Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Nov 1914, p. 2

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1FOR CHRISTMAS IMcHay Furs 1859 .-' Quality First | Better Quality for Less Money What can you find useful and appropriate for a Chivistmos gift than a be tiful sett or coat made of McKay Quality Furs? Our enormous volume of sales-- unusual buying facilities--direct from the trappers-->350 years' exper. fence enables us to offer you a bet. ter quality. Furs designed and fin. ished by expert craftsmen. McKay Quality Furs will be ship ped subject to your inspection at our more Send for McKay Fur Facts Fashion Book. Write to-day, Simply send us Your name and address on a post card. You may rest assured there will be no obligation on your part. JOHN McKAY. Limited THE FUR HOUSE aml 149-157 Brock St, Kingston. DEMANDED BREAKFAST A GERMAN ENTERED A HOME ON | BROCK STREET. Walked in Without Knocking and | Made Himself Right at Home for a Meal -- Came From East on Freight Train and Left For To- ronto, In broad daylight, a German walked into a home on Brock street, hit veen Divisign street and University avenue, jon Saturday morning last," and de- {manded that the good lady of the house provide him with his breakfast, Lhe matter was kept very quiet, but the story, like all stories, managed to leak out on Thursday raorning. ? The German showed plenty of nerve, especially when he found that the lady was the only person in the house at the time. if is sthted that he did Bot even knock at the deor, but walk- ed right in and told the woman that he wanted his breakfast. The man was fairly well dressed. and stated that he arrived in Kingston from Montreal on a freight train and that he intended to catch a freight train and £0 on through to Toronto. The lady was good enough to give him his break- fast. He made many boasts as to what Germany would do to England before the war was over, ana the tio had somewhiut of a hested asovument. The woman upheld Great Britain in all her actions and told the German that his country would certainly be downed, and that it a matter of time. "Don't you be sure of that," replied the stranger. "You will see that Germany pulls through this war with a grand victory." After finishing his breakfast the man made off and was never seen again in the neighborhood. The woman would have liked to notify the police or the military authorities, but she was afraid that the man would do her harm should skie 'give an alarm, Had the military authorities been notified there would have been another pris oner of war in Fort Henry. was merely too AT THE POLICE COURT Another Batch Of Men Sworn In On Thursday Morning There was no session of the police court on Thursdhy morning. A man placed under arrest for drunken ness was not in a fit state to be ar raigned before the court. A more serious charge may be lodged against him, i TE Nn RA | OUR FRESH GROUND COP. | FEE A" 40c. OAN'T BE BEAT. Try « sample order and | comvinced, | NOLAN'S GROCERY t. Phone 720. SICKNESS, UTOMOBILE FIRE, LIFE, DENT, AND A SURANCE. Wanted--A Grocery Store in sidential part of the city, J. 0. HUTTON, Kingston, Ont, 8 Prompt Delivery i New Carpets | and Rugs for the Fall Trade We have passed info stock sixty-sevem bales of Rugs. Designs are smaller and prices os | low as last season. Every maka of sfair and hall fo maiek, . WeFAUL Carpel Warehounes Signs That Are Passing Away _--s--ese-------------o Science has taken the pro fession of optics beyond the sphere of the old time "side line" man, The strain mod- eern civilization places apon the eyes demands the attention of a specialist, We are Optical Specialists. We devote our entire time to examining eyes and correcting thelr defects with proper glasses, A t RS FENRIS EIT Ys 1.S.Asselstine,D.0. Eyesight Specialist. 542 King St. Phone 1019 3 3 Ver n you be 'of holiday buying. Why |get busy and make {while stocks are large {is eomfortable? Wea purchases at our risk until needed. This year you will and durable and not expensive Xmas is Not y 500 wil the bustle in | | Easy chairs and rockers make a {fine gift 5p Is the man who places himself : our hands for the writing of a Fire Insurance Policy, he- cause every policy that we write is by reliable companies rates as low as safety allows. known men to hold policies looked all right and worked Wrong before and after a fire, us to place yonr insurance ou'll find yourselt in the d - it of hands. To-day? May be Desks, tables, cabinets, chiffoniers are all useful, ornamental and dur- ble Rugs, Cartaing, Table Covers, Sweepers, Vacuum Screens, Carpet Cleaners, would bring pleasure to both giver and receiver. } House furnishings are the mast ac- le gift you can give. hone 90; ACCT. IN- re. apply to 18 Market Square, Far Away not, at once, | your 'selection | and shopping will store your! buy the useful [tailoring department : |sut 4 A number of recruits were foarch- ed to the police court room after 10 o'clock, where they were sworn in by the magistrate The magis trate has sworn in quite a large batch of men who have volunteered for overseas service. Bazaar At St. Mark's Church. One of the most successful ba zaars ever held by St. Mark's church 4| people of Barriefield, was that of Wednesday night. An extra large crowd attended, including many from the city, who were taken over in a van free of charge. As a Te- sult of this bazaar, over $%00 was realized, and the ladies in charge of It, especially Mrs. James Baxter, who is president of the Young Ladies' So- ciety that was instrumental in hoid- ing it, was graciously pleased with the showing made. : Those in chaige of the diffe rent tables and booths were Fancy work, Mrs. J. Gillespie®™Mrs. W. Mil- ton, Mrs. W. Bureau: tea and coffee, | Miss Cartwright, Mrs. Butler, Mrs i Perreau, Miss C Cook; home-made Mrs. G. Medley, Mrs Sibbit, Mrs. J J. Wilmot, Miss J. Seale, Miss B. Wil- mot; candy, Mrs Ruttan, Miss G Ruttan, Mrs. J. Baxter, Mrs. M.- Gil lespie; ice cream, Mrs. W. Knight; {fish pond, Miss Pugh, Miss Stanton; {fortune telling, Mrs. Wenhoit and iMre. Fowler; vegetables and fruit, { Mrs, J. Hilton, and Mrs. kK. J. Moore. { SERRE WA EAR AE 0 | Local Sporting Notes. The Ontarios and rugby teams meet on' the grounds at ome oc {The teams have been practising reg- {ularly and a close game is expecied A letter was received by Stanley { Trotter from Syracuse saying that {there would be no ice ia that city {this season, and henee the Fronten- acs will not be able to play there. | Another letter was received by him, | however, from New York in which {the correspondent said that he could arrange for two games and would {agree on the dates later. All of the players on Junior and senior Frontenae hockey tedms are in the city and a meeting {Will be called in the near future to {make arrangements for the opening | sason. . Argonauts Athletic lock on Saturday both the -- Big Crowds At The Ideal. i Ithe doors both during the afternoon land evening performances on Wed- inesday. The charming heroine of {The Trey O' Héarts"' (Cleo Madl- | son) with George Larkin were por-, trayed on the screen in the play, "I'he Severed Hand." This is a very in- teresting story, and the famous ac- tress and actor who take the leading parts do the story justice, is also being shown to-night. A Presentation Made. { The Ladies' Aid of Cook's church assembled at the residen-e of Mrs. S. 8. Corbett, Victoria street, on y afternoon and had a so- | Wednesda ciable hour. A presentation was - (made to Mrs. W. J. Arniel of a beau- | tiful leather hand bag and thermos bottle. Mrs. Arniel was a devoted jmember of this society, and regret | Was expressed that she was leaving ithe ranks to take up residence in Regina. Whee Is the Money? Th | forwarded Yo the wives of the P. A S. C. men, now in England, the pay {for October. This pay was 'signed | off to the wives by several of the | | husbands. It should have arrived | at*least by the third of the month. | As the wives depend on this money to meet current efpenmses, the lack | of it Is causing great inconvenience. { Fall And Winter Imporatations. | Prevost, Brock street has received | [all Bis fall impertatic s for Lis, consisting of | - ting in oat 5 P i The Ideal Theatre was crowded to | The film i ie militia department has not yet | _.4THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1914. THE MOWAT HOSPITAL j [TWO COTTAGES ARE TO BE AD. DED THIS YEAR. i. N. F. MacFarlane to Erect Them --Friends Of the Hospital Re- minded Of the Institution's Needs. The board of directors of the Mow- at Memorial hospital met on Wed- nesday afternoon, the following mem- j bers being present: A. J. Maedoa- ell, president; Dr. J. C. Connell, R. J. McKelvey, Miss 'Macdonell, C. Ber. mingham, Miss Mowat, J. A, Hen dry, Dr. E. D. MacCallum. Prof. A. EB. Codd, having qualified by subscription of $100, was elected a member of the hoard. The executive committee reported that the contract had been awarded to R. N. F. MacFarlane for the erection of! two cottages similar to Queen's cottage, the funds for' his were supplied by bequest from the late Mrs. Nicol, one cottage to be known as David Nicol cottage and the other as the Sarah Nicol cui. tage. It is expected these will be ready for occupation by' the end of the year. Reports were received from R. McKelvey, visiting governor for month, and from the Daughters the Empire. The reports were all satisfactory. There are sevente: 0 patients in residence. Many dgna- tions were received during the month from farmers in the adjoining town- ships, and these are very much appre viated. Friends of the hospital are again reminded that it is still constantly in need of their support, and the board of directors trusts that these requirements will not be lost sight of when there are so many other calls that seem to be more urgent. The Daughters of the Empire are again gellmg Christmas stamps for the benefit of the mmintenace fund. Lhe public no dbubt will respond ev- en more generously than last year. J. NAL Hendry and R. J. McKelvey were appointed visiting governors for the present month. oF. the of ---- GOING BACK TO FIGHT. British Reservists Passed Through On Wednesday. Sixty British reservists = passed through on the Grand Trunk railway on Wednesday afternoon on their way home to England to go to the front. The married men were accompanied by their wives and éame from Toronto and other points in Western Ontario. One of the men was asked by a Kingston- ian why he did: not join the second contingent "We would rather get back with our old regiment," one of the men explain- know all the officers and Sixty ed, "as we the men." Canadians At Valcartier, Fo-night will be two special pic shown at the King Edward Theatre, Canadians at Valcartier and French Manoeuvres, also our special weekly war serviee, "The Battle of Le Beke.' there tures Will Hold Relay Race. Arrangements are being made by the Y.M.C.A. to hold a relay race from Kingston to Napanee on Satur- day, November 21st. Some of the students at the Napanee Collegiate Institute will take part in the event which- promises to be most interest- ing There's Money In It. It will pay you to look up Living- n's" Advi. in this edition of the paper st "Aspirin Tablets" at Gibson's. Kingston's Famous Fur Store "FURS! High Grade FURS !! | We carry the of | i { furs between Te- ! largest stoek ronto and Mont- | real: Wateh this i I} space every day : for fur news. . i Wateh dows - our win- pach for the titizens Ero wre. pattie a case of goods for Companion ; LATEST WAR MAPS FROM 10c 0 50c. ° 1914 War Ma an Provinces. Size 12 x 14. Price 10ec. : Wi : The Strand War Map, size 24 x 28, Paper bound, 25¢. Printed on linen, ade. : | Great Eastern War Map, 24 x 33, showin European countries with por- tions of Canada's. Atlantic and Pacific coast lines, Australia, Japan and part of China, British and German and other portions of Africa where hostilities are taking place. Price 25¢. Meat Een ; SE NEW YORK SUNDAY TIMES All the news that's fit to print' Containing 12 beautifully colored pages printed in retrogravure process direct from the war. 84 pages of latest war news. Price 10¢. p showing the new boundaries of Balk » ' The College Book Store .160 PRINCESS ST. OPEN NIGHTS ' PHONE 919 Oddly cased clocks. Clocks to match mod- ern furniture. Old Country designs mostly. Wi are going up rice, elect yours before that happens. 3 Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses 40 only sample 'coats received this morning. Every garment is a picture in itself." SEE THEM AT ONCE. Prices Start at $10 " 3 This is the time to buy your furs You have a better assortment to choose { Gourdier Furrer 78-80 Brock St. { Must Be Sold at Once J A good chance to get a small home at a bargain A new detached frame dwelling on Livingston avenue, with improve- nents and stationary washtubs and good garden; lot 34 x 132, -- Ww, Newman & Sha The Always Busy Stor ays DOINGS AT THE ¥.M.C.A. boo» clolee )0 per month. Act ist of real estate buys, farms and building x eh AN ET vor rn, Wy CREZBUILDERS' SUPPLI ESTEE) An Entertainment Held By the Four { Souare Club | EXCELLENT VALUE fl | Last evening the "Four Square" || i 1 | intermediate club entertained their | IN LUMP COAL For $1 225 lady friends in the boys' J Vv 2 | 3 ! ment of the local ""Y. | ery lump gi Revises dor $11 address of welcome from Alwyn fE coal in large, blocky. Hane : | Murray, president of the club, the . 5. 3 3 | SE pléte fevening was pleasantly spent in gam- 5 smooth and shiny lumps lin ann 2 jes. including E¥assiau conlests fa Remarkably free from {ots at office which the ladies participated. At Fy ya nig wy ten o'clock dainty refreshments slate and screenings, | fT - . were served, and the gathering dis- || - | E Ww M Il persed about 10.30 p.m., Yoting the iB The coal for your op- a . u In, venture a decided success. The so- } . . | \ . cial comfittee with the help af C. R |i en fireplace. rehiuon aud Division Sts Powers, club: leader, were respon- . : : sible for the programme, and Mrs. S AN Open Saturday evening till 8 o clock F. J. Wilson acted as chaperone. rN GLIN&CO. The glee club is becoming increas- ingly popular with the members. An- Coal and Wood Yards other successful rehearsal was held last night with a good attendance. BAY & WELLINGTON STS. The club is preparing for a patriot concert to be held about the first of Phone oe. the new year, but in the meantime Lam it will be prepared to render good Em ber, Coal & Woog service in other branches of the work. To-night will be a grand "round up' of senior membérs and their frfends.' The occasion is especially planned for the purpose of welcom- ing and getting acquainted with new members, and a good evening's fun is in prospect. Next Sunday at 8.30 p.m., there will be a song service in the associa- tion parlors. This meeting will be found especially delightful to visi- tors or strangers in the city | The Whole Show | l§ From the first "'ring-up" of the iff curtain to its final drop, you are asked to inspect the work HELPING THE BELGIANS. ings of Send in Goods For Shipment Early ? » Next Week, It is the wish of the firemen who have been looking after the packing of the goods being sent from King- ston to the Belgians that citizens having goods or produce for ship- ment have the same sent to the fire Of course. It vou want a. broom or station on Ontarfo street by ol any of th simple kind of carpe: Sweep. day or Tuedday next as it is desir- ers, we dve them, at the cheapest pos- ed to make a shipment the latter SIVls Price. and in the best Dossible uality, but if you want the las part of next week. ol the Bis- Xes | ein the THIS LAUNDRY See, how we attain perfect sanitary, cleanness; see things come in grimmed and soiled-- | BR 806 'em go out with shining § faces. } . Observe every stage of the If transformation. Ask questions. h soll Bweaper. Bairteurios ants se! eeper. earing and dus:- In addition to the Proof ani aan q S 10. F

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