Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Oct 1914, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. -- EE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1914. -- SS a ---" -- ---- PEOPLE OF ST. LUKE'S'T0 GET COMMISSIONS! + rl ---- ie "OBSERVED 50TH ANNIVERSARY | AND WILL SOON BE FIGHTING AT OF RECTOR'S ORMINATION. THE FRONT. are being sent here from all parts of Ontarfo, it would look as if nore accommodation will have to be made for the prisoners. Some of the prisoners have been confined to the fort since shortly! Lafter the war was declared, and they | are wishing every day to get out. Rev. 'R. 8. Forneri Gave an Address, | They Have Been Recommended by They are aldo wishing they had Giving Praise to God For His| 'Commandant of Royal Military | returned to Germany and Austria . | : long before the war. They will be| Guidance During the Past Hailf{ College -- Another Army Class to! a Century, Be Started. | in great glee when they are given | i A uty. io prisoners put in! with the regular © Col. Carleton, commandant at they their time?" is a question very often mid-week prayer meeting, on Wed- Royal Military College, has recom- | asked. Some put in a great deal of nNeSday evening,' in St. Luke's Angli- mended the following cadets, now in time reading; there is plenty of tan church, a special programme was attendance at college, for imperial | time given for exercise and sports, | carried out commemorating the fifty econunissiomns : football and baseball and at the | years in the ' ministry of the rector, E. A. F. Hale, Sherbrooke, Que. present time two or three are en-/'Rev. R. S. Forneri. = The- church was | . 8. Ridout, Regina. #aged in fixing up the roadway lead- | well filled for the occasion. H. T. Genet, Brantford. ing to the fort. They like the| Three clergymen officiated, Rev. (a: F. G. P. Gibson, Vancouver, B.C. work. Anything looks good to them {non Loucks, Rev. A. I. Geen and the S. F. Fisken, Tcronto. by way of a change from the fort. rector." At the conslusion of the Samunl Davis, Montreal. Some of the prisoners have put in|prayer meeting Mr. Forneri read a! H. A. Roberts, Vancouver, B.C. their time making picture frames |beautifully worded address in i. 4. Carruthers, Kingston. which | and there are some who ont of small! was embodied 'praise to God 'for the F. J. D. Townsend, Vancouver, pieces of wood which they have good health, which He had given the C. pirked up inside the fort, turned rector to enable him to carry out so! out fine models of ships and aero-!many years of devotion to church planes. Some of them are very clev4work. Hardly within: these fift A or with a knife and if they had the , years, which fell due on Wednesday, | material could turn out many things | has there heen any interruption that of value, Lai : might cause withdrawal from duty While the majority are tired of : 3 J After concluding hix address Mr. lor. being held prisoners there are some | offered prayer. who rather like it. They are of the y J , fond oF ror Special music was rendered hy are : oF who 2 not nd ot BA pe choir. An anthem, "Praise the Lord, At the college, this evening. _ the confined to Fort Henry, 245 pris-! Ln other day a A ay Fron een Oh Jerusalem," wag given, Mrs. H. ' eaduts who have volunteered their aer- oners. This number includes the | sased on Paro & ii om d le A. Betts taking the solo part. "Nunc vieos will be entertained at. a dinner Austrian, his wife and two children, | ?fked 10 be enrolled again, an Dimittis" was also rende red, Albert 'given them bv the other cadet. who were brought here from Sar- | V3 accommodated. 3 tramved ah Pardoe taking 'the solo. . Miss Chris. | Tt is altogether likely that, in the nia a few days ago, and held fun} Te said that ne, 3 Rakin it tine €'ochrane played a beautiful vio jeonrse bf a few days, another army Tete de Pont barracks. The mem-|°'®r the ountey wos i German [lin solo during the offertory [class will be commenced at the bers of the family were taken over yas known na care oe aan \ handsome bouquet was placed leve for the cadets who are in the ju- to the historic fort yesterday. The ao Derson ba ia better be upon the altar by the A number of these are fort only has accommodation for | B¢ het In his few weeks travel. |*hoir as a token of to secure éqmmissions in the 300 prisoners, and at the rate they Bon Ek from 'Place to place he ee and for that reason 'the course ™= had found it very hard even to get he started. The! matter of form- Noti S-- A fact which goes to show that the prisoners of war are not suffering F f Ki | fort every-day and oftener if re- armers of King- [0 ; ton Township 8 enough to eaf and at. times the situa- the class is before the militia Donations of oats, apples, [from their confinement 1s that there To The ---- BUT PRISONERS IN THE FORT GET NO INFORMATION. Old Magazines Only, Reading Matter Prisoners/ of War Are Allowed -- How Some of Men Put in Their Time Hew would you like to be a pris- oner of war and not receive even an- inkling of what is going on in the conflict? Or course you would not like it. Just imagine how you would feel if you did not even see a newspaper with an necount of the war or have geome person who would tip you off as to what is going on?" Well, this is exactly the position the German and Austrian prisoners of war are in at old Fort Henry. They are hungry for news, but they do not get it. All the reading ma- terial they get is old magazines, and although they kick they have to be satisfied. They do not know how the battle is going: perhaps if they did there would be a general 'revolt The prisoners try to "pick" up in formation from the guards about the war, but with the guards there is nothing 'doing. Mum's the word with them. There are at the present In conjunction Grey Tops We dre showing a large range of children's Brown Tops Shepherd Plaid and Plain Black Cloth Tops R fancy cloth tops, in sizes 31-2 and 4 to 7 1-2; also patents with bright red kid tops. THE NEWEST NEW YORK SHOES | Abernethy's Geofirey Holmes, Nova Scotia. R. A. S. Adair, Hcsitzeal. ti. I. Tialing, Montreal. H. del... Pant, Ottawa. J. MH. Sdott. Dalhousie, N.B. H. G. A. files, Kingston. These cadets are on leave awaiting 'word from the war office as to what the reximents they are appointed. to. Overgaiters And Leggins Fawn Spats class | time | col- members of the I nior eclassas ction ! anxious IN MARINE CIRCLES. Of Vessels | Along the Harbor. | The steamer Missisquoi was up {from Gaganoque on Thursday Her trip of the season is scheduled * Saturday. The vessel has had a very busy season. T. company's elevator: from Montreal, two light | tug Bartlett cleared on' Thursday for the Cornwall canal, | to 'bring up light barges to King-| the steamer Northmount pas- | up light on Thursday on the | y to Port Colborne, to take on a | zo of grain. t Steamer Aletha down from Picton | lon Thursday. | Steamer City of Hamilton' arrived ' from. Toronto and cleared for Mon- jtreal at 9 a.m., Thursday. i Steamer City of Ottawa "arrived from Montreal, and cleared for To- | roijo Wednesday midnight. | 1 Steambarge Aberdeen passed up to Picton from Montreal at 8 a.m., Thursday. Steamer Calgarian.passed down to Montreal from Port Colborne at 11.30 a.m., Wednesday. | Steamer Wahcondah passed from ! Montreal at 11 a.m, Wednesday Steamer Colonial is expected meet. 1 258 down to Montreal. t1 Steamer Advance is expected to | jiome into the Kingston Shipbuild-| {i g drydock on Friday. for general i repairs | - | Lady Students Organizing Ground | Hockey Club. The first gathe of the inter-faculty soccer schedule was played yesterday [TACKLING IS RECEIVING PAR- TICULAR ATTENTION. Reported tton for him was a Serious one. In at the present time. the fort while in confinement; he = would bé sure of his three meals a day and good treatment. x seri cases of {ll- potatoes, beans, butter Andis bert wo serions eae . -- cheese from the lof diphtheria, but the men have re- |covered. A medical man visits the Tug HUNTER KILLED A COW Style and Good Taste "Are evident in our display of the season's popular models in New Furs There's disti ve smartness in the cut and shaping, indi- viduality in the style and combinations and unusual qual- ity in our furs. Just now we emphasize neck pieces and muffs and are of- fering some exceptional values. CAMPBELL BROS. Makers of Fine Furs UEEN'S AT PRACTICE | | Belonging to William Milton, Pittsburg Township William Milton," who resides on the Pittsburgh road, is on the war {path afier the guilty party who shot la valuable cow belonging to him ten Tuesday. Mr. Milton complains {that there are several young men | who make this locality their hunting ground for squirrels. The same lare none too careful with the shot jthey fire and on many occasions they shoot wide of the mark not only endangering the lives of cattle but | | of the regidents themselves. Mr. { Milton is feeling thé loss of this on | cow quite keenly as he valued it {at sixty-five dollars It is his in- SATURDAY the 31st INST. A no matter who trespas- 'ses on or near his property to maké provided jan example of them by having them { before the magistrate vpn Sai---- | | of lston; British Government may be| delivered at GLENVALE STATION. on FRIDAY THE 30th INST. and at KINGSTON (inner) Station SUNKIST RAISINS 1914 Goods Just Arrived Seeded and Seedless Insist on the Sunkist Brand GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, LIMITED. =, OE ------ -- the best made overcoats in the city. All latest styles and id & Hall Seats terns in both boys' and men's. | Prices away down. See our | big bargains ar $8, $10, $12, | S15 and wp. | Also Sweater wear, Socks, Mitts, Boots "and" Shoes. values in the city. ISAAC ZACKS 271 PRINCESS ST. LAWRANCE ®t Lhe L nights LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. id « day 1 Popular plays Wolfe Islander Complains About Municipal Appointments, St. Lawrence, Wolfe Island, Oct 26.---(To the Editor): In loekin over the minutes of the last ing of the municipal coineil Wolfe Island, 1 see that J. D grove AS appointed township and William McLaren, tax tor, and that it gave great satisrac tica in the township [-am of th opinion that it does not. Let us look it as it is and how the patronage is given to the electors of the town- ship, and e how it is divided. The towlship about evenly divided bhe- tween Roman Catholics and Protes- tants, yet the Protestants have the majority of votes in the township The township clerk is the tow nship treasurer, the ass tax collector and the auditors are all Roman Catholics L.would like to know if the the municipal boar according to the do business witl It looks to me OVERCOAT SEASON [Hall Mirro We have a complete line of Barrels will be o . | appe and expert packers will as-|*'Per sist free of charge to the! The day might come when . | could not get "Salada' but that Sons. iol I {will be only whenever .we find it im- 4 reight and transporta- | possible to get tea of the = quality tion will be* at government} hat goes with the "Salada" brand. éxpense; Brown ' Label, 3 Blue Label, By order, Red Label, , and Gold la- Chas. F. Adair, vou clerk |! colle : THE HALLS OF QU EEN'S. 4 } ( | al ng Under Gloves, The bect 65 ; Coats, { bel; 65¢. a pound. { A Davis & company have purchas- ted the offic furnishings of the -Buf- | falo and Ontario Smelting company, | and they were taken away on Tues- | day afternoon tween arts in win lor Bert. mem- | are | of on the lower campus, be- | "16 and °17 in ---- 16 by a of 2 to 0.14. It Was Owing to Tackling Weak- McKenzie, of the Intercollegiate ness That Allowed Laing to Maze His Great Run on Saturday. 1 It resulted - wore Ssor, } Quartered Oak 'and Mahogany Hall team, refereed and Mantle, Mirrors. \ | MC. ALY. WUA and the! (een's senior rugby teams had alll will hold oa joint meeting on} 1. otice on Wednesday afternoon. The ! morning, in Queen's the third team was out and the two were lo iol hall. J MeDoanell, BA. lined up against each other. Ume of P. C. Caverhill, B.A., who have | Gueen's characteristics is that they al- h | been on -the mission field, under Shey ways stay in the game, and they are there' is not a Protestant in 'pas| «0 WA» will address the meeting. | Jv iccising hard EE 8 star - { Varsity. The players seem confi- PND. wamntle of fling. any of | winning and are improvity ® NS. i JOKS ne T i B thoteh Ths wire out The trouble with the . r \ . | Queen's team seems to be that it has a certain class 'n the township I'l is being drawn up, as the girls of the practised hard at open am. not opposed to. the Roman | different véry anxious to be- Lang's sensational run om Catholics holding office, not by any | gin practice "aturday was made possible by this means, vet 1 do contend that we | weakness. ' The tackling dummy was Protestants and rate-payers fm the! g brought into use on Wednesday after- township are not getting a fair deal t the gymnasium shortly after four RL We. are not getting equal rights o' lock. About eight runners started. | © y 1 fo. mm i. \ithotigh Quigley is anxious to get We are just as loyal British sub- The run exténded for ahout seven into the game, it is not likely that he jects as our Roman Catholic breth- | miles. . > N 3 Fs » t ren, All we ask is British fair play | wil be pied ob ign vd pi and equal rights, whieh we are not | ing he 8 map > will certainly put getting from the pregent municipal y £ : board of council, i contend at po a owt i= he re Sneled are equal to. 'apy of our {On The C. N. R. Between Ki aig on PL ay. the line-up from Roman Catholic brethren and in- and Ottawa, anges Te Sr arioy "80 far as ferior to note. --wW. H. WOODMAN, A. I. Hills, general superintend-| known at the present time. McQuay] a ent hi he Canadian Norther mail Lull play quarter and Both Box snd . . toad, paid an unofficial visit to the (ilbooley, who were injured, will be At THE GRAND. ey i Wequesday. i Pi on the line-up, city he was ie guest o am Harty, jr. He came in on a special McGill's Intention. : 'rain on Wednesday morning and Metil niversity rugby team Lawrance AVUrsay, England's great-|ie't at 4.30 o'clock in the afternoon. Hi 2 nigh Tin Ye ean est comedian, 'and his all-star com- When asked by the Whig if he a ti this pany, in "The Earl of Pawtucket,"{liad come to Kingston for the PUP | son. It is defini tated that if has peen booked for the (rand for|rose of glving the Canadian Loco- Sudan. Jt ie Pro A race, Fridoy 'and Saturday, October 30th|motive works an order for some new MoGill will not saw off against the and 31st. {lucomotives Mr. Hills replled that Ip oll Si Bo SAN OR dian SME D'Orsay oo gous direct from ihe was very sorry but that hig] on London und New Work triumphs, and ' Visit to Kingeton was not for that is recognized 'the world over as Kng- | PLTPOSE. Me stated that as busi {land's greatest comedian. Mr. 1Op juess was very quiet it was no time oGi icipating in the v moeds no introduction to Capadi.(to think about purchasing new on. | apposed so Ma il - || an theatregoers, as his reputation Zines. . If his company purposed |" rapt mam------ || abroad and in America has preceeded Purchasing new locomotives he was | Hf him. sure that it would enly be too pleas- Lambs, Lambs. i! Mv. Orsay will appear in his cole [©d to send the business to the Cana- 1,080 pounds choice select lambe, fin- { brated characterization of "The dian Bocomotive works. | eet. quality, on sale Friday and Sat- { Eurl of Pawtucket" on Friday night® When asked if the company in- urday, . two days . "Note the i 3 nig] Vs ) ] | and Saturday afternoon, and in a new tended doing anything in the line price : Foroquarters, 15e, pound; hind- j comedy, "The Rented Farl," on Sat. |of improving the service into King- | cuarters, 17c. pound. 500 pounds uriday aight. sion. the general superintendent re- | dairy butfer at 2%. pound: 1,000 pounds creamery butter, We. 8 Fresh eggs for boiling arriving dally. d | Anderson Dros. v flueen's ¥ JM. A aturday of oath Cheap Auto Tires Ford size, 30x3 1-4 inch. Guaranteed 3500 miles, Gasoline 20¢ per gal. Bibby's Garage Phone 201. Garage 917 to or favor. 5 Wanted for Overseas Service| WITH THE FIFTH FIELD COMPANY Canadian Engineers Twenty Drivers Must be men of good character and have had ev- | perience with horses. CAPT. MALCOLM, O. C. 5th Field Co., Canadian Engineers. Civil Building, Queen's University. or oo ta hop 1 with 18 hemng made to organize RU ot of | their tackling. An effort asa ground hockey club among the lady working for 'students at the university. A scheduls never been ears tackling. are I'he first harrier run of the season | Hull Seats and Hall-racks. Mirrors, resilvered at very little cost at ames Reid THR (MADING UNDERTA Phone 147 For Prompt Services. AUTOMOBILES AND OARBRIAGES Phone 1 177 George W. Boyd, "89 Parl Street. x WILL GIVE GOOD SERVICE ngston | be Best rm-- m---- | Fall Suitings {A Noted English Comedian Coming i . Friday Nnght. 1 The | may / . honors, but they are willing to oppos i Montreal for the championship of the | metropolis, The faculty is very much ~ Announc a THE PALL STYLES IN MEN'S SHOES AWAIT YOUR CON. SIDERATION AND SELEC- PION. ~~ TheaLargest and Most Select Line §WegHave Ever Shown o) I J marked that in the near future he! expected it would give Kingston good service betwee-- *igegton an Ottawa. Prices Reasonable Musical Comedy Nexr Week. TTT T-------- Twelve new sone hits, with an equal | number of magnificent costumes for th lf vnusual cast around twelve really pretty girlies that wear them, all go to make the coming en- gogement of the Imperial Magical (o- medy company at the Grand all next week, one, of the most entertaining wepks of the present season. Hen Foidart aoa Prash Chmn wy el a nk io, with an them and a | Only' A Few Days More. Remain of the removal sale at C. . Lindsay's, Limited: "All pianos and. player pianos reduced and pee now at special prices" before we move to onr new premised" al 121 Princess! street. : % "7 Have a Swear-Box. Saleationists who have friends among the Canadian contingent will learn with interest that four mem: hers serving in 'ome company intro duced the anti-swearing box, Sue Sent per swear being the ty fmposed. Between Saturday ab Monday the box received ten shillings. Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed #

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