Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Oct 1914, p. 12

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Thomas Copley #t Telephone 987 "Drop a card to 13 Pine street when wanting anything done in the carpen- Hoe. Estimates given on all kinds . fepairs and new work; also hard. Wood floors of all kind All orders wl receive prompt attention. Shop 48 Queen Btreet. LTO ALL SUV ERERS, For Hair Health I Rexall #93" Hair Tonic does Bot improve the health of your scalp and A (1 fi What you ute duriog the tral fatisiactory our cus- ose faith in us, we , and one your hair is falling out or you olor any. p trouble, we believe Hair Tonic will do more to eradicate the dandrufl, give health eto , stimulate new hair and prevent premature bald: any other human agency. want to make us prove We ow to risk no money io Buy 8 bottle asl ind 'onie, use it according to * directions for days; "then if @ hited, toms Wh ptly han money you paid ue for it. We won't ask you to sign any- mor even to bring the bottle We won't obligate you in way. We will take your mere . Could anything be wore fair? o£ ide Jo anything more Jo prove ig our in Rexall * 93" Hair Tonio, + and our honesty of purpose in recom- mending it to you? ' 5 Rexall 95 air Tonic ia at pleas. © Ant to use as ng water an ¥ faint, pleasing odor. It comes in sizes of bottles, 50c and $1.00. * You ean buy Rexall 93" Hair Tonio in this community only at our store: Mahood's Drug Store, Kings- ton, Ont, . { nos We this. * in T talking machine, a marvelous set of china, and for their own special de- : | 'THE PIONEERS Miss Jerusha Sheidon and her sis- ter, Miss Josepha, had lived quietly together in their old gray house since the day their last parent died and they realized that spinsterhood bad descended upon them. Jerusha was now 49 and Josepha 48. They were thin and 'plain, but they had £ood natured faces, The sisters had an income 'they could not possibly spend. And so year afger year the interest on bonds, mortgages and bank accounts moun- ted, Ultimately the entire proper- ty would go to some distant relatives. In the meantime the sisters lived plainly, wore old clothes or made over ones, and helplessly allowed their money te accumulate. They made not the slightest show, and Westmore people had got inte the way of thinking that perhaps they lived as well 4s they were able. One April day, when they were having supper and were tired out from having pierced blocks at the bed: quilt bee of the ladies' aid all the afternogn, a cab 'drove up to the door and depdsited a lady in blue, and a big brown leather traveling bag, but even the sisters were not aware of her arrival until she rang the doorbell. . Miss Josepha sprang up, smooth- breathless, she scream- and reached the door "For the land of love!" ed after de- ran she Jerusha, hearing her "Who is it? Who is it?" manded. "Can't you "it's Genevieve ( "It certainly * eried anton." laughed Genev- ieve Canton "And I've come a long way to visit you, too." Aad she hissed both ~isters Genevieve had paid her lost visit to them when she was a very voung girl with her hair hanging dow i her new a fashioaaols young woman, who, it seemed, Lad "Mn ever, thc that - there vierth seein in the world. Her nan.e¢ appeared alinost every day in t¢ society column of a great newspaper And yet she was third cousin to Jer usha and Josepha Sheldon and had Stolen away to make them a visit "Oh, you blessed dears!" cried Genevieve "Let me get the table quick carp." Genevieve ale heartily ence was a radiance in the house. After supper !iey sat together in the sitting icowm before a little fire that Jorusba kindled in the fireplace and Genevieve talked. The clock struck nine. "Oh, me!" exclaimed Genevieve, I've talked all this time and you poor dears haven't had a chance to say a word. Now please forgive me and tell" me about yourselves What have you heen doing all these Years?" Josepha smiled dubiously. "We've been to church doings and committee meetings," replied Jerus ha see? Josepha is," back. She was to gloomy dear "here "You don't mean you haven't been out of this town?" Genevieve looked slightly aghast. - Josepha shook her head gets dreadful monotonous", mitted. "I should think it Genevieve gravely "To tell the truth, it has never occurred to us that we could go," Jerusha sighed "Other people don't; we've done just as our neigh: bors do." Genevieve laughed merrily. "With all yoir money, too! What are vou saving it for, anyway?" "Partly for you," said Jerusha Genevieve's sweet face sobered Oh, my dears, don't!" she pleaded I've money enough of my own. You are growing older every day. If yo are ever going to have any goo« times you must'nt wait." Jerusha leaned forward. face was flushed. "Genevieve." said, tremenlousiy, "tell us how to ~----those good times." Genevieve told them at length that the town clock was strik ing. ing uiidnight before thought of their beds Genevieve took them away the next morning They slipped away so cunningly that the neighbors were not aware. Genevieve, in truth, had stolen her old cousins She was taking them to her home in the feity | There in the fine house on an old and eminently respectable avenue they found genial welcome Gene- vieve broke half a dozen engage- ments to go shopping with them. They bought dull rugs af wonderful weave, curtains like film, furniture for the numerous corners where there was none, a plaver-piano, a "And i she ad- said would," Her thin she get such they Heetation tailored suits and hats, blouses and even silk stockings "I wrote to Mr. Scales to paint the house yellow," said Jerusha. "There has never been any but gray or white houses on that street. 1 don't know what the neighbors will say." "Genevieve," said Jerusha, sole- manly, "I've always wanted it any- thing but what it was." The house painting was finished by the time the sistors returned, "I'm as hungry as a, Her pres- Lerrons z RB = by Pictorial Review ed her hair, snatched off her apron | Blue and black kitten's ear cloth, trimmed with silk braid and a vest of white cloth, is used for this stunning costume. indeed, is this model for a ult, with tts individual jacket ed out In Kittens ear clot In an exquisite mixture of black ang blue It trimmed with silk braig and a vest of plain white broadcloth Adjusted 'with fancy buttons. The ap- Pletorial Review Jacket, No. 5928 bust. Price, 15 cents Skirt, No 4774 cents Lovely, is Sizes 21, AIA rr coma sts or A a : | 'You both look 10 years younger," | the great yellow house. "It looks twice as big as it did," whispered Josepha. They had not been in the house an hour before the neighbors began to assemble. Miss Jewett came first "I know just how you feel about the house," she said. 'I tried to reason with Scales, but he Said he knew what he was about. That's all he would say. I'd sue him, Jefusha. "I'd never pay him a cent till he did it to suit me," panted Mrs Mains "I always knew Scales was an old idiot." "The first slop of paint he put on, said Mrs. Oliver, "1 yelled right out Ne I couldn't believe my eyes." e must "have got your orders mixed," declared Angeline Clark "That's what comes of not staying at home and bossing the job your self. Where in the world have you been, Josepha?" "We've heen in the city shopping answered Josepha calmly, "As for the house, there was no mistake. We ordered it painted yellow. And we're going to have the interior done over." "1 think you're erazy," said Miss Jewett severely. 'It seems to me you're trying to put on considerable airs," said Mrs Oliver. Next thing you'll be starting for Europe," she sneered. Jerusha langher. "You've guessed it. We sail the last of June," she cried. "For the land of liberty!" gasped Mrs. Mains. Two minutes later the delegation departed. They were seen scurrying in various diréetions to tell the news Before bedtime all Westmore knew what the sisters were about, and all Westmore was disgusted. This disgust grew as the days passed Not a soul entered the yellow house. The new things came and remained unviewed. Envy had overruled curiosity. The sistef"s popularity had faded to nothing at all. But they were too interested and busy to care, They were looking out of a mew window, standing ata new. door of 'life. There was no tired, yet triumphant, to Westmore. As the cab brought them up the street, in the late afternoon they After washing your hair with soap ways apply a little Danderine to the to invigorate the hair and pre- t dryness. Better still, use soap sparingly as possible, and instead have a "Danderine Hair Cleanse." ust moisten a cloth with Danderine and draw it carefully through your hair, taking one strand at a time. will remove dust, dirt and ofl. In a few moments yo | be amazed, your hair will not o be clean, but it will be wavy, flu peered eagerly from the windows at! ' price too great to pay for this new happiness, even the price of losing Sary & Practical Home Dresr Making Prepared Especially For This Newspaper CHIC RUSSIAN JACKET. proved finish for neck and sleeves are the Directoire collar and cuffs To make the sult requires 5% yards of 64- inch material, with 7 yarda of l-inch braid for trimming and % yard of white cloth for the vest After cutting out the coat. which 1» the subject of today's jesson. the front is pleated, following the creases made for the purpose Bring folded edges together and stitch. Adjust underfac- ing to position and join shoulder edges of front and back, matching the notches cavefully,. Now underface edge of front and back, having single large "0" and double small "oo" perforations with a bias stip of material about 1% inch wide; Ip front and back on side from und side back to small "0" perforations bringing single large "O" and double small "0" perforations together: stitch in tunic effect, easing fullness at to; of sleeve to fit. Gather sleeve between double "TT" perforations. Close Un der-arm and sieeve seams, as notched Turn under lower edge of sleeve on small "o™ perforations. = Close cuff seam as notched; sew to sleeve, notch- es even. Gather lower edge of [front side front and side back between dou ble "TT" perforations. adjust stay 'to position underneath, centers even. small "o" perforation at lower edge at under-army seam. Sew collar to neck edge as notched. Skirt.--~Join gores as notched. Cen- ter-frant indicated by triple "000" per foration. Sew to lower edge of front and back, cénter even, The lower front edge of the coat may be finished in round or square effect The sash tled at the front varfes the usual method of treating this Roees. | sory, CORSTRUCTION GUIDE 5925 Sizes 32, 34, 36, 385. 40 and 42 inches 28, 30 and 32 Inches waist - Price, 16 she said. time aren't you?" "We're learning to live," said Je- rusha, "but, oh, body's mad at us" "Simpletons!" "They'll recover, and they'll follow suit." And Genevieve was right did "Having 'a good They Not Scared Then. hl Pop: 1 hope you Say your prayers every night? Willie: All "cept moonlight nights, pop. TOMMY EATS MUCH JAM. British Soldiers Love For it Surpris. es Foreign Observers, London, Det. 26--Nothing has more surprised foreign newspaper correspondents in the field who have Seen the British soldier in active ser- vice for the first time than the am- ount of jam he consumes. The sup- PIY of this delicacy seems to be un- limited. The first campaign in which jam played a noticeable part was the South African . war. It 'was said that any officer who did not show friendships. Genevieve came down to see them. SCALP GETS DRY, HAR FALLS OUT Girls! Got a 25 cent bottle and try a; Besides cleansing and beautifyl i Hinir Cleanse." Te the hair, one application of Dander- ine. dissolves every particle of dans eens aah li lp, topping tehing an | Pr. is to the hair What fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, luvigorates eon ov Deprag | ries a } ue cause the Bair to grow 8. strong Ang et Tadics! ¥ rely have Ladies! You can su odd yp Ra ARG 8 conspicuous milita¥y talent at the front was sent baek fo Stellenbosch tine, to stick labels on ers, i is .assert- a English ons , are better fed 't the men of any other army. The Ae ime sol- dier fights, and fights well on bread, cheese, fruit and ¢ i the Ger- mans, durin cdmipalen, have had little more than bread and Soup, ominY Atkin has bid his eat meals fairl ularly twice a day, and has always had & sufficien- ey of jam to be able to offer some to any visitor to pis bivonac. An in +on the Bri- tish soldier has been written by a special ndent of the Indep- Its exhllarat- | sion Genevieve, every | laughed Genevieve | i res the reply | | » } "But mother, it's so easy with FRY'S" ""Her first cake" will be just as much of a suecess as mother's best effort ifthe icing is made this way : Mix % cup of FRY'S CHOCOLATE POWDER with "2 cups of powdered sugar, adding 2 tablespoonfuls of cream or of boiling water. FRY'S makes an icing of delicious flavor, silky smooth- ness and rich appearance. Remember: "Nothing will do but FRY'S"_ That's all! Just try it, but-- { nervous. Twq, "Tommies' at the [beginning of the war were. driving a {motor waggon from Rheims to Am- |iens, [They misded the way and ar- jrived at Rouven. "This is net the { way,' some one told them; 'toward | Amiens you will perhaps meet Ger- | mans.' 'That doesn't matter, i {we meet them we will shoot them,' | be "That is the state of 'Tommy's' soul He is convinced that every- thing will be right. He manages to travel in the greatest possible comfort, and never loses an oppor- tunity of taking a 'tub' as thorough- Iy as deceney permits in the oircum- stances. "And for nothing in the world will he neglect to shave with care. Recently there arrived at a hotel over which fiew the Red Cross fag a wounded English soldier. He had a plece of shell in the right hand, two bullets in his left shoulder, and one in his stomach. He went, first of all, to the barber's shop on the ground floor of the nbtel. They poin- ted out to him that the ambulance entrance wag at the side: "l see.' he said, 'but I must be shaved first.' "The whole secret of the power of Britain is in that reply." FIGHTING WITH THE BAYONET. Germans Are Vainly Endeavoring lo Establish Themselves. Petrograd, Oct. 29.--The Russians are now engaged in a constant sne- cession of hand-to-hand battles with the columns falling back. from the Vistula. The main strength of there mow extends over an irregular line from the Radem woods ward in the direction of Piptrkew and upward into the woods south of Rawa, nassing about 60 miles from Wirsaw, The blk of the heavy casualties comes from bayonet fighting in the deserted villages, where the ans are seeking to establish themselves. From the nature of the operations row in progress it is forseen that there will be several days of appal- ling casualty lists. The Russians greatly outnymber the retreating columns, whose wings are constant- 1y threatened by the approach of neg Russian troops. > a he the RA an nussians res 'the advance alo lines to the foothills ans, ove is west- | WHILE SHOPPING Enjoy Afternoon Tea at MARBLE HALL 238 Princess Street. COAL The kind you are looking is the kind we sell Scranton' Coal Is good co and we guaranier prompt Booth & Co. Foot of West Street Dainty Refreshments and Pure lee Cream. George Masoud, "Phone 980. Prop. | THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. he Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. y The best known Remady for CouGHs, CoLps, - ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Asts like a charm in _ . i; DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Effectually cuts short oI' attacks of SPASMS. Cheeks sad arrests those too often fatal disensea~FEVER, CROUP and AGUE. i The only palliative is NEURALGIA. GOUT, RHEUMATISM, i is taken according n ERT 7 hem i creten's cube rt eo berg 4 nd can by Toten : when 4 nid lex fs leuves a

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