Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Sep 1914, p. 2

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ROUNDED vp THIEV ES, They Had Bee | Busy | in Many Melon' Patches. The Napanee Beaver says: Thiey es who have been raiding the melon patches of farmers of late, have at last been caught. On Tuesdey, about midnight, a gang composed of five boys and four girls entered tie . melon pateh of Jas. Thompson, Des- from, Napa Ea cron EYES OF THE WORLD, Harold Bell Wright who Is the Owner of a large melon UICK ACTION, Robt. W. Chambers' pi oh gat pf Tel HE VICTIM, Thos. Dixon ured the assistance of five men, and PLAYING WITH FIRE, Amelia E. Barr they lay in waiting for the arrival YOUR AFFECTIONATE GODMOTHER UNTO CAESAR, Baroness Orc Will Levington Comfort. JESUS I8 HERE, Charles M Sheldon of the thieves. After they had en- tered the field the guards succeeded Princess Street. GETS VETERANS |. ia MAKE REQUEST FOR USE OF FIFTY RIFLES, \ For Their Use if Required to Protett Life and Property Along Border ~=Will Hold Camp Fire. fo Aresreats The war veterans in Kingston de- sire to be prepared in case any trouble should occur along the bor- der. At a meeting of the executive of the Kingston Veterans' association held on Friday night, it was decid- ed to make a request to Col. the Hon, Sam Hughes minister of mi- litia to place at the disposal of the veterans fifty rifles, to be kept in a convenient place so that they might be used for the protection of life and property. The next meeting will be held on of Lieut.-Col. George, Hunter, and In addition to this ite of business further arrangements for the or- ganization were discussed and decid- ed upon. A number of the veterans will "take advantage of the Barrie- '4 field "butts" and practice shooting. » Hudson Seal Coats Conditions abroad will render it difficult to have any more: gkins dved for some tune. We There are number of very good shots are fortunate in havin r a good among therlocal veterans, several Iv of "1 iful gis .B having medals for their work. suppiyv o eautl u 8 is, rea It is the intention of the associa- French dved for our special or- tion to hold a "camp fire" in the d ne - near future, and a most pleasant ers |time is being looked forward 'to The next meeting will be hld on 4 October 5th. in capturing a boy and a girl, the girl being disguised in men's cloth- ing. The names of those who ficd were taken. Mr, Thompson imme- diately telephoned for a constable from' town and had .the boy placed under arrest. The nine thieves, who, appeared' before Police Magis- trate Rankin on Thursday afternocs, all pleaded guilty. Four of the boys 4nd the manly" girl were fined $3,50 ench, and tHe other. boy was assessed $10 for carrying and fring a revolver. The other girls were let go on suspended sentence. This is not the only melon patch that has been visited. A couple of weeks ago the patch of Mark Husband was | completely destroyed. This should be a lesson to others who are engag- ed in wrong doing, Possibly this same gang is the one which has been operating in the melon stealing game on the River road, Evident- ly they are not satisfiéd with steal- ing but tramp the vines as though a regiment of soldiers had been in the field, and the vines have been traced trom Mrs. Fields' farm to Na- panee. It is just about time this kind of work was stepped. he College Book Store Phone-919 Our assemblage of newest models show the new sleeves, the | smart flare ripple collars, and the new straight hanging lines. 36 inch lengths are decidedly favored, also trimming of con- trastipng fur. IN MARINE CIRCLES. of Vessels Along the Harbor. Movements Reported Richard a cargo of The Gladys H. is at son's elevator loading barley and oats. The barge Sligo, Davis' dry dock, Anne. Phe steamer Missisquoi was in port from (iananoque on Saturday. M. T. Co.'s elevator : Tug from Montreal, two light steamer , Rosemount is due arrive this afternoon from Fort Wilham to discharge a cargo of grain and will afterwards clear for Port ol borne; tug Hall will clear for 'Mon plorer, Capt. F. E. Kleinschmidt, a treal with three grain b ges, UE las an educational and travel picture Emerson (is due to -arriVe Bmight . stand unrivalled among any that happens. I with the barges Burma and Selkirk ever sean in i v Kingston. The Hg 4 With grain from Fort Colborne tures were 'obtained f y h . between The 'steamer Britannic cleared and \ S 1 h B mit ros., NM 1 1 Frid 1912 by the members of the / ontreal at 3 p.m. Friday. tic expedition of the Carnegie The steamer Alexandria cleared for » Jewellers Opticians Issuers of Navsiige Licenses barge which has been in for Point ALASKA-SIBERIA PICTURES cleared Oddly cased clocks. Clocks to match mod- ern furniture. Old Country designs mostly. Clocks are going up in price. : Select yours before Shown At the Grand Opera House. At the Grandi Opera House las evening was shown the film of the Carnegie Museum Alaska-Siberia ex- pedition. These - moving pictures are the record of an expedition un- der the command of that intrepid ex Are Being ET Eng mais Hall, barges? > to Limited. (oy nd v Nod ad eum, Pittsburg, and have been show Brighton Friday midnight. . from London to Hong Kong and St The steamer City of Ottawa is due Petersburg to Capetown In the to arrive from Toronto and clear picture story Capt. Kleinschmidt is for Montreal Sunday morning. hunting the walrus, roping ii Large quantities of cheese are be the polar bears, clearing a whole i Gog shipped from Ridean and Bay of | land of seals by the noise ef the cam-| Quinte points to Modfreal. era, causing strife to reign in a vas The following! steamers passed rookery of penguins down : Hamiltonian, $8.30 a.m.;Ca There are six Yong reels to amuse dillac, 11.40 a.m.; Fordonian, 12 |and educate and a flutter of a.m.; Saskatoon, 5.30 p.m; Port | heart as one is treated to the Dalhousie, 10 p.m.; Haddington, 11.30 | of a mother polar bear's devotion to p.m., Friday, and Arabian, at her offspring Mr. Jackman, - the! a.m. Saturday. lecturer, describes, the scenes, which The steamers Rosedale he does in a very interesting. and in- are expected. structive manner The films will |} The steamer Buena' Vista arrived at | be shown again to-night, and Swiit's from Ottawa on Friday worth the attention of lovers of The steamer Aletha down manly sports. Picton on Saturday. -- The steamer Marshall was . Bakers At The Front. from Farran's Point ai 2.30 p.m. Fri Kingston dias. quild-s lute. ; yume day but the steamer Cornw all did ber of bakers on the contingent ior not return as they are walling _ for overseas duty, Sergt. F. W. Husking a tug to come and take the Mar is master baker of No 3 company, | shall about two miles up stream wend | ASIC. and he has with him Wil of 'danger. liam Good, William Mitchell, Harry iil Curry, J. Herzoy Herzog, J. O0'Don- nell, W. Matier, W. Taylor, B. New- ell, O'Brien, Wilson Beck. For the Not Go- |['R.AM.C I. Crawford; W. X. Reynolds and J. White. is orderly for Capt. Baxter. seeil HUTTON'S LIMITED 18 Market St. Kingston, Ont. Insurance and Real Estate. Telephone 703. OUR FRESH GROUND COF- ERAS 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT. a sample order and be "J NOLAN'S GROCERY Princess St. Phone 720. Prompt Delivery C and Acadian from Signs That Are Passing Away Sciencc has taken the pro- m of optics beyond the sphere of the - old time "side line" man. The strain mod- eern civilization places upon the eyes demands the attention of a specialist, We are Optical Specialists. We devote our entire time to and Rugs for examining eyes and correcting their defects with proper We have passed into glasses. Consult stock sixty-seven bales EE of Rugs. Designs are 1.8. Asselstine,D.0.S . smaller and prices as Eyesight Specialist. low as last season. 342 King St. Phone 1019 Every make of stair ast ball to mateh. * . McFAUL released This is the time to buy your furs You have a better assortment to choose Are attracting great crowds of the best buyers. The toon, = garments are serngly stylish, and just a little Furrier Veta, newer than most stores show. | Gourdier "ll Priced $7.50 to $35. 00 Fon ee NEWMAN & SHAW] | Consult Me Now THE ALWAYS BUSY STORM." I can quote the best pur- chase price or rental figure ou CATARALU POST OFFICE sommes] 00 city property. every woni- WAS VISITED BY BURGLARS ON ; N the men may not be made to do over : ) ass J seas service. Ii is gewerally accepted, ans' taste -- FRIDAY NT 45 a and in verlain cases the men have ne Rd tt > : 4 | be é ) 1 me » made no niatters 3 g . f ean fold, that they will nut: he mad, : Dollags Stolen From the EEEBU ILD ERS' SUPPLIES TZ080 TWO GOOD BARGAINS I i 1 go. overdens how exacting Jj¥or Wis FROM THE LIST | $1300--Livingstos Avenue detached Now it seems since they, for one fan 3 ~The Tobbery | reason and anothe ¢ Are not able to Fhe new Early Saturday Morning. elétheoatsare frame dwelling, with improve: ments, afd stationary wash. 1&0, they are dishonorably discharged. { The men are pot even allowed 10 go having a big run -- the Our stocks are new and large aml | prices lower then gver THINK IT IS UNFAIR To Discharge Reégulars For ing Oversea. Several men who were in camp at Valcartier with dillerent regiments 'Colgate's Cold Cream." have been discharged by an order from mamp-- men the militia department, because they did not sail with the contingent. There are a number of reasons why the men did not sail. Some over Age, some medically unfit, the wives of "others would not their approval. The department is being severely criticised as a result of tne dismissals, as the men do not condider it the straight thing to do When a man enlists in, say the R.C H.A., he does so for three years and signs to do "'general"' service.. The militia act reads that without the authority of the Canadian parliament | w Kingston's Famous Fur Store. ore : Fall Coats|f Our abounds store in suit t European Till Discovered $3300--<Collingwood Street, detached 4 . + brick dwellitig, 8 rooms, B and Has withdrawn millions of men ) C., electric light, good cellar 2 from productive labor. 5 and yard, verandah at front. \ Houses to rent from $8 up to $30. /E. W. Mulin Cor. Johnson and Division Phones 539 and an A daring robbery was pulled off during the early hours of Saturday morning when the post office and store at Cataraqui was'broken inte and -relieved of about forty dollars. Percy Ward, storekeeper. atl post- mfaster states that he did not 7Te- tire until eleven o'clock, so that the robbery must have occurred betwoen this hour and six this meraiag Mr. Ward also asserted that ihere Was a broken pane of glass in one of the Coal und Lumber Yards windows in the store and it is||[§ BAY & WELLINGTON STS. thought the culprits gained entrance | IR "hone 66. by this means. Mr. Ward sleeps ovar Lhe store but the burglars took the. greatest care that no noise was made thereby getting off clear with their booty from the till. When Nir. Ward entered the store on Saturday morning the first thi that drew his attention that a po bery had taken place was from the fact that a couple of shin-plasters -were lying on the floor... He pt discovered $40 missing, Ahad' not. fied Er the authorities. -& Pd THERE ARE riRRvisrs J their families, and inc identally se reap large profits. ; 'Prepare'for . the good time g 5 8 || tubs, good garden, lot 34 x 132, [ns a barracks. One of the officers styles are so g coming Fix ' up your house § $300 <ash, balance on time. lin the office was called out of bed and | given ten minutes to get his books | ready and to leave 'vamp. Several «m more men, ho have been discharged, new and dif» are expected to arrive from . Valcartier Pays [+ {on the G.T.R. train Saturday even : ferent. Eix- pre clusive models. $6 to $25 The Husband Went, A soldier who was at Valcartier and who sailed in the lirst contingent, | caused a very amusing leiter to bi sent to.his commanding ollicér. he soldier told the officer that his wife would not let._bhim go to the front, and to secure a letfer to that effect the officer wrote to the wife and received the following reply : "Dear Sir: My father was a Sol dier, my granfiiather was a soldier, | was born in a barracks' and I thought I married a soldier. I my husband doesnot want to go to war, he van g6 to --.' H The husband went, Residence At a Bargain) New Detached Brick, ii 7 rooms and tio hard- §i wood floors, hot. water § heating, electric lighting, s, enameled plumbing, near Yietoria Park, We é can save you mon ey on your new fall hat. SPECIAL TO-NIGHT Velvet and plush sail- ors in the newest shape Tea In Aid of Day Nursery A tea in aid of the Kingston day nursery---the Creche--will be held at the residence of Mrs. W. R. Giv- ens, Maitland street, (near Yacht Club) on Thursday afternoon, Oct. 1st, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Everybody in Canadian Peniiiilavies For Minor Offences. There are' 'about two hundred re- servists sérving time in the penitenti- aries Usaada, who would «only be too glad fo fight for their country if Serving Immense assortment of new ideas in parior and den chairs, CARPETS, RUGS, LINOLEUM, is asked to bring a pound of any- thing suitable for the Creche, and ten 'eats. Help a worthy cause along by your attendance and gift. from vest European mills. got before [the wer; lowest prices, " Phone 90. James"MeParland will be ppen' for business in his new building at the old stand, 341 King = , Satur day, Sept. 96th, i of Thurs day, Sept. 24th, with a' all line of wines, lighors and cigars. If you are tired Ror city life and strife and want to- acquire a farm, consult MeCann. --a limited quantity, $2 Watch © Car Windows / 00. St. nesna o reléased, was the statement of Inspec or W. 8, Hughes to the Whig on Sat- urday morni | When asked i there was any | |] possi- bility of these men being released the inspector wold make no statement. I} It is stated that the crimes for which they ate serving time are minor offences, and thir release would be a great help to the British, who need | trained men. page 7,1 | { See OC. W. Lindsay's advt., ho rome neo pianos,

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