Household Banking Accounts in' The Bank of Toronto have been found by many to be a great convenience. The accounts may be op- ened in the names of husband and wife, and either may 'deposit or withdraw meney. Interest is paid on these accounts twice a Assets ...... year >» irs $60,000,000 INCORPORATED 1855 BANK or TORONTC Market Stones s 3 McKAY - - Kingston Manager, i LIEN 0s 0 Io ee . J Fir ire 'Insurance Now tnat the fall season Is once again with us, starting of stoves and furnaces, the danger from fire risk consequently increases, so that it is essential that all property should be adequately covered If in need of any additiona GEORGE COAL. insurance or contemplating a change, I would appreciate the opportunity of figuring on your requirements, 1 represent several strong tariff and non necessitating the -tariff companies, BAWDEN 168 4H ST. AUR pay the Insurance." Wh ld set mn good einmple for brick buliding erected helps to cine frame building helps increase It Work for extended fire iimifs. briek at home. ---- Who "Pays the Piper ?" Stop the Fire Waste ! It makes your rent higher, increases your taxes, and By ra the rent of yotir grocer and butcher, puts up the price of food. Yon ya neighbor, Insurance rate. Every the Every Bulla with brick and buy your A. Neal, Kingston Brick Yard Phone 1396 er -- so FOR We have a new frame dwelling fouiaining 9 SALE rooms, hot air furnace, electrie lights, B. and ¢ that we will sell for ... J. K. CARROLL AGENCY t8 BROCK ST. JOHN DRIVER, YOUR FAVORITE DENTIFRICE. Can always be procured from us. We mention a few of the many we keep in stock: Col- gate's, Nyal's, Sanitol, Euthy- mol, Zymole, Hutax, Pebeco, etc. % HOAG'S DRUG STORE A. Ont. Opposite Y. M. C. Kingston . - Representative. PHONE 68 For Sale Giamapliontn. Phnugeapiia. Graf onolas, Columbia and Victor records Odeon and Jumbo records, Edison 2? minute records, Blue Amberal re cords. Big discounis for July and August Allen's Phone 252 118 Brock St Removal Notice I have removed my office to 60 Brock Street, next door to Metcalfe's meat store, opposite Hende | Albion Hotel | Remodelled throughout One of Kingston! 8 Best Am Everyone Should Try and Get a New Home for Themselves Why should you pay rent when you can save money by paying rent on a new home of your own? .» Why not build a home of your own, from $1,000 to $10,000, on easy terms. Try Chas. Leeder, "2nd Floor, Room 4, King Edward Building SassmmasssnsamsasLLELAL In Times of Peace In Times of War Perfect ht Bight Essential Failing vis- ion, an enemy to comfort and pleasure, can he re stored to nor- - mal condition by glasses, ground espec_ ally to your requirements. Our Eyesight Specialist, H. tity your op- tical troubles, and at the lowest cost to you. Optical 347 ing Street. Where the Clock in on the Walk S. Roughton, Manager, the Mutual Life As- surance Co., of Canada. Phone 610, Bakery Remov: al Notice Mrs. J. J. Lackie Begs to announce that she hns remo b No. 63 Brov. Stree amd will open uw turday, ' the -24¢) wor business om inst. With a full line of goods and a nev Black Diamond Ovens-the best mad in Cannda--ahe aims at Keeping he old customers, attracting new ones and pleasing all. Ini vid. Kingston, Oct. 2int, WHILE SHOPPING Enjoy Afternoon Tea at MARBLE HALL WS Princess Street, Dainty Refreshments and Pure Jee Cream, George Masoud, Prop. "Phone 980. Tekin you are len is he hind we of i Scranton Coal 5 gvod ova' and ve guarantee prompt } « delivery Foot of West Street , day before moving ae LOCAL NOTES AND AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST Happenings in the City and Vicinity ~~What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. "The friends of Mrs. FE. S. Steen, Johnson street, will be pleased to hear she is home from the hospital, after undergoing an operation for appendi- citis. "Buy Cold Tablets." Gibson's.' Fifty-one more suspects were brought to the ¢ity from the Mon- real district on Saturday after- noon. They were taken to Fort Henry. ¥ For everything in music call Dut- tons. Teachers supplied. Opposite Grifien's theatre. At noon, Monday, the firemen were glled to the home of 1D. McCam- widge, at 235 Wellington 'street, for + chimney blaze. There was nb dam- (iibson's. age. "Buy foot powder!' at regular $2,- Women's English boots, 30, for $1.50, Dutton's. An effort is being Irs. L. WwW. R. Mulloy vatriotic event in the City Hall on hursday evening when H. B. Ames, M.P., Montreal gives an address on The British Navy." "Cherry Cough Syrup." fibson's. It is understood that the Ontario overnment intends making a reduc- ion of the salaries of its officers and mployees throughout the province, 1 view of the decrease in revenue wing war conditions, Black underskirts, on's. Most of the overseas volunteers 'ill arrive in Kingston on Tuesday or mobilization. Some of the 47th ren are already here. The accom- modations at the Artillery Park arracks, cereal works and armour ag are all ready "Shaving cream' at Gibson's Rey. Allan P. Shatford, rector of he Church of St. James the Apostle, fonireal, announced to his congre- ation that he would be leaving Ca- ada with the second contingent in he capacity of military chaplain. "Buy Cold Tablets." (Gibson's. Owing to the increased cost and the scarcity of supply of raw material, the Fkddy company have had to tightly advance the price of matches and some other lines. The Eddy com- pany believe the public will appreci- ale this when they realise it is done «© that the high standard of quality ior which the Eddy are famed, ay be maintained. \' CRIMEAN VETERAN LANE AT made to get to sing at the fi to sateen 50c. Dut goods DEATH OF JOHN NORTH BAY. THE Yeceased Lived at Denbigh for Years ~ He Was Prominent Muni- cipal and Church Affairs. in Lane, Sr., a respected resi- North Bay for the t four months, whe passed ay of his daughter Mrs. 306 Front street, was yorn in "Cork, Tretand, on the 20th June 1835, and lived with his par- nts Rev. Samuel and Mrs il the year he crocodile ship at Queen- ton and was drafted to the flag ship t Plymouth. From Shere he was irafted to the Alarm 26 gun brigade wroceeding to West Indies ing three years and two months. He gent home and paid off for six leave After this he joined Le Hogne serving there for and then on the steamer Va under imiral Nepier in the John lent of r five he residence i. C. Bebee, at guard or vas NeekKs H.M.S., a time, loros, alti When war was declared with Rus- ia he was at the first bombardment nd the taking of Almond Isle and Captain Hall The steamer ana 'rew were then sent home with their maptain for repairs and sent to the Jlack Sea where he was an eye wit 1ess of the siege of Sebastapol, when yéace was proclaimed there. After eaching England, he helped fit out he steamer Nile with 91 guns. Af er he bought his discharge and came o Canada to join his parents, who had moved during this time Mr. Lape had :é%eral trophies of war which are now in the possession of his children, having three medals, me of Sebastopol, one of the Cri- 1ean war and one-fer the Baltic He also had wooden pistols, dra- ars, ete, and a sword of his grand vther's, used in the battle of Water- After led Miss to Colada he mar- of Ernestown, and ettled in the north of Addington, vhere he was well known, having wen postmaster for over thirty ears in Denbigh. He resigned in to North Bay. fe also was municipal treasurer rom the time the municipality of Jenbigh was orginized until four or ive years ago, He was also a high court commissioner for Addington ind a general merchant in Denbigh or years until the death of his be- loved wife, eight years ago. He was seventy-nine years of age, and was ill about twelve days from injuries received from a fall, He vas tenderly cared for and all that tind hands, loving hearts, medical kill and good nursing could do was ione. He was a Sabbath school vorker, being Bible class teacher at me time for seventeen years and iis place was never vacant at wor- ship if he was able to attend. He leaves a family of two broth- ws, James Lane, Ottawa, and Wil- 'jam Lane, Denbigh; two sons, Sam- uel and Wesley Lane, of Denbigh, ind seven daughters, Mrs. Esson, Petrolia; Mrs. Wilde and Mrs. Me- tae, Torpndo; Mrs. (Rev.) Butler Javan, Mrs. Stewart, Minden; Mrs. Perry, Trout Mills, 'and Mrs. Bebee, Al of whomn were present at his death wd burial, except three. A much-loved father iz mourned it home and also by numerous CASTORIA To Kind You as bays Bengt Bears the signature of coming Weese, |Feld Lane un-| 1848 when he jonined | Rai This Week Matinees Wednesday and Saturday The Imperial Musical Comedy Co. With Canada's Favorite Comedians man & Christie And nn Broadw Presenting To-niiz 1 CONDENSED ADVERTISING BATES The Lunatic and the Lady esiday, "The Giel fn the Clouds" hei of 30 Night} | 10-20 | Nothing oat Highe I Prives RE 20 30 SALE SPECIAL Wednesday Frohman Presents Favorite James K. Hackett ENGAGEMEN Thursday Daniel A dramatic masterpiece of and ndventure A phote play Ideal Theatre ZemDnys Only--2 The treat of the season. No advance in prices, ia four nets Notice of Granite Lodge are requested -to meet at the Lodge rooms Wednesday, Nov. 4th, at 1.30 pm. for the purpose of attepding the funeral of our late Brather, W. Roger A Navarre rs of invited All members sister lodges cordial ly JOHN POLLIE Secretary. H. MILN] N PURE CLEAN FOOD IS ESSENTIAL TO GOOD HEALTH BE PARTICULAR Insist on getting "CROSSED FISH" SARDINES Kingston Cem- | CEMENT | We Make BLOCKS, SILLS, PIER BLOCKS, VASES, LIN- TELS, BRICK, and everything jv cement. Veran- dah work a specialty. OFFICE 77 WELLINGTON ST. Works, Cor. Charles and Patrick Sts. Horace F. Norman, Manager. Mrs. Kavanagh's Lunch Rooms |, 338 King St. Open from 7.30 a.m. to 12 po Breakfast from 7.20 to ! Dinners from 11.30 to 2 Afternoon Tea from 3 to 6 Supper Is 8 from 5 J. .30 to 8 friends elsewhere. The re mans were interred in Terris Lawn ceme- tery on Octeber 8th Services were conducted by Rev, Dr. Ferguson. Cross Lake Reports. Lake, Oct. 31.~Many hunters pass through this place daily to the! north country in search of game, | John C. Hayes, of Lockridge, of Tamworth, and Bénja- | min Secord, of Welland, care also tak- | ing in the hunting season. James Wilkes, of this place, is attending the | funeral of his father at Croydon. Charles Parker is not much improved | in health. Some of the boys of this | place have volunteered, and gone to! Kingston to go with the next over- seas contingent. John A, Newton! made a business trip to Peterboro last week. School has closed at this} place for the present. The farmers ! throughout this vicinity have given great loads of potatoes and gran for the Belgian relicf fund. Cross Indian Summer Fruits 500 Dasketd-G {OUR overcoats. 5 askets Golden Keiffer' Pons: an ulster, top, or dress coat, you ean 25 baskets Orange Quinces; baskets White Grapes; 250 baskets Blue Grapes. 'To arrive Tuesday morning at Carnovsky's People are still searching Capt. Kidd's buried treasure. The | looks he a waste of time, as captain ving «money © to To probably cremated it. jp with a dork for homor lantern Kingston's if The Prisoner of Zenda R ent Products | AN ADVT. OF 25 WORDS OR LESS, under this head, costs 3bc for one night, or 60c for three. FIRST CLASS BREAD BAKER. AP- ply Mrs. Lackle, 86 Brock St NO WASH. SERVANT; f two. Apply family of St. A GENERAL ar ironing; 160 Stuart A GENERAL SERVANT, MUST HAVE references. No washing. Appiy Union St. West, « COMPETENT HOUS 'e xperienced need Johnson St EXPERIENCED ( Apply to Mrs. J. East " ONCE, AN eral sernant 1 King St A aM ETENT No washing or i Apply 160 Stuart Y TUESDAY oR Ww sod general servant; mus took weil, wage oY APPIYT MTS. Rigi MEN. firem ARLE BODIED igh for HSON MAY corresponaing INTELLIGENT P earn $100 monthly for NEeWSPADLIs, no Canvassing Send for particulars. Press Syndi- cate, 3,089 Loc ekport, NY AN M- Few weeks e course, Write d catalogue rber College, , Toronto. ployment. Good w required to compl for particulars day B Queen YOU ANY ABILITY AS A We have a proposition 0 to- 221A HAVE salesman? to make which will enafjle you ern more money than you _are earning at the present time. Cor- respondence strictly confidential Address to Manager, Box 47, King- ston. Ont. ED TO PREPARE fe positi ' > dis & $ Our Ct n RTs 1 YOUNG ME f $1 WANTED GENERAL AND family ROOM private Whig office ANING--PL ACE YOUR and be sure of good « n and put up storm We em np oy good, mer p us a car® Window Cleaning Co, MAN w ANTS with Box 110 YOUNG windows only reliable Kingston 349 Alfred GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and have it made up Into up- to-date suits. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Press. ing and repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 131 Brock street, near Bibby's Garage WORK WANTED 40¢ 1 Ldving- DONE Apply Mrs Ave ZIG ZAG SARDINES (Norwegian) NO ADVANCE IN PRICE FAMILY GROCER'S Zig Zag Sardines are acknowledged by councisseurs to be one of the finest sardines packed. The greatest eare has been taken in choice of fish as well ax oil. Only the very finest of each being used. While all grades of Norwegian fish have advanced owing to the war, yet you may obtain ZIG ZAG SARDINES ai the old price. FENWICK, HENDRY & CO, -(Dintel butors) ston AT YOUR + PN EOsT! 1 THE PEOPLE'S FoR 3 WILL THE PERSON THAT PICKED up a signet ring in the Windsor Hotel tollet, to John Brown, ledse return Vindsor Hotel i + Bbbbdd LOST, - -* * <* * + scarf pin, Liber- to 170 Gentleman's pearl last Monday or Tuesday al reward {f réturned Princess Street, Ii FOUND ON THE STREET, A PURSE CONTAIN- ing a small sum of money. Apply to Newman & Shaw. T0 LET TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS. Ounce 26c, three times boc. BT... Prock SITTING to 198 STORAGE FOR FURNITU clean and dry. McCann, § street, rwo BEDROOMS AND ONE hb Shraished, Apply 't HAC HOUSE, 8 HOOMS, IMPROVE- 34 Johnson St. Apply 36 Yohosen St OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. Ohan. bers. APY to Sinnlagtiam & Mu- die, 79 Clarence St. HOUSE, B, CO, 369 Alfred St 248 Divisfon St DWEI LINGS, FU ny SHE D AND UN 1 . . 80 FLOOR OFFICE TO . heated, lighted and furnished. Bes" business location in the city. Apply b6 Brock St, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, any, y, airy, rooms; your own lock AN, rost's city Slorage, 299 en St. Phone 626). OR TO house, air No. nn RENT, NE 10- modern fmprove- furnace, eleotrie 20 Sith St FOR SALE omed 5, hot Apply EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, ALMOST new, modern. improvements, corner Division and Quebec stréets. Apply to J. D. Boyd, 106 Pine Street. FRONT ROOMS FOR LIGHT ekeeping; unfurnished, gas, plec hot water heating, op- en fireplace, ete. Telephone 447, 140 Wellington St. THREE h DOUBLE FRONT ROOM AND one single front room, nicely lo- cated, two blocks from Queen's University, Apply Box 1021, Whig office. LARGE THE STORE ON MARKET at present occupied dy D. Hutch- Seon as a Joye and feed store. Pos- Session 1st January next. Apply M. Sullivan, Contractor, Pp a----------------hma------------------------ NO. 23 WEST ST, STONE HOUSE, EN- tirely renovated; hardwood floors: open fireplaces: tiled bathroom: hot water heating. Possession at once. Apply to Dr. J, C. Connell, A FLAT IN WELLINGTON APART- ments, 130. Wellington St. Posses- slon Nov. 1st. Heated by hot wat- *r; electric lights: also gas range Apply F, W oyeagher, 99 L. Albert St. Phone 140 NEW RIC K HOUSH, 7 all improvements; once; No. 48 Y k St rents reas- onable sui table tenant. Apply H.. B Wartell, 338 King St, or phone 1372 ROOMS WITH possession at t 0a DENTAL. A. EB. KNAPP, B.A, LDS, DDS, RE moved to 258 ET Street. SPARKS AND SPARKS, 150 WEL. lington 8t, (over Carnovsky's) « Phone 348. DR, OC. C. NASH, DENTIST; DR. T. B Renton, assistant. 133 Princess Street. Phone 736. S. H. SIMPSON, LDS, D.D.S, DENT. ist, corner Princess and Ba, got streets. Entrance on Bagot street CATERING. =e Cheap weap Mito Tires Ford size, 30x3 1-4 inch, Guaranteed 3500 miles, Gasoline 20¢ per gal. - Bibby's Garage Phone 201. Garage jof overcoat materials. Arden, and Dr. | § LN Young He Like The graceful lines and sweeping style of Whether you want find the correct materials. HERE. We have just received the first shipment They consist of many stylish patterns which must or ibe seen to be appreciated. - Come in and make your selection before they be 'are picked over. among WE _ CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS Wedding breakfasts, banquets, etc also rent dishes, table Mnens and silverware, Reid and Hambrook M. P. Reid, 30 aes yiiTcet. F. C Hambrook, 78 fred Stree! Phones $48 or 130s. BUSINESS CHANCES, ANYONE ANYWHERE OAN sTAR) & mall srder business at home; n« canvassing: be your. own boss Bend for free booklet; tells how Heacock, 2,968 Lockport, N.Y. LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIS. ters and solicitors. Law office, 7¢ Clarence street. Kingston. PERSONAL HAIR, MOLKS, WARTS, BIRTHMARK) and all growths and skin blem:sh es removed permanently, withou scar; 30 Jeary experience. Dr. BI mer *: e, Bar, Mose Phroat 'and skin Ra 58 Bs Rot street. TEACHER WANTED. NO. 8, 08 a MACHER necessar, 0 Hoatlor ties to com after fonts stains summer holilays. sala 4d exprience, = to oer ff rod ng The PURE White Le = Ag Se Apply . G. Boy THE PRACTICE AND VIL ony of the Able Dr, n al Aansdowne. Ppl t rE. Shaw, Lansdow g e AIREDALE RITCH months old, by Cham Oorang ex Pure Maid ion, Ross, 214 Willlam St, Ont. OFFICE Des) SIX FRE In. high high t ang Sek: top shelf. British Whig A LARGE VARIETY OF RAN a number of first-class heate low DHess;, 8iso a big stock niture ompson, 333 Bt, Phone 1800. PeoH, Prk A FIRST CLASS PONY, KIND, AND good driver, 9 vears old; also good pony Sutil Will sell reas anable Apply ing sion Co, 568 Princess Street attess A LARGE NUMBER OF sito Dunlop fires. Shamed Srempi,u et cleanin Mu ler, 378 King st CREDIT SALE OF FARM STOCK A tmplements at the residence of late Francis Truedell, Bath R four miles west of the ofty, nesday, Nov, 4th, at 12 noon, etn te ates ese HAPPY THOUGHTS, IMPERIAL © fords, -and other cook stoves, Qu bee's, pugs and square heaters, these in first class shape; close them out at very smal fits, Turk's 'Phone, "Tot mall pra anion es cmiatsa-- MINERAL RIGHTS, FELDSPAR AND nica; convenient to station, THRER NEw FRAME HOUSES, YORK © os. 000 mich HOUSE, LARGE LO% 8 4 nd $1 SOO FRAME HOUS ROO 1,50 NEW FRAME NoUsk, MAR AN, INSURAN AND land G. A, BATTEN Real Estate, 67 ay 8t, WM. NEWLANDS _& SON, ARCHE tects, 35 .. OM Prone 85 ces, 268 POWER & SON, ARCH chants' Bank Building, Brock ang Wellington streets MUSIO. ™ ACHER OF SINGING, MY 8 © Ba ius, 47 R¥ . Tae i fdeau St. Telep NE, VIOLIN RImuchon MISS CHRISTINE COCHR Gore street. Telephoné HS MUSIO AND DRAMATIO INSTR tion, 216 Frontenac St. Migs Telgmann, nani wacker O. Te'gmann, ers o tion, plano, violin ai d al} instruments. MISS MARY G. CHALMERS, L.T. graduate Toronto Conservaiont | Music, soprano soloist Bt. And: chureh, will open classes in ing, Oct. 18th. Win prepare pu for Toronto conservatory ex ations. For terms and her in: mation apply C. W. Lindsay Princess St. COLe treet KINGSTON BUSIN LEGE, Limi Head of Queen Superior courses Books keeping, Shorthand pew rite ing, Banking, Civil 4, 172 Gene eral Improvement and all Com- mereldl subjects. Ra J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERI pairing and carpet no mattress renovating. Dro a or call 216 Bagot street. FINANCIAL. FRONTENAC LOAN AND ment Society Incerporated Ii Jresident, Colonel ary R, Propet Alona al nd and 0h ww gedentures; nor tga os pu epos received and interest wed. 8 C. McGill, Manager, Clarence street. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Fire Ingurance Osmpany, A assets 361,187.216. 'nn addition which th licyhowde.g have ted Tavuitry red at Grate Fire $4.00 for % To Enough for the Season