&, . ~ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1914 PAGZ EIGAT -- « > | © FUND SUM OF $1,565 REQUIRED YOR OVERSEA VOLUNTEERS MONTH OF OCTOBER. THE 3RD DIVISION WILL MOBILIZE HERE FROM LESSNESS IN TORONTO. Approved of {To Come to Kingston--The Armour- ies. Will be Fitted Up For Sleeping Quarters, 4 The militia department has de- Owing ta the tired condition ol the finitely decided that the volunteers players, no rughy practice was held | A meeting of the finance com-| from the 3rd division, who will by Queen's on Monday afternoon. The | mittee of the Kingston branch of fail with Canada's second ouerseas mén are still as ambitious as ever, | the Canadian Patriotic fund was. ntinzent, will: mobilize at d.vi.'- but are surprised that they let var | held in the Board eof Trade rooms ui. headquarters at Kingston. sity do what it did. The general wenk | op Monday afternoon, Mayor Shaw (.1uers have been sent out by ihe point in the tri-color line is the halnt presiding. officer commanding the division for of taking things for granted. 1hey do A letter was read from the assist- the ¢Feers coimanding the Giffsr not stay on un man when they have lant secretary at the head office of [pat (nits to take on men for s.r- him down. This fault will be re the fund, in Ottawa, which stated: vice abroad. The divisional uiior died by Saturday, however, if the | "I am pleased to be able to inform { win be allowed to mobilize cue couches have anything to say. "te | you that the executive committee |t' cusand men. . coaches have been constantly saying | of the Canadian patriotic fund have It has been arranged 'thal {ue j that the men should take no chances, | granted the request of your local [1ien will come to the city anu vil! | but on the field on Saturday they for- | association for admission as alls ovartered in the armourizs .ud 1 got their lessons, : branch of the National Fund." the stables at artillery paric bar- The' game on Saturday hus done The committee approved of the|rack The main floor of the arm- wonders for the team and it nos requisition made by the 'relief com- ouries wil®* be laid out as slee; ing realizes its weak points. Fach man | niutfee on the fund at Ottawa for|quarters. It is possible that the can practice constantly to overcome $1,565, for distribution for Octo- rooms which Have been used ss his particular weakness, and on Sat ber. band rooms, are the galleries, will urday the feeling is that Quean'a will The committee passed a .resolu-|he divided off into sleeping quar- be able to defeat the McGill team. It | tion of thanks to the proprietors of [tors should be remembered that Queen s | the British Whig and the Standard The stables on the artillery has not beaten Varsity in Toronto in | for their kindness in forwarding re-|square will make very comfortable six vears, and this year did as good | ceipted accounts for work done. The | quarters for the men. During the as anyone could expect. accounts of each were over $300 and | summer months a new concrete -- were for supplies, job printing, floor has been laid and the building Quigley Out Of The Game. advertis.ug and other réquisites se-|is very up-to-date. Stoves will be] Quigley, who has playéd at the quar. | cured from the newspaper offices placed in the building. ter position for Queen's senior rugby | rin (hmmittee expressed great ap- On Tuesdav men were engaged team for the past two years, is out | PTeci.Lion of the generosity of the lin fixing up things at the stables. of the game as result of an injury to |'u¢wspaper companies in dealing It is expected that the volunteers his shoulder which he received in the ' wtb the matter. will commence to gather in the Varsity-Queen's game last Saturday. Ihc committee decided to ask F. |course of a week or ten days. The Collegiate rugby team held a | C Ireland to act as auditor for the practice om the upper campus on Mon- | ¢inmittee. day afternoon. 'There were about | thirty players out and the squad were given a heavy workout. The signals were followed closely and the players Their Faults Will Be Remedied When | Finance ~ Committee They Meet McGill in Kingston on Requisition of Relief Committee Saturday Next. For This Amount -- Letters From Head Office. T0-MORROW RRR RE rd ERE = 360 Samples of Fine UNDERWEAR at Exactly Half Price There is one maker of Women's and Children's Fall and Winter Underwear who is considered the best. And each year during October when their year closes he has sent all his sample gar- And this store has the most wonderful collection of Good Overcoats we have ever shown. FOR YOUNG MEN We suggest one of; these snappy w inter models B It with the broad, belted smooth back. This garment is & especially popular in soft fabries and rough finished I fabrics, which feature many new ¢ffeets. Cur selee- Hl tion is very complete. Volunteers From 47th. A meeting of the officers of the 47th Regiment was held at the Windsor ho- tel, on Tuesday morning, for the pur- pose of selecting a body of men and See Our $15.00 and $18.00 Values are in line shape for their game. Owing to the war, the Royal Mili tary College has no. team in the league officers to go abroad with the second (Canadian contingent. Capt. Truesdale, of Sydenham, and 1feut. Frink, af ments to a Montreal department store. This year we secured these for King- ston and will to-morrow ALL DAY from 9 a.m. until closing time, or as long as the lot lasts, offer 360 FINE UNDERVESTS & DRAWERS --AT- Exactly 15 Price In the assortment are ladies' and children's garments -but mostly ladies' Odessa, both volunteered There were more non-commissioned FOR THE OLDER MAN ! this year, and hence there are only | Queen's and the Collegiates in this RE also fifty or - series. The schedule will be drawn up 3 ef 2 officers and men willing to recruit, HCW coats, in the near future. ' 4 ------ -- Recruiting Proceeding What McGill Will Do. i 4 The recruiting at Tete de: Pont Montreal Star. i barracks is going along splendidly. | There is joy in the ranks of Varsity Seventeen men came from Toron- There is joy in the campus of Queen's, Eg A to and twelve from Montreal on For McGill seems weak, 3 Monday evening for the R.C.H.A, And her bad luck streak ; b i and many more are expected. Be- Men from every walk of life conn May yet spill her championship bean k $ J side the staff there are mow about tl : ' ' : so ivir | is suital | J 3 'forty-five reeruits at the barracks. iat we ean put an overcoat on them that is suitable But there's faith in the ranks of Mc 4 They are being drilled and round- in every way, from stvle and service to price, and Gill's mer, E ; ed into soldiers. They are a fine Even though there is jov at Queen's looking and an intelligent squad of WE DO IT ALWAYS We have a most exceptional lot of tailored into conservative models from every popu- lar and desirable fabrics; ideal for wsting service, $15.00 knowing For just wait till "Shag" 3 F men As they are examined and Shakes the tiicks from his bag, N accepted, uniforms are issued. The And shows them what good coaching | old canteen building has been tak- means 3 . en from the 14th regiment and. is Sa ® ry 3 being used by the R.C.H.A The City Soccer League Executive, ol 4 CE 14th men are "doubling up," sleep- ~ ' | \ meeting of the executive of the L ¥ ing twe nty-two in a room. - i "ity. soccer league has been' called i The 14th regiment is recruiting rapidly and has nearly a full com- for luesday = evening There is . Thaw BROCK STREET something that requires stratighten PREMIER BOTHA Pany of i ey, have a Jean : h : LE) oR 4 supplied with 0 § anda are A Little Out of the J ay, But It Will Pay You To match scheduled for Satur Ba Aoture of 'ng out in conmeetion with the pas . : oh 2 Prémier "Botha of [ing drilled in the square. 'This is Walk lay. 1 was thought at first this [ish troops triotie 3 wiho is leading the Brit-|ihe squad that has volunteered for German Sout! A ; T 3 Joa . g £ service only The overseas coming Saturday would be an open { Mrican against the Rome DR wh orting at the bar- date for Queen's to play with one of 0 Nh NE R Be the city aggregations, but it is now i---------- racks daily. learned that McGill comes here to play Queen's. . THE TOWN OF GANANOQUE; HOW LAD MEE DEATH. ms pio Leeds Patriotic Association 1 sy |The PATRIOTIC FUND ict on 18, Busy] Te Raising Money. Gananoque, Oct. 20.---A attended session of the Burtch Shooting 'Fragedy at Jones Falls, largely Cecil, the seven-year-old son of Will Not Assist Dependents of Men executive Mr. and Mrs. Burton Burtch, Jones - . ! Wa ron % f on Home Service, | Philip 11. Morris,; assistant secre tary of the Canadian patriotic fund, committee of the Gananoque branch of the Leeds County Patriotic lea- gue and Relief association was held Falls, who was accidently killed last Friday, went out with his other two older brothers shooting. When they vests WHITE FALL WEIGHT COTTON UNDERWEAR WHITE WINTER WEIGHT COTTON UNDERWEAR WHITE UNION WOOL UNDER- WEAR WHITE UNSHRINKABLE WOOL UNDERWEAR NATURAL WOOL UNDERWEAR The prices range from 50c, 60c, T5¢c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 Ottawa, has written to the local | jast evening in the town hall. The[had gone some [ittle. distance from committee as follows': ladies have had fair Success in the |their home, the two elder brothers, = : At a recent meeting of the execu exhibition of Stuart Taggart's pic-}cne of them carrying a shot gun and " tive committee of the Canadian pa ture, "Guilty," which has been on |the other a rifle, came along to a : triotic fund the question of men on display for the past week, and are | knoll where a heavy. thicket was lo: active home service and the rela also_ completing arrangements. fortcated. .o. The. broth¥r earrying the tion of thei Spendents to the fund Ta patriotic lecture on the British [shot gun told,his eldest brother that was thoroughly discussed. - Ultimately | navy by Mr. Ames, of Montreal Ire would shoot into the thicket while it: was decided that such dependents The funeral of the late Fanny |he got on the opposite side to see if could not"he assisted by the fund | Nuttall, relict of the late George anything would emerge. The little since the men each received 81.85 a | Nuttall, took place yesterday after- lad had wandered into the thicket day, which should be suflicient to | noon to Gananoque cemetery. | unnoticed, and when the shot was keep their families There was a beautiful display of |fired from the shotgun the young i Eeemims---- floral tributes. Out of a family of [chap yelled "Oh my eye!" Rushing Remains To Arrive. ten children living, nine were pre-jin to see what had happened, the | sent at the nbsequies: Mrs Russell, | brothers found little ~ Cecil fatally We are showing a wonderful assortment of all The remains of the late Fletcher 1 5€ the wanted styles and makes of underwear for men, Ji ook, a former resident of Harrow. [ Kingston. Mrs Todd, = Brewars|shot It wae afteruards tun fly 1 Mills: Mrs. Berry, Taylor; Mrs, | five of the bullets had penetrated his women and children. Every size, including out sizes Ai, ho. win kill in. an Sockien} Widdis, Gananoque: George Nuttall, | heart while others had entered his for stout people. to airive at Harrowsmith on Thus- South Lake; , Thomas Nuttall, Gan- brain. i i day, and interment will take place Hogue Junction; John Nuttall from Bafore leaving the house the little thate Dhcousod's 'wife was: formerls fhe far west, and Albert Nuttall, chap had kissed both his mother and Miss Edith Walker, daughter of Tas. fiananoque. One son, Edward Nut- [father good-bye and waved his hand Walker, of Holleford. : Phree stall all, of Rainy River district, was | toward them as he was going The children survive. Mr. Cook was an Rot present. : youngster had been sick on Friday Oddiellow Lananoque's intermediate rugby and remained home from school, and ¢ . 'eam although the result of their!it was only after considerable coax- Vests, Drawers and Comb nations for Women - " Mr. Cook was killed by being run Thanksgiving day game with Otta- | ing that his parents allowed him to In eottom, union, all-wool cashmere silk and gvel bY a molor car on. the street | WU _ SEIIINE fay encouraging na-| 80 Sr Free Industrial Classes. v \ , Buy _soaps at Gibson's. styles to 20c to 75¢ White and natural, 8 choose from, cach Boys' Shirts, Drawers and Combnmations In fleece-lined. union and all-wool, in differ- ent weights, each ...... -. $25¢ to $1.00 © : t : 3 ) railway while trying to uncouple a 3 silk apd wool, white and natural, in all car of coal. His foot got caught in id od Settled for ord hard : the proper weights from. a garment, a frog His wife, so it is stated, is dav a Same ere Next. gatuy Liquid Green Soap Shampoo. Gils ™ : re: entitled to $2,000 damages under the | 4*V- 3 mee dntar | son's, 25¢ to $2.00 provincial workmen's compensation mediate team fro Brockville Cheese sales: Corawall, 15 1-4: act Messrs. Charles H. Tattimore and | st Hyacinthe, 15c; Belleville, 1; ag! Walter. Campbell, C. E., of Toron- 3-18¢; London 14 7 Sc bid ' ? ! 2 + 2 i fo. were in Gananaque over Sun xn i ia " y 4 y 3c. Emuls ie, ( Men S Shirts, Drawers ard Combinations day with Mr. and Mrs Janes Lat Pca aL ae hsons. is " The industrial classes being conduct. | OTe, Stone street. The eentlemén going to Mt. Clemens. Mich. for In fleeee-h 1 cott and wool, cashmere" } x r me US dof aang onda jp | reoresent the reilwav.. construction |treatment. = Men, lor 1 neeee-ined cotton and : O01, cas Her od he Jae Sats 2 ention, will fiy of Camphell and Latlimore p " or ol p r n " y and all pure wool, in light, medium and ora ee a Thomas Ralph Willi<. a former . Sr : 2 50 an Li ingiate nd : solo rornetist jn the Citizens' band heavy weights, cach 50c to 3 . domestic scieice quarters at the hoard who has heen ilgeafed for sem foume. I'he Hoard is leaking for a time nast in Hamilton. is 'snendin- - splendic attendance a ese res wank " . ? wl? Vi { D ond C bi H In 0 * week in town the guest of Mr and 15908, The best teachers in the eol N > & yo 5 ¢ 1 ti t ili in Ire. Peter Pelow. Miss Epsy $ eS S, TaNers om a ons leginte wil look after practical sub Meozgs. who .was in. town for t} jects there," and at 'the board TOOMS, | ryNaill. Mages waddiar on Setnr different dressmaking, millinery and cooking dav evening. left yosterday fo ro will be presented in the most skilfal Ama har Anite tn Svrainse N.Y manner by competent teachers. The aay hoard is Lo be commended for its in terest in those who desire for mor education than they received in their ourlier years. DIES IN EIGHTIETH YEAR. S---- Last Of Family Who Came to Canada s TING Ra in 1835, Good-Bye Mr, sg Smith's Falls, Ont, Oct. 20 dames Bute and party of Houston, | yp, o Agnes Muir Craine, 'relict of Texas, who have been spending the | the Iate John J. Craine, who was the past few months in the city, one of Smith's Falls well known started for their home on Tuesday citizens, died Monday in her S0th Afiernoglt at 13.20 o'clock. .. Mr. 1, hoy in. Beigh. Scoiland, Bute, who spends each summer in youngest of eleven children, : her this neighborhood, is a great sports- death removes the last of her gen- man, and delights in fishing in the eration of the Muirs, of Beigh, whe vicinity. of Loughboro and Buck came, to Canada in 1835. She re- Lakes. * He Will retugn here next jog jn Smiths Faia all her mar- summer. His large automobile vind fe. Two. oalldres survive. was shipped a few days ago. John and Agnes, the latter one of Epworth League Musicale. Canaga's pioneer women in medi On Monday evening a musicale was ---------- ' given by members of the literary and "Made n Canada Cough Sprups." musical committee of the Epworth The Germans at Fort Henry are Léague of Sydenham street church. complaining about their food as The programme consisted of num- | they were lately cut to half rations. bers by Miss Woodman, Miss I. Jen- | Before the change they were re- Infants' Fine White Cashmere and Silk Wool Vests, each .......... 25cto 7c Sleeping Suits for Children, all sizes. oh We are showing a splendid waterproof shoe with ' heavy sole and rubber heel at the above price. This is a well-made shoe and one that will give splen- did satisfaction. PARA el king, Miss Florence Valleau, Miss | ceiving better food than the guards. Ruth Anglia, Miss Tweedell, Miss | They are constantly .'grouching." 'The i Lockett ; Shoe ; ; Stor © Luélla Parrott, Master H. Fair, | much to the annoyance of the} i Misses Norton and Corbett, Mr. Wat- { guards, i at i ? ; Li 'som and Ms, Murray, "Modo in Gonads sweets," Gibson's. lei a if Abdominal Belts for Men and Women, rah vviian tus oe» 200, BOC, and 75¢