Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Oct 1914, p. 1

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- YEAR 81 NO. 251 TURKEY E KINGSTON ONTARIO. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1914 LAST EDITH N TERS THE WA SUBSTANTIAL GAINS ~ BY ALLIES IN NORT ~ The Belgians Cut Dykes and Flooded Lower Yser Regions---The Germans Forced to Retreat to the North. Allies Also Advancing in Vicinity of Ypres---British Re- pulsed the Germans in Hand-to-Hand Fighting | Near Labassee---French Are Advancing at Other Points. | | | i Paris, Oct. 30, --Sw eping claiins of substantial gains | by the allies in the battleground north featured | this afternoon's three o'clock connnunique. The Bel- | gians, it was stated, have cut the dvkos and flooded the regions of the lower Yser. Followine this np with a vio- | lent cannonading from hoth French and Belgian en- trenchments, the Germans have boon in the to retreat well to the north. The allies are also declared to be advancing in the vieinity of Ypres. The Germans a violent eoun- | ter attack against the British in the vicinity of Labassee, | foreed sSaved hut were repulsed after hand to hand fighting in which | the losses were very heavy. The British at end of this | ONT i rere able eOCe or ovi «wded. Tho | COUNT ZEPPELIN MUSTERS DI} fight were able to reoceupy ground pre viously ceded, The | CONE Toppelic (sieht). German losses in this fighting is said to have been' very | of dirigibles named a him, is » large | Sea, from which place the contemp At all other points, the statement savs, the French Bh Dh. are advancing, Count Hacsslor, : | 2 - mander of the third and fourth visiohs of the home fleet, and secont | sea lord. He was appointed first se: lord in 1912. Shortly 'after the war started stor failure of the German reinforcements who, have 'reached | y : rE . » pia 3 ¥ : | Prince Louis is an uncle of -the front to participate in the fighting as vet.,- But it is Matirice of Battenbure whose believed that they are planning new assault, not only in front Nouns rofved while . . : . z . .* for Faogiand v announced only the northein the territory between Lille and Armentieres, | terday. Prine but also on the right wing from Alsace-Lorraine. | inglish born. i a Wititry weather conditions interfered considerably : iia with thie operations evervwhere to-day. It is reported te Turkey Begins he snowing in the -Vosges and-in part of the Woevre reg-i T. b d "To Bombar ies that the first sea lord had arvested as a ion, while wintry rain is falling elsewhere in the Woevre and in 'the Argonnes. Optimism Prevails in Paris. gi "Paris, Oct. 30.--Optinism ruled supreme in military cireles to-day. The official reports from the fighting front all told of substantial gains for the allies. At no point apparently are the Germans able to make headway. The fighting has miterially stackened. This is due. to the in circulation. They even gained much credence that it became n sary to make a formal denial - Maurice, however The Losses Are Staggering. The losses of the last fortnight have heen stagger- | 'ing. While figures are withheld, it is certain that the al-| lies lost upwards of 50,000 in that period, killed, wounded | and prisoners. Reports received here place .the German | casualties at from three to fonr-times that number. The entire front of the battle line in the north is covered with unburied bodies. The many small villages that extended from Niet. | Neu the orion: port to Dixmude have been absolutely obliterated. Only| ~ a few houses ave left in Dixmude, and the streets of the | city 88 littered with dead. Similar conditions prevail | pono? | everywhere through the territory over which the battle! "Turke was fought. j hotaha . "Messages announce the j ous appearance, yesterday the cruiser Breslau, off Theodosia of the Hamidieh of Novorossy "Theodosia is a seaport of Crimes Theodosia, ('rimea,Oct. 30 gratty.--From 9.30 yesterday morning with three funnels } tion and eity, damagir dral, the Greek churc some sheds Une soldier wa ounded A branch of the Russian reign commerce caught fire At the conclusion of the homi left via o'clock Turkish crui arded -the th atl 1 per [fo in a Novorossysk Shelled Det, 3A ¢ Petr has London, he aceful seac begun t town simult morning AD Cattaro Must Soon Surrender. : Cettitijo, Oct. 30.--Tt. is officially. announced here that the fortifications of Cattaro have been practically annihilated by the combined bombardment from land and sea by the allies, Fort Warinatz has heen almost totally destroyed. Tts casements and cupolas are reported in fragments. Fort Lustiea is also badly battered and the surrender of the the Black Sea and is capital of (} territory of the Black Sea. It shipping point for petroleum port is expected very soon. DUIS FORGED ~~ FROM BRITAIN'S NAVY of | Princess Victoria, daughter of Loui: 1V.,, grand duke of Hesse, a of Princess Alice, Queen Vietdria's dau. | ghter. He was a naturalized Beitieh subifeet and entered the royal navy in 1 mn marr 0 ine - Jouls is reinted to Emperor Wilk Jermany, the emperor bei the eldest son of Queen Victoria's eldest daughter. The wife of Prince Louis is sister to the of sdniiral | Russian empress and cousin to the Battenberg! admiral | Prince Louis of Battenberg! served lo to theking, [in the E, i of Austria, in 1851. | naval London, Oct. 20.--Prince Louis x first -sea lord of the Bri- tish : , has resigned. His res ion is said to be dun to the | in English = nows papers . him * because of his | German cone The Admiral ORD FIBER oe Laws of B as first of Bric ad For Hallowe'c * Snow apples, grapes, mixed nuts oysters, ote. at Carmovaky's. uy tw. Sr Prince Louis of © was the inventor The phetograrh shows been erman spy ere put | | Peaceful Towns Petro- | y | Novorossysk is on the east coast of COPYRIGHTAUNDERWOOD, A. UNDERWOOD, NAY, LIGIBLES FOR RAID ON ENGLAND and builder of Germany's fleet w at Wilhumshaven on the North 1 raid on England will probably the count in comsultation with iat A | Ambassador {Has Recalled | BEEGEAN ARMY STH EL -STRONXC | After Hard Fighting for Weeks It Needs Rest. 3¢ The dent «says e glad to hear that the nables them to take a little r nd to incorporate ng Be ins, who 1 us, boasted ions had num pir Lie are 1 nans that onhy two I 1 divi from Aptwerp, but this | wa Incorreét and the i still strong continuously f the war, and 18 value hereaf better for a litle 1 I {at Jelgian It nh if oi best it forces 'of tl ble to relieve Lord Fisher |. New First Lord Of Admiralty London, Oct. Lord 30.--~As expected. Ad Fisher was, this after noon, gazetted to be the first sen lord of the admiralty, Prince Louis of Battenberg. He 1; known "the Kitchens of the nav and was the creajor of the British battle fleet of to-day. miral 1.000 BELGIAN REFUGEES Te He' Placed on Farms By Canadi- an Government. Ottawa, , Oct. 30.--The government has WBder consideration the accommo: dation in Canada of 1.000 Belgian refugees, who are nearly all of the farming class. They could be placed economically on' Canadiar farms and will He welcomed. The details of the sugested scheme have not vet been worked out, Archbishop Seeks Cure. Winnipeg, Oct. 30.--Arohbishop Lan gevin, who has been indisposed for some timé past; has left for Mont. veal, an toute to Texas, to undergo-p care. : Come. . And dec then, mothers--the valuds vf We are fiving in boys' overcoats, Liv. LIngston's. -- In TI urkey|:: pea | statement | Nee § succeeding | | An CARRIED HEAD ON BAYONET Belgian Soldier's Charge Against Germans London, Oct. 30.<A terrible in- dictment against the conduet of thd German army" in Belgium is contain- ed in the stalement of M. Henri du Bois, a solicitor, of Seilles, in province of Namur, who has just ar- rived at Cardiff. M. Du Bois was very careful to Avoid anv exaggel tion of the facts, and all the inci dents he did not" witness himself were related to him by gentlemen of his acquaintance The (Germans arrived at Seilles and said. At first be made 20th, however, on Aug. 15th, he complaint could them. On Aug made various ubfounded ™ allegations against the inhabitants, whom they falsely accused of poisoning the water and on the At Six o'clock they set fire to both Andenne and Seilles, committing fearful i | ties Andemne they shot | the including the master Beiore the latter cut off both his hands, they firing troops atroei 100 buigo was killed and , afte f of citizens, they asia trophy impaléd bayonet. At Seilles they - shot oitizens; in fact, they ran wild, at evervone in of them belonged | regiment of infantry. ompanied /by my wife I walked that night during the and managed to Brussels, on a 150 firing ried it most to the and litile to Namur, bom, was present iment of that place assisted defenders. 1 by train to {ramped there a day GERMANS ASHAMED OF THE SOLDIERS Dutch Visitors to Berlin Tell! of Civil Antagonism to Military. Oct The correspon Daily Chro at Am 1 who has talked with promi- Muteh by s men who travel he ber German fhe impression the and ~ 1 wife later | | | | i ! London, 30 1 icl | | | | | | | citi gathered hat Germans 'are grieved a i ashamed at the conduct of their sol- | Belgham, and (RET Tone: | an antegonistic feeling to setting in. tes onv 10t be surprised if the war entually bri the into violent oppositio further said tha is growing in Ger Decause war, but didrs in quently m'lita circles not 1sed by the that thin field : conceded in. the eing INSTANTLY KILLED Mistaken For Burglar While Climb- Into. Window { Wheeling, W.Va., Oct. for a burglar while climbing in a at Glendale, ten John English instantly killed his son Fred. ,, ON his home 1 of here, ind by vindow of f shot yesterday twenty. I'he father's hody fell it, who called an officer, thinking had shot a burglar. The boy fainted when he mized his fath at thé boy's rec ispleases Italy The. report that { Greece has landed .,200 soldiers at ntiguaranta, thus taking possessi on of the southern part of Albania, | which gives them entire control of | the Corfu Channel, is causing a pro- | found_ impression in Rome, as this step on the part of Greece was | Attitude of Greece Rome: Oct. 30 y | strongly opposed by the London con- ference In Italian merally believed i not be supported and France. circles it is Greece will Iritain political that by Great Appointed Deputy Sheriff, Cornwall, Oct. 30:--W. I Rom- | bough, of Cornwall, has been appoin ted deputy sheriff for the United unties of Stormount, Dundas and | Glengarry, in succession to Robert 1 A. Shearer, M.P.P,, who resigned the | position to contest this riding for { the Ontario legislature | ec i Orders For Oklahoma | Oklahoma City, Okla., Oct. 30. | order for 15,000,000 pounds of j canned meats, valued at $1,500,000, { te go to Europe has been received by '2 local packing company, Addition- (al orders for dry salt pork amount to ] more than the supply in sight. Hospital Ship Was Wrecked | Off England | Whitby, Eng., . Oct. §0.--Hospital {Ship Roeilla, enroute to Belgium | with a party of Red Cross nurses and | hospital supplies was totally wrecked off this port. The second officer managed to get a life boat over and brought the nyrses safély to land, but sixty members of the crew and other passengers are still clinging to | the bow of the wrecked vessel, fast jon the rocks. It is féared all must | be lost as the weather is 80 heavy that life-boats cannot live in the rea {that is running. Seven bodies are the | the neighthoring township of Andenne | no | against hooting him cut off his head and car- | sicht. T observed that | 76th | send mv | 1d man as saying that! people | | '1 ealled o » not { "*thave not only been routed in the Mistak- | WELCOMES THE CHANCE | T0 CARVE UP T Russia is-All Ready For the Fray---Gormany's Severe 'Be- feats Compelled Her to Seek Turkish Aid--- Balkans Have Their Chance Now. Petrograd, Oet. 30.--Russia has accepted Turkey's participation in the war in enthusiastic fashion. High governmental officials to-day declared that the czar and his advisors weleome the opportunity to settle for all time the entire Turkish question. Already steps have been taken to meet the situation, Orders have been sent to the Black Sea fleet to search out and destroy the Turkish squadrons now operating against Crimea and Caucausian ports. At the same time, | troops, which have been held in readiness for this ex- {pected event, will move shortly. : No official declaration of war has been received here jas vet, according to high oificials. Communication with | Constantinople has been interrupted, and no word has [been received from the Russian embassy to tell whether Ithe ambassador and his staff have been handed their passports. Despatches from them, however, are momen- 4 tarily expected. ; 2 | { { Bulgaria and Roumania Must Decide. At the British embassy here it was stated that there [can be little doubt now that the entire Balkans will be linvelved in war. Bulgaria and Roumania, it is stated, [must now decide whether they will attempt to continue lan unpopular neutrality, or will seize the opportunity: to and for all end Turkey in Europe as a nation. The officials here believe that both Roumania and will strike against Turkey in the immediate = lonee { Bulgaria future. Twp destroyers, flying the outer hgrbor at Odessa, sinking a Russian me Ikeatnor . PRE { pe 3 t Germany Is Hard Pressed. RY [t-is declared at the wan office that Germany has n Turkey in the hope that a demonstration by the | Turkish army and navy will relieve the pressure on the {!Austro-German armies in Galicia, and along the east Prussian border. It is stated here that the Germans fighting along the Vis- tula, but that a large part of the German army, which. in- | vaded Russian Poland, actually has been ent off from [its base, ad is in danger of heing entirely ammihilated. Realization of this, it is believed here, forced Ger- ymany's hand, and she was compelled to bring Turkey into the war immediately, although she had hoped to keep her as a reserve to be called on early next spring. mmm rm ---------------- We Take. a Again Defeat | 1. woe sian { mothers our overcoats The Austrians |: rr -- In Bakowina See top of page 3, right hand eorser, Petrograd, Oct. 30.--It was official for probabilities. Rummage gale, Oct. 30th and, fst. 260 Princebs St. ' . Rugby, Queen's athletic grow ; ly announced here to-day that the Ser- 350 pam. Saturday, Queen's vs, "Vere vian and Austrian troops, operating D'Orsay in "The Barl of Paw id in Bukowina, have again defeated the Grand, $16 pm, and 2.30 pm. . Auttrians and have reoccupied Czar- qay nowitz, the capital of. that crown land. . Tt is also stated that the gen eral situation both in Galicia and Russian Poland continues to improve fr the Russian view point. Turkish flag, shelled the } in Rummage sale, Mrst Con Tepations al ball, Johanson Si, near ellington, Friday afternoon and evening. BORN at 31 Woodlawn Ave. 0th, 1014, to Br. as rd M. Bly, a son, BEdwa: Lawrence Ely. v DIED FAN INE ' TO al! SHR Sars. Funeral re ------------------------------------ BLY War Tidings The Germans are digging en trenchmends in the direction of Thi elt, behind the line of Nieuport-Dix mude." Among the recent British officer is captain and Hon. Charles Henry Stanley Monck of the Coldstrean Guards, heir of Viscount Monck. The British are occupying two vi! lages which they carred by bayonet charges. A Bavarian battalion re fused to fight and surrendered." The situation around La Bassee i being carefully watched. The Ger - mans have adopted the tactics which broved so successful at Antwerp. They are apparently endeavoring to drive a wedge into the allies by Shee: weight of gunfire. Official denial was given in Lor- don to the report sent out from Ber- lin, October 27th, saying there had. been sanguinary encounters between sanguinary emcounters between the British garrison and Indian troops at Alexandria, Egypt and that a court martial held in Alexandria had sen- tenced thirty men to aeath. It was declared that no Indiah troops are stationed at Alexandria. It. was the former German cruiser Breslau, which now flies the Turkish flag, which shelled in. between Turkey A formal alliance and Persia is denied by the Persian which minister. A German submarine boat, battleship Ver. i has Horne, aged 14 ¥ Burial on arrival of remains notice later. Phone 577 The Old ¥ 254 and 268 Our atoves Lv than ever 705. attacked the Pritish erable off the Belgian onst, been sunk. \ Ken Williams is in Ottawa® and already washed ashore. may play with St. Patrick's rabid team. ae a : #

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