Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Nov 1914, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, CHURSGA AZ, Ni... _ER 3, 1914, ee sme, | NGIDE NTS. OF THE DAY GRAND opms ioe ST Household baking ACCOUNES: frm Suns" To ight Dery his He Happenings In the City and Vicinity . in The Bunk of T'oronto have bee m found by any ~What the Merchants Offer to The Imperial TT ms or the Readérs of the Whig. YET T WE TTT UY TEE TET YS YEE TE WEY . : na L -- to bea great convenience. The accounts ni: iy be op Hod Roger sifapes; ut: Carnovaky's Musical Comedy lo. CONDENSED ADVERTISING BATE | ORY, ened in the names of husband and wife, and either Eliminate kitchen worries, use Wiale Baik on Io. #3 BiLLR ps BAGoT, PRIN- | THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. COST EF may deposit or withdraw. money, Interest is paid Bowe dour, : With Canada's Favorite Comediaua |[©irst insertion ie a word ack con | - me en] Mitle Once, 350; thiee times, soe; nul Swaine, piano tuber. Urdécs werd. Minimum ebarge for ple i Con these accounts, twice a vear : (eveived at MeAwey 5. hob Hud. F id & aad : Sent the 2Be;s three Lasertious, -- tn - tents pan | ATHERS. APPLY TO MRS, We , - r . gx or everything. 1 i il but e man ( A ristie S03 ls one month, ¥ COPPER PW OR, Bi GLE : Ar vr OE aman, 337 vin Bt i a ----------------------r gig M | Assets ton's. Teachers supplied. Upposite Aud/ a Broadway Be: Chorus -_ NTED. evening. lease rn t 'es. pie - A 3 . X : | 1 2% i Goob : - irilien's theatre. Presenting To-niht. HELP WA: 5 @ FAMOUS HEATER, ' ' orem 3 fo ee eerie ete : a A > Yc ne rf - rm mrm-- INC ORPORAT ED Ars. Viekery, Mrs. R. 0. Leggett "The Girl From Broadway '|iy avove o Jvorbs. oR Li | seis sid Miss finadrion, Newboro, ivave x i ' under th ' " TO LET | BRED R. IL. RED, «or Kingston on Saturdas Friday, "The = Elovers." and The 0 Lorie vin | White, Leghorn hens and ¢ 1855 iH: Cuntungham, pase tener a) Country Grecery Store: 100 present i ~ -. - - iE At RY ONE py Ti SE SMALL ADVTS. | to M. G. Boyd, 106. Pl given away. ¥ 0 | om it meebo pe -- sig street. Leave orders. at' Me 3 9 Noth t ( n Mal : - ---- |THE PR TACTICE AND VILLA : pecial | Nothlos hgh rn . waley's book store. Prices | 10-20-30 . Nighe re | STORAG : ¥ F URNITL RE, wx. | perty of the late Dr Shaw, of £00d many of the Queen's en-] * Matinecs (0c and 20¢. Tx STENT G L : ole ad dr MoCann, 83 Ruck | Farodos ne. Apply te Mrs. (Dr) s om wii - SEATS NOW OF Sage ; vending a 3 y . Shaw, Lansdowne glueers ; d to join the sec- sad contingent Werseds service, . 1 . : {A MAID FOR PLAIN iF ar ye 3 MS AN NE SEPHING HORSE, DUMP CART, HARNESS, EX Market Square Kingston "Worm Powders," at Gibson's » ind Apply M ma THY JERRODOMS » -~ te : sisleighs, cheap; The A.v.t ; 5: Bul 1 elli t Q 8k ge. { 8 In < e or double, GEORGE B. McKAY Manager, 2 AY .Fia. aurs cuurch ns eee Bt : a Apply Box 1105, Wiig, office Ra held am ice crea il on Wea a 3 reser ---- a: ing ' > | . " » 'FICE < ATs FIV aesday evening h Was a large IEN TO APPOIN: OFFICES iv ply" Ba DALE BITCH PUPPY, FIVE attendance. $ IV 328 week. ' ence St. months old, by « Sampian Rookie - a » fe . mare sala or, Lacoa Fit ' ? Ovrang ex Pures Maid 8. A Hy dutunts Foods" fresh at Gib Thursda Nov th nare y Fall { ee - = -- Ross, 214 Willlam St, Kingston, son's. 1¥ y . - -- - ---- ( ROONED Hol Tan ont. rieuse remember the mid-day pray- . 1 URC 8 ---------------- -- rise ie m-- -- -- - reese r Service i cach rida i NTELLIGEVE PERSON 3A) aldiay ivisior WRICE DESK. § LONG, 41 r service in City :liell each Friday, N 1 $100 nly. correspond Hd OF hs 2 DE SX REET A ogy Te rom 12.05 to 12.30, Prayers ior rd a . ! 1 r Ape 3 . Fl AND LY at back. Three drawers and one eace in Lurope. t | 8 articulars. Press Sy A rn Ek Ba oa : M top shelf Slightly used. Apply "ew hot water bottles," at. Gib A ate, 3 Lockport. N.¥ Canis Rea state Ag ___ British Whig office. = on 8. HAVER YOU ANY ABIL TY. rrp ------ 1 A LAR VARIETY OF RANGES AND nat the f eA80 3 agaln wi us, necessitatt ha IL Is. currenl rumor that the | " salesman? We have Lie EVE ROOMED ¥ "RAME HOUSE a number of first-class heaters, as of stoves ar irnaces, the danger {rox sk conse Jueen's Rugby team, save one of By to make which wiil le v ¢ Brock St : low ices; also a big stack of fur- $ ; 1 » nereases, 80 that | PHS that all property should be adequs y | ¢ @ s. has ihiobre g ' earn more mons Y . s Lie ¥ } niture. J. Thompson, 333 Princess yered, ately Wo menrbers, has volunteered. for Jing at the . e y i St 8t., Phone 1600. If in need of any additlona. Inst urance or cont emplating a ch | Verseas service: : ) ; r strictly confident ter te ------------------------------------------ mit a would appreciate tha opportunity of iring on y reqeireme 'Beautify. bath sponges." Gibson's. io Manag t in LOOR OFFICE TO LET, |, FIRST CLASS PONY, KIND: epresent several sirofig tariff and Hf companie Koot. eases, $1.04, Lutton's. . ss} vy ldo ail - hea and fu rd. B good driver, § years : lon in the ply d . GEORGE BAWDEN Wenn Tg the Sunday school dele- -----_-- 5 fa B56 Bro 8 iy Ee a sion: Mate as Visine the penitentiary ON YOU NG MEN WANTED ni 36 ncess Street "| PRONE 288. 3 COAL 168 PRINCESS ST, ind hereafter pointed lessons will be | le < . STORAGE. FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, | --- ------ L Re. % fven of the baer) $ | your own lock and | A L ARGE UMBER OF RICY J. Bins Al, = TATE - - INSURANCE | "p + bin SEE alons. ' 5: | i ¥ ) City Storage 29 also Dunlop tires, at $2.00. Al > > autiful bath sponges." Gibson's. . | t ' nee 1 2 | orders promptly, attended to for Clieese sold at 14 a-» cents on the eres -- pa carpet cleaning and laying Georxe * a = " -. a-- Srongenac ese . board Thursday ! FOR S ALE oR T0 RE 3 r, NEW 10 Muller, 373 King St Jternoon There was boarded 16 Joxes of white cheese and 319 box- ! 5 X : 1 t bd! ---------------- t ol : n nts, AP hs 4 HAPPY THOUGHTS, IMPERIAL OX. N 0 Si 8 | rds other cook stoves, Que- i 3 of colored. Tae board adjourned v | on . -- rt m-- | € aud €quare heaters, all és : 97? or two weeks IN AID OF THE CANA. | Si ------ EIGHT ROOMED nous: ALMOST | " I shape: will Who "Pays the Piper? "Made "in Canad Cough Syrups"| DIAN PATRIOTIC FUND, rourios Division and usb siceets. Aon | rt dheioOi at ery atall pros | | as W | sibson's -- o J. D. Boyd, "ne § t | : -- Stop the Fire aste ! a For all wool goods cheap call Dut 1 XPERIENCED n I : I MINERAL 5 DEFAR AND on's Vocal Music | nts A THREE FRONT ROOMS FOR LIGHT | mica lent to statio There was a ma t on | Before the. lecture by Mrs, Mulloy ' Ww he i, Unfurnished, gies, | THRE NE w ¥ RAME HOY SES, "YORK . : ig s ) a , { by | = - ricity, kot wa eating, ¢ p hursday, and n ng ces (ond Mrs, Coleman, and readings by YOUNG LADY "YF OSITION Y t Teleplione 44 $5,000 BRIC ¥- HOUSE, LARGE LO® tl f Satur Mus. Campbell-Sinith, _s « | We | and stab It makes your rent higher, Increases Jour taxes, nod by raising grocer wad butoher, puts up the price of food. "You you bulld set a good sxample for sour neighbor, Every brick bubdding erected helps ¢ the insurance rate Every frame building helps Increase | Work for extended tire iimily Hulld with brick and buy your brick at home. * < Open to all who are in sympathy t 5 ' o---- - mre LL LET ME LE TIONS, with the cause, | - eet ap Fa i In Tickets may be had at Uglow's or | - 5 3 TON OLE, EN- 14 ATE MAN, INSURANCE AND rup," 15¢. Gibson's. |. : - vated: Rarawoud from Canadian Club members, 1! i WANTED GENERAL Don 8 hs le \ a: state, 67 Ciarence Mayor Shaw has received a lotter rom a citizen asking him to en: : - 23c. Any part of the hall. No gen- A. Neal, Kingston-Brick Yard Phone 1396 a juire into the question of the price | Tl reservations. [WINDOW CLEANING=--PLACE f milk, in behalf of families whose | ~~ SE -- 4 4 FL. WELLINGTON APART- TW) EW S & SON, ARCHI« nirse is not big enough . to pay | 3 Y ) OW 8 " | t 31 Offices, 268 Bagot. Bt, mote. CARD OF THANKS : Dri rt bo Ras 0 . Music, three sheets, 10c., worth 40c. fx i kK. 2 Granite 1 ae on A Apply F. W. Meag #9 L ert POWER -& SON, ARC HITECTS, MER Bl htton's OOF. the of : Ww ' ye uy St. 1 ¢ ) i chants' Bank Building, = corner . . cr "Beautiful bath sponges." Gibson's. | Fit G HK, and fr 3 t : p ' TH: ------ tomr-- a cara'? Wellir Bgton streets Drop We have a new frame dwelling containing 9 rooms, hot Rev. Ae wherloek; Natural) ln. Preiae and feral Ee | 1 and have it made up Into NEW BRICK HOUSE\P ROOMS WiTH |e som } End. Pi Tr ridge, { ill t the } bor 1 : | 8 Ti ' ¢ MUSIC. air furnace, electric lights, B. and ( it Carleton Place Method 1 o} MRS, LW. ROGERS [ : Te ane on ' is 3 ts - that we will setl for a acated by the ath . Ng : shortest not Tho ! i t : rst Vor | TEACHER oF sin i, MISS CARRIR Sparling Vi Sherloe $ a youn . - 131 re et. near 4 ' I 1s, 47 Rides St. Telephones J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Snglishn : | | Gare ho 2.8 BROCK ST. JOHN DRIVER, Representative. PHONE ¢$ 25¢. Toot *aste, 15 b : | memmm---- mmm---- DENT, AL. VIOLIN INSTRUCTION A . $ - --------.--" : 8. CHRISTIN HHANE, 78 - Lieut.-Col ©nnox Irving, nn ML be | ie SITUATIONS VACANT - KE. «A EK oy 313] 1 reet lephone 136 FREE TO ALL SUFFERENs thi "tt ho have Joined i ink, 1 88 BUSBACE JF oh 14 NA wo vn Wr pan | Ams Sp SARS ET | SUE AND ARSC TNVRGS (over Carnovsky's n Frontenac St. Miss Norma m-- - _-- y \ Syen werseas © gent he colone - 8 we ; { : t { p I be b 0 T Alida Telgmaun, BK; oman von ui BR, REMVOUS SIERASE : coaning winter i dai 1 . , BM.3 a Jieen's inate and was a splen- P PHERINGTON - -------- pn---- ( gmann, teachers of elocu« Tene fos wy Fn fia atlilete in his cor ThA SplEN-] TH tN : Spar avoented, Wri R, DENTE : on, leno, violin and all stringed Eesicel roa SVE wart Tax, IT TELLS ALL about ha IR his day sor 3 > .. bstant oi .s str ts | a PANO ARE a CTE " in Canadh Cough Syrups.' | =m bg ; ; » b | { IS ESSENTIAL DY. Nat. Can always bo procured from] For Sale iv or parocers store will bel mo 00D HEALTH UPHOLSTERING t St Andrew's -- -- ps------ stre A a llopers." | rial PURE CLEAN FOOD omedy mpany at!|the Grand, on - t w » classes in sin we ---- re EW. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSYERING, 1 - wm - - | : t. 16th W prepare pupllg patring ' i f I ) ry examine Mattress » ; & | ATER) . 8s J terms #nd other infors w : » laagol sin -- -- i" ----i3 n apply « Ww Lindsay Co. HE PIO dyes id Gibson's 3 oy A RCE ne Te -- ee __ | MISS MARY 6, RS, LT.C.M : Afler t 136 mance 4 "The { H. SIMON, ALS F, 8 ENT. | A ut on rvatory of ts the Dea or i f , LL pe D.S. D.D ENT. | aduate Toro! us, We mention a few of the! " pi ----------------} 3 x G VRTIES, BALLS many we keep in stock: Col- S-------------- Scoteh songs, « 120 job Hoe The s {shes, table ns a | esos ooo doef doors gate's, Nyal's, Sanitol uthy- | tons i en : S e 1X ) & . mol, Zymole, Hutax, Pebeco, Gramophones, Phonographs, Grat oR . ' 3 : € KINGSTON RUSINESS COL- { Odeon and Jumbo records, Hdison : Pen whe vas cashier in ' minute records, Blue Amberal re 0 BCR ofice of the Manu- Foi nm transferred to the Montreal | : 4 > transferred to the Mauntreal | | { 9 ile amd left to take over his new Opposite Y. M. C, A, All luties on Saturday. A. Kinch suc | ens i oe oo | -* - -> -> thand, Typewrit- o& fvil Service, Gen- 3 > bl abort | + TI Nx id, 4 . a © LEGE, Limited. etc. j onolas, Columbia and Victor records : » at Gibeon's, aj. o Cf.» - ambrook, = 176 4 a 8 t 1a tead of Queen Street i Ing op i Em m-------- - 8 i courses In Booke < i op BUSINESS ( "RANC nent and all Com- noderate Nr + Table SE ra = = ; 5 2 g ¢ Fh ne 0. H. F Metcalfe, as ' Be 2S Bde desde de desde diode dodo ies i 435 I § Son em OE z FINANCIAL. f - | FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. HAIR, MOLMS, WA BIRTHMANKS me Soelety; Incorporated 1863; { and al 1 1 in ble president, Colonel Henry R. Bmith. es Tr 1 aE J ¢ issued on city and farm € 21CE wr. | roperti municipal and country be J. 1a Ear, lose | € : mortgages purchased; TR m Hotalll ma fi, Os ep age exused | : "CROSSED FISH' Albion Hotel i mo i a + | Brown Fab, 436 oe ie al Se SARDINES alist, 258 Ba | deposits received and interest for Red Label end Ge { Norman Kippered Herrtngs--sNot * A i lowed. 8 C. McGill, Manager, Remodolled throughout § Ih i ores LE faba) : -------- BONELLS Ima TTI Sole Ope of SR ingston" s Bess On BPG Co A The work of mavadamizing outer -- rene Rohini Goin Makes | LveERPoOL, LONDON AND GLOBE "Sold At Mahood's Drug Stove, Son Str t Las een Stopped wl INGE am 5 BARRIS ; 5 addit'on . -- ---- . ------------ eo sles » at work on Prin- Normannn Tomate Herring-- | « a ¢ t office which t hoidars have for A tpt PRS 8B t tween Barrie and Al § i ' A | Care strebt. Kingator arity the unlimited (fabduty of f It is desired that this * ss » i 1 ------------ 'T v, insured at lowest : latter of roadway be finishec YN artunnn b hire Ss 3 o | osnla'e rates, Before renewin Everyone. Should Try and Get! Removal Notice [fice tries momen te, nike | MEMBERS 14th RECT | ce MY 1 TY 0 s 1 2 JOST ri m SK, 6 ¢ i s her &o ues mild the remainder of t ; ; ¥ on Bt "81 ggnte. Pl 8 a New flome for Themselves | aw y pues Me rem ss P.W.O.R. | ead nle--¥ ih iis a ane a rr smn next door y IL eX-uilicors, non-commiss Go defers Dowling as cashier 'bone 252 113 Brock St "Worm Powders," at Gibson's sn St to Ste------ An enormous loss of tea has result DIR. TeV 5 FRENCH PILLS \ rors « from the actions of the Emden in Kingston - . Ont BE PARTICULAR an oY " y | at! Pill for Women ce sinking British liners in the Indian i Insist on getting 1 at all Drug es, 0 iled vater In spite of the serious { ont receiptef price. Tu we caused the price of "Sal | Norman Why should you pay rent when you Metealfe's meat ore, opposite ers ang en ( i 14th Regt., vish to join the reserve now eo | h;i8, 2 A TEACHER can save money by paying rent on a Henderson's. IVHRLIY NVRUHD 10TaX0 IR CCR Tred A radi tn ¥ DRESSMAKING i; ' qualifications, new home of your own ? 5 French Pr -- N ALL 4 nan b undersigned giving | - on pi Rs Dut ge ence, after mide Why not build a home of your own, 57 ut French Press Is Not Allowed to ¢ age, da if dis ge andj Senet Y 3 Apply taling 3 + ra held « ' regim ! = - a cere DRESSHAKER--SEWING ny " : alary and © wr @ from $1,000 to $14,000, on easy terms. S R ht Substantiate Belief. a ped } 4 : A or " i ERE Ph ain And rsd r ened, Bem. . Roughton, pelief, but more than one declares tha italian te En ahs x bert ' {i x > King Edward Building rte cn tself in a position to affirin that the Av taliae military exper he] S00 acres, 81,000, Good 12 Times of War al Notice lon press of the Sitiarent defensive, or cone © tling manoeuvre ini . SEN : po "GE 17 ; : : NOrks rown up by the enemy to gome other part of the field." = Hi: Xe W ol | $4 00 f / Perfect Sight | a :nable them to clear out of Belgium = O'0ef part of the fel Ww i. Godwin & Son. dt} 8 & Wf " or 3 on, ' wy gree ' Try London, Nov. 5--A Paris despatch [other t r i te sin. | { Bt. Telephone 148¢ -} tion, Ontario, { the same view, hey go. on. fi bush, never-ailing water. 120 nu the best possible order, while te TTT . y 3) " Mrs. J J. Lackie RIAL Tove ead ee | Brock St, Phone 433i Manager, the Mutual Life As- to the Standard, dated Monday, | . SUTHERLAND, i . " -- sd Chas Leeder surance Co., of Canada, says West Se, Kington. ay ' Phone 610, "The papers are Not Allowed (0 | see-------------------- I 'ARM Kentucky Cannel Block 3 ns are hurriedly preparing to und seer to think at. atl tia HH gn ; . w assana' etreat, and may start falling back an . I S 3 ; Rink. that vy nk : acres cleared. Tog dwellin i £5 4 7 2 1 ¢ In Times o of Peace a mov- n force at any time. Particulars 05 preg abu: ut ix vading ingland {jf Tome hang horse stable. First | Ral ' . 5 a here, stating SIX B URNED TO DEATH { A : 3 Failing vis- i Real Estate Fire Insurance h ¢ E h f h S Be, that she has.remov- | 'hat similar preparations are being ------ 1 Ss fon, an enemy ay Teoy preg e b : ey nough ror the deason nd Floor, Room 4, give any details to substantiate their Telegrams from Rome report ave é 2 20M in ihe 1- i . class stock farm ave already appe a ed in the Lon pa for its e¢ object the making to comfort Ockley's old stand, nnd Will open oy made on the eastern fronyipr and inn Pive 5 Waverley: Hotel, 8th lv a + < ' = and pleasure, ror husimess om Saturday, the ti Alsace, particularly near Strassburg, Avenue. New: York. can be re- inn. Some neMeusness is observable 5 With a full Hue of goods and o wew | hore lest the discussie ri .]. New York, Noy, 5. Six men were | BAMA MAAMAMMAM, stored to, Hors 3 Minek Diamond Oven--the bet mad: Jere ae pedis # iva vow in pra burned almost to a crisp, and mq Se ice tion i 3 in Canadas alms = eeping pe 4 as 3 Fe. sa » ah 3 ' I'v mal go ¥ old customers, attracting mew es ity of invasion should cause a falling were saved through thrilling re { | WHILE SHOPPING | : 3 sod pleasing all. off in the despatch of British troops by firemen and police to- aay, i ground espec_ ¢ 1 Kingston, Oct. 21st. 1914. to the continent Even the Temps fire gutted Wavérley hotel, cdging } Enjoy Afternoon Tea at our , i { ---- a Ria na - takes a considerable amount of trou. | 10Ute on Eighth avenue. Our Eyesight g | ble te demenstraie that the fate of Saud, vere ed in ie hes, ] MARBLE HALL g/Ki Specialist, IL i . Britain is being decided now in the) C*usbki in hallways as they rushed | '238 Princess Street. ingston Com. Precis ea a H I battle of the Yser, The surést way to ree the flames in a futile effort] i a in ] to guarantee England 'isojl against |'C reach safety. Ad Dainty Refreshments and Pure t P Oph, De xn 3 ee a oweel.. danger, it says, is Bl iso Pn llics GH. REKEWICH DEAD iq tee Cream. | ent Yo uc tify your op 3 Eive the Germans 8 sound drubbing ig 1 § p | ne ooms Bell troubles, / | See Our Special in ate battle ea Ad Had Juse- Rééeived 1 High ™ CATEIOR Tn | 4 George Masoud, op: pny We Make ; n a= : British Army . "Phone 980, is] [CEMENT BLOCKS, SILLS, LIN. t to . § APE, { orcs «3 of TLR a COCKS. RE on on Window Display > # London, Nov. 5i-----Maj-Gen. Robt. i 14 i 338 Kin 5 St. TELS, PIER y BLOCKS, BRICK, 4 @| George . Kekowich, who. defended v wewsswee | Open from 7.30 a.m. to 12 p.m YASES, * f) Make Hallowe'en bright and gay for Bod Kimberly agaiust the asganits the ; === - , : : che children by ordering a supply of fore Boers in the last Beer a a of the, The death' is announced in Tn! Breakfast from 7.20 to ! fd he Yeraut Nuts, Soow Apples, Candies, Oranges in t! macent. had just been recalled te. the col Tom Gallon, the. English novelist | IilIners from 11.30 fo 2 nD "as ¥ £0 Crapos or Beuanas from J Surge Catarrh and Hai Bk Fevers orn {md a high position. in: Berl Kit aud dramatist. He was bon in | AL a Tea fror 2 +5 4; [OFFICE ir RTS NPY A soltitnten. . All duatoe ts chener's ROW ATINY, died suddenly 1566. 5 a oa fi Nr { Wak, Car, aries and Pd BB J.B. B GAGE BBR, fits dey ot is bow in Divedohire, + "Worm Syrup" 0 Glows, SUPPER RG DVIS hn be a agen

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