1 6, II For Cooking and Drinking, also for Thomas Copley Telephone 987 , a satd to i Pus stregt when wanting an ng done in e carpen- tery line. Betimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work; also hard. wood floors of all kinds. All orders | will receive prompt attention. Shop, 40 Queen Btreet./ Drop Eonar, Cake Icing and making Fudge. Es. rig LABATT'S STOUT Has Special Qualities MILDLY STIMULATING, NOURISHING, SUSTAINING A Perfect, Tonic THIS IS THE TIME OF THE YEAR IT IS NEEDED If not sold in your neighborhood, write JOHN LABATT, LIMITED TAI fittie Sat Let me talk to you about Nerve Troubles. Our nerves are like an intricate network of telegraph wires. They are controlled and nourished by a portion of the brain known as the nerve centres. The condition of the ---- T0 MAKE AN ATTEMPT TO ESTABLISH A NATIONAL AM. ERICAN THEATRE. Adele Blood Hopes to Begin Hey Cherished Wish Within a Year -- It Will Be a Development of Mind and Work. | Adele Blood, the actress, claims she can establish a national Ameri can theatre with $10.000 or less She also states that she will make an attempt to do so within a year. 1 his information comes through a statement from her. She is at present at her country house ir Great Neck, Long Island, preparing for a starring tour in the new play "Milady's Boudoir," by J. C. Drum under the management of 1. W Hope. Her contract with Mr. Hope has a season to rum and at its con- clusion, Miss Blood states, she wil take up the national theatre project Mr. Hope will be interested with he: in the affair. Miss 'Blood writes: © "Who am I" she asks, and ans wers modestly, "I am nobody Bu we shall see,' she continues, "If the new energies of a nobody cannot ac complish what the stagnant ideas of a group of somebodies failed to rea lize recently in New York. In one's personal affairs, 1 believe in humil ity; but where a great idea is to be realized I believe in the ultimate ag gressiveness., Therefore 1 am going to speak my" mind out, and tha: without equivocation. "A national theatre in America one representative of the whole countrg, will be born 'of the soil anc not of the dollar mark If ever great public institution will develop from the sweat of the brow and no from the lining of the pocket. it wil be a national theatre. The main reason for the failuré of the gildec New Theatre in New York City re cently was too much money. With a brigade of check books and a co- terie of half-baked theatrical namby pambies they reminded men of the now ancient story of the bankrupt A friend tried to sympathize with him and he replied: *" "Thank you for your kind words but wasn't it a magnificent failure? "In-Néw York City they built 2 stately, classic theatre and after an nouncing that it avas intended for : national theatre proceeded to fill i with foreign and undomesticatec plays They did not have a single practical, dried out and seasonec mt sons these poisons increases, ~ + THE NURSEMAID: A FAVORITE RHEUMATIC MISERY Can Only Be Cured Through the Blood Liniments of No Use. In no disease does the blood becoms thin so rapidly as in rheumatism. Not nly does it become thin but it loaded with impurities--rheumatic poi- Without the proper treatment the inflamed joints swell and the patient becomes a cripple. There are a number of methods of treating rheumatism, most of them aiming to keep. down. the rheumatic poisons until nature can build ap the blood sufficiently to ov- them. But unfavorable con- litions of cold or damgmess may give the disease the advantage and + relapse s or renewed attack fol lows. : Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People build up the blood and enable it to cast out the rheumatic poisons with the natural secretions of the hody Thousands have tried this treatment with the most heneficial re- 18 reome » mn THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1014. DISGUISE FOR GERMAN SPIES. A A } PAYING FOR NEUTRALITY. Holland Had to Put Over 400,000 Men Under Arms. Holland is learning in this war time the advantages and the disad- vantages of being a neutral country. says the London Chronicle's special correspondent in Holland. ! Perhaps the advantages are as embarrassing as the disadvantages. With war all around her, she has become a place of refuge, a clear- ing-house for telegrams and letters that cannot pass direct from England to Germany, a common platform on which men whose countries are in bitter enmity may meet on the terms of old friendships. Her neutrality has made the ar- rival within her southern frontier of German or Belgian soldiers, flying from their respective enemies, a rather trying form of enforced hos- pitality Already a concentration camp at Alkamaar has its nucleus of men from both armies, and there is the constant fear that this in- voluntary hospitality may lead to in- terrrational complications. No won- LAUNDERING must have them washe druggists or mai ice. New pamphlet mailed free. THE MEDICINE © Phe 0, ONT. (Formerly Windser.) == PAGE ELEVEN Buy The Best a ONE WITHOUT ACID. t lothes to last, you If you want your clo hes lo lan Jou ever. rd wil ng our boy te the We appreciate the opportunity Hest family washing, 0c to ®0e. CHONG BROS., LAUNDRY. 854 Princess St. 'Wood's Phosphodine, The Great English Remedy. Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blood re in od, eins, 1 Ner vasa Debili ental and Brain Worry, Davaity Loss of Energy, palpitation of the Heart, Failing Memory. Price $1 per box, six for$5. One will please, siz will eure. Sold by all m Al . on 1 el) sailed fre WOooD to serve you. Prescription for Headache! If you should go to your family ician and ask hiin for a prescription for headache, and he knew the very latest discoveries in medicine, he would pres. eribe the ingredients of ZUTOO tablets. ét he might not get the happy com= bination of the ingredients secured in ZUTOO tablets after long trial and exe periment. The ingredients of Zutoo Tablets are prescribed for headaclie by the very ~~. Our ¢ream is pure and wholesome. Many customers have Jearned to order by phone. We deliver in time for meals. Give us a trial order. George Masoud, Tre No Chances Your feet were made to last you a lifetime. Don't ruin them by wearing cheap, ill-fitting shoes. Wear Invictus Shoes, for they will prove a safeguard and comfort to your feet. Seg | The Sawyer Shoe Store Announcement ? A2 5. have, ducided tn wacats tay present premises of 1915, IT am now bot Sails suring reductions on any monument that I have in stock. If it is your ime tention of purchasing it would be to your advantage to buy mow. J. E. MULLEN Cor, Princess and Clergy Streets, Phone, 1417, Kingston. best physicians of the day. Praised by all users, thousands gladly testify to the merits of this reliable cure for headache. 25c at dealers Tryit theatrical man within earshot of the machinery, "What was the result. They pro duced in months of endeavor onl) one thorough success, the foreigr play, 'The Bluebird," and a very me diocre offering of native origin, 'The Nigger.' I doubt if even the latte: American play would have beén pro duced had not the author been soc ially persona grata with the director ship. "In their swan song, when the at fempt was andoned and admittec to be a failure, the directors plead ed in substance: 'We have read ove: a thousand plays by new Americar authors and have found noné worth) of production." "What a test of one's patience men deciding the value of play: from a bare reading of the manu script No wonder a loud laug! arose in the real theatrical section of the community Charles Froh man has said that the principal men ber of the cast of a play is the au dienece. It is an épigramatie trutl which will live after him. There dsn't a man living who can foretel the fate of a play from its manus cript, or for that matter any one o its values as a play It isn't like being a tea tester Any man whe can judge a. play' frow. thé manus cript and save the big managers the enormous expense of production car ' ih - ha become a millionaire in five years But its not in the dream book. "Already in New' York theatre: three plays by unknown author: have scored the biggest successes o years and the season is only a few weeks old Not one of them as pires to literary merit, but they are written in the blank verse which i measured by the feet of the toiler They are the plays of the soil, plays of the heart, plays of the people. "So I am going to open a reper toire theatre just as soon my other obligations will permit, and I will make a supreme effort to deve lop it into a national institution. It may take years but.l vill guarantee a healthy natural foundation, one which properly started will build it self Into a dignified success 1 am going to take $10,000, either my own earnings or money loaned by a friend, and either lay down the ground plot of a national theatre, o1 make a more reasonable and satis- fying failure than the New York mil lyionaires did with three million dol- lars. "This is simply the method of procedure: I will hire a hall, In take a theatre if I can get one, but a hall ill do Shakespeare had candles for footlights. The smaller the beginning the more I will like it 1 will organize a utility repertoire company and produce thirty plays by unknown American authors in thir- ty weeks, That's all. x "The beginning will be humble. I can get half a million dollars for the venture to-morrow. I don't want it and will have no need of it. 1 don't want an endowment. There isn't a single endowed thing in this country to-day which has any prac- : tieal value for the people at large. Humanity in a gilded cage---pah--- the man who gives his millions al- ways ties a string to them. a "The American stage is in a bad way, concluded Miss Blood, "what the moving picture hasn't done to It, dry rot has. The old fossil is sit- ting on the exhaust and won't let the new fellow with ideas bob his head out." der that gallant little Holland is massing her troops in Limburg and North Brabant to drive back the soldiers who, in the heat of fight from battle, seek to be her guests. Jut Holland is paying the price. It is not for nothing that a little na- tion, with millions less people than London has put over 400,000 men under arms At all costs she will fight for her independence, and among these stolid, silent people there is never a murmur at the sac- rifice. It is not only the 'men who have been called to the colors and the families that are left without breadwinners who are paying the price. All over Holland men and women - are being turned out of doors. and? seeing their homes pulled down, be- cause the buildings, set up » under the shadow of forts, interfere with the all-round range of the guns. The Chronicle correspondent says: "I met a man who had disappeared from Amsterdam for a couple of days He told me quietly that he had been into the country south of here to see how his old parents were Suddenly at midnight they and their neighbors had notice that within an hour their homes -must be pulled down Imagine what it meant, in the rain. and darkness. ito pack aH the household goods on carts, to low practitioners. drive horses and cattle along the "Please come over to.the club and | Barrow road that tops the dyke, and 1oin. as In a game of bridge." j to find the best shelter that can be "Emilie, dear," he said to his,had at a safe distance from-the forts. wife. "here I am called away. again, It is the price of independence, ft Is an important case--there are and Holland does not grudge it. three other doctors on the spot al-| lbere was a call for volunteers Teds Exchange. among those men who for various reasons are not liable for military service, In two days the office where applications were received had to be closed, so great was the rush That is the spirit of the peopl: They know that independence and neutrality have their price as well as thelr privilege, and they are res to pay it to the last gasp and guild- er. i nerve centres depends upon the condition of the bodily health. When the bodily health is lowered the nerves suffer in « sympathy, Then it is that (we are tor- mented with "nerves," headaches, neuralgia, nervous debility. In such cases there is nothing to equal ' Wipcarnis,' the 'Wine of Life.' ' Wincarnis' is a powerful nerve food which acts directly upon the nerve centres and, gives them pew life and new vitality. The result is wonderful. Will you try it? Begin to get well FREE Send for a nberal {ree trial bottle of ' Wincarnis.' Enclose six cents stamps for postage. COLEMAN & Co., Ltd., Wincarnis Works, Norwich, England. You can obtain regular sapplies from all leading Stores, Chemists, and Wine Mérchants, aults That every sufferer who does wt try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills: is neglecting the most helpful means of recovery is shown by the following statement. t Mrs. Emeline Smith, St Terome, Que., says: "I was attacked vith what the doctor said was in- flammatory rheumatism. The joints of my hands, feet and limbs were badly swollen, and I suffered the most weruciating pain. Notwithstanding wiedical treatment the trouble became 0 bad that I could not go about. My appetite began to fail me and I was growing physically weak. A neigh- hor who had been benefitted by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills advised me to try them and 1 decided to do so. - In the course of a few weeks I noted some improvement, and inv appetite began to return. Then the swelling in my joinls began to disappear, and it was not long, until I was perfectly sured and Ihave. had no return of the trouble." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold hy all dealers in medicine or will be sent mail at 50c. a_box or six boxes 22.50 bv writing direct to The Dr. Medicine Co., Brockville, hy for Williams' Ont. Professional Duty. A voung surgeon received lave one evening a note from three of his fel- tative for the Dominio n of Canada:--Mr. Frank S. Ball, P. Toronto. Phone, No. Main 275. Telegrams "Unit" Toronto 0. Box, 577 . xX, ' Everything for the football player will be found here. Shim guards, nose guards, knee guards, shoulder and elbow pads, jerseys, pants, boots, adn an excellent lige of footbalis fram $1.25 te $3.00, Secretaries 'of clubs should write and get our prices and If pos- IIR (LAL Wit. 11 (I { [TI ALL 88-90 Princiss $1 PHONE 529 -- He's A Hustler. He jumps up in the morning And, speediest of men, Despite his doctor's warning, He bolts his breakfast, then His coat and hat he shatches And panting, runs afar, And, quite exhausted, catches The just departing car. as On to his desk he hurries; His labors to begin; "Twixt twice a hundred worries, His luncheon's sandwiched in. At eve this driven sinner A-rushing home will go To sframble through his dinner And gallop to the show. Cold Feet. During a marriage ceremony in Scotland recently the . bridgroom looked exiremely wretched, and he got so fidgety, standing first on one foot and then the other, that the "best. man" decided he would find out what the trouble was. "What's up, Jock?" he whispered "Hae ye lost the ring?" "No," answered the unhappy one, with a woeful look, "the ring's safe enough, but man, I've lost my en- thusiasm, * 4 Wet Weather Shoes for Men Fudge which is "different" may : be made in this way: Boil two cups "ae of white sugar and half a eup of - The time is at hand when you can ex- milk unt sugar is 8 V . two rounded ry ved. cocoa pect wet, stormy weather. Are you pre- and boil and stir till it makes soft pared with a pair of WET WEATHER ball in water, Remore from the : fire, add . generous tablespoon of SHOEe? If not, we igh the. pleasure of utter and a teaspoon of cinnamon owing you our line of TAN and BLACK tract, d bi til Y . E pe heal ial ns smo storm shoes made in soft, Plistils, oil tanned leathers with heavy double viscolized soles and either leather or canvas lining. A shoe to wear without a rubber. ; : $5.00 and $6.00 "Keep the Shop Busy s --lelephone." The factory superintendent about to lay off ten men. ~The manager called several custom-" ers by long distance telephone, re- ferred to the last order, inquired if it had been satisfactory, and with this as an / opening asked for more business. The "Every Beil Teldphone is - plan was so successful that he called in a Long Distance Station. his best salesmen, carefully drilled them, and put them to work at the telephone. The Bell Telephone Co. OF CANADA. - What is it that he chases Beyond his daily bread? It is success that races Each day two jumps ahead? Although his pace immense is, New effeorts he At least IT hope his senses Some day he'll overtake! --Exchange. was We do not believe tnat a woman should pe a slave in her kitchen, bat we do believe that she should consider looking after a household honorable, Many a girl who thinks she had a swanlike neck makes a goose of her- self, Even the iceman may make. it hot for you if you don't pay up. of REGULATE YOUR BOWELS AND STOP HEADACHES, COLDS, SOUR STOMACH Cascarets make you feel bully; they immediately cleanse and sweet en the¥stomach, remove the sour, un- digested and fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the constipat- ed waste matter and poison from the By means of this systematic telephone - canvass he not only got enough business to keep all his men busy, but had to riime. ' work ove " bowels. A Cascaret to-night straight- ens you out by morning--a 10-cent box from any druggist keeps your Stomach regulated, Head clear and Liver and Bowels in fine condition for months. Don't forget the chil ren. ! i your busi is not as brisk as you would like, why not turn to your felephone and *"keep the s hop busy?" She Was Happy. The small girl of the family was busy over the flower bed. She pull- ¢d the weeds out carefully, she dug and watered and trimmed, humming a happy litle tune. "You must like your work, Bessie, You seem very happy cover it," said the neighbor. 'Quickly the child looked up with a laugh, "I'm doing it for mother, and I'm always happy when I'm doing things for folks; aren't you?!" she sad. THE HOME OF GOOD