Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Oct 1914, p. 1

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- westm-- - ---- Ek IETS YEAR 81 NO. 231 ; KINGSTON ONTARIO. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 191a LAST BDITION ee ---------- 4 = a 2 : tt. rt ee ------ FOLLOW HUSBANDS ABROAD. K . "Fi 2 CHILD SHOT BY MOTHER. 1 Wives of Canadian Officers Sail From aiser . res "Didn't Know "Twas Loaded" Case VON KLU k : | # © New York. : Vi : Near Berlin. , 5 SE New York, Oct. 6.--Two passen on 0 { e Berlin, Ont., Oct. 6.--It has just : Fe gers starting for Europe on Monday 4 been learned that Edward 'Tenna, bs on hoard the Philadelphia, of the | 3 hi f f the five-year-old son of John Tenna, . J ¥ F 'American line, to, meet their hus- ie 0 ta a farmer living in wellesley town- TE a 5 eslie, of Kingston;- Ont. They day last, being almost decapitated . tish ships have arrived' at isbon, stopped at the Ritz-Gariton Hotel London, Oct. 6.~The Standard has [by the discharge of a shot gun in Su nse at Success of the and are probably destined to tn % Their husbands, Major Norman 8S. the following from its special ccr- [the hands of his mother, who was mp '| port Portuguese , troops. Pi * Leslie, of battery "A", permanent v showing the boy how a gun was shot : co-operation in the 'war is imuuinent. corps, Canada, and Lieft.-Col. J. N off and didn't know it was loaded. Germans The German press thinks - 1 ' la 3 Panet, of the Canadian Royal Horse e German émperor has dismils- ee Great Britain is using pressure oi < They ttempt ttac in orce on ssigny, artillery, have left Caraaa to serve|ed Chief of the General Staff [Field Child Killed While Swinging. duce the Scandinavian countries, . . 5 : \ . ion with the British army. Narshal, Vou Meolike, uophew at Ho Essex, Ont., Oct. 6,<While visiting N ticularly Denmark, to abandon the Held by Allies But Failed to Gain Labor Man In Hamilton. od Nore rons) You Voto at the home of William Manchester, AVOIDING OUTFLANKI 6 neutrality "and participate in the war s against Germa Hamilton, Ont, Oct. 6.--Mayor | that position. Tus Is 8 ie of miss May Little, Win The French fleet in the Adriatie Ta. Allan, stated by the conservative | SWapping horses while crossing the of yas accides , ki o s again bombarding the Austrian pert Any Advantage. Party for the provincial seat in West | strewm, and such a measuro indicates | *0: Wis pociciontally ile Sh beam | FOWEVER THEY CANNOT EX-| of Gattaro. 8 RE . Hamilton as. successor to Hon. a, B but sping ike. despair ig the | {6 which the swing was attached, fell | TEND MUCH FURTHER NORTH Great Britain has trapsparted a en wi ave opposition from . « B ar . strong body o ndian - wy i the labor party in case the liberals I'he new chief of the general staff i : : a . rica to protect her possessions there, Advances q Retirements Continue as Pressure on Line do not contest the seat. H. J. Hal-|is almost unknown in Germany, so Without Weakening Their Line at{ British troops with big guns have an ford, Charles Aicheson and W. Rolls |-that his appointment does nothing to | Some Point -- General Joffre Still J arrived at Antwerp to assist the Bel: . three well-known laborites, are men- | create a, feeling of confidence among GC M Rushes Reinforcements Witn | gians in the defence of the fopts.. Increases or Decreases---Russians Threaten tioned as candidates, the people, who are becoming mors | SCTIMANS MAY A al The British are at the River Nethe. ' Ries Mrs and more wneasy owing to the ab RB Wi hd . i Jon, Oét. D-~Cienaral } Klick Colonel Paty de Clam, hoa 9 sence of defMiite goc ov : 0 ondon, uct. b.-~lxenera on CK, lin t us case, is amo ¥ Both German Front and Flank---Czar $ CHILD BOMB VICTIM ee" aE od RE | e i rawing to anfoseed with, troops om the Hoe wounded n'a Paris hospital. Kine . s wafted fro France 1 Russia. rv aan ce 2, CO les to "a e- rince Frans, son : Forces Capture Large Number of KNITS FOR SOLDIERS | * voit! from Peano amd busin. FIOM Antwerp) iit ist sei sr Sibi uate: of vari, as soo eros * bands, were Mrs. Panet and . Mrs. ship, met with instant death, on Fri- - respondent at Amsterdam : [rushing her skull. + fie Gemmn fronti oul ; tie allie bo Suthuk fiw. i ly wounded by shrapnel. host the Germa ronbier reveals some o 16 French, who on Sunday officia A decree has been: issued authorizs German Cannon. Says She Is Content to Lose the reported cuuses of the dismissal | order. Coro Members cf liv reported that all the German at |ing the French minister of Wag fo J . of Von Moltke, who appears to have the government have put a very op-| tacks in this région had been repulsed accept the sum of half a million Her Leg For France and come ato collision ith his sovereign. timistic interpretation on the report | and that the allies had resumed the francs (100,000) offered by the Can- 2ari at. 6.---Thi e Germans are "ne 'th- im regard to several important ques- | that German cavalry has been seen | offensive, followed" this yesterday by | adian government for the organiza. V Paris, Oct. 6.--That the liermans arc moving north its Honor. tions of strategy. Briefly, if the in- [in Lille. They say it indicates that | the announcenient that while to the | tion and maintenance of Red Gross wards towards the coast, and from Jelgium westward, Parig, Oct. 6.--A visitor who went Jormation which Reaches me from e enemy has found it necessary to | north of the Oise the battle, which hospitals. : 1 i i 2 Het ? s 'artier . Jar we COrrec » tru § £ 1 : forces attack te ne seriously a September pr y . ~dav's ls oo Jock state to ge¢ Denise Cartier, the thirteen erin correct, the truth is ° that | draw from its forces attacki Aut- commenced seriously yahout Sef The Japanese cavalry, the advance was indicated in to-day's official three oc loc k statement, year-old girl who was injured by a the kaiser wished to subondinate I'werp to 'reinforce the hard-pressed |25th, continues with great violence, | of fhe troops' that are gecupying-the whieh announced that the German cavalry 1S NOW signall- bomb dropped hy a German aere-| sound Surat to hix Bpiteful desire | German right wing in France io, dusisive result has ig reached, German-owned railroad songeeting ; Tacs Bah v . . A: Ves . . . . s1- | plane two weeks ago. found her! to attac Witain, while Von Mult ol It is alsg stated in Bordeaux that | and that at certain Points the French | the German leased possession 'of ed mn the Vi mity of Lille. I ighting of the most de Spe ! knitting jerseys for soldiers. The | preferred to postpone any especial | Hon. Winston Churchill, first lord of | troops have had to 'yield ground. Kiau-Chau with Tsi-Nan. ate character continues, it is stated, in the COMMUMIGNE, | surgeons had amputated one leg reasitey afaingt dritain, because | the British Admiralty, is in Antwerp he Germans in Sheir reposts say Prince Frederick, third som of the 5 i , of hs re 1 v OeNer: dtuafi above the knee She said with un- | they would have no effect on the «i- [in conference with King Albert and | that the battle is proceeding Success | kingof Bavaria, has been conveyed to with practically no real change m the gent ral situation. affected courage: tuation at the decisive area of war. {the Belgian defenders in reference | fully for them 2 | Munich, seriously wounded with shea In the vicinity of Arras it is stated there has been| "If I have peen gourageous, I.ani| The kniser's famous order to concen: [to the defence of that city ; Both in London and in Pavia thers nel in his left side. nv 1 han ) 'hile: fiochtine ' 1 QW in- | sure any French child would have | (tate the best part of the German a-- p---- . is the greates confidence, although A decree has been issued' authoris- a very slight change, whil fighting continues with in been the same I am content to|army operation im France on an at- |! TOLD GERMAN PROFESSORS some surprise is displayed at the Suc: | ing the minister of war 40 creasmg ferocity. lose my leg for Frapee. tempt to crush the British force was - tess of he Germans in preventing the l 1o "sum of hall a million aus 1 : 3 vo he 10 y srnative © ad- Subscriptions fof the benefit of | not approved by Von Moltke, who That TheirsOpinions of British Do. | outHanking movement. - ere is a ($100,000) offered by the C digi 9% Between Mie Som and the Oise ! alte rnative ad little Denise are being received bz ) considered that the strategical neces aN ane mn 9! t feeling, however, that the Germans goverment for the organization' aml . . i J . valuces and retirements continue as the pressure 1Creases | the newspapers. Many children | sities of the position rendered other Pick Jinions a hi IVI ho had cannot sxtend thie line much further maintenance of Red Cross: hospitals y . ) . . . have sent 100 franes. la re effective. 'robably the las ritisher who ng north without weakening it a some 3s . in ¢ or decréases at various points of the line. 2g Se Plangiinore Stentive : the opportunity of impressing upon point. roar] as Py m------ sonic of the loading 85rs" of - : : nglo- in' Bast 24 Some of the leading liiofessrs of pihlong the rest of the Nine, Je rica due to.German raids into Bri* i i 1 i 1 i pa BILY, | I 3 'rench ¢ cation says, there 8 : 'of tack in foree on the French line, which is holding Lassiony | the German view of Britain's do- | (C1 COTM Ion Says, Liere has | tigh territory for. the. purposs . : . oni XD Foal a } . as alt been no change; so that the progress cutting the Uganda railway, + hut failed to gain the slightest advantage. The French, | Sitions Levena. the Det dard. | in the region of Soissons and in Wor- these" raids hate, aecordingic : { J. Williamson, of Hobart college, |, reported on Sunday night, either British official report, been The Germans are declared to have attempted an at- was on such intimate terms with : ' " : the big ones, ut Carnoveky's: the cht, the German report says it ie ng ' some o# the Berlin professors that on ir Hg 3 - ie bi hoy i Po the Ger-1 M. 'R. OPFoughlin 8 proceeding favorably for he Ger ; ' 3 man arms York Cotton Exchatige . Petrograd, Oct. 6.--Russian armies in pursuit of the {ney he carried. He found that they Naturally progress 'by either | his sister, Mrs. = W. Vif . . RA a . . - H ad very er ous views with re- | _; a oxtPomely : slaw p Germans who have been driven from the Neimen river| Without Weakening Its- Front Will Win the Battle of the! ls', io.coonequs, yiews with «o sifu must be extremely-siqw, for af. | Montreal atrest it is declared, are making progress to. the north of Sois- : | eva, NX. wha viated Bee br has satisfied them for the ymoment or 23 : E- Berrys bac seneva, N. Y,, who visite ) py been checked by the - Ger eT % ; sons in the region of Berry Auh-bae. ITS LINE FURTHEST : tow dan Tar Ahwp have ou Shishi by & ae e Tomalte: ope ily a or J " Russians Threaten 'German Flank. Te oleren him Sl Tor Er region, are now threatening the Germans on: their front . . . {and he took occasion to.explain to [gt "the troops making it must | DAILY MEMORANDUM. m ; Aisne IS the Opinion of a London | them that they would find. that their | ono) i homselves for protection | Board of Trade, § pm. and flank. The Germans are reported here to be oecupy- y | information concerning - the British fo ici sho cholls from the enemy's | Curling Chat, 8 3 Nixdt hand borner. . . : «gh > S42 : . . ns | FSeRS POSEGRS 'a8 AWS p | ABAINE 8 S . \ 9 n BT, mg their fortified positions along the border inside of the : Military Expert oe Fagas Dosses fons, Was av aye oft guns posted in strong positions front 1.550, LoD of page . Sa I : . : + . . . { for the) t 8 R people se » line > other. Come to-night "k Street Moth east Prussian frontier. The Russian forees, howevey, | in those countries wpuld shed their | °™° end of the line to the other a pion iid inl Oct. Sth. , 3 ; . ; : pL > & + { last drop of blood for the mother- Hs . are moving to flank the m from the south. : : : en OL oad for Ihe mother: French Have Failed. TISH WHIG The estimates of the (German casualties in the series Foronto, Oct. 6.--A special 'cable! received to-day [shed theirs for their fatherland Paris, Oct. 6.--Despite thé fact | THE DAILY BRI k of battles extended well down into Russian Poland, gon | from a London military expert says: The flank movements | TT ey vioument of the rman Is On Sale at the Following City tinhe to grow. They are now placed at 70,000. in France do not depend for their effectiveness on speed | 8 High Dourt Duced, ne ¢ : LE . here are fou on-jury cases 1 Joffre still adheres fo this campaign Stores: In addition, the Russians have captured a large num-! or "surprise." But if the Russians win a great victors ros for hearing at the sittings of iak 25d gros TonionSments with Bucknell's News Depot ..305 King #: ber of German cannon which became mired in the retreat [in the east, the Germans will need fo sw ithdraw forces|the high court which opened this |i the northward to bring this move- |Clarke, J./W. & GO 'ers e383 rin . Aa : ps e : ! a Er hu 1: - 3 ata afternoon at two o'cloc "a ment to a quick and decisive result. [College Book Store +163 a and were abandoned. from their western armies, vhereupon the flank atta ks | Justice B. 'M. Britton is the pre- Sober analysis of the activities of |Coulter's Grocery .......209 Princess -- of the allies will crumple up the German lines. Which- i Sing Judge, iar Sore is that of the past two weeks force the ad- lens Srotery, Soe Princess & Alfred i OT Si . Hs i hi ot akening 2: James Kichards Soon v8. UNC mission that the fond hope ~ {Frontenac Ho Anxiety Felt In London. ever side ean extend its line furthest without weakening |G. R. company for damage. Or | dered in the glorious victor of cue Gibson's Drug Store , London, Oct. 6.--The situation in France is eatsing | its front will win the battle of the Aisne. {oe 0 Dals by ure Marne that Van Kluck's right |McAuley's Book tore ....83 i Me or ras . Nt nD mest would very soon be turned-- is still [McGall's Cigar Store, Sor. Brit 41 great anxiety in non-military eireles. The optimistic at- g ---- . n titude of the war office during the latter part of iast week Five Million pa-- rr -- -- SH x Soo fcLeod's Grocery ....51 | THINKS BALL CLUB (TRENCHES CARRIED |e ech ord ™ omioary | dots ors Bes i snipes drain baile of Aisne sus nin er cote Move RusSians | FORMIDABLE FOE IN FIERCEST. FIBRT | seains on oe ie winston Btw | rae, ue Store" 3 ig succeeded in getting in the rear of x 's'. Grocésy Por th ; y { ------ | : : ee the German line, ; OWES . Grocery. saesssse tsmoyt/ tory. Now, with the knowledge that the Germans are ave [Leader of World's Champions De- | Honor Lies Largely With the British me MARRIED Hi themselves extending their lines, there are fears that the | Eager to Fight lares Bi Must b Troops, Especially With Uossach's Daring Coup, HUNTBACH ~KBHOE--On. Oct. 1a; government is withholding 1 wich of the actual ti th ¢o { : Lo | clares braves must be | p " y London, Oct. 6.--A despatch to the "1914, by Rev. John Webster, Anna § . : / gn 1¢ actual truth n { » : { ! Hi hl nd Star from Rome, speaking of the May Kehoe, daughter of Mrs. cerning: the situation. . Rome, Oct. 6.-~Communications from Strang. | gnianaers. Russian 'invasion of Hungary. says abeth Williams, to George i 1 Russia, which, since the bigmning : of *hiladelphia, Oct 6 A | From Alfred J. Rorké Cen. al "Having captured all the = Carp: Hunthaol; both: of Het The war office has nothing to say other than to repeat | the war, have become most abundant |, | 0iadelphia, Oct. 6 [SRI New otro dde, har i Sr re Rains mica ¢ : Eg % el v m nbunda that can bound to the front and win | News Correspondent. thian passes the Russians have com that the general situation remains good. There are no de-| and Setdited, dastribe tho Musequite a pennant as the Braves have done | London, Oct. 6--The offiviai staic- | menced the invasion of Hungary. Ad SMITH---In Toronto, on: Oct, - th, tails of the fate of the British troops on the firing line, | fiPke® such a v spirit think tp |DUSt be a pretty good baseball | ment thal the German trenches Mion { sancing to the south they have oc |" Margaret Seid aged 78 hl ? h . ps on g ¢ nowing the av. spirit thi the | team. we. do not. look upon any | been carried marks the termination | cupied Hosezumezo. / Then the Cos > lived wife of the late Johm, Even the location of the various units is withheld. It 1s Pil How headed hy. the tar at the | pani club of that caliber as "easy | of what is probably one of the fier- | sacks effected a daring coup. Thev |¥ unital at 2 2% W adnesday, Oct} : nbiva itch av ig SR ront, has assumed Lhe character of sat.) F il the ast | cest contests in history. The honor | crossed ives ut il. I al : "a admitted that the entire British expeditionary forces, In- a holy crisade, and will be like an neat. is ay ni he, lies largely with the British troops, a ver 2d a . dian contingent included, are in action. But where they iignse gusts whieh, bronking the | jeague season, we will be preparinz Particularly with two famous High- | remainder of Ylungary." : sha Ki te SU . TR Tea * { dykes, will = inundate and extermin- | gor the big games." and regiments. -- ea urday after BD are 18 left entirely to the Hnagination. ) ate everything in its path. A des This was Connie Mack's state For some days, the allies have been German Prince On Board Emden, Pre 3d oa The same condition holds good in reference to the fateh fram Petrograd Jays Mas, the | ment when he was asked to fore- | advancing until' the distance separ- | Amsterdam, Oct. 6. -- German i 1 i ' s atre of war 3 AN ne yolunteers who have ollered to leave | cast the 'probable outcome of th ating the trenches of the cambatants | newspapers sa that Prince Francis Belgian situation and the theatre of war. in the neai east. for the front already total 5000, | world's series. Reminded that his! was little-more than 200 metres. Torco Yonenzoliers. he of The Russians were reported as attempting to eross the Jou. i af of thets ate Youll grilled statement really prophesied nothing, | Over this distance a continuous rifle | the kaiser, is aboard the German x 3 : $ Tire, 3 TH y mri teiat ha, reneral Soushomunoft, the minster | the rahgy "leader 'of the 'American | fire was kept up night and day, | cruiser Emden, which has been ri id- Denaject river in Galicia in their-catpaign against Cra-| of war, has declared that if the arms | league champions said: punctuated by infantry rushes from \ing British commerce in the Indian cow last Thursday. But to date; no claim that they hav, fasbariey. have not ig to provide phat is all tyre to say about | either Eide, Those wounded In ! Ocean, and still is at largesafter hav Bocas rpptess for all, the. Russians , will | what is going to happen. ~ All of | these actions were compelled to re- | in captured and sunk a nu roof actually succeeded mn crossing has been made. ; take them from the Germans and | my men are in the best of) condi- | main unténded for more than two hr vessels. ih : Antwerp is reported as still holding out, but it is gisteins; and" thers will 'be: glory tion, with the exception Ye: Bush, (days. The Germans refusing fo al- a 5H "Phone | : 2 = or . for! everybody. and a at ails "him isa bad fin- | low the British Red Cross files to Wounds From By Shell. " known that the Germans are subjecting the city to a tre- Eee ger, and I am resting - go he will .gd™ out and effect rescues. They Pap et Goi Aho eh an 2 mendous bombardment and that unless help xg & MANY IN A-BIG FIGHT, be ready for the big games. would not even permit theif own ig on, is Bit Vas 1 have bo lous . elp comes soon, Et : "" |army surgeon, is Tyidg in Vay de 8 the city may fall, 5 But They Made Off Before Police Ar "Peg O° My Heart." g pubu lane #5. 10 "pick up the Gorman | Grace hospital wi ninety-seven Nori A iv ' \ : My Heart, 2d. ~ | wounds. A shell burst above his re. a : rived On the Scene. Rofreshing as shower. afd sunshine | During the lulls in the firink the | head near Soissons, killing his horse. | house already. Apnty - Allies' Left Wing Extends Late Monday night about twenty | on a June miternoon is "Peg 0 My |G¢fman and English troops shout- | The surgeon lost his right ear, part [0% = DR Hae r 3a . youtlg fellows engaged in. a lively | Hoart," the comedy of youth "about | *Lite each other; Tt was only a pot his left arm; both his legs were | 1 Paris Oct. 6.--The official state gays ¢f + Hlistic battle near the corner of Mon-| the Irish girl who has been playing | JUeStion of time: before one side | bored like a cylinder, and his kid- ; hy... atement says: oul ! a playing left the wi front i be ine Hag : troal \and Princess streets, , Some on the heartstrings of New York ny. | MUSt be hurled back by a terrific | neys were badly raked, but no im- ing front is coming more and wore extended. person sent a call to the police, but dinnces: Tor: over-two years, > with | Pavonet charge. portant organ was touched: He is cavalry. forves of large size have been re- [the fighters evidently were tipped off contmuous successes, and. sweeping eemedays ago I met g grandson | recovering. ported a the i C s of Lill ! . , to the fact that the police were on h. country with the appeal of' her | Of Charles Dickens, an officer of the : ------ : @ In the environs of Lille, advancing before forces of | ive Way fo stop the fight, for When 'eu oi nerconalite. When "Peg 0' My | British Red Cross who was automo- | War Tidings. the enemy, whe are;making a movement to the north of|® Suapie 1, Mvecuats arrived on the | Heart" comes 'to the Grand Oper Wing over, the ey 2s dasorit- At. Waghingion ipo de: Alife, u * TS : scene, the disturbers had made ole g Kegtv Day _ | ed he "Tale of Two ies." said his country (Portugal) wis pte the line of Tourcoing 1t is 'stated that the battle was a | 0" on Thavkegiving: Day, ma « . 8 af nd night, delightfnl - Mario ------et pared to take that step whenoves nin a , fierce one while it Tasted. Dontion will po onn the title sole] The late Har] Minto, formerly gov- Sirwat 'Britain' should call upon her of the Irish madeap. ernor-general of Canada, left a per- | to do so. . . EA BERLIN WAR REPORTS ed to be furious on account of the x To Bé Investigated. oo EE . sonal estate of £159,716; also -- What sort of explosives the Ger ---- embargo thus placed on Russfa's| Ottawa, Oct. 6--A commitice con- Official annbuncement is made | siderabl real estate. - mans use in the 2-omtimeter _sholl | Turkey Soon to Lick Russia and |ET2i0 export trade, and her importa- | sisting of four members of the staff that thie acouchment of Queen Hel-| Pr. Black, who is leaving Wark-|is still a mystery. 7 . } Sion of atm. The increased Turk-|of the department of mines, has ena is expected next January. The | worth for Brighton, was banqueted by Tests over Lomdon 'proved that Tak G2 doin 280 TA SOE I en SSE ahh Sr | Sh ee | ns an geese Fepui ib to-day says: Black Sea, while Turkish troops, it| in : ¥ m I | Ph a me club bag. |. Jeafiae. in 1 > b g industry tn Canada. This fol] Col. Sam Hughes will 80 to Eng-| Robert H. Reid has been arrested in | Emperor N i entente powers | is believed here, will soon be attack- lows the statemient of the minister | land, 5 al 3 ¥ e 8 nd, it is understood, in November | Montreal charged with obtaining 7,500 of the Dardap-| ing the English on account of Eng- lof finance in his 1913-14 budget | to witness th training shares of the or Pulp and Lusi. Russian am- | land's suppression of khedival rights e industry would be investi- ber company with intent to fraud the | tive ple ix in Bgyph" : . Rr bn A CE 7 > "| company. A eno 5 i +n : . 3 A

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