THE DAILY BRITISH WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1914. ALL ARR COMFORTABLE. > OF RTL CR ed Drilling. mm J KEYNOTE OF AN ADDRESS BY There aré now 1,010 men and of- ficers of the 21st battalion quartered ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. MRS. H.M. LEYDA, CHICAGO. : in the two barracks. The right : Bride's Father Performed the Cere- half of the battalion is quartered in|At Meeting of Elementary Division mony -- The Sibbit-Walsh Wed- | the lately ovated stables of Artil-| of Ontario Sunday School Conven- dig Also Solemmised on Wednes: {1613 Park ind the left half 1a the tion Wednesday Morning -- Chil- cereal building. dren Carry Good, Thoughts -y, The Fight Balt drill in Artillery qt C7 - On Wednesday morning ' at half| park and were hard at work, going : ro past ten o'clock a pretty home wed-|through the different drills under ding wag, solemnized at Brock Street] their officers on Wednesday. A Meth. parsonage, when, Ruthjfompanies were marched to the ar- Arming pT ft the Reverend] mouries at two o'clock and uniforms. 'John ajid Mrs. Webster was united inj Were issued by C. O. C. officers. | mabriage to son of Mari Sonnell Borat. F Ludlow has oe abpatuted ay School of Haikeybury, son of \Martin Connell, | Quarter- Serg ion, b . H. M. < of Spencerville. e ceremony,|8isting Con. A. McCully in giving out Shan. y Mss. xu Layda, 5 Rd . which took place in the drains the uniforms. There will be no ham street. Methodist church. | room, in the presence of the imm shortage of any of the supplies, and ate families was performed by the x Thursday it is expected that the sage ns father of the bride, who made a pretty] Whole battalion will be supplied. i Sraded . picture as she entered in her wedding] The left half of the battalion is al- forth ber facta ting speaker, a gown of Wory duchesse satin made on|80 very comfortable. The main for hold of jo. such a way as traine. The bodice was of union and}floor of the cereal building has been gap of ine audfemtee, and she was shadow lace, and the tulle veil was| made into a kitchen and the other [listened to with a great deal «of in- caught in the dark hair with afthree flats are dormitories. This | terest. The speaker is wrapped up | wreath of orange blossoms. Her only[is 2 splendid building for the pur-|in her work, and is one of the many ornament was the . groom's gift, a| pose as it is light," clean, and warm. {who are doing their thest to give the diamond and platinum pendant, and|Tiie men have orders to drill in the [children religious training .ini the Sun- the bridal bouquet was a shower of|ecricket field and were put through |day school. : roses. Her "something old" was a|their mangeuyres on the field on{ Mrs. Leyda pointed out the great pair of white satin slippers which had | Wednesday, amount of good the children derived been worn by her mother on her] The bath rooms in the Artillery {as a resusv uv: memory work--that of wedding day. Park barracks are complete #nd * - | memorizing words of scriplure, hymns Miss Louana Brown, of Winchester,} orders are that the first four days |and poems. made a charming bridesmaid in her}of the week he rooms may be used | "Everything a child learns in this gown of shell pink crepe de chenelby the men of A, B, C, and D,|way will stay with him through life," with flowered overskirt. She wore ajcompanies respectively. The other |said the speaker. "Have the child- becoming black picture hat and .car-frlays 'they will be used as required. {ren learn some of the very best ried an armful of pink carnations.| The bathreoms in the west end bar- | church hymns. I think there is real ET CT her gift from the Sfooi was ara racks are not quite Somplele yet hut joy in singing without a book some- A solitaire and to 1ss Daisy own, 4 gre ected to be: finished in a few ti uN in these i 3 : Who played the wedding music, he oe im ad then in of Re hymns a Now claim attention and we have a fine : collection, new, different, distinctive. MANY OF THE MAKES gave a pearl bar pin. Douglas): c ing reserved fors children get good t and these BETTER ONLY ONE OF A KIND Don't Miss Seeing Our Grand Line of Overcoats DY | conwmes wes mentary division in connection the Ontario Sunda, conven- Bennett, of Spencerville, was the', shetry jon. fog: the present.' thoughts h a hougits 5 grdomsmun dM g| the right half of the battalion using |through life. Use the Bible in this Mrs. Connell had received the com] ihe ee morming and the | work. \ Let the children write stories. gratulations of the uests, a delicious I Nat Es. 0 oun cannot be too small to do room at quartetee. tables, 'the bide' |yater, 40th, was appointed assistant | "The wheds of the Bible take such table being centred with the wedding Adiutant wi Jurther o Tete 2° hod ol a person," added the cake, surrounded by tulle and lilies of P gu room J © speaker. met a young minister on ont barracks will be used for pri-| a train one day who told me Ahat it the valley. : 3 The bridal pair left for a trip to]soners for the present. ! was 'different : passages of scripture he Florida, Mrs. Connell wearing A _ The orders of Wednesday said that had read which held him. All through of bottle green broadclth, over palefininoculation against typhoid ig volun-i}is jife he remembered what he had yellow ninon waist, and hat to cor-[tary but mo one would be o read." respond of green plush, for overseas service who would mot Mrs. Leyda also spoke on promo- Mrs. Webster, mother of the bride, | volunteer to be imnoculated. Hons, 3 her subject took in "Mem- wore black duchesse satin. ; ory Work and Promotions," and spoke Mrs. W. 8. H. Keefe's gown was of THE LATE D. J. GARBUTT, of. the great benefit to be es rose-colored satin. from havi annual promotion days. Miss Lillian Connell. sister of the| An Aged Citizen; Passed To Rest on | py -- a very a en groom, blue silk costume, black vel- Wednesday. at this ing, which was ably pre- vet hat, with osprey and French| At 6.30 o'clock on Wednesday morn- [sided over by Miss Bertha Laine, flowers. ing death called away one rr f King- | superintendent of the provincial ele Mrs. W. T. Connell, dark green ston's old residents in the person of {mentary division. As the whole broadcloth suit, with waist of blue Daniel James Garbutt, son of the session was given over for work with grepe de chene and lace. Black vel-{ oto Rev. William Garbutt, formerly [the children Ht was most appropriate vet hat with gold cloth crown. of Millhaven. - The was born | that Miss Laine should have the meet- Mrs. John Connell, costume of pale ut. this latter place, but when a young'|ing opened with a children's he grey crepe de Thiene and crimson where and the delegates' joined very or | Black Silks For a particularly handsome correctly and skill- fully tailored overcoat from choice fabrics, in Ches- terfield, Balmacaan, button through, shawl collar, belted back, and the new ulster, see our showing at Fifteen Dollars JUST YOUR COAT IS HERE LIVINGSTON'S BROCE STREET A Little Out of the Var, Bu It Will Pay You To a C OME and choose what you wish ev- en if not ready to buy. : oman: came to Kingston, Black velvet hat with white vince resided.. Mr. Garbutt was sev-|in (he singing. After the' ani Laid- E could write a great deal about enty-five years of age. For mamny|Miss Laine called upon D. G. years he ran a locksmith business. |law, of Mingstom, for scripture read: Ww black silks in general, and our black silks'in particular, if space and shades. Black velvet hat with shaded [Dince last Febriiary he 'had been ining. our customers' patience permitted. feathers ill-health, owing to heart disease, Iwo other very interesting ad- Little Miss Sadie and 'Miss' Norah|which necessitated him retiring from |dresses were given during the morn- Lacking the one and not wishing to tax the other, we shall content ourselves by Connell wore white French dresses) business, ing. One by Mrs. E. W. Halpenny, saying that our black silks are, first of roses. plumes. Miss Ford, pale grey gown with trimmings of American beaut « i i Z The deceased was d& member of Sy-|'lvronto, on "The Deyelopment of a Da gunk and blue. Mrs. jdenham street 3 d is t church and | Junior Missionary Song," and one by L. T. Best, John Connell (Algon-|took wn active in all temperance | Miss Laine oh "Development of a quin), Fred Connell (Toronto), Dr. In he was a oon-|Frimary Temperance Song. NN. T.' Connell, Masters Webster i Both were of a very interesting Keefe and Ford Connell, Miss Ger- i by his membership «jRature and provided a bountiful sup- trude Hinton and Miss Vera Van-|0.F., the LO.F., Royal Orange Lodge | bly Of information for the teacn- luven. ' and Chosen Friends. In this latter ers. the decemsed was organizer of lodge after the addresses the meeting 120, which position he maintaiwed for [L00K the form of departmental con- ; i ferences when the Iollowing were Sibbit-Walsh Wedding. WALDRON"S Anticipate cold weather by preparing for it now. We are ready to supply all your wants at economical prices. Underwear For All The Family A very quiet wedding took place ny years. To mourn his loss there Wednesday morning at 10.30 o'clock To one deeghber, Miss Ida, residing at Sni-+ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas home, and one sister, Mrs. A. Lambert, Clergy street, when their est daughter of the late William Walsh. formerly of Accrington, Eng- Sibbit and. Mrs, -Sibbit, - of Kingston. The ceremony was performed by Rev. F. E. Pitts, BA, of Cornwall, under an artistically arranged arch of der, of Deseronto. avenue. \ ; ficiate, after which the remains 1 Le placed in the vault at Cataraqui go. . The fumer, il held Frida land, was married to John Sanderson he lun eal ay Sdoek, vite n Sibbit, eldest son of the late Edward ing held at the home, 300 Univessity will' oi- Rev. Alfred Brown ferns and white chrysanthemums, and | cemetery. the bride, who was unattended, was given away by Mr. Lambert. She wore her travelling suit of taupe and blue check cheviot, the coat opening over a white crepe de chene blouse with insets of silk fillet lace. A cos- tume hat of taupe and blue French nosegays was also worn. DEATH MRS. JOHN ihe Passed Away At Her Home on Wednesday. velvet] The death is anmounmeed of with blue ostrich feather mount and jokin roi -- . Ross Sibbit, of Guelph, a brother|® favorite with scores of friends. Sev- A . The late Mr. Gar sister; Miss Ehzabeth Walsh, young- Lutt's wife predeceased him three years a MARSHALL. Mrs discussed: Cradle Roll department, "The Cradle Roll Standard; Beginners Department "The Beginners Pro- gramme;"" Primary department, ""Or- ganization and Equipment; Juni- or department, "Plans tor Juuior Temperance Teaching." vuring the time the feetidg was on at Sydenham Street church, there , Was also a meeting of the second- ary division of the First Baptist church, and this meeting was well attended. Elmer G. Johnston, of Brockville, presided. The program- me included the following: "The Why and How of a Girls Organized Class," by Miss Violet G. Fleming, of Brampton; "'Graded Lessons in Principle and Practice," by E. D. Otter, Pembroke Y.M.C.A. Com- munity boys' work secretary and an address by John L. Alexander, su- es are fair to everyone concerned. BLACK DUCHESSE SILKS BLACK DUCHESSE SILKS BLACK DUCHESSE SILKS BLACK PAILETTE SILKS all, absolutely reliable in weave and dye. Secondly, they are the makes most in demand this season and that our prie- wedding oral weuks ago she was attacked with paralysis has gradually . grown buffet | worse until the end came on Wednes- bride's| day morning. The deceased was a table was centred by ' the wedding|daughter of the Inte Thomas Clyde, convention opened in Sydenham cake enwreathed with lilies of the|Cataraqui, and was married some Street church this afternoon. valley and simlax. twenty-five years ago to John Muars-| "=." Harrison was present at Mr. and Mrs. Sibbit left on the|hall, Who with two sons, Howargibnd | von the morning meetings and ex- noon train. to spend a couple of| Russel, survive. The late Mrs. tended a warm welcome to the de- weeks in points west. Marshall was a member of Sydenham The out-of-town guests were Rev.|street Methodist church, was active MEN' IBB AND PLAIN CASH- F. E. and Mrs. Pitts, of Cornwall;}in all goog works, and her home. was wo 8 k ED Miss M. A. Walsh. of Cobiourer Mr. 3 splendid ey of comfort atid hap- MERE HOSE, in very fine and heavy and Mrs. T. Clarence Chown, of She was devoted to her many Montreal; Miss Lucy Walsh, of Oak- frigods and these will deeply sym- weights, best English and Canadian 25, 35, 40 and 50c a pair of the groom, played the march. In the dining-room, where luncheon was served, the BLACK INDIA SILKS 49¢, 75¢, to $1.00 "BLACK TRIMMING SILKS Many makes from .. 50c to $1.00 And Other Makes. perintendent of the secondary di- vision of the International Sunday School association. The first general session of the The best makes are here, Penman's, Turn: bull's, Lenoard's, Zenith, and many others in all the wanted styles at special prices. legates. He expressed the hope that they would enjoy their stay in King- ston, and that the convention would Le a most profitable one. Mayor Shaw will deliver the offi- cial address of welcome at the Thursday 'morning session. ville, and Messrs. Ross and Graham pathize with those of the house Sibbit, of Guelph. X hold. . Brown-Beaumont. Paid For Window A pretty wedding was solemnized{ pn the police court on Wednesday, Crisp. in St. George's cathedral on Wednes-| grunk rir disorderly and = with $22 Carpenters day morning when Miss Elizabeth being drunk amd disorderly and tannery. May Beaumont, eldest daughter of | with breaking a window on Market Insist on White Rbge flour. $200--Rev. J. 0. Crisp and Mrs. working at Davis' GIRLS' STOCKINGS in plain cashmere and fine ribbs . . 25, 35, 40 and 50c a pair Mr. and Mrs. J. Beaumont, of Broad-|gireet Tuesday night. A fine of $5 stone, county of Dorset, England,|ang costs was imposed in each case. was united in wedlock to George H.} Another drunk was fined $1 and Brown, son of George Henry Brown. costs. ; rent of Bristol, England, The Sefembny as perfor v Rev.. Crozier Ma- bdo ole Received Many Names ! i the kind e, assisted oh Canon rout. nx - a x VY KICKER OSE, iy © e were 158 . R. D. Sutherland has receiv- BOYS HEA H , ; Jamieson. a2 brideemaid, and R. oR. Rech, of ex-officers Jon n, t , AS d o e "that wear like iron 25, 35, 40 and 50c pr. 9% 20" 7) commissioned officers and mes of the n. The bride was dressed in a gown of | reserve battalion. Hvery- J blue satin, with Rd good for a fine organi- zation. Patent Vamp, Kidnéy Heel, Light Weight Sole, Remembered Firemen. y Pointed Toe. 5 "The Portsmouth foun at its "WOOL SOCKS in black, tan and heath: er mixtures ...... 25, 35.and 50¢ & pair ' SWEATER COATS in all sizes and colors, a very large variety of this useful gar- ment. 8 3 Sl R Black cloth back, widths B,C, D . .. Also the same style in fawn back at ........ $400