Our $18.00 Suits HIN a man has eight- ceil dollars to pat in- significant to a suit it is that he wants something to keep him well up in the dine of good dressers. Our Dollar Suits will fill his every re- "Eighteen quirement--they are cor- rectly and artistically cut --they are skillfully tailor- there about them that bears, ed, and is nothing in any way, the earmarks of fii ALALRALLLS SSS ready made." Allow us to show Dollar Suits. you. ouy fine line of Eighteen If you'lt do your part by coming in, we'll do ours by showing you the best suits the price ever bought. You can't be anything else but fitted and suited here, LIVINGSTON'S BROCK STREET A Little Out of the Way, But It i Py, Yu To Walk ERE aad * 'a president of } Iva Martin, Mrs. W. Special Sale To-Night, 7.30 O'clock Ladies' Fall Underwear "In white and natural colors, vests, large and small sizes, buttoned fronts," long sleeves, soft and warm. Drawers, ankle length; both styles; worth + 30¢, 35c. On Sale 21¢c Each White Knitted Corset Covers Just the idea for fall and winter wear, buttoned all the way down, snug fitting. LONG AND SHORT SLE VES Worth 30c, 35¢. For 21c Each Ladies' Suede Lisle Gloves A Jomarksbio offering. The ideal glove for fall and . winter. . All the appearance of / kid with twice the wear. Will wash and wear splendidly. - Heavy and medium weights. Worth 50c, 60c. | * = difucig On Sale 39¢ Pair | | | Bade Tn W , White, Grey, Chamois, White with Black ARRANGES FOR BURIAL OF SIR JAMES P. WHITNEY, The Body is To be Taken fo Morris. burg on a Special Frain Tuesday Morning. Toren'o, Sept, 26.- mage ately af ter worth. was received of Sir James Whitney's death, the cabinet met to discuss the situation. For a time it was belicved that the demise of the | jrime minister "automatically dis- | solved the eabinet, although the min- isters could still remain in charge of their respective departments. [his would have mednt an immediate cali upon the lientenant.governor and the forming of a new cabinet. An inves- .t'gation of the statutes and the Brit- ish North Américan act, however, sdt- islied the ministers that the govern: ment could continue to: exist without the council--thecoflice held by Sir James--and as a result nothing will be done in the way of cabinet shifts until after the funeral. | Shen, it is expected, Hon. Dr. Pyne, senior member of the council, in the absence of Hon, Mr. Koy, who 1s ill, will be asked to assume WF reins. I'he expected retirement of the at. torney general and of Dr. Reaume, niay not come until later, when a gen. feral ¢abinet reorganization takes place. Ihe question of permanent Yeadership of thg, party may be one for a gathering of government Sap- porters to deal with. i Late in the afternoon the cabinet was called together again, and ar ryngements for the funeral of the late prime minister were completed. The body of Sir James will lie in state in the legislative chamber all day Monday, and on Tuesday will be tak- en to St. James' cathehral, where the funeral service will be held. Inter- ment will take place in the family burying ground at Morrisburg, fol- lowing sther service in the little memorial church named by the Whit- ney family. A special train will leave for Mor- rishurg Tuesday morning, carrying the casket, members of the family, the government and, the members of the legislature. THE RELIEF COMMITTEE For Distributing Aid to Soldiers' Families. The first meeting of the relief committee in connection with the patriotic relief fund was held on Fri- day afternoon when the following members were present: Mrs. T. D. R. Hemming, Mrs. G. M. Giles, Mrs H. Macnee, Mrs. J. B. Carruthers, Miss M. I. Taylor, Mayor Shawy Frederick Welch, En- sign Smith, T. J. Rigney, and H. C Nickle. Ensign Smith acted as sec- retary- pro tem. James H. Macnee was appointed permanent secretary The committee was enlarged by adding the following names: Prof. Iva Martin, J. H. Birkett, Dr. W. T Connell, Dr. Gibson, and A. Strach- an. Ald. H. C. Nickle was appoint- ed chairman of the committee. It is the intention of the commit- tee. to see that the wives and chil- dren of the men' who have gone te the. front to fight for their country will net want. An office will be open at the city buildings from ten to twelve o'clock each day Every case reported to_the com- mittee will be investigated and the money will be handed over to the women. Already almost $200 has been giv fen to women who were absolutely in need Arranges And Saw That Their Officers Got Fair Play. While in the eastern part of Can- ada, -Lieut.-Col. W. 8. Hughes, com manding officer of the 14th regiment, paid a visit to Valcartier camp for the purpose of visiting a numberof olunteers who are going to . the front. 'While on the camp grounds the commanding officer visited the members of the 14th overseas con- tingent. He reports the men to be in splendid condition and anxiously waiting for the steamers to take them to England. Col. Hughes sta- tes that the 14th contingent will be in command of. its own officers, Tamely Capt. I. F. Guttman, Capt George T. Richardson and Lieut. C Day. There was a possibility of a senior officer from one of¥the other regiments being placed in cdmmand, but Col. Hughes went to the minist- er of militia and fixed matters. Saturday's Market. There was a very large Saturday morning, with change in prices; although; generally, produce is fairly cheap. Fggs sold from 30c. to 32¢. a dozen; butter, 320 to 35¢. a pound, Apples were plenti ful and sold as low as 20e. a peck. Tomatoes are down to 5Uc. a bushel, and potatoes have taken a big decline, sling on Saturday at 75c. a bushel, pow that the harvest is in and ' the farmers are able to bring their 'pro duce to the market. An interesting addition to the mar ket started on Saturday, when an is land lady brought over a quantity of bung, onkes and other dainties. Mar kot Clerk McCammon said that it was guite legal, As anything that could he classed as food could be oliered for sale. ' market on no 'great Held Up Gananoque Police. A daring hold-up was made in broad daylight on Iriday morning shortly after eleven o'clock near Gananoque, when Chief-of-Pglice KE. Ryan, of that place was confront- ed by two ruffiians. whe pointed re- volvers at him. This affair occur- red on the Dump bridge, seven mi- les this side of Gananoque on the Seoley's. Bay-Gananogue Road. When the desperadoes saw who it was they | held up one of them yelled out: "It's Ryan!" They both then took to their heels and made a hasty re- treat but an arrest is expected to be made. | Weather Notes. | Atlantic disturbance has, moved to the coast ot Nova Scotia, accompanied by strong winds and rin in the mari- time provinces. Elséwhere the wea- ther is fipe. It is quite cool from Ontario eastward qud warn 3 HM The - | Burden, F. W. Nid PLL re and she will; IN THE SUPPLEMENTAL INATIONS, EXAM- 3S ---- Held at Queen's Medical College -- The Degrees of M. b., C., M. and M. B.--The Pass List. The supplemental examination re alts at Queen's college 'were announ- ced on Saturday morning as fol lows :* Degrees Of M. B. + MB, St, John's, Laframboise, J. M., M.B., Ottawa, . Degrees of M.D., C.M. Connell, W. S. T., Kane, A. C, Ligoure, C, idad. Saunders, "" Kingston, Ont. , Kingston, Ont. '<. Port-of-Spain, Trin- J. Ww, Georgetown, Bb. w Pass List. yeat anatomy--M. F. lon, C. °C. Ligoure, Second year, physiology--George Hooper, J. W. Coulter, H. C. Hag vard, N. M. Grace. Second year, materia medica--F. L. Reid. Second year, " Second Cog- histology--J. Wi Coul- ter, KE. J. de Beaupre, F. L. Reid, R. H. Angrove, D. L. Kennedy, First year physics--H. C. yard, First year anatomy--NM. J. Kennedy. First year biology and physiology-- J.C. Finlayson, F. N. Hagyard. First year materia medica A. J. I'ripp, R. C. Henderson, J. Finlay- son, C. 8 Dunning, F. N. Ne First year chemistry--T. G.. London, D. Mahony, J. C. Finlayson, M. J, Kennedy, W. S. T. Connell, G. Hooper. Third year practice of medicine--(. R. Dongvan. Third year clinical medicine--1. V. " Plews. Third year Calnek. Third year obstetrics and pediatrics D. P. Byers. Third year pathology--T. V. Plews Jurisprudence---U. R. Donovan. Bacteriology--E. J. Brennan. Fourth year, practice of medicine A. C. Kane, T. D. Profitt, J. Ww. Saunders; W.'S. T. Connell, C. C. Ligotre. | Fourth year, C. Kane, J. W. Conmell, T. D. goure. ; Fourth year, surgery--sA. C. J. W. Saunders, T. D. Profitt. Fourth year, clinical surgery--A. C.Kane, C. C. Ligoure. Fourth year, obstetrics fa nae cology--J. W. Saunders, C. Kane. Fourth year, Biers, A. C. Kane, T. D. -Profitt, W. S. T. .(\an nell, J. W. Saunders. . Eye, ear, nose and throat--J. W. Saunders, A. C. Kane, T. D. Prafitt, D. Keonedy. Fourth year, applied anatomyv:A. ¢. Kane, J. W. Saumders. Therapeutice--J. W. Saunders, \, 8. 5 nnell, D. L. Kennedy. Savitary science--A. C. Kane, W. (. Kane, W. S. T. Connell. KINGSTON CONSERVATIVES dargery--S. H. clinical clinical medicine--A. Saunders, W. S. T. Kane, Wreath to Be Placed on Sir James Whitney's Grave. members of the Liberal-Con servative « association of Kingston have sent a very beautiful wreath to Toronto, to be placed on the grave of Sir James Whitney when the funeral ' takes place at Morris burg on Tuesday. The association will also be represented at the func ral. A telegram of condolence was also' sent by the association to Lad, Whitney, Sent The Opinion Of An Expert. E. W. Mullin, the well-known real estate expert visited Montreal on business a month ago. Although rushed, he found time to witness "M vy "Pickford, the Httle girl from Toronto, who has won the hearts of thousands, present "The Eagles" Mate," a drama of splendid emotions and heroic action, a story palpitant with primal passions and the joy of life. Mr. Mullin says, "It is without ¢ doubt the greatest pic- tire I ever saw, and I bringing the family to see it." Another lady patron, in cho. is considered the most consistent picture fan in Kingston, told the man "I will live at the Ideal The while 'Mary Pickford" is' "here, the management believe her. She bas paid three fimes to see her in another picture before. 1 you do not know "Mary," the people sweetheart, get uainted with her Cone with the thousands to the ldeai Theatre on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to see 'The Eagle's Mate, in five big reels, for five cents. ager, The Late Mrs. John Brooke. The news has just been received in town of the death in England, of Mrs. John Brooke which occurred on the 11th of September, at the re- sidence of her cousin, Miss Cart- wright, "Branksome," Mosely, near Birmingham. Mrs. Brooke was well known in Kingston as she liv for seven years with her sister,the late Mrs. Bates at Hale's cottages, on King | street west, and only last January {returned to England with ber son, Ramsay Brooke." During her stay here she made a great many friends who will be very sorry to hear of her death. She leaves three sons, one in Birmingham, one in Aus- tralia and Ramsay Brooke who was obliged to leave for Algeria, West Africa, a few weeks before his moth- er's death. Death At Portsmouth. Saturday forenoon the death oc- curred. at his home in Portsmouth, of Wiliam. Hogan, after an illness of a year and a half duration.' De- ceased was a very prominent man in the village and a friend of every- one. He was a blacksmith, and was in that business for many years. He was born sixty-eight Years ago. The funeral of the late Dr. John M. Shaw will take place from his late residence in Lassdawns Saturday af- Hab- | Profitt, C. C. Li- '3 am | fact ' TONIGHT WE will have Yeady a number of Special Things just received and invite you to share in the money saving that these represent. 'We have a representative constantly on the watch for us in Montreal and are thus enabled to secure special lots that oth- erwise might go to the stores there. These are ye properly m sade of of Fgoud gu quality English flan- nelette, neat stripes. Some in the lot are worth 90c; oth- ers 5c; none less. | | Yours' To-night 360 Fine Embroidered Pillow Shams 1 rr and Stand Covers THE PILLOW SHAMS are embroidered and have a full 2-inch hemstitched border. The size is 31 inches square. THE STAND COVERS are embroidered and are hem- stitched on sides and ends, and are 45 inches long by 17 inches wide. "These are worth 50c each. Your Choice . To-Night for "Sha ms or Covers Your em Fall Suit or Coat May be chosen to-night. These are the best suits here for the money. There is a style and smartness about them that is at once noticeable. STYLISH 'SUITS $15.00 STYLISH SUITS $16.00 STYLISH SUITS $1750 $20.00 TO $35.00 ll "~~------Choose To-Night-- Even if not.ready to buy you may select any suit or coat and have it ready when wanted. | {JOHN LAIDLAW & SON A Young. Snappy New Si Black Russia Calf and the new 'shade i in tan Walk Ouers ab... he $6.00 cesarean Regals al Other ny known shoes . Also a. Black Calf Boot, for boys, 2 same style, sizes 3105, at .. .00