SUNDAY SCHOOL WORK «AS TAKEN UP AT BIG CONVEN- TION IN KINGSTON. Excellent Reports and Inspiring Ad- dresses Given at Sessions on Wed- nesday ---- Leadership One of Most Rerions Propositions Met With. The great work of the Sunday echool, in-gll its branches, was un- der discussion at thie sessions of the Ontario Sunday School association in Sydenham Street Methodist church on Wednesday Thé meetings-were marked by ex- cellent reports and ingpiring addres- ses of the kind to stimulate the work ers and send them back to thelr charges better fitted for their work It was, indeed, a magnificent spec. ticle to see gathered together over four hundred people for the study of such important subjects. In the afternoon the first general ression was held and at night there was a grand rally at which the audi torium was filled with a very large number in the galleries. The afternoon session opened with a "Sweet Hour of Prayer," conducted by J. Ritchie Bell, of Montreal, su- perintendent of the Montreal Sailors Institute. Mr. Bell rendered a solo during the afternoon, and ably look ed after the musical part of the pro- gramme. The retiring presiden: B lez, of Wilsonville, was unable to present, but sent a message of preet ings to the delegates. William Hamilton, of Taronto. the new president, took up the reins of office, and after delivering a short, address on the progress of the a#- sociation had the different reports as outlined on the programme, rad All the reports had an encouraging | tone, and included the general execn tive, presented by Mr. Hamilton, chairman of the provincial executive committee; the elementary division and home department, by Miss Ber tha Laine, the superintendent; the | report of the treasurer, H. E. Irwin, | K.C., Toronto and the report of the general secretary, Rev. E. W. Hal penny Ne! S « u \ 8 | | | Reports Presented The general executive reported that the year had been one of un broken prosperity for the work, the committee not any time, having been HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Rev for any case of Catarrh that cann< cured hy Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo We, the under have known I. Cheney for the 16 years, and be- lieve him perfect} h norable in all Pusiness transactions and financiall ble to carry out any obligations made by his firm NATIONAL BANK OF CoM « ward it be P is taken inter Hall's Catarrh Cure ) upon the biood| nally, acting dire and mucous surfa Testimonials ment fre per bottle. Sold by Take Hall's Family pation, of a Price 76 cen all Druggis Pills for consti { 000, about _sixty per cent. are the system. | caused a single anxious moment, ex- cept as like others when the war broke out they may have borrowed a cloud or two "just to be in the fashion." The report of the general seecre-, tary and superintendents of depart- ments was divided into three seec- tins, administration, field work and :ducation. "We have not done waat we almed to do," read the report, 'Our policy has always been to re- rain fram reaching the unreached, a4. the expguse of the already held, or to use the secretary's own words,' "what we have we hold.' . Some or- janizations have lapsed, but gains :ave been made by organizing eight ew counties." The field had been served more com- pletely than ever by the introduction of additional men. Thirty-three con: entions in June were attinded by | oxtra help. "From the, Chicago convention re- | wort the association has less sne-hali the total Canadian schools, mt 107,851 mbre than one-half the stivolment. The budget -is 312,000, | and we employ six on full time and three ' or four part time for special | onvention work. The remainder of nada has a budget totalling $25, WO, and employs twelve on full time ind six on part time. i "We are hindered by the limit of | uitable time for convention work. Inly about six months of the year = aceeptable, during which time de- | mands 'for conventions help .is dis | tressing. Eighty-two counties have | held councils or conventibps this | car, five others are organized but fidn't hold annual meetings; twelve | ira dead, making ninely-nine in all. ! The elementary and home depart- | ments have beem in charge of Mise | Jertha Laine. | ) The number of in the province has increased from 1,071 to | 1.344, and the membership from 29.- } to 37,303, a gain of 7,590, In. his report on the secondary and | 1 { i f } | i cradle rolls 718 adult division, Mr. Orwig reported that 1,716 adult Bible classes have heen organized and registered to date. The enrollment of these exceeds 42,- wor Fifty-one per cent. of the clase "mi%ed," thirty-three per cent. men's men. are women and sixteen per cent. classes. A feature of the adult Bible class work during the past year has been an effort to link up the adult classes to the teen age work of a com- munity In churches thirty-three men met cently to form their first men's adult Bible class, in order thaf the ' men of the church, through the Bible class, might be actively connected with the town-wide plan of work for boys. In the missionary and temperance departments very much has been: done he other influences and organization», a+ well as definite and progressive ef- forts in divisional work. The tem- porance superintendent has kept: in ery close touch with the county tem perance superintendents. In the'teacher training work there increased interest, as there is an THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA INCORPORATED 1869 Capital Paid Up Reserve Funds Total Assets COLLECTIONS ! faving 3 Vest Indies, $11,560,000 13,575,000 180,000,000 70 Branches threughout Canada and the Bank possesses unrivalled facilities Ni this for handling collections with economy and despatch. LONDON, Ena., OFFICE, SARK ALPas.. PRINCES STREET, T.C. KINGSTON BRANCH, NEW YORK AGENCY, COA. WILLIAM A CEDAR STAETTTS E. E. NEWMAN, Manager. ngste Highest Quality, Halliday's Electric Shop Phone 94 n Lam Ps Lowest Prices. 345 King St. I firs aut t gives us pleasure to be t in presenting these horitative styles and fancies, in Early Winter Footwear Style, Price Quality are sati are of 8 the three essentials of sfactory footwear. They embodied in every pair hoes we sell. Dancing pumps and party slippers in all the popular materials. than | i {015,381 ia ifrom the pulpits announcement was {every member of the Sunds {a member of the church." ferred to the work of the icague as one of the Gananaque | ro- | Raptist [thee | "The ii! would sav. however, that i| themselves. had no return of this annoying ail- ment." THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. THURSD. which for also in the heme department, is nevertheless : . painfully slow such a province. The report of the treasurer showed a satisfactory condition of finances. | Following up his report Mr-Or-| wig stated that provision must be made in the Sunday school for the téen-aged children. Teen-aged boys! he said, were often pushed into the | adult classes with older people and (It was not fair to them This was surely a way of driving them out of the school A different class must be provided for the older boy and girl. The speaker alse stated that' the cry of the province was for train-' ed leadership for Sunday schoo! work An interesting { by the secretary | { statement made { showed that 'in On- tario there are 86 Sunday schools with 54,497 officers and teachers fand a total enrollment of 615, 741. In North America there are 10,789 schools, with 91,508 officers and teachers and an enrollment of 1,- The afternoon session was brought to a close with an address by John L. Alexander, of Chicago, who svoke on "The Teen Age Field," which he referred 10 as 'the weak joint of the harness of the Sunday school.' In fhe olden days he declared that the Sunday school was regarded as place only for the children, and meade for the pArents to see that the children attended the school. Now, the slogan was "every member the church in the Sunday. school, and ¥ school | of The Bvening Session Three most stimulating addresce were delivered at the Wednesday ev ening meeting President Hamilton | presided,and he'called upon Rev. Dr Ryckman to offer prayer. The choir! gallery was filled for the occasion, | made up of the members of different churches in the and Mr. Beil ld in the singine, favoring with a fine solo during the evening. Rev, 8. D. Dinnick, Toronto, perintendent of the Pocket Tesia- ment Legge of Canada spoke "Creating the Habit," and his ad- was a forceful one re city, sn- | drapes He : | which tend- i | an organized novement ed to cultivate the reading of God's yord every day how they got the habit the | dally newspapers and women would tell how they looked for adv ments regarding bargains | Binres The teacher who had no time to | read the Bible should not be a t The reading of the Bible » { the means of building up the boy o {int with the power of tance The boy or girl conl] say "'ves" | "no" when the opportunity present-| ed itself Peonle knew of reading | | | | i | | cher, ye! i ri res and | the 1 work of were 'tpries regarding the leagne, and his remarks jened to with great interest "Meeting the Need of the Child," vas the title of an addres el by Mrs. Leyda, of Chica. it was 8 woset helnful one trrchers Qf children's classe gave the children a place in ihe vor And the Sunday schooi must glve them a place tog. Wa most) thach them from what wo knyx anil feel. We must know their nature and ambition, know t} 1 Meme 1ite and in thelr tint might thineg add ece-tain "The highest service we ean der any tlittle child," added sneaker, "is to get him to love Cod Felp him to see God in everything Bring to the children God conscious ne Get them to see Him at all times." gs A wonderful opportunity nresented | w]i for the teaching of the little children. They were hungry for svm. prthy and information. That leadership is the most serious proposition to face'wis the omtstand- ing point in the address of Rev. P K. Davioot. M.A., Toronto, genersl secretary of Sundav schools for the board of Ontario snd Cus association in his address Adult and the Sundav Schoo He said there was great need of the training of the superintendents. Man- rare working ' in ignorance. lack Af knowledge and understanding. He conditions The adult and finding dehy or 8 Jesus we eliminate dy the | 88, on ware gptting better. the Svnday school were now : | The speaker said thgt work in 'tb Sanday school fF the means of keeping a persen voung, and referred to a teacher in Montreal who had fost celebrated his ninetv-first birth- dav, and was just as active ns al voung person. He had asked to he retired but the class would not ae rent his wesignntion. claiming thht he was not old enough to resign This men had heen teaching a elass for half a century. Notes Of The Convention. A large banner stretched across Relief at Once Cure Certain Conclusive Evidence That Dr. Chase's Ointment Cures Itching Piles. Nr. John G. McDonald, Pictou, N. B. writes:----'I used Dr. Chase's Ointment for itching piles, and found that the first application gave relief. | After using a few boxes of the oint- | ment I was completely cured, and can recommend it highly to all suf- ferers from this disease. You have my permission to use this letter foi the benefit of others." Mr. James M. Douglass, Superior Junction, Out., writes:--"For about six years 1 suffered from piles, and often could not work for two or three days at a time, so great was the suf- fering from pain and itehing. Doc tors treated me in vain, and I tried many treatments before I! came across Dr. Chase's Ointment. Two boxes of Dr. Chase's Ointment cured me, and for several months I have | | | } | { i There can be no doubt that Dr. Chase's Clntment is the most effec 'the church has the following | changing Miss BE | Belleville recited } Shaw { ware The speaker told man interestine |' worth about $8,000. i { fortably | new passenger terminal, Chicago--the { Overland Limited, | fastest { limited and the California Mail | ticulars on applieation [ pet {with tne day "service bttReen King- ston {The mew route is prowing very | la tive treatment obtalaable for every form al pile. "50 "ven Edmanson motto | for- | the of John R. Mott: "Oh, God, give us if our vision of life is vision of the jubgles." At the Wednesday afternoon session the president appointed a resolution committee. This committee will: pre- sent a report before the session clos es. The ladies of Brock street Metho- dist church had a busy time serving dinners: and. suppers to the delegates, Everyone was well pleased with the service. Upwards of two hundred del- egates had dinner Wednesday. ; F. H..Sproule, of Winchester, a former pastor of the Princess street Methodist church, is one of the dele: gates at the convention. There is a fine display of books and literature of all kinds relating te Sunday school work in the church parlors. Every Sunday school work- er should make an inspection of it. (Continued on Page 8.) PITH OF THE NEWS av. Condensed Items By Telegraphic and From Exchanges Lawrence Jakes, Merrickville, On was drowned about five miles from there while punting Monday afternoon. His body was seen float- Ing on the surface of the water and he evidently had fallen out of the boat. AY, NOVEMBER 5, 1914. We are showing a large r: women's patent button boots with WOMEN'S DRESSY BOOTS With Cloth Tops ange of different styles in w cloth tops, some with spool heels, some with Cuban heels: light and medium weight soles. Prices $5.00, $4.50 and $4.00 Shoe Repairing Engineer J. H. Shrapnell and Fire- in G. W. Kitley of Vancouver were Abernethy's killed in double-header freiclit wreck on the C, P. R,, nei HW miles from Vancouver. .iic: Harry Morter, Vancouver, is sing. Mrs. Martin, Murray Lake, Que. killed almost instantly by her little brother while she was having dinner. The Iad took up a .32 alibre rifle to play with, and evi- denily not knowing it was loaded, pulled the trigger and the shot en- i ister's eye. Turkey according to an official an- nouncement made in Berlin has pledged her word not to attempt an Islamiatic move in Libya, and there- fore there is no cause for Italian uneasiness regarding Tripoli ms was Social Event at Cataraqui. The Catariqui tea meeting in the Methodist church on Tuesday even- ing was a success. The church was crowded While the tables were Choke, organist of the church gave some piano solos Solos were given b* Mrs. George Gibson, Mrs. Walter Cooke and Dr J. W. Edwards. Miss Moorehouse, of Revs. G. I. Camp bell and H. EB. Curry and Mayor gave. addresses and Dr. Ed 1s, chairman of 'the meeting cal- led on visiting ministers Rev. Mr Edwards and Rev. C. D. Baldwin who spoke. Miss E. Cooke and Miss Fdwards accompanied the solo- The tea and the programme both greatly enjoyed were To Meet Finance Committee. On' Friday evening T. J Rigney, chairman of the Utilities Commissi will meet the Civic Finance committee to discuss with it the question of readjusting the present arrangements between the council and the commission: Phe chair man is of the ovinion that the com- ifgion is getting the short end of stick It supplies the city cor tration with water for all parips for $750 a vear--when it 4% The chairman olds\that the utilities are much for the services engineer, the city other officials at the city on, o } 0 1 re of icitor hall ca too the city and \ Warm Winter, lune weather prevails in California, the ideal wintering place, reached com- and conveniently by the Chicago and North Western railway Four splendid trains daily from the train Angeles Lim- Land of Sun- San Francisco to San Francisco; 'the Los ted, three days to chine; the : famous Rates, illustrated matier and par B. H. Ben 46 Yonge street, , gemeral agent, Ont oronto, Ottaw Comiort and convenience are among the important features connected June line popu Leave Kingston 11.25 a.m., ar Ottawa 4.50 pm. Leave Ot tawa 10 am. arrive Kingston 3.2 p.m. Uptown ticket office, corne Princess and Wellington "streets. Phone 1197 and Ottawa via Parham tion, and the new Lake Shore lar. rive Queen's Theological Alumni The twenty-third annual confer ence of Theological Alumni assoc lation of Queen's university, will be held from Nov. 8th to 13th. Amon; the speakers will be Chancellor Bow 8, of Victoria university, Toronte tev. Dr. R. Bruce, Tarlor, Montreal and Prof. James Cappon. The latte: ili deal with "The War With Ger many; ils Psychological - Aspect" The chancellor's lectureship will be given by Prof. A. L. Clark, whose subject will he "Modern Physica Science and its Achievements." 3 Arms For The Veterans. A letter was received on Wednesday by J. G. Evans, secretary of the Kingston Veterans' Association, from the militia department to the effect wt rifles and ammumition will be wiied to the veterans. These will be delivered by Thursday night and will be kept so that if necessary they may be used. a ¥ i ¥ & rn a Death Of An Infant The sympathy of a large circle of friends 'will be extended to Major and Mrs. 8. A. Thompson, of the Royal Military college, in death of their infant son, Ronald Sydney Hemsley, aged three months, whicl occurred on Tuesday, Tea And Sale. The Ladies' Aid Society of Queen's street church Will hold a tea and sale at the residence of Mrs. John Nicolle, 62 Rarrie sttett. om Wednes- day afterndon, Nov. '18th. : Week-End Chocolate Sale, b fin Folks Who be that Chin people are victime of mal-nutri- wmture has denfed them. <nown to the medical profession. Tak- narkable. age contains a guarantee of weight iu- aervous indigestion and general stom: its remarkab 08 to increase ore FINE FURS Pure Ice Cream Best in Kingston By Government Test Are necessary if there is any pretention to style. OUR FUR COLLEC- TION will be found to contain fashion's latest decree in coats, muffs, setts, For the furs you buy here will be exactly as represented and as ete. SUNKIST RAISINS * 1914 Goods Just Arrived Seeded and Seedless Insist on the Sunkist Brand GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, LIMITED. you expect. Fine furs, not fine names, are what we sell, CAMPBELL BROS. The Makers of Fine Furs ' DEEDS, MORTGAGES LEASES AGREEMENTS eo -- ISAAC ZACKS mm A OVERCOAT SEASON | We have a complete line of the best made overcoats in the city. All latest styles and pat _ terns in both -beys'-and men's. Prices away down. See our big bargains at $8, $10, $12, $15 and up. Also Sweater Coats, Under- wear, Socks, Mi Gloves, Hoots 'and Shoe The best values in the city. -- ------------------------ MEDICINE CABINETS AND BATHROOM MIRRORS. ° 271 PRINCESS ST. AND ALL KINDS OF Conveyancing and Municipal Forms RL TT ALT i ea if 3 hy 3 ¥ 4 3 0) White enamel with mirror in door with plate glass shelves. Lock and k K. F. Sam Hand Laundry Special attention to students, No acids used, no torn clothes. All work guaranteed. Cor. Montreal and Queen Sts. "Phone 960. Would Be Fat increase a Weight Ten Pounds or More | | | | A Physician's Advice. "I'd certainly give most anything to | able to'fat up a few pounds and stay | Such result past failure hin 10t man or woman, impossible, despite ia | tol, & condition which prevents the itty elements of food fram being tak- 'n up by the blood as they are when t powers of nutrition are normal ead of getting into the \blood, ail] he fat and flesh producing \elements | lay in the intestines until they pass rom the body as waste. To correct this condition and th pro- uce a healthy, normal amount of fat nutritive Jrocesses must be aryifi- lally supplied with the power which Fats can beit 'e accomplished by eating a Sargol tab} et with every m=al, Sargol is a scien- \ ific combination of six of the best trength-giving, fatproducing elements he n with meals, it mixes with the food nd turns the sugars and starches into h, ripe nourishment for the tissue d blood, and its rapid effect is re- Reported gains of from ten 0 twenty-five pounds in a single month re by no means infrequent. Yet its ction is perfectly natural and abso- | utely harmless. Sargol is sold by good ruggists everywhere and every pack- rease or money back. Caution --While Bargol has produced emarkable results In the treatment oi ch disorders, it should not, owing to flesh producing effec, by those who are not willins their weight ten pounds or \ T---------- COAL The kind yoo are looking is the lind we soll Scranton Coal is good co' and we pwaraster nL: nr mg Booth & Co. Foot of West Street. | chicken apart," declared way," declares every excessively successiully," is | band. "We ought to be able to i:andle i hook | Jou Intricate Mechanism. "I don't know how to take this the bride.' an' automobile the young hus Music and Parlor Cabinets, sliding trays, with or without mirrors, in Mahogany. Reid Quality, Reid Low Prices JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER Phone 147 : "Well, tackied said we Where's the Kansas City small job like this, of instructions ¥" rnal. | Ladies' Tailoring | . Department "Nov. 20d To Nov.7th 20% Discount Off All Lad- ies" Suits and Ulsters Satisfaction Guaranteed = a. N Crawford & Wal Princess