Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Nov 1914, p. 3

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500 acees, $1,000, Goon bush, never-falling water. 120 acres cleared. Log dwelling; frame barn; horse stable, First Lass stock farm. W. Hi. Godwin & Son: Brock St. Phone 424 Real Estate Fire Insurance Kit Toilet Rolls Handy to keep Brushes, Comb, Razor, Soap, ete. in, making a compact strong roll. 75¢ to $5.00. Also Pocket Mirrors Soap Hoxes { Fountain "end Patriotic Stationery Military Brushes Vest Pocket Oameras Tooth Brushes Hair Brushes, ete. Make up your Kit today at Satisfactory Pruggists and § Opticians Open Sundays 1.30 to 5, 6.30 to @ wo EYES TESTED WITH OUT CHARGE NO DRUGS USED } CASES REQUIRING MEDICAL ATTEN jog WILL BE 80} INFORMED ~~ § 8 | b Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. OPTONEIE Ar fueron If 8 doors abové the Opera Hows B, If it's a question with you how to make yourself com- fortable this winter, consid- underclothing. All men cannot wear the same quality. This is why we pay speeial attention io the needs of all classes, overlooking the, men of ten der skin. | COMBINATIONS The © coming underwear for men, in Balbriggan, silk lisle, white eashmere, spring needle, elastic. ribb, Austra- lian wool and camel's hair. THE MAKERS Turnbull's Ceetee Under- wear in the finest grades of pure wool, guaranteed un- shrinkable, full fashioned and ranging in price from $4 to $6 per suit. Tiger Brand and Watson's in elastic ribb, at $2.00 wh 2.50. ; Penman's flat $1.00 and $1.25. TWO-PIECES All lines carried in 2-picee as well, and many others in Jleece-lined, Thay cotton and wool, at 50¢, and £1.00 per. garment. er your goods at Toe FLEDING THE THE AMOUNT OF PROVISIONS RE- « QUIRED IS VERY LARGE, Classes Ad the Members of Against Oficéss" and ls lans' Armouries ~~ 21st Battalion Inoculated Typhoid, wil the Tete hole- m aw The Army Service stores Pont barracke look grocer's warehouse these days Ih the provision supply depart- ment is located to fesd the soldiers of the 21st battalion, The potato bins look as if they would hold a car load or while in the supply room éven al glance shows (Bat the sides of bacon. the huge of brans and pi the boxes of -but- ter, cheese, tea. coliee and jam and much else besides' must be reckoned in tons, AHN the varied articles the regulation army ration arc there, placed so that .each iz readily avail- ahle without loss of time, Fhe supplies are taken in the new motor-trucks to the hali-battalion headquarters--at Artillery Park bar- vgoks and the Cereal Works. "In the kitchens in the Artillers Park barracks a number" of large stoves have been installed and white-dressed cooks take care of the cooking part. The barracks is divid- ed into two divisions. I'wo compan- de like sale re a bags of ies that occupy the west end use the west kitchen and the two using the east end, the east kitchen. The men march past an opening and fak- ing' their portions go to their tables. These tables are in the centre of each corridor and benches have heen built around each. There are several tables in each of the four corridors. The self-serving idea lessens the help that would otherwise be required. Two howls are given to the men besides the granite plate, and the knife, fork and spoon. Both bowls are about the same size, but the is really a cup, although handle. The cereal works barracks have a similar ex cept that the men eat at on the main floor, which is smaller it has no LA stem the tables also their recreation room, 14th regiment at the armouries. All pf the battalion have now been. inoculated agpinst typhoid. Lieut.-Col. A. W. Richardson lec- tured to the oficors in the lecture room at 5.15 p.m. Wednesday. Lieut. F. C. McGee has taken ov- er the cyelist platoon and is now gazetted lieutenant divisional cye- list The cyclist platoon is a dis- tinet unit of the division. PIMPLES FOR THREE YEARS. Marvellous Zam-Buk Cure Backed by Strong Proof. Mr. Willard F. Allen, of 258 Pleas- ant street, Halifax, N. writes : ace was i 'Up to a year ago my mass of pimples, which, besides being extremely embarrassing, caused me a good deal 'of pain. I used all kinds of tonics and salves, also rem- edies prescribed by my physician. These were of very little benefit to me. My face would clear somewhat at times, and I would think that I was on the road to a permahent cure, amd then the trouble would return 5nd the pimples and sores be worse than ever. This condition of afinirs continued for abouf -- three years. " "One day I happened to see account of a remarkable cure eczema by Zam-bak; so I thought I would try Zam-Buk also. I sent for a box, and the results were so very pleasing that I procured a larger sup ply. 1 persevered with Zam-Buk for three months, and at the end of that an of pericd my face was cleared of all unsightly pimples. "I attribute my recovery solely to the use of Zam-Huk, as I did not use any other remedy during the time THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1914. 2 ) 2 d&y bers of the sergeant's mess of thie ; Sees PROBS. Moderate winds, generally fair and cold to-day. Friday snow flurries. | sd i », . : i WAH BULLETINS. Paris official statement says & the front maintained left with slight advance of the 4 in London that the British na- v% val strength in the Pacific the war. of cruisers for dominion navies. -- + All reports from the battle. % front report successes over Austrian troops by Servians at TT TTI TIT TS + evrey point. * * -- ; + +> Germans continue rushing + 4 reinforcements to hold the # + Thorn-Posen line against the & & every point, * + -- + * Germans continue © reinfor- 4 # cing their lines with Ypres as # 4% the object of attack, but so f. 2 + their attacks have been fruii- + + less, * > 2 -- : - +» The British gunkoat Niger + % was torpedoed by a submarine & % in the Straits of Dover; all # * hands saved, * * -- - +> The British and French lost % terribly in the defense of Dix- # + mude, but were compelled to < evacuate it, E 2 » -- < + A ten days' amnesty to supe + render has béea offered ali 4 + South African relwls except # + Deéwet and Beyers. +» > -- » + A Jarge detachment of Japa- # + nese ar L,Y has been sent to ¥ aid Russia in Poland. Ae -~ ---- 2 * At Montevideo, South America, & it is stated that the ed crais- + ers have rounded up the ders + nan cruiser Karlsruhe 0 conth- + érn wiiers. + »> At a specified time each day the quarter-masters of the (wo hali battalions hand in their requisitions lhe amaunt of each article that they ask for is based &in the parade state or the pumber of men who have turned out at «the morning inspec tion. The quantities of each ar issued are determined by a fixed The regulation army as follows : Ib.; potatees, z.; beans, 2 oz.; jam, 2 ounces; white =u fresh vegetables, ounces; cheese, I ounce; split peas, ounce; pepper, 1-36 ounce. Man: wrticles are done up in convenient par enough for 100 scale per man. 3 n per man 13 Ib; meat, 1 a dread, 1 i lb.; bacon, 2 ounces; hutter, gar, 2 ounces; wh: as sugar men, etc, The men have all been compléte supplied with two double neavy grey, army kets are kept of the armouries taining ten pairs. A new antomobile arrived in Wednesday for the use of the hat on. Anofher for general m is expected The truck now in great time-saver. Supplies are rushed about 2 of time me blankets es n the soutl n bale cor end use is a n are req more signalling sect i in flag sig will r be taught ghts and other instrumer The men in the are being trai ling 1 now and lig s very intelligent is 1p the instruction y The officers and eivilian e¢! es held at the armouries on Wed- i About fifteen officers five civilians are tak- ing the course The officers, who will try the examination for the po- ition they are now holding, pro- nally were in the first squad. were taught the drills in a » detailed way than the eivili- The civilians were ven mars hing, turning and forming exercis- ¢ The civilians taking the course are very quick, as a rule, to pick np the instruction aod the next class «n Friday night, rifles will probah- iv he used. Several 14th officers are acting as instructors. The cl sesrare Yelng held on Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday evenings and the course ig for six weeks The military Y.M.C.A. in Ontario hall has been put into shape and is now ready for nse Owing to a recent order changing ned the daily mjlitary not available for that day's paper. In orders of yesterday the sergeants of the 21st ba'talion have been elected honorary mem HEADACHE, COLDS, COSTIVE BOWELS, 'TAKE CASCARETS and he time iss orders are To-night!' Clean Your Bowels tind Headaches, Colds, Sour Stomach. ! Jet a 10-cent box now. You men and women who can't get feeling right--who have 'headache, coated iongue, bad taste and foul breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are bil. ious, nervous and upset, bothered with a sick, gassy, disordered stom- ach, or have a bad cold. Are you keeping your bowels clean with Cascarets, or merely forcing a passageway every few days with salts, cathartic pills or castor ofl? Cagearets work while you sleep: cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undigested, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and earry out of the system all the constipated waste matter and poison in the bowels. A Cascaret to-night will straighten you out by morning--a 10-cent box from ony drug store will keep your stomach sweet; liver and bowels regular, and' head clear for months. 1 was using it. As my case Was of long standing and very obstinate | consider my cure a wonderful (ri umph for Zam-Buk, and would heart ily recommend it to anyone afflicted as I was." If you are suffering embarrassment and, pain irom pimples, boils, ec ma; ulcers, running sores, ot any skin trouble, you too should apply Zam-Buk. At all druggists and stores, 0c box, 3 boxes $I , Or post paid from Zam-Buk Ce., Toronto, on re eeipt of price. Refuse substitutes Send this advertisement, name oi paper, and lc. stamp for free trial ! DOX., FA db Sb ed SHORT WAR EXPECTED. London, Nov. 12. --[eader Bonar Law in the commons ex- « pressed the opinion that peace would soon be in sight, but promised to support all meas- ures to bring the war to a suc- cessful issue, ode 0 ge te oe oe ee 4 22 ode deeded detrdrdeb dob d dodedode fobedeodels SCOTSMEN BAR TROUSERS EP Jenkins' Clothing Co. Pan't forget the children. They love Caschirets because they taste good-- sever gripe or Hlimigate Kitchen | thorough {funds a Prisoners Indignant Over German ery Captors' Offer. ing the tables. Owing ito this fact it | Roms, Nov. 12--The Berlin tt as unanimously decided last even- |} respondunt Sof the Metiarzere ing to have these ladies who have been visiting the prison camp , at always heen so, good-natured in the Doberitz, where 6,000 British pi | past, to occupy a mare Rromanent oners are concentrated. He ave place at the tables heside their hns- that so far no money has been re. |bands. The waiting is to be done ceived from the British government DY the younger girls of the congrega- for the prisoners' keep, and add tion, a H "They all have a martial asp After the business meeting a musi and are proud of being English, o cal programme was carried out which en in their present condition I'he meluded vocal solos by Messrs « Germans offered the Highlanders |Graves and A. Pardoe, and an in German Army trousers to pr strumental solo by W. Westcott. Re them from the cold, but the o freshments were served afterwards was indignantly réjected Many of he ISONOrs § Blove : DHEOnONS BYS Bployed OFF | deeded deb bdo dob bobbed 4 aba yg é | t En ¥ prem : ! ion oll, ADMIRAL ACQUITTED. Wine and | 4 Portland, Eng., Nov. gas R # Admiral Troubridge, in co ecaded : y Ue-3 ¢ mand of the British ~Medtter: ] $ : jus communi-f @ ranean fleet at the time of the + tat ' f l'nd and + German cruisers Goeben and + br ¥ + Brestau escaped from Messina, : ng * was to-day aequitted by court- 1 & martial before which he was & Y 1 # tried on charges following the & ! t 4 flight of the warships. » { } + -- o> 1 % In the commons last night + | + the unionists demanded . to + PROF. HUTT DISMISSED | # know why the naval expedition . ' + accompanied by Churchill was + iat + sent to defend Antwerp, instead 3 And He Is Not A! 0 Get A + of military directed by Kitch. + Investigation $f ener, + P'oront \ . -- 4 the horticul : Premier Asquith said that + io Agricul § ! owing to the non-success of + nounced, at the eo i Germany's first plans, it was & tavio. Hort y Joti t unlikely the war would last as + here, that he had i lis * long as expectéd, + his po: n by Hoy 1 $ +> a surprise fo him i * db BBS Sd deb bt the mims r fe r ar 1 bh -------------- so far he } not been le a it i rof. Hutt has been an o'4 ¥ "Zymole Trokeys," at Gibson's. Ler of the college for twenty-om urs Col. Gi. 8. Wilson was killed in ac grodily increasing the work of the in. HOR: He belongetl ' to . the Royal stitution He elgimg to have never Horse Guards and did staff dui taken » part in politi He ha luring the defence of Mafeking, 'iis purchased a farm near (ieorgetown wife, Lady Sarah, who was born Isa where: he will' Yesifle bella Churchill, sixth daughter of the dp seventh Duke of Marlborbugh,' (grand YOU NG BRIDE RILLED father of the present duke), is so' i p-- 1 :ially prominent in England. She Shot From Ambush While Driving | was inp South Africa during the Boe: Home With Husband. war and was taken prisoner outside Iola, Kan., Nov. 12--Mrs. Roy Ard of Naloking. pills oi . the bride of a wealthy young farmer Ww vy Mit LE oA Yibson s. was shot from ambush and killed, on a or | itchell, Ki -» Montreal, was Wednesday, while driving home 'in chosen liberal candidate for Richamond motor car with her husband. for the seat in the Quebec: legislature The shooting took place on a louels | rendered vacant by the death of Hon. road five miles from Elsmore, twenty P. 8. 45. Mackenzie. miles south-east of here, and the sce was within a mile of the home Ar had recently erected for his bride. A CATARRH LEADS shot gun was used by the assassin : who lay icles in trees bordering the TO CON road. The police have no flue. Tne SUMPTION Ards have Re married six months ---- Catarrh is as much a blood disease Teachers Give 1 p. ec. of Pay. as serofula or rheumatism. It may Port Hopé, Nov. 12.---The members | be relieved, but it cannot be removed of the stafi of the Port Hope high | bY simply local treatment. Tt causes school have decided to devote one per beadache and dizziness, impairs the cent. of their salaries for patriotic | taste, smell and hearing, ects the purposes during the * continuance of | voice," deranges the y and the war. This will amount to about | breaks down the gene health. It $100 a year. - weakens the delicate lung tissnes and 1s & Ira Hubble ¢ died wat t the howe of hy uls 10, Son Swnption. ; Hood's Sarsaparilla goes to the som, in Campbelliord, on Friday last. | sat of the trouble, purifies the blood aged eighty-nine years. Ile was 1: «fu ii} : Daasksing a and a farmer, and of and, ia So's L that it is known "wonderfaf constitution As the best remedy for eatarrh. Mrs. 8. J. Storey and Miss Bessic Hood's Sarsiparilla strengthens Storey, of Provkeille, were Visiting} and tones the whole system. It builds friends in the iy on Voinesday. p. "Ask wvonr druggist for Hoots * worties, use LERIECS ACTIVITY AT ST Mission Givings And a Banquet Were Discussed, Men's Association committee met on Wed \. .J. Murray pre and had the warious missionary bi the parish | thorou straightened out The missionary instructed to make a and those contributing already to t St. Luke and onary Mis sda) ided ivings evening omit tee. was canvass, wre not to be Are approael upon nat ter I'he annual hanquet da vas set for Jan. 28th Last | year, instead! of thm lad itting down with the gentleman this annual banquet, théy took upon + > : on the & allies north of Nieuport. Brite 4 ish hold against attacks. Ger. ¢ man detachment routed at Coin. & court. i. A A eid * Following the Emden's de- # struction, the opinion is rising, + * was & not adequate at the outset of + The press says that 4 Britain needs the Sydney type ¢ * In Choosing YourWinter | Coat!!! | wm------ hemselves the responsibility of and insist on Waving it. There is no eal substitute, PA ma i iate Use Ready for immed If vou are seeking the ~ 1: » California's 5 finest of Muscatel Raisins foryour cakes then Sun-Kist will s: CVeEry {Een nt. SUN-KIST § Raisins are the ! } puddings, ind pies, Cap Listy eeded result of years of experience I t ti 33} catering to the desires of | particular people. Seeded entirely by i} machinery and packed in samtary packages Ready far Immediate Use. Geo. Robertson & | Son, Limited POPE URGES CHARITY. Writes to Prelates of Those Country ies at War. Rome, Nqv. 12-<Benedict XV 1} rit leiters to several ol the are ishops and bishops in the belligrer- ent countries exhorting them to urge upon their people the bestowal of charity upon wounded prisoners, ir respective of their nationality or re ligious views, "helping them all and thus. making once more shine the light of Christendom." In his letter to Cardinal lLueon, archbishop of Rheims, the pope oy- pressed deep sorrow for the disas- trous consequences of the war, both from 'a religious and artistic stand point. Bryan Distributes Plough Shares. Washington, Nov 12.< Secretary Bryan began. the distribution .of the plough 'shares made of old swords: which he is to present to all ambnss sadors and ministers who signed peace treaties with the United States as annbunced last month. Fach plough- share bears' the name of the diplomat to 'whom _it is presented, Mr. Bryan's name, the number in sutcession of the peace treaty signed and the fol lowing inseriptions : "Nothing is fin- al between friends," and . "diplomacy iis the art oi of Keeping rool. oe "Ww. oN axdonakd, af Bailey' 3 Brook. Coats from $8 to $17.50---Coats from $18.50 to $50 You will always find the something different at THE BUSIEST STORE we IN TOWN gm STEACY | KINGSTON"S E ELECTRIC STORE d ! Bought special lot Tungsten Lamps, excellent quality 4 it 10:-Watt .. 0... on . 40¢ il BWat..... ........&. 40¢ | 25 Watt... sidan 40¢ A i I Wat ai. 50¢ In' ii an i ie 60¢ li {if 1000 Wath co... nn asivva, $1.00 i I Home Illumination a Specialty. i | | H. W. Newman Electric Co. | || Phone 441. 79 Princess Street \ ES mmm ] Why guess? Why purchase until you are absolutely positive. that you are get ! ting the GREATEST VALUE FOR | YOUR MONEY and that THE STYLE | of the garment is absolutely correct? A Bomb. in the Coat World The most popular selling coat for the last two months has been superceded by several distinetive new styles. The Parse' style, according to the "Ready-to-Wear" fashion book, "will not be worn | by the woman of fashion." The New Styles Are smart prove attrac. i | ve to every worman in need of a warm winter coat. | i | | i | oy and ellecuive gnd should BRING YOUR CAR HERE echanies are all frni oo small or tee big for when It needs nuy repairs or supplies. Our class and stand Al in their trade, No repal: us te handle. We also have here AN UP-TO-DATE GARAGE where you oan Keep your cur in perfect confidence nnd where yom will receive courteous treatment at all times. Our terms are very moderate. PORRITT GARAGE CO, Limited Accessories AUTOMOBILES Repairs 210-212 WwW ellington St. Telephone 454 Out " Agent for CADILLAC and REO CARS Kingston, A EE TE CO NU 5 A tf A A a A ---- -- om Crawford & Walsh, Civil and Military Tailors Princess and Bagot Streets | N.S, was ins Bitgiton on Thursday.

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