Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Oct 1914, p. 7

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free = INIDENTS OF THE N|GRAND gfe Students' Banking [=.= >| To-Night Ee > MATINEE ig NIGHT ppenings in the City and Vicinity Universal Film Mfg. Co. Presents ~~What the Merchants Off to The Accounts of Students are' invited by this the Readers of the Whig, - 'Annette Killerman Bank, *. / Read Mendels® Ad. CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES STRAYED, Colored Sateen Unders skirts, 65¢, " jee-- Interest paid on sums of $1 and upwards. Dutton's. . Neptune's A First insertion lc a word. Each com- {SMALL WHITE DOG WITH YELLOW |THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. etacular. Photoph t fon thereafter, haif. streak. down back, from 230 Syd- Httle. Once, 26c; three times, H. Macpherson has given $10 to pe piv 000 oases ot any secutive lasert - enhatl Bt. Anaces to meme of ore week, $1.00, No delay m depositing or withdrawing mone y the Belgian fund. SiG | Tm ----_-- Toten AT hari ame of The Whig will not be issued on Mon- | PRICE | PARTS $2. after this advertisement will be (GEESE FEATHERS, APPLY TO MRS, day--Thanksgiving Day. SEATS NOW ON TH SOW GN SAL. = prosecuted Goldman, 387 Division St. 4 HELP WANTED. . FOUND. BABY CARRIAGE, ONLY A FEW IN( "ORPORATED ] Benjamin sotting g, Westport, is in a : 4 Kingston hospital fergoing BE NI A TT ST s ths in use. Apply 24 Place ' 4 pi undergoing treat AN ADVT. OF 25 WORDS OR LESS, et ria ------------ ants in use Poly ce '¢ ment for vye trouble. under this head, costs 36¢c for one }' 3 OWNER CAN HAVE Sergt. Boss, clerk in the 3rd divi MONDAY, 00T. 12 might, or Bc for three. sD laaiis Joss and Raying io D R. I. RED, ROCK AND HE 1855 sion headquarters, | 18 visiting in . . ~ > Nes Matinee at 2.30. Evening 8.15 + GENERAL SERVANT. RE- Rideau St. oh horn hens and cockrels., q Montreal over the holiday. . 1 Goon GE NN Apply 20 Bar- -- © Apply to M. G. Boyd, 106 Pine St. OF The Civie Finance Coinmittee met rie St ! MISSING : on Friday evening, but | : wr . NDHAND ORGAN, GOOD SHAPE, y 8, had only OLIVER MOROSCO Presents tc " D. J. Dawson, planos = ro 5 a LING AlL- < . heap. uttne-business before it. A eforred Apply | "ROM GRAND TRUNK BAGGAGE Victor Victrolas, 244 Princess St. : i " A Keelerville assault case was dis- " 4 room, tan colored suitcase, slighti) Market Square Kingston missed by Justice J. W. Bradshaw on TE Steward, Frohtenae Olub battered: two lock clasps. Name R {GAS RANGES AND REFRIGERAT« mmr etapa Xe J. MoCrodan - painted on bettom ors at reasonable prices, while they : Friday. N COOK 6 A. _-- GENERAL SERVANT WHO CA Refer any information to P. Mcbon- last. At Turk"s. Phone 705. GEORGE B. McKAY Manager. I'eof. Dall, : o No AL airs work. Apply Mrs ald | baggage man --s------ : of Queen's, will preach 7 St. ; the anniversary semons at St. Ap Brigstocke, 7 Wellington - a LOAN. . $100 WILL BUY A FIVE wy EAR OLI¥ me-- drew's' church liet Octobe; TP A TR TU YT ONE ? horse, city broken, good every way, 18th. ch, Picton, jn, October NG G ro A Apply Kingston Mattress iret te , ) 5 o Cadet (farke, €.S.M., won the sil- preferred. is Divisjon 8 L SUM OF MONEY TU LOAN ON AP Phone 602, 556 Princess stree ver bugle for the highest number of b Spee atnp dei < i Box a I Bemis @ " | OFFICE DES SIX FEET Lona 4 " points in the Royal Military College MEN FOR BN BRAKEMPFN, i ------------------------------ in. high in front and 56 1-2 In i 120 monthly Send age, postage at back. Three drawers Ang a sports. "Railway," care British Whig TO LET top shelf. Slightly used. J Let the other fellow risk his money " . ee sree. British Whig office. in stocks. By J. HARTLEY MANNERS TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE.| FRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVIS . ] , a You buy good, sound, real VLARGE VARIETY OF RANGES AND a a on 4 > vork: refe ' required. Apply Once 25c, three times boc. A LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES AND nce tate. Prop wn Hot ann's office and In which Laurette Taylor meade 8 NOR: rote ey Mrs WC Biker --_-- : merm------ a number of first-class heaters, af ay drop mto a bargain, 135 Centre St HOUSE, NO. 19 NELSON ST. APPL) Tow prices; also a big stock o - world's record run of two con- 135 Centre S A EAN niture. J. Thompson, 333 Princess Now nat the fall season 'Is once again with us, necessitating the Dr. John Cryan, Demorestville, is parting of stoves and furnaces, the danger from fire risk consequently dead, after Thirty years rosidence secutive years in New York INTELLIGENT PERSON. MAY] omer wimse------ St, Phone 1600. Incresres, 80 that it is essential that all Property should be adequately there. He was seventy years of age covere & § >. it fn need of any Additiona Insurance or contemplating a chan He graduated at-Queen's. PRICES MATINEE 25, 50, 75ec, $1.00 P Synal- also Dunlop tires, at $2.00. y ge, et v . = Send for particulars. ress Syn epresent Dbrectate the opportunity of AKuring on Your requiremente i ol VW. Hare died in Picton on] EVENING I, 50, 7c, $1.00, $1.50 cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y -- orders prompiiy attended to for represent several strong tariff and non-tariff companies, Thursday. He attended Queen's for SHATS NOW ON SALE . = wn 7 ran TIPE 'FFICES IX CLARENCE ST. CHAN Muller, 373 King St. RN B 2 gard A 0 Cunning i C 8 . a time and for several vears) was §, L od ro ; 7 re GEORGE BAWDEN ¢ Jljvurser on the steamer Caspian. me as, ourse. W oS 3 Gargnte 8 OOUBLE FRAME DWELLING HOUSE PHONE 284. COAL. 168 PRINCESS ST, Mrs. Gatchel, wife of Joseph urs d C for particulars JMalogue o- | py RNISHED ROOMS WITH a ne lam A ols Bol Ww. REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE. Gatchel, gunner in the R.C.H. A, was - 7 * day. Maier r llege, 221A convenien nce. Ladies only ne g Sockly paanisd. or hy Fr Bond, taken to the general hospital on Sat- ONE NIGHT ONLY 216 Colborne St urday in James Reid's ambulance. 3 TO DO PLAIN 1 > ' ; { 3 / DAILY AND WEEKLY NEWSPAPE . ings rr y f i light sewing at home, whole or ni i or 1 r 4 } ------ { H x Iedngatan, . graduate of ans I a Fe ae Work sent ! Hable ! rade Monthly and job printin 5G vueen's, nag received his Ph.D. de- any distance; charges prepaid. Send 1 : ser and book-binding plant. Employ= gree at the University of Chicago. or articulars. National en ae--m---- ing constantly 22 hands; always : 2 stamp f | + H HOUSE TO RENT, 262 L Grow'ng city . In Ontariog + > love is a 1 8 1 v v N, - - » - Ss 1 C ¥ He is decidedly clever. His home is . Manufacturing Co, Montreal St, electric Hght and impr Goud reasons for selling. Apply in Picton. : : Supported By AGENTS , x ts. Apply 282 Sy 3 to Miller & Richard, 7 Jordan te O bi hri Tr = A ---- - ronto Ont. money 1 r ne ss 2 BALL ; a 5 © earn $100 monthly corresponding TORAGE FOR FU TUR BY. A ------------------------ am newspapers; no canvassin clean and dry. McCann, 83 P net \ LARGE NUMBER OF BICY t. Frontenac street. Louis Martin's "Nancy Nan" won two firsts at the trotting baces at W G m B Ww We want to call He attention of every farm- York, Pa., on Thursday and Friday . raha ro ne AL RIGHTS, Ne wok the mare will race at Fre Nicols Limite hers, Te - ca; convenien er 13 our Drain Tile used for government dorich, Ma, he Yi race at Fre [Aud ber. own pany Jirect rom the a : . : ' a: Ww FRAME HOUSES, YORK Playhouse, London, kung, . 4 St. demonstration purposes. Dutton's is still the bargain store In J ANY ABILITY $ r 1 cheay Se . for Corsets, Underwear, etc oppo salesman? We have a proposition adi ply No My $5,000 BR 1¢ K HOUSE, LARGE LO® ry o ia Opp to make which Will enable YOU * 10 | cieceym------------ and stable Ho ROOMS, . ddress to Manager, Box 47, King- : north-eastern -part of the city this, | =a Ty 8 e Suesn $i. Phone Real Es Ciarence i t St. dite Griffin's Theatre earn more money than you are | STORAGE F > ITU CLEAN. | $L800--FRAME ) « RAGE FOR URNITURE, CLEAN, If the Utilities Commission decid "Mar Goes earning at the present time. Cor nT Rn re your own lock and 1,800 X EW FRAME Hous, MARK 38 'W 8 » gas mains i he ond strictly onfidentia y =» ' ity S and 8S * ' - es to renew some gas mains in the TesPo nce e v Xey Frosts neo 20 CTE 39 6G. A, BATEMAN, INSURANCE AND imate eat epee Sosa - pk | (4 (| fp --_-- RIC nx HOUSE WITH BARN, 567 ee e---- SITUATION VAOANT. cess St. P Esion at once (GRAPE AND STRAWBERRY FARMS ii a good deal of laboring work will be » 4 3 J Kingston Prick Yard, Phone 1396 the result First Appity to M yward. 301 John: |" In sunny South Missouri are. an John Marshall, clerk at Hende: son St " beyond question a ------------_-- ------------ son's grocery store, left, on Sature LADIES WANTED TO DO EASY, = . Not ) untried proposition 1 ant, coloring work at home : . . ut ir y money pro« ! tor Chicago, to enj a well-earned r in Three Acix and An ipl | hs GROUND @ } ' 4 3 § 20 we y. Ex- is . - * & FOR S A E ation and also to be present at the : Hy Henry Arthur Jones { srience u iP 3 I vie heated a HN dq in bres : ; (a ia amd hl marriage of a friend SEATS oN Si Henn National Dec: rating Co. soa ation in the city. Appl, are . try hacia Solld Brick Dwelllug, 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms g . An antomobile party composed of ---- Dent. S. £8 Adelaide St. East, Tor : - ma en 2 woh ame 1 o, i and pout Dining room at front of hous pening on verandnh. 8 Thi 8. § Duncan, ( F. Burs and wife BIGHT i X . 1 wa qd property In In good location. h and Mr." and Mrs. ( H. Waldorf, all FRIDAY and SATURDAY, 0CT. 16 & Hides WiLL PAY YOu EW. 2 im pre yvements corner pm » { ; 2 monthly v : " ® dor Juebe streets. App . Price $3,100.00 On Friday cohe, motored to Kingston | Kiddigs* Matinee Saturday at 2.30 Big Rl dl RE to J. D. Boyd kt Bins Ses 0 "Tree. Merriam, Je. Banton t i : ' m Friday evening. 8, A ening ce 1 ot req ured an o -- m_-- Vi pr dg ahess City, Mo, J. K. CARROLL AGENCY The 14th men on duty have been |THE WONDER SHOW OF THE UNIVERSE r n. Opport vy for promotion | A DESIRABL RESIDENCE #8 BROCK BT. PHONE 68. | supplied with new army boots for Spare time ma) 4 ed, Interna fon St. W. newl it i tor ie Pre padina Ave water heating. Posse at' or TO LET OR FOR SALE. JOHN DRIVER, Representative. Winter wear. This is the first time Poronto, Mk ' Phone 684 or call that these men have bekn supplied W Id' > 0 " Sr or ca Ee ------------ with regimental boot or Ss TEACHER WANTED. HOUSE, 175 PINE ST, 10 Roomy with B. and C, large lot with barn. John Redleaf, a full-blooded lio s-- f k mndl 1 a ; "id . a -------------------------------- , Eye Enquire 368 Divisi st * "| NOTICE TO CREDITORS guois Indian from Montreal, is in Greatest JALIFIED TEACHER, PROTEST. 13. To fiand s ;. Rent a an THE MAT TH R SF, a i ETAT AT 3 Kingston. He says he can walk from * 1 * » "ant, for y mion 8s hool Seation, 5 . Ave. > . ¥ 448 Le ROOMS AND BOARD. SAR . #0 an den, for comin ear. $ FO OF KINGSTON, 44 Montreal to Hamilton in eight days. Magician Duties to commence pr hol: | ome eee - eee THE COUNTY Apply to D. |THE STORE ON MARKET 3 | FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROO OF FRONTENAC, | He speaks fifteen languages, he sive. da Salary $33: 3 § M8, . i 8 . Ta ay Jes Oconto, Ont at present occupied Sy D PRES also table. board. Apply 138 Wels WIDOW, DECBASED. Kk e eo ! Attewell, . You may think you are economical, eson as a flour and feed store. Pos Hngton St, of posite post office. _ No'tiee Is here given pursuant yet, if you pay rent for your house, FOR S. S, NO 6, 050, A TEACHER Session 1st January next. Apply 2 $a 4 tt tat i : of 9 Or ntsnio ic . i 1 4.1 'vou are indulging in extravagance. 1.et 26 - PEOPLE -26 sith necessary = qualifications M. Sullivan, Contractor. PL CATERING. i 1 others hay ing claims ARAINSL Lhe McCann show - you some bargain 19 aaaence I a TE ¢ ving holidays pply hal NO. 23 WEST ST, STONE HOU SE, EN- {WE CATER TO PARTTES, BALLS, e of Sarah Nicol, who died on or homes N Po out the eo ' i salary and experience, to i enovate Rog " tan Stunts be Drocured trom |ubout the wishin duy 'of i. Major George H. Gillespie attend- 2 CARLODS OF EFFECTS | , Sais doc.oridl™Eiarinatn Br | rol? gongreded harawood Heber | wedling seit TERR AEE us. » mehtion a few of the by post Der id." on © fol ing the Northumberland and Durham ¥ "tion. Ontario. hat water heating, Possession ai silverware. Reid and Hambrook, many we keep in stock: Opole | oon ty-tour ; or, 1914, & Teachers' Association at Cobourg, ATTRACTING BY HIST " once. Apply to Dr. J. C. Connell M. P. Reid, 30 Union Street. PF. C. gate's, Nyal's, Sanitol, Euthy.|the undersigned soloitors he EX. feturned home on Satufday. - Major wy BY Ns WANTED GENERAL. -- Hambrook, 176 Alfred Streets mol; Zymole, Hutax, Pebeco, soutor at he E I. names Gillespie gave a paper dealing upon v + THGCUSANDS WHO HOt SE NEWLY Paw Phones $43 or 303. : S368 And electr . ete, clatns and the nature of secur of (ir | "Cadet Movements ~#id. Physical A ATTEND THE || HASSE GOOD, Fis near college " din a . MUSIO. held hy them, such « Cupturé in Schools." THEATRE aggon. Appl Lower (Pnivers six rooms " ' duly verifie( » Hm e---------------- Kingston Tannery : f ay ------------------------------------ HOAG STORE verified. take notice "that imine The Queen's team to be taken to . - Don, Sts oh pantry, ari atti x month : RTO tr ately he twenty-fourth day of | Hamilton to play the Tigers on PRICES BY Ee 33 3-3 Ph MOTHERTA WOMAN WOULD BOARD Medial on. Ap 0 Bajus, 47 Rideau St. Telephone he i he and give i . RY Jwsnty. h ; ' : a SAT. vate home to a h Opposite Y. M. C. A, . Honpihe BXacy or Jos Monday, was chosen Saturday at Seats On Sale Wednesday ps Brivate fue En a i DY - ! Kingston - - Ont. famong_ the... parties. entitied--thereto- 4¢ final _ practice :_ Quigley,.. Hill, : wi Will give best of VIOLIN INSTRUCTION having regard only for the claims. of | Hazlett, Harrow, Gillolly, Kennedy, lures ATHLETIC COMMITTEE'S 8 Call personally or write A MISS CHRISTIN COCHRANE, 178 hall then have received no-| MeLeod (captain), McQuay, Fils, IX 191, Deseronte, 'Ont. a ------ street. Telephone 136. add Executor Burwell, Tie White ~~. rm ee APP, RA. L.D.S, D.D.S, RE. vell, msmore, hite Young . . a person of ose oly ' MATTRESS REPAIRING AND RENO. 68 Princess Street res then hay and, Box. EXCURSION 10 TORONTO vaiting of all descriptions. Also | MUSIC AND PERANATIV MS TRIO. , he s Mrs. T. Connor, Toronto; Mrs. Henn, Dew mattresses kept In stock. Lat- [SPARKS AND SPARKS, 150 WEL. on ronienac, Bi. Mise 'tober, 1914 Mrs." Re to M and M S est modern machinery. All work lington St. C ay Telgmann, Ada Telgmann, hk ers emingon, I, an rs. Via Grand Trusk Radiw uy guaranteed Kingston Mattress Phone 346. (ovex arnoveky's) oO k a, Bors of 8 OCU tion, plano, violin and all stringed Cannem and W Cannemi, Auburn, Co., Phone 602. 556 Princess St } nstruments | Albio H | a NEEL arfe. (N.Y. land GG. Cannem, Winnipeg, are F id 0 be 16!- ce DR. C. C. NASH, DENTIST; DR, T. B xi rs f ne eulor eCity o be ¢ +» bedside o v Renton sistar " rnc " 10n ote a in the city. to be at the bedside of [I'K1 ay, ctober GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Soot piiSistant. . 133 Pincem Lar wos G. CHALMERS, LT | a of Septe Z . 181. wi S their father, S Cannem, 35 Cherry cloth and have It made up into up- raduate r a ye Is i. S. Hl SIPC OR a ------ a y | Remodelled throughout i atreel His - family of nine are all 3 80 FARE 3. 80! nidate fags Shire 2nd Jorkman, - SIMPSON, LDS, D.D. 3 C Music prano soloist Sg ATI) ow 9 ---- - -- home 5 3 8 st, corner Princess a Bagot r will open classes in s ng One of f Bingston® 8 Best om ing and repalring done on the streets. Entrance on Bagot Bago ; 19th 'ill prepare pupils F. Teilgmann, teachers of el FRerbb bhi b Why should you pay rent when yom can save money by paying rent on a new home of your own ? xtent of about $800 or $900 was don, Bonaising and Remodeling pit Merl we a RO in a ae STEAMER BRITA NNio y bers, both sexes, wishing v Cul, buliging and rough stone La 2 uy : ae Leaves © 1. Basin, foot Dal- marriage: ileseriptions free 4 snnnlied promptly at reaso! pecialty which broke out at 12.30 o'clock Sat- real, every Woda Wrubel, Box 28, Oakland, Cal, prices. urday morning. lhe loss is covered Frlady nt CX Jims ar nirjeed 3 ington | . Buy these at Gibson's shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, g nie Gon vatory eXmmin. noon. Tiekets good to return 11 Vien- Garage mation: apy Cough syrups. day night on sll tealus except 11 and 16 | == ------ KINGSTON BUSINESS COL. 1 apply C. W.. Lindsay Coy E Shou'd Try and Get| Sg cera mad Seidlitz powders, CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIS, ke iperior courses In" Book- FINANC) eping, Short} i. CIAL. Gramophones, Phonographs, Graf- | - Sweet castor oil ASK FOR NEW PACK ters and solicitors. Law office, 10 ng Be anor] han are writ 0d | ss eral Improvement &nd all Com- FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. a New Home for eimselves Cece ood 3 my records, Rdison 2. | « sorge BE. Foster, minister of a a HEE UPHOLSTERING ate. Phone $40. H. F. Metiaite resident, Colonel Henry R. Smith. Tecards, Blue Awmbural re | Hage and commerce, has sent a tele PLoS. fb i cis Principal. A oney issued on city and farm warden, asking that arrangements he . pairing and carpet. work, and n ho Big discounis for July wwe August. started for the colicin: of the i ¢ alee is ating. Drop a card e edi Manager, Why not build a home of your own, ' et. from $1,000 to $10, 000, on easy terms | || fh government. The warden is \ So 4 . . WM. NEW LANDS & SON, ARCHI. | LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Try en % comipg to the city on Monday to - § Disso ution oO tacts, ery --Ofees, 258 Bagot St Fire Insirance Company, Available a 0 . - ants p ons assets 1,187, 'nn 8 'on Ch d Phone 252 113 Brock St, | Make the necessary arrangyients. . which the policyholders have for as. Lee er, --- ? : Partnership chants' Bank Building, corner city property, Insured at Joust at R Brock and Wellington wire ts. Di possible rates. Before 'rene 2nd Floor, Room 4 A FIRE AT ~ NAPANEE : , card, sia. 219) old or giving new busi mage Tet King Edward Building E J COUSINS A The firm of Nugent & Warn, which i Agents, Phone 325. od 4 controlled the fdeal nad, onderiand a J ---------- A LIVELY BLAZE IN CAM- ss Theatres, has this duty been dissolved. PERSONAL BUSINESS CHANCES. . -- ' 3 , time aud energy to this Theatorium, and all growths and skin blemish. | ANYONE ANYWHERE Melville Cambridge Grabbed Live and will at al Himes endeavor te give | - a Toligved permanently, Br EL a mail oe er Busiuvts at home! na rt x - 1 bile th test a 1 Car Years' ex urine Tr 1 Anvassing ur . . Wire During the Progress of the She pu hen TF atin nd Best - mer' J. Lake, Eye e, Far, lose Bend for free booklet; tells | 0 ua | Tim my piace of business, the" "Ideal" The- B N ¢ e. atre. USINESS OTIOES. 221 Princess Street AAA. Soa PJ NUGENT. [MARRY -- vn mewanLE, cover. numbers of wealthy, eligfbld mem- opened up & quarry on Stephen When the box arrives ' from RODGER'S Infants' foods Special train leaves city depot 12 131 Brock street, ir Bibby's 3 ' "or terms and other infore Jeet, lron and Wine. LEG - -- LEGAL. GE, Limited. Typewrit- nolas, Colnmbia and Victor records Talenm powders. Clarence strest. Kinmston mercial subjects. Rates moderate ment Society: Incorporated 186 cords. gram to John A Kennedy, Frontenac . '. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE- th 2000 bdddtdid nares ai paren: 11 216 Bagot st t. . produce donations offered to the Dri- OF ---- POWER & SON, AR« Tuo, MER. Security the unlimited Habliity of m-- rates from Strange & +g , a) |] HN T 4 > I have taken over the ideal Theatre, a ites atta ------ BRIDGE'S RESTAURANT Wy t Bland win tn the devote all my { HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMAMKS CAN sTART , p 5 " ) my old friend ww Throat and skin specialist, 268 Ba Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, Fire and Was Knocked Out For a Your Grocer Has Them Hee Sid fricnin and new patrovs ni got street. iP fo th Bride Napanee, Oct. 10.~Damage to the Ki Yet. Oth, 1914. dential Success Club has large | JOSEPH BUSH, ¢ CRESTNDT sr, on by insurance.: 3 Ey " . - : I rices Moderate Fhe fire started in the bakery, over Folger Wher, Ki t 5 p.m, " se one of the ovens. The firemen were Brockville and fre 4 on the job as soon as possible, and areal, on Ny SMITH, Gen. On & in three-quarters of an hour & time w i es had the fire ynder control. -- -- . ? sw AE age During the progress of the fire, Mel- G acTonei re will Fi by ihe ns M nda H lid Oo of « e o pe 3 £30 the [ " Silver, Cut Glass or a piece ville Catnbridge; son of 'the proprietor ; tober, 1914, at noon, for the sale as a 0 Ys' a 0. =e oi the restaurant, who was doing Boing eoncern of the of Fine Jewellery. ribet oie ti Vii SARDINES [Chattels, Property, no deliveries Willhe wade; unconscious, but recovered in, about - - ett e ~ ; ' ». tinli an hour, although. he suffered a (Norwegian) License Lease and ~ - nd h, tnelads great dealdbrom shock, NO ADV ANC EIN PRICE AT YOUR ' ! " Saturda ill R. J, RODGER, lng . eee AMILY GROCERS Good Will : y wi "receive . ¥ Week-end specials at Gibson's : 2iz dos semen 14 be on nekuowiened : E prom en on. : : # / 0 Ae : by connoisseurs t one of the fiment Silversmith. 250. tooth paste; 1de. + sardines packed: b rics wapn's Hotel ~~ Kingstan, formerly , pt att iti 230. liver pill, two for 25¢ The greatest care hax heen taken in| conducted by John Saunders, deceased. iL: 347 King Se. : : 2 Shc. emulsion for $3e. * thatee of fats us well ax oll. Only def The highest of any tender not neces. . "Where the Clock is on the 100 Blaud's pills jor 25 While all grades of Norwegian fan | oF particulars may be had on Walk" Fire . be. gough sy rup for 15e. have advanced owing to the war, yet! n you may obtain ze ZAG SARDINES a , JAMES W. RIGNEY aaa Ste. talcum for 33. i" ice. i oF 2, syrup figs, 136, "Pwo, wesoav'a co. | pug oo Mh Hi TReSURe:.

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