Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Nov 1914, p. 3

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To the Land of Sunshine end Summer Days. California, Florida, * Louisana. be! Limited trains leave Kingston daily, | «making direct connections at Mont real, Detroit and Bubalo for the | i | Southern States, and at Chicago for! California, ete. Those contemplating a trip of any | nature should consult or write me and 4 will be pleased to quote rates, ar range Peservations and attend to all details in connection with your trip For full particulars apply J. FP HANLEY, Ralirond and Steamship Ax. ent, cor. Johnson mud Ontario Sis. TITR ol SL ALAS ws of y Lan TER DAYS SUNSHINE. A s Florida, Califor Louisl Limited trains le making direct cons and Buffalo for the and. at Chicago for California, e ose contempla Z a trip of far: should co wadian Ticket Age nia, | =. | ellie | Pleat in conpection write M. G. I ger agent, urn King Streets, Toronto. Particulars regarding Rail Ocean tickets from F. CONWAY P.A., City Ticket Office, C . cess and Wellington Sts. Phone CANADIAN SERVICE Sailing dates will be announced when arranged. | For Information apply to ticket agent, of The Robert Ref Co., Limited, general agents, | Stroet East, Toronto. Royal Line Steamships combine the finer features of club or hotel. A ship » matron personally attends women travelling alone. Haodsomely illostrated book- letr--wrie to 52 King Su East, Toputor Ont Notice Is hereby given that Agnes Gravelle. of the Village of Portsmo in the Province of Ontario, will 3 to the ParHament of OC next session, for a Bill of 1 her husband, Thomas whose residence is at the at Calgary, In the province of Alber on the ground of adultery and de tion. Dated at Ottawa August, A.D, 1914 this 22nd day otf "Otta Solicitor for the Ap BUILDERS ! Have You Tried GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? It Saves Time. P. WALSH, | FOR QUICK Lutes | Crosse | & Blackwell's' | » 1 Potted Ham and Ohickesn Mushroom Catsap Mushrooms in Gravy D. COUPER Phone 7¢ B41-8 Princess St. | { Chinchillas, will be the most We Do Not "AOD YOU UP" in Prices as a rE act : Us Implicitly! Try DAVID EALL Gas oe oss, | Hi | minutes; | t | ; | Ford size, 30x3 1-4 inch. Guaranteed 3500 miles, Gasoline 20¢ per gal. Il Bibby's Garage | Phone 201. Garage 917 | 17s Free Your Skin of Hair or Fuzz (Boudair ile table nal pack hair with- latone, or i be quickty tl To remove into a nd wate hairs, skin about off and the found enough "of the cover the ob should be left « Buy these at Best's § Drug Store and save money, ' Hair Brushes Combs, Razors," Soaps, Lotions, Leath- er. Travelling Rolls, Purses, Bill Folds, Ete., Small Pocket § Cigarette Foot § Powders, Writing Paper Port. § folios. All your wants prompt- ly supplied at Best's The Satisfactory Druggists, dnd Opticians t Open Sundays 1.30 to 5, 6.30 § to 9, H and Combs, Cases, i It 1s ----} Nothing but prafse from every man that has worn a | {Fashion Craft or 20th Cen- {tury Overcoat. Opinion divided in regard fo me rit.of suits but a unan- imous verdict in favor of our | coats. There is absolutely! no comparison between our coats and the tailor made. This is not our veérdict--the tailors themselves tell us so. The styles cannot be sur- | passed. The short, feolars, are just the thing. Materials, grey and blue worn. will The prices desiring thi any customer ibest,, $18, $20, $22 and $25. i Other lines not quite &s good at $12 and #15. E. P. JENKIN Clothing Co. form fitting | {coats with special lapels and | satisfy ¢ 'Mmisery--indigestion, foul gases, bad MOST PATRIOTIC TO ALL. KINGSTON EXAMPLE Family Seems to Have Some at the Front or Going With Next Contingent. -- Retail Shops Ap- pear to be Busy. al of Commerce For a place obably has ore soldi Montreal of Ms size Kingston at the present time | illing and preparing | s than ~any other s are full of men in uni- , and everywhere the people are ng of war, The impress & recent visitor to the Limes » Was that everyone had some re- ion or friend already at the fr zoing with the next antige the sireet cars one continual ly "Have you heard from so "No! but I expect to seé shortly as I am going 10* the with the next contingent." ke 1 many families there are broth- who are going to the front in mtingents, that is to say if there were three brothers, one went with > Hirst contingent, another is going the second and another w 'h third ict that. Kingston has been "eof the draining for officers lets has always made the most military one. As well fantry regiments which have Fb en recruiting for overseas, service Jes al Canadian Horse Artillery ting its full complement f men although it is not thought that these will be sent to the front ye. | The university of Toronto played Queen's on Saturday in a very citing football game but the remark part about the match was, tha. both before the match and after- ards, as well as during the time | b tween periods the subject of con virsation was the war The same | sulject was aggrly thrashed out by | the ting coliegians in the corr Frontenac Hotel, where Varsity boys put up, and most of the football players talked of don 1g a more serious uniform, 8000 13 their college studies ver in the spring. The usual activities adets of the Royal Military Colles oth in af etics are entirely absent this | year Many of the cadets have : | ! ready gone to the front, and those | remaining are too busy studying tof get their commissions to bother mitich about football and other sim fo lar games. Bh Many have already gone to ti { front, and there is not one now studying who does not expe to | to see active service before the war | is over. i The people in Kingston seem |! have plenty of money or may ! is because they"are very patriotic gi 'ie retail shops were crowded o Saturday afternoon with busy shop j =f fa | 2 [the able vis | | e he | were | 00s amongst the | pe | pers, and one would hardly bélieve that hard times' stories had reached the city. Another fact that would strike the isiior to Kingston would be th mparative scarcity of out-of-work and tramps. ~ Although statistics of the Kingstop police departmen { might point to the fact that there are more unemployed in. the city | | than usual, Certainly they are not much in evidence, A healthy look- ing man begging for a meal or a night's lodging would meet "with lit [tle sympathy and wild probably. be told by the first patriotic citizen he met to go to, the first recruiting offi ¢e and enlist, and he would get food, clothing and a place which sleep. to not evs 1 r a man | who war t f: , list for overse Canadia now for thr dian P« Engli: hme: ing adian tr Plain Carry | is novel to tl! capable of being is slung acr ther case. weighing about | consequently | 16 The in the centre gun barrel c: i thus serves bi § a shield to the soldie r ches All the spades } »d to heavy fire | them practically bullet-proo | a distance of 200 yards, heavy | ritien only cracks the shields does not Perera e them COSTIVE BOWELS HEADACHE, COLDS FAKECASCARETS Bad i oe 4 the is At | and | Headache, Sour Stomach, Cold or Constipation by morning. { (Get a 10-cent box now. i Furred Tongue, Bad Colds, Indi- gestion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Headaches come from a torpid liver and clogged bowels, ' which cause your stomach to become filled with undigested food, which sours and ferments like garbage in a swill bar- res That's the first step to untold | Na + breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that is herrible and nans- eating. A Cascaret to-night will give your constipated bowels a thor- (ough cleansing. and straighten you {out by morning. They work while [you sleep--a 10-fent box from your | druggist will keep you feeling good «for months. Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then to keep their stomach, liver and ('bowels regulated, and never know 'a miserable mément. Don't forget the - children---~their little insides need a good, geatle cleansing, 100, ° who is fo 1 ¢ Englishman I C | mission in |"¥agland A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. No Microbe Thas Zab-Bak Does Not Kin, An eminent scientist, 'the other day, gave his opiniom that the most won- derful discovery of. recent years was the discovery of Zpm-Buk. Just think | As soon as a single thin lay- er of Zam-Buk is 'applied to a wound or a sore such.injury is insured a- gainst blood poison! Not one spe cies of microbe has been found that Zam-Buk does not kill ! Phen again. As soon as Zam- -Buk applied to a sore, or a cut, orto skin disease, it stops the smarting. That is why children are' such friends of Zam Buk. They eare. nothing for the science of the thing. All = they know is that Zam-Buk stops their pain, Mothe rs should never forget this. Again Ass 'soon as Zam-Buk is ap- plied to a wound or to a diseased part, "the cells beneath the skin's sur- face are so stimulated that new healthy tissue is quickly formed. This forming of fresh healthy tissue from below is Zam-Buk's secret of healing. ' The tissue thus formed iv worked up to the surface and liter ally 'casts off the diseased tissue above it. This is why, Zam-Buk cures arg permanent. - Only the other day Mr. Marsh, J0I Delorimier avenue, Montreal, call od upon the Zam-Buk Co. and tnd them that for over twenty-five years { ie had heen a martyr to eczema His hands were at one time so cov ered with sores that he had to sleep Four years ago Zom-Buk was introduced to him and in a fow months it cured him. To-day three years after his "eure of a ease he thad for twenty-five' years is still cured, and has had no return of the eczema ! guists sell Zam-Buk will send free trial this advertisement pay un-Buk LEA REINE KABO NEMO FROLASIT and 8 Ya CORSETS rect. Designs are less. of gloves trace [ any All dv )OX, Or we box send 1 stamp \ddress vou and return (to y PRICES JUMP 2,000 Pass Inspection Since War Opened. Nov No less than 22, horse passed inspec in Toronto the opening of the war and | 1 forwarded to Atlantic terminal transportatiox 0 the frond The purchase of I in the present ar i 1 ins. Bath Grea > plan to buy fr v and the United ear ruture P t of w 1arket on market values United States prices have $15 to $20 each. In Canada ffect will ultimately be the same 10ughi horses for other than army HORSE in Toronto Torento, 000 army have used 10t over by Britain anc sly from Can States in the ar demands or In the advanced the fect Pest? ( Correct Corselry | Our showing of AMERICAN LADY comprises all that is cor- materials of the best and the workmanship is flaw- Why not wear corsets that have proven to be the JUST ARRIVED New French and English GLOVES From the world's most celebrated man- ufacturers of fine A guarantee new, gloves. with every pair sold over our counter. SPECIAL SELLING AGENTS Dent's English Gloves For men, women and children CHARLES PERRIN & CIE. PERRIN FRERES ; REYNIER Real French Kid Gloves at $1.00, $1.25 $1.50 EMPRESS KID "Special make' in white, tan and black, all sizes. Price 76c¢. WHITE DOESKIN Two special makes at $1.00 and $1.25 ( BLACK KID GLOVES ) We specialize in Black French and English gloves at 75¢, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 f- 81.85 mia STEACY'S purposes are finding a very limited ale, « Taking $175 as the average 1e cost of these mounts to the overnments has already been 50,000, price twi $3, WOMAN COULD HARDLY Yin < Because of +1 ATerrible Back. ache. Relieved by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound. Philadelphia, Pa.-- '1 suffered from displacement and inflammation, and had such pains in my sides, and terrible backache so that I could 'hardly stand. I took six bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, and now 1 can do any amount of work, sleep good, eat good, KAISER'S LATEST ORDER "Skin the Fellows Wherever Yo Meet Them." Rotterdam, Nov. H--One of the atest orders of the kaiser is indica tive: ali ke of his anger and disap poiptment at the holding back of hi ules. According to the Vossische Zoltung, the kaiser recently visitec his troops in the north of France. "When he got out of his car,' writes one of the soldiers, "he greet ed everybody with the words, 'Gooc day, comrades," and we' cheered hh eply. Then he gave a short ad dress, praising us for our bravery and finished up with the words Skin the fellows whereger you mee them.' Then we quicRly cheerec in and the great moment wa passed." I recommend Lia E. Pinkham's. Vegetable Compound to every suffering womam. "'-- Mrs. HARRY FISHER, 1642 Juniata Street, Philadel- phia;, Pa. Another Woman's Cage: Providence, R. I.-- "I cannot speak too highly of your Vegetable Compound as it has done wonders for me and 1 would not be without it. I had a dis- placement, bearing down, and backache, until I could hardly stand and was thor oughly run down when I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It helped me and I am in the best of health at present. I J York in a factory all day long besides doing my housewo: % 80 you can sge what it has done for me. I give yo Jouprnisy rmisgion to publish my name and 1 of Jour Ve, eiale mpound to Of my fri rs. ABRIL LAaw- SON,'128 Lippitt St., Provo R.L Danger Signals to Women are what one physician called backache, 'headache, nervousness, and the blues. ------------ FOR ROYAL COMMISSION, Mass of Information Being Forward ed To London. tawa, Nov. § The trade and ommerce department has collectec mags of statistical information or inada's neutral resources, indus and commerce, and is forward to the Dominions' Royal com London. Although the of the commission in Canad: abruptly on the outbreak of the work of investigatio: stopped and a good deal o which was prepared for sentacion at the commission's sit : here, such as papers on various ete, is being. forwarded t« ries ing it sittings ended war, 48 not vidence uhbjec EMBARGO IS ENLARGED. Foot And Mouth Disease Found Now and don't have | in Hlinois and Pennsylvania. Ottawa; Nov, ~ 4.----The embarge against the importation of cattle fodder, straw, etc, from Michigar and Indiana, on account of the out break of foot and mouth disease in these two states last month, has been enlarged to include the states of II linois and Pennsylvania, the disease having spread to certain localities ir these states. A Pittsburg Presentation. A few farmers from the Front Road met at the home of Mrs. Sib bit and presented her son, John, with & handsome easy chair as a smal token of the very high esteen ih which he is neld in the district. The occasion of his marriage was though to be a fitting time for expres- sions of good feeling. D. D, Rogers in a few well chosen remarks made the presentation, and Mr, Sibbit suitably replied "and thanked the subscribers for their handsome present, Afterwards a pleasant evening was spent. Stops Exportation Of Rice. Rome, Nov. 5~--One hupdred car loads of rice shipped to Gérmany via Switzerland, were stopped to-day on the frontier at Chiasso. The govern- ment does not allow the exportation of foodstuffs to belligerents since, owing to the extensive smuggling, rice and potatoes are being sent to Germany, where they are used as substitutes for bread. Tr -- White Rose flour, put wp in 64, 49, U8 Ib. packages, at pi 1 In many cases they are symptoms of some female derangement or an inflam- matory, ulcerative éundition, whicii may be overcome by taking I E. Jink- ham'sVegetable Compound. Thous. yds of American women willingly testify to its virtue, LONDON DIRECTORY (Published Annually) nables traders throughout the World 0 communicate direct with English MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS n each class of Bes! being « complete commercial guide ie ne nd i suburbs the Directory contains ists of EXPORT MERCHANTS vith the goods they ship, and the Co- onial and Foreign Markets they sup- sds STEAMSHIP LINES rranged under the Ports to which they a A and Indicating the approximate allings; « PROVINCIAL TRADE NOTIORS : t leagin Man facturers Metehants, ste, In the princéipal provincial and industriel centres of the United ngdom. A copy of the current edition will be 'orwarded freight paid, on receipt or *ostal Order os La Dealers seeking Agencies can sdver- ise their trade cards for 88 or larger ulvertisements from S18. rHZ LONDON DIRECTORY 00. LTD. HE, Do urch Lane, Leadon, be made, both erted and up- Headquarters for-the best mantles the famous Laddite and W elsbaeh, inv right, 10¢, 15¢ and 25c. Agent for the famous Solar Are Lamp, $12.00 Kingston homes bef itifully lighted with Sa light and fixtures. H. W. Newman Electric Co. Phone 441. 79 Princess Street Thomas Copley] Telephone 987 Drop a card to 13 Plne street when wanting anything done in the carpen Estimates given on all kinds repairs and new: Ww T also hard: wood floors of all kin@s. All orders will recelve prompt attention Shop 10 Quean Street. Memory, HceX per box, six or $8. Fling. k Hien ll ew Bod 4 sh ruggists' or/thai on 1 ae © ee. New oaphd mailed THE Wooo MEDICINE ©0., TORONTO, ONT. . (Fermerly Windsor) i BRING YOUR CAR HERE rites. Our mechanics are all first class and stand A.l in their trad. No repair too small or too big for us to handle. We alse have here AN UP-TO-DATE GARAGE Where you ean 'keep your enr fu perfect confidence and where you will receive courteous treatment at anil times. Our terms are very moderate. PORRITT GARAGE CO Accessories AL TOMOBILES 210-212 Welling ton St, Telephone 454 » Agent for CADILLAC and REO CARS i ., Limited Repairs Kingstom, Ont. ntact sansa Children's Shoes "A SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK y Children's Shoes, button or laced, light or med. ium heavy soles $1.25 Maker's name on every NNINGS Street.

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