Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Nov 1914, p. 7

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Household Banking Accounts 7 in The Buok of 'Yoronto have been found by many to be a great convenience. The aecounts ms iy be op- ened in the names of husband and wife, and either may deposit or withdraw money. Interest is paid on these accounts twic e a year, HE SOOREORATED BANK or TORONTO Market Square Kingston _ GEORGE B. McKAY _ Fire Insurance Now tnat the fall season Is on« starting of stoves and furnaces, increases, so that it is essential ¢ covered If in need of any I would appreciate tbe represent several strong e again with us, necessitating the danger from fire risk consequently it all property should be adequately additiona insurance or cont emplating a cha opportunity of figiiring on your require tariff and non-tarilt companies GEORGE BAWDEN COAL, nge, rents. 1 PHONE 286, REAL 'BSTATE, 168 PRINCESS ST INSURANCE. vYveveYw veevewe Who "Pays the Piper 7" Stop the Fire Waste It makes your rent higher, lncrenses the rent of your grocer and butcher, pay the lasurance." When you bulld set a good cynmple brick bullding erected helps to reduce frame bulldiug helps increase it Work for extended fire Mullin brick at home. A. Neal, Kingston Brick Yad Phone 1396 Your taxes, puts up the and br ralsing price of food. "You righbor, rate. for the your insurance Fivery Every Hulld with lLrick and buy your FOR S ALE We have a new frame dwelling containing 9 rooms, hot air furnace, eleefiie lights, B. and C., $2, 500 that we will sell for e PHONE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY JOHN DRIVER, Representative. 68 £8 BROCK ST. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY! fappenings in the City and Vicinity ~What the Merchants Offer tw the Readers of the Whig, You will nover regret using White Rose flour. william Swaine, eceived at McAuley's. "Cherry Cordials." Gibson's. ert Couper, very ably presided at the organ in St. Andrew's church on sunday. "Made in Gibson's. A. E. Rea iay, on his w oronto. "Gillette razors." Gibson's. H. tCupmngham, pauo tuner, ng steeet. Leave orders at \uley's book store. "Made in Canada" sibson's Mrs. BE. Hdgan nts, Mr. and Mrs treet, Brockville. "Pure Olive Oil," Gibson's. R. Alarie has taken the position f-baggagemen at the Grand Trunk tation succeeding I'. Macdonnell. "Gillette razors." Gibson's C. Sifton, jr., I Daw 'urden and B Mor onto, came to ti city piano tuner. Orders Phone 564. Canada" Cough Syrups. inthe city on Sun- homa to Ottawa from 21 Me- Cough Syrups. visiting her Marsh, 44 TY par- A Elm on, C. E of To- Sunday. e on OPERA HOUSE GRAND 4 NIGHTS Smmencing MATINEE DAILY AT 230 THE PEOPLE'S FORUM 2 Wa Bo 3 Kelcey & Shannon In the Greatest of Photo Plays After the Bali PRICES--Matinces, 10e and 150; Even- ing, 10-15.2%¢, TRENYS NOW oN Sars CONDENSED ADVERTISING BATES insertion lc a word, rn To insertion fucreatien. © half. ar Seng » Sau. ShArEs tur Boe) six, $1; one Be; three month, $2. HELP WANTED. AN ADVT. OF 25 WORDS OR LESS, i under this head, Souty 8b¢ for one PURE CLEAN FOOD night, or 50c for three IS ESSENTIAL TO GOOD HEALTH GIRL, FOR STO Princess St. required. Apply "Avonmore," William St. AT ONCE, GENERAL SERVAN must be good cook. B. N. Bteacy, 87 King St C1488 UNto preuson, Colleg Y02 Te 2 Princess rw 0 Ro 13 EPER OR CAPABLE small family, Reference quired, Apply to Box 106, office BE PARTICULAR Insist on getting A GOOD MEAT SALESMAN: work and good pay. once, Anderson Broa, STEADY Apply E Prin "Made Canada' ibson's. Five more suspects a ity from Toronto an nd were taken over "Yillette Mrs. 1. Cold Tablots, in urday night, to Fort Henry. razone."" Gibson's. W. R. Mulloy will sing at KARL MULL] ierman eérul CAPTAIN ol : | a Shaving Comforts We are making a special display of shaving materials in. our window, opposite the Y.M.C.A., during fis week. If you are interested we | would be glad to have you call, and | we will be pleased to show our stock { of shaving comforts. = "For S Sale Gramophones, Phonographs, Grail | onolas, Columbia and Victor record {Odeon and Jumbo records, Edison : minute records, Blue Amberal re | | Allen's | Phone 202 118 Brock St HOAG'S DRUG STORE| Opposite Y. M. C. A, Kingston Removal Notice I} I office to door to opposite moved my 60 Brock Street, next Metealfe's meat store, Ilenderson's. S. Roughton, Manager, the Mutual Life As. surance Co., of Canada. Phone 610, u Ty and et Mrs, Kavanagh's Lunch Roc..is 338 King St. {Opes from 7.30 a.m. to 1 { Breakfast from 7.20 to ¢ {Dinners from 11.30 to 2 [Afternoon Tea from 3 to 5 | Suppers from 5.30 to 8 Albion Hotel|| Remodelled throughout i One of 1 Kingston* 8 Best Everyone Should Try and Get | a New Home for Themselves Why should you pay rent when you can save money by paying rent ona | new home of your own? Why not build a home of your own, from $1,000 to $10, 000, on easy terms. Try Chas. Leeder, 2nd Floor, Room 4, King Edward Building Spm 9 et rn Christmas Stationery OUR, NEW XMAS STATION. | ERY HAS ARRIVED. THE COMBINATION BOXES | OF PAPER AND CARDS ARE VERY ATTRACTIVE. YOUR MONOGRAM, CREST, OR INITIAL EMBOSSED | TO YOUR ORDER. OUR PRICES ARE REASONABLE, | Mil. WORK EXECUTED BY | OUR OWN ENGBAVER | AND EMBOSSER, R.J. Rod we Kine 87, | WHILE SHOPPING o| Enjoy Afternoon Tea at MARBLE HALL | 238 Princess Street. | Dainty Refreshments and Pure Ica Cream. | { George Masoud, Prop. ¢ "Phone 980, Kingston Cem- ent Products We Make BLOCKS, SILLS, LIN. PIER BLOCKS, BRICK VASES, and everything in cement. dah wok a specialty. PEICE 177 WELLINGTON ST. iwkia, Cer. Clavies and Patrick Sts Horace F, Norma, Manager, MOST | 1 [CEMENT | THLS, YVeran ois this | 'atrio 'ordials." Gibson s Kingston 0il," Gibs health diseas aps. Gibson's town, ew York of se- pluralty 40, Chis evening Y.W.C.A will be A o'clock, - at on J¢ vhnson held in connec of prayer of street, ih Vice tion world's week nization having supplies." Gibson's A. McLaughlin, of Brockton, son gf the late Samuel Mc zhlin, who died on Saturday, ar- fn the city on to at the burial. While out on parade ng one au ved Sunday and Tonday of the leg and hospital in R. morn 21st was of the soldiers rattalion sprained hi aken to the I. Reid's ambulance "Shaving cream." Utilities 1 decide Miils i the milit Gibson's on, this after- to ith the offer of J. M constitutes a must be I'he ommis won, wil what lo + power the offer City Council in Canada' soaps. Gibson's The firemen wer f J. Kane, Harl lock Saturday vated furnace ooring and door slight. "I'resh marshmallows." The members of the Evangelical Alli ance met ".M.C.A. building on Monday and heard a fine ad- {ress by rof. RS. Welch, of the resbvtorinn™ Cdllege, Mont real, cen- tred upon the life of Mark Twain "Cherry Cough Syrup. Gibson' R. G. Graham, principat of mogue h school, is in the wal Hospital, having been ipon for appendicitie Mr. Thomp- on, the Faculty of Education, is ing his place until hig recovery. "Pure Olive Oil," Gibson's A deal has been completed by which the wooden steamer E. M. Peck of Sarnia, of the Reid line, has been sold we Mathewson line, of Toronto. The .bbat will run from Kingston to Port William, being able 'to get through the Welland canal. "Cherry Cough | Syrup." James Dery, the 11.25 o'- where an over set fire to the I'he damage was | called to home at street, night, pipe Gibson's in the morning, o tl Gibson's, this city. who ae: 'ompanied the first Canadian = con- tingent to Fngland, acting in the ca- sacitv of storeman, returned home on Monday. Ho came from New York waving sailed from Plymouth on the steamer Bermudian. ' On Wednesday "afternoon last, at "he home of Mr. AT. Cambhsll, T.on- lon, Ont. the Revbnth Regiment haptor of the LODE entertained ol Mrs. Belton, Kingston, a forfner mem- her of the chapter. Maov called to enjoy a social hour wivh hess A tolegram from Berlin announces that the emperor, in a cabinet order; had promised & reward of 750 'marks (about 218%) jor ench machine rrived in the | Viking Ship Officers, N. C. 0'S Gan ssf this class will report at the are operated | monries. and Division Sts. ---------------- WANTED-TWO MEN TO APPOIN ' 200 wee r ater, Li a Fir Niagard Falls, Onta io "CROSSED FISH" SARDINES BODIED MEN. for firemen Wages: exper State age office pr ------ ATHLETIC COMMITTEE | | EXCURSION' TO MONTREAL | Friday, Nov. 13th | $4.05 Fare $4.05 1.08 pm. all tralas {ABLE sight, { | | and br Lk fence ut Good : Railway, care sary Whig PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponaoing for newspapers; no canvassing Send. for particulars. Press Syndi cate, 3,968 Lockport, N.Y WANTED--LADIES and light spare time; good pay; any distance; charges prepaid. stamp for particulars. Manufacturing Co, Montreal [AN INTELLIGENT | Train leaves Clty, Depot T Tickeis mood (0 retorn on tif! Monday night. A Meeting Of Convocation | Queer' Theologica will be héld on | | Monday, Nov. 9th in Convocation Hall, for the ion of Professor Wallace, by Dr. Wallace and Watson. The publie invited. See The T™ work ser HAVE YOU galesman? We to make which will enable you earn more money than you earning at the present time, Cour respondence strictly confidential Address to 'Manager, Box 47, King ston, Ont. You NG Le College n Our t framediately bh to $90 m railway desiinat fees apply eg raph Ottawa Addre Princ are cordially es fon. \ mode The School, | window and drop in and ta Normanna Table Delicacies 4d of the RIENCE vould t her own Apply child in reasonable Midnig eon" RE. APPLY GRIMM'S, eesti A KITCHEN WOMAN; REFERENCES Apply to Mr s. Sr ra-------------- BARBERS GOOD EYE - DO PLAIN sewing at home, whole or Send Nationa! ANY ABILITY AS A ve a4 proposition are (Norway) 8 1 SITUATIONS VACANT Sardines--The wi. L PAY YOU $120 TO D f Olive Of Normanna sardi orman un Rippered Hervinga--N, r b t y talni fond TS ay Spa t ¢ may be Press, Mackerel. Toronto ermannn Soused | | [N 3 v. a ormanna Herring ilaby NOW Earinr Italia Tomato I or {Yormanna Fresh Mackerel--O) eal \ hment duties to com par to 8. Orr, 0¢ | | i fe n el Sime A TEACHER qualifications Dutles to commence after mid- "las. Redden & to alk EL, SR rts nd SD FHionth: to | c.-Treas . Clarendon Bia: A Class i Instruction we FO Roe NO. 8, 080, necessary FOR SN. 8, with WANTED GENERAL CLEANING--PLACE WINDOW sure of ders at once and be We clean and p We employ reliable men. Drop Kingston Window 349 Alfred St, City. or work windows. good a card Cleaning Co GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR ¢loth and have It made up Into up- to-date suits. Price and workman. ship guaranteed to please. Press- Ing apd repairin done on the shortest notice. omas Galloway, 131 otk street, near Bibby's Garage BUSINESS NOTICES. JOSEPH BUSS, 6 CRESTNUL 2%. ened u 3) uarry a Softee a Tough and Men of 14TH REGIMENT Will be held in the armouries, come mencing Tuesday evening, Nov. 10th, 8 d'clock. Any civilian. desiring to M Ad. H. J. DAWSON, Com. 14th Regt. : Her Own Business, | \ story illustrating the reticence FOR 8. §, NO. -- | YOUR good up storfly WOR BALB. THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. COST Hitle. Once, y Se three Hmey; 500; one week, $1 HERS, APPLY TO ne 387 Division St. LOST. BRINDLE 'BOSTON BULL PUP, missed Sunday. Finder please re- turn to Geo. A. McGowan, 212 Bar- rie St, and receive reward. % A PLAIN GOLD 9th, along. with other letters en- graved inside Finder will be suitably rewarded by returning io Whig office, » RE AT, THE PRACTICE AND VILLAGE PRO. perty of the late Dr. Shaw, Lansdowne. Apply to Mrs. on Shaw, Lansdowne. RING WITH OCT. A SMALL BLACK COCKER S answering to '"Darkey," 4th. Reward. Return to fon St. W. Phone 1145, Anyone harboring sate after this date wil be prosecuted. AIREBALE BITOR Urey, ive months old, by Champion Roekle Oorang ex Pure Maid. $15 Logs, 214 Willlam St, Ont. ' Kingston, SIX FEET yg ront and 56 1-3 in at back ree drawers oy Ol top shelf. Slightly used. British Whig office. -- A LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES AVR a number of first-class Jedtersy ay low prices; also a big gtoek of of ture niture. J. Thompson, 333 St, Phone 1600. on OFFICE DES STOLEN. 2 ARTY HOLDING BUGLE, PROPERTY of 14th Regt. .taken from G a Opera House on night of Nov. 2nd will be prosecuted If same is not returned at once to this office '70 LET FRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS Once 20¢, three times ble. A FIRST CLASS PONY, KIND, AND A good driver, 9 years old; also & good pony outfit. Will sell reas- onable. Apply Kingston Mattress Co., 556 Princess Street. "TORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ET... Slean and dry. McCann, 83 Brock sree \ LARGE NUMBER OF BIOY also Dunlop Hires at .00. orders promptly nded carpet cleaning and laying. Muller, 378 King Si IDROOMS AND ONE SITTING furnished, Apply to 1% wo ROOM no URE BRED HOLSTEIN BULLS, TWO vears old and under, will be sold without pedigree, at very reason- able prices Apply Dr. Black's Farm. Lemoines Point. ™O0 UNE RNISHED Hght house-keeping; Apply children APARTMENTS, 141 rae < suite. Apply of BELVID King St. 'B GENERAL PURPOSE HORSE, titable for farm work or city dé- ry Will be sold below value ownédr has no further use for him. Apply Jas. McParland, 341 Kingz St or 00D ground flo. OFFICES IN CLAMENCE ST. CHAM bers. "Ea? to Fauniegham & Mu die, 79 Clarenc HH APP THOU anys, IMPERIAL OX- rds, 00k stoves, Que uare heaters, all will / SEPARATE ROOM, jo int use stenog- AN EIGHT ROOMED HOt B gas and furnace, 369 i R. Laidlaw, 248 Div DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND furnishec ete, Cann's Agency, Brock UN- MINERAL RIGHTS, FEL NSPAR AND mica; convenient to station. THREE JEW FRAME HOUSES, YORK St, che $5,000 DR 16K HOUSE, LARGE LO% and stable $1.500--F RA MEE HOUSE, 8 ROOMS, $1,300 NEW FRAME HOUSE, MARK. land St BATEMAN, INSURANCE AND TORAGE eal Estate, '81 Charence St. FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, a alr ¥ rooms; your own lock and . Frost's Clty Storage, 299 Qin St. Phone 528b |G. A. rR ARCHITECT. WM. NEWLANDS & SON, tects, ete. ..Offices, 268 Phone 61 POWER & SON, ARCH) MER. chants' Bunk Butlin, corner Brock ama Wellington streets. Drop a AGHT ROOWE D nov new, modern 1mprovemen Division and Quebec streets. to J. b. Boyd, 108 8 Pine Street. ALMOST , corner Apply | ARCHE- Bagot Bu FHREE FRONT ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeepin unfurnished, gas electri 7, water heating, op- en fir Telephone 447, 140 Wellingt I MUSIC. MUSIC AND DRAMATIC INSTRUO- tion, 216 Frontenac St. Miss N Telgmann, Alida Telgman 5X] F. Te'gmann, teachers of elocu. tion, plano, violin and al) stringed 'astrumenta. NO. 23 WEST ST, STONE HOUSE, EN. tirely renov ated; hardwood floors open fireplaces: tiled bathroom hot water heating. Possession ai once. Apply to Dr J. C. Connell. | MISS MARY GG. CHALMERS, LTOM, graduate Toronto Conservatory o usie, soprano soloist St. Apatow s church, will. open classes Sing. ing, Oct. 19th. Will prepare pupl for Toronto conservatory examin- ations. For terms and other infor- taation apply C, W. Lindsay Co. Pinctas St. A FLAT mentg » WELLINGTON APART- Wellington St 5 Or Heated by IN Me r, 99 L 14086 Abe r Phone et---- A. E. KNAPP, B.A, LDS, D.D.S, RE. moyed to 268 Princess Street. SPARKS AND SPARKS, 150 WEL. lington St. (over Carnoveky's) Phone 346. ---------------------------------------------- OR, C. C. NASH, DENTIST; DR. T. Bn Renton, assistant. 133 Princess Street. Phone 726. eee (8. B. SIMPSON, LDS, DDS ist, corner = Pri incess and | sireets. Entrance o CATERING, CATER TO PANTIES, BALLS Wedding breakfasts banquets, etc also rent dishes, 1 silverware. Reid and Hambrook M. P. Reid, 30 Lu nion Street, . C Hambrook, ifred Btree! Phones 843 or 130 KINGSTON RUSINESS COL. #& LEGE, Limited. Head of Queen Street Superior courses in Books keeping, Shorthand, Typewrit- Ing, Banking, Civil Service, Gen- eral Improvement and all Com- mercial subjects. Nates moderate ate. Phone 440. H. F. Metcalls, Aner DENT. Bagot not street FRONTENAC LOAN. AND ment Soctet. porated oi WE [lesident, Colones enry R. oney issued on eity and properties, municipal and az ebentures: mortgages p eposits received and wed. 8. C. McGlL, Clarence at LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Plire Insurance Crmpany. Av: assets $61,187 urity the uniimit y property, insured at po! le rates Before rei old or siving new b rates from ran > & Agents. Phone 325. BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START & mall order business at home: m Sanvaosing: be your own' boss Bend for free booklet; tells Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, N.Y PERSONAL 34 PE A CUNNINGHAM _& MUDIE, BARRIS ters and solicitors. Law office, 79 Clarence street, Kingston. YOUR NAME Advertis- pring St MAN, 108 PUTS on our list Westbrook ing Agency, Dept. L., 66 § Westbrook, Maing BIG HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARK?* and all growths and skin blemish. e8 removed permanently, without 3.20 ears' experience. Dr. Ei. mer Lake Bye, Har, ose reat And akin ectallat, 268 Ba got stree UPHOLSTERING. W. J. GAVINE, VPHOLSTERING, pairing and pet work, mattress renovating Drop & or call 2168 Bagot street Select Lump (SOFT COAL) FOR STOVES OR GRATES of the Scotch regarding their private affairs was once told by Isn Maclar- en. A train was at a railroad sta|] tion, when a porter put bis head in- to a car and called out: "Any one in this car for Doun? Change for Doun! Any one for Doun?" No one moved; and in a few minutes the train was speeding along, not to stop again for dearly an hour. Then an old Scotch woman turned to a lady sitting near her and said, 'I'm for ,Doun, but I'd no tell that man £0." + An emergency mesting of Frontenaé Couneil, No. 728 "Knights of Slumtus will held in their rooms; King a Union Sts, uasday evening at RE o'clock, the 10th inst. All' members to attend. W. G. BAILEY, William Morton died at Hastings county, on Saturday morn- ing. aged seventy-seven years. Ho had been a member of "the township council for thirty Jones. was a ocon- seruative, a Methodist jin Orange. man. A widow, hd P. daughters survive F, F. O'Flynn is president: and 0. Pitney secratary bf the Dellevilla | Curling Club,' which has just soleoted | d Si. Ola, in Marie Britton, a.young girl, who claimed to have been jilted by her lover, committed suicide in Allan Gardens. Toroato. Felix Loris, a German in Toronto, who spat in the face of a Canadinu npifarmed soldier, was placed upior artnet a Hy home searched. gun captured, sien . Re died in ite o Thursday. = In orden to advertise. more our Bulk Teas, we are offering tra good one at : 30c Per Pound MEXED. JAPAN | 2 B GAGE Montreal & Jui Sga; _ widely | Home-made [ Mrs. 1 ! I S

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