Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Oct 1914, p. 2

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IN SPORTING CIRCLES|A DESCRIPTION GIVEN j= -- FoRs frome ome Saturday Specials in Books and Music His sreaee ------ os oa ws si sim -- f Quigley May Start the Game at Quar- | It Will Be 1,034 Strong -- Each ter -- Queen's Hockey Club Fleet oy Company Will Have 119 Men -- i POPULAR MUSIC, ALL THE LATEST 'MUSIC, VOOAL AND INSTRU. Officers, ' Niachine Gun Section of Fighteen. | : MENTAL, T™WO FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS a : Fhe Queen's senior mpghv team had The arganizatien and mobilization § s a light workeut on the 1 > in Kingston of the 8rd divisional! } FREE MUSIC ar campus on Thursday aft yt ot into | Paltalion of war will be something WITH EVERY 25 CENT PURCHASE IN THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT conilition for the game agains unique in military circles. This be i : i i 1 ol s haves : it Yar talion will cons it of 1,031 men of wll, Your choice of any of the following Popular Numbers: -- tha formations, hut ok and {ranks who will go overseas as a anit. passed. A y wilder, "which 4 The war ig pl not be You Were Just Made For Me vas 80 severely ininre I'ovants | the same as described in "Infantry : : : : ha wiiplgh 20, | iraimimg 1914,%as (his Book provides I Could Die Dancing With You All I.Can Say IS I Love You aproved a great « it is pos s that he H be he for the | OT 8 four company battalion, each 3 § le Bll be tried out Jou Ya HOT Tout company battalion, ench Oh You Wedding Day Just Send For Me first "auarier. Dunsmore may playin of the oll sompanie In Memory Land With You Instrumental: the scMmmage instead of White, the Inter phaser (aking the inaide wing | , The war. establishment. of che 310 Hf youn] Be Sorry Heap Big Chief (Indian March) position of Dunsmore. Freida is th divisional battalion will eo Q ' . . § Zaher a hospi § Horie . Ne thirty-four officers including atta | Just Send For Me - L Andrietta, Italian Waltz vers cold wil not Tikad ed. These are one lieutenant-colon- for Saturday's game. put at hie cot e1, to majors, one adjutant, or $1.50 AND $1.25 REPRINTS AT 45c. % Bf ' As id quarfer-master, one transport officer; Siti is Hy Phi A oti ne he sole | One signal officer, eight company J Over 1000 to choose from of the Bes Refling Books of the Day by the most 2 Sitar popular authors. le an 8, sixteen Hewtenants y and Box, whe wore vo i on Satan. | commar ders, sixteen Mewtenants, one & | : | 3 + . { tached officers the medical and pay hard tackli are hoth our practising | . . Ti C 11 B ] S : master a he y e Bey i 3 * p Jomd wil] hb 1 th lineup in good | I'he strength of a company will be e ege 00 tore, 3 = machine-gun officer and the two at- day hecause of injuries roc ! from | 2 gan afties) e condition against the 1 Endive pains oh forte ah) {118 men isting of one captain, 160 PRINCESS ST. OPEN NIGHTS PHONE 919 > NAVE * : : dtl : + two one ealor-sergeant McKay s Special White Fe > Fe ya 4d me 0 ris Gillhae y it halves, Row. | fobr ants, two Edie gq, or x 8 3 { | pods, Hnzlett and Hill: quarter, Me | hus ve sporals. one jonecy, Lamb, po¢ et style, as gr ie INE 4 Guay and Uuigley erimmage Net nin ty oy Drirates In : sit he shown Prico £3.00. 35 Leod captain), Kenne i and Taine two sireteher-befivers, two : a : A > PE more, outside © wings, Box and Mac- | (for the firgt: Nae transports inches long, 25 inches ¥ gon 3 go done Iniddie wins, White 0d Ye f ree batmen. ) Hoh wii total . 3 . . 4 / / i 3 3 sop Liki ¥ am. | The machine-gun section will tota wide. Baby buttons in yg! fads 4 RETRTS 0 Hock i { teen men The headquarters . x ? ' A ; ' neen's Hockey Club i inelading atteo 11 total impossible to kick cloths Fe RE TH ; Queen's miversity hodker clubs met | 38: Sclading attached oly or robe off. A present SEEEEESSEEEAL LAN yesterday ° afternoon and elected | a mai : WEAR Y NER these officers : Honorary president, | Mothers 1 ' + every mother apprec- SESEEEEES ; Prof. M. B. Baker; president, W. Doh { Are actually surprised at the values Jf Will buy a full sized 1 or 'ter ube as Be fon; vice-president, ¥. (i. Quigley; | we are giving in boys' overcoats. Liv lates. After robe ha captain, Howard Box; honorary conch. | ine ion Oddly cased clocks. - done service in the car- SHES fox : i Puy Ug Dr. J. J. Harty; * assistant conch. | ee iH Overall Apron Clocks to match mod- Toa) : . , . Prof. M. B. Baker. Queen's expe tx Lpply For Belgian Help i Xiage it can be dyed and Rs 8. . pects | m ] a > y ave a Strong senior team this | During the past: few davs Immigra- ise' af . i i i ern furniture. used for floor rug. coming winter | tion Of oer, fb Vv has been | In ladies Size, made of fast color gingham, with bi Old Country desig ns All of last year's team, except two | waited upon by a number of the re Skiths, are at college." Dempsey, | vidents of the. county and the city I and pockets. Saturday ... vn 200 mostly. A. team, is a 'student. Goddard, of cople } ve been driven out of = i i i [last venr's Frontenacs, was 'at the or a have yen eo. 0 in price. b meeting and will play for Queen's the C ter only anne 500 d f d S t elect 8 Limited. ~~ (B|this yer. = Rleven freshmen in arts | cq ph Col. Winter only aunoun. |i ; S$. 0 IT'wee unings yours batore i we been reported as hockey plavers enre Belgian irl 1 boys fifty | J . a geet # girls and boy ifty i : . . men. Prot NM. It. Baber sien HLA. | persons have come forward and vol- fl Tn pretty colorings, 42 inches wide. Reg. 50c and 60c ing of the team's chances, said that 1t is expented' "that these refuges iJ i g ar roriin 39¢ &t should be a winning team " hh Ta in: Kingston about' the quality, for, a yard ......... : S . h City. Soccer Eéague Game dai i i a i mut Bros., the City Bacget Judge gn Satarda Portsmouth is putting: down "Ema . =m EEE --------==_z |alternoon at the cricket field. Joth | naw cement walk from the city limits i C f L d d FIRE, LIFE, SICKNESS, ACOI | 0,2 in good shape. So far in [to the "penitentiary road. It would Ji oats or adaies an fl ¥ . p- i " " i. Try a sample order and be || SURANCE. leads The following team will line new walk from Alwington avenue to M 'somvinced. i Wanted--A Grocery Store in re. | AP on Saturday for C.1.C.: "Coal, Pembroke street, thus finishing out a 1SSeSs | a ) half-hacks, Morris, Scott, Harte: for od of 3 ; wo Bl t atvlel ices J. 0. HI IN 3 pt a v a Tris, ' ; eel of ovement for SOME sweat o § in io! ' = Market Square, wards, Wolts, Brown, Sovran ro in 3 improvem Newest styles, popular prices who played goal for Stratford's O.H. | (he are willing to aid the Belgian 'Clocks are going up ; ctl a few days ago that he eould that happens. men. Prof. M. B. Baker, when speak- |. reared to take a boy or a girl niddle of December A | fhe C.L.C. and Shipyard agyiega -- ' Jewellers : Opticians at tions will play the sbecer match in Progressive Portsmouth i A Great ray 0 0 Y Issuers of Marriage Licenses FEE AL 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT. || DENT, AND AUTOMOBILE IN- the league the O.L.C. aggregation | now liké the city to put down a NOLAN'S GROCERY ll | sidcntisl part of the vity, apply to |Fietcher; ~fullbacks, Boyd, Carer: | piece of walk which has Been sadly tersall and Strowger. -------------- Our Buyer. Junior City Rugby League. The : Has, just landed the best line Junior City Rugby League i } ercoats we ever have show 1 Underwear filling a long-felt want in sporting cit Livin doh? : " igaton's cles in the city Ihe prevailing opifi Are ion is that 4 bunch of "kids" spend : | For all the family; good warmth producing quali- | a New Carpets Signs Tha # YOV t the afternoon kicking the ball around ! . This is entirely wrong. The age limit n ties. a thorough system. One ESET = AAA AG JU JAS APG GP from, at ; . i 1 : Ws twenty years. The trick used Kingston's Famous. Far Store, | . t ass 4 d would be a credit to any junior inter Ei a EE J rina A acd Sy a ugs collegiate team. The signals are fol : . lowed elosely, not {wo bucks and su Pictorial Patterns for December | This 1 the time to buy your furs he kick, but ? IS S e es You have a better assortment to choose Untarios play the Collegiatas thing ths e league done, eve - - Science has taken the pro- at. this i cagic has 3 Ro - . su s tai . ived - - fession of optics beyond the MI { LVN Ch date that it to give fol Pictorial Quarterly, winter edition, just received. our er HiT I sphere of the old time "side rugby merits that have never Seen C Book 1 tt both f | N line" man. The strain. mod- "hb oll This - refers D : 00K and pattern potn for .. eern. civilization places upon brought Boag This ri jo boys if P 78-80 Brock St. the eyes demands the attention RB thoy, played junior city rugby in oth our urs _. ! pe -- ans © specialist, er places and are very fast | We are Optical Specialists. o : i t t We ha d info We devote our entire time to ro team in the athletic grounds at Severe, cold i €a $ a c e ve passe 3 examining eyes and correcting one o"clock on: Saturday BT " . 7 ay R : | | . their defects with proper Riq1i Gill nliow thom to he rernoo weather . 15 | ewinan aw. Al anches { 8 8 low em to be off 'the gt g | 3 stock sixty-sevem bales glasses, Consult fidd before the Varsity-Queen's game 1 not far ; ' | In 1 Its Br ch \ . Dh iii : " hn i awav ! 1 f ' 1 are NO GREAT DEMAND AS YET away ana B : : of Rugs. Desigus . : Ray ang The Always Busy Store uying, ing smaller and prices AB Je SSeis ine, Ua On the City For Work by the Un- n bet oo > x { ) ! n employed, , 9 Jority Oi 2 - -- me : | Or Re ti low an last season. y Eyesight Specialist. Mayor Shaw stated on Friday morn. Ph iS f people keep | Fm---- igs ------ n ing : ing that there had been no great. de- fel ing ¥ | | A t y Sir neat ¢ Every, make of stair 343 King St. Phone 1019 mand on the city as yet for employ , putting oR MEN IN HARD LUCK } \ Any de sired location ata i nent, but that: all who had applied their fun | d | reasonable price > . a a had been given work to do either by ) ur chases | or TRA {0 BE and hall fo mafeh. \ the city enginoer's department or the : bu it 4 is ron BE TOLD TO ENLIST FO: |[d rder Your ; See me before buy- | civie light plant. : THE FRONT 4 ~ : " | His worship has received no definite . a actually - ) = | statement. as yet as to what Porting r Son tuall) up | Nn i Storm Sash Now | Ing. | of the amount collected for the pa- on them. I he Wise ones { This is the Advice Police Will Give { fh Houses to Rent | piotie find will be handed over for | vill do their choosing JJl. to Men Seeking Shelter at the Po- | 2 , | the relief of needy cases this winter. : { , | There was a proposition to give the now and avoid the rush | lice Station -- Magistrate Has Fire Insurance | Surplus over the 850,000 aimed at for Hl that always comes a lit- Sworn Large Number of Recruits. Delay means extra gl F Ww MULLIN | the purpose of relief, but the question coal bills, We make the 2 .~ . ' . u . A With the ealt for volunteers ringing {has not yet been settled. In the tle later. At present I all over Ontario there will be no complete sash, glazed 8 Real F { course of a short time the mayor will vou lmve the advantage excuse for men who come to the po- fand prime 1 va state and Insurance, : | again call together the members | of v lice station and ask for protection : p ted, Cor. Johnston & Division Sts the various charitable organizations of choosing from a com- at wh 5 Y. Bre k - e g tating that they are out of wor Phones 539 and 1456 Carpet Warehoues # to talk over the situation plete stock with an inii- { and cannot get anything to do. For Taking the Wrong Side of the ter at 'the police 'station and each one % Coal and Lumber Yards Brock Ste oament clad, 7 rooms flue. with age--it don't go to pieces, it (after drivers who take the wrong side thie fall a half dozen or so knights y V Biceta-dnte stFle--it is . worth mor From now on a close tab will be kept Albert St, frame, ¥ room winisle, when buying. It will pay you to wee Farrell, was found giilty of these are attractive. to fight at the front. Ji a mgn is out more valuable further on. | street, and was fined $5 and costs, "The Hat Store" get work, the best place for him is at Centre St, . ir { Constables' Jenkins "and Clark made NEW TWEED HAT i During the past few days Magistrate water heat $4000 Foon pi | the complaint. | Farrell has sworn in over one hundred PAE Es 4 : i Rev. H. EB: Curtis, preseided nt the seen it? It : ! country, and are a fine looking lot of '| the. usual . five-minute address. He fe Jim fort- For. the most part they are men who { that the Lord does care. We are the You ean i who have given ' ip . positions, Lome | co-advocates on behalf of our fellow Aud vin View "off 'the. fact thot so met,' as all promises are conditioned. Sreathak It all. men 'who' are king shelter will and harmony tain whether or not we have met'the is the idesl Hat for the {i} any, are covered to your o and in! e i : a i i t prayer of the lips. suiting and overcoating in keeping wit Yargo | Genuine. old-fashion horehound candy . - ; nt bance . , | From now on they will be told t p Real Estate Dr dapjeries owavee ein Ste vie {| mense variety of new [fl frm on fe & te ol 8S ANGLING COE Thi X. » are 4 Roadway ™ his season we are had a hard-luck story to tell about J t- . GC INL. retain in finish, und it 1's a good of the road, and 'the magistrate is wolf furs--natural, blue oi the road have called at the police | |R Phone 66. ae chonenee than It ls now. [stiff fine: in each case. On Friday styles and prices on on these men and they will be asked $14 EEW FUR NTS trate our lines of SEW FURNITIRE copied A of work these days and simply cannot | the front fighting for his country. nd St. Suuble ' ® $2050 recrgits. for the new battery. The double frame, 5 rooms, " : Ee WINS | noon-day prayer meeting in the city is the most ahle-hodied men 'who are anxious - to {chose as his subjest, "Does the Tord able hath " {have been out of employment, hut life and all that is dear to them \ to | me T 5 rocacy % rH arg i {men. That our advocacy may be ef will stand | oy ae meted the ivies "Carpets {6 mateh are! 00 Speaker turned the searchlight of be' "go to the front." Bo: that YOUR ' conditions. He read : "If 1 regard in- cold weathes and has a | Wall And Winter Imporatations. 'Puelor Suits In wma-| not." The moral condition of the real nobby jappearance. gsiall his fall Impertations for. his hh rugs, ete. 00 up to ; : : PHONE ~the kind your grandmother used to port = i Teen LE HARRISON 0 buy--sold by € Cunningham's sandy , ers or X ' Prassier's ate. sanitary belts and § ale IV . 90 wagyon, markel square, towels, Dutton's stove.' ' ; est styles, winter scores of men were given shel- For Sale | | : GOOD FURNITURE increases in vais] The police are out with a big: stick making a specialty of being unable to get work. Already {|B} BAY & WELLINGTON STS. a : POO a Tn00 antique deslxn--which in really the backing up the police with a good and black wolf. Our | station and have heen given shelter. en Young couples should consider this morning Wn driver was before Magis- fram OLD DESIGNS and which will get | driving on the wrong side of the | with the option of fifteen days in jail. Noon Day Peace Meeting Have vou . | men hail from difierent parts of the H remeai' $204 i 3 | {hall on Friday, Rev. J. Webster gave I get to the front to fight the Germans. [Care 7" He showed from the Bible there are aso quite a number of men co-workers, co-heirs, co-sufferers and put on and ; aid the, hather coungry. | fectual, certain conditions must be all kinds of { police heatlqiarters in the fethra to ire floor coverings, There (0d's trath upon ourselves to ascer destygns effects, ALLA atlftuemy and! ui in my heart. the Lord will Prevost, Brock street. has received: Tine : hosany finish and alae in solid mahok- | fipart may prohibit the answer lo the The price id $2, | tailoring department consisting of $is0. = | u | variety to choose from. Also See our Mahogany Bedroom. Suites, | ' Horehound Candy. stock of ready-made clothing and Some specials. : SY itRors oF Fumi . i gents' furnishings. '

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