Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Nov 1914, p. 3

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* , SE oe ed om Muptront on the 88. Virgini- FAVORS THE nnn 8 - ;: an for England, erday. . SR - 3 : A 2 MAD EE at. Stow PROBS. South-west winds, showery. Thursday, north-west winds, cooler. ff art street, have returned from ie 2 ; si cis RD oe Hamilton, where they visited their | TO REPAIR AND IMPROVE THE NAR son, Dr. Warren Leeckett! FAIR BUILDINGS Mrs. J. J. Alexander, of Vancouy- ---- er who has been the guest of Mrs | 50 as To Give Employment to Those A. Van Staubenzee, Beverley street, Oat of Work This Winter = It Jeft yesterday for Ottawa for a Short | vould: Help Kingsion to Hold a Miss Lena Shepherd, Gananoque,| ¥ine Fair, : Ro Mrs. Michael Sulli- | spent Monday in town. 5 er Br van, King traf, in the seen af of Cadet Eric White left on Friday eo i Wolg the jolly gathering this evening, when | {or bis home in Vancouver,B.C. to { "09 evening, an editorial on a some of ber friends are "surpris- spend a.short time before leaving estion of "An ex-ma vor," that - mg", Miss Mary Sullivan. Those pre- | for imperial service in England. s d way to give oy employment sent mente Me. ol me bi Mrs. Henry Gracey and Mrs. Char- Boat ay 39 = a fa Roy usht Steacy, Mies Sullivan, Miss Lilian | 168 Watt. Gananoque, were in town | © 106 10 be or the City to repair Mundell, Miss Eleanor Minnes, Miss | on Tuesday. and improve the buildings at pa Mary Grace; (Toronto), Miss Hazel {air grounds. You seemed to have Browne, Mise 'Ruth Anglin, Miss passed the suggestion along for the | § 3 Mary Strange, £8 Kathleen Ryan, purpose of getting the "opinipns of 2 a) Miss Margo F 3 Miss Hilda Kent, citizens generally on the question. ||} % Mies Doris Kent, Miss Annie Minnes, wish to express my hearty approval - . Ld Misa Helen nq; Mis Helen Ugliw, of the suggestion, 1 consider it a 4 4 1 Eleanor ¢ hatan Miss Ne atharine S954 one in Yo Ada : y vb 8 you say, it has been demon-|j strated that a fair here will be sup- | Hi ported by the people of the city and country. There is no reason why |} we should not have an exhibition at Kingston in proportion to our pop , ulation equal to or greater than that > held at Toronto. The farmers of ; Frontenac and neighboring counties || can or could make exhibits as good =» { = as any in the province, and, our Ri th bE FO SERA LOOKS FOR SHORT WAR. London, Nov, 3.--Before leav- ing Petrograd, the Turkish am- bassador issued a statemeent, saying he had done his best to convince the Russian govern ment that Turkey was not re- sponsible for bombardments in the Black Sea. He said he was firmly convinced that war would be of short duration, and that Turkey wonld then assume the position of independence she held before she came under Germany's domination. TR ' Hart and, Messrs'. Herbert Steacy, Armand ; Whitehead, Dixon, Frank fd MADE IN KINGSTON | Svan Ross Byron. Alban Phelan, ANAD i} Quigley, Gera Bmery, Rivington, Ii Ki C A Eh ory el mmong, Sutherland, i 1 aro fll, WwW. Minnes, Sherman Ingsion made goods lt He vot Bir. Timnes, oonerman or Kingston people, Elmer,! Ross Livingstone, Leslie FALL TONICS {Carranans Macarow and Mouths fo oat oreryons needs ysiem: Mrs# Thomas Lamitsert, Clergy street, FEFPEFLE PLAS EP LIPEI PEE Merchants aug Citiséne generally by t : Get good one at Best's fo- i wil rooely oon Reiday Afternoon, on = a a most creditable exhibition q Crisp ith newness and made like a fi Beef, Iron and Wine, pints 50¢ treal, will re will har. ? ™ ARE LOYAL TO BRITAIN. t ' ra i en a le a" forty dollar rment. If you have from 1 Cola, Vi-Yeiue "of Cod Live hie w in : N wal i |Attitnde oi Younger School of Mos- surrounding agricultural commun? $8.00 to $17.50 to expend on a winter coat, Hypophosphites 10 ~dnd 73 in town, the iy Sng Jews in Tudia, a Bete Ne y in a our showing will afford you great interest, Bland Pills ....100 for 23 Mr. and Mrs. Z. Prevost, Earl street. Calcutfa, Nov. 4--The best testof f , 0 people here <to do business, - - 7 Best's Liver Pills, the best sys- §i Miss Nellie Creighton will come to | the attitude of the younger school =... je." 0 pop C0 Hore. inter tem cleanser 25¢ Bll Kingston to keep house for her | Of Moslems in lndia is the opinion | oc ong profitable, improve and in- « 'With a small deposit any coat will be Keep a bottle of Short Stop Bf! M i of Mohammed All's Delhi organ, the orp : i srother, 'Mr. R. R.«( reighton, at the | nme b so crease gricultural products and | . s - . | Comrade If any' cause can bef. 000, tendency to keep young | . laid aside until wanted, (15¢) always on hand «for . i i ' warden's gesidence, at the peniten ead i ish ours," it says; "it is the British ana men and young wolen on the land, tiary. It is a gendine coming home i i Ean AL: ." : ermal y n us she is mis- : a for Miss Creighton. for her if Germany coumds o < and induce more to take up farm- rg or. hus athe taken. It would be bad business ne \ i vocation ind 4 id ns of ' at one time held the wardenship. Pri rit av ri 3 : Best S Messrs. T. J, Rigney and 6 F \ also for Turkey to lavish on Germany livelihood ' . : Chan, have re Yb the lives, energies and resources, Ihe : * very val le oo! 5 ( fan fme returned from the Bour she needs for her own quarrels, re io has § very valuable as The Popular Druggists and ollie Club, Quebec in Germany hover SDare tor | et i the fair grounds but as every (Hi ' Gl. Qube, since Getmany never spared apy furlp M1 0 Lit SESS COL Mot th | ; arm YVinter Underwear Opticians ner when she was beset by still 3 rounds lately the buildings ave in Open Sundays 1.30 to 5, 6.30 Ava KE. Martin and Miss Char- greater perils : : to it, King street, who accom "We do not wish to be cynical, |» very bad state, and not at all fit oe, y sid paniéeF Yrs. W. H.'P. Fikins as far |; selt-Dresefvati is the first la to hold any kind of an exhibition. It p> . as far | hut self-preservation is the first law PA) In every style and weight for men, women and as Mondreal, on Monday, when she of nature and nature N inexorable | has been suggested that the city sell sailed for England, have returned to {and ruthless in punishing disobed-{ibe grounds and purchase a place AEN children: now ready at prices that should prove in- town. ience to ifs decalogue wit side the city - limits, ( od RY fad : teresting Mr. and Mrs. W. S. H. Keefa and "Germany has done , nothing as [erect new buildings I don't think 1 their two children, of Fort Coving vet for the Turks to deserve the sac that propgsition finds general favor g i ¥ o Aton, N.Y., are the guests of Hev |rifice of a single man much less a | with the citizens. | tannot see ho | 7 a A pleasure to show goods you're under no obli- Fsohn and Mrs. Webster, at the par- | street riot in a single town or village | we would gain anvthing frow | ? a J gation at ( sopage, Johnson street. py Moslem sympathizers of Turkey | fnaneial point of view: from: such i f Miss Bessie Joffrevs, who = has with a view to embarrass their own | course, been vigiting her aunt, Mrs. Andréw | government convenient for either the towns ountry folks t« McMahon, Wellington streei, will leave "We do not in the least mean to | ple or the : : Sh ) to-marrow for Toronto 'to visit friends | insult the intelligence of Turkey. | away out Princess street to each 9 THE BUSIEST STO for a few days before going - on 'te | ind to convince her of it we frankly the fair grounds with no street | he #1 confess that, whether her choice Is, commodation Moreover, the | "ge, IN TOWN we, a) . her home in Strationds | . » : » peace or 'war, the consequence Will | srounds are not nearly so pictures ie bt SAAR ERE EE ETT besides it. would not be { | ouT CHARGE [ from Ottawa on Saturday. swxereise her own judgment and sur to find a bettec place for fair grounds Mrs. Murray Kirke Greene sailed | render it to none than where the old Crystal Palace NO DRUGS USED | Monday. ward the government is a simple Of course it will cost something t TT cr " Er -- " Ee ------ -- fn Ex-cadet Hadley was in town from | question and presents no difficulty. | , i tho place in hali-decent shape for 'Wood's Phosphoding, £ : = | Toronto for the week-end. We have, of our own free will and as | pihition purposes, 'but mow js the The Great Fnglish Remed ER = TE EE---- ! , MEDICAL ATTEN. | West street. yur king and emperor and fellow ci- "04 1") ve "the place ready for a i in Wi 3 tn: 3 and » } Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despon- Air, John Aird, Toronto, spent the izens of our neighbors: i onl i a d Loss of Energy, Palpitation the | air of enlarged proportions next déney. Bf peat, balnita oe : Mrs. G. Hunter Ogilvié returned | be hers, not.oéurs, "since she must] ¢ the present site. It would be hard for | England from New York: on "What shall be our attitude to- |, C stands. CASES REQUIRING : Miss Honour Tett, Newboro, i: | nasters of our qdstjmies, Shosen to tithe to commence the job, so as to Tones and invigorates the whole | If gues ii arior: - ai . y as § pets ' rate: the guest of Miss Marjorie Pense, | remain in this country as subjects ¢ give employment 10. men 'out, of work, Bervatssyster, makes new Blood Ii KINGST( IN'S ELECTRIC STORE "We have done this because the TION WILL BE S0§| "ecicend with friends in town sar, It is no use beginning to say Miss Bessien Robertson, Uni benefits of his rule exceed whatever | *o4%- : g J, UY | for$5," One will please, six will cure. Sold by all INFORMED street. who has been visiting Mis: | discomforts we may have felt ai any | hat big on 1 Know The iho | Sie Nat pamphlet tated vic THE WOOD Headgnarters for the best mantles made, both " He - Marjorie Low, in Ottawa, for the | time or may be likely to feel in fu- . » a Lowe RREBICING CO", TORONTO, ONT, (Formerly Windsar.) . : . § , aac, , have had any experience in helping to fi the famous Laddite and Welsbach, inverted and up- : ; y p ar - field we Rios Past montp, Is expected home this { ture. When we enter-the field we] = 8 exhibitions 'there know some EE -- il right, 10e¢,. 15¢ and 25 ght, 10¢,. 15¢ and 25¢. week. must have known all the rulés of the 1 o 1 ) -- ---- -- ( LA rame, and whatever the fortunes of | thing of the requirements necessary. | 0h . The public must have entertain- . . . | Agent for the famons Solar Are Lamp, £12.00. | + i a ; ' ci . {the £3 £4 de by the rules ; Mrs. John :Carson, King street |!he game, we must abide by © 4 meat, and the race-track is the pr { . riait : d tak lefeat and victory in b vn Keeley Ir. M.0.D.0. Fhe gan, bee, vintng friends" | ud take bath, defen and mitors in| HuLl lo sme © 3 Re, ; the past three months ney "Sir Syed Asnad's clean cut logic he people off the Jrack durige: a * McG AND VARSITY eo BAT Kingston homes beautifully lichted with electric on Sunday. must eome to the rescue of every | 1% & MOSt annoying pro » em, and a TLE FOR SUPREMACY. {7 light and fixtures mR man who finds the situation distres impossibility under present condi -- 8 < 3 es. tions, 'Red" Mackenzie Will be Back With, Mrs. C. W. Belton, Alfred street, } H 1 : atid t j Who has been visiting her daughter, | fing e said "our Styce 10 The t solidly fence 8 : The track should be sciidly fences "Varsity--Dr, W. B. Hendry and FE. Mrs. Edward Shuttleworth, in Lon- | Ward the government lished int. ° > ad: 3 i : i don, will return home on Satu d B this country must be goverved only + all around; and there shouid be ©. Shiter Will Be thie Officiil | i , Captain Keene Hemming pay. by one consideration. nanicly.- the ats | Sreatly increased grandstand accom + Laer 3 Eh S, H WwW N El tri q p and Mrs. : vi HER 8 ati : Av achers 3 Hemming who were married in Hali- | titude of that government Toward Ie sons] risin hep: Regina won the Western Canada ||| - . ewman €C Cc 0. g : pl selves.' : Fit Wh, nkas rughy championship, defeating Mi { : fax on Monday were expefted to ar- Shpmse] ve other consideration is for- | enthusiasts, ete. I would suggest in - hampio ip, deteatng & {| Phone 441. 79 Princess Street Ne RO ars Earl 8 1 | eign 'to this subject, and, whether | {Bat the City Council appoint a com 8: { Mrs. R. O. Sweezy. Earl St., wi i. AL by. MAY 5 mittee to look into the matter ai ' y : y SR © : fight Turks or Rus#ians, our ser x Te : -- hy T Mail-E ire Se hostess at the Reading Club to- gh must > ce at the disposal ongg and report It might be we rene a pra in the In- : : 'F Bot to have an experienced man,' si , a hip 3 3 Se i ur gover ent, and eur soul This * { tercollegiate and big f , the form ' Miss Ens Pense and Miss Marie ut be I rom Toronto exhibition ma > pool: Elite an Taek fie form Sarput Borg wre at Present the guest « S ment, to help in the planning; and but where will th : Interprovix ial f « and rs, . DG a . hat is ak 2 ane . . : ts A Gordon CONCERT AT ST. LUKE'S. vhat is done make it of a permanent ie played? at their home in London, England. 2 nature, so as not to interfere wiih a : : = tae. Proois e Was Given on | 'Urther improvements in the future The year 1914 will zo down in i BRIN Mrs. HW. Richardson, King | A Fine Presiamne W Sen | Yours truly, S. A. AYKROYD cod veRr 1914 Will go down iu the 8 Street, is visiting her daughter, Mrs ® "It the Capital toe T. G. McGinnis, in Philipsburg, A Dilisical copeert wae @iten i Zoowball JI he 4 pital fourteen When it needs any repairs or supplies. Our mechanics are all fest Quebec St. Luke's Anylioan Sunday 'scho falls to eat / Lrgonauts hext Satur class and htend Ad in their le. No repair toe small or too big for Mrs. W. T. Connells house guests { hall on Tuesday evening. under the | + WAITING ORDERS. day, they Will fish the sefson with ue ty 2oudie. Ne dls wave who wre bere for the Connell-Web- auspices of St. Luke's Sunday school | a out a victory AN UP-TO:DATE GA! "6 ster wedding to-day included Miss teach Al a vd attended - 1 CO A a where you can keep your ear in phrfeet confidence and wh ¥ wi d 3 } sachers. arge crowd attended. | 4 ondon, Nov, 4.--A cable Ww Varsity sk : e . relive CONFlOons » ere You will Lillian Connell and Mr. Martin Con- Rev. R. SB. Fhgneri acted in the ca | ¢ from Copenhagen says that a Vith Varsity showing Biakked im. Teo pir co dm ie Tr times . hell of Spencerville, Mr and Mrs. pacity of chairman and extended | 2 large fleet of German warships 1 J. Connell and their two children, |}, nks to all those persons from out- | + were sighted on the Baltic Sea of Algonquin and Mr. Frederick vide churches who volunteered thei: | some distance from the en. y : C whhell of Toronto. gorvices * trance of the Kiel canal. They Nothing but praise from Major J. L. H. Bogart returned Mhrtinl music in the form of vocal | # are anchored apparently wait- to Roa un Monday night solos were sung by Ald. Dh. Cou | # img for orders. It is the opin- Miss Murphy and Miss Fetter] > : A { a i cre, fe every man that has WOTR &ouawa, are' Ars. 8. Birchs suasi | PF 0d George Graves The iommer | & Won here, from developments . Mrs $ gues "Ye " av to -" . Ly , » er . for a few days this week during the | 5208, It # a Long Way I | 4 d | . S13 lev Lars | ary," and the latter "For King 4 man fect is all leaving the Kiel Fashion Craft or 20th Cen Sunday sc hoal fonvention. bain ) n # canal for some important and The programme wns opened by an : decisive movements. * i be the officials in the tury Overcoat. a drtetida re He station introductory piano solo, 0 Canada," | * *1 game in Toronto next Sat i y tl | ik a . on Monday to wish Mrs. W. % Lby Miss Johnson, and was? brought | SE 4ddbs ddd tied ddbdeddist| former as referee and the tatier acl u Opinion divided in regard] Eikins bon voyage. Mrs. Elkins sail. [3 Miss Johnson, and « Be et oi: bili tudo i] JOIST 8 Toferee Amd 3 Sp ay RETIRED TO SAVE ee | Br I to merit of suits but a unan: ing ~Rule Rritaunia," aft World: Red = MeKenal | ] | : de dence 3 d sang the % ; EA ; 2 oronto orld Heo cKenais ! . . imous verdict in favor of our wh No Budiches arose an The German "Attacking Force From | will, be right for Saturday nd hi i Highest Quality coats. Th 15 absolutely ervous The remainder of the programme : Being. Brawne "" a wings will be drilled every night tii " ) » Miss Agnes Berlin, 'Nov, M.<To-dhg's official re | this week -to give him special pro i : 3 ore Weil with try hand to peop | | owest Prices. + . n isted of solos by no comparison between om Bremer, Miss Croikshanks, Miss Anits | port of the operations on the French- | lection the re-|1he good kicker, but he will be we A - coats and the tailor made. Sutherland, Wiss Grace Mitchell, Miss | Belgian front explains that ; : Bureau, Miss Oladvs Calback, Mra | tirement from Yser wus necessary to | looked after With McKenzie tc ' Y lo kicking Varsity will be a OPTOMETRIST AND OPTIOLAN 226 Princess Street Fnesday Evening. | provement in their play and at their'best; the 1aeeting in Toren L . . 0 next Saturday should prove an in PO I I { GARAGE CO I 1m t d teresting one and may be won by the Aceessurion SUROMORILES 9 I e team which can stand the gruelling 210-212 Wellington St, Telephone 454 Kingston, Tout the better Agent for CADILLAC and REO CARS Dr. W. B. Hendry, of Toronto, and E. 0. Sliter, of Kingston, who hay handled practically a 1e gi n= e@ 2 pb ww the Intercollegiate ER ER ER RRR ER 1" lice + * 0 ! 2 I'his is not our verdict--the! H. A. Betts, Ald, I. Couper, A. Pet- | prevent the attacking force from be the a it George | ing drowned, and declares that at | trong aggregation The line are igrew, >. Haffuer and tigrew F fast and are holding well, and Strat tailors themselves tell us so.| -- : With Reoyuent Sick Headaches and Graves: violin solo by Pelham Rich=| every other point on the battle lin I ieing Well; ald fal A . A - t 0 The styles cannot be sur Pa After Eating + Dr. | Crave Folin tol x im Ne. | the Geripans are advancing. 'ov Is Improving y a Chase's Nerve Food Cured. dora Walker; recitations by Miss Wil i ri 4 job t is a much better team an, went down to defeat in Mont passed. 3 The. Libel 1 : . ite i ot hy the we Libel Laws This letter is from a lady whe | helmina Sly: »nd a piano duet hy the Hocikis' Wieekiy, Montreal real at the opening 'of the season as a s 2 ing The short, form fitting | cained 14 pounds by using the great | Misses. Johnson. It the war was not occupying so|MeGill will find out. | coats with special lapels and | cure. It did wonders for her TO AVOID SHIP'S CAPTURE. much of the public attention it sf. os colars, ave just the. thi in improving her general health. She certain that a good deal more would | Montreal Gazette: Through wit Dy 4H thing. ia enthusiastic Turk Commander Sinks Gunboat | be heard of the menace of the com- |Vessiiig the gage between Queen's Materials, grey and blue And Steamer munity involved in the verdiet giv- and, Varsity +'gh Saturday, Paisley Chinchillas, will be the most i ined. he en in the libel case of Jackes vs. |2and Montgowery, with Shaughnessy Sy W 3 Ss 5 Dobson, Sp i Aweigreigm, Ros 3=3 Sepa teh 4 the Mail and Empire at Toronto Wg wil he jos Basition 1 atfange SOE worn. ; i 8; ites : with | ceived here irom Lonstantinople, by | sizes on October 22nd. If this ver- | Plays to offset-the offside interference 1 § Hb | pleasure that I write to you in praise | "av of Vienna, says: dict is upheld on appeal it meays|used by *Varsity" This play has The prices will satisfy|of Dr. Chases Nerve Food. 1_was | ~accorting to smlistle pews an Av | fiat no newspaper published in the been well developed wince Varsity's TH ey a Ly . : s glo-Fren oe ered ¥, | province ntario w ereafter P ; ope Te. 3 , any customer desiring the Houbled with dyspepsia, a | Asin Minor. shout forte miles wat | ivtines os printing anytliing which Fonte team has Jrupraved a Joust Buy only made in Canada Shoes. We handle all : 99 5 uh fering Smyroa, where the small Turkish gun | js calculated to cause pain to any-{fifty per cent. 'in their tackling. Bot i made- best,, $18, $20, $22 and $25. {alin had sick liskduches frequently, | om, Lies ie (OAll Sabb EE Lin saleulated te nate Tain A dny- {00 pe ations ar Soni sok Canadian made- goods: Our selection for Fall and Win- Other lines not quite as {35a en years ago I took a thor- steamer Kanili-Adda were anchbeed | <ible agony, without meurring seri-|no easy toad shead of them, 25 they ter wear is large and varied, ra -. " j- L tw y The commander of the Turkish gun- | gus financial risk. The libel Jaws of [must win their next two games to for everyday shoes up to $6.50, for good at $12 and $15. | ough treatment of Dr. 's Nerve | host sewk the steamer and blew up | Ontario are already wu i is o | hoat s ste nequalled in] win the championship without a . Hood, 3 ; See our handmade French Kip, Fe altogether his. own vessel to prevent their cap. | severity in any democratic country in | playoff: | ture by the allied fleet." Ne the world and are a standing pro- . . . . Worki: Boots. _ od my ; tection to the evil-doer, but they ] : ag ly impro oh in Mrs. Hoscoe Vanderwater, daugh-| have been strained to othe Hmit in! : rw +H pou "ter of Lieut-Col. W. G. Ketcheésen, | this case. i Teg ' 2 sure 1 owe PF | died at 'her home in Sidney town- en ; ® Nerve Food. You * ship, on Tuesday morning, from| Rev. J. H. Oliver. well known as{ and my neighbors cerebral hemorrhage. She was | Methodist minister and business ition' before was born in 1883 and married a! man, died at Toronto at the age of}: VOI 800, iia TOTAROYER LL ga on

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