Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Oct 1914, p. 3

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) A I . . \ Bay) X 4 SRE v . Not 0 Let DREW A LARGE CROWD ON Robert L. | Mr. Comstock, A WRITER DEALS WITH VARIOUS . % Ye WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON ville) : 5 OF THEM. » eng ol 2 Frise inette, (B. MeKane, ; : EERE Ds 7 = on BUSHELL'S BIG FAIR'S: xem sie - s---------- yo Paddy McCire tMr. Stafford, Seeley's "fit PROBS.--Light winds, fine and moderately warm to-day and on Friday. Billigan, (L. Martin, a Dwelling, corner and . : > . ~~ 5 i Everybody Present Was Pleased -- But Principally With That Based on uower Gordon, Poasess| ut . pnee. Rent $6 per month, In Horse Races, Baseball Match and | Nr Astronomy, Which 'Yor the Year ing water, ete. For purticulars, || . : 250 Clase Q E | 3 pis ne Balloon Ascension Were All Good. 4 ol Ei . CT. Slater. Cresays 1914 Has Turned Out Wonderful \ ° » aura Pointer, Slater, ressy 5 2 E Over two ghousand people were pre- | ura Lr ly Correct, sent at the fair grounds on Wednes- Little Napanee (E Naylor, N (To the Edi- § ¢ y afte . OR tha sion of 1361 2 Kingston, Sept, 29.- Ww. H. Bodwin & Son. day afternoon on the ovcasion 10) anes) tor): We have had some remark- Brock St, . opening of 'Kingston s ORY | oa nk A cKeve Jee sot vg ! ode 424 o 8," coendueted by Lie townships of | I Tank M v (A.D. McKeves, mee 1.2 | Able predictions about the war, and o . ' Real Estate Fire asurance ton and Pitsh Every | n L C (W. J. Gibs Ganano 18) it is strange what an interest is , : ; mm a' wes LILEON, Gananogl taken in them. In times of great i 3 I person who attended the show went 2.4.5 J imes eat away well pleased with what they | lie Dillon (A. Lovst Bath) trouble and stress how '"'superstiti ALL SUFFE ERS, saw ¢ 5-6-4 ous" we become, and how anxious I . x 1 a-0- i . RTS" . The horse races were good. LS iia EY ab Aa we are (o get a "peep" into the fu- : -- ey BLADDER: NERVOUS BEIoey a Couple of occasions the horses fin- Lite Bess (C. E. Smith Mugoowd Lire. When all Is' well and the sun ! : SIN SRUPTIONS: ished neck {o neck ! The judges were Dr. G. W. Bell | 1® shining, what wise beings we are, + The balloon ascension was the |. Bens of Napanee F Whitney and how we will turn up our noses thing that caught the eyes of the |r Be De 2 Pal Purdy of this| aid shrug our shoulders at "fortune : oy, 2 dies" wh Wers'on'the grounds |), Wicholton ana E. Purdy of thal BEL NIUE OE Gr oa le You are cordially invited to attend our fall show- » ety 1 -- in large number: jo ractise it; but when you come to : i « hy 3 Buena, ssretars-tieusnrer] Buthel Won Fronr St. lukas think of it, we are all fortune tei. | §| ing of rare and beautiful new silks and plushes Mi: and manag f the show, Is de-| a Se 1.11] efs, the laws of nature, the laws of | 4! : IVIg Of great cro tlie | In the exhibition game Gf baseball | |} we are for-| §| lady Fashion decrees a VELVET mode for fall.and Sr ar atont rredy 107 the gplen-| layed between St. Luke's and Beth-| [fe have made us such. t PXhibiti MF. Bushell hae played between St. L 51 over predicting what is going to 8 . . tat fale ai ved ul : abpen 1n~ the a {§| Winter, with many of the smartest costumes, a trim- at his st Id be a credit to score of § to 4 The game was his largély from our knowledge of | §) : . Wi : 500 Cakes any own," Th fir i 12 {vers guod considering the ough dias LE, ANSIF Io Sur Rnowieds : ming of soft-toned plush, and we, anticipating her & talked fair all year, with the result|€l, the latter team won out by a nappen in 'the future, aud we ao any town The fair will conclu | Ub Thursday aliersoch, when dontis mapd The teams: 's only when some one essays to do | §| commands, have laid in a most complete stock. Al most every possible effect in weave and color is amp- 5 Twice 2h: 'Williame 4 i 5 tue crowd of Wedhesdav 15 expe: Bethel -- Twigg, 3b; Mew Hiiame, omething out of the ordinary that On Satarday we will give free ---- ss; Holland, p; Hall, 1f; Hunter, ot; ve become sceptical. If we Knew | he aking a pur- : a dvhihi \ Jeale 'herry, =2 a feale, | * Fn ee : chon of 25. centn or aver w Fait Some Of The Exhibits, M. he ! Pe herey, 2h; G. Veale, oe sources of information and the size cake of The merchants of the city took an | 1D: ison, ri; an active interest in the fair, by the laws governing those "remarkable" o> puke s, ~Carroll, fe: Saunders predictions we would nog oo co in. ly represented. ah vher, 3 Murrg ; Shu + 40) , . credulous, Finest Toilet Soap if | 8reat number of applications for |= Timms { vA v f; Barry, e¢ | : : : Were oa | At time everyone appree- Jf | SPACE that were made 10 the ¥pana- | Hi] fanworts, Ti, A German pier, Lieut.-Col. Fro- | . any AE To ' : ger 'hie Id not be obtai Ta hh beénlus ,wrote' a book in 1911, pre t 1 thing, S ger and which could \ - 5 4s MeCammon. ' : Lop inten something a E wer- illcd in the palace. Some of those Umpire Thomas | dicting the date of this war, how it | §i 1 S e ve % Vice nud goods, we hand you sing space in and around the : | would proceed, the part taken by | 4! using sp : y 4 the various nations now involved in | | | i P lushes this soup, building were the following: €ap- FREE tain J. Dix had a display of awn- ings and tents. John McKay had a large array of furs and fur coats; Hunt had ua. display of stoves A. @Quhown and com- 3 nations now at war. Then we have | ¢ had the. ""Strasbung Prophecy," re- 4d | { { | | . . cently reviewed by Prof. Lanos in the | In every wanted street and evening shade; also plen, Whig. It seems to be of a = ty of blacks i gone, with wonderful in- < ight. This is historical prophecy, Walle Jt tnuty ae Yume ji{J. B founded on the past history of the and hardware; SATURDAY pany, also had an exhibition ot | |§ | hardware; Angrove Brothers had al And do not forget to shop always § Ford automobile.on exhibition and distributed copies of "Ford Times AT BEST'S |§ | @ periodical issued by the Ford com- pany; C. W, Lindsay had five pianos | on exhibition and talking i ' | | } | prophecy, 'psychic'; in ancient tim- o8 it was called "divine," but iu reality it is of the same nature and founded, on the same laws and prin character' now-a-days, we call sueh YOUR EARLY INSPECTION INVITED Satisfactory Druggists snd Op- 8 machines: CC. Ww Coates had a corm- ticlnnn. - ' ciples as the historieal The pro phet in this case draws on the super mundane and spiritual forces," in | ( ° ® . tees We: of | Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Count Tolstol. "This is alsg psychic | f ; ' , ; and spiritual. i A full stock of the latest designs for fall and winter now ready in stock. er for a display of Vi '1roljs; George Open Sundays, 1.30 to 5; Mills and company had af exhibition 6.30109, if | of furs. The Singer sewing machine had a display of their product. Mel- otte cream separators were shown ind J. C..R. Dobbs aemonstrated to the crowds the virtues of the Ca dillac vacuum cleaner The Hydro-electric had a great | number of electric appliances on ex- | hibition, the property of H, W. New To many the words 'psychic' and a ---------- yn A! piritual" are not explanatory en ough, 1t is not the intention of the i The Busiest Store in Town Writer to go into this phase of the | man, and washing machines owned Subject now hut there is a philo by J. R. Cote Mr. Cote 'had a dis- MACKENZIE KING ophy founded on verified facts that play of pianos and musical instru- iy 1 been apg 10 tha Rael ays she next state of existence is a | ments in one corner and also in a! Tele fou : j oalien SEs he Dea Slate, that | fort outhide { SC S---- A { many living in that state are, accord- | In connection with the Hydrs- | GANANOQUE THE SCENE to the laws of evolution, neces- | EYES TESTED WITH electric hibit Frank Anglin of fo the South Kocte: Sunday School trily more advanced in knowledge i | Bers stpplied a Gos irete ; than we are, that they take an in- milking out-fit for milking cows by | Convention. terest in apd keep in close touch ouT CHARGE 3 1st---The 12th) With what Is going on in our liv when examined and by experiments | | | | | | | | South L annual convention of the electricity. These are very simple Gananoque, Oct. here, and are thus able to make pr NO DRUGS USED y Conducted on Mr. Anglin's farm he | Leeds Sunday School association was dictions, These prophecies come has ascertained that only one horse held in Grace Mettsod church yes power is required, "osting only one terday the opening session being at CASES REQUIRING kallon of gasoline a week to operate | 10 a.m. and followed by | i | \ seskions for thirty cows. They were opera ie the afternoon and evening { with | the Yair grounds, when Miss de Yonda , {day through Seerers like Tolstoi, - - . es d € é 3 5 ind Madame Thebes of the pre- | coon after July 24th, formihg a triste present time as they came through 'gr Jupiter and Uranus will be dis- [lf \ The morning session opened oo irophets of old With more or less | solved on December 20th, and after T ' milki f I J. Arthur Jackson, B.A., president, hess. They are of human | that dissolution there can be no more || GS ON S ELECTRIC 'STORE - ¥ Ing of cows in the palace at in the * i - TION» WILL - BE 80 | tracted large audiences. The sample [of Lansdowne, conducted "the devo j Sule, Jue nevertheless worth con- | peace planet Venus is working its | ff shown is made by Heman and com- [Viet exercises, after which the | Sideration, Way nearer and nearer to the earth, I dro-electric people, as it is consider- | welcomed to the town This was predictions, and these are w hat In f will be in the air, only nothing def- i ed the cheapest of any mide. lfollowed by reports of the various | tended giving when J commenced this | initely so until Venus and the earth | 10 watt 10 cents | att, 4 K I J M 0 D 0 The Balloon Asc nsion, lB. W Halpenny, B.D., general se ed 2a astronomy, Astrology iv one mber 5th to Jar udry 1st | re pct 'G . 3 ay Schoo ' the most ancient methods ni s f ths > Veo w : ia All airship flights Were put in the | retary of the Ontario Sunday School jo ancient methods of fore: | most "of that time Venus an 1 XW . £ > ) ! 4 . 3 e ate, 40 cents ee ey ny 40a [1a shade, on Wednesday alternoon,, at [association followed with an .excel-| telling the future known to man. [earth will be travelling together, ||| = Bis 10 watt, 45 cents 226 Princess Street made one of the prettiest balloon as Schogl."" At noon lunch was | he Joroscopes of an American 4s. [be worked out some way during that ||| 60 vatt, 60 cents censions that ever was .pulled off in | Served in the church for the visit- | trologer for 4 number of years, and |lime, as peaple will be kind and e¢ n- {i t ] 100. watt, $1.00 to five o'clock the huge gas bag was | At the afternoon session, Rev. {His forecast for 1914, published ix | Note that" word "vibrations The en RT attached to the overhead rope, and | Henry Gracey, conducted'the devoti Junuary, said the whole civilizec | Science of astrology as well as tha | | sent time as § { time as they came through | conjunction. Now the conjunction Iy MEDIC ATTEN ted by electricity in connection with ; AL - the hydro-electric, and 'the actual r chair, Rev. 1." N. Beckstedt, | °TIgin and consequently not infal- f war of any consequence, but as the INFORMED pany, of Galt, and {8 used by the Hy: | visiting delegates were formally NOW we come to' a third kind of jit is quite natural that peace talk ---- | departmental superintendents Rev. | Communication, namely, those found | form a close conjunction from Nov . " f 16 watt, 40 cents ox lo address on "The Country Sun- | Your Correspondent, fias hee: reg ; {and T have no doubt that peace will OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN ol ae : rican ns. | : uring ih 8 doors above thy Hour Kingston. At about twent utes | ing delegates has found them wonderfully correct. {erous under the Venus vibration." Id nty minut Bs 2) t Gras Mantles, 3 for 2o¢, 2 for 25¢ and up. then held suspended between the two [onal exercises. Three excellent ad- world would be badly upset this year [of many other Sciences is contained upright - gnide-poles, "which were thir. | dresses were given, "Relation of owing to the great planeis, Jupiter | in it If H . ty-fiva feet high At a quarter past | Pastor to Sunday School, Rev. | and Uranus, forming an inharmon 'There can be but one outcome of | | - ° eéwman ectric Co five, the balloon was fully inflated | Walter- Cox; "Moral Force of the| ious conjunction in the sign Agpariug | his great war The two great na . and Miss de Vonda, with her para- | Suday School," Rev. E. W. "Hal- in opposition to Jeo, ane evil as. )'ion Germany and Austria, will he{ | Phone 441. 79 Princess Str t { penny, B.D,; "How Organization | pects to Taurns and Scorpio. "Man, | crushed. It may be that both of ee 'an Help the Sugday School," J. A. | of my readers," he says, "took of- | them will be republics in the future oa = = Jackson, B.A. A discussion of county | fence at my forecast for 1914, ane "As to the general business situa and individual problems was con- | rote me some very saucy letters tell. | tion, I see no improvements 'of a ducted by G. E. Johnson and Rey mg me of their own views of things, |18sting duration for nearly fifteen £, W. Halpenny. Supper was served | u« they would like to have them, an | Months yet Times will be hard, | the course, he fired three shots from a | to the delegates » | giving very good reasons wh good | 20d still harder, unfil the great revolver and upon hearing the third | The évenipg service included two « {imes may be looked for, not "giv planetary change comes, about the report, Miss de Vonda pulled the rope, [more excellént addresses, one bY fing much credit to astrology, but be- latter part of November, 1915 { | | | chute attached, wa earried high into the air, reaching an altitude of nearly | four thousand feet Her manager, H | HI. Hoyland, of Beit, Wis., in the | meantime. placed himself in an auto | i mobile and started after her. During | + y ny " » pf which was attached to the knife that | Rev. I W. Halpenny, "The Invest | Heving that polities, and those en S. PI | severed the parachute from the gas | | | i ment of Influence," the other by G | gaged in that particular science, ar. ---------- | baz. "A ruther long drop was mada Elmer Johnson, 'Opportunities in the makers and unmakers of good and before the parachute opened, but it | the Y * We Now Enter Upon Foi [ hard times. * gradually unfolded itseli to the breeze, | the Sunday School Workers olL "One enthusiastic friend ' wrote me after jhe Aeronauf had Jatsged by {uth Tseds De Jarrison, he flat now- since Wilson had heen elect 2 in bveryihing for the football Player will he found here. some little exertion to stop the twirl-{ Kingston, was prejent With IIs fod and the gieat trose busted, and | "GOODBYE" ~ THEY SHGET TO|}| Sineds, hose guards, knee guards, shoulder. and Civor ads, jerseys, ing motion that is always experience:] { Usual store of helpful information | the banking - situation changed the : | Pau, reranioiin an excellent Ii ne we {balls fram $1.25 to $00" on [ the series of dan- | times must of necessity be vers COMRADES BEFORE FALL. | sible i and ace ori should Write Sud Get war prices and ' much improved, and that g great he business boom way Sure to 'start in, and every one would be happy and | Enables: the Allies to Hold Line prosperous, but I am sorry to say Against Enemy. INE g that my forecast for 1914 is working London, Sept. 30---A Reuter des i J J Li out ir to higher laws of the patch from Paris says: 1] bo J - | HIE universe... Men are but agents of ga "Thirty gunners of a British field g " & 1 r ad inights force that sweeps kings' and battery a fallen, killed or lhe Lo ITA dTIY £ at J PORTING lr EAb peoples on im its irresistible cur. ed. Kihowing that they were goin rent The "glory of "the Alexanders, [to almost tal death they bt YO] 529 ----- -- 88-90 PriNciss bh] the Caesars and' the Napoleons i= out! 'Good-bye, fellows,' to thei not more than the foam on the comrades in "the reserve line. Tw a brewkers of - the great movements minutes later every man was out of men." ' action "Now, since the war is on, many "Thirty more went to the front people keep writing me as to mv {with the same farewell greeting opinions as to its probable duratior | The German shells were falling. in snch descents ! The second o The huge gas bag turned ovér and!ces arranged recently by the Gan emptied its contents, while Miss de | anoque Canoe and Motor Boat as Vonda and her parachute glided for a j Soeiation was held in their club long, distance and came within a short { house assembly hall last evening. i | WE ea TN Many Cases oY Valor--British Spirit 41 | | distance of alighting" in the waters of (George I. Crawford, First Street, | Lake Ontario, near the Portsmouth | was taken to Kingston General Hos penitentiary. It was Just "in the | pital on Tuesday and operated on | { | | | | | 3 orchard east af the big institution | for cataract in one of his eyes. that the parachute became entangled The funeral of the late © Mrs . en. among the branches of the trees, "hat { Joseph Humphreys was held at noon . luckily Miss de Vonda was unhbrt. {Yesterday from the family resi- I'he gas bag, or balloon proper, fell | den e, River street, to the Union Who want a lot of sivle, & | on Collingwood street, near the King- | cemetery, .Tansdow ne, and was lar A #ton lee company's icehouse. The | gely attendee lot of individuality ---. 10 aperonaut was hurried back to her | Messrs, George Funnpell,..w. 7] short, young men who want quarters at the Frontenac hotel, and { Sampson, of Gananoque, accompani | I a, : ] 3 ' eople congratulated her ied by John Phinn of Tor are distinetive clothes, want our| a host of peop gral ar (20. by oronto, are | slistine tive clot : Upon hee. ant and successful Wight : | Going a Week ii rod and gun at {1 well ag jts outcome; amd right | thickly behind the battery and kill ne § ~ This, balloof ascension was more in | Ga anoque lake. Miss L. Erle i 1 will : : ; + iti - rand 3 favor with thi populace than an air teacher at 8, § No 2 Foc Loade | Mere Lani ake the ey ae o any Mel every mn serving ' . hn To, J "€€0S | state tha € war was started under | che guns. "920th Centu and '"Fash- ship ehibition cit . j and Lansdowne, arrived home last | {na influence: of the two mightiest Pvencially the persistence 'anc : i ft» Ihe | sky, shortly after five oclofk, levening to spend the balance 'of the planets in the solar system, when | ace ¢ of the Bri ; rec lon Ura had become quite clear and this made | week with her parents, Mr. and |e ri hy Hi ' 1X 1) accuracy of the British fire provec I th re not "ready the flight all the more ipterest ams. tn {C. H. Hurd, albiie eb -- ne Yaron and the en iaantry al cause VY are no ready |p + afte Miss de Vonda | . - - } Se EE i ? ecau ey a AY | Thursday alternoon iss de Vo -- | tion at the point of the bayonet. . Cd : . ------ | I ada' u 2 Phov Ara $a. "a second Hight, : A . made ! Glofies Thies Bre tail {made a' second sigh ~ : CHINA WILL REMAIN NEUTRAL. | 00 YOU SUFFER ne Similar incidents gecurred alons : asi * ored clothes ready for ser- I ss. --ii the. whole western wing Tuesday, i i iy oe The men yo design The Mur Rue | enabling the allies to hold their awn We have just received our new line of fall footwea , . ADE 2 Minister Thinks Protest Agai . ining 2.25 Class-- . gainst Ja inst ted furi 1 «| for men, contai the latest styles in bla "and tan, i » hichest | Wen C." (W. C. Cole, Cape Vincent) pan Mere Show, of nat repeated furious onslaught: ' © latest styles in black ; the models are the highest Weno 0-4 ¢ : FROM BACKACHE? ug ts hormans, who were attembt lod ang button boots. Our line of winter tans is excep- paid artists in the country, Tits strict neutrality according to When your kidueys are weak and : 1 Chicago, Oct. 1-- China will keep ing to break through." SWARD, $100 } ' ve i y i ; » the cutters are the best, and The roca RENARD, Sim will be Sengral Hwang Hsing. Chinese min- torpid they do not properly perform tailors are masters of the [pleased to learn that there is at least [ (26 Of War in the cabinet of Sun their functions; your back aches War, Tidings, the tailors are masters o 1 Jone drended disease ahi ne ER 2 no ho iitived Jere to-day. and you do not feel like doing much | Thirty British "warships are report pth Ya why ible to gure in all its stages, and | "I do not think more th dalid. yon « er : ya apart: { art." That's why young men ne ter AIL Jin. stugen and protest will bo a Sow of of anything. You are likely to be led on their way through 'the Cate. , despondent and to. borrow trouble. | pat to help the Russian fleet Sn (he 1 | NRE] T g Pp | 1 turn in our direction when |me omy positive ne own ol lapancre | jour ng es . the medical fraternity. Catarrh being |J2Dpa 4 ney across Chinese TIE a of di enough ah: [oie hal ; Aid BL i . t Ne, x res a|land", he said. their thoughts are turned to Anata Mane Waite Ca | " "China avn not want war, and | ready. Don't be a vietim any longer. | Two cargoes of Copper consigned to Fae) BRO K 5 clothes. a iy or Se paerualie, ReUGE [1yows better than to array itseir| The old reliable medicine, Hood's | the Krupp works, in Germany, from " ' A SUETaCr OF Ihe crbtonn thereby destroy-| against the allles, who are, its Sarsaparilla, 'gives strength and the United States, were seized and : ing the foundation of the disease, and | friends." tone to the kidneys and builds up | diverted to England. Jt wag be giving the patient strength by building lieved tho o 'o.% oa : " : sais i Tt : he whole system. opper Was. to be w in C 4 up the vonstitution and assisting na 3 he ones ia of Torvedin 0 TO 0 With the "Rooster" on fo ; ts work. The fetors The sympathy of their many friends ; 's Sarsapari i i Bae ho Sn Ii its Te pow- 1s extended to Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Se Be of ls a peodtiar Among the remarkable war (rophies ers that they olfar One N Andre Dollars | Brager, in the lass of their infant | rhs. No other medicine acts like | 2™Tiving at Smolensk, is the i ; jor any ais ore. Deh dalighter, Jule M., aged two months ith 4 ther medici os stock of Umperor William's = famous , $3; No. 3, Thor [In crowing louder-as he, aly Address F. J. CHENEY & C0. Moiedo, | end twenty days. a it, heeanse mo othe dicine has the pedigree cattle and stud horses, cap- ai or Only 450 peF pound. Wor. clowing and | 2 soi by all Driuggists, 75 ooh Montrose, of Simeoe, came to | Safe pons of | i 'ig Aces J tured by the Russians from the em- on rece x smoking. N Sane aE AE Sold Ras Fa pr for copsti- | the city "on Wednesday evening and | RO sul itute, ou od on baving peror's estate at Rominten, in East y THE COOK AT A. MACLEAN'S, will remain for a few days' visit, Hood's, and get it today. Prussia. Cutarie Street, a [tionally fine, ranging from $4.50 to $6.50. " -

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