Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Nov 1914, p. 8

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_ PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1914. ee ---- nm Sosssesstssssscasassssessssssssssnssssnnt (THE HALLS OF QUEEN'S Cal GRANT COMMANDS HINT 10 WASHINGTON] Our $15 Overcoats, TE SFvoros, em EW ere! olive sorvin horse sie mutiny wll] Just Placed : Prof. Cappon Deals With the War | Cyelist Squad of Thirty Men Re- |The Chilean Disaster Occurred Be- Ye rizes \ This Evening -- '17 Defeated '13 cruited -- Carpenters Preparing cause the vnemy Had Use of Wire. | § ° by In Science Rugby Series, Fort Henry For Turkish Prisoners. less Stations, in Stock { , = | t eight o'clock lust evening in con- Lieut.-Col. W. A. Grant, R.0O.. ol Washington, Nov. 12. Charges by | : \ i a hall, Rev. James Little read Montreal, has been gazetted command { (ir at Biftain that certain South Am. paper on ""The Belief of Personal ing officer of the new battery being | erican countries sre fafling to wmain- i Immortality." He "described how the | formed here. Col. G. H. Ogilvie has tain their neutrality have served to various religious sects looked on im-| been in command, but his many duties | develop new responsibilities for the mortality. Rev. N. M. Leckie, oflall over the division make the ap- | United States because of its observ- | Kirkwell, opened the discussion. Rev. pointment necessary. (ol. Grant was [ance of the Monroe doctrine. Dr. P. A. McLeod also took part. formerly with the R.C.H.A. It became known to-day 'that the This morning in Ontario hall, at Sergt. W. Hazlett, of Ottawa, has | British government instead of directly ten o'clock, the chancellor's lecture- | been appointed to a position in the bringing to the attention of the South ship on modern physical science and | signalling section of the 21st battal- American governments concerned its its achievements was continued. Prof. f won. "Bill" is well known here, hav- |ucutrality charges, the suggestion was Clark gave the third of a series of | ing been a member of the old High- | made that recognizing the peculiar four lectures, "Light and. wJlindred Ra- J land Cadet Corpe, and was later in position the United States gecupies in diations." He showed "by lantern} the 14th. regard to the foreign affairs of many slides and experiments the various Theee highly gualitiod signalers ve- | Latin Americ an governments it seem- ways of radiation, including infra-red ported at the battalion headquarters! od fitting that the attention of the and ultra-violet rays, carbon lamps, | on Wednesday, and have taken posi- [United States first should be called to are hghts and X ray tubes. To-mor- | tions in Lieut. A, Stroud's section. _| the all god violations of neutrality row at ten o'clock Prof. Clark will W. GG. Lennox, barber, on Thursday, | Further, it was strongly "hinted that give the final lecture of the series, recived permission from licut.-Col. W the United States should take it upon The Sun as ca. Factor in Weather { S. Hughes to instal a barber chair in | itself to ofl the attention of the Control." the Cereal works for the soldiers. South Mmerican governments to the At eleven o'clock this morning, in Large marquees have been erected at}, leged violations with a view to put we Y.M.C.A. room, Rev. D. E. Foster, | the rifle ranges in Barriefie Id and in {tiger an end to them. Ireaton, and Rev. J. A. Shaver, | the immediate inture the members of he inferenc ems to be plain that I Picton, read papers on "The Abra- | the battalion will be given rifle prac. fit the United States did not care to vele of Stories." Rev. G. A] tice. |¢o this thent the Writish government of Campbelliord, opened the The eyelist squad of thirty men frou ould be forced to proceed in the nm, which continued till one | this district has been. recruited ang matter, but the British suggested it The delegates adjourned to | will be sent to the mobilization cen- | would better suit the status of the Un- npal's room for lunch. tre that has vet to be chosen. Ther [ned States, and thus avoid any possi. tht in convocation hall, at]are to be 120 evelists formed in this ble Srsitation, ock, Prof. J. Cappon will de division,oné-quarter of them to be tak | is clan by the British gov- an address on "The War with | en from here. Lisut. Mc(iee, who has; ich that the German squadron Germany; Its Psychological Aspect." een in charge of the eyelist squad, [off the coast of Chile 'has had the _-- will be missed by the men and offi e of wireless stations in Ecuador | | This stylish black silk waist comes in I'he first game of thé science rughs ers,as he: was very popular. By tak-!,pd Colombia, by means of which it! $l two models, high neck and Tong set- series was played yesterday afternoor ing over the command of the ite t |r eived information as to the move- { sail "Show nie {d on the lower campus, between science | section, he is not now attached tc » the {ments of the enemy's ships and { in sleeve, with new Forsyth cuff, ik ay . 15 and "17. It resulted in a win ior | 21st battalion. nade arrangements regarding sup-| § and with low neck finished with or £15.00 W-e.{3 '17 by a score of 16 to 1. The score Carpenters are at work at Fort {plies It is maintained by the Bri- : ud showed Bin one: « f our warm (B at hall time was 10 to 0. There was Henry remodelling the lower flat oi |tish, and generally agreed to here 4 | Robespierre collar. Wide tuck, ou YL HHH UT 3 ! a the largest crowd of the season or | the building - surrounding the court | unoflicially, that the German com- | front and back, made from a very overcoats, with convertible or shawl haud to witness the game. '17 will] yard. No Turks have yet arrived for!mander Ady Von Spee, never now play the winner of "16 and '18,0n | he concentration camp, bat a large could have e ted the cpncentra- { good quality Black Pailette Silk; luesday next. Martineau and Poyvto: | amber is expected from Brantford | ion of his forces at sea off the Chi- er¢ slightly injured before hali time | district on Saturday. * lledn coast at the exact moment for] 4 all sizes from 34 inch, 46 inch. and had to retire. They were replaced There. are now 301 prisongrs con-'ineeting the British squadron had he| $i 3 by Brown and Armstrong, respective ined in Fort Henry. snot been in communication with the carefully ip i I'he line-up was Gen. Sir. W. D. Otter, was in the{shore by some means. Such com-| ¢| FOR SMALL WOMEN tried on the | Science '15--Flving wing, Smith: ity 'on, Thursday, on a visit to Col [ niumication with belligerent ships | es . ig 13 halves, Prouse, McCartney and Hagey P.D.R. Hemming. . the United States regards as clearly | § then said, quarier, Shiels; scrimmage, Brown, Ro [i n violation of neutrality, as it is{ 4| FOR MEDIUM FIGURES 3a a wie | . ¢ ; ip binson,. Martineau (Brown); middl Taking Artillery Course, { demonstrated by the vigorous action - Sd peach; 1 Take ' y vings, Van Patter and Calhoun; out There are now twenty-four office rs of President Wilson in laying a dras- | | {p side win Fournier and Kacknor; In § aking the course. ix the Royal ftic censorship on all radio stations FOR LARGE WOMEN Wie . . . wi nisl ' %1 5.00) We! : ide , Putn an and Bonham 1 'chool of Artillery in ie de Pent | within the jurisdiction of the United | | . 17--Flying wing, House | \arracks, The men are quali fying | States Though the question was a He \ wglel wd we're VOU service, halves, Goddard, Pope and Jardine or their provisional positions The new one owing to the recent de- - 1p quarter Belton; scrimmage, Wilson, | ames of those at preseat taking the B elopment of radio eemmunication, | Coon and Marshall; middle wings, Col | :ourse are: {the United States government | ¢| ! by and Wright: outside. win Bur Major E. C. Barrett, 5th field bat { promptly took a firm stand in re- | i wash and Poyvton; inside wings, Paol ery, Kingston; Capt. J. K. McKay, | sard to it. . and Sergeler 8th battery, Pictou, N: 8.; Lieuten it is charged that coal and other y | Referee, ( \. Robbins; wapire, R nts C. G. Meredith, Cape, 9th bat- | supplies have been conveyed from | J. Young ery, Montreal; G. Rile al- | South' American ports to some island Aa So------ ery, Montreal; A. Legg bi | which the German squadron has 5 COMING TO KINGSTON ery, Montreal; 8. Thon al-{ made a base of operations. There BROCK STREET. - ery, Montreal; H. L. Featherston, many fine 'harbors in the Maj.-Gen. Hughes to Inspect the | waigh, 39th battery, Montreal; A. S lapagos Islands, but they are prac- A Little Out of the Way, But It Will Pay You To Bist Battalion. davis, Srd battery, Montreal; A. E fi ally deserted and 'seldom visited | 3! Just received and ready for to-morrow alk ;opeland, 21st battery, Montreal; C Jo y ships. For cruisers operating i \ man came in on Saturday and vou cain give nie | ranteed to ke out the cold and storm. | ALIARLABAL aaaniiaia | | | | An Ottawa desvatch says 'opeland, 21st battery, Mon., C. Sif I; 5, "0 05 any home port they) 4 ' Bujor General the Hon. Sam Hughes ¥3irton, son of Hon.Clifford Sifton, 9th ould make an ideal emergency base : will go to Kingston to-night, where he sattery, Toronto; - H.Dewey, bth bat- by time of war. « e enes will inspect on Friday the troops nou | er, Kingston: R. D. Blandford, 6th" The Britich representations to in training there for the second con attery, London; J. Read, 28th bat e United States government on this tingent. : ery, Pietou, N. F. B. Ma nigh: 1bject were unwelcome to the state Genseral Hughes has been busily at | 2th battery, Newe stle, N bt wrtment, because of the number » 3 g 2 ery € ) bees Te Sy | work at his _oflice since his _rveturn tc | Jowati, 12th battery; weastle -N. | ; Da Fre 1g and delicate ques- I ik Ottawa, and did not attend vester 3.; G. E. Ducharne, 36th batts . ' 4 This government ew | p I Be day's cabinet meeting. There is a | Vinnipeg; H. Powell, 9th bs fe regret exce sedingly being plac- C ou, well-defined rumor here ro the how 'oronto; x Feet, 23th hs vied in oa 'position where it w ould be that some friction exists between thc | fontreal; « oyde, b Dbatter; competed by the force of cireumstan- os : minister of militia and his colleague Iontreal; G." E. Blutken, 5th Y o Ke ith any Son meri-1 §i FoI he Taine especialy Tov | er Kingston: 1. 5" Aackesn, 2411 £2 10 Lake 0p wil any South Amar EW KOman Stripe OKs gard to some questions connected wit altery, Pictou, N. S.; J. Irwin Me-j ih Bovernme lity i 1 i f any of 'c OC ¥ D. Sal ED a Ny. lloy, 7th battery, St. Catherines: 1D). tion of neutrality in avor of any o t contracts for war supplies an ;'i the European belligerents, matters which have been : ). Macdonald, 18th, Antagonist, i a i tev} The raising of such a question . » a - - i Bak : 3: G. E. Blad 1, itl baiter aisi 0 th pg - ; Hou. Robert Rog % T'S nd a diag on CL, E. Bladfore 15th Dae ould he embarrassing in relations Ne S Gir | Sil i} of the cabinet, ho have taken ) é it} . OR i OVE 3 unfavorable for some A Mh ---- ith the South American govern 4 W ash and d e ks Conditions have been matter out of General Hughes' hands SEITE FS roads Shade ments and also might cause some Canadian manufacturers. We purchased this lot of It iz stated here hut heii is I ¥ eelings fn the vouniries which wore pot §- waiting fo he re ) remie « : {E. «4, sald fo point by the alleged viola- § goods at prices that have not been quoted for years. den 0 end of the week hofor WHERE RUSSIANS ARE od or Joint by the afieted viois | But these are unusual times and unusual opporiuni- i Mahing his appearance at any cabinet | London, Nov. 12.--In East be an accepiance of a measure of re meetin i * Prussi e Russia have «& Sponsibility for things in Latin ties are coming our way. This is just one instance ------ ---- Prussia hi Stal ne Whuindl & | America with the United States gov- | 23.8 | . of our buying large quantities where cash reduces FOUND DEAD IN CELLAR. 3 at Goldap and at Soldan, 320 # ernment does not desire. | | Something ) 3 et ie # and 2905 miles from Berlin re- + wmaint-- the price. . E. Aylesworth, Bath, Died Of 3 |' spectively. On the Posen and 4 No Cheese Meeting. { * EO ra Rye a Paralytic Stroke. Silesin. fronts 'at last accounts, +! There was no meeting 'of Fronten- 8 V y Sp 1al 115 LADIES' HEAVY SERGE AND TWEED || on sous ormemuroke ov ul? they 'were ac Pleachen, 195 & | ne 48 10 meeting of Fronten. | 4 pe er eC 8 of . agé How long the old | & i -------- 3 J. Ayleswirth, i Bath, : ' iles, 1 r Kalisz, 210 # a i SKIRTS in navy, black and fancy tweeds. You A¥leevirih of his omic ~ ! len om "Bertin, On. the + gon, qt having been agreed at last Veni . 4 i 19 DOZ. LADIES ' LONG FLANNELETTE KIM. man had lain in the cellar iy not | ddddodddddddddddddddd db ddd | To Report At Quebec. if ONAS, 1 col ds made t hen ; . 11S And C 'S.: $00 mad 0 i] known, but at any rate when I . terete sem oto | Lieut. R Stewart, BO tJ oh i 145 and 92.00. Saturday phe gf Soir, Shor lud | pwcnvn wim warm. | st Soma, Sons pune | | = hm A that place, and was about seventy | * Cracow, 325 miles from Berlin. gs.0ly be the last of the season . : found in meeting to 'adjourn for tw cannot buy the cloth for the price, Saturday y8c ceased was a wellto-do resident oi Galicia front they are close to + weeks. Next week's meeting may] 0 , ; ------ i sell at $1.7 id and $2 00. Batur day . 98¢c ] ih, ii od the body" bo - 4 pl He Jeut Cok. W. 5, Hughes "Rement | com umiission in the R.C.A. at Quebec. reports in Quebec on the 15th. Read Particulars To-morrow Night H : had been seized . with a stroke of bered by Peuitentiary Staff, | 122 p02. WHITE FLANNELETTE NIGHTGOWNS prravin "Bod Senirth, | coral WB Whos who 1 "nt Cron Comm Eo nicely made and trimmed with silk embroidery jon. found the remains and immedia- | oumand the 21st battalion for over-| ot or clive ae © tely "notified the aut 1orities US 1s } seas service, was given quite a SUr- | Jewin Hill rd, K.C., Morris r and Hiv Regular $1.50 and $1.75. Satur- the second death of, this nature which | arise at his. office in the &rmotries bn lillie: Parades. 2 EG day . . * coe Gle has occurred at Bath during 'the past [5p Wednesday night when he v {of Dundas county for the seat va- i re ---------------------- anes rai month vaited on by 3 Qepuiation fram ih | & cated by the death of Sir James P i w -------- renitentiary staff and presente | . | #11 DOZ. FAST BLACK OPALINE SKIRTS, lined PITH OF THE NEWS gold wrist watch. The best wishe [¥iitney. | Trokeys," at Gibaoh'a. | with red flannel; this skirt Sway sold for $1.50. / i Mes BY Telegraphic wi ret Rite Rall sccompanied the) pd conto haps | & ! Condensed Items By Telegraphi 3if 0 ughe: 3 . strong is receiving congratulations | Saturday . Tt EE . From Exchanges peech In which he tendered thank jof his comrades. A baby girl ar- --- Amn, ta Jienna confes. | for the kind gift. 'ved at 4 ~~ Przemysl is cut off, Vienna conles Col. Hughes, who 1s ab inspoetos 'ved at his home gn Monday, 1 16 DOZ. WHITE AND NATURAL WOOL COM. Sos : 5 om ¢ that | Of Pendtentiaries, was for many year » Dituet LE Seamsbip Gan. hetwer | Jutario fruit growers sugges a 4 ) : L itentiary at Canada anc iberia is to estab- ale gt SUITS, high ue 2 Sesves snd Sher a be chosen' as Canada's food accountant at the penitentian !lished by the C.P. R ? length goods; sold regular $1.50 an i} cinblem. ' SN | as -- ai de 8 8 d 8 $ i The I. Eaton 'company, Toronto, Valuable Hound Killed. | -------------- . J: - i} subscribed $10,000 to the Belgian re- Paul Schatang. the foreman of th S--_ A I ANC lr tl range NBA ha {lief fund. trouble department of the Bell Tel 9 DOZ. WHITE FRENCH MANUFACTUURED i it is stated that war has formally phone company, is mourning the los : » buen declared between the two fae ie " 2 antral. : CORSETS, handsomely trimmed and daintily | tions in Mexico. : ny are BO ow ain an i finished, non- rustable, non-breakable, four gar- §] That British battleship Canopus | ¥P Street, had While Eoing Alch: 5 8 has been sunk off Corpuel is official, King street was run over by an.auio 1k ters.to each pair. Our r regular $1.50 corset. Sat. Iy denied by the Chilean admirakiy.] pO StTOCT Bias fut ved By SRCECHO" | : urday . . The shaveholders of the Toronto, Ty. This hound took several k: i oe ne - ol : v Nee 3 ; So pe Hamilton & Buffalo and the te farizes at the Ottawa Exhibition te : ee ---------- rt 5 . Ontario railways decided at Hamilton { fat) and Mr. Schetange valued v a, ~ . to amalgamate. : nimal highly COA Ns The wermans are working with oi : ; - - % § feverish haste to place the great bar- Bye-election At West Hamilton. i rier fortress of Thorn, the kaiser's{ , ; Ng 2. The West Hao. § 5 No selling argument, is necessary. Saturday' S BR cher stronghold of West Prussia. in|. 'lamilton, Nov. 12 "the Vacane 1. : } SN h il byelection to fill the vacancy § prices are less than the manufacturers' cost. § state of defence against the invading oe eB Hemtien ro JJ 40 Coats, regular $9.00 to $12.00. Saturday ... $498 ff "en of Ontario, wil bo a straight Tht bo. | ; = ; 27 Coats regular $12.00 0 $14.0. Saturday 50.98 | oe Camtidate; und Water foe: aos || Slippers for ladies at +e. 0c, 40c, 50c, and Tn $1.50 candidate, und Walter Rollo, labor tN Sue Crubseis Good Hope nai | ogg 2 © Ij} Slippers for men at : ! . 0c, Tc, $1. All Suits and Skirls Half Price | London, _e Ee Reisivh ads Accepted The Offer. if Slippers for children at ies iiisivecs sarin re Socal mirvalty now accepts the belief that the St. Andrew's Society has accepted We sell Dr. Jaeger' Ss Pure. Wool English Slippers. » EEN er Atti a Ani i enirarans BE cruisers. Good Hope and Monmouth | the kind offer of the Grand Opera : were lost in the fight off the const of House for the usc.ef ithe house for SEE THEM IN THE WINDOW Chili. In a statement issued to-day [a concert the total proceeds to be = the ,admicalty declared that in the given to the JHnigian fund. The con- p of news to the contrary, Wt is | cert which will be purely Scotch, assumed that or are lost. will be held of Becember 2nd. ~~

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