Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Nov 1914, p. 7

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& THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1914, PAGE SEVEN , ==Y/NCIDENTS OF THE DAY GRAND _ S55} peepee ---- Household Banking Accounts |-=.;s:=. c= = To-Night ivi THE PEOPLE'S FORUM [4 Happenings in we City and Vicinity | Kelcey & Shannon in The Bunk of Toronto have been found by many ~--What the Merchants Offer "to | (oo Goentest of Photo Plays ot : to be a gree at convenience, T he ace ounts ms ly b the Readers of the Whig, ey After the Bali N ; VERTISING BA TY I S iri 1 " xibs 's * QO DENSED AD iL Thin >| CON RACY ING. FOR SALE. ened in the names of husband and wife, and sither Aspirin Tablets' at Gibson's. i 2 live in the second SR ECF Se : First insertion 1c a word: Bach eon~ { ~~ = ee may deposit or withdr: aw money, Interest .is tion of Whig Pa Tr oie 1p. secutive tusertion thercafier amiss [vom HARDWOOD FLOORS AND LL (THESE EFFECTIVE ADVIS. COST "RR \ ou ; " ia : LEB, t a word. nl ) r finish, ames nce, ¢; thr A 3 on the 8€ accounts twi ice a year Red Cross Cough Syrup," at Lib SEATS NOW ON SALE, one Tasextion, 25¢; three imee a jo ot ctor, 3 Ty yh ty one week, $1.00 %e Ym, 1 . G0¢c; aix, $1; one month, . son's. a -------------------------------------------------------- cing fips re Ras i GRESE FEATHERS, APPLY TO MRS, $60 000,000 26 a d Attic a layer is .,- Bulleg 5 NIGHTS NEXT "WEEK Pe § Te Goldman, 387 Division St. : ' gs and dates at Carnovsky's. HELP WANTED. { i R. H. Toye has returned home JED PILLOWS, ~ Ty ~ : - . . on > INCORPORATED from a business trip to Toronto. [Every Night Excepting Wednewdny | So= Snr ar" UoNDS OR LESS, TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS k William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders under this head, costs 26c for one Once 25, thret times Bio hy 80c } Mattrees HE 1855 eceived at McAuley's. Phone 564. ERNIE MARKS CO night, or §0c for three. : > rine $ STORAGE FOR FURNITUR H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 : N1 BS Te, APPLY 70 |e clean and dry. McCann, THE PRACTICE AND VILLAGE PRO & King street. Leave orders at Mec Iu New Plays and Vaudeville A JUNIOR SALESMAN, by strest. - 4 " \uley's book store ' Wm, Davies Co. Ltd, 86 Princess . . perty of the late Dr. Shaw, of OF 4 aa teh Ia 4 ali i" : Ret?? Bt. : Lansdowne. Apply to Mrs. (Dr) ' h Gratton is in Halifax over- Monday The American Girl" Shaw, Lansdowne ' pe | ------------------e tected Ry asazging ol rem ited. A SUART, GIRL, ABOUT 10, 0 Als oun Turned: DALE 0 Y, FIVE i 8 ichardsons and Sons Limi ed. i ' with housewor Country girl pre- AIREDALE BITC rorry, Mather Sayers KAY Kingston "Red Cross Cough Sy rap,' at Gib- bs elu) I 10-15-26 | Nathint ferred Apph Bay St . Stuart St. 4 months old, by C hampion: Rockley Mc Mana er. son's. " np ~ me - A sa Ro or © Oorang ex Pure Maid. $15. A. a . ATS ON SALE SATURDAY OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST, Ross, iar § g % b ly "to Cunnlagham &' it IY Wigiam 5, Hingston, A « £11 the Brockville men who left trem -- J ST CLASS UNION BARBERS gre. Ap Ont. Cn --------) ke up duties with the second ais ta I ee he een - onti it passed the medical ex- Inn; basement 2 fincess | ICE SY ¥ ARAT ROOM, + rr - ; " .|OFFICE DESK, SIX FEET LONG, 41 -------- . - - - R ° 8. a i - | PURE CLEAN FOOD he ated; v J nt use o if steno In. high in sou and 561-2 in, High . "Rex ross Cough Syrup," at Gib J QQ TNTTIT for a 1 ily, References re rapher OX 'uw, nis oilice at back. ree drawers and one ior . P ) | IS ESSENTIAL required. Apply to Box 108, Whig | =---- = top sheif Slightly used. . APPY S odetto ate : fice A ritish Whig office " Fredotte, mate on the s hoolier TO GOOD HEALTH ; AN EIGHT ROOMED SE) I i a suis, but who for the pag ras i furnace, ! Lo. . 1 ( it who g gi dra ' hie , a ont as been i srening gt x . v RR Laid h A LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES AND Fire iN: hb, : iy = in, 20 nd PE -- y ar I 1 oo 1 St RY AN : -- a'number of first-class heaters, ay h nce res iL & Wie hospital ir 20118. %N ust be Rag Re a nt Co _ . low prices; also a big stock of furs | e, returned to the city « Wer Ee ag = B..2 a 4 aflivan Dwi on pa ry STR ay Me niture. J. Thompson, 338 Princess on MYT and Sic tate Agency, St, Phone 1600. 8 ba fai ; wday afternoon He has not suffi | ow nat the fall season Is once again with us, necessit auing the fently seogvered his ner salt) . starting of stoves and furnaces, the danger from fire risk consequen a I gyre 2 forme r health. | TELLIGENT PERSON increases, 80 that it is essential that all property should be adequ at oF sin Kills at Dringon a { 4 AN TELL SEE: on cl; A FIRST CLASS PONY, KIND, AND A covered. wing to the inereased cos and \ . . ¢ it i < ' good driver, 9 years old; also a ; If in need of any additions Insurance or coptemplating a change he scarcity of supply of raw mater | ro for newspa ! € i TURAGE B rooms; myITURE, REAR good pony 'outfit Will sell reas- woul appreciate the pportun of r requiremen Ro os am he i N 3 : CE , Soup, - . q oriable A Kingston attress represent several strong tariff ahd no Bre ments, 1 : Eddy ( ompany have had to 3 » cals ne E26, Storage, 29 556 \ Street advance the price of match- | A i m---- m------ einen one GEORGE BAWDEN 5 ar soma Stier Hugs, i he Eddy; i Jee \ LARGE NUMBER OF micYo Ex pany believe the public will* ap-| « Y \ en al | BIG HT ROOMED HOUSE, ALMOS also Dunlop tires, at . 00. PHONE 286. COAL. 108 PRINCE V ate 'his when they realize it fei BE PARTICULAR yr f ed. 1 PrCes Pe "nev der prove 8, © os) orders promptly attended to for A { ben they realize it i 1 . r 8, CO REAL ESTATE. INSURANC ne that the hig stands of © 1 Miss Mov 174 ist iebec streets. Appl carpet cleaning and laying. George ED -- Aaiteaon -- Ea | Ey : : oo t Boyd, § Pine Street . Muller, 373 King St Cd od v ality fo ie 18 goods | Insist on getting ohhh Eh . ; ork -- ain bl » fame A > i A -------- y dle | ; , SR a 5 4 - . : "" " AVE YOU ANY ARILITY AS A |p FRONT ROOMS I" : 7 | HAPPY THOUGHTS, IMPERIAL OX- S-- FEL] T 1 i CROSSED FISH BAY a We have a propostilorn } ake oy F Y is FOR i . ford ind other cook stoves, Ques a ala { to make which v enable you tu ity, t water heating, op Dec's and pauare Des asters, ail A N 1e8¢ shape; wr . SR | earn more money than' you are oi" Rresiia "Pelephons : the i 8 A Volfe Island Woman Rescued -- | SARDINES earning at the present time. Cor ' n St elephone- 44 » t] 1 very small pro- . - - hd vued s ance etl ynfildential ft Kingston Brick VS. Baker Brick [| ro con im ioe ul ed Sain lt i oo ® Wolfe and, Nov Q--Mrs TH rmatrpepre end -- a . ) : A Nov 12. Irs. Rich -- | NO. . 23 fit Th ST, STONE HOU SE, MINERAL RIGH" TS, FEL DSPAR AND } it ) ) : a rtice' is hereby given that Agn n fell into an unused well | Gravelle, of the Village of Portsmouin, let I POOK mica; VeRie Ofte RE rear of her house in the ev- {in the Province of Ontario, ap for I Srepian Hes } : PHRE 3 » FRAME HOUSES, Yo See those two houses, side hy side, on Diviston St. betwe on it Her cries for help: attracted |to the I t Jans : 1 tian Iw X 8 Possession & and Colbo The completed ve is built of Kingst egg Hos esn Butea sers-hy vl 2 v came fo ed next ses f AT af I y ni ive p ns immediately be, ply to Drv, JI. C. Connell 83, 000 BRIE % HOUSE, LARGE LO% tshed o Raker Brick, I tl doesn't the Kingston Brick ahi y 101 X A grad n' and $73 to $80 mo a stable mm took just ax good, and they wx, besides heln a home product Bn : 2 reo 2 t a | $1,500 FR AME HOUSE, 8 ROOMS, Boost your home industry aid build of Kingston Hriek. ie surface again She escaped with : i : f adultore and de 2a, FLAT IN oh LLING TON APARY. | #L,A00--NEW FRAME HOUSE, MARK« : on the gro f adulter d deser ments, 13 few bruises. | tion ¥ A \ r | nN . INSURANCE AND Surprise part 1s hd at the! ted a Ott Aiwa this 22nd day i Y Teleg raj § L { lect ras' rar Res ate, 87 Clarence St. | 914 Bank Street, Ottawa { : : A. Neal, Kingston Brick Yard Phone 1356 [| = ee I ELLE soon landed her on | w cou} were juilding, ta ws T who spent the wening in | Solicitor for! the at WORK WANTED wn nes se ---------- Ss---------- { IN! ek gan % was ser- | - eee EST | DENTAL. ight. 9 Har. broke FOOTBALL A RESPEC TAB E GIRL WANTS GEN. | » at-four o'clock in the morn housework. Car ve ¥ {A E. KNAPP, BA. LDS, cos 3 ox 3, Whig office. | moved tc 268 Princess St By R tbert Boyd spent ouple of | Junior Intercollegiate : - Be mi nt A \ $ visiting friends aj Vin | POSITION WANTED SPARKS AND SPARKS, 150 W ; : a nt e searcity of water con- | CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL | lington St (over Carnovsky' 7) We have over six acres of land with frame dwelling.-and barn, on pr inves to be felt more keenly than | POSITION AS HOUSE Phone 248 te. Ph 440. H. F. M if £ r § - ate *hone 44 . ¥'. Metcalfe, perty, facing on Montreal Street, rear parallel with C. P, K.. ( wer by the fame: Wak © oo (ONT AG COLLEGE [Lan WISHES POSIT Principal factory site, Price : = Pi. 8 ? * . ' maid or cook or ; ] - ry } : 3 never went , re are dry at | G ELP Vv, small mi) App Yo DR. C. c. NASH, DENTIST) DR. T. B 2 J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 3 : | GUELPH, VB. K.C.1 | wis omce nt Nt ba" Francom OC 3 J { UVER lepresentative YEON " chee: ories are closed after | LUREIN THLETIC - ER. - . ~ a L8 BROCK ST. JOHN DRIVER, Representatiy PHONE 6: are « A QUEEN'S ATHLETIC GROUNDS FINANCIAL. EH. § L.D.S. D.D.S DENT. ' WANTED GENERAL Jovee, Swvden yy : ' x Ye st, cor Pr and 'B OF, vase i . r------ weet Some i Wiliam Tor | SATURDAY, NOV. 14 | ee | rg A or ree om FRONTENAC LOAN AND AS orders at or d be sure of good RUSINRESS » Limited. Head of Queen Street Superior cou 8 © In Book. keeping, Bhorthand, Typewrit- ing, Banking, Civil Service, Gen- eral Improvement and all Com- mercial subject [tates moderate PEPE RP Piby EEE PEO : i : : ; $ ; i James Hogan has pur- | I { . Wh ment Socle incorporated AM ALLED 2.45 P. M. csaldent. ( el Henry R t We 1 and put up storm | f a h lyr Irwin's farm for al G pre | or dale ne Sure. Admission se; Remery "Lemus Fie. "rctow Grand | Kioney teed | SE io CATERING. ina Wo. Spor snip Boon i " J mu 0 ¢ ' eliat nen Drop a card. ' | an XN are xg OM OVE r rties, mun 8 rs ------------------------------------------------ , 1 Shavin y---- St S---------- cin, Nelaren was amoved 10 Yams ------ ebentures: mortgages purchased |wg CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS , ndov aning Co. Hotel Dien on on afternoon. | . 8 receiy an erest edding dreakfasts, banquets, etc : ed St, ; C 1 sin Ri . G » : also rent dishes, table linens an - - - a. .eeoiot ramophones, Phe onographs, Gra silverware, Reid and Hambrook We are making a special display of | sn01as. Columbia nd Victor re rom Pigeon Is Tune 1 on Monday af- | Ing a | ) as, : record Y - EE tS M P. Tteld, 30 Union Street. F. C |GENTLEMEN mT shaving materials in oar window, Odeon and J y0 records, Bd ernoon with a large catch of i | Vikin Shi IVE ONDON AND GLODE MT ae ia, 0 Un on J tre Bhat IME TO 2 BivING Simn opposite the Y.M.C.A., during this |p 000 'records, Blue Amberal r hey x have purchased g Pp. oir "in saaitton. tc Phones $13 or 303 to-date suits. Price and workman~ dou a - - - ship goarantedd to pleage. Press- week. If you are interested we | ses on Garden Island, and re Jaa 351.1 h ¥ h 0 cords 5 . 4 4 ! a ave f g and repalring done on _the py y ve you call, and an he lo " . irop ir d taste fi "a MEW the 1 e would be glad to have you ca them down in readiness fo Pp in and {1 Bae e_uniimit 4 Habhiity i ARCHITEOT. test notice. Thomas Galloway, red 8 Brock street, near Bibby's we will be pleased to show our stock ' . 3 { shaving comfort : 2 possible rates. r renewing | er m-------------------------- = of shaving com/oris, en s ormanna able old or giving y business gi | WM. NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI jufage r Strange, | tects, etc. ,.Offices, 268 Bagot Bt isis Davis ar party came down | * Pound Note. rates from Str Pl n 232 113 B: St. | d itton ha is posse Pt : Phone 6! | Phone rock St Ald. J. ; 1 ; in | LE a D elicacies --ORG UF. ied by rd Cmmm-- ? ------------ A iis ! : { ma tv s tr 1 fd F il 3 2 Bu d 1K, 2 Ph J ght tl HT y hi 1a jest « Land. of -1 ' i airy. { HAIR, MOLY s, w ARTS, BIRTHMARKS HOAG | Y us legal tender during N ory : 3 LEGAL. ) | and a wths and skin blemishe EY oN in emetic eetem---- . -- --3 es Te permanently, - without 0 ite Y. M A , . . ; EB iy J oh 0 t f asions | CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BAR 3 | : years' experi h . br 2. «MC A a i : " n, Wi ae or Heft Law office, 70 re . A 1 make Ey pposite ME : ji -Rers and Bo *Kingaton BUSINESS CHANCES. Areal 20d hin Tasial rae eet teers, now | Normanna Sardimes--T7 sardine d Claranve strest Agents hone Olive O | mre------ Kingston . t . Dalishury. J dal tea and | ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START | innua 'I Nermanna Kippered Herrings--No 2 | TR | a mail arder businesx at home: n Young Ladies' | me it a tasty 3 : { > assi py ur own boss 1810, a laptist ch and | tahni food They are NELES: " N ~~ " Bend fx boalkict; tells how | MUSIC, i : | JOSE A A Py ' ~t. N.Y | ere 'I Normauna Soused Mackerel. 4 a On tone ar ITEACHER OF JNEIvG, J MISS CARRIE | { I 1 ston | In s Telephone 0 as » have 1t & a war so 2 | a Sr 8 ee sna b } a ring Tomato He rring--1 A R Prd : A 7 zDD. 9 calle m Store ¢ o t for lerrings in . Ernie Marks Company, ; Sauce se | ES 10Nn ote | S. Roughton, Id favorites with Kipgston thea- | Aire | | vith -- necessary 3 SEACHER | MUSIC AND DRAMATIC INSTRUC i Manager, the Mutual Life = 8 the Ernie Marks stock co € wra | rm | Le comiience after | i. 216 F anos vp Lf a Nm Mae . A 8 iAfe v + & et---- reset nba } , A iy gr Hn ¢ a . Remodelled throughout i surance €o.. of Canpila an) i 1 be the Hering i at the | pur hn paper fe / UPHOLSTERING, ne summer hol Jays ADDY StaliuE | A rl adohaialy ocr: - : ' » eG is irand for five nights next wee Read, Le table TOY any la pairing § carpet work, = and | n, Sec.-Treat . endon Sta tion, piano, violin and all stringed One of Kingston 8 Best Phone 610. | very night pting Wednesday. | mattress he i v Ara be ep & oa Fits, Sec Trem 3 anls instruments 2 his splendid « patty will presen or ¢all 218 Bagot stree . tiie ew plays and high-class vaudevi LnRE bill nigh penne svud To aut get FS. Kavanagh's | cc eit | ford car For sae. oie Select Lump Another good comedy | THE WHIG'S JUMBLE Ibe presented | Genera teview of Country District | SHRI : 4 A a New Home for Themselves Lunch Rooms | ren | me moss | ack" Staneiiry ||. fA (SOFT COAL) Why should yoy pay rent when you Fast | : can save money hy paying rent on a 333 Tine St | rth Tongwanda, N.Y. ) 19 'Buy Gripp Tablets" at Gibson's. fl 169 Raglan Road. i h : v A FOR STOVES OR GRATES mew home of ydir own 7 Hing . fter am involuntary fast of u-| Ontario Agricultural College, Guel- {li wo" | 18 ; BS Re {ph, vs Ke C.I,, Saturday, Nov. 14th, (¥ = =z Why not build a home of your own, Open from 7.30 airiol12 Dp. yo days in a sedled box Ar, I - | 8 v trom $1,000 to $10,000, on easy terms. Le : i - { Gardner, a machinist of Cleve- {at 2.45 P da t EE P Breakfast from 7. Felten Dock ton tov Heory Jacks 1 | See T Try reaxiast from ¢..:0 ind, was released here to-day 3. Jackson, 5 vis A Message Io hin, $ TF ade $6.00 el on Dinners from 11.50 to 2 { vas unconscious and his hai: 1 + of the Methodist { . . m pe : . urned white. Gardner was' accom cobal church in South. Americ * Chas. Leeder, Afternoon Tea from 3 to 5 panying a carload of machine: 2nd Floor, Room 4, Suppers from 5.30 to 8 rom Vro burg, Md, ) ) Ha arriso | yal' 3 Kidney y Jills - Gib "| Weak, Scrawny Folks ------ 3 { 7a., the destination o which w sderately cole cathe 5 now : il lasy W Gain 10 0 30 Lbs. S King Edward Building ! - -- | «ater changed to this city. ; Ives dominion attendec 1 an Bout NE Flesh BI JAMES Wi & G0 . : - a : SA i : ligt v falls or flurries Thi : gi i 1 i n rer us ° 1 Many More Marriages. any localiti women ever 1 y, "4 gi 8 Ege Te Eh London, Nov. 12 ---Marriag ir "Gripp and ( old Tablets." ib- t understand 5 TTT WHIL BE SHOPPING | Bugland ard wales for the qu rg © § x dois - The i Wie: ¥ ! t | Charlotte Russe, Cream == r : 4 nding Odtober 1st were . Frederick W liam Metzger, 50- | f h vo , On Rolls, Cream Puffs Sa el Aristmas | Enjoy Afternoon Tea at (§ | cent. greater than the mean rate for | ¢121i8t member of the reichstag for [less you n BRE ABMimi ale y Dausag : y lamburg, is dead, aged thirty-six. [U 2 fat-me hg at' Through Rolls, 0 vance the ten preceding quarters, the rate E o a journalist, Stationer MARBLE HALL | ver thousand being 17.4. 'The birt! Raa i jourhalat oo ha Jassing - ad . ] y Pr : 2 irth rate was 1.8 per cent. below uy tan Fills a ¥ib8on '8. p s needed is a meanshof genil * § + #33 Princess Street, B ihe mas rats ot the period named | Grand Trunk earnings for the|ursing the assimilative funetis ats Of thie nds o ine in rices y X > en I weak er ding November 7 were $906,- {Stomach and intestines to a ord the . , ' loils and fdts and hand them over to the OUR NEW XMAS STATION. Dainty Refreshments and Pure [p | 20d the death rate was .9 below the |, do f $211.76 : 150 Cros nean aver Sp A Qecrozte o 766 com- od, where they may rea » { lee Uream. pared with the same week last year. , shrunken. run-down tissues 1 astry In All Our Lines of FRY HAS ARRIVED, | oh D "Buy Gin Pills" at Gibson's. hidid therii up. The thin person's { ; | New Metho dist "Chure h Dedicated. fis 3 iry Sponge-- eager and x THE COMBINATION BOXES | George Masoud, Prop. Oxford and Cambridge universities = | ike ah Ne Bich 2 i OF OF PAPER AND CARDS Pons ay | rocky tle Unt, Now The new | have one student where they had | be he farty materials of w ' {Home-made bread a specialty 8 elthodis ocnuren 1 ARE VERY ATTRACTIVE. ng i > iy : : tiaee he ; the other two are se r-|alim lary n tuke them from - i fedicated by Rev. William *3 ne i "ATV. mW > 6. | the The best way to overco! M J J La ki 5 S YOUR MONOGRAM, CREST, (} | of Ottawa, president of the } ; the army, most of them olfisinie ul Waste of flesh building o rs. J. J. CKie ts an oes trl ral z : 'ip o ist eonferend ssisto vl 'i ae Pd ' . me to stop the leakage « 2 OR INITIAL EMBOSSED [pb | - Methodist annference, assisted. hy : buy Gin Pills" at Gibson's. i ode AaB oop Boh «68. Brock St. For fall aud winter we ear- Tr TTIW IN, hiiedon, of Brodevitle, presi A.J, Cockburn, a pioneer of Stor. 5 repsnetative farce Hint 5 recom - ry a complete line of Men's, it i dent of the district Lhe edifice isT my t Count died Tuesd mej led so highly by nhysiec ans he steam me Ladies' nd C oot 10, YOUR ORDER, Kingston Cem- one of the best equipped in Eastern at' his boy '36 isd Tuesday nights : 8 pom Tate a eg notice. hey No Advance inPrice wear, manufactured or the OUR PRICES ARE MOST) | P Ontariq . Toronto, after an illness lasting for apickiy : Hi vi Mm ot : : best American and Canadian : : : i | ree ten years. : Eh Ey Dean x f B Ik T. manufacturers, at the lowest REASONABLE. | ent roducts Ls iy in Enlisted, "Gripp and Cold Tablets. Git fied wm tae 0 u cas prices in the city. Give us a ; . i rg . i Belleville, Nov. 2.~Avntioni Presi-{son's. 1 Ssargol, or. ed it from his call and be convineed. ALL WORK EXECUTED BY We Make po, an aiian who has been for some ; At Merrickville, Ont., the body of | 23 . will refund your mi- In order to Advertise more. ividely . hey if ¥ are t satiefled with one Bulk Teas," we are offering an ex- a OUR OWN ENGRAVER 3 x a eo timo engaged upon a farm near Camp. | section foreman McLaren, of tho | fu in in weight It prodaten as stated on al {B ICRMENT HLOCKS, SILLS, LIN. [pelliord, ce to the city and enlists | CPR, was discovered in the river he Eoare ie i pio hi package It js tra good one at ve bi AND EMBOSSER. ig |TRLS, © IR oc KS, BRICK, ! od ns n member of the Vth Regiment Toth. Deceased leaves a wife and! Motor here, casy to take ard highly 3 3 5 \ ASES, of Hastings county. ; two children. 177% flen 4 '30 P P 4d ig 1 Hom ae W hile Sargol has produced 4 -- "Zymole Trokevs," at Gibson's, jrsfimriable resglts in overdo ing h Rory c er oun : i ¥ WARTE! | ous dvepepsii and general stomach and everything ir cement. Veran.| af. the J $41 dle Thomas McMillan, Hulleti\ 1 WI J. M. MeCutohebn, B.A, B.Paed. { YK : R. J. |. Rodge ali WEE & specializ. ship, was nominated liberal éandidats | English master at the Normal School, LoiPle™: It should not be taken v= -¢ | BLACK WIED Paras 28 KING STREX) : ot) OFFICR 177 WELLINGTON ST. for the commons for the new con |Stratford, for six years, has heen ap- : din ora J PB B GAGE Mose 1870 WW -ks Our. Charles and Patrick Sts. § tituency of South Huron. pointed sossivusy 4 of the Ontario Work. | It's easy for money to get an | vie Met Pn 3 ! Horace 'Norman, 'Manager, "Cold Tablets" at Gibeap's. , juen's Fomprsatios Board, AP iincy hes it wants to (alk, Muntical & 40h Sis, Phone 317

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