, I. Gurd will have as week- * » Carleton Monk is take a Mr. H town from Montreal, to military instruction. Mrs. R. M. Dennistoun has leit Win nipeg for England to be near her hus band and sons, who are with the con tingent at Salisburg Plain. Mrs. Den nistoun is a sister-in-law of Mrs. | F. Torrence, Brock street, and her son, Cadet James Dennistoun, gradu- ated from the Royal Military College last June Rev. R. J. Craig, of Demorestville. is the guest of his son, "Mr. Edwagd G. Craig and Mrs. Craig this week Rev. Neil M. Leckie is staying with Dr. and Mrs. McCallum, Barrie streot, for a few days this eck. m course in MAb dng Britain on Friday advanced fourteen million doliars to Rel. ginm and four million dollars to Servia to carry on war. * = so » A number of Miss Beatrice Driver's friends "surprised" her on Wednesday evening at her home on George street and had a most enjoyable informal dance. Thase present were Miss Flora Abernethy, Miss Hazel Abernethy, Miss Harriet Chapman, Miss Bessie Chown, Miss Mona Osborne, Miss Dorothy Roney, * Miss Maude Chalmers, Miss Family Wilson, Miss Millie Wormwith, Miss Betty Grainey, Miss Florine Gra- velle, Miss Kathleen Simmons, Miss Bessie Abernethy, and Messrs. Clyde Malloch, Arthur Pope, Arthur How- son, Robert Webster, Dawson, R. Lionel Dunamore, Sidney: Berwash, Ne Stewart, William Stewart, M. Spence, Keith Robertson, Myron Shiels, D. Gay Browne, Ray Smith, J, E. Forbes, John House, Malcolm Ray, and George and Stanley Driver. Mrs. E. Wn ly Gore street, en tertained a number of little Miss Mar- goret's friends at a jolly little party Wednesday afternoon. Games were Pe] and high tea capped the cli max of a royal good time. The little guests included Miss Gwendoline Daw- Eo Miss Florence Cunningham, Miss Betty Nickle, Miss Nell Kirkpatrick, German General Yon Der Goltz, of Brussels, warned the civil guards that they will be shot if they do not serve the German government, THE BUSIEST. STORE EYES TESTED WITH > wn IN TOWN wm OUT CHARGE NO DRUGH USED CASES REQUIRING MEDICAL ATTEN. TION WILL BE 80 INFORMED Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. 8 doors above the Opera Howe TER TI IT There was a thrilling battle in midair on Friday between four German and four allies' aeroplanes in which the Ger- mans were all destroyed and eight aviators killed. THE WHIG'S JUMBLE General Review of Country District and Local News White Rose flour for all Purposes. It's better to be ignored than bor- E. Mun- Kingston, W. 8. Her-] Mrs. Finkle and Mrs, D. dell and Miss' Mundell, were the guests of Mrs, rington, Napanee. Mrs. 8. Campbell, the guest of Mrs, W. E. Peck, Gan- anoque. Miss Holland, Kingston, is the guest of Mrs. W. A. Daly, Napanee. Mrs. G. I. Campbell, Colborne street, has gone to Montreal for the week-end. Mrs. W. T. Barrett, with Masters "Billie" and Desmond and nurse left this week en route to Victoria, where Dr, Barrett has decided to Miss Frances Brigstocke, Miss May. | Foside. The family were the guests jorie Evans, Miss Margaret Smith, | of Mr. John Barrett, "The Grange," Miss Gertrude Mahood, Miss Norah | Barriefield. . Connell, Miss Peggie and Miss Norah vm - Bidwell and Miss Helen Ireland. Mr. Tq X grab. of Quen "ws * spendiny the week-end in Que Miss Honor Fett who has : the guest of Miss Marjoric Pense. Net pereeeem West sircet, and alsa of her . sister, . ETE EE CANADIAN. OFFICERS returned to her Tome in Nevboro . to-day. Mrs. BR Dickson, to visit Weer thie rts etme 1 Rev. Pruce Taylor Mon treal, and 0 Belleville, the Principal's have returned home Russians have occupied sev- eral more Galician towns and continue to advance. os Berlin. newspapers contain large c Ity lists of Prussian s,/and intimate that they were surprised by the British on the Yser, KINGSTON'S ELECTRIC STORE Bought special lot Tungsten Lamps, exsellon i quality 10 Watt 15 Watt 25 Watt 40 Watt 50 Watt 100 Watt $1. 00 Home Illumination a Specialty. H. W. Newman Electric Co Phone 441. 79 Princess Street Kingston, is ed. "Page apd Shaw's week-end sweets' Gibson's. Perhaps ' the be out of the ordinary money. "Buy tooth brushes" at Gibsons. No man need be proud. Why can't even head the procession his own funeral. "Buy nail brushes" at (Gibson s. If we must know the right, in or- | der to do jt, we must do the right in|} order to know it. | ordinary man might if he had the There is considerable corrob- oration of the report that Dix- mude has been retaken by the allies. he at It is rumored in London that the super-dreadnaught Auda- cious has either been beached or is a victim of a German mine. "The Gillette Bull-Dog Razor." Gib- son's. A man knows a great deal when ge acquires a knowledge of the im- nensity of his ignorance. We have still some véry choice blends of tea at the old prices at Pickering's, 490 Pringess streot. Build castles in the air if you wish but to make them--werth-while, put oundations under them. For bread and pasiry, White flour. At the last official board meeting on the Yarker circuit a cordial invita- tion was extended to Rev. W. D. P Wilson,L..L.B., to remain for the third 'year "Weaek-end sweets." A barn belonging to on the Newburgh Road, was destroyed by fire on Sunday. About twenty tons of hay and a number of farming implements were destroyed with the barn. The annual meeting of the Kings- ton Poor Relief Society will be held Tt BBB BBB EPG NN HBP BEN RAD DPB Gdns TITERS Rates ere TATE TT been Miss Nan Reynolds, of Brockville, was the guest of honor at a very jol- ly Dutch luncheon at the Country Club, on Friday. Covers were laid for twelve, and those present included' Miss Dorothy Carruthers, Miss Muar- jorie Brownfield, Miss Madge Dawson, Miss Charlie Short, Miss Marian Les- Kk athleen Saunders Hin Susie ET "Miss Jean Duff, M Helen Drummond (Toronto), and ha Mildred Jones. . TWO HUNDRED TOO MANY WEN! WITH FIRST CONTINGENT: Sallie to«<la ind Mis > Nick. Fil is BRING YOUR CAR HERE wihien It needs any repairs or supplies. Our mechanics are all first class and stand A.l in their trade. No repair too small or too big tor us to handle. We also have here AN UP-TO-DATE ( \RAGE where you ean keep your car in perfect con. 'ence and where you will receive courteous treatment at all times. Our terms are very moderate. PORRITT GARAGE CO, Limited 4% wT Wieesinigions Repairs Kingston, Ont. Corps - Reorganized ---- Proposal fo) Those Idle to Join Kitchener's Néy Army Now Being Formed, Salisbury, Eag., Nev. '13--Ther« are more than 200 Canadian officer: out of work. They are looking foi miployment. Since the reorganiza tion of the companies into platoons according to the British system, the; have been rendered jobless--nothing to do but report at headquarter: every morning at 10 o'clock. - Life to them 18 growing monotonous who "have ben Residency The Dancing Club is meeting this evening at Miss Ruth Anglin's when those present will inc ude : Miss Mar go Fraser, Miss Isabel Fraser, Miss Margaret Cunningham, Miss - Louise Macle onan (lToronte), Miss Veta Min- nes, Miss Gwendolin Folger, Miss guestio Mary "Stewart, Miss Lucy = Waddell, | = 8.4 que tion w ith you Miss Gwendblin Waddell and a pum- Gibson's. Biikton. of < Ga Percy Madden, end Ww sireet Miss Helen oque, is spending the weel her mother on Ordaance Mr. W. H. Connell and ith ride 2U0-212 Wellington St, lephone 454 Agent for C. ADT AC and REO UARS If it's how to make yaurself com- fortable this winter, consid- er. your underclothing. All men cannot wear the same quality. This is why we pay speciai attention to the needs of all classes, not overlooking the men of ten- der skin. COMBINATIONS The coming underwear for wen, in Balbriggan, silk lisle, white cashmere, spring needle, elastic ribb, Austra- lian wool and camel's hair. HE Turnbull's Ceetee Under- wear in the finest grades of pure wool, guaranteed wu- shrinkable, full fashioned and ranging in price from $4 to $6 per suit. Tiger Brand and Watson's in elastic ribb, at $2.00- and Peuman's flat - goods at Two. au a 2 Hues cariied in 2-piege| ce many others 'Thay cotton i as wel fleece-] a: Toe and $1.00) 2m per garment. ber of cadets. - ¥ * Notwithstanding the unpleasantness of the weather yesterday afternoon, a great many friends took advantage of Mrs. A. P. Kaight's reception day to welcome Mrs. Herbert Wood back to town from VYaacouver Incidently, Mrs. Wood's young son came in for no smeth share of attention by the vigitors, -ow oe The Ven. Archdeacon 0. G. Dabbs, King street, entertained at high tea hirsday evening when fhe Juste included Miss Nan Reynolds (Brock. ville), Mrs. Gwyre, Ree, W. F, Fitz Gerald and Mrs. FitaGerald, Miss Maud Betis, Messrs. Arthur Craig and Jack Calvin. a A I buffet luncheon was giv- en on Thursday at 1.30 0 clock, at the home of As AN ousit, Bagot street, fn aid of of ih Cro A similar will be. une a Mrs. miler 1 abond Gore street, next Thursday at the hour. Mrs. Hetiry" Joseph, Montreal, on- tertained at a large chatity "bridge" recently, when the procesls were de- voted to the University Settlement a. 3 an thing ondary "during the sea- .¢ B, P, Jonkiag" Going. Go. ape pb Sud "A Step Awaits the whose grasp opportun Right food big part. Grape-N tains in correct essary for bras..." LA daily - ambitions folks. Canadinn I Es A physical mental powers fit him to Up" ~ individual and ities. plays a uts ~--made of prime wheat and nalted barley, con- propor- tions the elements nee- building strong bodies and keen 13--"This delicious food 1s long baked--easily dis gested and nourishing. a ution 4 Gr uts. ong with otlier food is good for 'Phere's a Reason" sot Out. { These officers include a few majors several captains and -a great mam lisutenants. The most qualifier leaders of course, remain with the Canadian force, but those who di not come up to the standard were dropped. And the question now is, "What i to be done with these officers?' Many views are,put forward, bu the one on which the most emphasi: is laid is that they will be take: into Kitehener's army cf 100,90 men, Officers are neoded. anc there is a possibility that the Cu nadians will be given a chance i show what théy can de. There is also syme talk of es iablishing a train'ag s€hool fr the Canadians at Ailerato* Maj: Qenesnl Sam Hughes was approach ¢d with regard to this, and it is understood that he quite favorably dispuced. Most of die offivdrs whe have bean 16ft out in. the cold would like nothing batter than » training course <o that they may properly equip themselves. AUSTRALIANS T0 EGYPT. © PEPPER PPP ESOS SPIRE ADL LPI Pann ey in the City Council chamber, on Mon day, Nov. 16th, at 3 p.m., his wor- ship the mayor in the chair. Reports of last year's work will be presented, and oflicers and committee elected for the coming year. All are cordially in vited. Toronto Man's Discovery. Toronto, Nov. 14.--S8an Francisco jewspapers announce that as a re- ult of a discovery by Dr. Charles £. Burke of the department of 'hemistry in the California Univer- sity it is expected that $5,000,000 vill be saved to the fruit industry »f that state snnoally. He has dis- overed ah Inexpensive process of sreserving the Juice of the orange, lemon, '3nd lime. 4 Pr. Burke is a 'primer Toronto mah, a graduate of . . > Militia Men Notice the fine line of pocket flash lights in our win- dow. We have them all prices. Call and see them. Halliday' s Electric Shop Phone 94 - McMaster University 'in 1907. THE WHOLE BODY. NEEDS PURE BLOOD Thr boas the mus muscles, and a1 {he srpans df She Sosy de for their engl and aad Soaithy setion Li the is very de ld he. lity oat, od and other eruptions BOYS', wear Tike 'fron, fori NEWFALLBOOT Yo Ts MADE IN CANADA BY BY ORE LARGEST MEN'S solid id gather ator boots, from ....... * $3.50 to 6.50 From ... $2 to $4 We are leather experts and back our judgment. A wi convince you.

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