Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Nov 1914, p. 6

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SHIPS A Lt baste eas DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1914. TyYeeee + t Ends , Hi Dry, Hoarse or Quickly , A Simple, Home-Mad, Inexpenalv. ut anomaly, Elna t IB | CB ESTATE| - For Sale EEE . Frame house on James with improvements, stabling, goed house ble for a carter, with 00 to invest. "Cement block house om Raglan Road, $1950.00, "Double house on Stanley improvements, renting $18.00 per month. $200, eree vl + : +> The prompt and pe by this pleasant tasti cough syrup has caused more homes th ng it to be used in | m: than anv other remedy. It fhe almost instant relief and will usual- y overcome the average eough in 2 hours. Get 234 ounces Pinex (50 cents worth) from any drag store, pour it into a 16- ounce bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup, This makes 14 ounces--a family Pe fd ld the most ef- fective cough remedy at a cost of only 54 cents or less. You couldn't buy as much joady-made Sough medicine for $2.50. asily nrepared and never ils, - Ful dire tions with Pinex. spoils. - Full The promptness, certainty with which th bad cough, remarkable, hoarse or tig soothes a pai a persistent, mation of ph! chinl tubes, hacking. Pinex is a highly pound of genuine Norway pine extract rich in guaiacol, and is. famous the world over for its splendid effect in bronchitis whooping cough, bronchial asthma and winer coughs. . To avoid disappointment in making this, ask vour druggist for "21% ounces Pinex," and don't accept anvthing else, A guarantee of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goes with this preparation, - The Pinex. Co, Toronto, $ and ease 18 Pinex Syrup overcomes a chest or throat cold is truly It quickly loosens a Jry ht eough and heals and nful cough in a hurry. With loose cough it stops the for. gm in the throat and bron. thus ending the annoying concentrated com- E. J. COUS) NS | LAUNDERING DONE WITHOUT ACID. ni Save em abe iy reld We use noe acid whatever. A postcard will bring our boy te th: door. We appreciate the opportanit: te serve you. Best family washing, 40c to SSe CHONG BROS., LAUNDRY. 854 Princess St. ; a Specialty Prices Moderate "CTHE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GEN. "= TAS. ORICINAL AND ONLY GEN. Xn EThe Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. The best known Remsady for CoucHs, CoLbs, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Acts like a charm in DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Effactuslly ents short al' attacks of STASMS. Checks and arrests those too often fatal discases-- FEVER, CROUP and AGUE. The only palliative ia NEURALGIA, GOUT, RHEUMATISM. Chlorodyne is a liguid taken in dvops, graduated according to the matady It invariably [tives awn of whatever kind : creates a calm refres sleep _ allays irritation of # nervous system when all other remedies #0 bad effects: and can be taken when no other medicine can be foleraied. CONVINCING MEDICAL TESTIMONY WITH EACH BOTTLE Sold by all Chemists Prices in Eagland ; . lk. 209, ale 48 INSIST ON HAVING Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. The immense success of this Remedy has given rise to many imitations. NB. ~E tle of vary. Soitls Sole Manufacturers: 1. T. DAVENPORT Lt LONDON, SLE o INH Hay, LO) MUSES ----------) To Increase Sales and Reduce Expense-- Telephone. Unseftled conditions should not discourage the efficient sales manager. His problém is to increase sales and reduce selling costs, and the long distance telephone helps solve the problem. A Many of your customers who are nervous about the outlook would be glad te have a talk with you. A suggestion from you.as to what to buy would be appreciated. This is the time to study ways and means of keeping things normal while reducing costs. The long distance telephone has helped many a business to solve this problem. Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station. The Bell Telephone Co. OF CANADA. 5 | ve results given home-made | fceton ar SOME ARE SUGGESTED. Honorary Coach Ripley, of the Hami ilton Tigers, Advices Against Ins terference, -- Notes on and Rugby. Ralph Ripley, honorary coach of the Hamilton Tigers, writes: Cana- dian football as 'it is played to-ghey owes much to Phrift Burnside and others who assisted him in changing the game from the heavy, holding, bruising style of play, in which one side would hold the ball indefinitely and spectators saw very little of the play. I know that at odd 'years the great players of the, eighties and nineties, such as Smellie, Senkler, "Curly'"" MeKay, Harvey, Pulford, Curtis, Wilson, Counsell, Gleason and others, executed plays that old timers speak of in glowing terms, but the games as we have it to-da; is so far superior in the minds of all that it is hardly a debatable question Can we not go further and still im prove the Canadian game? We all know that holding on line is not permitted, but it is done all the time by all teams, Of course, officials catch the offenders a few times and penalties are imposed, but if we adopted the American rule that "the side "in possession the ball cannot use their hands in the line of serimmage in keeping oft opposing players," and the opposing side be given permission to use their hands, would we not go = good way towards minimizing holding in the line? : yWe also find fn many of our games fhat linemen ire appointed, one from each of the opposing teams, and constant bickering often fol lows as to whether the stake is plac ad at the proper point. Would not ihe appointment of a head linesman nelp exceedingly to avoid such trou bles? : ; We also find that our umpire in- variably sees only ome side of the line of scrimmage. Could we not have two umpires or an umpire and , judge of play, one for each side of he line of scrimmage? I do wish that a number of. our eading football authorities would witness a good exhibition of the for vard pass used in the American tame. I am sure if they did so hey would recommend its adoption n our own Canadian game. Our rules, too, in the various as- ociations are slightly different Jould they not be welded into a unit? As to interference play, I cannot irge too strongly on our football au- horities to keep interference out of he Canadian game. It is a detri ment to the game. It places a sregler premium on weight and trength than on agility, makes ma- hines rather than thinkers, I can fer njp stronger proof of the elimin- ition nost e western colleges in Inited/ States have adopted portions f opeqn_play, and the great eastern olleges lof Yale, Harvard and Prin developing plays along the he Canadian open back-fleld the of iine of work. f---- » J Rugby Notes. In .the event of Calgary Tigers vinning the Alberta title from Ed- nonton the team will challenge Re zina for the western Canadu title SPORT REVIEW Good Sleep AMERICAN RUGBY RULES Hockey | : | interference play than that| the | I Good Health Exhausted Nerves Were Fully Restor- ed by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. When the nerve force expended in the day's work and in the act of living is not replenished by restful sleep at night you have cause to be alarmed, as physical bankruptcy stares you in the face. This letter directs you to the most satisfactory cure for sleep- lessness. | Mr. Dennis Mackin, Maxton, Sask., |writes:--"'I have just finished using {the sixth box of Dr, Chase's Nerve {Foad, and I must say that whea 1 commenced using it my nerves were {so bad that I could scarcely get an) sleep, I would lle in bed nearly al [night without sleep, and anyone Whe {has this troubled knows the misery of | sleepless nights. The Nerve Fooc {helped me from the start, and ha: {built up my nervous system wonder { fully." I now enjoy good, sound slee}. jand instead of feeling tired in the {morning I am strong and healthy sand well fitted for my daily work." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cent 8 box, 6 for $2.50; all dealers, or Ed { manson, Bates & Co., Limited, Tor onts, MANY. RUSSIAN WOMEN ~~ IN THE FIRING. LINE Don Male Attire and Fight Well-- One Woman Wounded Three Times. Loddon, Nov. 5--The correspondent of the Morning Petrograd Post 'The number of women coniing back wounded from the Russi front proves that the contigent adventurous females on the fighting lines is considerable. These women as a general rule cut their hair, as sume a 'soldier's uniform and get secretly, with the connivance of | friends, among the soldiers. Others | start alone on various pretexts, such as seeking injured relatives, and then don male attire when they reach the front, "A Cossack girl trooper, Helen | Choba by name, went with the full knowledge and permission of the! authorities, having long been dis tinguished as a horsewoman, swords woman and a markswoman. "Colonel Tomilobbskayas' daugh ter, who in male uniform on the| Augustowo front dintinguished her self as a scout Jeader, has been | wounded three times," of | GIVEN ADVANCEMENT. Eight Colonels Promoted To Be | Ma jor-Generals,, | London, Nov. 5.--It is afmeunced that the following eight colonels have been promoted to be major-gen crals as a reward for gallant con duct in the field: Sir David Henderson, Henry F. M Wilson, James A. L. Haldane, Hen- ry S. Horne, Frederick, D. V. Wing, Hubert de la P. Gough, Edward S.| Bulfin and Aylmer Hunter Watson Toronto News: Dr. Crawford vas at Kingston Saturday with varsity, and An nothing but ictory for the and White he McGill game Montreal Herald: That McGill will depend upon speed and trick plays to defeat Varsity on Saturday n what is likely to be the deciding same of the Intercollegiate series wds evidenced yesterday when number of new formations were troduced by Coach Shaughnessy. Toronto Mail-Empire: people interested in Intercollegiate athletics are of the opinion that this year will 'be the last season for the interference rule. McGill, thanks to Shaughnessy's knowledge f the American game, have master ed this interference to perfection, but Varsity are not very far behind them, and like from goalpost to goalpost. on see Blue a in Hockey Gossip. Frank Shaughnessy will assume harge of the Ottawa N.H.A,, after his football duties at ire completed. Harold McNamara, the Ontarios, has signed ireenwood, B.C., hockey this season. The Montreal of the formerly with he Cleghorns and Roberts. Even players declare it a reduced figure. There is a chance that the Nation- al Hockey association will open a week or two earlier than usual in order to finish up the schedule about March 1st, and thus allow the cham- pions sufficient time in which te go west to play the Pacific coast win- ners for the world's title and Stan- ley Cup. Portland, which has put a team in the Pacific coast Hotkey league, has one of the fir rinks on that cir- i eet long, 135 feet wide, and ¥ 16 miles of inch pipe was used in nel working athe floor spacé for the brine used to freeze th¢ water. Seating space has been provided for ovér 5,000 persons, General Sporting 'Ttems. In England troops have occupied the Aldershot, Portsmouth and York race courses and the no further racin Carpentier through the driving a Freach or not suffered any wounds yet. £080 Wrench boxers have bee or weunded. come safely war se He i Several n killed ' Property Qualifications Nov, fond 1 to ask the legis- reneil ha 2 vider t lature to amend the municipal 'act reducing property qualifications for municipal council candidates from $2,600 to $1,000, for leaseholders and from $1,200 to $600 for free- holders. e Some | McGill, are using it| team | McGill | club for| Wanderer manage- | ment has increased its $600 salary | limit to $800 in the cases of Hyland, | this is a cut over a year ago, and the | they won't come in| 13 | The president of France has be {of Honor nineteen British offi | l on | in | cers, and the Cross of the Chevalier 100 others for gallantry during | operations between August 21 a 30 | on | the {and vn Mohammedan Denounces Turkey London, Nov. b His highness: ' Aga Khan, who:is known as the piritual head of the Mohammedan: India, East Africa and Central | Asia, has sent a -cablegram fron london addressed to the Moslems i {India and other British | | | | g jrow that Turkey has joined hands | with Germany in the war. { He declares further that "Tur key had now lost her position the trustee of Islam. She has drawn | her sword in an unholy cause and | the duty of the Moslems to-day is tc remain loyal and faithful to their temporal and secular allegiance." a Kaiser Plans Great Empire. London, Nov. 5.--The Copenhag correspondent of the Evening News has sent in a despateh in which he says that a German sub ject who heard Emperor William on recent occasion when he addres sed his troops, quotes his majesty a follows: "We are now fighting for the life of Germany. They wish to kill Ger- | many but I say we will win--and we | must win--a new empire shall arise more splendid than the world ever saw--a new Roman-German empire, which shall rule the world and the world shall be happy." en Consuls May Visit Prisoners. Geneva, Nov. 5.--News has reach- ed here that Germany, in order to avoid sinster rumors, is giving ev- [CHILDREN'S AID WORK ANNUAL MEETING WAS HELD ON WEDNESDAY. William Wylie, the, New Inspector, Was Present -- The Work Accoms- plished During: the Yesr. The annual meeting of the Child: ren's Aid Society was held on Wed- nesday aiternoon in the city council chambers, Rev. Douglas Laing, the wegident, presided. William H, Wylie, the new inspector or the Children's Aid work, was in- troduced and called upon to give a short address. Mr. Wylie gave a iplendid account of the work which ie had been called upon to do dur- which he has been con- wcted with" Children's Aid, The in- pector's work, he said, is to inter orp with the homes of many who in aripws ways are neglectful of their hildren. At the same time the mat- er has to be taken quietly into con- ideration and the best plans de eloped , whereby both inspector and ymilies may work in co-operation to ccomplish the wants of both par- ies. Mr. Wylie also stated that the upport of the police is required to olp bring about the desired re sults. g Several reports were read and from ome of the following statistics will w seen the work that was carried on yr n'ne months of 1914. Prof. Alex. aird read this report and he com- pared the two years, 1913 and 1914 : " Number of children dealt with, 1,113 in:1913 and 476 in 1914; number of county families, 62 and 12: number of county children, 187 | Laing; iT. W | Rev | Wylie; | composed of Miss Muckleston, | W. L. Grant, Mrs. E. stowed the cross-.of an officer Legion | peg | latter dominions | 4 Jin which he expresses his deep sor | oe ery facility to the consuls of the United States and other neutral na- tions to visit the camps in which the | war prisoners arg interned. and 97: immigrant families,"41 and 15: immigrant children, 43 and 98: Roman Catholic children, 87 and 30: children made wards of society, 39 apd 21; placed in foster homes, 14 and 21; placed in industrial choeols, 5 and 8; police court attend- 3 and 131; warnings giv and 175; visits made 2,197 and 933 The election of officers Hongrary president, W. M.P.; president, Rev. 1st vice president, JW Mcintosh; 2nd vice president, Rev Savary; 3rd vice president Father A, J. Hanley; secretary John Fairlie; treasurer, George inspector, William H solicitor, G. M honorary physici Anglin, M,D.,, A. R. B D., B. C. MacCallum McCarthy; autitor resulted F. Nickle, Douglas Rev Rev KE Hague; honorary lacdonnell, K.C Ww. G liamson, M.D, W. A James Leslie 5 The council will be comprised of he officers and the following: Judge l.avell, the mayor; warden of Fron tenae, Rev. T. W. Savary, Rev. Prof A. Laird, D. A. Shaw, Rev. S. J. M Compton, Rev. J. W. Mcintosh, Rev Craig, T.'F. Harrison, J. W. Cor { Macpherson, Frederick Etherington, Mrs. D W. T. Connell, Mrs. W Mrs. E. J. Bidwell, Mrs Mrs F. Scott, Miss Id: Miss" Muckleston, Miss A Davidson, Miss Allan, Miss M Machar, Mi Connor, Archdeacor Dobbs, Mrs. E. Mowat. The foster home committee will be Mrs F. Scott, Mrs Wil XB. . Mrs. Grant, I". King, Ronan, F. Xing. The executive will be comprised of G. M. Macdonnell, K.C.,, Rev. 8" W savary, Rev. Prof. A. Laird, Fred Walsh. was proposed to change the lar day of meeting each month the first Tuesday instead of the irst Wednesday. A vote of thanks rge E. Hague and lie for the intere in the office cor former as [treas rr as secretary. ck It tenderer Rev. John st which they ned to them and , the was sede defodedededededodedeadededeodededededeodod TO EFFECT PEACE. Berne, Switzerland, Nov, 5-- Following the united demand for action on the part of the so- cialist members of parliament Dr, Arthur Hoffman yesterday announced that he w IH immedi- ately uhdertake to réach an agreement with all neutral powers for joint action and in- tervention in the interest of peace. be oo ole oe Sole oe oe fe ole le oe le | | | Serum to Prevent Gangrene' Paris, Nov. 5 A miscrobe caus ng gangrene to develop in bullet nd shrapnel wounds has been dis covered by Drs. James Scarlett and Georges Desjardins, of the Ameri can Ambulance service. Previously initial cultures were impure, leading to the belief of scientists that the disease was caus ed not by a single germ, but by » ombination of germs. After much research and experimentation on horses and guinea pigs, a single ba cillus has been discovered and isola ted and the serum is now being pre vared by Dr. Henri Weinberg, of the Pasteur Institute. The discovery i8 exvected in med! cal circles to have world-wide im nortance. The serum is being in jected into patients on the hattle field in the early stages of infection all al | obviating amputations and prevent | ing a great loss of life. i _-- | | It Grow Luxuriant and Beau- | tiful. , If you care for heavy hair, that glistens with beauty and is radiant with life; has an incomparable soft- jness and is fuffy and lustrous, try Danderine. x Just one application doubles diately dissolves dandruff; you cannot have nice, heavy, healthy hair if you have dan- druff. This-destructive scusf robs the 1 hair of its lustre its strength and its {very life, and if not overcome it pro- {duces a feverishuness and itching of the [say this was the best investment 5.--London | beauty of your hair, besides it imme- | ever made. every particle of | | everything else FOR DANDRUFF, FALLING HAIR OR | ICHY SCALP-25 CENT DANDERINE re 'will be Girls! Girls! Save Your Hair! Make (he scalp; the hair roots famish, loos- en and die; then the hair falls out fast. if your hairs has been neglected and is thin, faded, dry, scraggy or too oily, get a 25 cent bottle of Knowl- ton's Danderine at any drug.store or toilet counter; apply a little as dir- eoted and ten minutes after you will you We sincerely believe, regardless of advertised, that if you desire soft, lustrous, beautiful hair and 16ts of it--no dandruff--no itching scalp and no more falling hair--you must use Knowliton's Dan- derine. If eventually--why not now? - FURNITURE PARLOR, MUSIC AND CHINA CAB. INETS . | Musie Cabinets, $4.50, $6.50 and up {Paxior Subinets, $10.50 and wp, Wi Jina Cabinets, any finish, $12.50, SANBORN'S Lic = 1 ™ COFFEE SATISFIES. PacRedinonebtwepound tins only, CHASE & SANBORN MONTREAL. 149 dentre Tables, any finish, $1.50 and up. R. J. REID Undertaker, Phone 877 Lead 9, Cook's Cotton Root Compound: A safe, reliable regulating | medicine, Sold in_three des grees of strength--No. 1, $1; No. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per bor, Sold by all druggists, or sent ~epaid on receipt of ioe, Fre pamphlet, Address: THE COOK MEDICINE CO, TORONTO, ONT, (Formerly Windsar) mg AUTOMOBILES AND CARRIAGES | Phone 1177 | George W. Boyd, 89 Earl Street. 1GASTORIA For Infants and Children, Mothers Know That ion Cheer ontains neither 0; shine ner Miveral { NOT NARCOTI 583% 5 i SOND. Pro Pt edy for Conslipa- ur Stomach, Ihiarrhoes ynvulsions F: } s and LOSS OF SLEEP. N ERT o ner PERT A DO ab hte & THE Centaur COMPANY MONTRE2LANEW YORK Thirty Years ASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK SITY, ! 16 FRAT § 35 DosES 35 CENTS) Sanita Exact Copy of Wrapper. Astoria | Shoes for Men This season we are showing the strongest line of this fd- mous shoe for MEN that we ever had in stock. The newest styles leather and lasts are 'shown here. We want the man who is is having shoe troubles to see this line. 5.00 and $6.00 J. H. "SUTHERLAND & BRO | | | | THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES

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