Classy Overcoats In Selecting Your Overcoat Ww HY not avail yourself of the "unusual" overcoats we offer and secure an over- | Coat that is not only "elegant,'"" but at the same time 'different.' i; THE DAILY BRITISH ONLY SIXTY-FIVE AT MILITARY PR. W. G. ANGLIN WILLING TO : ! PRILL, THURSDAY GO TO FRONT. A Call Made For A Senior Surgeon 'For the Second Contingent -- Wanted For the Service in Janu- ary Next. Arts Elections Saturday Morning -- The Year '16 Won Arts Rugby - Game By 17 to 2, FE game The Arts Society elections will be held on Saturday = morning There were two officers elected by acclama- i} tion, A. M. Wynn, auditor, and J. SS] | [ North, critic. The Sections of ofh-} ¢ rr i at Virani all faorest niguita. We will place on sale to-morrow time as Arts Society e ections. 1. 3. several particularly good things. These 2 MacCormick was elected chief justice are, onable and much below their i i rge of : - value : ho might be Placed ia tharge of The first game 6f the Arts rugby Ld * that thebe are many youug medical | series was played yesterday afternoon I e men who were willing to go. but it}between "16 and '17, on lower campus. : was deemed very advisable that a man | The game resulted in a win for '16 of experience and wisdom should be by a score of 17:2. The back division with the force. Dr. W. G. Anglin of Arts '16 is weak. '17 showed bet- was so impressed with the remarks of ter condition in the second half than Col. Duff that he has volunteered his in the first. Each fram, Scored ore services. ' If his application is accept- point in the last half or the win- - As Shown in Cut ed, and there seems little, doubt but ners_Mowat, O'Rielly and "Red" El- i lott starred. -For the losers Sherman. Is the most swagger member of our entire ts Hill and "Ken" Taylor both formerly [ K.C.I, plaved the best game. overcoat family, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00. of Xs WG on ame. The Balmacaan is the swell young fel- Incl wa ot ala ates The . teams , ' Arts '16--Flying wing, Dodds; half low's overcoat Backs Martyn (manager), O'Rielly, We've the staple Chesterfield model i= Paynter; quarter, "Red" Elliott: elegant new fall fabrics, plain coloring, $15, $18.00 . Then the donble-breasted, convertible collar coats, so comfortable in stormy wea- scrimmage, Robb, - McFadden, Gra. ham: inside wings, Hanna, Caverhill; ther. The fabrics are of very soft rough weaves and some handsome new Chinchillas. middle wings, Waddell, Third; out- side wings," Caldwell, Mowat. Arts '17--Flying wing, Sutherland; a _ Then comes the shawl collar coats--the belted back coats, Etc, Btc.--Too many styles to describe. half backs, Cralg, Hill, Zeron; quar- . For Fifteen Dollars held this afternoon. The ronners will x PR. W. G. ANGLIN oEEEEses-------- ee At a recent meeting of the Medical Society of Kingstan, which was largely attended by the doctors of the city, dt the close of the meeting Lieut.- Col. HR, Duff, principal medical offi- cer of the third division, intimated that the department was extremely anxious to have a senior sutgeon for overseas service, a man of experience, | by acclamation, | 215 Yards Genuine Black Duchesse Silk | Full 36 inches wide, good weight, soft and a make that will not crush or cut. It is worth regularly $1.25 yd. | Yours Tomorrow ! Per Yard . 90c Fhe Alma Mater Society will meet | on Saturday night. The Arts dinner committee will apply for Grant Hall far the annual dinner on Dec. 2nd. \esculapian Society will apply for Grant Hall for, the annual dance to be held on November 20th 600 Pretty Embroidered Pillow ¢ Shams, Stand Covers and Small Covers THE SHAMS are hemstitched 28 inches square THE STAND COVERS are 54 inches long by 18 inches wide. THE TABLE COVERS are 29 inches We are offering unsurpassed val- [he inter-faculty hartier run will he | ues in any of the above. styles Ever shown in Kingston. ! that it Boys' Overcoats 2 map of tried worth, and of: wide tknowledge in surgical cases. Dr Anglin has spent years in Queen's We have given as much care to men's. We've a splendid line. Fits ever offered in boys' overcoats, + ter, O'Dell; scrimmage, Chown, Mills, Mcladden; inside wings, Kenna, Mer- rill; middle wings, [hman, Fairbaine: outside wings, Taylor, Davidsor -- ! Co We SA leave the gymnasium at 4.15 and pro i PT ceed over a course of five niles. The | will, the Canadian force will first three. men in each team will it a most capable surgeon, ¢Ount tor points, Meds 15 and '16 were scheduled to play a soccer match in the Mac- Clement cup series. Meds "15 did not turn up so the game was awarded to 16. { Medical college. is a senior officer at the Kingston General Hospital, and has all the qualifications of tempera- ment and companionship to make him ja splendid head to any medical corp {to which he may be attached. He is a } registered surgeon of Britain and also f the United States. i Dr. Anglin sacrifices much in mak- |ing the offer, but he feels impressed! ithat he may be needed at the front 'and he believes that, as a true Cai adian, he must do whatever he can to faid the empire. in its hour of need ( It 1s not likely that he will be calted ito the front before the second cor {tingent goes, which will be in Janu | ary next. KinEssomians. we are Aisured, will NEWS OF THE Y.M.CA. ve delighted at the splendid offer Dr rin IX eri hos made > behalf of his Interesting Work to be Conducted | country. During the Winter: | | The Young. Men's Cabinet of the | IN MARINE CIRCLES. Y.M.CA. met on Thursday evening. | A. The report of the physical commit- ( tee, presented by Hamilton Edgar, | 8 showed that Mr. Powers, the physical director, and the members i the committee had planned for big work during the season. Although Mr Powers is a new man in Kingstor. our boys' overcout stock as we have to our boys 7 to 16 years. The best values we have fi and are || Drop in any tims and let us show you. The 5th Field Canadian Engineers are busy moving from their quarters it Artillery park barracks te the En- n tlding at the university. s eat 1 the physics build- in Carruthers hall and I Regiopolis college Livingston's, A Little Out of the Way, But It Will Pay You To Walk. Brock Street I'he Volunteer Corps held its drill across. ast evening in Grant hall as it was ton damp on the lower campus, THE TABLE COVERS are 20 inches if hout SIXty five were present . across. These covers are round i i All are finished with eyelet embroidery and worked, some with white as self, others with light blue or pink on white. These range in value from 50c to 75c. Your Pick To- 1 " C . morrow «5 RR It: 48¢ SALE 68 | ATURDAY, 8.30 O'CLOCK : A big special purchase which came to us at a very flow fi are. We could ask considerably more for these goods and you would be pleased to pay a higa- il er price for the values are certainly exceptional. #20 doz. Underskirts, plain, eream and fanev stripe, made from good heavy quality of Hannelette, Regular 80¢, %c. Saturday . 48¢c if 17 doz. White Flannelette Nightgowns, good siz of Vessels Reported Along the Harbor. Quite a heavy gale has been raging on the lake all the week and as a re sult vessels have heen delayed « YOUNG MAN WHO WAS PULLEL OUT OF THE WATER { George Redden Was Rescued From | Drowning and Afterwards Arrest. | their trips. ed On a Charge of Being Drunk MT. Co oil The ame N€ had gotten right down to business and Disorderly, y Liisa 4 Ia Te Me mer I'he report showed that the gymnas- - x | 1ne ia passe up agiat> rom nize: inm classes were larger than in any George Redden, a well-known youth Sin the big. to Buffalo; Steamer P32 previous year and they continue to around the city, was before Magis. | Passed up light from Montreal on the Crease y trate Farrell inthe police court, on} ¥aY 30 Party gihormes Seamer Went Fhe social committee had arranged Friday morning. on a charge of being) oUt ig aden rom or H- a reception for the senior mem- dri 1am, i§ due to arrive Saturday noon I 1 the association building on the venin and disorderly. It was satdf, Coe i RE : o harge § that on Thursday night, about 9.3))10 Mscharge. ng of November 12th o clock ¢ educational committee, under he had attempted to commis; Steamer Aletha down from Picton the leadership. of Alfred Kinch, has aes fi suicide by drowning, near the w hari on Friday. IN dein is die. 1 5 at the cereal works, but from all eT NET £LeXandria is duc to arrive JIT I3GETS s i s 9 he-was-T Hn A ls from Montreal and to clear for arranged for a second clas: in first counts he was not in very great dan- | i ; 1d work to be opened in the near ger, as he was only in water up ta] Brighton on Friday night. : futdre. The glee club was reorgan- his knees, and clinging. to the side of | Sftamer John Randall 15. expected ed under the leadership; of Mrs. H he whart calls jto clear for Rideau Ferry on Friday. | D ! the whart, calling for help. | 'Chi i be 'the last trig f freigh Coleman, & The police were given a call for S Fo ke thei last trip for freight *q. "OS s work co re hi Redden' after he a pulled Sout by 1% of the city for the season pind RGus work ow Lg had some person near the wharf and they ge oteamer. Doric passed up at 1 am, und winter months took him to the station and lacked] Friday A 'numbe f the g ) ¢ 7 ay W A 'number of the' members of the him up on a charge of being drunk i Steamer Port ( olborne passed down 44800 v Sa : and disorderly. He has heen before |t® Montreal at } am, Friday ote th he Caer me the court on several occasions Seamer Sinbad passed down to St the membership campaign which w s | The magistrate 'imposed a p John's, NB. Thursday midnight with commenced ain witich Toy $3 and costs with the option. of one; 10Ur from Port Colborne. were present on Thursday 2 i 8 | month in jail i Steamer Glenmavis passed down to and talked "ver matters ie ang Redden asked for permission to get Montreal with grain, from Port paign will be continued for sonie ne the money to cover the fifie hut the + borne, at 5.30 p.m. Thursday yet. ) nagistrate stated that it would , ieamer Stanstead passed ; better for him to take the month, pulfale, ight from Montreal The accused presented a sad spec«|"8Y midnight, \ acle 'as he stood "in the Peta Stes Robert Rhodes had a ma- H] ~ emai . ¥ 1 : Yio ' ichinery accident about three hours An? : a Wy OX, trembling from head to foot 3 J y voy : 12 dos. Housemaids White Aprons, also 7 doz. large i i : from the Welland canal and had to size eolored kitchen aprons. Regular T5e. SOc. Cotamiat pikingston by the steamer Sat y 2 48¢ Want to See Troops. Colonial, The two steamers are at A pretty shade of tan with plain re- versible side of lighter shade. It is 56 inches wide and suitable for CHILDREN'S WINTER COATS and LADIES. It is worth $2.50 yd. and nicely made; a gown always sold for Ste. Sat- urday 48¢c § 28 doz. Ladies' Vests and Drawers in white and na tural shade. This is the best 75¢ garment' ever shown in Kingston, Price for Saturday . .. 48¢ up tn bel . N Thurs G.T.P. Contracts far Four Terminals. Vinnipeg, Oect:© 30-- The Grand Trunk Pacific has let contracts to the value of $300,000 for terminals at four divisional points in British Columbia. The towns concerned are Prince George, Endako, Smithers, and Pa- cific.. The contract has heen let to -- continues to urge that the people off " 3 Loudon, Oct. 30--The London press f the Kingston Shipbuilding wharf § 9 doz. White Flannelette Nightgowns, nicely trimmed i with embroidery and insertion, extra heavy quality of flannelétte, Regular $1.00 gown. Sab- urday .. . 68¢c 12 doz. Flannelette Wrappers, good quality and nice patterns in sizes 34, 36, 38, goods sold regular at $1.30 and £1.50; as we haven't the large sizes will sell them Saturday 68c $6 doz. Opaline Skirts-- this is the best imitation of satin ever made, in colors cerise, grey and green. A regular $1.98 skirt, Saturday 11 doz. good quality flannel blouses in nice fine pin Stripe, sizes 34 to 40. Blouses soldregularly at $1.50. Saturday "ici pan 68¢c H 4 doz. white fleece-lined wool bloomers. Regular $1.25 1 doz. White Coutille Corsets, high and low bust, | long hip with four hose supporters. Our regular price for this corset, £1.25. | | the metropolis should be allowed 161 welcome the Canadiasb. The Globet says that pomp and pageantry in war, tine have their uses after all, and that { there is no reason apparent why there! shouldn't be a parade of the Welp that' aas come from overseas. The Ey mg News says: "We are certain the actual sight of the men who havé crossed the ocean to fight for the e€mprre would be an inspiration to thousands of young Londoners, and would cause the latter to ask them- selves why they havé not responded to the call' which reached the ears' of men thousands of miles away."{ The demand is supported by Sir Gilbert Parker, Sir Herbert Tree and Major-General Sir Alfred Turner ------------ { Restore the Service. | In 1830 Deseronto made a contract with thé Bay of Quinte railway com-- any by which. in consideration of 5.000. a train service would be ar. ranged hetween the Grand Trunk ! railway and Deseronto, Recently the ! C.N.R. acquired the Bay of Quinte" nd the terms of the contract have Been violated. The Deseromto Board of Trade ix asking the railway com- missioners to see that the C.N.R. re. store the connections with the Grand Trunk railway, according to:contract Montreal's Assessments. . Montreal, Oct. 30--The total valug- tion of Mohtréal's assessment for 1914, as reported by the board of is. 843.337 477, as inst EES am 6A «told the pefice how (Wo mien, posin Las' Belgium of Carter, Halls and Allinger. of Winni- peg. and work has already started. Among the Third Division Overseas = Volunteers in Kingston. Jt*has been definitely decided that the national committee of the Y. M. will conduct work among the overseas volunteers of the third di- vision, who will assemble in Kinge- ton, commencing on Monday. Nov- ember 2nd. F. S, Shephard, of the National Committee, has been in TO CONDUCT Y.M.C.A. WORK. communication with F. J Wilson, acting general secretary, with reier- cence to the work. On 'Thursday Mr. Wilspn tonversation with - Col. K BD. R Hemming, the commanding officer, who is very favorable to the schente. It is altogether likely that the militia department will secure a large audi- tarivm in the city where the work can be carried on. The work will be similar to what has been taking place at the military camps. hE i Here's Ne War Swindle. 2 New York, Oet. 30--A new brand of "war swindling" came to light to- day when Charles Gaffer, a jeweler, was mm : refugees, bilked him $6000. The "Fefugees™ told Gaffner they had owned a Géweley. store: in Belgium. The ed, savin nothing rom their stock hat Ahn plati- num. They the "platinum" to e- "slats Gaffner. for. y turned out to be ti A Bay City, British order shelter Solid Soles, Two Dolars and Fifty Cents Not the regular price, but a | Special for This Week,