Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Nov 1914, p. 11

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Perth Road, Nov. 3.--This . place has quite a water famine. There is none, in the wells yet. Mrs. William Peters is quite ill. W. M. Guthery and wife and Lillian are ill, Mr. Underwood 'was married. to a young lady of Harrowsmith recently, Miss Mimgie Roberts = is very ill of heart trouble. . Mr. and Mrs. W. Ritchie visited at W, Wood's. Cherry Valley News. Cherry Valley, © Nov. 4--(inrterly service was here on Sunday last. The Epworth 1 gave a social evening on Friday. Miss Tuella Hyatt, of Point Traderse, is visiting friends here. Mrs. Patimmes™ Wil lames is at Thomas Mouck's, South Bay. Mr. and Mrs. M. Hawkins Sunday in town. The evaporators running full blast, with plenty of ap- ples. : Lyndhurst Locals, . Lyndhurst, Nov. 6. William : Fate is home from the bank at Cardinal. Mrs. RB. R. Tale is spending this week in Brockville with friends. Mrs. Ro- . bert. Moulton, of Berryton, is spend- ing this week with her father, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Brown ave .moving back to Delta. W. Shales has Bought the Berney property and 'has. tdken ion Mr. and 'Mrs. - Thomas. Kent and family start for England on Tuesday. Desert Lake Doings. 3 Desert Lake, Nov. 5.--~The beautiful fall has been a great boom to, farm: ers in' getting their plowing and fall work done. George. Wilson passed through here with his thresh ing machine, en route for the Maple Grove neighborhood. . Mrs. 'KE. 3M. Snook and Master Harold have re turned from Perth Road, after spend- ing a week with friends. A. B. and A. F. Page have gone with flie" shoual hunting party to the north country. Mrs. Vantrim and two children; Wa- tertown, N.Y., are the guests of Mrs. F, Walker. The Late James Adams. Desert Lake, Nov. i---The, sad and sudden death of James O. Abrams which oceurred. October 31st, cgused great 'sorrow in this neighborhood. Mr. Ams was twenty-seven years of age and lived here with his plr- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Abrams, until his marriage to Miss. S. J. Wil- #on, also of this place, which oceur- red ahout five-years ago. Since then they lived near Glenvale and within the last year maved in the neighbor- hood of Sydenham. - The funeral was held to the Methodist church hete and the remains were interred in the cemetery at this place. The funeral was one of the largest ever seen here and (the floral tributes were beauti- noe . ; tul, including a magnificent wreath from the employees of the mica mine, - where Mr. Abrams met his death. Ey » Tidings From Tweed. Tweed, Nov. 5-~John Carson, who was severely injured by falling from a building, six months ago, is ahle to be around again. Miss Annie O'Neil ard Miss A. M. Larkin spent a week in Foronto visiting friends lately. P, Hari, of Stoco, contemplates a trip to the west, in the near future. P. Mulroney, Sfoco, was an over-Sunday visitor at M. MeAvoy's last week, William Cook, former manager of the steel iroughs works here, has accepted a position in Trenton. His numerous Iriends regret his departure. Messrs. Conlter and Ketcheson loaded several carlopds of hogs and cattle here last week. Among those 'who hive joined the annual hunting expedition to the north county, ade Ved Lafontaine, Mr. Crimk, Peter W. Courneya, James Marchen, A. Badgely and John Quinn. Fire at Whitestone. Whitestone, Nov. 2.A terrible fire occinred on Friday last when Samuel Wainwright's hotel was burned down. Lhe machine shop and granary were also destroved. Nothing was saved' onl' a sewing machine and . piano. It, was just thirty-seven minutes from the {ime the fire wae seen until all was burned. The cause of the fire iscunkoown. Mes. Wainwright © got butned quite 'badly trying to save some furniture but it was impossible. JFe many hunters are in their glee, decir being quite plentiful. Mrs. Sla- tery hgs returned to her home in Toronto after spending a couple of months with Mrs. Snider. Miss Lib- bie Wainwright has returned home after visiting friends in Ottawa. Miss Lacretia Wagar and Malcolm Ainslie al. Maple Island on Sunday last. T. and #. Wagar at James Ainslie's. Fiward Bottrell at Mrs. Taylor's, News Fram Westhrook. Westbrgok, Nov. 7.--A number of foc¢al hunters have gone to the nor- thern districts in quest of deer. Mrs. W. L. Grass is suffering from blood polken in her hand. George Gates of : Lafargerville, N.Y., spent the week-end with friends here. The women's Institute held its monthly meeting in the hall on Thursday hight, a large crowd attended. The sum of $10 was raised for the King- ston General Hoepital and Mrs. Saunders, of Cataraqui, won the prize in the spelling contest. Miss Lorraine Smith, of Kingston,» spent Sunday at her home here. Mrs. Fras of Napanee, was a recent visitor of Mrs. J. LL. F. Sproule. Mrs. B. Clement, of Bath, spent the week-end with Mrs. G. W. Smith. Mps. Eliza Sproule is visiting tn Kingston, the guest of Mrs. G. W. Anderson Mrs. Anson Martin has returned from the General Hospit- al janch improved in health. Lyn Clergyman Receives Call Lyn, Nov Rev. J. deP Wright has reeeived 8 call from a church in Cobourg. Mrs. G. A. Purvis and daughter Mrs. Fdle and two grand- children, of Edmonton, are the guests of Mrs. Shane. Bert. Judson, Napanee, was the guest of Percy i. the Merchant's bank has Been open- od here. I. A. Piche, Montreal whe has taken a position as bookkeeper in Mr. Cumming's office, fs moving here with hig family for the winter J. Taylor, of Tamworth, was a guest of his brother, C, lastiweek. Dr. J. B. Saunders has taken the house of G. C. Comming for the winter. Mrs. Dr. McFehd ron, of India, gave a very interesting and instructive talk' on missions at the meeting held at the home o! Mrs. H. Dickey 'on Thursday night Mrs. Fink and Mrs. Richardson, o Winnipeg, were the guests of thei: sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Sounders recent- iy. Toledo Tidings. Toledo, Nov. 4.~Miss Iva Dunhan returned. from the west last week, where she spent the last three months with her sister, Mrs. A. E. Stillman, Calgary. + The © patriotic auxiliar meets every Tuesday afternoon in th bank, to sew for the Red L'ross Soei- ety, and has a-number of garment for #he war hospitals completed. The stone crushers are working on th macadamized road at piosent. Mrs Holmes gave a Hallowe'en party tc the young people and a pleasant even ing was spent. ' The Ladies' Aid: of the Methodist church surprised Mrs L. B. Johnston, its first president, br going to her home on Wednesday af ternoon, and at the close of the busi ness session made her a lile member Mr. McCarthy had the misfortune t fracture some of his ribs, but is im proving. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Merri Phillips, a daughter. on October 27th Mr. Arnold was in the village . on Tuesday: - Mzs. . T. Hart has bough the lot west her property and - is having the blacksmith shop ton down. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stratton Brockville, spent Sunday with Mr and. Mre. M. Nichols. . Mrs. Wood Carthage, N.Y., is visiting her fatheg t. MeUzrthy Budget From Cloyne. Cloyne, Nov. 3. Mr. Trampour de livered an eloquent sermon to a fair slzed congregation Sunday evening. Much credit is due him for the Fp worth League he has organized t meet. Friday evenings. Praver meet. ing takes place ne usual; Tuesday evenings. William Weose is home from the west. Miss Licy Weese has return ed io Toronto, having spent the sam mer at home. Her gister, Miss Janie, is etill here. Miss Lillian Nelson ha returned to Peterboro, after spending a few days the guest of Mrs. James Roy. Alexander Meeks had the mis forture to run a nail through his foot William Maynard is somewhat im proved. School is progressing favor ably under Miss Blairs able manage ment. Mr. Winters has moved his fam- ily. to the camp, but. Miss Ida is re maining with Mrs. Wise fot™the win- ter. Mrs. Andrew Meeks is ill. George Head has returned . from Peterbaro, where he went to see his father, whe is ill. Mr. MeNicoll has moved his family into. the. village again. Miss Delma Cade spent Sunduy at James Head's. Mr. and Mrs. Young have had a baby boy come ito stay with them. Samuel Cnddy has moved into his house,. purchased from Joseph Hunt. William Humphrey has return A A AAA Al PA NAAN I sleep well now, appetite and digestion are good of this great medicine." $8,500.00 Daiiiages Awarded in Street Railway Accident Nervous system so' terribly shattered that paralysis set in. Exdmined by eleven doctors. Recovery attributed to use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. * Mrs. May Wricar, 113} King St. W., Toronto, has written of her wonderful recovery as follows: -- "On May 25th, 1913, I met with an accident when a Bathurst St. car crashed into a Queen St. ear and 1 was thrown over three seats and under the As a result my spine was badly front * seat. injured and paralysis set in. shattered and for a whole year I was in a com- pletely helpless condition. could not sleep and when it was negessary for me to appear in court I was carried in on a stretcher. eleven doctors and among the very best medical author- ities in the city of Toronto. 'Some of these doctors claimed 'I could never recover and the court awarded me $8,500.00 and eosts. The most wonderful part of it all is the benefit, Ihave obtained by the usé of Dn. Chase's Nerve Gradually and certainly this great nerve restorative has built up the nervous system until I am getting back the old time health and vigor. , and I cannot say enough in praise I was examined b them were seversl Foon. Facsimile of final check received by Mrs. Wright in settlement of Court's award My nerves were '1 had nb appetite and My Toronto: 13. Bank Montsant > Ce community aches, dealers. id nervous ET Neave its a hox, three , or Emanson, Bates & This. interesting case provés once more the marvellous up-building and recon- structive free ot Dn. CoaAers Nerve Foop on the nervous systém. Inthe most nerve cells back to health an Sfeugth and thereby Semaves the Care of Servous head- » wf v iv + ™ = , ey almost €¢ : who have been cured of serious ou the "Nerves." months' treatment, 12 boxes for $5.00. At all nN ry indigestion and nervous Write for Co., Limited, Toron De. Caase's Gardiner on Tuesday. A branch of M. Taylor' i} wothless old saw that buzzes ed to the west. Whooping cough is ust about at its limit in this viomity. vhare 'aves ored' mane hunters holo Maberly Patriotic Event. Maberly, Nov. 4.-The Maberly stanch of the Women's Institute aeld a social evening in the village wll on Tuesday evening in wid of the ted Cross society. In spite of the nclement weather a good crowd was resent. The first on the programme vas a chorus, "0 Canada." 'Ret. fr. Coles then gave an explanation if the Red Crosy work. The school hildren put on some real good items, specially the may pole dance. "Tj rerary"" was well rendered warty encore given. Mr. Hall, NM, *., of Perth, was given a roval wel- 'ome, the audience singing - "For fe's a Jolly. Good Fellow." Mr. Hall poke for some time om the war and he good work the women are doing dl oper Canada. The speaker im- wessed on the minds of the L people he urgent peed of their assistance or the' patriotic society. A splendid upper was then served by the ladies fier which all amused themselves in cial games. A prize was given for he best tleman milliner and Mr. "inn carried off the prize. There was Jso a fish pond, which the children anjoyed. The entertainment * was wought to a close by the singing.of he national anthem. The proceeds unmounted to over $20. Loughboro Council. Sydegham, Nov. 2--Comneil met, onfirmed the minutes of the last neeting and on motion. Walker-Har wr, the following accounts were paid f. McDonald, bonus on 3 rods wire 'ence, $5; M. Ruttan, culvert on Syd wham Road, #5; Sawyer-Massey com- any, account, $18.16; C. Fraser, put- dng up hall pipes, ete., 75c.; Mékel. ey & Birch, belt for stone crusher, 5.11; railway company, freight, 15.15. On motion, McRoryv-Fnnis, the 'ollowing were also paid: F. C. Mar 'in, burial expenses re 1. Randall, 23; A. Blakesley, overseer, paid for vork.-on Pixley Road, 2230.13, and wn the Spafiardton Road, $210.20, and 'or culvert near Jaquith's, $5.50, .J S. Roberts, supplies! for Oliver Ar wrd, $5.10. Moved, MeRory-Ennis, that on the requisition of the trustees of 8.5. No, 3 a by-law be 'passed au- horizing the issuance of debentures for ¥16,500, hearing interest at five er cent. and to cover a period of twenty years, for the purpose of pur thasing a lot and erecting thercon a chool budding, and completely equip- ing the same.--Uarried Council ad ourncd to meet at ome o'clock, Tues lay. December 15th St. Lawrence News. St. Lawrence, Wolfe Island, Nov. 3 <The farmers in _this vicinity are lowing. Stewart Murphy had a bee last week, The St. Lawrence and the | Harken Harbor had a game of ball 'ast week. The formef won. Miss vellie Fargo, who has been spending the past few days at J. O'Brien's, re- arned home on Tuesday. Miss Mabel Morgan bas returned home from Ad- wns, N.Y., after spending the past souple of weeks there. Mr. and Mrs. X. Mchonald and family have return- a to' Chicago, after spending the rast few months here. Mrs. Thomas ignam is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Ellery, Kingston Mills. A little boy fhas 'come to wighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. weorge Woodman. An enjoyable time vas spent at John (VBrien's, on Hal- towe'en Thomas Dignem, .Jr., spent Sunday evening 'at Mrs. James Ho 7an's. The sad news reached here of the death of Mrs. Flmer Bolton, for- verly Miss Annie Gillespie, of this slace. Sympathy is extended to her wehand and little son. Mr. and Mrs. Watts have moved to Marysville. Miss Sadie Murray has returned home after spending the past week in Kingston. An evjoyable surprise party was held at the home of Richard Kesler's, Miss Grace Machea underwent, an operation mn Friday morning for appendicitis. Wiss Nettie Murphy was the guest of Wiss Loretta O'Brien, last week. - Mise 'dith Bates js visiting at her grand- father's, George Gillespie. He 'intends owing his wile shortly in" Toronto, vhere she has been visiting her son tor the past few weeks. Women At Forty. There is a beauty quite apart from 'outh -- the beauty of the mature voman. Some there are that main- ain that beauty does not reach its #nith under the age of thirty-five of 'orty In. a measure this is borne wit by the events of the antique post hich may likewjse be parallel with nstances. of our.own day. Helen of Troy appeared on the sceme at the ige of forty. Cleopatra was past hirty when she mét Anthony. Aspa- ia, married to Pericles when she vas thirty-six, was a figure brilliant 'n her world for thirty years. When Diane de Poictiers was past thirty- ind he but half Wer age. Anne of Austria was thirty-eight when des- ribed as the most beautiful woman of Europe, Mlle. ;Mar was herald- °d as the greatest of beauties at forty-five, and Mme. Racamier was at her best between the' ages - of thirty-five and fifty. «Mme. de Maintenon was forty-three when united to Louis, and Catherine of Russia thirty-three ' when she took seat on the throne which she oceup- ied for thirty-five years, All these women were world-famed for their beauty and gave the lle direct to that the power of "sweet sixteen." The dew of youth and a complexion of roses bine in a face that is hnmoving, ir- responsive, utterly lacking the expres sion whicll goes to the making of a perfectly molded visage. "The Boh wlan". : Nearly Caused Death. A stranded American tourist in Switzerland at the outbreak of the of a great friend iiving In Germany by sending him. the following tele- gram: "Kale all gone. Wire thirty beans." "German censor took it {0 mean that some . German town. Kiel probobly, had been atacked and wiped 'out. The person to whom the wire was addressed was arvest- ed, and would have been shot. Luck- ily for him a German officer who had iix she won the. heart of Henry II, | it must be admitted sometimes com. 4- war nearly brought about the death]: ~~" THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1016 PAIN CONSTANTLY TORTURED HIM Student Became So Ill, He Was Forced To Leave Berthier College. Suffered For Two Years Until Cured By Wonderful "Fruit-a-tives" Tablets. MAGLOIRE PAQUIN, ESQ. St. Boniface de Shawinigan, Feb, 3rd. 1914. "It is & pleasure to me to inform you that after having suffered from Clironie Constipation for 23 years, I have been cured by the use~of "Fruit-a- tives". While I was a student at Bertliier College, I becastie so ill that I was forced to leave College. Sexere pains across the intestines continually tortured me and it came to a point whén I could not stoop down atall, Attimes, I used to be for three or four days without a single motion of the bowels, and I became so sick that my digestion became paralyzed. Some one advised me to take "Fruit-a-tives" and at once noticed a great improvement. After I had taken four or five boxes, I realized that I was completely cured", MAGLOIRE PAQUIN Many famous physicians have stated that fully 50% of the cises of Kidney Trouble, Pain In The Back, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Appendicitis, Nervous. ness, Headaches, Typhoid Fever, Rheumatism and Neuralgia, are found in people who habitually suffer from Chronic Constipation, Surely, you must realize the danger of Constipation "Fruit-a-tives" acts directly on the Liver; stimulates this organ to renewed vigor; enables the Liver to give up sufficient bile to move the bowels and insures the bowels moving regularly and naturally every day. "Fruit-a-tives" ¥ill positively cure every case of Constipation, no matter how severe it may be. §0c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. INDIA PALE ALE Not a Useless Intoxicant, but a WHOLESOME BEVERAGE and medicinal uses with dietetical -- MADE AS GOOD AS WE CAN MAKE IT -- If not sold by nearest wine and spirit merchant, write JOHN LABATT, LIMITED CANADA Business is Waiting --Telephone for it. Business may be quieter than two years ago, yet there is mo cause for depfession. Crops are good and already business is waking up. Call your customers by long dis- tance telephone. Dispel their gloom by the hearty spoken word. Keep both yourself and them posted on prices and general conditions, and there will be no slowing up in your business. : The economy of telephone selling makes it a welcome aid to business just now. The long distance telephone is the proven ally of economical business. Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station. The Bell Telephone Co. fi OF Fou. AvTOMORILES 440 AmBuAGHS iY Phone 1177 "7% George W. Boyd, Ford size, 30x3 1.4 inch. Guaranteed 3500 miles, Gasoline 20¢ per. gal. Bibby's Garage Phone 201. Garage 917 Special attention to students. No acids used; no torn clothes. All work guaranteed. y Cor. Montreal and Queen Sts. Phone" 960. SPECIAL MILLINERY SALE Balance of this week, chil dren's felt shapes, 85¢. Women's antrimmed shapes, $1.00 to $1.25, MISS HAMILTON, 370 Princess St. Opposite Y.M.C.A, Open Thursday evening, 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. Phone 1267. COAL Theldad you are looking is the kind we sil Scranton Coal a Booth & Co. Foot of West Street SOWARDS Keep Coal and Coal Keeps SOWARDS BUILDERS !! | Have You Tried | GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? It Saves Time. P. WALSH, For khaki uniforms, great- coats, caps, putties, swords, belts, whistles whistle. cords, rank badges, 3 pairin carefully attended to. We can save you money and ive guarantee. to please

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