Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Oct 1914, p. 2

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i wr DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1914. - iQ Way To Ti | | "Long Way To Tipperary" | TO SETTLE PRINCESS Sewer) New English Battle Song PAVING CONTRACT. S . 12 (Specinl correspondence) ~The route to Tipperary, that famons old apet in Ireland, et py in song and story the world over, is of ne steategioal importance in the great war, hut it is playing ne mean part these days in upholding What staid military experts call the "morale" of Aghtt the Germans in Frawce, > the Neltluh sroony Way To Tipperary" has come to be the English battle song in the present war, Tt will go down in history and it ix nothing nt ail but a London music hall ditty. : An they go into battle the Germans thunder their "Die Wacht am Rhein," the French chant thelr "Marselllaise," sonorous and impressive, and the Belginay fight gallantly with thelr beautiful "Brabanconne" British sing no nations! air, : on ely pk But the goes into the fray shouting an luconsequent vaudeville jingle that _ has In it not » h or valor, glory or pathos. yard A a rc uts do not know the words of this epoch-making chorus, here they are, fated for some unfnthomed reason to be ome historie: 3 It's a long way to Tipperary, It's a long way te go; It's a long way te Tipperary, To the sweetest girl I Know. Good-by, Plceallilly; Farewell, Leleester Square; FT TT Wi It's a long, long way to Tipperary, But my heart's right there, T0 CALL CITY COUNCIL THE EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE TOOK ACTION ON MONDAY. {It Is Probable That Voluntary Offer- Some Changes Wanted In the Specis ings Will be Made For so Worthy | fications -- The Work Held Up at a Cause -- Robert Meek Chosen Present; ' Treasurer, At a meeting ' of the Lvangelical | Alliance, yesterday, Oet. 5th, at | wach representatives of the various | Protestant churches were present, it { was suggested that Kingston should have in some form an opportunity of contributing to the Belgium Relief Fund. The subject was introduced by Rev. Dr. Macgilliveay and the proposal supported by Bishop Iid- well, view was adopted that Belgium, an absolutely innocent vie- timiof this cruel war, was worthy of sympathy and help. It is not A round-robin is being circulated by Ald. Graham requesting the asting)] mayor," Ald. Couper, to call a special meatgng of the City Council for Wed- néday evening to settle the contract in connection with the paving gf Prin. | ells street, Jetween Clergy and Barrie streets, : Although the Kingston Construction company started the work of paving on the instructions of the mayor, mo contract has yet been signed, and no , money can be paid The cone ] | struction company and the street rail- Pro- | way company are desirous of having posed that there should abe 8 8s | gqin0 changes made in the specifica | tematic canvass or pressure. brought } tins. One change has already been to bear upon any ofie; a swall con- made, viz., the laying of six instead | TET we, San The author-componer of this imperishable lyric is Jack Judge, n ably no wan in (he world more surprised than he at the "far Sung" voRue it has so suddesily received. ° The Rritish hero sings when revelle sounds; he sings it route marching. te drown (he monotony of "bootn-boots-boots-boots, slog ziv' up and down again" he has familinrized his French comrades with "Le Chemin a Teeperaire," and' he sings it when he fakes' his position in the teeth of a raking shell fire. Bat why he chooses this particular alr nobody Knows, THIS AND ALL LATEST MUSIC ON SALE AT THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE Princess Street. Phone 919 A -------------- 4, pre over usiec hall artist, and there is prob. SON 1914-15 ) FOR STYLE BOOK SIVE. DESIGNS | | hola) tribution should, in this case, bef re- of four inches of concrete under the f | tracks. A further addition wanted is duty. It was resolved to ask R. | the putting of a stone dust cushion Meek, president of the Board of | between the ties at a cost of about Trade, to act as treasurer of the lo- 8500 more. The Board of Works will eal fund, and to transmit the a- likely ratify this, so thst council can mount keceived to the treasurer in | juthorize (he signing af a proper con. Montreal. The alliance is a volun- | tract for work illezally begun. At tary association' and has no power present the work is being held up. to legislate for the churches, but it ; is. believed that the suggestion of a collection to be taken garded as a privilege rather than or INSPECTION 'R COMPARISONS. JOHN M LT in the ehurches will receive a hearty KINGSTON Lar acs stent -- ONTARIO | t FUESH GROUND COF- AD 40¢c. CAN'T BE BEAT, » sample order and be NOLAN'S GROCERY the Fall Trade We have passed info stock sixty-seven bales of Rugs. Designs are smaller and prices as low. as lasf season. Every make of stair and hall to match. EE -- i -------- HUTTON'S LIMITED 18 Market St. Kingston, Ont, Insurance and Real Estate. elephone 703, Signs That Are Passing Away Science has taken the pro fession of optics beyond the sphere of the old timé "side line" man. The strain mod- eern civilization places upon the eyes demands the attemtion of a specialist. « We are Optical Specialists. We devote our entire time to examining eyes and correcting their defects with proper glasses. Consult J.S.Asselstine,D.0.S Hyesight Specialist. 842 King St. Phone 1019 New Stock of Iron & Brass Beds COMFORT AND DURARBITATY COM. BINED No better resting place than our BANNER GUARANTEED SPRINGS IRON AND BRASS BEDS, $3.00, and $4.00 up for the strongest and t, Ostermoor Mattresses, the world' best, $11,00 to $15.50, _ | those del ) | allowing response. Rev. G. 1. Campbell and Prof. W. G. Jordan were appointed as 4 committee of arrangements. COLLEGIATE MARKSMEN. J. Day Was the Champion In a Competition. During the summer a team of ten of the best shots at the Kingston Collegiate institute cadets enterea for the dominion shooting champion- ship for cadets. The Sollowing are the results: J. Day, 245, first-class certificate; W. L. Asselstine, 226, first-class cer. tificate; W. Hooper, 196, second- class certificate; A. Wheatley, 191, second-class certificate: V. Lanes, 199, second-class certificate; V. Mat- thews, 109, second-class certificate; C. H. Gilchrist, 106, second-class certificate; J. Gow, 184, second-class certificate. "Jack" Day wins the silver medal presented by the cadet instructor, Lieut. G. A. Palmer. He was also chosen to shoot for the dominion champipnship and Lord Raberts' trophy, which was Lo be held at Of tawa but had to be called off on account of the war. "Jack" Day' is a splendid shot and those who have seen him shoot expect he will catch the Bislby team next year, W. " Asselstine, who was second, is also a very .good shot. SERENADED WAR VETERANS. Salvation Army Gave Concert On the Market Square. The members of the Salvation Army band marched to the: market square on Monday evening and ser- enaded the war veterans of Kingston, who! were holding a meeting in the general committee room at the . city buildings. The band played several patriotic aks including "0 Canada," "The Marseillaise," and 'Bod Save the King." Quite a large® crowd gathered on the market and the concert was . very much appreciated. The army band is one df the best musical orgmmizations in Eastern Ontario. WILLIAMS "KEN" | | | "KEN" WILLIAMS WITH QUEEN'S. It was learned at Queen's university on Tuesday morning that Kenneth Williams, the ex- star player for Queen's senior rugby team, would register at the university this fall for the purpose of taking a course in banking under the direction of Prof. O. D. Skelton. This af- ternoon he will don the uni- form and get out with the col- lege students. - Pleo pb dpb PPP "Should Interest Queen's Students." "The Triumph of a Woman," an adaption of "lhe Heart of Midlothi Nie Walter Scott's greatest nov- el, will be shown at the Ideal The atre to-night and Wednesday. All students. of literature should Be intee- this. complete photo acts, Admission, 5c. an," ested "in seei play in four - at Gibson's, population is now 1,270 over last "Fresh plasters" St. Catharines 17,296, an increase of MORE TO HAND. Additional Subscriptions To the Pa- triotic Fund. Additional subscriptions patriotic fund : $125---Dr. W, T. 8$50-Dr. G, W, $25--Nicholas Taylor. £10--Russell Wilvox. $5--William Toner; Mrs. H. M Dyek- man, Mass.; W. H. Dalby. $2---E. Groombridge, 0. Aykroyd. 81--H. Bennett. 50c.--Prof. Matheson. to the Connell. Mylks. 0'Connor, Jeremy Attending The Meeting. The Board of Trade will have its regular meeting this evening, and a large attendance is hoped for, as mat | ters of very vital interest to the city | will be considered. As this mfiuential | body bas much to do with the pro- | gress and prosperity of the city, the j carpest co-operation of all business | men and citizens generally is growl, desired, especially in the present war | ten Thought and attention will have to be directed to the up-building jof the financial interests of the city. Was Among The Number. Rev. E. B. Ryckman, D.D., Kings year. "Yenslar preparations'. at (libson's. Kingston's Famous Drug Store New OGloakings We have an array of new cloakings for fall and winter wear that cannot fail to please the most eritical buyers. The colors weaves and patterns, coupled with reason- able prices, are making the pieces melt very See them to-morrow. rapidly. Good Warm ~ Underwear For every member of the household. Union, all wool and natural wool in vests, drawers . and combinations, in Imperial, Penman, Puritan, Watson, and. other well-known brands. . The Home of Pictorial Review Patterns Newman & Shaw The Always Busy Store. Dima BUILD ERS' SUPPLIES] SIN TIME OF WARE ARE COMING HOME The Queen's Engineers And Avmy Service Corps. On Tuesday moming the railroad authorities received word that No. 3 company, of Army Service Corps, in command of Major W. A. Mitchell, and Queen's Engineers, who have bern encamped at Valecartik, would home on Tuesday even- i Péace and i? refurn. i Put your house in order and J | send to Anglin's for the mater. § gd ial. s Prosperity will (8 leave for ng. Ihe Army Service corps is coming by a special train over the C.P.R., ton, was ane of a dozen of the Meath- odist old guard who were guests of » | luncheon given at the Chateau Lau- rier, Ottawa, by Justice MoLaren to ates who have attended ev. | ery eral conference since the. union {of all the Methodist bodies of Canada | in 1833, ! A -------------- / Butter Was Seized. On Tuesday morning William Me- On fe clerk, seized about /seven pounds of butter om . the market when. he found that the prints were under weight. The but- { ter, which "belonged to' two different | parties, . was sent to the Home for the Aged and Infirm.\ = Announce Engagement. Mrs. 'M. F. Johnson, Ottawa, an- engagement of her Carpets and rugs, best English and Canadian makes. Linoleum oil cloth and shades and curtains, ; Phone 90; Youry \ WERT N Co. the daughter, Vivian Elma, to Gervase Rea Shibley, M.A, son of Samuel and Mrs. Shibley, Kingston. The marriage will take place on Oct. 15th at the residence of Mrs. John- son's brother, H. B. Hill Fall And Winter Imporatations. | Prevost, Brock street. has received | all his fall importations for his tailoring department consisting of suiting" and overcoating in great variety to choose from. Also large stock of ready-made clothing and gents' Furnishings. : 'Colored Sateen Underskirts, 65e, Dutton's. tau Wolf Sett The above cut illustrates one of our best selling setts in wolf. The scarf is the pppular "animal style with head and tail. The muff is the large pillow shape, also made with a head aml tail. We have. this style made up in natural blue and black wolf,. and also in red and black fox and China Iynx, Our stock of made-up furs is the largest between To- ronto and Montreal---always a big variety to choose from. Good looking -and good wears ing Black China Lynx setts ut nt Leave your name and ade dress for onc of our mew fur catalogues. Attend to your fur altera- Ww. min tions NO eee ssrrereeeeee------ lt i MILLS 8 60 | composed of seventeen cars. It is thought that coaches carrying the engineers will be hitched to the Arni> Service train, The train should arrive in the city on Wednesday morning at eloven or twelve o'clock. IODTH. CORN Coal and Lumber Yards P) ) ITH COUNCIL PORTSMOY BAY & WELLINGTON STS. Matters Taken Up at the Meeting on Phone 69, Monday Night. The regular meeting of the Ports- mouth Council was held on Monday night. Reeve James Halliday pre- sided, and all the members were present with the exception of Coun- cillor Forsythe. There was some discussion regard- ing the putting down of additional new walks, and it was decided that the members of the council should meet at 2.30 p.m. on Thanksgiving day, for the purpose of making a tour of the village to make an In- spection of the walks and to see what can be done. It was also decided. io nsk the Civis Utilities Commission to exlend the gas mains. to the village. Weather Notes. An important area of high pressure has: appeared over Northern Canada and the weather of more autumnal type is setting in' the western pro- vinces from Ontario eastward. The temperature continues low in the western provinces and light snow falls have occurred in Saskatchewan and Alberta. . ra Wanted, Fowls apd Turkeys, Dry-Picked Chickens, Fowls, Turkeys. J. ¥ Parkhill & Co. "Pensinr Ppropatations" at Cibsok's, . Our fall Supplies Just asstved. New © ammunition, # you 4 al you have Smoukh tor ¥ ' | PREPARE FOR OEACE | Oddly cased clocks, Clocks to match mod- ern furniture. Old Country designs mostly. Clocks are going up in price. elect yours before that happens. Smith Bros. a Jewellers : This Is the time to bay your furs. You have a better nasortment to choose Gourdier Furrier 78-80 Brook St. Consult Me Now I can quote the best pur- chase price or rental figure on city property. , TWO GOOD BARGAINS FROM THE LIST $1300---Livingston Avenue detached frame dwelling, with" fmgrove- ments, and stationary wash tubs, good garden, lot 34 x 132. $300 cash, balance on time. $3300---Collingwood Street, detached brick dwelling, 8 rooms,' B and C., electric light, good cellar and yard, verandah at front. Houses to rent from $8 up to $30. E. W. Mullin, % Cor. Johnson and Division Sts. 539 and 1456 Er ----

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