Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Oct 1914, p. 7

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ery Dope | Students' Banking | The Accounts of Students are invited by this Bank, Interest paid on sums of $1 and upwards. No delay m depositing or withdrawing money INCORPORATED HE 185 : ANK or TORONTC Fire Insurance Now tnat the fall season Is once starting of stoves and furnaces, the increases, so that it is essential that covered, i' in need of any additiona insurance or contemplating a 1 would appreciate the opportunity of figuring on your requirer represent several strong tariff and non-tariff companies, GEORGE BAWDEN COAL, agdin with us, negessitating the danger from fire risk consequently all property should be adequately change, nents, 1 v PHONE 286. . 168 PRINCESS ST, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE. BRICK AND TILE We want to call the attention of every farm er 15 our Drain Tile used for government demonstration purposes. A. NEAL, Phone 1396 FOR SALE Solid Brick Dwelling, cooking. Dining room at front of house, opening on verandah. Lot, 56 x 132, This property is in good location. Price $3,100.00 wd: K. Carroll Agency, PHONE 68, JOHN DRIVER, Representative. YOUR FAVORITE | somerset oe DENTAFRICE If you want your clothes to last, must have "mwa d without We use no acld wh r. A postenad will bring our boy te th Can slways be procured from us. We mention a few of the many we keep in stock: Col- gate's, Nyal's, Samitol, Euthy- li the opportanic u. Best family washing, 40c to S0e. mol, Zymole, Hutax, Pebeco, ete. HOAG'S DRUG STORE 834 Princess St. Opposite Y,. M, C. A, Kingston . 7 rooms, 4 bed rooms, furnace, gas for be sy You acid For Sale Gramophones, Phonographs, Graf- onolas, Columbia and Victor records, Odeon and Jumbo records, Edison 2- minute records, Blue cords. I~ Ont. Everyone Should Try and Get a New Home for Themselves Why should vou pay rent when you tan save money Uy paying rent on a new home of your own? Why not build a home of. your own, from $1,000 to $10,000, on easy terms. I'ry - Chas. Leeder, 2nd Floor, Room 4, King Edward Building Big discounts for July and August. v9 . Allen's Plone 252 113 Rrock St. E. J. COUSINS FURRIER 221 Princess Street , Repairing and Remodeling Gifts of Quality | P vices Nort for the Bride When the box arrives from RODGER'S ~~ NOTICE TO CREDITORS. x 0 ¥ . IN THE MATTE CATHERINF * TOW, HIP OF SPINSTER, DECEAS hereby given pursuant Revised Statutes of Ontario," 18 i, , that all persons having claims against the estate of. Catherine Dowling, late of the township of King- son, spinster, who dled on the : day of July, 1912, are required the same with the undersigned, verified, on or before the November, 1914, when the #1 be distributed among intitled. Dated at Kingston this 2n¢ d tober, 1914 5 ha 8 2, AALLLLLLALS to file duly Ind day of sald estate the parties The gift which it contains is one of quality," whether of Silver, Cut Glass or a_piece of Fine Jewellery, - \ er Co day. of R. J. RODGER, Silversmith. 347 King St. "Where the Clock is on the 4 © Walk™ 3 : RIGNEY, Administrator TTT To Let wower Gordon. ance. Renp ®t go, Ing water, ete. apply to TJ] Solicitor for the Hi King nar month, fuclud- For particulars, W. Hl. Godwin & Son. Rrock St Plone 434 Real Estate Fire Insurance nnd Amberal re. LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST Happenings in the City and Vicinity ~What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. "Film packs" at Gibson's. Dutton's is still the bargain store for Corsets, Underwear, ete., oppo- site Griffin's Theatre. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's Phone BRS "Plasters for lame backs." Gibgon's 'KE. E. Wathen is érecting a brick bungulow on the west side of Liv. ingston avenue. » *"Vlasters for lame backs." Gibson's. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Randall, Johgp street, arrived home, to-day, after | spending the week-end at Baticrsea. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, King street. Leave orders at Auley's book store. The Misses Doolan, Bagot street, left, Tuesday, to visit friends in New York. William Hughson, Queen's univer sity, speat a few days with his sis- ., Migs' Ella Hughson, . Stratford, Ont. Sale Boys' Boots, size cost, Dutton's. The final game of the junior 8.8. A.A.A. baseball series between St. Paul's and Cooke's will be played at the cricket field this afternoon com- mencing at 3,30 o'clock. "Fresh plasters" at Gibson's. Students ' of Queen's and others who knew hor as a friend _ will be grieved to learn of the d#th some time ago, at Moose Jaw, Sask., of Miss Alice Rhea Wallace, who was a member of the class of '15. "Penslar cold eream" at Gibson's. "Film packs" at Gibson's A letter received from a Kingston lad, who is a member of the Cana- dian overseas contingent, states that the steamers are at anchor in the Gulf of St. Lawrence waiting for the convoys. Ladies up-to-date - dressmaking. Ferms moderate. Miss A. Keys, 33 Colborne street. ""lodak films' at The county - court was called Iuesday afternoon but adjourned un- til Oct. 14th, as the assives are on and the lawyers are busy. There are three cases to come up: C. W. Lind- say ve. oJ. Ro Cote; Hartman vs. Ball, and McCurdy vs. Knapp. "Plasters for lame backs." Gibson's Joseph Hodge, Certificated piano turner, 336 Broek St. Phone 868. Song "Tipperary," Dutton's. There was a regular meeting of the board of governors of the gene- ral hospital on 'Monday afternoon. The usual reports were read. The vis- iting governors for the month are F. G. Lockett "and Dr. A. P. Chown. The next Meeting will be the annual one and will be on Nov. 2nd Bb; less than (ibson's on THE LATE MRS. JANE RYDER. The Funeral Services Took Place on Monday Afternoon. the funeral services for the lute Mrs. Jane Ryder, wiig of Gunner Fdward Ryder, of the R.C.H.A. overseas gon- tingent, took place.. 'Ihe remains were taken to St. George's cathedral. where a service was conducted by Revs. Messrs. Magee' and Lindsay Many friends of the deceased attended to pay their last tribute of respect to the departed. Six friends of the fam ily acted as pall-bearers. Many beau tiful floral tokens were placed on the "| harp, with i | | wreath; | ! { ¥ -had been ailing for but a short time. fenilaren. casket Interment took place at Ca taraqm cemetery. The following floral tributes laid on the casket were Father and Lavra string; C.0.C.F,, wreath; C.0F., No. 199, RC.HA, wreath; Mrs. (. Conslantine, wreath; Sergt.-Major Hughes, spray; Sergt. Major and® Mrs Peppiatt, spray; Sergt.-Major and Mrs Patemadn, spray; Sergt. anc Mrs, Leach, spray; Gunner and Mrs. Manning, spray; Mr. and Mrs. J. Watson, spray; Mr. and Mrs. Murray, spray; Mr. Alex. Aiken, spray; Mr. and Mrs. W. Ashie, spray; Stevens, spray; Mr. and Mrs mah, spray; Mr. and Mrs. S Cullagh, spray; Mr. and Mrs. Alex McKay, spray; Mrs. W.. H. Atkins, spray; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas White- head, spray; Mr. and Mrs. G. T.awes, wreath; Mr. and Mrs. Kidd, spray. hroken No. 20; Pra- Me- Died At Collins Bay. On Monday afternoon, the death occurred at Collins Bay of Isaac Smith, aged eighty-two years, The deceased was 'a carpenter by trade. and for several years was a resident Kingston, having lived on Vie- toria street. The late Mr. Smith of He is survived by his wife and two The funeral will be held on Thursday afternoon to Cataraqui cemetery. At Police Court. Two drunks were the only offend- ers in the police court on Tuesday On Monday afternoon at 2.30 o'clol§ i the old p Florence GRAND 55k Thur., Fri, Sat, Oct. 8, 9, 10 Matinee Dally 2.80; Evgs. S15 Universal Film Mig. Co. Presents Annette Killerman Neptune's Daughter A Spectacular Photoplay Fantasy 7 Parts Feet of Film PRICES MATINEE, 13 and Ze. NIGHT TO ALL PRICE | 28¢ PARTS sl SATS NOW ON Ss Ln re. Sees meine bmn UEEN'S HOTEL Teneers will be received by the un- dersigned until Mo y, the 19th Oc- tober, 1914, #t noor * the sale as a Boing concern of t Chattels, Property, License, Lease and Good Will Kingston, formerly hn Saunders, deceased or any tender not neces. i accepted urther particulars may application, © be had on JAMES W. RIGNEY, Executor 1914 Dated Oct. 1st, CARD OF THANKS Miss Ryder and Gunner Ryder to thank their many friends a bors for their many kindness them during the recent illness of Ryder 7 AND LOOK ! "GOLDBOND" CANNED, TOMATOES "ACKED FOR HIGH-CLASS TRADE, ARE NOW IN THE HANDS OF THE GROCERS. Mrs GUN MISS RYDER CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES : Pee-- 1 word. Each con- First insertion le a : LOST. SUM OF MONEY ON THURSDAY, 0OT. Ist, Out one of the principal of Kingston, Finder leave at office and receive reward Tek ty Whig one insertion, 50c; six, 81; one month, $2. rE E------------TSSTT-------- HELP WANTED. DVT. OF 25 WORDS OR LESS, aN A this head, costs 36c for ome night, or 60c for three. ett @ OR GENERAL HOUSEWORK A a a good cook; references required. Apply Mrs. Mills, 96 Bag- ot 8t,; eor.. West St, eee tee EXPERIENCED SALESMAN FOR HAT department Apply Betw een Jz and 1 poon, to George Miils & Co 126 and 128 Princess St Orry FoR Sells on furnaces 405 AGENTS TO CANVASS oney paving article, ht wherever stoves or wed Apply In evenings ess streat INTELLIGENT PERSON 'earn $100 monthly corr for newspapers, no _canvassing. Send for particulars. Press Syndi- cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y LEARN BARBER TRADE. SURE EWM. ployment. Good wages. Few weeks required to complete course. Writs for particulars and catalogue to: day Moler Barber College, 221A Queen East, Toranto. AN ITHERS RECEIVE $15 TO 865 WEEK- ly Why not you? Write immed- lately for full particulars; sample, picture, literature, ete, Experience unnecessary. Enclose 10¢ to cover cost. Clifford C. Mitchell, P. O. Box 2, Edmonton, Alberta. Canada HAVE YOU ANY A SMALL GUN METAL WATCH IN leather bracelet, on Queen's came pus, opposite «Iictoria school. Fin. der kindly return to Whig office and receive reward BOSTON TERRIER PUP (TOOTSIE) § months old, white w=trip on faee white bresdst, screw tail. Any per. son holding same will be prose: cuted. Finder please return to 40 Colborne St: 3 3 3 3 : nl LOST. about having Twenty-five Sept. 10th information kindly notify James Smith, R.M.DD. No. 1, Box 54, Westbrooke bbb ibbid at Bde ® fot | | MISSING JROM room, hat J. GRAND TRUNK BAGGAGI colored suitcase, slightl : two lock clasps. Name P McCrodan painted on bottom «uy INLOT AK LIGH LO FV. Moon gageman TO LET ete eet TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS Once 2bc, three times 50c. tare STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ET. clean and dry. McCann, §3 Breck street. salesman? We have a prop to make which will enable you to eArn more money than you are earning at the present time, Cor- respondence strictly confidential Address to Manager, Box 47, King- ston, Ont. SITUATION VACANT. LADIE WANTED TO: DO EAS pleasant, coloring work at hom- Can make $15 to $20 weekly. Ex perience unnecessary; no canvass National Decorating Co . C, 69 Adelalde St. East, Tor onto. Ont. ETT THIS iS THE BRAND THAT OTHERS TRY TO EQUAL. OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT H. A. Stewart, L.D.8,, D.D.S. Of this eity, will open Dental Parlors, corner Prinvess and Wellington Sts, {above Kinnear & &'Exterre's jewelry store, on Wednesday next. UPHOLSTERING, tsetse -------------------------- W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. pairing and carpet work, an¢ mattress renovating. Drop a'ocar( or call 216 Bagot street. ENE CEPI BUSINESS CHANCES. | ! ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN STARRY & mail srder business at home; n canvassing; be your own bose Send for free booklet; tells how Heacock, 2,969 Lockport. NY WANTED GENERAL. STEAMER BRITANNIC riday Folger's taking passengers for nanoque and Brockville and freight for Mo: real. N, Gen. Cornwall Gat. ZIG ZAG SARDINES (Norwegian) ADVANCE IN PRICE FAMILY GROCER'S Zig Zag Sardines ure acknowledged by counvisseurs to be one of The finest sardines packed. The greatest care has béen taken in cholee of fish ax well as oll. Only the very finest of each being used. hile all grades. of Norwegion figh owing fo the war, yet LAG SARDINES FENWICK, HENDRY & C0. (Distributors) . NO AT YOUR Dissolution of Partnership The firm of Nugent & Martin, which coutralied the Ideal and W Theatres, has this day been I have taken over the Tdeal Theatre, and will In the future devote ail, my t Theatorium, deavor to give atest and best in motion pletures. I shall be pleased to see my old friends new patro at my place of business, the "ideal" The- atre. T. J. NUGENT. Kingston, Oct. 6th, 1 mst an ---- Court of Revisicn TOWNSHIP OF PITTSBURG. Notice hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant te the Ontario Voters' List Act by His Honor, the Judge of the Qounty Court: of the County of Frontenac, at the Township field, on the 18th Hal; F «tober, m., for holding a court to hear and de- morning, and as it was their first appearance, fhey were given a chance." One man claimed Ireland as his home, and the other said his was in Elgin. The Irishman started; out to give the magistrate his life history, but the magistrate did not | have time to listen to his story" 1 ! ) Fire At Coal Shed. A telephone call at'three minutes after eight o'clock on Tuesddy morn- ing summoned the firemen to Booth's coal yards at the foot of West street, where sparks from the 'stéamer Robert McDonald, close by, set fire to the shingles on one of the 'Goal sheds. The roof will have to be re- shingled. Queen's Arts Degrees. The following additional degrees were announced by Queen's univer- sity senate. on Monday afternoon: Degree of B. A.---Sister Agnes Mc- Eachern, of Loretta Abbey, Toronto, and Thomas J. Hughes, alsa of To- ronto. gl ' Wanted. . Fowls and Turkeys, Dry Picked Chickens, Fowls, Turkeys. J. Y. Parkhill & Co. g 250. son's. The Simcoe county vo bably vote $1300 or i baby eough ' sveup, 5c. Gib cil will'pro- 000 to the! A re ---------------- OA i Termvpe the several complaints of er: roars and omissions in the Voters' List the municipality of the Township of Pittsburgh, for the year 1914 All persons having business at the Court are required to attend at the said time and place 5 ? WM. MURRAY, Township Clerk, Dated ut Barriefield, the §th day of October, 1914, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Sir. Edward Carson Married to a Protéstant Lady. Kingston, Oct. 8.-- (To the Edi- tor}: The assertion is made that Sir Edward Carson nas 'been married to a Roman Catholic lady, the daugh- ter of a nationalist M. P. The facts are that Sir Edward Carson has been married to Miss Frewen, daughter of Col. 8. Frewen, of the 16th Lan- cers, and grand daughter of a cler- gyman of the Church of England. Her uncle, Moreton Frewen for a short period between 1910 and 1911 was "Healcipte" member for North Fast. Cork.--A. READER Stole Horse A{ Gananoque. Chief Ryan, of Gananoque, reports that a bay horse has stolen from that place by a man aged about twenty-eight years. The man weighed HORSES WANTED TUESDAY, WED- day and Thursday, at 687 Prin- cess I. A. Jenkins TWO OR THREE ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping; unfurnished pre- ferred. Address Box 609, Whig office tio ---------------------------- WANPRD--500 TONS STOVE PLATE Quote best cash price on cars, C to Apply to H B Dufferin #t., Toronto ne -------------------- MATTRESS REPAIRING AND RENO. vating of all descriptions. Als: new mattresses kept in steck. Lat est- modern machinery. All worl uaranteed Kingston Mattres: 0,, Phone 602. 566 Princess St Y meas GENTLEMEN TO BRING cloth and have It made up into up to-date suits. Price and workman ship guaranteed to 'please. Press ing and repairin done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway 131 Brock street, near Bibby's Garage THEIR WORK WANTED. , FIRNACES TO LOOK AF. by experienced, reliable man Apply Box 38, Whig PERSONAL ---------------------------------------------- HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blem sh. eg removed permanently, without scar; 30 years' experience. Dr, El- mer J. Lake, Kye, Bar, ose Throat and skin specialist, 2368 Ba. got styeef OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. bers. Apply to Cunningham & Mu- die, 79 Clarence St. A FLAT TO LET, FURNISHED OR infurnished, soitablie for two, per- sons. Apply 1 King E FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN dry, alry rooms; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, Queen St. Phone 526b. EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, ALMOST new, modern improvements, corner Division and Quebec streets Apply to I. D. Boyd, 106 Pine 8 A DESIRAR RESIDENC fon St. W. newly decorated, ho water heating. Possession at once Phone 684 or call D> Veesn, THE STORE ON MARKET STREET at present occupied by D. Hutch Session 1st January next. Apply Sulltvan, Contractor. 4 299! eson as & flour and feed store. Pos- | = THESE EFFECTIVE PEOPLE'S FORUM | 4 ADVTS, t Sues, 3 th tl a : rag Himes, . REESE FEAT APPL » - Colman, Ho Division Ty ay A PONY, BUGGY AND HARNESS AND cutter, all in good order R. Richardson, 251 Victoria St. PURE BRED R. I. RED, ROCK AND White horn hens and cockrell, Apply to M. G. Boyd, 108 Pine St. «+ SECONDHAND ORGAN, GOOD § Cheap. . J. Dawson, pianos Victor Victrolas, 344 Princess GAS RANGES AND REFRIGERAT- ors at reasonable prices, while they last. At Turk's. Phone 705. NAPANER. and' Heensey Apply on QUEEN'S' HOTEL AT Buildings, contents Cheap to quick buyer. premises. $100 WILL BUY A FIVE YEAR OLD hqrse, city broken, § TVAry Way. Apply Kingston Mattress company. Phone 602, 556 Princess street. OFFICE DES in. high in front and 66 1-3 back, Three drawers an top shelf. Slightly used. British Whig office, mrtotes. et A LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES AN a number of first-class heaters, low prices; also a big stock of fure niture. J. Thompson, 333 Princess St, Phone 1600. SIX FEET LON hugh Appiy A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYC also Dunlop tires, at $200. Al orders promptly attended to for carpet cleaning sand laying. Georme Muller, 373 King St DOUBLE FRAME DWELLING HOUSE corner of Willlam and Ragot Sts) Quickly tenanted. Apply to. W, White, post office, or . F. Bond, Frontenac street 4 DAILY AND WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, Trade Monthly and job printing and book-binding plant. Employ ing constantly 22 hands; always busy Growing city in Ontarlo. Goud reasons for selling. Apply to Miller & Richard, Jordan St, Toronto, Ont . 5 RIGHTS ILDSPAR AND convenient fito station. NEW FRAME HOUSES, YORK . cheap. $5,000--BRICK HOUSE, LARGE LO® and sta $1,800 FRAME HOUSE, 6 ROOMS, SL500--~NEW FRAME HOUSE, MARK« land St A. BATEMAN, INSURANCE AND Real Estate, 67 Clarence St. | TO LET OR FOR SALE. MINERAL mic G. NO. 23 WEST ST. STONE HOUSE, E) tirely renovated; hardwood tloors; oven fireplaces: tiled bathroo hot water heating. Possession a: once. Apply to Dr, J. C. Connell. ------------------------------------------------ HOUSE, EWLY PAINTED, WARM, electr lights, 163 = rt street, near college, third buik ing west of Lower University avenue, six rooms pantry, and attic. Rent $14 a month Immediate possession Apply on premises. FOR RENT, PIANO, in able MASON & RISCH good condition: Apply Box 88, UPRIGHT, lerms reason- Whig office DENTAL. L. E. KNAPP, BA. LDS, N.D.S., RE- moved to 268 Princess 8 > treet. SPARKS AND lington St, Phone 346, DR, C. ©. NASH, DENTIST: DR. Renton, assistant. Street. Phone 735. S. H. SIMPSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENT. ist, corner Princess an Bagot Streets. Entrance on Bagot street SPARKS, (over 158 WEL. Carnovsky's) T. RB 133 Princess FINANCIAL, FRONTENAC LOAN ment Society; AND INVEST. Incorporated 1863; Jresident, Colonel Henry R. Smich oney issued on city and farm properties, municipal and enuntry ebenturas: mortgages purchased; deposits received and Interest al- lowed. 8. C. MeGITl, Manager, 87 Clarence street LIVERPOOL, LONDON A ire Insurance ('~mpan ,A87.218. "ni sddit'on to GLOBE Available TEACHER WANTED. QUALIFIED TEACHER, PROTEST. | ant, for Union School Section 6! Oso and & Olden, for coming vesr { Duties to commence after holl- days. Salary $335. Apply to D. Attewell, Sec.~ireas., Oconto. Ont. {FOR 8S. §, NO. 6, 0S0, A TEACHER | with necessary qualifications, Duties to commence after mid- | summer holidays. App: salary end experience, Crain, Ser.-Treas., Clarendon Eta. tion ©O=tarfo ARCHITECT, NEWLANDS _& SON, ARCHI- + «Offices, 268 Bagot St bs ly stating | 0 Wm. | | wM. tects, et: Phone 61 POWER & SON, AROHITECTS, chants' Baki Building, Brock and Wellington streets. & card. BUSINESS NOTICES, JOSEPH RUSE, ¢ CHESTNUT ST. HA? d up a quarry on Stephen St Cut; buliding a rough stone ane supplied promptly at reasooab! prices. INSTALLING NEW INVENTION In Long-Distance Telephone Lines-- James Mouk Here. James Mouk, of the Bell Tele- phorie company, is In the city super- intending the installation of a new invention, used in long-distance telephone work. He is using coils, invented by Prof. Pupin, of Cornell university, who some tie ago start- led the electric world by a radical change of methods for -this-work. In telegraphing and telephoning work the old principle was followed, of increasing thé amount of current usea by relays. In the new method the ctirrent is decreased by addition- ul pecistances. There are eight of thes coils between the city and Montreal on the trunk lines. Mr. Moug is at present installing one near the Cataragui bridge. ut 190 pounds; and wore long- egged boots, cowboy hat and grey! ter coat. The horse weighs 901 Pounds, is s high and has TH a ------ |. "Fresh plasters" A Sc. taloum powder, 3c. Gibson's. The victims of the earthgpake in the province,of Komia, Asia Minor, are estimated at 2,500. . "at Gibson's, -_ which the policyhoider: "ave for security the unlimited llabiuty of city property, insured' at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business fot rates frogeSirange & Strange, Agents. Phong 3%. HOUSE, 175 PINE ST, 10 ROOMS with B. and C., large lot with barn. Enquire 368 Division St. ROUMS AND BOARD. FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, also table board. Apply 138 Wels lington St. of posite post office. CATERING. WE CATER TO PARTIES, Wedding Yreakfasts, banquets, also rent Sishes table Wians an silverware. ef an am! M. P. Reid, 30 Union Street. bEvoR Hambrook 178 Alfred Street Phones 843 or 303. MUBIO. VOICE CULTURE--MRS H. A. BETTS Albert Street. Telephone. 459. TEACHER OF SINGING, MISS CARRIN Bajus Rideau 8t Telephone 1296 VIOLIN INSTRUCTION MISS CHRISTINE COCHRANE, 78 Gore Telephone 136. & MUSIC AND DRAMATIC INSTRUOS tion, 216 Frontenac St. Miss Norma Telgmann, Alda Telgmann, BE} O. F. Telgmann, teachers of elo tion, plano, violin and all string instruments . street. LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIS. ters and solicitors Law uilive, ¥ Clarence street, Kingston. KINGSTOVY preivwes + LEGE, Limited. Heau ui Quewn oireet Superior courses In Booke keeping, Shorthand, Typewrit- ing, Banking, Civil Service, Gen- éral Improvement and ad Com- COL &» H mercial subjects. Rates moderate ate. Phone 440. H. F. Metcalfe, & Principal. PhP e bbb dd m---- Cumberland Smithing Coal For Light and Heavy a Work The Standard Smithing Coal of America JAMES SWIFT & C0 - Food Supplies During War-time Rumors are in circulation | that we are unable to sup- ply orders owing to war de. mand. This statement fs absolutely incorrect. We are filling our orders as us- ual. Insist on getting what you ask for---CLARK'S. 1 W. CLARK, Limited. Montreal » An Ordered Suit at a Ready-made Price Bee our stock before buying, $15.00, $17.50, $20.00 Over 300 pieces at these prices Spencer, The Tailor 820 Princess 8t. ite St. Andre 5 i Oop Chron, 2+ +] E Apply to *

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