Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Oct 1914, p. 9

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THE SPORT REVIEW "PAT KENNEDY PLAYS GOOD GAME WITH MCGILL. Kingston Looked For In Senior O.H. - As Series -- Hamilton Hockey Clubs Busy the Hatchet, Western University has its foot- ball and hockey men training on the same field. The London Institu- tion will have a senior feam in the Invercollegiate hockey league this season and will alse be represented in the O.H.A,, and Northern League. Owing to MeGill "not being very strong iu substitutes, and not wish ing to take any chance on having the team injured before the 'Varsity game: in Toronto a week from Sat- urday, the exhibition game between Hamilton Rowing Club and. McGill that was proposed for this Saturday in Montreal, has been declared off. cs The factional disputes 'between the HamiMon Hockey club, and the €en- tenuials, which disrupted the game in this city last winter, will not be evident during the coming season. The clubs have joined hands Hamilton expects to have the best year in' its hockey history. The Ha- milton hockey club is a dead issue and the Centennials have:thrown in their Jot with the Hamilton Rowing | Club. Roger Bresnahan, Chicago Nat-| he was'® satisfied with the terms offered him| ~----------~r fonals' catcher, said tbat by the Brooklyn Federal League club, but that he had not made up his mind to jump to the Federals, Bresnalian said that it would be sev- eral days before he signed their con- tract if" he signed it at all. Players who professionalized them- selves will be forced to accept the promised salary' reductions or re- main idlé this winter. There will be na place to jump, the N.H.A., and Pacific Coast League having renew- ed their territorial and salary agree- ment. These ' two organizations now represent all the professional hockey in the dominion. With the Maritime Provinces lea- gue out of business this season there will be no dearth of players anxious to sign with NH.A., teams. With salarfes cut to a minimum and an- other lean season in prospect, the outlook, for those who have joined the hold-out brigade is not good. If the "profs." expect much patronize they will have to get down to "war prices" at the box office. ; In point of weight the McGill rug- téam is the lightest in the 'gter- collegiate rugby league, furnishing x agiking proof that weight and * WI HOE NOTE essential toa winn football team than brains and "The average weight of the squad, per man, is 163% pounds.' by Pacific Coast ieague baseball clubs Will have to get along with a salary Hmit of $5,000 per. month next year, aceording to a decision announced," The present season was admited. to have been disastrous financially. The 1915 season will open March 28 and close October 17. Montreal Star: It 'the Queen's men thought their old team- mate "Pat" > medy would fall down when he lined up against them they were foft#ll to think again for "Pat" was and they Jie 25 around Bim. He played his best pane this seasoh against his old team mates dnd. on the old familiar field, and there is eyery reason to believe that hé will show up well in the remaining games. That Harvard university has pro- fited grea x the introduction of bid reg ly methods in their style of play this year is admitted by American critics. The Crimson wearers aver defeat last Saturday by a long and upexpected pass ac- ross the field; which resulted in a touch-down. There was a few mi- nutes to play when the pass was made and the consequent fifty-yard run for a touchdown allowed Har- vard to tie the score. Toronto Telegram: Kingston is doo strong for Intermediate and will doubtless be with Toronto in the O.H.A., or series and Mid- land was" enough last year to hurry mi i sevens. Western 'university of London has a team they think of . op calibre. It {8 not likely they will be admitted to the I 4 and may advance to semior O.H.A,, Préston has been somewhat fsolatéd because of loca: tion and poskibily. with London a western senfor? group may be form- ed. . 3 He Spit Too Soon. A Canadian woman, living near Londen,' d, tells, in a recent letter , &n_ interesting story of a ; e was visiting in her : war was declared. ng gentleman, re given in of a dinner party. Af: pst and' another guest bn, and, jus: ont, a doo: and | The picture<on the right shows seen one of many reunions w PUNCH'S SALIIES 5 ON-FHE WAR NEWS, German Troops in France Taking) Their Pleasures Sadly--A Great Capture We are officially informed that, when every cat and dog in the Ger- | and to man empire has been enrolled armed, each cat will he allowed provide its own kit. The German troops which started out for a 'pleasure trip" to ' Paris are now reported, owing, no doubt, to the influence of British environ- ment, to be taking their pleasures sadly. Several redsons have been given for the destruction of Rheims cath- edral. The real one is now said to be the following. Owing to the Red Cross flag being flown from one of the towers the Germans thought the building was only a hospital ee. A Scotsman gifted with much na- tive humor wishes it to be known how glad he is to see that the Frenchmen have been getting their Aisne back. "It is reporiéd that the Raisersdsd proceeding to East Prussia to! gas- sume the chief command there. In Petrograd the news is only credited by exireme- optimists. It does not say much for the enter- prisé of our English newspapers that we should have had to go all the way to India for a reference to what must have been an exceedingly clever capture of one of the enemy. "AS the war progresses, says the Times of India of the 20th ult., "the, stor- ies of German brutality become more and more frequent. One in- stance is shown in a letter from a German soldier captured in a mail- bag in Lorraine." We have always held that the Turkish sense of humor has been underrated. A leading Ottoman statesman has told Der Tag (the newspaper of that name: the * real thing has not turned up): "We only fear for Germany one thing-- her magnanimity towards the eon- quered, a quality which she shares with the great Turkish conquerers of the past." There is reported to be an uneasy feeling among the poor in our big towns that, if hard <imes should come, an aftempt will be made to foist on them many of the weirder garments which kind-hearted ladles have been making for'the troops. The attention of the public is be- ing directed to the value of fish as a food, in contradistinction, we sup- pose, to its remarkable qualities as a perfume. A London-born Italian organ- grinder who was plying his trade in Wales, has, the Express tells us, en- listed in Lord Kitchener's army for foreign service, and has left his or- gan in charge of the recruiting of- ficer at Barmouth. A pity. It should have made a powerful weapon to use against the enemy. So much has been written about the brutality of the Germans that iY seems only fair to draw attention an act of humanity on their & ay f wg hade days, ff the roost at horning, scratch. ; Ailthy L 0 eat. A scrate 1¢ south, with a foot litter in it to scatter ¥ [About noticed; a nto thé ol ing 5 Jayers, to As- breeders, ant he Bear and SEALIC LIER CR RR eB Se SC ES, FIRST PICTURES OF CANADIANS AT PEYMOU'TH. hen rel taken at Stuttgar protect prisoner "Hm forbidde Steps have been at any rate, fo against annoyance proclamation, "rigorous for any woman to cast glances at British and oners."' WELL NEARLY Gave Up Water Search When 4.48: Feet Down. New. York Sur The deepest hole in the Found i Texas at Spur, Dickens county south of the eastern portion of th Panhandle. It was intended to be a well whe M. Wivenson '& Sons, holdits « is S. H. &. Minithan to drill it, and was t have supplied the hamlet of Spur wit water. As a well, however, it was ing the knowledge of the scientifi World as regards deep stratigraphy tions of the viecihity, it was a success, Work on this deepest of "wells," which has never "brought * in" and Frobably will be, was started in' June, work "was done machine, For well grea Taxa bee a totar posés vember, 12, when a depth 1,480 foot had been attained. The cos pur per foot. Thus the total cost wa the 7g, piping and all expenses. Th lo of the salvage brought down th vet expense to about 5,000, which there is to show a very hole in the ground for the part the 'owners of the land. WHY THEY WEAR SPATS. Heroic March. Most civilians have mobiced tha all "our" Highland ~~ regiments wea spats, but few kiiew the reason why When the British = forces, whic were composed for the, greater par Por foree ership of Sir John Moore in tugal, in 1809, they were to 'retreat. from Astorga to na. During the retreat, which, by th way, ended in, the famous victory a Corunna---the very boots were rocks over which they had to pie their way. e In ordor to save their feet irony ing laderated, the soldiers too} shirts from their backs and, gyeq them into strips, wound' theidition their feet. The incident wfer into bered and . the white spatsér a hard by the gallant Highldnally, bu. granted in honor of #ed from the march and+ defence. a «d a definition, Pat MW: "The society's "What did yale or. its Shek . ~Tollows: 'An animai bije. rae, 26) shall remain a hei- "You ¢° attains the age of three : gs a calf, whichever event y wy dpens.' " hag" oaks may be seen near + Ont, a village about seven As trom London. When the field is cleared in 1860 the two {rees ere left stgnding side by side years later some lads t from one and let it r, and so they grew to- like jese twins. All 'the years they have heen and the neighbors look friends. ! methods of select: used later best 1s "ie of the trap nest the best lay the I us alt on year around, says a writer in Rural New Yorker. The trap nest record is dependable is absolutely bt whatever the best " seven months t, rans a n amorous French pris 9) n the 0 of extensipe . Panoanhle lands, employed h a failure, but as a medium of increas- co and as an exploration of the iorma- t " n never 1909, Ww th hole was abandoned in No- of t of boring was slightly less thnn $10! 8 neatly $50,000, including the cost of e o Highlanders Given Use in Honor of t ¥ h 1 of Highlanders, were. under the léad Corun a t cut from the soldiers' feet by the jagged! # w w Johannesburg | anadian Red Cross nurses who are to attend the wounded at St. atives joined the overseas soldiers. re A ee AA a A em RAVINGS OF CROWN PRINCE, Orders Troops to Take Reprisals for British Cunning, London, Oct. 30--A despatch to Reuter's Telegram company from Amsterdam says: "Crown Prince Rupprecht, of Bavaria, brother -of the Belgium queen, who is commanding the Sixth German Army corps, has issued the following army order: '" 'Soldiers of the Sixth corps -- We are fortunate opposed to us English troops the troops of that people whose envy has been at work for years to sur round us with enemies in order to strangle us. We dwe to them the present bloody war. Therefore, take reprisals for the cunning of the en- emy and for all our sacrifices when we now meet them. " 'Show them that it is not easy to wipe out the Germans history now that we are face to face with an enemy who is the greatest obstacle to peace." "It may be recalled that Emperor William recently, in congratulating the commander of the Bavarian ar- my corps for the bravery of his troops said, according to the Lokal Anzqiger. of Berlin: 'I sheuld tike the Engle" fo meet the Davartens just once more.' Army 10 have of Belgium Also Horses. Brussels, Oct. 30~--The German troops in Central Belgium have vir Enemy in Require for | tually exhausted their petrol supply deep | Oil is issued now only to-high offi of (cers, and | {The Germans seized large quantities | then in small quantities {of cil fuel here, but shipped it. back to Germany. Apparently they are now unable 10 secure a return of this oil. The Germans are requisitioning many second-rate horses, which they formerly had . ignored, . and horse vehicles. Letters received here indicate that M. Max, the former burgomas ter of Brussels, is still being held in Leipsic by the German officials. His refusal to turn over to the invaders the fire department tower and lad- ders led to his arrest. He said the ladders were needed to protect Brus sels. 'When later the Germans took the ladders by force they found that the Belgians had rendered them un fit for service. German mechanics, however, repaired them and took them to Antwerp for use in .direct ing the fire of the gunners. POTASH EMBARGO RAISED. Successful. 3erlin (via The Hague and Lor don), Oct. 30.---James W. Gerard, the American ambassador to Ger many, has succeeded in securing from the German government the lifting of the 'embargo placed upon ooo tons of potash destined for America. * The exportation of potash was forbidden after the war broke out, and the shipment this week of the potash through Holland was ob tained as the result of Mr. Gerard's intervention. Goads forwarded which were stopped In Germany be- cause of the war, also bave been freed for shipment. A eA AA AME Ae IAA tg also | American Ambassador's Efforts Are | from Switzerland to New' York, but | THINKS CANADA NERVOL 8. Lest Troopers Remain at Home Af- ter-the War, London, Oct. 30---The gratification is expressed here reports from Canada of the anxiety to enlist in the second contingent Comment is frequent on the fact that Canada is offering better enlistment than are offered for home army The Liverpool ier, for instance, Canada bas Spent enormous sums on emigration propaganda. Perhaps she is a lit tle nervous lest the attractions of the old world should prove or} strong for her new sons when they find themselves back amongst their English friends and relations The Courier asserts that each man has been promised a grant of land on his return to Canada A promising respo is being | made to Sir Edward Ward's appeal | for gifts of books for thé troops on | salisbury Plain, Fifty thousand vol 1 are 'asked for, and will | tainly be quickly obtained | Colonel Ward has been appointea | by the war office to advise Lord Kit- | chener in regard to matters affect ing the overseas contingent His | idea is to organize a leactng library | at 'Salisbury camp Already Canadian contingent has received | from the minister of the interior, | Dr. Roche, a neat little anthology of patriotic poems and songs, beginn ing with "The Maple Leaf Forever,' and ending with Kipling's "Recess- | | ional." i terms of the Cour says cer- | Experience from an army chaplain which has been pul ished in the London Morning Post ays: "I have been able to 'do 1 fair amount of spiritual work It § arkable how at such times as | men look for it. If ever human nature showed that at bottom the | consciousness of God is tn 1t) it 181 at times like this, when men cannot tell what the day will bring. I lave been able to hold communion ind wish you could see the officer and men in big circles, not such one 18 one in time of peace, but hundreds And round the camp fire where they can be lighted, we i hold evening service and sing hymns, "Abide With Me," "Lead | Kindly Light," and 'Holy Father in! | Thy Mercy," which goes so well to | "Art Thon Weary?" {they do not kncw. | great { deal of good is done, and the desire | {and response of all shows that the | work done has been good. Our men | are wonderful, but the Germans well, if the way they carry on here | is any criterion of how they would |} jcarry on if they got to England, | God help us, for not one else could. | England is waking up I 'see, but full | | extent of the need cannot be driven home too deeply." Army Chaplain's In a letter t. the front sees | Fresh Meats From States Barred. Windsor, Oct. 30.--An order has here from Canadian been received department of agriculture prohibit. ing. the importation of all fresh meats from the United States. The use of hay and straw for packing is also prohibited. The order is is- ued as a precautionary measure, owing to the spread of foot and | moth disease among Michigan cat- tle | | | Thomas' hospital, London. On the left is] A eA Ar ect Nt stn eens -------- --~--, . ~--r Nr ng GERMAN LINE TAKEN OVER. | Ships to West Indies Transferred to Dutch Flag. + Oct, 30.--An Amsterdam tch to Reuter"s Telegram com- THY IT AT OUR EXPENSE We are in earnest when we ask you to give ORRINE a trial You have nothing to risk and everything to gain, for your honey will be re- turned if after a trial you fail to get results from OQORRINE.' This offer gives the wives and mothers of those who drink to excess an opportunity to try the ORRINE (reatment. It is a very simple treatment, can be giy- en in the home without publicity or logs of time from business, and at a small price, ORRINE is prepared in two forms: No. 1, secret treatment, a powder; ORRINE No. 2, in pill form, tor those who desire to take voluntary treatment. Costs only $1.00 a box. Come ih and talk over the matter with us. Ask for booklet, aw Mahood, Cor, Princess Bagot streets. Nr ts eA A A ------ee Great Clearing Sale Boots and Shoes Every pair of boots and shoes In wtoek will be reduced from 28 to 35 per cent. in order to make room for sur fall stock coming wm. Laates' Patent Leather Pumps "orth $2.50 te $3.00, now . 8175 Ladtew' Gun Metal nnd Viel Kid Oxfords, regular prices $2.50 and $3.00, mow _.. sansansess SLID Children's White { Hoots, Worth $1.25, for t Children's Oxfords, from § | 10 1-2, worth $1.25, now Terns and te Se pany says that the steamship service ! between New York and the Dutch West Indies, hitherto run by the Bremen Hansa Steamship line, has been taken over by the Netherlands Rotterdamsche Lloyd 4 Women practiced medicine in France | s early as 1300. More than 400 women medicine in Germany are studying A { H. B. WARTELL R38 KING STRERT Phone 1878 | i PACKAGE SU "A 5.Ib. Package of " means Canada's finest sugar, clean and pure. "A quarter's worth of Sugar" may mean this--and it may not, is put up in 2-b. and 5.lb. Sealed Cartons and 10, 20, 50 and 100-b. Cloth Bags. Canada Sugar Refining Co., Limited, Montreal, SOLID CHOCOLATE MAPLE Mothers love to give their children e £ uds, for naa | 3 EF t of many hos i #% in' the face of his 5 that is fed on a corn ra- he ¢ 'during the winter months their pure and wholesome nourishment, as much as the kiddies lgve to eat them, for 'their rich, deli- cious, chocolate-goodness. Maple Buds, being nothing . but pure chocolate, a produce the ills that other sweets sometimes d and winter, and that use of it in the fi i us

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