Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Oct 1914, p. 5

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The Store That Keeps The Prices Down "One Price To All" THIS ~_ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1914. . The Best $10.00 Ulsters in Canada for the money. Shawl or two way collars, Heavy Tweeds, Rich Browns and Greys. See Our Storm Ulsters at $12.00 Heavy English Cheviots, lined with a pure wool tweed. Double breasted style; shawl or military collar. New colorings. See Our $15.00 Chin- chilla Ulsters Shawl collar style; belt at back; rich Blue or Grey. Nothing to touch this coat any- where for the money. 'A Real beauty. SOLE AGENTS IN KINGSTON FOR PEABODY"S OVERALLS Bibb IS OVERCOAT TIM We Have An Overcoat To Meet Every Man's Taste and Every Man's Requirements-------- i See Bibby's $15.00 Bel court (Overcoats Split- sleeve, belt back,etc. high lapel, Greys Blues-and Flake effects. -~ pn ~ A A Ant See Society Brand West Point, Real Nobby, Price $20 Military -style back, belted, with neat flow ing skirts. Soft roll revere, double .breast- ed, three button style, hand made. ~~ As it See Our Semi-ready King George Overcoat $20.00 Handtailored from genuine Irish home- spuns; new shawl collars, belted backs, full length coats . [We Meet or Beat All Catalogue Prices || "It Pays To Buy in Kingston" | The Best $10.00 Over- coats in Canada. Chesterfield style, fine Blue and Black Cheviots, fancy Cheviots, Greyish Browns. Extra special values. Size 3¢ to 40 : AAA A PA A At ANA PAA HP iat Sale of English Para- 'metta Raincoats Special values, $7.00, $8.00, $9.00. Genuine pure wool Parametta cloths. Black Overcoats A Beauty for $15.00 A genuine English Meltan -Cloth, fas black, silk velvet collars. -46 inch long, made by expert tailors. Other Black and Grey coats, $8.50, $10, $12. : THE CHURCH PULPITS THE MINISTERS - WHO WILL PREACH ON SUNDAY. Announcements Made By the Various Denominations As to Their Ser- vices---Nermon Topics and Musical "Si. Andrew's church--Rev. S07 J. M. Compton, Bed); minister. Ser vices, 11 am. and 7 p.m. Sunday school and Bible class, 3 p.m. Stran- gers cordially invited to all the wer- vices. First Baptist church--Rev. Doug- las Laing, pastor. At 11 a.m., Rev. Prof.. Alex, Laird, M.A., will preach and at 7 "pmo Mr. H. G. Lockett, M.A., graduate of Queen's, will preach. Bible school at 2.45 'p.m. Students and strangers cordially in- vited to all the services. At regular Wednesdpy evening secvico Rev. W. A. Cameron, of Bloor street Baptist church, Toronto, will preach. x Brock street kh Sunday, 7 p.m. "The. Unsearchable Riches of Christ' will be proclaimed by Messrs. W. McCandless and D. Campbell. Sun- day school at 3 p.m. Meeting for prayer and ministry of the word of God, Tuesday, at 8 pm. You are cordially invited to these services. St. Paul"s--Morning Prayer and holy con.munion, 11 o'clock. Préachcr, R. W. Allin, MA, secrrary Lay- men's Missionary Movemsuc. 3 p.m., children's service. . Preacher, Prof. i M.A: "Evening Prayer, 7 Preacher Rev. W. F. Fite Chalmers, Presbyterian, Barrie and Earl -- Rev. M. Macgillivray, D. D., minister; services, 11 a. m., and 7 p. m.; Sunday school, 3 p. m. Bible class with Prof Matheson, 3 Pp. Wm Social significance of the teaching of Jesus. . Prayer meet- ing, Wednesday, 7.30 p. m. Stu- dents and' strangers corially invit- pa Ho SS APresiytort an church e's * , Brock street--Rev. J. W. Mcintosh, M. A., minister. Residence, 318 University avenue. The pastor will preach. at 'both services. 11 a m., "The Secret aE itor Pp. m., "The Age of terprise"; 3 ¢. m., Sunday school. and Bible = classes. Mid-week meeiing, Wednesday 8 p. m. Students and strangers cor- dially invited to all services. - First Church of Christ, Soientist Johnson street, etwas Bagot and Wellington streets--Sunday service, ject, "Doctrine of 'Atone- p red testi church." 'Rev. A. 'P. Mershon min- SRudouts and Jtraagers are invited | like the "Home, Sweet Home' of the to worship with us. days. of our childhood. Princess Street = Methodist church, | ' St. Luke's--Children's Day. Rev. corii¢sy Princess and Albert streets--|R. S. Formeri, M.A. B.D., rector Rev. H. E. Curry, pastor. Services: | Qurvices at 11 am.:and 3 ana: 7 11 am, the pastor, '"I'he Sweetness pam. 11 am. Morning Prayer and of Victory'; 7 p.m., Rev. W. G. Con- holy communion. Rev. R. 8. For- noth BA, WU aban Ar. Lon | pei will preach. 3 im. chiliee's ing," instructive, inspiring. Sunday RerVICe - the, churs thre of A school and Bible class, 2.45 p.m. Stu- NA & anton oh ic hn dents are. especially invited to attend | ca (WH; ye : "the students Bible class®' Epworth Shildren: Se Scions aid ot p he Longue, Monday, 8 p.m.; prayer meet- | |. he ' 5 xs : I no} 8 ee A cordial in- Yviuitg Sith yar, i n lin, M.A vitation to all. orn wil Xs 3 NTT Pui St. George's cathedral--Very Rev.]come to all Sekyices, ana Dean Stare Rev. Sydenham Lindsay, Suen Fhrout Mathldist DIK hi Rev. R. Urozier Magee, 25 Johnson Ree: Re Ly Sin] TG 3 an mstor. street, 'phome 413. 8 a.m., holy com- a. Be 1 Thos Lo Ee enya munion; 10.30 a.m., mating; 11 am. meeting; Be oe a he the holy communion; preacher, Rev. R. N. dren a. < SE rng Kk oi a gath- Miknan:: '3 p.m., children's service; 4 orig Yo nliv. a % 15 5 p.m., baptisms; "7 p.m., evensong; Bible school adult classes reacher, Rev, Sydenham Lindsay, | © ts ale. Daily services, 9.30 'a.m.,' except Jouns Men's club. 3 Speaker pe Thursday, and 5.30 p.m., except Weds Se, muse Dior Epworth nesday; holy communion on Tuesday [05 7" "~ ads i vd at 7.30 a.m., and Thursday at 10.30 league iin g'n > Re semior a.m.; Wednesday evening service at 8 league, Moheay, 3 p. | Po Dg BR wy " tion. , prayer service, Wed- o clock: : nesday, 8 p. m., Students and St. James' church, corer Union girangers invited to make Queen and Arch streets--All seats free. Rev. |gtreot a church home. T. W. Savary, B.A, rector, The Rec- | | Sydenham street Methodist church tory, 152 Barrie street. Nineteenth | __ Rev, Alfred Brown, pastor, will Sunday after, Trinity. Children's | preach at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Day. 11 a.m., Morning Prayer and Special sermon to old people in the holy communion. Sermon subject, | morning. At the evening service "The Greatest in the Kingdom." 3 | Miss. May Hin¢kley, formerly solo- p.-m., special Sunday school ser [ist in St. Andrew's church, will vice. 7 p.m., Evening Prayer * and sing. «Class meeting, 9.45 a. m.; sermon. Preacher, Rev. R. M. Mill- [junior + league, 10: a. m.; Bible man, M.A., Japan. Lantern Ser- ischool, with all departments in full vide. force, 2.45 p. m.; senior league, Brock st. Methodist church, cor- with musical programme, Monday, ser of Montreal and Brock --Pas- 8 p. m.; prayer and praise service tor, Rev. John Webster, residence, Wednesday 8 p.m; Intermediate 242 Johnson street. 10 a. m, [league Friday, 7.30 p. m. A cor- class meeting; 11 a. m., preacher, {digl welcome to all. Students spec- Rev. W. G. Connolly, Shizuoka, Ja- |ially invited. Miss Shaw, organ- pan (missionary on furlough. An- ist and choir leader. Evening them and solo; 3 p. m., Sabbath music: Anthem, "Hark, Hark! My school, Brotherhood and ladies' | Soul! Harold Angrove and choir; Bible' class; 7. p. m., preacher, the solo, "My Redeemer and Lord," pdstor. Anthem and solo. Monday, 8 | Miss Hinckley: solo "I Have a Sav: p.m., Epworth: league. Wednesday, | four," Miss Hinckley. 8 p.m, mid-week service. Students . and strangers welcome. Bethel Congregational" cofher | Barrie and Johnson "A central 3 > . ., 'Strong-minded | : mien and: WeakiLegged = Flesh.:| WITH REFERENCE « TO DEAN 3 p. m. the Sunday school meets. . STARR'S POSITION. F. J. Wiison; superintendent. Mem- eet bership increase begins under Rob- | Bishop Bidwell States the Facts -- art Tranter § Sampaien. 3 : ». - The Dean Asked To Return By "Christus nsolator," John . ¢ Resolutions in the church . union the First of January. : 'proposal will be distributed all day. Kingston, Oct. 16--(To tha i'di- Seats free. Strangers. welcome.' org - It seems desirable that the Prayér meetingsn Wedsesday and £2 im connection wits St. Friday alghts, 8 o'clock. Seurge's, eathedral should be sue- hi i % cinct ated. Fin Cnet oi, pay -he Dean Starr, who was absent in eople's Chure Resid Ye "wyie. | England on sick leave, found him- Lowes, minister. lence, n 1c I self so far recovered by the end of Jory Heights," Mack street. am. July that he intimated his intcntion and 7 pm. "Quiet restiul hours with |r oti irnine in September. On the God. for. gathering strength for life's | ouifireak of wer he offered his sec duties. A special invitation is eX- |yiiey ag a military chavlain, but was tended to discouraged people, some |g; first refused on the score of possibly | by the doctors, he was appointed to Jof whom are carrying as. many a8 to and 18 heavy as thay can possil gn ei a militarr chaplaincy, and is now at Purfiet Camp awaiting. orde 0 ment is for three years, or so long as the war shall last At the meeting of the vestry, held to contider the 'situation, the fol- lowing communications from the dean were placed before those pres- ent: (1) He offered to hand over two-thirds of the income he re- ceived from the endowment to go to the maintenance of the church dur- ing his absence; (2) he said that fan~heped-to- return--by next spring; CEMENT BLOCKS, intending, I presume, to resign his SILLS, LINTEILS ' ' present chaplaincy at that time; (3) he said that he had sent a long P I E R B L 0 Cc K S cable of sixty words to me when of- | }i fered the appointment, asking for | fl BRICK, VASES, instructions. This 1 never received: 3 3 (4) he cabled that the Bishop of and everything mm ce- London and the chaplain general ment Verandah work of the forces asked that his leave : might be extended in view of the work he is doing Fhe vestry decided that the pro- longed absence of the dean and ree- tor of the cathedral was contrary to the hest interests of the church, und, on the understanding Ag Joins Works, Cor. Charles dean wished to retain his present | |i and Patrick Sts. position as military chaplain, citried a resolution asking the bishops "to Horace F. Norman, call for his resignation as dean and Manager. rector of St, George's cathedral Speaking for the Bishop of Ontar- io and myself, I may sav that we are acereed that the chief church of FLCUR sible head. At the same time, we good quality which it would be desirable, nor Ontario Streét. hedlth. Being afterwards passed | . | I wis Puthedord and baby, i King- would any one wish us, to act with excessive strictness We have, the diocese cannol be left for an Our Robin Hood Brand of flour indefinite period ~~ without a respon- | pag a guargntee in every bag for feed that this is not an oceasion on ANDREW MACLEAN, eR | therfore, requested Dean Starr to vesume his duties at the cathedral by Jan. 1st or to resign. It should be added that Dean Starr has paid the salary of the = extra arms assistant opfate during his absence, and that as long as Mr. Bourne was { here he contributed fifty dollars a \ month towards his salary. e all' who love St. or I howe that George's cathedral will rally to its support. FExeellent' work is being E done there ap the presefrt Hie: and Choice farm of 250 ac Titth an = two months re 8 . » . 3 mains at. (he most to tarry it over [] Tes, 6 miles from King ifs present . position. Yours fuith- |} ston; first class stone, fully, Edward J.. Kingston. | dwelling; all necessary: Krupp Guns And Belgium. outbuildings; orchard; : on Spectato : n en DATE been made that the bout 130 acres of deep, guns purchased by. Belgium from the rich soil under cultiva- Krupps, for the fortifications of : . f . Liege, Namur. Brussels, and Antwerp tion; plenty of water; were found defective and worthless large sugar bush; avery when used. _ Nominally & private|} desirable property. concern, . the 'fmpredsion strongly .: prevails that Krupps is a permanent We have esides a jerman government inftitution, and i ; its trenchoros conduct 'should serve large list of farms for as an additional incentive to blot it sale, ranging in price. ont of existence when the timel} fpom $1000 to $24000. comes. / A --- ;,i on. \ ; "Colgate's Tooth Paste." Gibson's, ae Miss la Hamblv is in Kingston vis- z re SE ee | T), LOCKHART her friend, Miss eT ila! ' "Fresh plas Gi¥ oi 40 Soi, are visiting her sister, Mrs. J. 4 Pure Spices i and Vinegars ||] nu wea oes ses ve u Are necessary in the making Scranton Coal of good catsup Is good coa' and v guaraales prompt "When ordering from us you fake mo chance of getting second class goods. We handle only the Best ||| Booth & Co. J. R. B. GAGE if Foot of West Street. Montreal & John Sts. Phone 549 Fall Suitings oie ortl] Overcoatings The Largest and Most Select Line We Have Ever Shown » Prices Reasonable Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed Inspection Invited Crawford & 'Walsh, Princess and Bagot Str =

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