Full flavored and perfectly cooked make delicious sandwiches. ON BORDER. 0 - er's Men Close to Boundary Holland. 2 Roosendaal, - Holland, Oct. 30- Holland is feeling the pressure of the war almogt as much as if she engaged in it causing gigs Holland The alleged discovery of a tennis court with cement nine feet thick on the property of a German in the vicinity of 'Arnhem and that the German pies have beem ac- tive near Arnhem and at other points close 10 the German bovder seem to IBest's Satur | Iday Specials} TOILET SOAPS 300 Cakes Good Quality Soap Special 8 for 25 Cents TOILET PAPER 1000 Rolls Fine Soft Paper 750 sheets to roll. Regular 10 cent size. Special, 5 for 25 cents. Best's Satisfactory Druggists Opticians. : Open Sundays 1.30 to 5, 6.830 § to ®, and § EYES TESTED WITH OUT CHARGE NO DRUGS USED CASES REQUIRING MEDICAL. ATTEN- TION WILL BE 80 INFORMED Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. Nothing but praise from every man that has worn a Fashion Craft or 20th Cen- tury Overcoat. Opinion divided in regard to mexit of suits but a unan- imous verdict in favor of dur coats, There is absolutely no comparison between our coats and the tailor made. This is not our verdict--the tailors themselves tell us so. 'Bhe styles cannot be sur- passed. The short, form fitting coats with special lapels and colars, are just the thing. Materials, grey and blue Chinehillas, will be the most worn. The prices will satisfy any customer desiring the best, $18, $20, $22 and $25. Other lines mot quite as good at $12 and $15. E. P. JENKINS intensify the anxiety of the Hollan- ders, } " A Dutch army of over trained men is scattered at' strategic points along the Belgian and Ger- man borders. -Roosendaal is the prin- cipal troop centre, as it is the only railway gate to Belgium that is now open Hundreds of military auto- mobiles leave here daily with messa- ges and supplies for the border troops The mouth of the River Scheldt and all the canals are heavily guard- ed. A large garrison at Flushing is guarding the docks and railway sta- tion in order to prevent any attemp: 40 violate the neutrality of the Sch eldt. The river is heavily m' ned ana Duteh cruisers and torpedo boats are lying at its mouth to give any nec- essary co-operation to the land for ¢es. The Dutch army is in fine con- dition Unfortunately it is just changing its uniforms from blue to gray and consequently dhe troops make a poor appearance because all the men have not received their new 300,060 been cities, tire The horrors of war have forced oun virtually all the towns and country districts ny Belgian refugees, who are estimat ed to aggregate 800,000. The Duteh government is paying to the cities 30 cents daily for food for each refu gee, The cities bear the other ex Gun Foundation Discoveged. ~=Kats-| Friday Momin The report that the ston Teachers' Germans are massing large numbers evening, at Queen's, of troop: on the Eastern Dorder is the Canadiah Pisheries museum, 1 uneasiness throughout tured on Morphology of animals. Statements | equipment { i KETT, OF OTTAWA -- f Lecture By Prof. E. F. Scout AT MASSING OF GERMAN ROOFS, OPENING LECTURE BY A. HAL g Session Included a on Germay's Positidh In Modern Cul- ture, were| At the opening session of the Kipg association, Thursday Al Se {ginning with the Protbzvans the lec turer. illustrated the structure and ha- bits of the ; their development from the one-celled to the mmltiple-celled creature. Mr. | Halkett showed many [tures of the latier, to demonstrate their duty, peculiarities and habits Following this he described virie 'brate animals and explained clearly It was shown that all have anly two pairs of limbs, the fins of the fishes korresponding to the of animals. Numerous specimens of lish wer exhibition to illustrate their und peculiarities and the these differences. , Fhe lecture was instrueiive and ceedingly intecesting, demonstrating as it did. the. wonders of nature, the in- finite variety of the creatures and the beauty and mystery of the universe A vote of thanks was tendered hb Jd. G. Ettinger and seconded 'hy Prin cipal Gordon. On Friday moming the } eard with interest three addresses from Prof. W. A. Macpherson, Prof. E. F. Seott and Prof. A. L. Clark" The second speaker's address "apon "Ger many 's Place in Modern Culture, the chief topic of the morning. Wh Seott summed up the whole question hy that the Germany of to day, or especially time, is not the country [revious to this era. As the senker said, you will hear people say that Germany has no D and from present indications owing tq the bar baric methods which it is emploving on ex teachers saying since that it \ penses connected with the fagux The strain of attending properly to the refugees is hard on Roosendaal, with its fifteen thousand population; Flushing, with 7,000, and other towns with lesser numbers. In these places there are more refugees than inhabitants Amersfoort, with a population about 16.000 has now 16,000 Belgian refugees and interned Belgian sol diers combined In Gronigen there Are 2.000 British marines interned Holland depends on the United States and Canada for her wheat. At present the supply is very short. It: is said that Great Britain is delaying food cargoes to Holland, and there is much adverse criticism of thee al leged action. Holland is willingly feeding the refugees within her bor- ders, but fears are expressed that famine conditions will prevail unless the embargo is slackened . The refugees are unwilling to re turn to. Belgium, although Holland has offered them free transparta tion. The appearance of scarlet fe ver among the refugees at Flushing Is causing some alarm' owing to the crowded conditions there. There is no compulsory vaccination law in Belgium and the Hollanders there-( fore are alarmed by reports that there is smallpox among the refug ees ol AUXILIARY LIGHTING. fmportant Regulation Avising Out of Empress Disaster. Detroit, Oct. 30--Owners of pas- senger steamers operating out of De: troit and other lake ports foresee that considerable expenditure sacrifice of deck space will be nec- essitated in many cases by the new rules and regulations prescribed by the Board of Supervising Inspectors of Steam Vessels. The new regulation, which is in- and seargoes detained at they are inclined to think that the country is bordering on barbarism. A flat denial was given to this conclu sion by the speaker, who asserted that cnlture is predominant throughout the nation. In early days it has produced some of the greatest philosophers chemists, statesmen, musicians, ete. but now, owing to the trend which the the militia affairs have taken, th nation has not been paying "quite much attention to: these higher ideals Dr. Scott, however, paid high tribute to the course of study which is insti tuted by the state. ' Prof. Maepherson, upon 'The Efficiency Expert in the School Room," advanced some good methods of teaching and gave come concrete examples to how they could be carried out Profi. A. I. Clark's address upon "A Photographic Study of the Clouds." This wae deeply appreciaind by the teachers. in his address as PITH OF THE NEWS Condensed Items By Telegraph and From Exchanges. Cheese sales 8 Woodstock, 14jc.: doe, 14jc. Ontario's, fall wheat acreage more than doubled this fall Mayor Hocken, Toronto, on -lanu ery Ist will retire from public' life Fifty Methodist ministers én various parts of Canada want war as chaplains Flesherton ratepave- mously a hydro-el Ma ; has to go to the volving the raising Great would the Gibraltar MPP > 36 Donal i Arthurs oll tingent as a Nathan Mpe Hogarth, of Muckie and tractors, tended to prevent a ship from being Ont. left unlighted in ease of accident to her hull, is made applicable to all passenger steamers, whether navi- gating oceans, rivers or lakes, bays and sounds, and provides that 'on and after January Ist, 1915, all stea- mers garrying passengers, subject to the inspection of this service, which are provided with plant for electric lighting purposes. the dynamos of which plant are located below the deep load line, shall have on board an auxiliary plant located above the deep load line capable of thoroughly lighting the vessel in case of an em- ergency."' 3 The new section was suggested as an outgrowth of the loss of the Cahn- adian Pacific steamer Empress of Ireland, the SUTVIVOrS bBaving icp. ed that the vessel was left in dark- ness when all the lights suddenly were extinguished as the water reached the dynamos. In contrast the steamer Titanic is reported to have gone down with all lights burn. ing, this circumstances=heing credi- ted to her dynamos having been above the deep load line, PARCELS FOR OUR ARMY Canada P. O. Srranges for Zorward- ing to Front. Ottawa, Oct. 30---Arrangements have been made between the post of- fice department and the imperial government for the transmission through England of parcels destined for Canadians serving in France. The general post office, London, has advised the department that parcels for members of the British expedi- tionary forces on the continent will be forwarded to their destination, if addressed "Expeditionary force, care G.P.O., London," and sent in mails for London. Tobacco gnd cigarettes for the troops; which cre admitted into France duty free, may be in: cluded in such parcels. . Lambs, Lambs. 1,000 pounds choice select labs, fin: est quality, on sale Friday and Sat- urday, two days only. Note the price : Forequatiers, 13c. pound; hind, uarters. lic. pound. 300 ity butter at 28%. pound; 1.000 Frade tor bolfing arcing daly kh » {he railway ed $3,000 10 he fund. The giit oi a blanket te nadian from Lord Kitchener appreciated haw that the weathir is rather cool. E. N. Brown; for dent of the National railwavs « 100, fresident and director The Six Nations Indians h separate unit in the tingent, and members of ves are enlisting also. King George and Queen Mary signified thefr intention of the Canadian contingent at Salisbuty Plains at an early date. : At Lowville, N.Y., Miss Virginia May Campany was killed by heing struck by the south-bound train leay ing Towville at 6.52 o'clock. Chief of Police J. H. Butler, Poem broke, was indefinitely snspended by Mayor Morris pending an investiga- tion into reported neglect of duty Fresh' strawberries picked Wednes- day rhorning were among the digplavs at the Lambton county Fruit, Vege table and Honey show at Sarnia. Joseph Matcellin Labrie was found guilty at Hailevuty of Jhandlan hter in cansing the th of s " now- les, and sentenced to Fone X About 400 Japanese students, who have been expelled from German uni- versities, Shave arrived in Switzerland, most ol them reaching Zurich and Geneva. The dominion Vernment is mego- tiating with St. Phomas citizens for S00 acres of land thieut up into ten- acre plots on which to place Belgian refugees. » It ix said that C.N.R. has succeeded in raising in London, 'notwithstanding the war, 215.000000 of "the amount Eustantend by the government for ts ine. . Owing to. the numerous against his life, Maleolm ne migration agent at Vancouver, whi deported the Hindus on the Komag ata Maru, has!been transferred 10 Ottawa. Notice To The Public. em Port Nelson hax Canadian subserib Patriot every Ua is mnch nany Vears ff Mex has tendered hid resignation 1 are toysend second other reser reviewing threats livery business of the late . Fh Rie . The quality of White Koss flour ues: Hruee will be carried on as usual at Rm are Halkett, of lec first animals and traced | interesting pic | lowe'en, there will be an excuse bow they differ from the lower order | people who "still carry out the vetrehrates | wings and legs of birds, and the legs | 49 well. forms | all the go. purpose of | held un Hallowe'en, | | | | | complaint of any | girls having was Bismarck's | was | "1 Twelve-Year-Old Fought in Trench was | tioned, "the boy told Ontario This is to inform the public tat the i NIGHTS FOR "KIDDIES." Lookout For Fairies, Witches Old Custom of Damaging Proper. ty Dying Out. One of the big nights of the year for the "kiddies" will be Saturday pight--Hallowe'en. Look for (fairies, witches, goblins and mischiel-makers | galore, for they will all be out vn full force. If you happen to see a lot of peo ple all "fussed" up in different re | gaia on your rounds Saturday night do not wonder at it as it is Hal for Not. only is this an occasion for much enjoyment by the children but for many. of the grown-up people as well. There are many of the | oldef prae- tice of getting "dressed up" for the occasion and paving calls around at | the homes of their friends and others it. In the olden days Lafiy' pulls, crack- Ling nuts and apple diving used to be Many parties are now Sone few years ago a good deal of damage was done as the result of Hallowe'en pranks, but nowadavs there is very little of this, in fact it has been cut ont entirely, and it too Years ago the police force had a very hus time looking after the guilty parties hut few vears Hallowe'en has without a Kind ihe with the hos fun but it is lo damage to property the line almost is well, for the past passed mto histor ferious police do not interfory and when they that the TROUBLE IN DUNDAS Ont, Oct a1 four tories T their heads off endeav Dundas f¢ Hilliard iley and A men who aspire and the the election Godel gd to rivadr elf James equals ede SH ere r oe pdr FRANCE'S BOY SOLDIER. ddd es At Namur. Paris, Oct A writer Petit Parisien says hat challenged by twe sentinels entrance fo a village, one he was surprised to see was a mere child. though on horseback with a rifle and wearing the regulation uni form of a cuirassier When ques the . following story, which seems to justify his claim to be called the youngest sol dier in France. "I am twelve years old. My name is Paul Waterlin i used to live a Creil, where I was a Boy Scout. Not wishing to live alone after my fath er, who is a non-commissioned offi- cer in the 72nd artillery, went tc the front-- my mother has been dead a long time --I hid in a troop train which took me to Namur There I picked up a wounded man's rifle and fought in the trenches. Af ter that Col. de B--, of the Cuiras slers sent for me. He said I had done well and might stay with his regiment He let me keep my and' ordered "that a horse be to me. Since then 1 have been through the battles of Denain, Mea ux and the Marne, and I am going north very soon.' ~ - When askéd how he liked the sol dier's life, the boy said it was much better than living in houses, which niany people who wished to adopt him tried to pursuade him to do "At the end of our conversation,' says the writer, "he lit a cigarett 1 proffered, blew a hig cloud of 'moke into the air, and cantéred off ittihg. on his horse with true qierly smartness." u the was 30 he the of whom rifle given ' 50 THE TOWN OF GANANOQUE Arranging For Annual Session of Montreal Conference Gananoque, Oct. 30.--The Girl's Bible class of St. Andrew's church, held an old time Hallowe'en social in St. Andrew's lecture room last ev ) Ames, M.P., of Montreal, secretrary of the Canadian pa triotic fund will deliver an addres entitled ""The British Navy in A« tion" at the armouries on Friday ev- ening, Nov. 6th, under the auspices Of ne LauABUYue | - af tha Leeds County Patriotic Relief association. A social club was recenily organi zed at the home of Mrs. W. J. Bul loch and will meet every week. These officers were elected: President, Mrs W. J. Bulloch: ' secretary-treagsurer, Miss Pearl Latimer: executive com- mittee, Misses Elsie Britton, Gladys | Carroll and Florence Taylor. Arrangements have been made for the annual session of the Montrea! Conference of the Methodist church to be held in Grace church, Ganan- oque in June, 1915, " Norman Crawford, of Spokane, Wash. is spending a month in town with his parents, Mr. and Mrs | George Crawford, First street. 'Miss Biizabeth Karr of the staf of the Central drug and book store, has returned from spending a two week's vacalion with friends in Na- panee. BIG DROP IN REVENUE. Minister of Lands Reports $500,000 Falling Off, Toronto, Oct. 30-- Premier Hearst, minister of lands, forests and mines, today intimated that re- durng from revenue thus far receiv- ed indicated that. the actual reven- ue to be derived from hie department this vear would be some $500.000 los than the estimate of $2 8200.- 000 made at the beginning of the present fiscal year. Lague and naa Tas falling on is a u 7 y the prem- ah 1 di, me, he, 4 ; anks in re- assistance of licenses in HALLOWE'EN NIGHT SATURDAY NIGHT A NIGHT OF and Goblins While on Your Rounds -- THE DAILY WHIG FRIDAY OCTOBER 30, 1914. | SEES - PROBS. Fresh westerly 2 win a The priees A Most Attractive JCal lection of Espeecially Priced For To-morrow We areanxious to have von inspect our splendid showing of new styles, many of whieh will be shown for ghe first time to- morrow! The styles are absolutely correct --the materials the finest imported Belgian, British and French makes. lowest in the city. || KNOW ABOUT OUR READY-TO-WEAR ii WHY SHE SHOULD? KINGSTON WOMAN TO --THERE'S A REASON $8.00 TO $13.50 $15.00 TO $19.50 cee.e.n. $22.50 TO $35.00 .... $37.50 TO $60.00 WON'T YOU COME TO-MORROW? STEACY'S THE BUSIEST STORE wa IN TOWN um DUKE 18 OFF TO WAR. $10,000,000 Scheme Collapsed. New York, Oct. 20---The Duke of Manchester is off to the war. Thwart- ed in his attempt to become an edu cator by the recent collapse of his $10,000,000 international moving pic ture scheme, and harrassed by many creditors, he sailed for England to- day on the White Star liner Adriatic with the expressed <4ntention of en- listing His. departure from was ngt advertised not appear on the passengers It the offices the line booked his passage under of Percival, and that the agents of the company were not aware his identity Reporters who visited the Adriatic. poticed--several- mysterious men dodging about the decks. and discovered that they were subpoena servers waiting for the duke A friend of the nobleman admit ted that the duke was on board, but said 'he was there only to see a friend off A few minutes later the duke opepared at the purser's office and asked for the number the cabin assigned to Wilfrid Halter, When questioned, he admitted his identity and said he was going home The duke seemed uneasy and eagz er to escape questioning. He declar ed that all his financial troubles were ended, and that as soon as he reached London, he would go te'the war office and volunteer for service The subpoena servers missed hin Manchester's Picture these shores His did vance of name list later he ad said at that had the name was ol of ol GAVE BLOOD FOR WOUNDED. Transfusion Many Volunteers for From Veins. Paris, Oct. 30---The military me dical authorities at Lyons have issu ed this appeal to the population "There are wounded who are EXRAUSIOU VID Lue UDS UE IOUT the only chance of saving their lives is by prompt transfusion from the veins of healthy and strong wen or women Those who wish to offer their blood such trausfusions are invited to give their names at the Hotel Dieu No sooner had notice ap peared in he local press than volun- teers presented themselves, and Dir Alexis Carrel, the famous surgeon from the Rockfeller Institute, who is now at the head of one of the Lyons' hospitals, was able immedia- tely to save several patients. Three days ago there were one hundred and twenty names at the Hotel Dieu, representing rich and poor and all classes of society, and if is needless £0 na for this conspicuous. If the fight in Flanders turns te the advantage of the Allies, one of the consequences will be the trans. fer of several large Red Cross hospi- tals to the frontier or thereabouis. The Duchess of Westminister' am- balance left Paris yesterday for Boulogne, and it Is believed that the Britis se hospital at Versailles will be shifted. When a slangv her new ha wonders if she is referring feathers or the hill woman speaks of husband to. the Best family p De not. gti cause in ising nece: Bi. 10 the en- prise of the hol to add that many on the list were . KINGSTON'S ELECTRIC STORE Headquarters for the best mantles made, both the famous Laddite and Welsbach, inverted and up- right, 10e, 15¢ and 25¢. Agent for the famous Solar Are Lamp, $12.00. Kingston homes beautifully lighted with electric light and fixtures. H. W. Newman Electric Co. Phone 441. 79 Princess Street Automobiles For Hire BEST SERVICE M8DERN CARS IN THE QTY CA' FUL CHAUFFEURS, $2.25 Per Hour PORRITT GARAGE CO., Limited WELLINGTON ST, KINGST v ALWAYS OPEN y1y PHONE 454 Highest Quality, Lowest Prices. Halliday's Electric Shop Phone 94 Buy only made in Canada Shoes. We handle all Oanadian made goods. "Gur selection for Fall and Win ter wear is large and varied, ing in price from $3. for everyday shoes up to $6.50, for finer Bee 1 i ov See our han e French Kip, long and short Working Boots. : ii SRE