Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Nov 1914, p. 10

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a A t=] Peps is the nama bestowed upon a new scientifls preparation put up ihto tal ot pastible forte, wich provides Bi snlrely. new aud effective treat Rl Mr conghs, dolde and lung aud waa tteautiles generally, - Ad HB eer ooo Wo you ae peculiar 1381 whew sou have a cough or & cold, or any heal trouble, you should apply medicipe~not: tw your lungs, but to YoRr stomarh ¥ "doo at it the other way round. Sap- POSE you suffered from some stomach couglalut indigestion or ulceration, How sirange you would think it if you eps Baked fo take a medicine which hid 4 be breathed in, aud which went-- nob ta your. stomach, but to yoir lungs and breathing passages ? ¥There is no connection between the stomach and the lungs (see diagram below), and when for a cold or a ¢ORgl Ur auy chest complaint you take sole medicine, such as liguid eough Ligxtures, syrups, lozenges, which go~-- bob lo your bhungs, but io your stomach -- You are wastiog time, Peps -- this newest remedy for ¢otwhs, colds, and Jung. {roubles~go to: the lungs and breathing-tubes, digket. Peps are really pine fumes alll gertain highly beneticid] medicinal extracts specially prepaved by a new belentifle process gud thea condensed into tabl. .. forw. It is like making 8 breathable gas solid! : fou put a "Fep" on your tongue and let it dissolve. As it does so the healing essences it contains tarn into vapor, and you BREATHE them direct to your lungs and air passages! These heal. ° | ing essences pass 'down your Lreath- ing-tu bes, bathing u'll the inflamed I Which poh liguid or solid matter tan ever reach, in health giving pine fumes, and carry ng healtl 8nd healing Wherever they pene- trite. » These tis- sup strength. No 4 ] ening, pleasant fames, so liberated from the dissolving Pep, are not-only beating in their operation, they are Buliseptio. They kill the gerws of €onsuniption, catarrh, and those many ahd varied throat sed Aung troubles so fommon to-day. Peps fumes lin (5 fulpes from nature's Pine woods--gat direct to the lungs and chest, and give instant relief to colds, tightness, bron- ohitis, ete. In short, Peps bring pine forest air to your hisme | ou have 8 nasty nighteough? Take a Pep before going to bad--your cough will not trouble you! Your lun & little weak, and going from the w: Bolise into the odld air outside wakes you cough? Just before g i & Pep in your mouth-- there coughing! Your throat fe uy" your chest feels tight bréathiug troublesome 2 Peps mltters right far you very quickly. eps, while gradually S3por 48 soon 48 put into the il retain their goodness inc if kept dry. . Back lit 18 'packed in an air-tight which is easily rémoved, and Lhe ked in-neat tin pocket boxes. are not sticky (the miniiter or § te Pej TE---- " ------ CAPTAIN OW BURNING STEAMER SO NOTIFIES THE OWNERS. 800 Horses Destroyed -- They Were Being Conveyed to Europe For the Allied Armies Norfolk, Va., Nov, 12 sll of the 860 horses ou board the British steawship Rembrandt were burned to death when the ship took fire off the Virginla Capes, aceord- ing to loformation reaching ' here. I'he Rembrandt was found from Bal- timore to Saint Nazaire, France, and the animals are understood to have been intended for the armies of the 1iien It was reported here that Capt Ldin, of the Rembrandt, had not fied" officials of the Lamport and Holt line, owners of the p. thal le had reason to believe the vessel was fired by German spies who were memtiérs of the drew The captain is sald to have claimed that threats against the ship were made before 2he gleamed from Baltimore, Satur day Virtually 1 TO STIMULATE RECRUITING. Government Is to Every Household. London, Nov. 12.-In order ta stimulate recruiting apd to find out how many of those sligible to do so are willing to enhst, the govern. ment. has decided to send to = every householder whose name is on the voting list a blank form, "which he will be apked to return with a state ment of what members in his house bold have enlisted or are willing to enlist The giving of this informa tion, however, is not mandatory. Each form will pe accompanied by a letter signed by Premier Asquith, Andrew Bonar Law and Arthur Hen. derson, president of the parliament. ary committee, in which they state thal the number 6f re traits thus far obtained, though large, is not nearly large enough to meet the nation's requrements and that iz order to maimnlain complete the new armies which it is hoped to throw ifito the field in a few. months "we shall need 4ll the best the na- ean "give of 'is youth ind strength. If we are to repair, ag far as may be humanely possible, the innumerable 'wrongs inflicted on' our allies; if we are to avoid for our selves the ills which they have suf fered; if we are to maintain for our children all that we hold dear in hon- or and the freedom of our very life ad a nation, we must ficht with the cburage and endurance which won for us the struggles of the past." British Canvass recruiting aon FROM PSYCHIC SOURCES. Allies Will Make Unexpected Prog- ress This Month, London, Nov. 12. --War news de rived from "purely psychi, sources' is contained in the Occult Messenger us follows : "The 'United States, the most un likely people of all, will put ita fin ger in the Turkish pie Bul iia and Russia will be in Constan tinople at Christmas, thé Russians during the third and fourth week in November. , Her armies assuredly will be victorious and tread German soil on the way to Berlin, "The allies will make unexpected progress during the latter part of November New guns their appearance to smash the Ger- man forts and a new invention in "rench aviation mcrease tactical superiority and mto the retreating The losses more 1,800, t put action on both her frontiers." Lireece, seems fo the allies' throw dismay Teutons' ranks. ire appalling, 000 being German than ready out of PROFESSOR KILLED IN FRANCE Paul Cret, Pensylvania University, Gave Life For Country. Nov. Spesker clin carry a few loose in ¥85t packel): they do 1 il appetite and ruin the digest they Ix D cure coughs, cui trouble! ® Just &s the out-door tre eansuwption---the * bre { nEnt---18 now admitted to be rational' trestment Ireatment for colds a 18 the cnily rational home eqs Peps cure catarrh, y Bon ehitls, sore throat, tightaess or sein; Bross the chest Hy | ing, night coug laryngitis, smoker's threat for children because f morphine, or any pols All druggists a: at B0c. 8 box or 3 for $1 your dealer be out of direct (post paid) fron { N Bupgat St, Toronto, or 52 rine y SL, Winnipeg. FREE TRIAL. tors wish this great disco widely appreciated. and gilded to offer a I) fo wll persons slo w fost this pfs article, write pame of this paper, Peps Co, Toronto, or : Street, W 1 cent stax postage, Hihig Hi Wighe remeds ~Jage of 'West Galigta Abandoned. dme, Nov. 12.--FEssad Pasha Jas a letter 10 the Italian govern declaving that he recognize the ts over Valona. / The riers d' Italia" is authoriéy for $ statement that Austrian railitar. wiers has been transfered "fs gary, « the entire army retiring d jabandoning Western GaVicia. background in some portraits : best thing about them---if it r enough back . edhigh syrups and mixture and-- § | oe 4 commanding Philadelphia, Pa., 12.--A pro * of the University of Pennsyl- universally beloved for his internationally, famed | work as a degigner, has sac rifhiced his life in the cause of the Eremch arms, according to a des tyateh from Washington. Paul Cret, hose allegiance was to France, but hose great caresr was inseparably npected with Philadelphia, died in tle while * serving an a French private, and his body was buried hore it fell, the despatch said. The ge Mme as A great blow to usands here who knew Professor fessor ania, and flor his. y a Discharges Some Generals, City, 12.--Generals 50,000 men in this néighborhood ere relibved of = their 'omumands by General Venustino Car za because they refused to nullify wir actions when they signed ' an to abide by the decisibns Aguas Calientes convention. these are General Benavides, commanding 10,000 men; Gen. Anfo- nio Villarea), General Javenoic Ro- Wes, and many others Mexico \ITeement of the Looking For The Bullet. An offiedr Bald been wounded in the or during the battle of the Aisne, and a dlirgeon wag at work on hit. \ftar making many incisions, the offi- growing "tira! und 'worn with asked if he had nearly finished. "1 mm ooking for the bu'let," smid the operating surgeon "Why - id's vou replied the officer oy "4 say so before 2" "It's in my pock Jean Faure Dead. Paris, Nov. 12.--The death is an nounced of Jenn Faure, the old time singer and composer, at. the eighty-four. In addition to singing --aé--the Opera Comigue he Was the composer 'of the World-fam- ous melodies, the most celebrated of which is Tes Rameaut ("The Palms"). "Over 'five million cupe of 'Salada' tea are consumed vary day, and the demand is constantly increasing "'Sa- lads" is all fresh, fragrant les grown in hilltop gardens, and free from dust." ln after years the candler on a = Woman's birthday eake fail .0 throw faries %o the same amount in Scot any light on her age whl AL FOR AMERICA'S NAVY. Bids Received For Construction Of Re Giant Destroyers. { Washington, Nov - 12 =Pids tor the egnstruction of six glint des | royers--tha largest o desighed | for the Ameriesn navy---were sub-! mitted for opening af the Kavy de- | partment Mili¥ary thacaaretistios not embodidd nm destrovers of 'the! previous « have heen planned | for the new vessel increas ing their displatenent iWenty tons | they will be apithled to earry faur addition torpedd tithe and twa #5 ticballoon guns. Whey the wow ves- | are completed will be, fixty-dight destroyers In (he navy. | The desirayers were authgrized hy | the last Fongress wod their limii of | excinsive of armament, | is nth Thev witt have a $1,110 tome add gpeed of 249 1.2 khote They will measire 415 feet Winches aver aN | with on extrofde brakdth of 29 fdet | 10 inthe - | The new destroyers will be equips ped with four 4:tech radld fire guns: | four 6.2%-fnch f(ripls thrriedoss find | two one-notunder antomatie anti-bay | loon gun and by gals there cost, 425,000 displacement o MINES KILL LOBSTERS. niall England May Have to Get Supply | From Thlted States. | London, Nov, "12.50 "fay he neces: sary in the near futud® for( the fish merchant Here 6° Smport -Tobsters from America, a8 {he presence of mines in the North Sea, so "a well | known 'merchant said to-day, had | greatly curtailed thie supply, while the frequent explosion of 'mines had 90 | greatiy agitated the lobsters that it is believed < they have deserted Komie | breeding places there. #t was = iid lobsters were suséeptible to sudden cently English fishermen have in certain localities run across numerous surface miinés in the North Bea and | since then 'many Have abandoned work while the government prohibits fishing in other areas In the Grimshy fishing trade than a score of trawlers have been | lost as a result of mine explosions and the greater proportion of - the | crews drowtied--there are half a dozen trawlers overdue. It 'is estimated that in boats alone the Grimsby teade ha suffered to the extent of $600 000 are making most of which is borne by local in surance GERMAN MOVE IN ROME Printe~Von Buelow Txpected to Succeed Von Flotow | Rome, Nov. 12 Hérr Von Flo tow, the German ambassador here, will shortly leave Rome, Prince Von | Buelow who usually resides here, and who through his Ftalian mar-| riage has great influence in Italian | society, is mention as his possible | Successor in view of the importance | ef the post at this crisis. | Tlie pope has sent a letter to Mgr. | Dobretehich, : c¢hbishop of Antivari, | has striven to diminish the horrors | of this war, and begging Mgr. Dob retchich, as he had begged the arch bishop of Cologne, to help prisoners | and wounded in Montenegro. His | lioliness expresses confidence that | the Montenegring will treat them | kindly | The pontiff has also written to | the Archbishop of Rheims in the fol- | lowing words 'We take a part in the grief caused by the spectacle of such mis fortunes and by the thought of war fatal consequences tp your diocese from the religious, artietic and ma ter al standpoint." WAR NEWS AT CHURCH Magdalen Islanders Must Attend to Hear Latest Ottawa, Nov, 12--1If the few sett- lers on Magdalen Islands want te got the latest war pews they must g0 to church on Sunday. There sre fwo wireless stations on the islands ind stations the department of naval service sends the chief news the war for the week every night, and this tems of Saturday tin is put up outside on Sunday mornings To the two wireless stations in Hudson Bay country, Le Pas Part Nelson, war news is sent from Ottawa by wireless as well as to ten remote places on the nortl Pacific coast, where thére are wire less stations and to outlyin® points on the Great Fakes news bulle church door the and also When the war broke out the na val department deemed it wise tc dlemantle séven of the 10 wireles itatiofis on the Pacific coast and the two in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, but these have again been put into op eration. PARIS' THEATRE PROBLEM. Meeting Called to Discuss Re-opening n And Actors' Relief. Paris, Nov. 12.---A large meeting, atiended by the representatives of all the theatrical associations and amuse ment organizations of Paris and also Of the 'Provinces, held yesterday with the view of procuring the re-opening of the theatres and other places o amusement, also discussed measures to relieve distress among actors 'and employees of the theatres. The meet ing drafted the prigeiple of a mani festo, which will be further considerec on Friday before its submission to the saying that since he became pope he | authorities. Nothibg in the nature of a theatry or music hall in Paris is now open with the exception of one. That is » concert hall, devoted 'to a patriotic programe, Numerous moving picture shows still remain open. -------- LEFT ESTATE OF $2,188,000 Over Hall Goes to James Manuel, of Ottawa. Ottawa, Nov 12--The will of the] late John Manuel, millionaire lumi berman, filed for probate disposes of an estate of $2,188,000. Over hal af it, $1,123,000, goes to his brothe: James of this eity, and a number o nephews and nieces are also hand, somely remembered, They include John Thompson, Jeanette Thompse: and Christina Thompson, all o Whitby, Ont, and James Turner, o Stouftville, Ont., $50,000 each. Ther: are also a great number of beneticy land. Bequests to charity totalled NY man can make his day's work FRY'S COCOA regularly. It's like put foundation to a building. muselesmaking properties otur wnsTo tar rs a we, ) a pleasure by drinking ting in a good FRY'S is rich in energy and and supplies the body everything it needs for its daily building operations. It's far more than a mere beverage. It is so pure and so concentrated that it is very economical, a small teaspoonful of FRY'S making a large cup of delicious cocoa. Pe etc Bet. MRS, WINN'S ADVICE TO WOMEN Take Lydia E.Pirikharo'sVeg- etable Compound and be Restored to Kansas City, Mo,-- "The doctors told me I would never be a mother. E: WITS vell, and I now have sirls. I cannot praise 1am's Vegetable 'or what it misting great pain. I tried doctors' medicines and different patent medi- sines but failed to get relief. My hus- rand brought Hone y burVegetabls Come Wind and in two weeks F Souydant any. ing, could sleep liken ] A nd walk & long distance without feeling ired. I can hig start on FRY'S today. Trade Supplied by J. 5. FRY & SONS, Limited Truro, Montreal Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Victoria. mm Is good cea' and we garaniee prompt "ddvery Booth & Co. Foot of West Street Frame. house om James street with improvements, good ""stabling, goed house suitable for a carter, with $400.00 ts invest. Cement Hock house on Raglan Road, $1950.00. Double house on Stanley street, improvements, renting per month. $200. will baudle this proposition. Officers TRY ASHBY The Tailor 76 Brock St., Kingston For khaki uniforms, great- coats, caps, putties, swords, belts, whistles and whistle cords, rank badges, buttons, ete. Nothing too large for us to supply; nothing too small | to receive our prompt atten-| tion Repairing and alterations carefully attended. to. We can save 'you money and we guarantee to please yon. B J. M. ASHBY, Lieut. 47th Regt. Bore LAUNDERING DONE WITHOUT AOD. man' have Theta Tanned WISoT ani I Portoars i Daten cur Sar fo the dour We appreciate the opportunity ® serve you. Best family washing, 40 to @0e. CHONG BROS., LAUNDRY. 854 Princess Bt. " A A FURNITURE PARLOR, MUSIC AND CHINA CAB. INETS : | Music Cabinets; $4.50, $6.50 and wp Parlor Cabinets, $10.50 and up. China Cabinets, any finish, $12.50, $15.00 to $55.00, wentre Tables, any finish, $1.50 ang R. J. REID Leading Undertaker,

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