Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Sep 1914, p. 6

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i Koow what ta A Home Recipe For Removing Wrinkles "Wile will blame the modern woman for frying to look ks voung and ai- tFactive as she re@sonably can? Why should she le placéd at a disadvantage "in numerous Wats By wearin B wrinkles 4 she can aye Ad These hefetul 7 #dvancing age? Few n, tually 'Wetanelves of sage Most of the A unsatisfactory uirh whith ertisel pre and very e and. har > oman where €ht preparations fgiL y Uy an once of powdered saxalite 8 any drug store. Dissolve the olnce in a half f witch hd Use ap a wash 3 practically Provement is tor the very first rind SURRINE ure corrected Tees wo refreshed home ony uke all. the pat- Wrinkdes and and the face and gmug-U Fine Line of Dining Room: F urniture- Sideboards, $8.50 and up, | Buffets, $20.00, See our $30.00 line, ( leather. & den ! oak, real small chairs, arm to match $15.00 to $60.00; R. 1a Reid Tedding Undertaker. Phone 577. ~ DrinkingCup For Particulars APPLY TO J. A. HENDRY Manufacturers Agent 75 PRINCESS ST. Kingston - 1 Wonder Who's "Bis Tailor + Your will be faultlessly ting fabrics of pure viegiu wool, ffast volors and exviusive patierns, >ou re- eelve good workmanship, essential te style and fit, Order your next sult o clpthes from US, faction in every respect. Our are wo higher than is asked for afer. 1IADMIRALTY'S REPORT 'hina Cabinets, | . Sidet.tables, chairs, 1-4 gol- wherever you ge, Stier oo Nesides mei- HEART TROUBLE HH you wear one of var We guarantee satis REGARDING THE SINKING OF THREE BRITISH CRUISERS, © Had Naval Rules Been Strictly Cale ried Out, Only Oue Of; the Vessels Would "Have Been, Lost. r I'he official facts, the sinking of the British crilisers Aboukir, Hogue and Cressy by German submarines in the North Sep, with a loss of sixty officers and 1,400 men, are contained in an admic- alty statement issued last night. The reports of Commanders Nichol son, of. the Uressy, and Norton, of the Hogue, state that the Aboukir was hit by one torpedo and sunk in thir ty-five minutes. Three torpedoes were fired al the Uressy, one of the ex- plosives missing narrowly. She lasted from thirty-five to forty-five minutes. The Hogue was struck twice, ten to twenty seconds -elapsing between the tofpedaes and went under in five min- nutes.' he Uressy firedeon the sub- marine, .and' some of the officers were confident that the shots sank Ber Commander Nicholson says that the three torpedoes directed against his hip "might 'have been fired by the same submarine, and that there 13 no real proof that more than one was en | London, Sept. 26 concerning gaged Fhe shows that the maintained and that ism were performed, but as established the rule must be governed by prevail in naval ac- abled\ ships must~he rather than ne port grentost "Lion, ¢ left to their jeopardised by Fhe natural awn resources rescue 'work report "The promptings of humanity have led to: heavy losses which avoided Yay 'strict ad: military consklerations. war is presenting. us and strange situa that an error of judgment of character is pardeuable, but it = to point out for future conditions whigh prevail vessel ol a squadron is in field or exppsed to admirs says : Htnm case otid have herenee to Modern naval th ¥0 mans been new guid mine are analogous to that: the rule of to herown re applicable, .sa far, ht uy large vessels are toncerned humar whether for uld lead to thé ne caufions and dis foe he rp pre and no measures, can life which will 'pre situation Nr l taken to save the if all Kinds « by ed ship militar should, however, wireless to get close with all speed THE WHIG'S JUMBLE \ Lot of Short Ttems Run in To- gether. White Some orgot to Liver too bad hat without gettinghald Everything 'has:a bright ven the dark Tantern. laby"s Uva Cangh Syrup," 23¢., for 15s Tid Ses. Before golug 'mio polities yourself with a 'ninid guard. Women asia rule are more {ous than wise in finane | "Phone 290, vants, Laughing draws the corners j mouth up; crying pulis them down By the , did you cver hear a nan complain because a sermon was oo short? 25¢. Liver Pill for 1%¢. Gibson's The average woman editor is » man who keeps her out of the paper: B Cough Syrup, lic, iiheon's Nothing jolts a poor marries an -heiress like ue him for npon-support tooth paste." men Sow some Rosa flour for all purposes men \ were born asleep and wake up Pil} for 15¢. Gibson's. we can't live long side regu lar equip gener ial matters Gibson's, for drug store f the idea of an name ahy not 2 nan whe having her Gibson's wheat dnd others sow Colgate's Some young raise corn, and wild oats and raise cain Huyler's Saturday sweets." Gib Every woman ima that she hows up well in a decollete gown ut not evéry woman can prove it "Colg tooth paste." Gibson's Many a man is under the impres | sion that he is wise merely because { ie has no children to ask him ques tions "Huyler's won' s A mot | rood match i nes Saturday sweets.' Gib» her is always seeking for her daughter yet ye good match is merély a cheap stick with a head on one end of it. "Fresh marshmallows.' Gibson's When we see a ninety pound man annexed to a 300:pdund wife we can't help thinking that the etérnal fitness of things got an awful jolt. There is m tion of the eases put fv years able pronou sor this sec other tis the last incur- doctors constitut tarrh Cure, manufactured 3 Cheney & ©6, Toledo, Ohio, is the o constitutional cure on the market is taken internally. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offéer one hundred dol. lars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials Address: F, h CHENEY & CO, Ohio. J Sold by Drugglats 15¢. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. AUTOMOBILES AND CARRIAGES HIRE Phone 1177 Rubber Tires for Carriages and "= Automobiles. George W. Boyd, Toledo, When uri¢ acid is dissolved in the blood it thickens the blood almost to t {a jelly; this is what causes the heart to flutter and seem to stop because it is weakened by the strain uric acid puts on it. Anti-Uric Kidney Pills drive out all uric acid poisons from the system. They are quick and safe and guaranteed by W. W. Gibson: See that the name B. v. Marion is Sr eTee rire ae Per Iee - ETT Th s20ttsssasetriasassetetsssatassrnns WAR BULLETINS, Antwérpatic ermans are re- tiring from' western * Belgium, blowing ny bridges as they go. LondonOfich ially announ- céd that lsrge reinforcements have joined the British forged in France. bondon--<After eabinet meet- ing Friday afternoon and hear. ing reports from France the war office stated that conditions are Satisfactory, Paris--There is general feel. Ing here that the battle of Aisne is now about ended and that the 'allies will be victor- ious, Paris--News arrived here Friday evening that the Brit- ish-French troops, reinforced by Tarcos and Hindgos, com- pelled the retirement of the German right wing with great ss. \ -- Id Paris--The German centre is greatly weakened by inter. change of troops to meet the al- lies' threatening movement on right wing. Paris--The military mithorvi- ties refuse to tell the position of the fighting, but it is recog- nized that the allies compelled the Germans to retreat to St. Quentin. Allies landed bombarding British and Rome--The Dalmatis after Lissa harbor. French flags were hoisted to provoke the Austrian fleet to engage the allied fleet, Paris--Fighting in tre in dogged fashion on" Fri- day. Artillery kept up fire, aviators hovering above. A sp¥, directing the German 'fire, was shot. the cen- Rotterdam---It is understood that several German officers have been courtmartialled and shot by Belgians for various atrocities, Weakened by the allies' ase saults the German rvight is re- tiring slowly, fighting at close range with fearful losses. PRA D NR RR RADE DPD DA ADA PRP BEBE Dh PSDP Adon Dublin--Prémier Asquith's appeal to Ireland met with thousands of recruits, -- * A German aviator dropped + bombs: into Bologne, France, just about half an hour's jour- & ney from England. * + + Food dededdod delete deoledesdedoirdodedodork COMMENTS BY ZACCHEUS Who Thinks Wolfe Islanders Could Beat the Germans. Allies invinciblé Britain betrays not. C--Capture of Berlin next. D---Deeds of daring innumerable. E--Equipment of ¥aleartiér vol- unteers completed. F---Fabins, the old more than a match for and French is teaching tyrant a thing or two. G---God's"."vice-regent""' to change his plans before justice can endorse them, H--- Highlanders, with yalor, in the thick of the 1-1 have only one arm, Pau, but it's iron J-----Joffre, the "'temporizer", is a tactician of the highest order K---Kohlenberg heights will not save Vienna from the "steam-roller." L--"Lagger" for three lease. M----Moselle, Bordeaux, Champag- ne later. N----New era soon to dawn for civi- lized world, O--Oh! no, Jim, the Germans have not taken Wolfe Island. They'd get the greatest 'spanking' they ever had if they tried. P-- Paris was taken twice, 1814, by coaleced Europe, 1871 by the Prussians. Q---Quite natural that a return call to Berlin be now in order R---Repeatifig the visit, for re- member le entered. the Brus- Roman, was Hannibal, the Teuton will have Divine old-time fray. says Gen boy, in and in sian capital 4Pr battle of lena in 1806 and V igh ' wice, in 1805~and 180%, id : Siege gang sitdtehed from their turned on thg Fase als. e 'Bug' river, Jim, belongs "steani-roller". It runs where enemy T--The * to the it likes. U---Useless to talk peace until the; Hollenzollern dog is done for and his' carcass feeds the vultures. V--- Vengeance has nothing to do with it. It's a matter of life or death to civilized 'nations. W----Wipe out the viper venom forever, say we X---Xtreme evils call for extreme measures. Y---You have drawn let you perish by it and its the sword; ZACCHEUS. KING AL LFONSO'S ay MPATHY. Wires French Doctor Whose Sqn Had Fallen in Battle. Biarritz, France, Sept. 26, via Bor- demux, Sept. 25--Dv. De Loptalot, a local physician, who has in the been consulted by King Alionso of Spain, has received from his majesty a telegram expressing sympathy on the death of a son in battle. The message, dated at the Royal Palace, Madrid, reads as follows : "] have just learned of the loss af your son. The finest death a wan can have is falling for his country, I congratulate you, but at the same time | feel deeply for your fpdbher's heart." Weakness, Lansdowne's weakness; without his umbrella. his most favorite politicians, from the hall Also, unlike to the gilded cham- few sticks. on 4 the package. oh dp ttsecospenarisssasssatansassasss Past Lord Lansdowne has one amiable he never goes anywhere , Let the day be as suhny as possible he drags out sanp. he always wears gloves 'in the? street. The House of Lords, as a matter of fact, is very pag:ial to the umbrella; and. in the racks which are placed IN SPORTING CIRCLES WIL, THE INTERCOLLEGIATE RUGBY SCHEDULE STAND? If It Does, Queen's Will Have Three Weeks of Practice Before It Plays Its First Game, John Hazlett, president of the In- tercollegiate rugby union returned from Toronto on Friday evening, for the purpose of attending the meeting of the unien to be held at Queen's gymnasium Saturday afternoon. It is expected that McGill will ask that the schedule drawn up last fall be, revised. Queen's is jn favor of leaving it as it is at the present time. MeGill claims that Queen's home games are too close together. : R. M. C. dropping out of the un- ion means a big financial' loss to Queen's athletic association on .ae- tount of 'Queen's-R.M.C.,. games drawing very large crowds. | If Varsity is in favoring of leav- fug the schedule as it is it means That Queen's will not play a~game until October 17th. Queen's players should then be in excellent condition as. they will have alniost three weeks practice. Lindsay Malcolm, henorary oach of Queen's. is expected home from "Valcartier on Supday, and will be out with the students on the eam- pus on Monday afternoon for the first regular practice While at Valeartier, ' the science students have. had a lot of practice and will éertainly surprise the fol- lowers af games when they see them don the! diniform and. 'get into it" on Monday.; sal & Athletics. Queen's stgdnts have arranged to play an exhibftion game of baseball at the cricket field Saturday after- noon with the Athletics. "Queen's line-up 'is as follows. bd Sleman, ¢; Scott, pi}. Sutherland, 1b; Kennedy, 2b; Martin, ss; Me Quay, 3b;. Welch, rf; F. (0, Martin, cf; J. H. Moxley, 1f; Athletics: Mathis, p; 14% Som Prof. Cotman, ¢; Gallagher, ville, 2b; Grattan, ss; A b; Coyne, If; Toland, cf; Dividgon, rf; Baseball on Friday. | liternational Rochester, &; To rofito, 4.0 Providence, 2. Baltimore, 0. Montréal, 14; Buffalo, 4. American--New York, 5; Detroit, i Philadelphia, 3. Chicago, 3; Cleveland, 3; washington, 1; St Louis, 10. Boston, 1. National---Boston, 2. Cincinnati, 0 Boston, 4; Cincinnati, 3 New York, 3; St. Louis, 1. Brooklyn, 3; Pitsburgh, 2 Philadelphia, 3; Chi cago, 2. (ten innings.) Federal--St. Louis, 5; Baltimore, Kansas City, 4; Bluffato; 2. shurgh, 1; Indianapolis, 1; Chi- 4; Brooklyn, cuPInt ry THE CAUSE. Tragic Marriages -- Girls and Boys Victims of Greed, Toronto, Sept. 26.---In the report of the-registrar-general for Ontagio for the year which ended October 31st, 1913, the growth of provineial population is shown in the increased numbers of registrations. Far the year ref@rred to the total number of registrations was 125,881, an in- crease of 5,996 over the preceding year In the ratio of births and deaths per 1,000 population, the ru- ral sections lead the cities, the pro portions being: Cities births, 28.1 deaths 14.4; rural districts, births 26.4, deaths 11.3 These figures do not show any great variation over the preceding year. The cities are still charged with the majority of illegitimate births which the report declares is largely due to the transient population. The revision of the marriage act or has caused a falling-off in the num- ber, but it is taken that a beneficia effect has been produced. In spite of every effort heing taken to keep the issuance of # prarriage 'licenses above reproach, igh tion is made of "the cupidity of ce rain issuers." And the warning is gives, this: 'further violations will mean" Pheifiudismissal. The result of the dhe 3 been to cut down the £ Niagara Falls from'86.7 'p yen 10 410.9. and in Windsor trom E35. 2. per 1,000 of population to 65.81... In cases where Ontdrio residents. it difficult to conform to the vegla- tion by living in the proposed hE e of marriage for 15 days, the lidess ie usually issued. Denominatioff the Presbyterian church leads the Methodist a close 'secondy the Amglican. third, The pé ho ge gf brides and grooms way be- eed sland 24 years. A9Wére were 23,307 deaths during the yer, dn Increase of 2,167 over 1912... 4 "Bunic heart disease car- ried , bff , the 'greatest mumber, with tubegtlosis, pneumonia, Infantile diarrhoea and cancer following in order' of mortality. Typhoid fever and diphtheria' are decreasing an- nually, whereas broncho-pneumonia Iiright's disease and cancer show an increase. 'n encouraging decrease is showr in tuberculosis mortality. The num- ber of deaths was 2,294, with a -d»- croased ry Af 5 per 1,000, The cities claim 26 per cent, of .the deaths and the towng 7 per cent. ---------- Praise Lor British, London, Sept. 26--Reuter"s repre- sentative at Boulogne has received from an anonymous French corres- pondent in one of the districts where the British troops have been opera- ting a letter, of which the following is. a translation: "It is for you to tonvey in the most emphatic terms to the whole British press aul the British public the absolute wonder which has" beén evokes amu.g all classes of the population of the ad- mirable bearing of the British troops sent to the continent, and es- pecially by the perfect correctness and dignity of their conduct which have been above all praise." There's money in Kingston real estate. If you live here call. If not, write McCann. For bread and pastry, White flour. Some people talk so much they havé no time to think. "Colgate's shaving stick." Rose that Gib son's." tident is recovering very slowly. THE Dany BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1914, F aon "THE COUNTRYSIDE. Elginburg Echoes Elginburg, Sept. 24. Sunday will be rally day ia the Sabbath school, with service, in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Barclay and Gerald have re- turned to Toronto. W. Cordukes spent a few days last - week in Ot- tawa. Several from here attended the Wolfe Island fair. J. W. Knight Nashville, Tenn., visited his old home for a week. B. Tolles, Har rowsmith, is around with his carv- ing outfit. Mrs. H. Counter and Miss Ash, Kingston; visited friends here récently. Mr. and Mrs. H. Spooner, Kingston, spent a few days at W, Clogg"s last week. " Echo Lake Notes. Echo Lake, Sept. 21--James Smith has finished threshing in 'this place. M. L. Gondy attended "the meeting on Sunday. The schoo teacher, Miss K. Jefferoy, has re- sumed her duties.-The day weather makes the water very low in the wells, Joseph Cox, at C. Cox's; Marcus, Switzer and Migs Luchetia Wagan at W. Storms,; D. Ruttan has gone to Moscow, to bring home his 'mother who was there on a visit and was injured in a railway acci- dent at Moscow D. M¢leod, made a business trip to Enterprise. Mrs D. McLeod and Herbert MeLeod have arrived home from Toronto, Fires at Seeley's Bay Seeley"s Bay, Sept. 24 C. New- man, of Grand Rapids, Mich., 'is visiting friends here for a few days A Chapman's drive house caught fire: last Sunday; cause unknown The blaze was discovered before gaining much headway and was quickly extinguished and very little damage was done. Another fire oc- curred on Tuesday at the residence of G. Sly, blacksmith. Mr. Sly was etting tires a short distance from the house and a spark from the fire used in heating the tires fell on the roof and ignited ig, but the blaze was put out before much damage was done. J. Dillon, who was badly In- jured a few days ago, in an auto ac: W-- At Washburn's Corners. Washburi's ( Friends and with regret of \lguire at Farks, N.D his father Mrs. John was Sunday by falling through Died, at Phim Hel: 18th; Miss M, A. aged sixty-five years, a life-long1 resident of this locality. Corn in this vicinity is a magnifi- cent crop and hundreds of acres ave being harvested The little son of Mr wd Mrs. P. Y. Hollingsworth, who has been seriousdy ill for some with" appendicitis, is The people of Oak Les trict contributed $213 to tie fund. The many friends of "tack" Donevan, som of A. E. Done- M.P.P., will be pleased to learn he wastecalled to the bar of On- Hall, Toronto, on orners, Sept 24. 'relatives = here learned the death of Charles residence in Grand left here with Years ago seriously in his Deceased about thirty Lovern jured on a trap low, on Newsome, door Sept. time slowly the patrio van, that tario at Usgoode Friday last. At Mountain Grove Mountain Grove, Sept. 24--A seri- accident occurred Friday. While driving in the village, Barton Brad ley's horse bolted upsetting the bug- gy and throwing him on a pile "ot stones breaking his thigh bone at the hip. Dr. Wye from Sharbot Lake vas called, The young man was re nioved to Kingston general hospital on the morning train, accompanie yy Ira Davy and John Johnstone. On account of the swelling the fracture ous "Help Your Fellow-Citizens By Buying Made-in-Canada Goods In that way your money remains in Canada and helps keep Canadian factories going. KELLOGG'S TOASTED CORN FLAKES is the only cereal under the KELLOGG name that is "'Malde In Canada." All others are im- ported and do not benefit Canadian work people in the least LET YOUR MONEY HELP CANADIANS KELLOGG'S TOASTED CORN FLAKES Made in London, Ontario, Canada ~N SECONDHAND AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE GREAT BARGAINS 5 PASSENGER, FULLY EQUIPPED, IN . PRESTOLITE ANK AND NEW TIRES 1 MELAUGHLIN BUICK, FULLY UIPPED, IN FIRST CLASS OR- DER. PRACTICALLY NEW TIRES, WE WILL BE ED TO DEMONSTRATE EITHER OF THESE CARS TO ISTED PARTIES. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE FOR A CHEAP CAR. Porritt Garage Co., Limited | Away Open. Phone 454 1 MODEL 'T FORD, CLASS ORDER, FIRST Announcement ? As T have dgcided to vacate my present premises in the sat} spring of 1915, I am now prepared to reductions on any monument jr I have in stock. If it is your fn tention of purchasing it would be to your advantage to buy now. -- J. E. MULLEN Cor. Princess and Clergy Streets. could not be reduced till Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs, L. L. over Sunday guests of Mr. J. B. Sanderson, Yarker. from here took in the fair at Par- ham on Wednesday. 'Jack' MeCal- lum, Tweed, the guest of Rev. H Stanton returned home on Tuesday Farmers are removing rocks, stumpe etc, from their farms with blast ing powder.» J. A. Coulter has im- proved the appearance of his home by a coat of paint. Mission study class has been changed to a E. L service. An interesting meeting was held Monday night, when Mr. Ma- Callym gare a short address. Corn husking is again in order, John God- frey and George Flynn each having had one. Mr. and Mrs. D. McDonald and children visited her parents at Westbrook this week. Price were and Mrs A number Long Point Budget. Long Point, Sept 22. The wea ther was excellent last weex for Lyndhurst fair and many from here attended. Master Wilfrid Slack won the five dollar prize given by Senator Taylor and Hon. W. T. White for best summary of the pre- sent European crisis. Miss Flor- ence Tounsend has returned from visiting at Mallorytown. Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Cotinor went to Del ta on Thursday, to visit A. J. Flood, who is ill Mrs. R. Andress Marbee Rock, spent past week with her sis ter, Mrs Sara Burn, who has been seriously ill. Some from here at- tended the funeral on Thursday last of the late Mark Hil', who was acci- dentally shot while duck hunting near his home, at Berryton, Ira Bevens has returned from visiting at Marble Rock. Two tareshing ma- chines are busy in the neighborhood this week. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Sykes and son, Battersea, spent. a day in this neighborhood last week, and visited Miss Ellen O'Conner. Miss Lenna Bryan, Soperton, spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. Tuther Murphy and daughter, Miss Ethel, Potsdam, N.Y., are visiting at Jacob Bryan's Mrs. Mary Dermond, Canton, N.Y., is visiting at Chas. O'- Connor's Mrs. David Tounsend at- tended the W. A. meeting at Mrs. W. Johnston's Lyndhurst, on Thursday. Recent visitors; Perey Flood, Del- ta, Mrs. F. B. MacMamic, Lands downe, Mrs. and Mrs, Michael - O'- Connor, Misses Norah, Margaret and Master Maurice O'Connor, Ganano- que, at Miss Ellen O'Connor's Miss Mr. and Mrs. M. Murphy, Elgin, at Arthur Slack's; Mr. and Mrs. Dar- win Cross, Lansdowne, Burns; Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald Sand Bay, at Charles, J. O'Connor's: Mr and Mrs. Chamecey Gilbert, See- ley's Bay, at Mrs. Susan Seubioaks, Phone. 1417. Kingston. Quicker en Tubs Better =/ "Old Dutch" quickly removes all : scum and sediment bath JER tubsand wash bowls: "Stainsand ) tarnish on metal fixtures disap« pear with half the effort andvin half the time. Saves Your Energy, Lux iif Wu ov as SE SN at Mrs. S.J " The recent rapid changes in styles for Fall make somé recog- nized authority on fashions more necessary than ever before. The dress you buy and never wear because it is not "right" is the most expensive garment in your wardrobe. Style and economy go hand in hand in this big Fall Fashion' Number of Pictorial Review. 2 Exclusive, shart 'expertly-selected styles in gowns, suits, coats, blouses,- etc, for women, misses and children are shown here in abundance: And the styles are "right. Go Skvevinoney by looking through this October copy very care- fully before selecting your Fall wardrobe Alike certain that the garments you contemplate are corregt. A little care will save you many dollars and many heartaches hermore, get your copy early--the edition is limited. Pictorial Review The Fashion Authority in Over a Million Homes FOR OCTOBER--NOW ON SALE Newman & Shaw,

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