Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Nov 1914, p. 2

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| RERCENTAGE ¢ OF CANADIANS THE 42ND REGIMENT as ™E LARGEST NUMBER OF { VOLUNTEERS. 3 1 | in Second Batfalion is Ad 21.7. 4 Kingston officer with the Cana- j dian expeditionary force now | > takes exception to | the Statemen t that the bulk of the { 2nd" battalion Canadian expedition- ary force was of English birth. Ac cording to figures the percentage A wank es for oid counirymen, om the riot Fiments for ; f aftadian; other parts of | abrolld--who -#erived in i1-. [the empire, 6 per eent., and foy-' ston on Tuesday were ihe eign, 2.3 {the 42nd Lanark and Rehfrew ,egi nent In a previgus issue it was {stated hat. the 42nd had not yet iraported, but it certainly reported Tuesday evening, and- the "report" | wi } i The eiti- I .recep- the Given Words and _Words and Music _with Tonic Sol-fa Tonic Sol. fa & aendr , Tipperary Sung by the to Kingston 1531 Strong ---- Bind With it -- Licut..Col. Balderson Is In Command, It Came Pipe JM. r Copy The immortal marching anthem on the battlefields of Europe. Soldiers of the King wong, the Cat Prom piped to PR Weaver Registered ani National Antheurns and Patriotic Songs Of The Allies Great Britain, France, Russia, Belgium and Japan xy, 2.3, The above battalion, which coins! prised Kingston's forces, contained 1,131 men and eight oflicers. The birthplace of these he enumerated as follow Bagland, 478 land, 40; Cg a, { Newfoundland ;CAustralia, ; Germany, 2; India, 2; Barbadoes, gium, 1; Moreeco, 1; Gibraltar, British Guiapra, 1; Ceylon; 4; #outh Africa, 1; Denmark, 1; Cyprus, J. The spe officer also humorously rite Today or Call Scotland, ¢ 479i: U.S In command of 1 ta, <., Balderson, of Perth, and headed by the roglmenial pipe Hand of-ilen- frew; under Pipe Major Carruth For your copy of our id J ¥.: Q I5'stvia] I . the 42nd made s ho w- latest 1914 15 sty le boo > ing, parading 15 "(ro hich described the warching through the containing fhe larges: a much larger vot Weets after dis-embarkation, and 1 . : ar regiment yet resented in the y al occasion premty Eng- . assortment of styles and second iris. kiko: the: Canadian sal- lowest prices on furs of At § The officer did not say wheth- the highest quality. me The College Book Store, 160 PRINCESS ST. OPEN NIGHTS cont ¢ egsment | di warmly Hugh hattali as conting ng officer distr! No PHONE 919 CLOCKS Oddly cased clocks. . Clocks to match mod- ern furniture. Old Country designs mostly. / Clocks are going up rice. elect yours before that happens. eS Smith Bros, Jewellers : Issuers of Marriage Drictiank and was favored. es, comn SEERING REC re ITS. on of the second overs ent; ,Lient.-Co). Hemm omMmanding militar Queen's Engineering Company Broughi Up To 2175. Que ON" Spf ulin i ; for 1e- drengih up' %o pregent about a third of whom Rave vol- Jot en. for oversea's service Simply send us your T= name and address on a TIT dr © ont: card, now, before (B | major of the 42nd regiments post. co: y DOV, a CoL. Hughes "hrielly athlrested you have time to forget. men and highly complimented 4 : and Lol. Balderscn, as well as This beautiful muff as ditizens of the various howe fi own made from finest ilk quality of timber ot te volunteers on their There has been some very severe soldierly address and hearing, criticism of the hackwardness of (le , drimmed with head tail, Eiderdown bed added that he was sure every REN A tudents to toke niiary training «| ants cke mdiitar ing. would do his duty Col Hogthes "Roth Toranto" apd Momireal upiver- | dal and trimmed with Skinner's guaran was wall pleased with the regimental | clies are showing ap well, but teed satin shirred ends, pipe band, saying that it was really) Queen's students d6 not seem to care on inspiration. He intimated that'| ror militia life The unfair way in and silk cord. OUR _ special price .$16.00 if the band would accompany the | which the engineers were used at | Joh McKay, Limited, once endeavor to make arrangement «ib! for such ~purpese. Pive Major Car a THE FUR HOUSE -.. * 149-157 Brock St. Kingston: The bth company, the them, the Wns fige. Sami That we show are designed by skilled artists, and are built on lines appeal to ahi p that will Wednesday. ladies wanting a gar- funeral of the late Mrs. (Capt.) Hust. took place on Wed- morning at nme o'clock from of her sop-in-lay Pa 185 Collingwood s cathedral, where a juiem Taass was for Faneral On he ment that is' In with a residence Derry, to St. Mary' PLEASINGLY DIFFERENT ut The men gave thee "hearty elivers As for Col. Pughes and afterwards dem- | soqomm re onstrated how well the hoy * of the fhe happy repose of her soul 1 {2nd can "Tipperary 3 Father Halligan was celebrant, Alter Rivers Jn the regiment, ie loud | oy, "nuins" oF the solemn libera the inhi appreciation of dhe splendid vemaing of this: venerable 3ndv Sung ing man in were rath said he and ! his tendsmen ould be delighted to go with thy rgiment, and from present indication | Thonn the 42nd volunteers will said hor | pesday Furaope fine musical organiza the tion trick $ apps from the ordinary run J 3 reception given the regiment by Lhe | eonveyed to their last resting place § wn ' oe ww citizens, and Pioe Major Carmath has i St Mary's cemetery. 'The pall of coats. " ma-------------------- 4 pee { cxpressed the thanks of his Bandsmen Beareta. Jape Messrs. Ages F. Kane A " foy @he generous hospitality and | 3 Kenngdy1. J. many courtesies extended hy King- | w JI pi S Br. 1. stonians. 'Examine the range} RB FRESH GROUND COF- FIRE, 'JIFE, AT 100, CAN'T BE BEAT. | [pwr AND SURANCRE. Wanted--A Grocery Store in re- sidential part of the city, apply to J. 0. HUTTON, 18 Market Square, Kingston, Ont, ef SICKNESS, AOCI- AUTOMOBILE IN- Steamers to the congested condition English and Montreal ele: tons practically no grain is mov now The teamers running have to hold the ¢ n until it is unload- ed into the tramp-%essels, About ten vessels of the Canada Steamship conipany's line are tied up in Mon- tres Among these are the Rose- dale, J. H. Pellatt, Bitkerdike, and Donnacona. It is likely: that He sitpation will be relievedsin'the near i futhre early. PRICES $7.30 and Up3 At Tete de Pont Barracks. There is very Owing little going on at | of he the Tete de Pont barracks now. There are only about fiity: men be side the staff amd :these men are en gaged in etercising the horses. and doing light. guard duty. Adjutant GRingwooll "will begin instructing in gunnery bn ' Fhursday. The eighteen- pound * gun-has nbt Jeb arrived but there are a number' of twelve-ponmd- ers. that will be used by the instruc tor. The men who transferred to the in fantry on Satirday last moved their quarters from the barracks to the Artillery Park dormitories on -Tues- | the 21st battalion is a band. Bugles day, * até supplied but no other instru- The orders to recruit up to 150 { mens. It has been suggested by ave still in force but it is wmlikel one officer that some generous citi: that at 50c. a dav very many ro-) Zed or citizens supply a few kettle exuits can be enlisted. Not only the f drums, aud on Parade the 3rd divis- money consideration but the mpre ional area battalion would be a more hahility =of leaving for the front he | war-like co fore the middle of next vear deter Pictorial Quarterly Has No Band Attached. | The only thing that is missing in This ix the time to buy your furs You have a better assortment to choose Gour Furtier Science has taken the pro- fession of optics beyond the sphere of thé old time "side line" man, 'The strain mod- eern civilization places upon the eyes demands the attention of a speeialist. men from dining the R.C.A We are Optical Specialists. --- tii We devote our entire time to bars examining eyes and correcting THE HALLS OF QUEEN'S, their defects with proper «lasses, Consult ARETE TE }.8.Asselstine,D.0.S Eyesight Specialist. Gourdier Think of ME as your Real Estate Physician | gle, donbye or rows, stores and build. Bl ing lots at office. Newman & Shaw, The Always Busy Store Don/t buy White Rose flour if want a cheap flour, We have passed info stock sixty-seven bales 'of Rugs. Designs are smaller and prices. as lo w an lasi season. - Every make of stair Delive Fed To the Camera Club. A Lecture "The Hat Store." Engr Friday newly Im meet « meetimg for the for the science 'The annual meeting of the neering society will be held on afternoon, . Installation of the | elected ofiicers will take place. mediately following the annual ng there will be a special to appoint a committee science dinber and one dance, GOOD HULL SAVED BOAT 843 King St. Phone 1019 fume J Carpets Draperies H GOOD FURNITI RE. jnecteines, fa val- we with del' go ' te pieces, It iE | retnins itn finish, nd Of ity. a good sutique desigtimwiilch < Fpilly the BL McCormick Is Now In Davis Drydock. only thing that saved the McCormick, which was be lowed {eo Oswego from Chan- on Mpnday to have mew boi- placed in it was owing to the that it had a staunchly built The. steamer 'which had ev- erything confiected up, was being | towed by a tug, and during its course, owing to the heavy rolling of the waves it broke away twice. The first time it was made fast again without any damage be- | ing done. The second time it broke || Place. away it was just nearing the har- or at Oswego and before lines could be fastened to it, the steamer drift- | (Ed S.ANGLIN § :C by ed over a half a mile in shallow wa- fl Coal and Wood Yards ter which had a rather craggy bot- k n tom. Some damage was inflicted BAY & WELLINGTON 818. _ Phone 06. Steamer Excellent Value In LUMP COAL Very choice lump soft coal in § large, blocky, smooth and § shiny lumps A grocery store and fixtures, doing a good business, with privile of renting dwelling and stable, in good location. See me at once, A double solid brick dwelling on Montreal street (near Princess), with all improveme nts, ean be bought for 'E. W. Mullin, Real Estate and Insarance, Johnson and Division Streets Phones 5389 and 1450 Our Auto at your service, RAR At the weekly meeting of the Y.M. rh, The A. this alternoon Pr. Buchapan : h steamer | vill speak om the "Conflict §¥ Astro- ) ing nomy and Religiba." . mont, er tact ull Bible class was afternoon under direc W. G. Jordan. His sul» Evangelist 01d Fhe third English held yesterday tion of Prof. wet was "The Uestament." TRL BUONO of the 4 ! Remarkably free from slate and screenings. NEWEST SHAPES ' | SOFT AND STIFF HATS 3, $2 hats have The sigeen's Camera club held interesting meeting last evening. Klugh, B.A., president of the club, gave an illustrated address on "Pho tography of Plants." He showed pic tures taken by large cameras of very small leaves and petals and showed the members how to take clear pie- tures of small things. The club pro- mises. to be. very popular and will be better 'altended when football season is over. an " oy The coal for your open fire- Cor. a An A and after the storm had abated the uoat was pumped out sufficietitly fo allow it to he refloated ower the craggy waters into the channel. The boat was taken to Cape Vincent on Tuesday, and on Wednesday morn- ing was towed to Kingston where it went into the Davis drydock to un- dergo repairs. up-~to-date style--it is worth' more Arty years hence that it "is now. Young 'couples should constiler this when buying. It w PAY You 6 see our Mies of NEW FURNITURE copied from OLD DESIGNS and which will ges mare valuable farther on. Price Of Sugar Reduced. The wholesale grocery merchant of the ¢ity en Wednesday received notice shat all the Canadian refin- eries had reduced the price of so- gar 80¢ a hundred-weight. This is the first downward change since the war broke out and is taken as a sign that still further reductions will be made. The. cause is the more balanced condition of the m and the absence of the panicky feel- ing that prevailed before. Three brick dwellings rooms each, all mod- i gas, eotc., good. lo- flon, near . Queen's Oniversity; wil well eyted. Pays 10% net on Our new LT Pa 3 v | St. George's A. Y. P. A, y a ' or plenty of das h and 80 Hic osc George's cathedral branch of mn them. . They are all jg' ine A. Y, P. A. eajoyed a rare treat Ta Joean-c tvlos on Tuesday evening, when their cur- Shark Sean 1 un styles i ate, Rev. R. C. Magee, read an in- ana begter quality lan {eresting paper on "The Aberigines F. - v i 4 ao rom the first «the smaller stores ask Jjio! Australia." This is a race of f curtain to its fi $2.50 for. The colors are navy, gre en, grey Zip" pA the which we hear and know very little > Dy but nevertheless when studied is ex- .N yo i a aned to inspeo oe a ceptionally interesting. The «-tak- ¥ ! ? perty CO Met. Pro ¥.Cannnittee Me {er having lived anong them was able Dur Rugs mad Carpets to mateh are cover . There ne thin ere thelr m. Wer' color HOME loses afl -------- Our mew of and nd that YO any, sre "eo ve your k y ™en, ete, $150. , Shar ? its stiffness and re Suits In ma. and In uw to There was a sieeting of the prop- erty committee of the Board of Edu- cation on Tuesday night, but the business was of a routine nature. Jt is expected that Victoria school will he ready ' for opening after the Christmas holidays. The addition to the Collegiate mstituté will be ready about the middle of January. Fall And Winter Imporatations. Prevost, Brock: street. bas received all his fall hopcrtations for ha tailoring department consisting of suiting and overcoating in. choose from. = Also 'large {stock of dy rien clothing and gents' furnishings. biown, and many other pretty shades We are showing some splendid ue style soft hats, saitphle for wear- ing all winter. to tell of many of their peculiar habits and rites. {A hearty vote of thanks was loi dered to Rev. Mr. Magee by the mem i bers of the association for his spleg- did talk. { EE 1 Taken Over His Duties. I Willam Wyllie, the newly-ap- {pointed inspector of the Children's ! Aid society arrived in the city on Tuesday from Tordnte, and has tak- i en over his duties. He will be pres- tent at the annual meeting of = the society to be held whiz afternoon: -------- " For all wool goods chicap call Dut-{! rou's. # See how we Rttain Sanitary, cleanness; seé ti Observe every stage -of the transformation. Ask questio

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