Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Oct 1914, p. 11

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BL ------------ CROWNED WITH WOUNDED. 2 + sss Vienna University Is Turned Into: Hospital, Venice, via Paris, Oct. 6---The Vienna hospitals and all temporary asylums for sick and wounded sol diers are fearfully crowded. The city council has decided to build ad- ditional wooden barrack hospitals which will be furnished with 10,000 beds. \ The great block of buildings com- prising the university of Vienna has been given over entirely to wounded soldiers. The students are now forc- Led to meet in improvised lecture rooms in various public buildings. The army of destitute and unem- ployed people in the Austrian capi- tal. is increasing daily. - Thousands are threatened with starvation. The authorities estimate that it will be necessary to provide free meals fo» 100,000 persons daily and measures are being taken to carry this into effect. Owing to the rapid advance in the price of meat and the shortage in the supply of livestock, the city coun- eil has asked the government to per- mit the importation of 1,000 tons 'of Argentine beef. {THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1914." THE SPORT REVIEW BIG RUGBY LEAGUES OPEN SEA- SON NEXT SATURDAY. : Ex-Kingston Players to Be the Main. stay of the Ottawa's New Rugby Team -----Some Good Names For Trotter's City Rugby Clubs. : There are a lot of good names for Stanley Trotter's city league rugby clubs in the war news from Galicia. ' For failing to show much enthus- iasm in digesting instructions, Coach Shaughnessy sent a McGill recruit around the track ten times. F900 Crow's Lake Budget. : w Lake, Oct. 3.--Potatoes are ly good crop. A number from Bere attended Maberly fair. The Job which Mr. England was ov- ng is completed. W. L. Bar- 'has moved to Crow Lake. Miss 'Bain's Quilting bee was well at- Mr. PF. * L anson is spendin time at Parham on the rafl- Master Edmund Jones is im- Looting. nicely. He had his arm y . A "baby girl has come to , ten the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Mr. Tharrett has r house nearly completed. L. is putting an addition to his 'barn. J." W. Frapp purchased & fine colt from F. Armstrong and Ww has a matched team. Visitors: 'Mr, and Mrs.' Redmond, Sharbot Jake. spent Sunday with friends Montreal Herald:--As the Ameri- can football coach would say, the Germans have not made much of a success of the forward pass: In Hamilton the feeling is that Ross Craig will be found with Ham- ilton Rowing Club before the season is far advanced. The Scullers ap- pear to be gaining ground in the Ambitious City. Ken Williams will join the new Ottawa Rugby club sometime this week and play full back. "Jack" Williams, Stewart Robertson and Connell or Johnson will be the hal- ves. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Knapp at . Tharrett's on Monday. A A aay © WN : » 3 § MAURICE COSTELLO + Famous and popular moving picture actor, with the Vitagraph Co, says: # L Bath Road Tidings. " $¥ath Road, Oct. 3--Arthur Assel- 3 has rented his farm and will ke up residence in Kingston. Mr. 'Edward Van Order had a rain coat a pair of gloves stolen, Satur- day... Mr. Green has improved the road-side yery much. Mrs. M, Hy- land left Wednesday - morning for ~ Havelock where she will be the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Watson. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hamilton spent Sunday with her father. John Hyland, Miss Lottie Hyland spent the past week at her sisger, Mrs. W. N. Hamilton's. A quiet wedding was solemnized in Kingston when Mrs. F. Dawson, eldest daughter of John Hyland, | Bath Road, was united in marriage to Fletcher. Shannan, of Kingston, Rev. Mr. Cralg officiated. The bride's travelling suit was of navy blue serge. She wore a white hat fo match. Mr. and Mrs. Shannon will reside on the Bath Road. te ------ PE - y Epc | The Intercollegiate and Big Four f | will open their season next Saturday, 8 | Varsity playing at McGill, while Ti- gers will meet Argos in Toronto. Nh 8 ANITA STEWART Popular moving picture actress, mem. ber of the Vitagraph Players, says: AMELIA BINGHAM , Favorite emotional actress, whose recent . success was in "The New Henrietta," says: * Montreal Gazette: With Woollatt and Paisley back in uniform, the McGill team would be about com- plete for this season. There is at present a scarcity of halfbacks and these two men would fill the vacan- cies. " 7 N A more delightful gum than Sterling has never been made, ""I heartily praise Sterling Gum "Sterling is the best gum 1 because it is, above all, exqui-~ have ever tried; it is so much i ee J sitely pure and has such a whole- purer and better in'every way."' , So pure and satisfying," some flavor.' ' / 2 lot Celis (= ANGER AA, 3 Cis oz aut Sterling--the New Gum! New in Flavor--a wonderful, delicate, delicious mint Fla- vor that 1s refreshing, satisfying, irresistible. "Newsy" Lalonde, the star player of the Canadian team last season, is the man the Nationals expect to have captain their team in the Federal Hockey league which they are or- ganizing to fight the National Hoc- key association. Eddie Collins, of the Philadelphia club of the American league, and John Evers, of the Boston team of the National league, have been de- clared winners of the 1914 trophy presented by a Detroit manufacturer to the players whose services were the most valuable to their respective baseball clubs. Each will receive an automobile. New in Package--a dainty blue Package of five "sticks," each wrapped in protecting Tissue and Foil. a GENERAL D'AMADE In command of one of the French armies on the west wing, engaged in the flanking of Von Kuk He it was who came to the support 'of General French during the retreat. ---------- Europe's Spoiled Child, One gracious lady the kaiser was always terribly afraid of." This was his grandmother, Queen Victoria, of whom he stood in great awe, and who had a way of treating him like the spoilt child of Europe he'is. He liked King Edward only in a very moderate degree, and the Peace- maker, who had a very effective way of showing what he thought of peo- ple, never refrained frum letting the German emperor knpv that his at- titude towards this country was foolish. The kaiser was always very jealous of King Edward's po-}s pularity and his enormous influence in the councils of Europe. ~The flattering reception that King Ed- ward received when he went to Ischi to see the aged Austrian emperor made William II., nervous about a possible defection of the sympathies of his ally. It's easier for a man to shut up a hundred ton safe than a hundred pound wife. Stella Intelligence Stella, Oct. 5.--The Amherst Is- Jand agricultural society held their annual fair on Tuesday last, and a Jarge crowd was in attendance. A aumber came from Kingston, Bath, Soiting Bay, Napanee and Odessa. exhibit of horses, cattle, sheep, swine, poultry, roots, grain and ladies' work, etc., was good. Lunch was served in Victoria hall by the 'iadies of the Anglican church. The 'members of the Methodist church : also an ice cream stand on Main A very interesting horse race "was held. in 'the afterno'n. were four contestants. "Corn- ,"! driven by Charles McMul- 4 first in both heats. % ers' are not getting along very Sanidly with their ploughing, owing 'land 'being so dry. Mrs. S. ropk has sold Her farm on the g road to Gearge Beaubieu. No service: was held in the Methodist rch on 'Sunday, Sept. 27th, dur- the absence of Rev. Dr. Porter. ohn Saunders has been spending a few days in Cataraqui. Mrs. Capt. T. Saunders and Mrs, A. E. Howard, left on Wednesday for Buffalo and Cleveland, Ohio, where they will spend a few weeks. "ibe Walter Knox, of Orillia, Ont., who was engaged as trainer for the Eng- lish Olympic team in all branches of athletics, is being temporarily re- leased from his engagement, and will return to Canada by the Athe- nia, which sails on Wednesday. Prac- tically all the men under his train- ing for the great event, which was scheduled for Berlin in 1916, have now gone in for a more serious con- test with the Germans, and they may | pay a visit to the German capital at an even earlier. date. New in Quality--absolutely the purest, most wholesome and best chewing gum possible to make. STERLING Pure Mint Pepsin Gum A wonderful new 'Confection for the Entire Family--for the Smoker, the Girls, the Kiddies, Mother and the Old Folks. Costs no more than others, but is so much better, daintier, purer, so delicious, that a trial will make STERLING your favorite. Those who have never chewed gum willenjoy STERLING. It's delightful, healthful --aids appetite and digestion, makes pleasant breath and white teeth. Try STERLING Gum --it's good for you! Ottawa Free Press:-- Queen's university is anxious to bring the Feds to Kingston for an exhibition game shortly, and it is probable the locals will accept, "Jack" Williams is anxious to have his squad in good physical condition for the O.R.F.U. opening here on the 17th. He fig- ures if he can get by with the first two games, the Feds will cop the O. R.F.U., championship and saw off with, the Big Four winners for the Dominion title. ks UNANCHORED MINES. a Halt Navigation On Adriatic and lon- ian Seas. London, Oct. 6--The Milan respondent of the Chronicle says that though Austria has replied to Italy's remonstrances on the subject of unanchored mines, promising to give serious attention to the matter éary & Practical 'Home Dresr Making i Lerrons | with a view to preventing a recur- ia cor- ®R ® 8 rence of the disasters to Italian ship- ping, she has not offered any indem- nity to the victims or their families. Italy will bring the question of . in- demnity before the Hague tribunal. The corresponaent says it is quite clear that the mines were not borne towards the Italian littoral, *' either by Stormy weather or -by pure chance. The ministry of marine has found itself compelled to bring all mercantile and passenger navi- p-sation-to.w~standstill over the whole area of the Adriatic, and the lonian Seas. Austrian derelict torpedoes THE STERLING GUM CO. OF CANADA, Limitep TORONTO Especially For This Newspaper by Pictorial. Review JN SATIN AND LACE. a) The styles of 1830 and 1914 are clever. Iy combined In this dinner rock. "It 1s carried out In lace flouncing combined with soft blue satin. The flounces are superimposed on a foundation of dell cate cream satin. Required to make the dress are 2 yards of 36-inch satin : Prepared N for the skirt foundation, 8 yards of 27. inch satin for the shirred basque and 7 yards of flouncing 18 inches wide One-half yard of 18-inch all over lace is needed for the revers and standing collar. The waist is more difficult to make than the skirt, and in cutting it is necessary to get the sash and sleeve from an open width of material The back, outer front and collar are cut from & fold of satin. After the lining is made, which is so simple & process that It need not be repeated here, the standing collar is added to the neck edge as notched. Gather sash between double "TT per- + forations; adjust, bringing large "O" perforation at lower edge to corre- sponding perforation in lining front and stitch gathers along dart. Gather. the outer basque of satin slong the shoulder and under-arm edges between .double "TT" perforations CONSTRUCTION Ote 5884 Close seams as notched. Center front indicated by small "o" perforat 4 already have been fished up as far north as Chioggia and as far south as Taranto and Brindisi. A discovery which has caused par- ticularly painful stupefaction and pre-occupation to the military auth- orities is that whereas Austrian mines are normally fixed to the sea bottom by means of a steel cable ter- minating in a small anchor, not a single drifting mine among those just dredged has any anchor at all. Again not one had its full length of cable. Indeed, it was found that all 'had been deliberately severed with a wire cutter, and all at exactly the same level. WILL GO TO SPAIN To Better Relations Between That Country and Vatican. Rome, Oct. 6.--~The Idea Nationale, the new organ of the nationalist par ty, says that idps. Foreign Minis- ter San Giuliano, the minister of the treasury, Signor Rubini will proba- bly resign, although Premier Salan- dra is making efforts to avoid a min- isterial crisis. © The Idea Nationale says that Merry Del Val:will bably be appomted archbishop. of Madrid, which is now only a bishop- ric under the see of Toledo, but will be raised to an i opric. Cardinal Mersy Del Val's mission will be to s then the relations be- tween Spain the vatican. No two things in the world seem further apart tham the artistic temperament and a bank account. jake hay while the sun shines and you won't be so apt to make trouble when it rains. 4 woman has no heart, don't ; load one, or she'll trump it. Only a few years ago married better to be ignor GREATEST MILITARY POWER. One +Achievement May Be Put to Credit: of Germany. London, Oct. 6.--~"The more closely the present - struggle is mediated," rays an editorial in the Observer, "the plainer appear two conclusions--that the allies have jincreasing assurances of final success, and that their task may be more formidable that here- tofore realized. "Great Britain may be required to take more gigantic measures--mili- tary, financial and technical--than the most exlreme suggestions have yet contemplated. The longer the con- flict lasts the more surely will it ex- tend and consolidate the organiza- tion of this country as ohe of the greatest militarvt powers in the world. That would, in one' sense, be perhaps the greatest of all the Ger- man achievements." The Callous Kaiser. The German kaiser, with an al- most incredible callousness, has had the leisure of mind and the want of sense of decency and compassion to fields of blood which he has created! But the world turns from such scenes with loathing. If he wants subjects for his painters: let him look at that long stricken and woe-begone . refugees who fly from his presence and that of his soldiery as from a pestilence: Let them be painted in all their an- quish. 'And one could. no ore : Kaiser commission a painter to paint' the line of "terror- 26.000 IRISH RECRUITS. Have Joined British Army --Propors tion Is Creditable. Dublin," Oct. *6--The number new recruits for the British army obtained in Ireland amounts to about 26,000, More than 8,000 of these are from the Dublin district. 4,000 from Cork and district and the re- mainder from Belfast. ad Not all the Belfast recruits ' are unionists, nor are all the southern recruits nationalists. The Belfast nationalists: claim. to have furnished 5,000 of the Belfast recruits, which number relative to their total popu- lation,' is larger than the proportion suplied by the unionists. Many of the southern recruits be- long to football and athletic club classes. There is not such a rush to join the colors m the agricul- tural districts as 'was anticipated, as of there is a lack of men of available' age. - Emigration has left Ireland with 'a much greater proportion of the old and very young than there is in England while she already has a much larger proportion of men the army than has England. John Redmond and his colleagues are to address recruiting meetings in various parts of Ireland, and their appeals are expected to bef hoy fruitful. At many meetings, lic bodies have en ir, mbnd's mani o to arms an Irish form in| How to Get Rid of Dyspepsia Don't Rel Freak t; Common Sense and an Antacid Usually All That are ; Needed. an » PHYSICIAN GIVES GOOD ADVICE, "If you have dyspepsia, indigestion, sour stomach, belching, distress after eating, heartburn. or any other stomach troubles due to hyperacidity, (the usual cause of stomach troubles), you should take no medicine to act upon the stom. ach itself. That is positively not the way to cure the trouble. Ag should not half starve yourself by on Medicine ; Don't Go on | ing without the nutritious food tat d You need .to rebuild waste tissues. Some foods are not good for people, even when in perfect health--very | rich, sweet, highly seasoned dishes. Avold these, but eat fairly substantial meals of plain foods. Even if you no! ou should not drin hy rink before and after eating, Do not take pepsin or other artificial Aigex: tants. If you follow the foregoing sim- pie instructions it Is probable that will not need any medicine at all, Cops if you want ta call it a medicine, a little antacid aftér meals, The best antacid is ordinary bisurated magnesia which can be purchased at any drug store. This is not te act upon the stomach, but on the contents of the omach. .The antacid, as you can earn by consulting your dictionary or n is merely to neutralize of Fag od aid %0 the stom. n e fo normally. ake a teaspoonful of bisurated mag- nesia in a ttle cold or hot water after egch meal. You should get \mmediats lief, ven if your case fs i counteract ho ca

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