INCIGENTS OF THE DA {0OCAL NOTES . AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST w---- Happenings in the City and Vicinity ~What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. : Edward McFadden and Tougher left on Tuesday for ronto. 'Made in Canada sweets," William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley' 8. Phone 564. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. O'Connor, of Edmonton, are visiting" for a few days at Rev. John Fairlie's, Brock street. "Made in Canada soaps." Gibson's. Mr. and Mrs, Household Banking Accounts in The Bank of Toronto have been found by many to be a great convenience. The accounts may be op- ened in the names of hushand and wife, and either may deposit or withdraw money. Interest is paid on these ace rh twice a year James To- Gibson's NCORPORATED 18556 BANK ++ TORONTO Market 'Square Kingston GEORGE B. McKAY Manager. ---- Gibson's. C, Johnston af- ter ten days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. William Bailie, Barrie street, returned jo Montreal on Tuesday. Liquid Green Soap Shampoo. Gib- aon's " H. Cunninghdm, King street. leave orders Auley's. book store. City Engineer McClelland has re- tarned from attending the Ameri- can Electrical {Railway association convention at Atlantic City, N.J. $1! Emulsion, 30c. Gibson's On Tuesday morning while An- thony McFadden, Inverary, was cranking his automobile he had the misfortune to break his arm. New wrop hickory nuts and chest- nuts a! Oarnovsky's, On the Corner. Prof. Mitcheli will deliver a lec- ture on the Red River Rebellion in St. Paul's school room, Wednesday evening. Admission, adults, 15¢; children, 10c. Apply to Thomas Mills, 79 Clarence street, who wants several active can- vassers for all kinds of insurance. (hoose your own lfie. William Ennis, of tion, an employee of the C. P. R. picked wild raspberries on October 19th, while out along the railroad. Pte. H. Jenkins, of the 14th regi- ment after being out of th> military hespital for two days was again taken to the hospital on Tuesday morning with 'water on the knee. "Made in Canada soaps." Gibson's. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mooers, Bar- rie street, have returned from their trip to Mitchell, Ont Mr. Mooers says the 'fall wheat looks splendid in the districts she travelled throngh Toilet Gibson's AH A oc piano tuner, at Fir ire lisirance Now inat thes fall season Is once again with us, necessitating the | starting of stoves and furnaces, the danger from fire risk consequently | Increases, 80 that it Is essential that all property should be adequately covered. If in need of any additiona insurance or contemplating a change, I would appreciate the opportunity of figuring on your requirements, 1 | represent several strong tariff and non-tariff companies. GEORGE BAWDEN COAL. | PHONE 280. REAL ESTATE. 168 PRINCESS ST, Kingston junc- a Who "Pays the Piper ?" Stop the Fire Waste ! your taxes, and by raising up the price of food. "Youn It makes your rent higher, increases the rent of your grocer and but 'her, puts pay the Insurance." When you bulld set n good example for brick building erected helps to reduce the frame building helps Increase It Work for extended fire Mmitx, brick at home, A. Neal, Kingston Brick Yai Phone 1396 FOR SALE We have a new frame dwelling containing 9 rooms, hot- air furnace, electric lights, B. and ( $2, 500: | ontil accommotiation can be sgoured that we will sell. for .. PHONE 68 | the various members of will have J. K. CARROLL AGENCY to be billeted their homes For Sale Gramophones, Phonographs, Graf- onolas, Columbia and Victor records, Odeon and Jumbo records, Edison 2- minute records, Blue Amberal re cords. neighbor, rate. Every in Every Bulld with brick and buy your made in Canada, at soaps, writes to of Toronto, in protest O'Brien, the Mail and Empire the action of .the vestry. of St George's cathedral Kingston in asking for Dean Starr's return or his res'znation. He charges the church folks with narrowness and lack of patriotism Tt thought after Service Corps returned ) cartier that the members of it he disbanded It ks the inten tion to keep the corps together and of the from Army Val would was now it own a RROK av at YOUR FAVORITE DENTAFRICE Can always be prucared from us. We mention a few of the many we keep in stock: Cole gate's, Nyal's, Sanitol, Euthy- ing Zjmole, Hutax, Pebeco, HOAG'S DRUG STORE "Opposite ¥. M. CA: Xap) NEWS OF THE Y. M. And Son Banquet Country Race. the, €eni Bible class was well attended and a half hour address hy Rev. Mr, Mershon was very much appreciated Mr Mershon used a large chart which illustrated God's plan of the ages as interpreted by the prophets of the y Rible These Monday evening clasges are a privilege which are worth something to any young man Thi Glee Club is once again under way 'and the second rehearsal His be ine held Tadnesd ov evening "The Father and Son banquet next. Friday evening at seven o'clock promises te he one of the big events of the season. The members of | hay's department. assisted by the la dies auxiliary and boys' york com mittee, are going té entertain the "daddies". who will be addressed bv Taylor Statten, of the National council Mr. Statton will also pre sent Bible study certificates and standard efficiency bars, and: there will be a nnmber of other presenta tions, including the director's trophy by D.- G. Laidlaw, president of the association Among considered tha physical will be the rece This the Kingston C. A. Father ~-- Cross | { | | Tolet' | King Pousession at Rent $6 per month, inclod- Last evening or Dwelling, corner and Lower Gordon. once. ing water, ete. apply to W. H. Godwin & Son. Brock St. Phone 424 Real Estate Fire Insurance For particulars, an Ont. Albion Hotel Remodelled throughout One of of Ringsion' s Best i i | Big discounis for July and August. Allen's Phone 252 113 Brock St. WET OR DRY WASH. things to be evening by committee country gince was the several Wednesday department five-mile cross ir the first time Harriers' league organized that the event has been Family washing "done without | nut on It is to be an annual af- irons. Special attention paid to} fair The present members of the boarding house work, We expect [0 ie are-Oueen's, R. M. C. and Y 100 or more steady customers. All| M, © . Edch organization is te work guaranteed. We have had 13 | enter a team "of five men An ef | years' experience in [vundry busi. | fort is being made to have a trophy ness, and have one of the best loca- | A-nated, to be competed for annu- Goods called: for | ally, besides medals for the first three men to finish Everyone Should Try and Get a New Home for Themselves Why should you pay rent when you can save money by paying rent on a new home of your own? Why not baild a home of your own, from $1,000 to $10,000, on eady terms. [tions in the city: Try and delivered. Chas. Leeder, Phone 960 Or drop a card. 2nd Floor, Room $/ King Edward Building Thomas Murphy, ot Chafiex's Tocks, injured at the Kingston Shipbuilding company's dry dock last night, died | this afternoon at three o'clock K. F. SAMS Cor.. Queen and Montreal Sts, _ Recruits Wanted A new Battery of Horse 'and Field Artillery, for ser- vice Overseas, is about to be formed at Tete du Pont Bar- racks, Kingston. The Battery will be armed with 13 and 18 pounder guns and will have 150 men and about 80 horses. 'Men desiring to join for the period of the war should. apply to the Officer Commanding Royal Canadian Horse Artillery who_will enlist them if suitable, Pay and rations will be issued from date of joining, and they will i sent overseas with the Second Contingent. MAJOR J. HAMILTON, R.C. HA, . Tete du Pont Barracks, Kingston. MANY CUSTOMERS HAVE | ASKED. US TO CONDUCT | ANOTHER STRING SALE. | FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY OUR WINDOW WILL CON: | TAIN WATUHES, CLOCKS, JEWELERY OF ALL | KINDS AT 30 CENTS A STRING. ~ | { | R. J. Rodger, THE KING ST, JEWELER | tiers ihe Bleck ta. ou tae Nath Bb. : i HOUSE ALL THIS WEEK Matinees - hy His TO-N ony S "TH E Grand Opening of Inte te RUGBY FOOTBALL Saturday, October 24th McSILL If VS. QUEENS IL. 10.30 AMM. ou tae id ampus Sure to be a great gam ---- will 'be i sold on the Campus McGILL VS. QUEENS In the Athletic Grounds at 2.30 p.m. Admission 25¢: Bleachers 35¢; Grand Stand 30¢: Reserved Seats The, Plan at Uglow's till Saturday Noon Don't miss this, the hest game of the season. ASK FOR NEW PACK Ee FIT 2 er CEE SARDINES {Neorwegian) ADVANCE IN PRICE FAMILY GROCERS Zig Zag Sardines are acknowledged by connoisseurs to be one of the finest sardines packed. The greatest care has been taken in choice of fish as well ax oll, Only the very finest of each being uvsed. While all grades of Norwegian fixh have advanced owing te the war, yet you may obtaln ZIG ZAG SARDINES at the old price. FENWICK, HENDRY Distributors) NO AT YOUR & CO. Aid of Red Gross Society Grant Hall, Thursday, October 22, 8.15 p.m, Under the Ladies' Musical Club TICKETS 25¢, AT UGLOW'S No Reserved Seats. Auspices of the HELD AT POLICE STATION. From Toronto Searched by Military Authorities. A German resident of Kingston, who returned from Toronto on Mon- day night, was detained at the po- lice station for a couple of hours at the reguest of the military au- thorities until he was seakched. No- German | y. Phone No. 417. thing of consequence was found on hin and he was afterwards allowed to on HE way. At Toronto the German was also "held up' at the station by the military authorities, and was compelled to show his na- turalization papers. go More Commissions For Cadets, Word was receiv Tuesday morning ¢i the following imperial commisfions having been granted to cadets of the Royal Mili- tary College : Cadet Lemesieure, Royal Dragoons. Cadet Artillery. Cadet Harrower, Strathcona Horse. Cadet McQueen, Camadiun Ordnance Corps. Cadet Fricom, C from Ottawa on Canadian Morten, Canadian Garrison Canadian Ovdnance orps. + adets Macauley, Cook and Cassell will recive imperial commissions. . on' To Kingston. Sogt- Wajor "H. M. Brown secured a score of men in Toronto for the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery and sent them away to join their oo in Kingston, 'on m Monday night, Buy toilet sonpe at Gibson's. "| Firat tnser thy Patriotic Concert in jenough here on Saturday to convince (one that they would be a hard team CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES m le a word. Thercatice eee ete ADVT, OF 25 WORDS OR LESS, AN under this head, costs 26c for one night, or 50c for three. APPLY LADY FOR OFFICE, Hutchison, 20 Marke , FURNISHED Apply to ae YounG to D. er A TWO LARGE ROOMS, Tor Nght house keeping 459 Princess ee ------ dn" - AN EXPERIENC ED MAN TO MAKE Hrdets, } them and hang blinds 2 , Carpet Warehouse GOLD LOC LOST TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS, IN re- SATURDAY, Reward for office itialled "A. 8 turn to Whig A PAIR OF NOSE GLASSES MONDAY afternoon Finder Kindly return to Whig office. MISSING TRUNK BAGGAGE 1 colored suitcase, slightis ; two lock clasps, Name R c>rodan painted on bottom tefer any information to P. McDon- uld, baggageman TO LET Once 25c, three times bc. ------ \ COMPETENT GENERAL SERVANT: no washing or ironin g eferences required. Apply to 54 Johnson St MEN PO APPOINT AGEN ¥ $20 erveekily, will pay Finish more Lacoa Co Fails, Ontario MAY | corresponding | no Tanvassing. EC Syndi- | TINTELLIGENT pb earn $100 month RON for newspapeis; Send for fate ulars. cate, 3,960 Lockport, IMMEDIATELY, ed cook; Mrs. A i Goon, E xr i required to for day Queer 221 HAVE YOU ANY ABILITY AS 4 salesman? We have a proposition | to make which will enable you - to earn more money than you are | earning at the present time, respondence strictly Address to Manager, Box 47, King- wton. Ont WANTED GENERAL. Cor- MATTRESS REPAIRING AND RENO- vating of all descriptions. Also new mattresses kept In stock. Lat- est modern machinery! All work guaranteed Kingston Mattress , Phone 5566 Princess St. 602. YOUR of good wp storm nly geod us a card eaning Co, NING--PLACE ind be clean and put We employ men Drop r Window Alfred St, City « GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and have It made up Into up to-date suits. Price;and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Press- ing and repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 131 Brock street, near Garage TEACHER WANTED. 6, 0S0, A TEACHER necessary qualifications to commence after mid- summer holijays. Apply stating salary and _ exp rience, to Crain. Se+.-Trea: . Clarendon Sta- tion Ontario, FOR S 8. NO. MUSIO. TEACHER OF SINGING, MISS CARRIE Bajus, 47 Rideau 8 Telephone 1246 VIOLIN INSTRUCTION CHRISTINE COCHRANE, street. Telephone 136 | mss Gore nn WALKER and pipe St. West TEACHER organ. - Address oF 27 INSTRUC Miss Norms ND "DRAMATIO I 216 Frontenac St Jelgmann, Allda . Telgmaun, BE, Telgmann, teachers of eloct. tion, plano, violin and all stringed fhstruments. Miss MARY aduate t St. Andre wor ope Nn classes in sing Will prepare pupils nservatory examin- termg and other inf C W. Lindsay C Ri cess St. BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN STARY a mall arder business at home: n canvassing; be your ' own boss Bend for free booklet; tells how Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, N.Y. STORAGE FOR FURNITUR THREE HOUSES NO, | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, confidential. | Bibby's | ET. ' Buock A SITTING 4 wil clean and dry. McCann, § street. BEDROOMS AND Telephone. Apply St : room liam ™o BEDROOMS AND ONE SI nom, furnished Apply to art St ELGIN month ST Ap 21 garden Queen Large £9 CLARENCE ST, CHAM. Apply to Canningiam & Mu St. Clarence your own lock and dry, airy rooms; Storage, 39 key Frost's City Queen St. Phone 526b -------- GROU ND FLOOR OFFICE TO heated, lighted and furnished pusiness Jocation im the city k St LET Be Apply 56 Bro y ¥ FOR SALR. ttle One: Th times, IVE et. o5 He; t! one wee GEESE FEATHERS, APPLY TO - GolMman, 387 Division St. ge a. c PURE BRED R. I. RED, ROCK AND White Legthurn hens and cockrels Apply to M, . Boyd, 106 Pine St. SECONDHAND ORGAN, GOOD SHA! Cheap. D. J. D wson, planos Victor Vietrolas, 244 Princess GAS RANGES AND REFRIGERATs ors at reasonable prices, while they last. 'At Turk's. Phene 705. FIVE OR. §IX TONS OF ---- eets. Apbly 7te .B. Landcaster, Cataradqui, Phone 110%, ring 5. AIREDALE BITCH roery, FIVE months old, by Champion Rockiey Oorang ex Pure Mald. $15. oss, 214 "William Kingston, ont. at back. Three drawers and a top shelf. SHghtly used. British Whig office -- A LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES A a number of first-class heaters, low prices; also a big stock of fur Ss pniture. J. Thompson, 333 Princess St., Phone 1600. \ LARGE NUMBER OF RICY also Dunlop tires, at $2.00. = orders promptly anny to carpet cleaning and laying. Seonee Muller, 373 King St. St. OFFICE, DESK, SIX in. high in front and 561 56 1- 9 in CASE, IVORY sharps, overstrung ed scale, seven and octaves, Original price sa price § Terms $6 per month, ¢. W, Lind BI LL PIANO, WALNUT ebony Ye $10 cas nh, say, Ltd " IGRT ROOME nD ALMOST ts, corner treets. Apply e Street HOU npr ' 1 and Q Boyd, 106 FoR 1 THE STORE at presen eson as a oN MARK T STREET ied by D. Hutch feed store. Pos t HEINTZMAN PIANO, ca 1914 model, plano has months and for $425, Our sale rins, $15 cash, $8 per Lindsay, Ltd GRRN ARD _ny atest This 1ly three Te : month Ww NER AL RIGHTS, FEL DIfAR AND ca. convenlent to station: THREE NE wv FRAME HOU NES, YORK 8t., chea #5.000 BRICK HOUSE, LARGE LO® 6 ROOMS, Session 1st ar M. uary next. ulllvan, Appl Co ntractor. NO. 23 WE tirely open * hot once. STONE HOUSE, hardwood flo tiled bathroom: eating, Possession a Apoly to Dr. J. C.' Connell HOUS NEW TY electric lig near colleg t ¢ .. Lower University pantry, ard att Immediate premises, PAINTED, 163 art g we ave y SIX roc 3 Rent $14 a month possession. Apply w ARM, tc A. E. KNAPP, B.A, LD moved to 258 Princ 4 eee rete SPARKS AND SPARKS, n ngton t. over O ) Phone 348. arnovakys EAT RT c-- DR, C. C, NASH, DENTIST; DR. Bn enton, assistant. 133 Street. Phone 735. Pruncen S. H. SIMPSON, LDS, D.D.S BENT. ist, corner Princess streets, E ntrance on Bagot street +e KINGSTON RUSINESS COL- LEGE, Limited Head of Queen Street Superior courses In Booke keeping, Shorthand, Typewrit- ing, Banking, Civil Service, Gene eral Improvement and all Com- mercial subjects. Rates moderate ate. Phone 440. H. F. Metcalfe, Principal. Shed ddd bid bd iddd po Bled PP bP . . 3 el FINANCIAL. FRONTENAC LOAN AND ment Society; Incorporated 1863 resident, Colonel Henry R. Smith oney issued on city and farm properties, municipal" and country debentures; mortgages purchased depasits received and interest © lowed. 8S. C. McGill, Manager, ~ Clarence street. INVEST. al. 8 tele nt. VIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Cnmnrany. Available assets $61,187,215 fn addition to which the policyhoiders have for #ecurity the 'unlimited lablLity of city property, Insured at lowes! possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange Agents. Phone 325. and sta HOUSE, MARK $1,800--FR AME $1,500 NEW FRAME HOUSE, land St . As BATEMAN, INSURANCE AND Real 'state, 67 Ciarence St TO LET OR FOR SALE. . 175 PINE ST, 10 ROOMS B. and C., large lot with barn lire 368 Division St. » CATERING. AA RTTE A ts, table Hnens KC CATER TO Wedding reak algo rent Hv "silverware, "Reid M P R . 30 Union an 76 Al Hambrook, fred Phones 843 or ARC HITECT. | WM. NEWLANDS _& SON, tects, etc. .,OfMces, 258 Phone 6) ' ARC] Bagot POWER & SON, ARC HITECTS, MER. chants' Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington strests. Drop a card BU SIN ESS NOTICES. JOSEPH BUSK, 8 CHESTNUT ST. HAS ned up a quarry on Stephen st, ut, building and rough stone are sunplied promptly at reasonable pi HAS OPE NED A at 1 corner ol Horses properly LEGAL. rere Be en rn--.---- MUDIE, BARRIS, ieitore Law office, 70 reet, Kingston. PERSONAL ce tet op. CUNNINGHAM & ters and so) ance a-------------- cm---- HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, B BIRTHMARKS snd all growths and skin blemishe es removed permanently, without scar; 30 Fodrs' expe Bflents Dr. El- Throat and kt t264 Bar roat an - aor Jat an n Specialist 268 Ba UPHOLSTERING. W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLST N ing and a bat BERING, ne ress renovating Dro: or call 218 Bagot oa 8 card n---- CARD OF THAN KS thank ings wish offer the Aneis THE C Hi YR For Sale I PROPERTY OF THE LATE Rn iN ON RUSKRL HOM AS STREET I 56 and part . lots 72 re Ix 11-2 storey newly in good Sullivan, 36 PAT. AND a frame house painted and un good sized b repair. Apply to W, H. Clarence street. Swrrender To Gen, Botha's Forces. Londen,.. Oct. 20.---A despatch from Johannesburg sates thdt gen- eral Botha's forces hve ciptured three officers and several men in the forces of Colonel Maritz, the rebel commander. Forty of the rebels surrendered voluntarily. These cap- tures are in addition to those men- tioned in previous reports. A Hamburg Mistake. Montpeal Star. Women returning from Germany says that the people of Hamburg be- lieve London will be captured two weeks after Paris is taken. Ever hear of a Hamburg steak? Well, this is a Hamburg mistake. Belgian Relief Fund. These subscriptions have been re- ceived by the president of the Board of Trade for the Belgian relief fund: Prof. G. W. Mitchell, $16; E. E. Hor- sey, $5; Mrs. John Simpson, $15; George Hanson, $5. Should Defeat McGill, Toronto Mail Empire. A: Kingston, Queen's should dis pose of MeG'll., as they showed to beat on thelr own grounds, _--_= ithe 'Pennsylvania Hard Co: (o{e):VH ons, The World's Best v Tons, or A Tons Service Turkey's Slap At Germany. London, Oct. 20.--A despatch *to Reuter's Telegram company from Petrograd says that the Constanti- nople - "correspondent of the Bourse Gazette 1s authority for the state- ment that at a family council the sultan of Turkey, in order to combat the dictatorship of Enver. Pasha, minister of war, and German influ- ence, unexpectedly proclaimed the heir-ptesumptive to the Turkish throne, Yussof Izzedin, generalissl- mo of the army and navy. tp tpi ==""Battle Of Louvain. Citizens of Kingston will have the privilege of witnessing scenes of the "Battle of Louvain' at the King Ed- ward theatre, Wednesday and Thurs- day afternoon and evening Usual admission. There will be no junior eity rugby game on Saturday as the McGill Queen's game will .be on the Ath- jetics' grounds. The cricket Held Lis used for soccer, | BUILDERS ! ! Have You Tried SE Major Russell Brown Praised, Among the Canadians mentioned in despatches by General French ar Major C. Russclli Brown, formerly the Royal Military college, Kingston, who married Miss Beatrice Tandy, 0 this city. Before you my a hot water bot Hc, Emulsion, 950, Gibson's, wea the pute gm rihher ones at Gis son's.