Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Nov 1914, p. 7

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GRAND on To. Mh Te MATINEE S TURDAY AT 2.30 1appenings in the City and. Joa! perial 3 © -=aWhat the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Foot éasérs, - $1.50. Dutten's. § fade in Canad Cough Syrups." Pte. J. Joyce, the sick list, Once tried always used, in The Bunk of "oronto have been found by many to be a great convenience. The aceomits may be op- ened in the names of husband and wife, and éither may deposit or withdraw money. Interest is paid on these accounts twice a year FOR BALE. a Gace Bie) three Boise. Th three tim one week, § LOST. ' . A COPPER PW. OR, BUGLE AT Grand Opera House on Monday evening. Finder please return to Whig office. A T 14th regiment, is 'om Assets ... ...... $60,000,000 INCORPORATED Fire s Insuranes Now tnat the fall season Is once again with us, necessitating and furnaces, the danger from fire 1 Atarting' of steves the isk consequently Increases, 80 Wal it 18 esse ntial that, all property should be adequately covered If in need af any additiona I would appreciate the opportunity represent 'geveral strong tarift und GEORGE PHONR 1286. insurance or contemplating a change, of figuring on your requirements. | non. tari companies, BAWDEN 168 PRINCESH ST, Joi NOE. Who "Pays the Piper ?" Sion § thé Fire Waste ! It makes your rent higher, Increases Your taxes, and by raising the rent of your grocer and butcher, puts up the price of food. "You pay the insurance" When you bulld set n good exnmple for Brick building erected helpv to reduce frame building helps Incremse- lt, + Wark for eXtended, five Mndin brick at Nome, your mnelghhor, Insnrance rate. Every the Every Bulld with hrick and buy. your A. Neal, Kingston Brick Yard Phone 1396 FOR We have a new frame dwelling gontaining 9 air furnace, electrie lights, B. and that we will sell for .... SALE rooms, hot $2,500 J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 1.8 BROCK ST. JOHN DRIVER, Representative. PHONE 68 YOUR FAVORITE DENTIFRICE Can always be prucured from ns. Wem on a few of the many we keep in stock: Col- gate's, Nyal's, Sanitol, Euthy- mol, Zymole, Hutax, Pebeco, ete. HOAG'S DRUG STORE| Opposite Y. M. C. A. | Remodeled throughout One of Kingston's Best Everyone Should Try and Get a New ome for Themselves Why should you pay rent when you can save money by" paying rent on a new home of your own? Why not build a home of your own, For Sale Gramophones, Phonographs, Graf onolas, Columbia and Victor records Odeon and Jumbo records, Edison 2 mintite records, Blue Amberal re cords. Allen's Phone 252 118 Brock St Removal Notice I have removed my office to 60° Drocl: Street, next door Metealfe's meat store, opposite Henderson's. S. Roughton, Manager; the Mutnal Life As- surancéd. Co., of Canada. Phone 610, to _ {Bakery Remov: al Notice Mrs. J. J. Lackie Begs to announce tha( she has remov ed hér hakery to No. GU. Ockley's old stand, and wii ror business on Saturday, inst. With & full line of goods nnd a new the 0, for $1.50, Dutton's. topie. . { school Proek Stred) { White Rose Women's Fnglish bobts, regular £2. Witlintn Swhille, pigho tuner. Orders schived 'at 'MeAuley's. Phone 584. Revi W. FijuQerald ia to 'lecture in f'wénd on Thursday night on a war Cy Black sateen underskirts, 50c. Dut- ofi's: > #35¢. Tooth o's. 7 'Judge H. A. Lavell was in Catar-f qui' on Wednesday morning. Thef ew cases were settled. ¥25e. Cough' Syrap," lhe. HR, Cuntinghaw, piado tuner, ing street: Leave orders at uley's book store. "Beautiful bath sponges." Vy "Mike'" Rodden, - of Montreal, was n tha city on Tuesday He is dot v registered © student at MeGill, © "he aid, @nd' is going home to spend he winter. ! Pifants' on's. For everything on's. 'Teachérs irifien's theatre, Truséolt, Sydenham, Ke county good 'roads' eommittie, vas in the city om -Wednedday.* The od pli i mow in Portland town: hip and is running full time with15 men, "Mado Gibson's Neotel songs, on's: * Gordon Dadistér, of Terohto, dry suddenly | 4b Iroquois Falls Jet. 31st; leaving a' wife and viel to "motini. His wife wae verly' Miss Hazel Dempséy, who nany iriende 'Here "Beautiful bath sponges." Gibson's Queen's 11H. play Cotlegiate on the \thletl: ground: on Wednesday: «f- ernoon Both team have been waetising sfeadily and a good game s promise As the Royal Military ollege: team is not entered this year he winders on the round of to-day's mdi Saturday's game will go to To- 'onto. : "50. son'. Music! This week! only! Carrie Jacobs Bond's beautiful song, "God temembers When the World Forgets," Dutton's, opposite Griffien's thea- Paste, 15c." Gib- Gibson's. 21 Me- Foods' "fresh abt Gib- A maisic call Dat- Opposite in supplied. chairman of in Canada Cough Syrups.' 120 for &0c. Dut- died on little fare had Taleum Powder, 35c." Gib 15. tre. Thomas Derry, of ved. in -bingston, to be presenti at :l f his grandmother, Hurst, funeral norning Mr. Derry ton just two wmnual vacation Norfolk, Va. ar- Tuesday evening, funeral obseqh Mrs. (Capt.) 1 occurred this in King- ago on his whose was months al LARGE GLASS WINDOW Frontenae Children Cut. a~cidént was narrowly Wednesday morning at Frontenae 'school during the heavy wind storm that was raging. In he part second grade, of which Miss K. Elliott is teacher, one of the large plate glass windows blew out of its sash, and fell heavily into the room here two little girls! were sittin~. Both of them received injuries about the hands by bei | cut with the heavy glass which came | down with a foud crash, which was heard all over the school building. The class had to be later dismis- sed. Blew In At School--Two A serious verted' on THE PATRIOTIC FUND Will Provide For Widows Whose Sons Are Their Sole Support. The relief committee of the King- ton brangh of the, Canadian Pa- riptie fund. has received the folow- ng statement from ihe head office of the fund at Oitawa: "The federal government has now assed an order-in-council providing hot the separative allowance hith- rio only paid to the wives of sol tiers in the Canadian contingent be now granted te widows whose sons, seing their sole support have gone o the front. An arrangement has sen made with the department of militin and defence whereby a certi- ficate from a branch of the Canadian Patriotic fund. will be accepted as sufficient support of a widow's ap plieation." {The Fajcliating Coy yates" Thursday, + Fr Spdeint | Petco Daniel The Prisoner of Zenda City Hall Lecture |IN AID OF THE CANA. DIAN PATRIOTIC FUND Before the lecture Hy Mrs. Campbetl-Sapith. with the cause. from Canadien Clab members, 25¢. Any part of the hall. eral reservations. ATTENTION ! ! EX. MEMBERS th REGT roadway tx. A horus presenting Pomod + 1a HA Fronman Prenents Kingston's , Favorlte _ James K. Hackeit A Teamutic muaterplece' «and sdven A photo play fu four acts Heat Theatre he treat of the hemwon. No alvance in prices, of Fomighce Thursday, Nov. 5th H. B: es MP. | The British Navy G Vocal Music Mrs. Mulloy nd Mrs, Colenitm, and readings by Open to all who are in sympathy Tickets may be had at Uglow's or for No gen- wh on Flere ly PURE CLEAN FOOD IS ESSENTIAL TO GOOD HEALTH soy ABEL oni B jv iwln atthe cic ton Sins: Letitia GENERAL SERVANT, MUST HAVE WANTED--TWD WRN AN | INTELEIGENT PERSON mr AVE YOUNG CXPERIENCED WINDOW WE ai es smopnn ORDS J) BE har ey ar on BOVE 14 T6168 YIRARS OF AGE. AP curt fe: eng ot 139 Brack:# 1: MALD, 20 PLAIN. HOUSEWORK: no la POR, Apply Mrs, Youldan Ti Welling of i. ii ees. «aNo washing. Apply West. a i --------------, ity refere 176 Union St TO APPOIN Aents: salary: $20 weakly: wil pay mors sali ater, Lacoa in {sh Co, Ning ira Fate "Ontario MAN arn . $100 monthly earresponal or Afwivasis S$ HO _ rAnVAesTy end Cparticurss, Press Bynd! cate, 3,963. Lockport, NX Es . YOU ANY ARILITY AS A salesman? We have 4 proposition to 'make which wtil énable you u SArAUIMOLS TRONNY MIL von, 'r § " ent time. Cor Ripehaonte lity donfidential Address ta Manager, Box 47, King- ston. Ont. WEN WANTED TO PREPARE elo YP positions "Oy Cann dian eallways, Our cstudents re pete Lpesitivne imme iy. apor graduation and, $70 to $90 monthly g start" J Faitway pass ti sé¢hool- and destisation wher qualified Tuition fees he rite & particulars apRly. Dies. Telegraph = School 52 Ottawa. ED, for iham 4 kK Btreet, POBITION WA SMAKER Apply Hox DRE nuts Wark by the da : Wi * offite. -------------------------------- WANTED GENERAL ROOM AND pad vade famil oflics, CLEANING--PLACE YOUR orders at once and 'be sure of good work, We clean and put up storn windows. We employ only good reliable men Drop us. a "card Kingston Window Cleaning Co 349 Alfred St, City. WANTS good Wh OUNG MAN board with Apuly Box 1102; ENTLEMEN BRING THEIR cloth and have it made up Into up to-date sults. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. . Press ing and repairin done on. the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway 131 Brock street, near Bibby's Garage. SITUATIONS VACANT tion can make $2 their district: t Exper time accer Jdmited, Publishers, unnece Write Toronto WILL PAY YOU $120 1 bute eligiou liter community. . Sixty da perience required man Opportunity Spare time may be tional Bible Press, Ave, Toronto. not DRESSMAKING. BY THE Aberdeen RESSMANPR-SEWING day Miss Cosgoove, 9 St. Telephone 1488 UPROLSTERING. 70 LET C, three th 3, Suse the, STORAGE FOR FU ITURE, X71 clean and dry. McCune, 8 Brook street. + room, furnished. 24% Apply to ; Stuart St. ARP.Y, " ptm OFFICES IN CLAMKNGE 8%. © bers. Apply to Cuftnlngham Ys A: dle, 79 rence AN EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, B. C, _- and furnace, 10% AMred St. J R. Lafdlaw, 24% Division "Bt. ig ig DWELLINGS, FURNISH furnished: stores, Cann's Real Brock St. PD. AND UN. M Estate Agenc Y, $4 ROOMED Brock St, Possession Dec. Brock St. HOUSE, Mght, ei Apply aid FRAME electric 1st. SEVEN HOUND FLOOR OFFICE TO LRT, heated, lighted and furnished. Bes: business location th the city. Apply 56 Brock Bt, FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, iry rooms; 5d own lock and Frost's C ty Storage, 09 Hey en St. Phone FOR SALE OR TY RENT, NEW 16. roomed housk, modern improve ments, ho Bir furnace, electric Hght Apply No. 20 Sixth St HIGHT ROOMED "HOUSE, ALMOST New, modern improvemisnts, corner Division and Quebec streets. Apply to J. D, Boyd, 106 Pine Street. THRER housekeepl FRONT ROOMS FOR LIGHT g; electricity, K unfurnished, gas, water Neating, or en Mireplace, ete. Telephone 447 140 Wellington Si, THE STORE ON MARKET al pregent cccupled by Di. Hutoh- eson as & flour and feed store. Pos- session Ist January next. Apply M. Sulltvan, Contractor. STREET 23 WEST ST, STONE HOUSE, EN. 0. renovated; Wardwood floors: open fireplaces: tiled bathroom: hot water heating. Possession at once. Apply to Dr. J. C. Connell. A FLAT IN ents, 130 Nov WELLINGTON APART- Wellington - 8t. -Posses- 1st. Heated by hot wat- etric lights; also gas range Apply F. W. Meagher, 99 L. Albert St. Phone 1406, NEW BRICK HOUSE, 7 improvements; po Ne: 48 York St nts reas- to a suitable tens nt, Apply Warten, '$ . King St, aor phone 1372. ROOMS Ww TH DENTAL. i ---- A. E. KNAPP, BA. LDS, D. DS, RE. moved-to 268 -Princess Street. SPARKS AND SPARKS, ington ~ on (over Phone 346 DR. C. CG, NASH, DENTIST; DR. Rentbn, assistant. 183 Street. Phone 736. S. H. SIMPZON, LIDS, D.D. DENT. ist, corner Princess an Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot street 1590 WEL. Carnovsky's) om Princess mb OATERING. WE _ CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS Wedding dreakfasts, banquets; ote also rent dishes, table Mnens and Miverware. eid and M.'P. Reid, 30 don Street. F, C Hambrook 176 Alfred Street Phones 848 or 302 BUSINESS CI'.ANOES, o» fas on Rodisd "CROSSED | FISH" SARDINES SATHANA Saw Das PWOR W. J. GAYINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. paicing and carpet work, and Mattress renovating. Drop a card or call 218 Bagot street Gusta 8 Hid Sons Store ANYONE ANYWHERE © CAN STAR? a mall arder business at home; n¢ canvassing: be § ur o Bend for free boo! fet; tells Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, N.Y. PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARK: and all growths and skin blemish. es removed permanently, without acar; 30 ars exTeriance; br: mer J. Lake, Eye, Ea Nose Throat and skin specialist, '258 Ba got street: how LEGAL. . tices. Sasi tm ------eig CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIS. ters and solicitors. . Law . office, 70 'Clarence street. Kingston BUSINESS NOTICES. teeta -------------------------- JOSEPH BUSE, 8 CHESTNUT ST., HAS opened up a quarry on Stephen Bt Cut, building and rough stone are a plied promptly at. reasonable ces. TWO BEDROOMS AND ONE SITTING i TRY ONE or THESE SMALL ADVTS. PUR aolaman 387 Diviston Be, TO MRS. £ BRED R. I. ROCK AND White n_ hens and ceckrels Apply to Boyd, 10¢ Pine St. THE PRACTICE AND VILLAGE PRO- perty of the iate Dr. Shaw, of Lansdowne. Apply to Mrs. (Dr) Shaw, Lansdowne. i AIREDALE BITCH PUPPY, FIVE months old, by Champion Ragk'ey Oorang ex Pure Ph $15. A. Som, 214 Willam' Bt, Kingston, t OFFICE, DESK, SIX FEET Li i high 3 Ltd 661. 5 oN fon nie Bi drawers and 8 oa shely used -- hE office, ee - A LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES AND & mumber of first-class heaters, aa low prices; also a big stock of fure nituré. J. Thompson, 333 Princess 8t., Phone 1600, A FIRST CLASS PONY, KIND, AND A food driver, 9 years old; also a / good pony outfit. Will sell reas- onable, Apply Kingston Mattress Co, 656 Princess Street. A LARGE NUMBER OF HSyoLus also Dunlop tipes, at orders prom tended to for carpet cleaning and laying. George Muller, 378 King St HAPPY THOUGHTS, IMPERIAL OXe fords, and other cook stoves, Ques bac's, pugs and square heaters, all these In fret class shape; will close them out at very small pro- fits. Purk"s Phone, Tot MINERAL RIGHTS, FE DSPAR AND gnica; osonvenjent to station. THREE NEW FRAME HOUSES, YORK St, cheap. BRICK HOUSE, LARGE LO® "and stable. $1,800---FRAME HOUSE, ¢ ROOMS, SLA00-NEW ' FRAME HOUSE, MARK aq. A. BATRMAN, INSURANCE AND Real Estate, 87 Ciarence St, WM. NEWLANDS & tects, ete. ,.OfMces, Phone 61. MER. PFOW & ), JHITROTS, ani Ne A ane corner Bred ach end Welton streets. Drop SON, 268 AROHI. Bagot St MUSIC. ------------ tsb -------- TEACHER OF SINGING, MISS CARRIR Pajus, 47 Rideau St. Telephone VIOLIN INSTRUCTION CHRISTINE COC ARANE, T Telephone 136. MUSIC AND DRAMATIC INSTRUO- tion, 216 Frontenac St. Miss Nor Telgmann, Allda Telgmann, Te'gmann, teachers of oman! violin and all stringed MISS Gore street. tion, plano, tustruments. MISS MARY G. CHALMERS, L.T.C.M. graduate Toronto Canservatory of Music, soppano soloist. St... Andrews church, open classes in sin ing, Oct. 19th. Will prepare pup 19, Toronto conservatory examine ions. For terms and other infors mation. apply . C. W. Lindsay Coy, Princess 84, > i ' KINGSTON BUSINESS OOL- LRG, Limited Head of Queen Street Superior courses in- Book keeping, Shorthand, Typewrit- ing, Banking, Civil Service, Gon. eral Improvemeny and all Com mercial. subjects' Ratesmoderate ate. Phone 440. H. F. Metcalfe, Principal. : : i 3 ie * SEER ERI RR REEFS SLL PEEP FINANCIAL. FRONTENAC LOAN AND ment Seclety; Incerpori vl resident, Colonel ¥ fiensy R Smith oney issued on oft farm properties, muntolpatand countr; ebeftures; in: urchased; Sepadita receiv 4 Interest ale n ence stree hMansger; 91 APOOL, Ol, _LaXneN AND. GLonm aasets 301187215 Ca ron he he whic + the. polic A ed secu pre 4! Rms y orf ry, ry oa! wont gaia. Before reneswin, rates rn ngs : a Sire 5 ra Agents. Phone § ES: TEACHER WANTED. POR i Ss. xo. a, ia A TEACH CHER Sv al fcations, Oh, Ee oly stating ap Hit m. ence, to ' Ww from $1,000 to $10,000, on easy terms. Eran [ eat . Clarendon Sta~ r non-commigsiined of Hon, ficers and men of the 14th Regt, whe wish to join the reserve battalion now being organized wil kindly send their games in te the undersigned, giving pregent age, date, of discharge and rank held "on le "Aving regiment. B.--Any ex-N.COSS or men of regiments are eligible to join. D. SUTHERLAND; 43 West St. Kingston. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. THE MATTER OF PI ESTATE OF OHAR iN hOMARTIN, OF THE TOW. Slun OF Lou GH- BORO, N' THE "COT nTY OF FRON NAC, FARMER DE- CHASED. tice is hereby given, pursuant to and {Revised Statutes of Ontarip, . 1914, Clair Chap. 121, See. #6, that all vreditors and others having claims against 'the de- festate of Charles FH. Martin, who died on or about ihe twenty-eighth day of eptember, 1614: are required to 'de- ver or send ¥ post rena Jon: or before, the thirtieth. eh Ry 1814, to the wdrrignar Soi hor 4 the' exectfar of thé estat and addresses and a full aden of all claims and the pature of secur- ities (if any) held by them, such tains to ba avis yeriasd. And further take tice shee $muie. hireth du of Ne- diately after the th vember, 1814 the a a bro- ceed to distribute the "Said osiate among the * rties en thi thereto] haying regaml only for the claims of which he shall then have receives notice. And the sald executor 1 Mable to any perscn of ¢ elaim notice shall not ve been re ceived by him prior to BE 3 third tieth aay of No Neer Ty = Cin Ema sion. con. 1 I:dies desirous. of 'having MH-dnre for the CHAILES. HN panies 158 Glenn call at resideiie Dated at vi JULES WE Fp le hurd day kindly devs addrgs, atl London Surrounded AN ex-officers, With British troops, showing the way this great city is guarded. The taking of German Red Cross prisons ers, and apy -other eveats .direct from the froiit, at the King Edward, to-night and Thursday afternoon and evening, Usual admission Black Diamond Oven~the best mad be Cangiin--shie alms at Keeping her a al. attracting new omnes 4 Kingston, Oet. "2iat. m4. WHILE SHOPPING * Enjoy AHiernoon Tea at MARBLE HALL 238 Princess Street. Dainty Refreshments and Pure Ice Cream, x 3 Our Miss Glenn will be in Kingston, Wed., Nov.#11th, at the Randolph Hotel, with a full line.of Hair Goods, in- cluding Switches, Bangs, Partings, Pompadours, Transformations, ete. Men's Wigs and Toupees. - : We are pleased to demon- strate our goods. "Worm Powders," at Gibson's. The 'Canadian government has decided not to interfere with the alien labor law as it affects Windsor or Detroit citizens employed in the other city. "New hot water bottles,' son's. Sys A four-months-old dog saved the| x lives of Mrs. Flla Samderson her son' when thair hotel at St. Flats, 'valued at $10,000, was stroyed by fire. Hot water bottles," % Ton, | Erorel for the Season IN at Gib- and pleasure, : boll rr George Masoud, Prop. stored to nor= * mal condition' > : Phone 980. by | glasses, i is EE ground espec_ ed fally to your requirements. Our Eyesight Specialist, H. at Gibson's. ..Halloween.. ISee Our cial Window Ditoiay = ak oe bright and gay for the chi ordering a supply of Nuts, Snow Apples, ey Oran, Trapes or Bananas from 3. R. B. GAGE NO get FE AT YOUR nowi ed LL oie St. rier a lake from 7.30 a.m. to 12 p.m kfast from 7.20 to 9 ers from 11.30 to 2 fernnan Tea from 3 to 6 spp fi from 5.30 to 8 may ebtain ZIG ZAG © SARoiNES =" you oid rd " FENWICK, HENDRY a co. Distributors) oy

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