Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Oct 1914, p. 7

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To )/INGIBENTS OF THE DAYYGRAND geeea Household Banking Accounts =.cers. con ~ fila mise, tet west Hagpenings in the City and Vicinity . 'Lawrance in The Bank of Toronto have been found by many --What the Merchants Offer to ' Y : to be a great convenience. The accounts may be op- the Readers of the Whig. D Ok S A ) LOST. ened in the names of husband and wife, and either' Baby Cough "Syrup, 13e, mot 2c. i i : : Gibson's. . ; ALL : PERSON . oo oh theay oat or Withdraw money. Interest is paid BEVIS suaine, isn tue. over [Ee ietngisos Engh Comtan| is 3 Isarizn" Sa: | 11 TIVE EENSON, TAT, RCH | ute toilet, please return 10 on these accounts twice a year ritoived at Mehulay'g. Phone 56 -- EARL i) aw Tuck fT Sent werd: nies | Fe niet oa fon Assets .........., $60,000,000 from Gibson's Red (ross Drug Store. The , Eee---------------- {ap ARL PENDANT, ON TUESDAY HH. Mehay- and wife, of Ottawa, were On F Night and Saturday Mat- : afternoon, somewhere between INCORPORATED visiting in Kingston on Thursday, FT nee. oN oer eee a, | Lalas and Watdrowa ori (he | FORE ED WL RED, ROCK . Baby Cough Syrup, 15c., mot 25c. And AN AY OE A Cais 20 or aoe Whig office and receive reward Apply to M. G. Boyd, 106 Pine St. . night, or for three. Sr Gibson's. d hela. thes El \ " THE PRACTICE AND VILLAGE Buy Rexall goods and help t THE RENTED EARL rr m-- i Aha patriotic fund, at Mshood's Drug GIRLS FOR KNITTING, APPLY KING. TO LET . one fue Dr. Zuiw, By Salasbury Field. JHE ' 1855 - \ »n Hosiery Co. ii -------- a -- ---------- , | Store. * a Mh tsi LEA es I A TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS Shaw, Lansdowne. OF Lieut. W. H. Gimblett, with the R. On Saturday Night. A MAID AS GENERAL NO WASHING Once 2c, three times S0c. ET Ee ---- C.HUA. i 1 een promo- | | > » ; ly 179 Earl St 4 DALE RIT UPPY, C.H.A. in England, has | p 5S EVG,, 25.50.75¢-8$1-81.50 or ironing. Apply 17 ar TORR rt eo BEDALE IIR rurey, BE ted to the rank of captain. MAT. 25.50-75c81; Children 25¢. | --------------------r--esmamrr y i i . . RT . 3X y » ERS. AP. lean and dry. McCann, §3 Pioch QOorang ex Pure Maid. $15. A. Market Square ; n H. Cumningham, piano tuner, 21 SEATS NOW ON SALE. BE Ee TE ie | areen, 804 iy : Ross, 214 Willtam §t. King GEORGE B. McRAY Manager a aca naa, Tt He NEXT W : ee ' : » Auley's book store. i N HOUSEKEEPER, REFERENCES RE. | TWO BEDROOMS AND ONE SITTING eet ------ : Rev, D. T. Cummings, Smith's Falls, ALL EX WEEK quired. Apply between 6 and | Pom, Syrnished, Apply to 18% a drain an, LON ; ] ; : -------- will preach anniversary sermons in vy dnd ¥ "Ym. at 205, Whitlam St st back. Three Srawors a Wueen Street Methodist church on No: A YOUNG GIRL TO HELP WITH Bhan 127 Shel . housework and care of child, Ap- | JFFICES IN CLAKMNOE ST. CHam : Neher SP The Imperial Ro Rips ARCE Xt. cg aR "Just the same ice as other ply in evening at 48 Frontenac St ers. y to Cunning! U | A LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES y a pr die, 19 Clarence Bt. a number of first-cla heaters ae years" for rubber goods purchased at |g a. x tea . N . LLIGENT PERSON MAY low pri ; also a b Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. sical Comedy Co AN earn Tio monthly oTreeponiing | + ROONED HOUSE WITH W oor niture. J. Thompson T03 Princess ® & $i . The management committee of the for newspapers; no _canvassing and coal shed attached: rent f St, Phone 1600. ire nsuy ance {B § Board of Education awarded the con Bend for particulars. Press Syndi immediate possession. Apply 50: tract for school supplies to R. Uglow | With Cansda's Favorite Comedisns cate, 3,969 Lockport. N.Y Johnson St. GLADSTONE WAGGON AND SLEAGH, 4 - T ladies' waddle, one gentleman' & Co. its tender being the lowest. Feld & £ h 3 ANE SRVAN DIATE ane , g ¢ } ENERAL SERVANT, IMMEDIATE saddle. Will sell cheap. Now tnat the fall season Is once again with us, necessfiating the Baby Cough Syrup, 15c., mot 95. man ¢ ristie |e ly: must be good cook; no washing | IWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND UN. B Pugh. milfay ab Aly i starting of stoves and furnaces, the danger from fire risk consequently Qik wd; ~ : And a Broadway Beauty Chorus or ironing. Apply - Mrs A. P furnished; stores, offices, ete. M: Barriefiold, luttentes, 80 that It Is essential hat all property should be adequately a1bson 8. Presenting on Monday Night Knight, Alice St. ns Real Estate Agency, §2 toVere The steamer Britannic will leave ty Brock St. pO p i nvr . > A FIRST CLASS POXY, KIND, AND I WIA Aerie "Bly mali oy anus av on Yniating.s change, Montreal on November 3rd on hor i LEARN BARBER TRADE, SURE BY. | ore YOR oy good driver, 9 years old} also a TeTeseut seversl rival aril an) of Akurieg on your 0 \ last roid, trip to oll St. Lavra oy in IC a ployment. Good wages. Few weeks | ROUND FLOOR OFFICE TO LET, ®ood pony outfit. Will sell reas } | A required to complete arse, Write heated, lighted and furnished. Bes onable App Kingston Mattress POIs as far as Ringston. Ihe boas Tuesday, "The Girl In the " for particulars and catalogue to business location in the city. Apply Co., 566 Princess Street. GEORGE BAWDEN will later winter at Cornwall. a >, Play oie day. Moler Barber College, 231A 56 Brock St. 2 i "Guard against colds," take Cod |Speeimt | Nothing | Queen East, Toronto. a papers et------{ | LARS NUMBER OF "RICH PHONE 28. re 168 PRINCESS ST. (Bb, . "UOC pak nst 300. 'bottles O5r. | Friven: - | 10 | Yathing --_ 'TORAGFE, FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN also Dunlop tires, st $2.00. A A 3 INSURANCE. od s LN. I Ana SEATS ON SALE SATURDAY HAVE YOU ANY ABMITY AS A dry, airy rooms; your 6wn lock an orders promptly attended to i einai bs (Gibson's. Bel - salesman? We bave a proposition key. Frost's Sh Storage, 299 rpet cleaning and laying. "heh The flags were floating over the city to make which will enable you to Queen Bt. ®hone 526b. ¥ earn more money than you _are Muller, 373 King St hall as a mark of respect for the IG = 3 SH TITY TS ; . wa . earning at the present time, Cor- RIGHT ROOMED HOUSE ALMOST Nn . " & late ex-Ald. George Cliff. In war PURE CLEAN FOOD respondence strictly confidential new, modern improvements, corner BARRY 2 BOY HTS NPRNIAL Dx. times flags cannot be hali-masted and Pt oi 'tre = 4g Manager, Box 47, King- Division and Quebec streets. Apply bec's, pugs and square heaters, ail this accounts for them floating at IS ESSENTIAL ston, Ont. 5 to J. D. Boyd, 106 Pine Street. these in first class shape: wil) ; Close them out at very small pro= "Pays the Piper ?" top-mast. VIX ROOM BRICK HOUSES AND FOUR fits Turk's '™ Who ays tne riper: "Rural wail orders" are shipped day TO GOOD HEALTH WORK WANTED room bungalows, With all loca) | wee o> TROD : Stop the Fire Waste ! order is received at Gibson's Zed ---------- improvements, $10 and 38 pe FARM oF 200 ACRES, 135 ACRES or [ DONE AT HOME, 40c A month ply Canadian Lecomo- tilable land and rest is 'wood land: . Cross rug Store. - : Sone, fone Hve Company, Limited half mile from Limeriok. rafiroad it makes your rest higher, Increases your taxes, and by raisiag Judge H.¢A. Lavell left on Thurs ' rr re een S33 --_ station; seven miles from Waters grocer and butcher, puts up the price of food. "Yeu day for Smith's Falls whore he will' . - FTHREE FRONT ROOMS FOR LIGHT town. There are 14 good cows on housekeeping; unfurnished, gas I are will sel it all for $i. e. i a- | ulld net 8 geod example for your melghbor. Every attend the annual meoting of the Ca-| ly 3 LEG electricity, hot water heating, op 04 'rite Frank Brennan, 91% i erected helps 10 reduce (he Insurance rate. Evers nadian i lab. Judge Javal as, ) AL. en fireplace, etc. Telephone 447 Cooper St, Watertown, N.Y. ng helps Increase it \ during his residence in Smith's Falls \ . . Am n 3 49 Wellington St . Wn a extended fire Mmiis. Bulld with hrick nnd buy your president of the club. "| 3 : UN I YH AN Avorn TE Soe. 10 : AND MINERAL RIC HTS, FELDSPA AND ni eo. - X y § ! Jo . » yea y a " ' NE G , FEL "No advance' in price of hot wa- 2 Ciarence street. Kingston. LARGE DOUBLE FRONT ROOM AND mica; convenient to stat ig » em THREE NEW FRAME HOUxEs, YORE A. Neal, Kisgston Brick Yard Phone 1396 lf] ix, ous ot Gibson's ied cross _ emm-- | v0n stle Trent oom, mesli i : : > is 8 ar | . | ZIG ZAG University, Apply 'Box 1021, Whit {o; ggqt ShSOR: HOUSE, « LARGE LOW er -- one single front room, nicely lo George Wilkes, a resident of Rich! and stable, i i \3 3 mi LSOO--FRAME HOUS mond township, died on Wednesday, CHE STORE ON MARKET STREET 31.500--FR A) FRANK Hoss, a -- in the general hospital, at the age ; at present occupied by D. Hutch land St TT of seventy-seven years. The de- NN SARDINES eson as & flour and feed store. Por |g. A. BATEMAN, INSURANCE AND 1 ceased was confined to the hospital - ' ean gt Appl Real Estate, 67 Ciareuce St. for the last few weeks | : (Norwegian) - - - ; y NO. 28 WEST ST. STONE HOUSE, EN- ARCHITEOT. y , . . .» "No advance in price of hot water | NO ADVANCE IN PRICE We have a new frame dwelling containing 9 rooms, hot- | bottles" at fibwon's Red Cross Drug FAMILY GROCER tirely renovated; hardwood floors % ' Store. Zig Zag Sardines are acl open fireplaces: tiled bathroom WM. NEWLANDS & SON, at "0 afl 1 Q 3 4. " h rate hy Py ssio t 2 air fur nace, elec trie lights, B. and ( Ey Bertrum Smith and B. Connor. of by connoisse a to be one of the finewm Bot wate: Heating 3 Rosession a fects. etc. ..Offices, 268 : . rdine; that we will sell for ........ Sharbot Lake have left for Home- BE PARTICULAR The Eromtost care has been taken in -- ---- J K CARROLL AGENCY stead, Florida, where they have Insi st on getting Chole of fish as Neat un oil. J? the | 4 FLAT IN E y INGTON APART. POWER & SON, ARCHITEOTS, . o Bho taken a farm and will locate. W. Y, SS ery ment of eng TE Minds ments, 130 Wellington St. Posses- chants' Bank Building, corner -" 7 rev ' . - oe Whil in od f No wian fish sion No ' Heated by ho % . 18 BROCK ST. JOHN DRIVER, Representative. PHONE 68 [Cannon and family leave in the near | " 3 Fishy aivEaad eine to the or 0 ar electric er at HHA Wellington strests. Drap future also to locate. GOLD BOND vou may obtain ZIG ZAG SARDINES a Apply F. W. Me er, 99 L. Albert | - 3 Fmulsion, 2c. not Se. Gibson's. | Canned Goods EE iCiE, ENBRY 4 C0. es -- MUSIC. ! . . : eibutors) : ev. Wiliam McDonald, Sud- ' i. - F i . bury, 'a Queen's man, has agaid | + (Dist DENTAL TEACHER OF SINGING, MISS CARRIN or e been appointed one of the three re-! Bajus, 47 Rideau St Telephone a ad ¥ » ! ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ YOUR FAVORITE testo pus Conte os GRAND FOOTBALL GAME [35s 5 inte ice | We ures, a kg wo | ot 4 8) & Gravelle, of the Village o ortsmouth, mov to 258 Princess Street. r v ™ : ternational Purity Congress, to be | | the Province of Ontario, will apply VIOLIN INSTRUCTION Phonographs, Graf- held at Kansas City from Nevembe 3 Gramophones, -------------------------------------------------------------- 3 aol r T Q to the Parliament of Canada, at tre | SPARKS AND SPARKS, 150 WEL | MSS CHRISTINE COCHRANE, 78 Odeon outbip and Vitor Tocopas, Sth to the Sth ! oronto VS. ueen [est Soxsion EH n Bi at Divers . Hoy Prato (over "Carnoveky's) Gore street. Telephone 136. » E No advance In price and 5 per! . t ea 3 tn < er husband, Thomas fred Gravelle one . J i ------------ a eo Queen's Athletic Grounds, Saturday whose residence is at the present thine | ----w------s---------------------- =~ DENTIFRICE Sing records, Blue Amberal re cent. goes to the Patriotic : Fund, | oct 31st. - Game begins 2.45 p.m d- fat Calgary, In the- province of Albe ria DR, ©. C. NASH, DENTIST; DR. T. B. Son ne bry Mins ain cords. from Rexall goods. Mahood's Drug [mi : bleachers, I rand fon the ground of adultery and deser- Renton, assistant. 133 Princess el, nn, BOOg Telgmann, AMda Te! an. 3 a stand, 50c; ved seais, ji tion Street. Phone 786. O. ¥. Telgmann a0! elocus Big discounts for July and Angust | Store. i ravidh . Plan at Uglow's until Jay Dated 34, Ottana this 22nd day of RE TTT tion, piano, Violin And all mtrined Can always be procured from The vourt of revision hear assegs- | Nog : dugust, AD, 1914, " z S. H. SIMPSON, L.D.S, DDS. DENT- Instruments. w f » 5 mend appeals on Wednesday after- |. T last chance to see n Inte } _ J. F. SMELLIE, fst, corner Princess an Bagot ws, © mention a few of the 3 Say eg + championship g his p 7 Trust Building, Ottawa streets. Entrance on Bagot street. MISS Ep 3 many we keep in stock: Col- n & noon from ratepayers in Cataraqui | sor { Sol or for the Ap oil 8 TARY a A LMERS TO, = 4 AR a ws " graduate Toronto Conserv gate's, Nyal's, Sanitol, Euthy- and Frontenac wards. A number PERSONAL Music, soprano soloist St. Andrews Pebeco, mol, Zymole, Hutax, Phone 202 113 Rrock St. of decisions were rendered, but some | ---------- church, will open classes in sing= Oct, ith, WIll prepare x - # rales were held over for further! = mer Es sete ir ing, 0 5 ete. Appx SILI SEE Es = reel LAR; MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS for Tafbnto. conservatory. examin consideration and all growths and skin blemish. ations. For terms and other infor= withour mation apply C. W. Lindsay Co, | : : 5 % 4) . T F > " » gid 9' | "If you live in the country ceder | y " és. removed permanently, nation ap, d i REMOVAL NOTICE from Bilson * Red Cross Drug Hae, it scan: 30 oars: ig Re Nan Frincets St i od bel yout. A | e re ear % Throat and skin speclalist, 258 Ba i Oppoiite Y. M. C. A. | This evening, in the physics leclure | got street. SPP ee . | 1 have removed my office to room, Queen's ' university, Andrew | : . . KINGSTON RUSINESS COL- & l ' - . Ont. [ll 60 Brock Street, next door to Halkett, Ottawa, addresses the King ve CATERING + 5 LEGE, Limited. ill Metcaife's meat store, opposite ston Teachers' Institute on the | vy . . y . 3: Sup cad of Queen Street | Henderson's. "Morphology of Animals. He is The Whig 8 New Big Serial Story 4 keeping, Shorthand, Typewrit- the guest of his brother, J. B. Hal ' : WE CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS |# Ing Banking. Civil Service, Gene Fall Weddi ts, uets, etc eral Improvement a om kett, 58 William street. Starts Saturday ea Tom dishes. Table Haonn and mercial subjects. Rates moderate S. Roughton, fiif Tt means a big saving to buy silverware. Reid and Hambrook ate. Phone 440. H. F. Metcalfe, drug store' wants at Gibson's "Red Sma M. P. Reid, 30 Union Street. F. GC [4 Principal. SAMIR i . { Manager, the Mutual Life As- % A ; i Albion Hotel gs Co., o Suda; 1 Dro Store. 50. : Fmulsion : Phones 353 or 308. rel. Bum " | hone N Hi id ; ILSTERIN odelled t I | Miss Anna McCarthy and Fran- : . 4 ANTE FIRE YPHU| i Rem throughou L. : __Iil{ cis MoCarthy, Watertown, N.Y., were | / 4 WANTED GENERAL W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, Rite » RE ne here on Tuesday to see their broth- 4 - S . pairing and carpet w . One of Kingston s Best : : WANTED, FOR A FEW MONTHS, A mattress renovating. Foi 2 il } er, Leo McCarthy. undergoing treat- ¢ . rn wri » 3 N ; n i > EE - good home for fox terrier (not used or call 218 B t T = NOTICE TO CREDITORS} aeuL upon one of bis eyes. Francis " p : to children). Will pay. Apply Box a ile. 'returned but Miss McCarthy will re- 2 / \ . - ; 1028, Whig office IN THE MATTER OF THE BSTATE oF | ain wth her hrother for a time. : wn Ny 1 WINDOW CLEANING--PLACE YOUR FINANCIAL. . CHARLES H. MARTIN, LATE OF] "Sugar has advanced in price" but p ' \ " "orders at once and be sure ofgood a . THE TOWNSHIP OF 1OUGH-|the old-fashioned horehound candy for work. We clean and put up storm | ROVTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. A "0: < © 2 : : clea put up stern 8 + » BOROUGH. IN THE (CO Y F . . o P : " P ment BSoefety: Incorporated $63; FRONTEN FARMER ny | Coughs and Colds still sells at old windows. We employ only good, [reeident, Colonel Hehry R. 1 a New Home for Themselves) "ii ics 106 for § pound, at Gicn's| F | i | ener Tid he AE SR Notice is heréls en, purswant tc | Red Crass Store. sad 349 St., . 2 9 debentures: mortgages pure i Why should you pay rent when you [Ilevised Statutes of Ontario, Wi, The management of : the Frontenac Love Her FE E - deposits received and interest al can save money by paying rent on a Char Aa ee. 36 clammy ogo inet the « hotel received, on Thursday morning, ATHER CNOUGH TO lowed = C. McGill, Manager, 87 new home of your own? estate of Charles H. Martin. tee { A letter from the secretary of the Var [ GENTLEMEN na i BRING THEIR Jente street : Wh t build a home of your own, [oh or about fhe twenty-eighth da) sity football organization, to have cloth and have It made up Into UD | CIVERPOOL, LONDON AND y De a 3 tethber, 1914, are required tu daliver 1 : to-date suits. Price and workman Fire 1 Con from $1,006 to ¥10,000, on easy terms. Sewtet] ey onl rears on Crh ture plenty of room reserved 'for his men, Li Ship guaranteed to please. Press- ansets ETN IT ¥. A Try the seventh day of November, 1914, who will ba in Kingston on. Friday ran hoo nS Lon the which the policyho. have fi the undersigned salicitors for the Ex- might. vamity intends bringing a § ' i 131 Brock street, near Bibby's Sscurity th uniimited Hraviiity ot scutor of the estate their names 3 klarge num of : . : And ther, too! i p ; ¥ property, insur at \ Chas. Leeder, Siireses aud fail dedcription ot all [ATCC UMDCT 0 Sipporters Slong an unworthy father, : NE --. ia ob Biving. new bush clade and the nature of securities (if . " 4 y + Rs, © or ving new usin Room Sloima and the nature of securities (1 Collegiate Debating Union. bable", say youu. ; SITUATIONS VACANT Tates from Birange & Strange: » duly verified nat jmmea.| The Kingstom collegiate debating ys ttt RR RR Agents. Phona $25. And, further take notice that immed- : i d . » - i [MAN OR WOMAN 'AIR EDU. King Edward Building fately affer the seventh day of Novem. union elected its officers for the en- Nat a bit of it. Sco the pictures or read the i cation cin ma Rf ip Hal BUSINESS NOTIOES. 7 her, 1014, the Executor will proceed tol suing year on Wednesday afternoon. t of the "Trey O'Hearts" and you'll a in their district, Rapid advance. . , distribute the sald estate among thelffonorary president, W. 0. And y story y ay ¥ ment. Experience = unnecessars. | JOSEPH MUSE, § CHEST Eo] parties entitied thereto, having regard HE a ana perp it was the most nateral thing in the o . Spare time accented. Write Nich opened up's quarry bby #. ols Limited, Publishers, Toronto. Cut, buliding and rough on ¥ AL reason I for the olaims of which he saali[son; honorary vice-president, J. Fra- In Times of Peace hen have received notice. And - the jeer; president, P. Belton: first vice bh - ar Se rt 3 ad ave e to see , Hed tl In Times'\wf War [B [sate Esatuiar Shall not be Habis to any president, J. Gow; secretary, iI. Hoop You'll be doubl ed you A coc phd : w op promp ] oh ave bron recelyed him prior [ers treasurer, W. Nickle. The pdvis- oy you use them f rea nov see TEACHER WANTED. psi Perfect Sight fo the said seventh day of November, |ory committes (a student from each the motion pictures of -- } [FOR2, XO. & oso, A TEACHER BU! CHANCES. 914 . form), was' alected as follows: 4th i Dug > ~. Is Essential NICKLE & FARRPLL, y » Satta Duties to commence. after mid- | ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN - Hae Ontarlo. form, G. Gilohrist and C. Elliott; : summer holidays. Apply Stating a mall srder business at h . ary Tm. vassing: Solicitors for the Executor.|3rd form, E. Torrence and Baker. The a $3 Xp rience, to Wm. ret your own Wi -Trea: . Clarendon Bta- nd for booklet; tel TTR TS ai, CHARLES BSLEY MARTIN. i . , iB programme committee was composed nN tion, Ontario, ated at aps TOR this Fiftetl duy of W. Paul (chairman), J. Gow = and Garrett. C ga + - te i . 4 | GERMANS OVERWHELMED Nobiaéco. Gove Fryer. o The Av Angel i . 4 Block : the of Numbers of|{ The ral post office in Tondom, e ; . . 5th Supeciotity fn fo im SEE THE PICTURES : ! Kentucky Cannel at the Russians. Pagland, ° has advised the Canadian post office authorities that British Berlin, via The Hague, Oct. 20. -- xpaditionary. foros secrns on ib 1 A [yg J od - i : gS Admitting that the Germans operat | "XP rl serving Of " 4 -- V4 : ; I 3 fe tat he, i ut Tonite) THE IDEAL THEATRE $f | 2 The Grate f to retreat because of the immense | foro. care of the general post office, / | d : superiority of numbers of the Rus. | london, Fng." and sent in the mails / " ; ] s j sians, the war office, in a laconic | 'or Tondon, will be forwarded to their . duced b k 4 f : 1 T statement, supplementing the origin- | destination. Hi . " 4 Sy : or oy 3 3 al declaration, issued to-day, says:| The British office adds that vigar: : ] allo ageln resuming the offen. $tlen and £5 Fran fe of Joops are wr p f ; : . Enot } for the Se Bo n With the shifting of the fightin Belgian Relief Fund. is story is the talk of the continent, now running in ; : : : toward the chanm giant Ton men uone to tne 38 picture houses in Toronto. First instalment at the became Delgian the. Board of Tred! Theatre, Monday end Tu-sday, Nov. 2nd and 3rd. Mrs. !

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