¢ DESERTS OF THE SPY. domineer over them. No wonder Will Carl ody be shot ? is the the Germans are failing in the fight. question of the hour. -He ought to | Th, heart is taken out of them. be. 'Designedly, and with malice ree - aforethought, he accepted a dxmmi Public Opinion sion to act the conspirator for Ger- Their Fate Predicted. Boys' Overcoats Bibbys THE STORE THAT KEEPS THE PRICES DOWN A word to the wise doesn't suffice zuy more; they want a surety boad. k Suit an The older a gir is the easier it is - for her to forget her birthday anniv- Fire Meets Fire. ersaries. . - A woman's téar shedding habit may be due either to 'a husband or to many in England, and he was caught spy nevertheless. As a lieutenant of A. ih + Ottawa Journal. Wealth 'may not' bring happiness Ravel aflairs when. he betrayed the look awful fools to Germdny when she ret service. He was following in the Totonte Mail, and Seml!-W, by | Lheir dre. "Dr. Graves" is ome of | jessmess will be met by British ruth- | her fondness for onions. in the wervice. Granted that he was unwilling to play the spy. He was a the German navy he was the man haedi but it the: bill collect to inform the Ger rernmen Nietsche, T'reitschke, Beynhardi «and {but it saves the bill collector - many 3 4 Tekan BOY on the rest who have "been defied will { steps. yl British government, through the } is down and' out. processes known only to German sec footsteps, deliberately, of ot on ite ik 8 had Pa, ught . Ne hers who Admiral Lord Fisher will fight the aM ca or who escaped |, ian devil with fire. German ruth- ag Tunas @} them. He deservédl the seven years' | lessness. % To Phe Downhearted.: i 'servi thick. o nad . . : penal servitude which conviction earn Fhe man who constantly complains, And constantly is blue, : Should have no cause to be surprised Because his friends are few. . For no one really, truly likes To hear another groan; FAnd everyone has woes enough With troubles of his own. L osecisnseeene ss. President + Make Sure of Him. Gulia Min Director | ©! for him, and strange to say ho was Toronto: Globe. and ~Treas. pardoned out to become the emissary Swat the spy. But make sure first of the British government. Later an- | he is a spy. There are tens of thoo- other expensive culprit covered his | sands of good Canadians of German assignment, bp the Scottish coast, | 20d Austrian origin. and got off with scant attention. Still later the War Office itself was invad- Montreal Mail: 6: when in trouble; do' not £6 ed by German spies, three of them, Perhaps now that they are going to | 4 "riaide to tell the tale and they were actually found'exam- | ship wheat to New Zealand, Vancou- |yp.0 (onlly" truly. do not care of | ver will be able to get a start on | "Ny bog Gur plaintive wail. those long-opposed grain elevators. But grit your teeth, and do your AR Thar best : Oh, That 5 I, To bear it, as you can, Montreal Mail Just 'hide your pain, when trouble I'ne rebellion in South Africa seems comes, ' ' SUBSCRIPTI Will Get a Start. ON RATES (Daily Bdition) h vered In city ..... 'ear, iIf-pald in advance ...... year, by mail to rural officess. hr, to United States . and th "lining the maps therein. Two oe ro by mai y Jaition them, fleet of foot, escaped the offi- Year, at +22 Jcials of the War Office. Ome was - 3 nited States .......5L5 : And three months pro rata. held. A court-martial. should have of disposed of him summarily, as it ! : wa is > ka to bave grown out of a dispute mn And face it like ! disposes now of Jody, A. spy "in contemporary politics as to South Af- Re Jace 1 . A onan He Journal. is one orinting offices In Canada. RONTO REPRESENTATIVE tears may be a pathetic spectacle, | ricy'y position in the present. war. De ; " oe socoe.o. 32 Church Bt | hut beware of the scamp who would | Wet is Bourassa with a gun instead of Hardly. New York AER Teak Fifth Ave | hide or disguise the perfidy by which | a pen. nk R. Northrup, Ager. he is actuated in that way. Away with him. Helis worthy of death. Best Means. Stratford Beacon. a Ee we : "Sustain the Pay Roll" is a slogan 2 Zeppelins are overdue in Lon- | br The Zeppelin overd 1 1 that appeals to everybody. The best lon. They were to appear about means of keeping up the Canadian the first of » November, and when the pay roll is Hy buying "Made-in-Can- iormans had reached and established | ada' goods. It provides the meAns Bin 2 i» it, - ec Yely their naval base at the morthein | for Canadian patriotic and Belgian : relief funds. French coast. MINES AND SUBMARINES, It may be explained that "the Hermes was an old and comparative ly insignificant cruiser, and that her loss is immaterial, and yet the fact that she went down in the Straits of - : 5a = Dover, as a result of a submarine at 3 Holding oir wn. tack, shows how busy those sub A CALL TO THE COLOURS. Brantford Expositor, ; o The teran suall warded Bb If the people will uphold Canadian marines are, and very close to Fng- ie velerans, usua y rega 831 trade as loyally as they shout for land. the men who served in the Fenian | Canadian troops, they can. boost their Gerald Giennes, in an article in the | invasion, and made p recopd which [own prosperity and help this country re- | #vin out in a struggle at home while Pall Mall Magazine, has discussed | has ever since been honourably our.soldiers are doing their part . in h ] AE ET 3 to wr.-soldier e do eir { 3 "The Blindfold Game" in a most lu- garded, are pol the representatives of thi-struggle abroad, for which Wire minous way. He has declared that | 2 military caste who are affected by | .hearfully paying the price.--Com, . y Co ; y y "without a battlefleet to back them | the times. There are others, and they . 4 \ i Overe ats when, a few days . # : Kingston Events froddr1a marviage a gamble ? For boys, 21.2 to &lyears, nobby style, good : 'op--Hardly. Theres very little brics. Special price Twenty-Five Years Ago Ae. ver, # Tabrif A price , chance of winning. * L a battle-fleet from keeping the sea is | there are seven millions of people who Principal Grant and Dr. Fenwick | Hat or Gown. $2.75 eacC a superior battle-fleet."" ire Germans In origin or extraction. | ,itended the City Council meeting as| 'Oh, not that one! It suits me We think we carry the finest assortment of boys' There is more danger, an increasing | dany of these are naturalized im aa deputation from the General hos- | perfectly, but I am-:just going ta overcoats to be found between Toronto and Jeneral sense. Having come to Am- | pital hoard, asking that the coun-'apply for a divorce from my hus- Montreal. : o % HE it a, the 1 sof the free, | , | cil consider with the hospital gover- band." ing the North Sea. Brithin is having | rica, the home of the frée, for many nors a remedy for the proper treat-| "That is of no importance. Take * a Bibbys $18.00 the tides swept by the trawlers that | 'auses, they have become American ment and locating of contagious'dis-'it snyway, and we'll send such a pick up many of the sunken mines. | in all the relations of commercial and | eases. The financial committee was pill 'thal the divores will = surely And, by the way, when the warp is social life. Germany has become * to Instructed to take up the matter. | come." Prague Humoristickle Lis- cut which anchors the mine to the bot them a memory. They are. certain: |, he Chathigm re usin arrived ty. Cp tom, the torpedo boat, when in the {ly ndt in sympathy with the ambi- | boiler was placed in it. Ingenious Boy. offing, is called, trains.a gun upon it, | tions of the kaiser to become the rul- Hand-tailored suits, made from fall weight English pure' Indigo serge) sizes 34 to 44. In offering this suit we aim to have the best $18,00 suit on the market. Ready to try on, finished 7 to your order in two hours' time, House 5 submarines are, in the long run, use | vere heard from less. - A battle-fieet that can keep the | 220, there were rumblings of a con- sea has nothing to fear from them, | templated invasion of Canada by the and the only thing that can prevent | #ermans. In the United Stites Mens $12.50 Overcoat Special Shawl collar ulster, rich grey Knap. cloth, lined with durable twill serge, tailored with 1.2 inch lap seams, perfect fitting; smart models; sizes 34 to 42, See our window display of this coat. English Raincoat. Special $8.50 A GENUINE $12.00 VALUE FOR $8.50 Gentine, double texture English Parametta cloth, military collar, storm cuffs, Don't miss seeing these coats. See Bibby's $1.50 Union Suits Underwear, medium weight danger, from the mines that are fill dear," said mamma, |-+'no more cakes tought. Don't wou know you cannot 'sleep on a full | stomach ?"' "Well," replied Willie, "I can i sleep 'on my back." --Goad keeping. . = Sonn comb * See Bibby's WILL THE CANADIANS $1.00 Gloves Kid or Mocha . G, Osborne received a watch from "No. Willie and causes an explosion. - Sometimes Jer of the world, and they have ng England, It is over one hundred . » the mite 'explodes when the warp jgriovance with Canada now that she Jar 1d; and belonged to his grand- breaks its moorings, but the trawlers, | is sending across the seas thousands License Inspector Glidden noti- with long' lines out, constituting a Jof her sons to fight the battles ofithe fied the hote'keepers that they must provide proper fire escapes. mighty 'drag, are far enough away to | mother country. There are others, escape damage. however, the great minority, who FEW LEFT IN TURKEY The task of the submarine is risky.|are quarrelsome enough in their te-------- | So is the task of the trawler. Thefmoeds to give vent to their feelings | Most of the English Missionaries mén--who go down to the, sea in eith-| in. loud denunciations of Canada. i Are Safe. [ Train on Salisbury Plain Until er are men of courage. With them life | I'hey would like to injure this coun ; London, Nay 4. inquiries i March ? : 1 ® # : 1NIss « cles [4 V mT "al is all risk, and every trade has its|iry, 'and some attention must be ny Tr ono al i 0 Lo am. i risks. "That," says a writer, "is the|paid to their vapourings. The men | have been anti-Christian risings in' pont 7 Wifi tw Lagivans go to the Boys' philbsophy of the mine sweepers." who have drilled in Canada, as mem- | Turkey, or American mssionaries | Perhaps not until next March ys Sea bers of the local corps, are active there have to date, at least suffered Kitchener is, said to have decided Overcoats The federal overnment has de oy anything save great difficulty in re- nal fos g They repro- a hits that the I'rench troops, the British cided that it is not required to pro : ceiving' remittances forwarded to ,.. j,r with the: Indi i id X i th 1 17° N sent a class that are sturdy in phy- | them. For this reason ever since | . T, it he I ugh Toop, vide work for the unemployed ? Not sique and qualified to render effective | the outbreak of war with Germany, 20d such Territorials 'as are now -- in France can hold the present RS " - A ---- even 'the aliens who are cribbed, com English missionaries have been with- lines of defence against German s fence af st Fermany v . H Announcement ? bined and confined in this country ? service. They have ealled meetings at drawn from Turkey, especially from Restored to Deaf » As T have decided to vacate . which to organize. They are calling | p ; ' ; all the winter. No. ; > . Palestine, where the majority of; 4 . » x b 1s a surely BOL the duty of others to the colours. Presently they | English missionary work in the Mus-| Nitchener is credited with the be the municipality. r Artificial H present premises in tha ddr: o nf Without Mechanienl or Art ears t i 8 ing Devices, Deaf Hear With of 1915, I am now prepared A Maske will 'be in full swing as the home | sulman empire is being dome. Out bok that She 'allied in on the con me ne. European force in| nen now orm a roc Ol elence. guard, / Ip the rabble that | ©f the normal - la rin . REFORMS NOT POSSIBLE, guard, and Lord help m0 | Palestine of more than 135,there are Germany is to hurl the offensive 4 Their Own Ears. A Wonders cipal experiment. It is always experi -------------------- either at home on summer furloughs ener is fo open the'spring campaign | ful English Discovery. C Seductions on ny anu ht menting, and fo very little purpose. IDITORIAL NOTES and have not been allowed to go With a British army of nearly 1,000,, RRL on dian ig tin id a In stock. st Ne 24 hat: the emit: of J Riscarch EDITORIAL Be back, or have in the past few months 000, equipped apd prepared to the Rav rel specialists; advertised tention purchasing would (ac (he benelil of a Hesearch Lou" | Mohammedan India praying for the | made their way to England or fo minute. Canada's expeditionary artificial ear drums, ear mission, which cost a lot of money. Allies The German kaiser has been | Egypt. As early as September 1st' force is to be on Salisbury Plain un- m To rT deter Yarius This commission was suggested by claiming a '"'bardiership mitt Gott." | the Church Missiona~y Society auth- til March, fitting itself to serve in the | [ieraonic osignad themselves 10 a . orized Cook's cgent to proceed from van of that army. "world of Silence" thinkihg that noth- now be 'dissolved. Cairo. to Jerusalem gathering to-! "It will be a heartbreak to the Ing 40 evel restore in them thelr ndrs -- Eo). conv gether English missionaries and hoys if they are kept on' Salisbury | [i QEATINE. | Tet Chel, Coe nti Sunday, so '00} conven: | making arrangements for their re- Plain until March," said a Canadian. {treatment discovered a little more than They are en- | turn. For the past three days tele~. "The whole crowd would like to rash [4 year aga in England in making rn. whose | €raphic communication with Turkey to the front. and be fed into the [Fle hour after Sears a a ie 4 di : : Nas been interrupted and for a long hol f indevisiv arfare."" There the 8 o pS thi #0 eney y ali § y - 4 pPper of In ive warfare. here the distressing head noises that are » that it did not have efliciency in the |valie is not sometimes fully appre period fetters have . besa getting 'iy going to be no snap verdict in this [often the. companions of defective public. service. ciated, 'and one that makes for the | through irregularly. Jt is for these war. The 'British pressure and the | hearing. Tila Gistovery Is Sulled Far. The Knowledge of this [act should {good of the people. reasons not known here just how! ussian pressure on Germany will | notice throughout Europe where re- _ have at once suggested reforms. These | : nh | missionaries in Palestine and other not begin until next March, and Ca- [ports of the remarkable results f has ¥ relorms were outlined by the commls-| The Scotch have ( redson to be | parts of Asiatic Turkey are prepar-'yada has no reason to complain if a Paopls: ave tome iby Bat i ad Y to i {proud of the pipes. The little band ed to meet the present crisis, but her soldiers put in the winter fitting | The effect of Parmint it seems is by i Son. of experts, and practically ac- thet headed ithe mobili from the last direct information (pemselves,to lead im the great final | tonic action to produce a stimulous o . at . al : Zing i 1 3 a ; ' . ' fCeIS e y %oupled.; Public opinion cahicuzzed, But from Renfrew to Berlin--filledt the air Jnissionaries working in She dtspeict phases of the conflict. That's the | Loa edu Tammaltion, ! § the changes have dragged; in some, "ith tts mms Aid guy man. in) GONEOT TRG CRPOFIICIAE op econ way I figure it out, but you , know the orguns Ti heazing and to. sttmu- 3 n . a RC. £ aly p Dr - : fi i ime 'ar. ate e entire aw Dry tract. cheshars . ny hve hoes the. line felt ;its influence. tional inconvenience. fiom figuies lio du: time. of war Parmint is now being sold by many Ldro) . @ researc was, to a : . "intents and purposes, of no avail, of See Bibby's Bench-made | $4.00 Shoes Boys' Overcoats and ready for service. i . : _ | during the winter or any other. time to-day known to be hardly ten in Stremgth.of her army against that Foronto is engaged in another muni- | presume to infest sour shores. Palestine The remainder were rock until next March. Then Kitch your advantage to buy sow. J. E. MULLEN Cor. Princess and Clergy Streets - Kingston, leading "citizens, and they met the ex it will pense of it. 'I'hé revelations were as tonishing. They showed that the Ireat the great city of Toronto had multiplied | tion delegates kindly. its machinery with its growth, but |gayed in a good work, one Phone, 1417, It's a Long, Long Road to Tipperary | ThezNew Allies' War Song 85¢ We guarantee {0 every purchaser of Columbia records that the ma- terial used in thelr composition Is of better guality, finer surface, and more durable texture than that entering Into the manufacture of disc re cords of any other make regardiess of cost. Our with this guarantee cont you only 83c for twe selections. What are you paying? troops-- me mn { SRRMNR AR AREA F330 a leaaing druggists in Kingston and vj- ai : - HAND OF LORD FISHER QUEENS AS WAGE EARNERS. cluity and a Speedy triar Is urged i Lorman soldiers" deserting or n "Ls m---- a who suffer from caterrhal deafness yd sit v re » . x ¥ . rn 2 o ~ r dro. | OF head noises In any degree. Ask the im waloe. A great city must have dulging in mutiny. The services Seen in Lafest Aupouncement of | Female Rulers W ho Have Wage Pro dropaiot Tor 1 Sh oh Pat Tk the some further experience with antique | pb. cooing contingent may not Admiralty i ducing Side Line. Strength) and take It home and mix J methods. : required. But Kitchener's idea is to London, Nov. 4.- The supremely im- Ne ok Sun ueen in Europe of leranulated Sugar "neil Wissolved For the time being a financial ex- |, » up the grind until the enemy has | portant announcement issued by the ould earn ory -- living if ope fi AR Yon a on Te a 'port is talked about, a colleague or |}. completely subjugated. admiralty with reference to the North were suddenly called upon to do go. |markable improvement in your hear- superior of the treasurer, who will sit Nea is regarded as the direct outcome | Queen Elena of Italy says she could ing. . §in all his mightiness in the city hall MADE IN CANADA. : Fe : . i Lord Fisher s appearance as first | a, . i Mayor Mithhell, of New York, after | ©! Peg jearn $400 a week as a champion : ' i sea lord of the admiralty board. Lord | gwi t - a lung consideration, has decided that | pigher has always been known as un [amet ANd. prize shou oy ruude. 3 he cannot be the American agent of | advocate of strong measures, and the hoth painter of water colors and a him stheé debt and liabilities of the [the Berlin news syndicate. What is half hentied, consideration which the | dressmaker. 'municipality, the sinking fund, the |the matter with Bernstorfi? He can admis 7 has hitheite ven. this iea- N The kaiserin Would doubtiess furs J¥ale of bonds, the investment of civic | make news of his own when the wire | ction by his interposition. Toit AR ay a. & rofessiot, "money, the preparation of estimates, |less is out of kilter. yr ; a he No: io migiture Painting or fancy sack. and adjustment of account. ef +, Eh a: MERiLY eC h 'ing. ueen Maud, of Norway, is 5 nd Ale | Sk A i. Turkey's "holy war" is already ve Aval strategy besides curtailing an artist, a book binder and a Tiny 3 depar od clini t. The Mokammedans as possibilities of Germans, under wright. Her i -! . Unly 'that and nothing more. be srg a ny in | Over of a neutral flag, laying het ham Irvin, ot som 2% plome is Gra . c a Lody, one of the most numerous in \ baat ) ) 8. . ! +4 Toronto may tind a man of dominat- the World. havo wo. use for the Sul oitaide the limit = hart the English | he ye ie ly "| now use to eall the German ocean. Vis } persanglity Ty an hility, tan of Turkey. He has not besMa- | It reduces the chances of any German Toronto ating Taranto, ef eapaci y ud 3h powers ted to sell them out, and now he is | fast cruiser slipping out for purposes | Miss Marguerite CarrzHarris ha id long will the =GUneI OF Board in the market hiiself. The kniser's | OL commerce raiding, a eontingency arrived in town, and will be recely- " pe which h la 3 ¥ al- 1 nie is: wi imultaneous fed si os yp bre AN ay #8 Parkin a Control be guiflod by it ? The fail finish and Mie. will bus 0 1 as on particular] ore: Ing on Tuesday with Miss Parkin at : of the city is its unwillingness to $ oo ay : exploits of the Fm- No. 7 Queen's Park. Miss Parkin da of' 'any > advive. Judges sud den and Karlsruhe have shown what comes among old friends, who knew At New York, fine graplate] sug- German prisoners hear ou their ; can be dove in this way. lier as a little irl when her father ar was out to-five cents by the Fede: have ly id | bod: the abuse to which they are subjected by heir officers. They are being whipped or stourged and driven to the slaughter by the brutes that -------------- The democratic majority in the United States house of rep. .nta- tives 'was reduced to twenty in Tuus- day's elections. 2 was principal of Upper Canada col- lege, and the work which Miss Carr- Harris did with Dr.'Grentell on the Labrador coast has made her name a household word inthe dominion. «i cumpany. This price marks a break of one half cent from thy quotation prevailing at the enol of last week and the lowest level tovich- ed in several months.