BH | wie, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1914. QUESTION OF RELIEF], 7" moose fey Passed Away 'At Fis Howie on Tae Nia : : » . 3 : DISCUSSED AT A mEEwiNG on Gr ent. - nt: died} New York : Po ular and § s agent, 21 . , hep TUESDAY EVENING, pin residence. 153 University av } | b * Sund L ut no ction Was Ta en Pending 2h on Tussdlay hie h has ing Fue un a \ , \ i oo 2 ue, gg y Week Only peratic Anather Meeting To Be Held The late Mr Ch vas Horn o d * Shorily ----IFpreseniatives Presenc Hire, | and, ol hw yeu 8 Wi Times : ~ . 2 Music From Various Organizations, | : ngs he © 0 embers of ) Oct. 25th Jayne - Sterling Songs and ler Un Tuesday night shore wae a meet. | family e to Cd nid § a y Forster Library Edition at = - AA lr A PA i SAN ing in Ung ¢ ity (1 anecil chamber of ing a 3 at 0 a Ple it . 25¢, We carry the must come representdtives of + various chariable |) years at other setdied down | ' Ml th N { i ' the city id at {organizations in the city, together | i Kingston, making his hone e NEWS at S Regular price of this edi- plete Tine fu sity and _at {with representatives from the City During dees de Bor days. Sel Fit ¥ int' on ho. played on request. { Council, th ard Of Trade, and the | aR a sdcoessiu 3 tore on | 0 Print Jayne Sterling Songs :---- : i I des an ancil ivi rindes nt } rathe ¢ : a S { #rades a t Council, relative to | @ 108 3 92 pages solid reading mat- When the Gray of the Sky. BIG HITS {what action illibe taken towards [eNteTPRUIng nature, he Rita tor containing an iNMustrated Dear Little Mother O'Mine, Along Came Ruth p {pros ida sr those whe will nes 1 NEBL. 10 Banca, je Jonh | section of 12 pages im Sepia When Day Is Dne. ' Vas an . p | help dui ) inter Plans . yere in a rub oe or Rotogravure of War pictures Slumbertime., California and You. discussed but po detinite action was | ho o an S80 : which excel the leading Lone Forster Library edition: Oh, My Love. | tak n, the meeting 4 ny adjol th Be i ) HY y gn At don Weeklies. The Double Butterflies, (Caprice.) on the Shores of Haly. ed to be called togeiher again very | WHICH poiet he high AR Severn arg Alliance" va. The Triple En- Wild Roses, (Valse Brilli- My Croony.:Melod {shortly by Mayor Shaw, who land deals. He. lived in Rdmonton teute by James M. Beek, for. ante). Hi h Cost. of Lo - {sided at the meeting. « Ald, 0'Conmy | 2eVeral yaars. His. health becoming mer Assistant Af{orney Gen. Special introductory price, eo Pa yi {was appointed secretary for the mest Jnpaired, Qactors slid him ago eral of the U. § * Be. : 160 Princess Street. ling ek to the cast. For a year he w « i Toronto, an 5 tu i a Au {- There ian propositicn on ive sided iu Toronto, réturne 1 t --- A - Riggaton twa voi y. For som fthe surplus over the -#5,000 raised i hme past ¢ LT sufiered from heart = : {ior the patriotic fund' for relief work, : : Th. C Ii Th C Il Th C 11 jhut this has not been altdgether de Siisio ta M lifi was a member of e 0 €ge € 0 ege : € 0 ege {cided as yet, and until definite infos |, fut Street Mat a atin and ee Bi rE BEEE | Tien genes (pe ME Book St Book St rs Scoot vn ORE B -=c: i oring " M w| Book: Store ook Store ok Store C ay SK Pre Cla Hie | pT EF og yg {deal with the matter, Mayor Shaw Fa hi 1 rand two af t Lamb, pocket style, as §) : a | Jil sceurs the much desived © infor: | joehun. residing con the Bath. Ro : a ud or £ Names {lion A OF i rd : Sarah shown. Price $3.00. 35 @#° | Then there is question o hr 5 SE . $ oo 2 { fing additiongl t ¢ sanches long, 25 inches $68 Br EE] IB canvass of the city onsidere: wide. Baby buttons in #4 0 I {and decided upon, together with hav. | juto vesidonce. Th v {ing the funds handled by a central dui ib Le G wibbell, impossible to kiek cloths Hh 4 4% i #J H { committee, Ma general canvass he Amini will be Buriod 3 4 ara I} . 3 {ol the city is made for funds Mayor | qui w 16 or robe off. A present gS : N {Shaw is in favor of having the lu X mr fone i iva Ey Na y nh tdi 8 mi ake the canvases every mother apprec- HEE iT CAL 1 "The men carried out the other . re : 3 as ¥ ge Ne 4 bl campaign = for the t ; WALL oe | 'dates. After robe has patriotic fund and I think. that the ladies should ie : Oddly cased clocks. done service in the car- ' . . undertake this,"" 'said his worship, ; a g : i riage it can be dyed and "and T think that if they took hold : : | . Clocks to match mod- ¥ used for floor rug, | Crt] | That Will Prove Interesting oS ~ | | In answer to Miss Muckleston, May or Shaw stated that the city was [SSS ¥ ' | mostly. {giving employment to as many men & 3 3 Clogs are going up as could be placed; in fact no man TH had as yet been turned away, and ge ; he f - ' . in price. Le gnve Miss Muckleston to der- 5X (HEY ay (eis BE SM 50 Only Ladies' Skirts fi 15, zon we je aployed men to the city hall in {search of work, Between the civic light plant' and the engineer's de jputtme nt quite a large number of being kept busy. The follawingh wore present (at the | 3 exceptionally pretty designs, in this season's S : h Bi {meeting : Mayor Shaw (in the cha y P : y in ! mut ros., RB Ss | { Mes. 5. Oberndorfier, representing the : | latest styles. Waist band sizes from 23 to 28 Jewellers Opticians : Jewish Yelief; Mrs. H. P. or nith and i {8 issuers of Marriage Licenses Ee ==2|Mrs, H. Snelling, the Victorian Or (AE inches. Priced up to $5.00 each. Fora : FIRE, LIFE, SIOKNESS, ACOH | fer of Nurses; Miss Brophy, the Child ~ H GROUND "aks an TI T lren of Mary; Miss G. Strange, King's El LE M 40. CAN'F BE BEAT. ff [DENT AND ~ AUTOMOBILE IN- [Duughters Jide of. Got : pecial on {ted Charities committee on eloth- In Navy blue, black and tweed effects, Wanted----A Groo Store in re- x ¢ § sidentinl part of the, city, apply to | 0% Miss. Mackleston, Sity pooE_ Je WRS INES GEARY BE - : Jd. 0. HUTTON, 18 Market Square, [lief 'John Donnelly, George McKay | with the Imperial musical c 8 urs ay orning Kingston, Ont. and C. Birmingham, Board of I'rade; pany at Grane H . Thomas Ronan, St. Vingent de Paul Th } society; W. Baxter, Trades and La Cour t Of Revision. i bor Council: Ald. N. E. O0'Connor and I'he court of revigion, composed of | we mark the lot Ald, J. S. R. McCann, City Council. | Shekiff Dawson, J. 0. Hutton and Robert, Hendry, met Tuesday after- | FIFTEEN Qu E BE N N SB NG INEERS | n« to hear the annual assessment J # | a als Those from Sydenhan Si NS That Are Have Been Disc harg ged as Quarters | Ontario and St. Lawrence wards we i h 2 50 Are Too Small, {dealt with, The appeals were (chiefly | d | a » On aqeount of the quarters at the | A80INSL income tax, mn view of war} Regiopoli s college being overcrowd- conditions having reduced the incomes | §i ed with the No. 5 company na- | of quite a number of people. The | dian Field Engineers of Queen i. | other nppeals were about the same in g Jue AJ This is the time to buy your furs versity, it has been found nec v | number few changes were made §i io T™ 1 1 | to allqw fifteen of the engineers, |in the ¢ ent. {HE A big range of crib blankets in pretty Joudave a better musortment to choose Science has taken the pro- who ake graduates, to leave - ------ | n fession of optics beyond J their homes. There are 110 students | Mo umes Barry, ice street, ro- [HE colors . "ures $1.00 each G - " sphere of the old time "side Biin the corps | cei a letter n her son Edward, | 8 our er Urrier line" man, The strain mod- ' It has been arranged that the rhen | Who salled with the ont oy I | eern civilization places upon [wint sleep on the two floors of the | on the ssandra. He gave i 78.80 Brock St. the eyes demands the attemtion { Regiopolis college The meals |g t 3 H Ri ov waa } fhe of a specialist. {ve served in one of the build ne and sale ary lymouth, | #i | ' : We are Optical Specialists. Bat Queen's university Reid | ogland. He is a nephew o S B We devote our entire time to {and Hambrock will likely have Grreaza 2 , i ea S a e examining eyes and correcting jcharge of the rations Insist on White Rose flour 1 t their defects with proper {* It is expected that in the course | == ---- = I: \ - glasses, ~ Consult {of -a-brief period Capt Fine v ee eee eee eed i - " : - In AHI B ch { Malcolm, who is in command of the | i Th Al B S ts ran eS i e Always busy otore. 5 : EE Io ~ a he nk'| : y . \ of Rugs. Designs are Yona, will be promoted to the rank Kingston's Famous Fur Store. amr ssa prices as I] 1.5 Asselsting D.0.8 f° oni if EI J Buying, Selling . | - 0 { {tions are necessary as a result of | | > Praia aa - " -- LTE LAT OT low as last season. Eyesight Specialist. Major A. Macphail, who was in| Kingston Furs | ----- -- -- _-- Or Renting |gimouring the evenings the en fl Tp tha for trade, with ||{he End of a Bright Young Queen's || Bi reasonable price. | ' y i a fear of competi- courred of Cosmo T. Cartwright, a Can he Held, if Dosired, on New Our ; . gis ip : oi lis youth necessitated tho }lig { 'H a | Year's Day. . ur prices, .eonsistent amputation of one of his limbs, ndd] {3 . | ouses to Rent, | g bh priandie . hi . ' dire cause of his y ! ; i Kingston can have its municipal WIth quaklity, are unpos- a as an, indirect -eause of M Bs Fire Insurance | at pormi ' i i | nominations on the 33rd. of Dorm. born thirty-two years ago in Paris f§ though--our factory fis good § ' wad Diag { SX sy Prac N Oo Jupen s ir 3 . , ber with poiing on the fri of Sa fro io wenduwied fe suey Sulig] un Buy § Real Estate and Insurance, |sanuary. Before this," however, : A ining a } Glazing, Priming and Pining. 8 | Cor. Johnston & Division Sts Real Estate and the by-law shall rer a CE. Cartwright, who wes chaplain S . . I'd eries i: from year to year until TRE, BN in the penitentiary, and his uncle was . CO as election day, is now extended to | W : Fe ! : - te cement clad, 7 roainn, we with age--it don't go to pleces, it! statute. ander, of Vancouver, and two broth- 2x00 up--to-date style--it is worth more (Of this new regulation is open for | when buying. It will pay vem t %| opinion to members of the council more valuable further om. {is ample opportunity for the pas aw | - | Year's day. ' Two drunks were the only offend- a black wolf sett, a pop- J}ithe magistrate long to dispose of A coroner's jury investigated the and stole are. new de One of the offenders completed a died at Saginaw, Mich., from injuri se 30.00 J}{vrating his freedom. His celevra- of "accidental death." Livnx Pla. 'his relatives are anxious th~* ho Our Rugs und Carpets to fateh are | Was cafried by the car for a distance Our big showrooms, the in their color effects, so that YOUR | 3 speed. The accident dccurred on furs. You are invited tg 'come J} street, from Alfred to Albert, have - . {command, leaving for the. front Peas TE COSMO CARTWRIGHT Every, make of stair 842 King St. Phone 1019 BB the first Canadlan contingent THE LATE €OSM > Any desired location at a s gineers study on the top floor [ R13 a . g | and hall to mateh. | the Civil engineering building our long « Xi rience. we Graduate. Si I P S ae I f / --. | | : ; On Wednesday. morning the death S me ore uy- | THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ave no dea A | Bb { tion from am SONLCe | ter a lingering illness. A serious ac- 5 ing. elections on New Year's day if it sible to boat death we de ase Was a mining on ) Made to order in quick time. ires snactmzent by | A ats gine he departmen {f mines in Sor degires. A Torant enuctment by Ottawa where he }. Ha was Pont delay your ovder, E.: W. MULLIN Jar pen the eouncil must pass ¢ y- 2 v course 1n 1965." : Ta ; bi [ta w not later than the 15th of Nov CL The father of the deceased is Rev g Phones 539 and 1456 1 privilege of New Year's the late Sir Richard Cartwright, The F S pealed. The privilege of New Yea a axh hia ATT LE hig Coal and Lumber Sarad or e any munigipality that feels inclined a 71 ; ters, Mrs Uélier, of St. Louis, RES GOOD FURNITURE increases tn Fai [to take advantage of this new Emery, Mra. Mathesen and Mrs. Alex. 'BAY & WELLINGTON STS. ¥ 3 Phone 66. : C, stable . S50 retalus its finish, and If it"s a good of 2 ve | ws, Fdward, of Vancouver, and Col. 'Brock St, brick, 7 rum, fur- antique dexign-~which is really the The question of taking advantage | | ieorge, commandant at Gasport, Eng. fifty years hence than it fis mow, | discussion, and electors might take | Mrs. Alexander is on her way to ihe | Sipps Lumber, Coal & Wood|f Young couples Should consider this | it upon themselves to express their Lim city : 0 n------ -- i f NEW F ted from ines ob Nw FURNTIVIE copied | {f the people are so inclined there JUST OFF THE LIST. sage of the by-law. The Whig tav- ; | Celebrated and "Landed in the Cells hors the holding of election on New . : | Again. e RE RA This i Frat X rq ers in the police court on Wednes- | DEATH WAS ACCIDENTAL his illustration shows duy morning: and it did not take | Coroner's Jury Investigated Death J. > them. im i 3 : PER Has : posing a fine of $2 and G. Baillie. ular seller. Both muff a {death of J. G. Baillie, brother of Signs. Price for the term on the "prohibited list" a few W. M. Bailie, ¢hief of police; who F "}}| days ago, and evidently wes le- es he received when struck, by an Se > : i China tion will likely mean. that he wi! | automobile: and rendered a verdict : be put on list for another term as My. Baillie was struek by the "dry area" be extended as far as jautpmobile at a street crossing and | possible. more than mere floor coverings. There of about sixty feet. The:car was Yafpast. bewaon Taronto and Macadlamizing Roadways. niet : Ane ararmony travelling at a very fast rate of Montreal, are filled with new f}| Already two hlocks of outer Union NEW HOME loses all fts st}iiness and | becomes a Joy forever. ~ Monday afternoon of last week, and in and see them whether pre- Hibeen macadamized, and if ime weath- Our new lume of Parlor Suits In ma- his death occurred Friday night. ar finish and ed to buy or not. the roadway hagany Mao In solid mshog- On Wednesday, the doctors gave up » ' or. prevatly; Resping ~~ i Te Toor ao nd in all hopes of his recovery. Watch our Windows. [on Fileheck sires; will wo "completed to toe our yr anshagany Bedroom Swit & 5 b | Princess street, from Darrie to Al ~ | th soe has advan a for GF GF 8 800 fred streets, is mow ready ER af ol o TF ° ta Elle y. a (YS oo i) J.J} vel. the grates all being ond ON £0. "5 ° BE for } Sound; at Gibaon's If = ; A > #Riral mail orders" shipped at byce | 2 i irom Gibson's Red Crosi Drug Store,