PAGE SEVEN PE ---- P-- po -------- ---- NENTS THE DN|GRAND 02nd) r= sa-- | . LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF & Q2 g Convenience | x CL vie Bibi, TO Mirinse sad Nghe ¥ Matinee Dakiy 3 pon. Bye, S58 Happenings in the City and Vicinity CAPT. ¥. K. KLEINSCHMEYPS _ Bank of Toronto, with departments equipped. to transact ~--What 'the Merchants Offer to | business of every description appertaining to- banking, and with | 1 the Whig. ir J y vo Pewee : numerous branches distributed throughout the Dominion, aid a full | Soa a " he CARNEGIE- ALASKA-SIBERIA TO LET ' FOR SALE. } { | ! | list of banki 4 i bled for | Ca Cod Cranberr C ky CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES| st nxing correspondents, is enabled to offer its customers ex Pe Uo ranberries, Carnovsky x : . -------------- The « of rite Rose - {TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS, 28 > ¢ ceptional facilities for the transaction of thelr financial affairs, yi Jualiry of White Rose flour ARCTIC HUNT Ho wy Pictures First fusertion le 2 word, nen Sot Once 25¢, three times G0. To aes ties Hoa. one Ar valles, Showi Native and Antmil Life in the secutive ---- , ' Paid-up Capital aaa Mre, Charles Cunn'igham, Bi, Og Yalve North . e cent a word, Minimum charge for one week, $1.00, ed Funds . . ET $6,307.27 . the insertions, (STORAGE FOR FURNITURE. WwWro. City, is very ill. = PRICES MATING nna 28, She Insertion de a. Clean and dry. McCann, §2 Brock |GEBSE FEATHERS. APPLY T0 Mis. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders EVENING 130, hos, er -------------------- street. Goldman, 387 Division St. 'eats Now On Sale. FAN he received at MeAulay's. Phone 864. Heats hil ! HELP WANTED OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. | WET WHEAT DAM! AGED BY w ATER I IN( 'ORPOR, ATE D "Iresh Huyler's sweets." 'Gibson's ------------ EE -------------- bers. Apply to Cunningham & Mu- 30c a bag. James 4 fi R. H. Fisher, Detroit, spent Thurs AN, A OE a nD, OR Las] die, 79 Clarence St . Sons, Ltd, foot of Pe Oe 1855: day in the city visiting friends. ext » ee night, or 50¢ for three. : [yew n BRICK DWELLING, 8 ROOMS, "i RE BRED B. 1. RED. Vv Joseph Hodge, Certificated piano Ta B. and C. free water $10. J.8.R. Mo- hens anc | turner, 336 Brock St. Phone 868. | Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. OMPE a A iD, APPLY | Cann, &% Br ck St Apply to Mt Boyd, 1, 108 Pi els "Fresh Huyler's sweets." '(Gibson's : : en + [TO LET, FURNISHED. 20 BARRIE sr. ) y OF Aowtis Mabel = and Miss Mollie Ma A Bell Marks Co \ MARRIED © , PT Apply ruon Eat OOD y . Goon sari | Pringle arrived from New York . t 1 3t Dawson, pianos an on hildren as © ! st . Hotel, Lake St. J Lal o . : Friday, an to 450 Prine St i Victor Vietrolas, 244 Princess St. i " x . . . In the jatest Plays and Vaadevilie ) SS : Market Square Kingston ! Huvler's Saturday sweets." Gib a fail vaudevil) SE eee | { RANGES AND REFRIGRIA ; Hu : Monday 1 From Texas. , HOUSE-|E ROOMED HOUSE WITH R son's . Tay or LH of the Alley,' |TWO GIRLS FOR GENERAL 1 : a Sore at reasonable prices, while ay ; 0 ne who can wait or i and C, gas and furnace, last At T A GEORGE B. McKAY Manager. Sergt. E, Taylor R. C: E., Rideau Wed. 1 "Cast Ashor work Fos oh Rg Ce | d 81. 4. R. Laialaw, 248 : 2 A Tus none Wo { i { ' street left on Friday noon for Belle- Evening. iio. 20e 20¢ aa" § Y 3 ve =, ie, We and Boe, ------------ ONE ; SIX YEAR OLD snot x A §r v ville. 8 1D FOR G oF NER AL - WORK. | ---- 3,00 1 a ma irl ani cams --r : Seats uh mule Sameday. Mam . Ref [SE ROOM BRICK HOUSE, NO hor at oy ah 0 y : | A. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 Prices: Matin de and 200 Mr Mills, 96 Hs 0 ir y Vest | 'olborne St. Possession Oct t « ir : ; Plum. at pa-- | King street Leave orders at Mo | re i ------ Shan : i 1914, Bath and Ww. C EE -- -- ------ 2 | Muley' 8 book store, TO HELD IN STORE | ie sire re ___|®00 wiLL BUY IVE YEAR oLD w ity 1 k vard Hammond, the well- of nil Ohrishipas. a oF Rs a, ey fi Ro0d avery w norm and popular wine clerk of LO d {gna of Sal AnD [STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, ns P Sy mp | the Windsor hotel, has resigned' his a - ry, aley rooms; your own. lock and : 3 : hitachi Fire Insurance me's wesltand . swote Ton "GOLDBOND" [FREES pam, Given Stone Tasman WH et soe Son's in. high in front and 56 1 .3 in high Tw re ric FLENISTILD DWELLINGS FROM g20 at back Three ris and -one Now that the fall ses 3 once Ith" tating tl Two prominent citizens to-day de- - to 350; also unfurnished from $9 top shelf Slightly used. App'y starting of stov and rnaces, the d ire risk oc juently ¢lared that an, aeroplane made a \ INTELLIC r vo J. 8. R MeCaun, 82 Brock British Whig office. . JREFRarcs, 80 that it is essential that all property should be adequately [eircle around the city on Wednes- earn $100 monthly ti Wing t. Phone 328 or 631, TS -------------- covered lay night . newspapers; ' . i a It in need of any additigna insurance or contemplating a of : tay nigh ; for Jopwspapers) 8 y I Would 'appreciate. the opportunity of figrin 8 on ye ' "ments lies np-to-data Aresamakine PACKED FOI cate, 3,969 IL rt, N.Y y nesmanLe jesiplon, - St. W ewl ' represent "weveral strong 1arifl and ren-tarift campanie Terme maderate Miss A. Keys, 23 TRADE, ARE NOW IN Ep Colborne stréet. HANDS OF THE GROCE D DIMMED DIATE 1) s A) 3 '- GEORGE BAWDEN DB. Murray gave $5 to the pa-|@ THIS IS THE BRAND THAT an gplice 1 : SRE 4 riotie f ¢ P p o THERS TRY TO EQUAL nd nee Serena PHONE 280. COAL. 168 PRINCESS ST, fund from ¥. J. Maxwell, of OTHERS TRY T0 EQ . Re: Bon 1 | . a ~ REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE, 'leveland, Ohio, who sent it as his Makers, Pet FOR, THE § runNisaep | LARGE NUMBER UF Pox LEY x 0 ution for a worthy cause, . h . 1 8, y rs pro ; 8 tended + A eR F Dutton's is still the bargain store r ' : RECEIY £2 34! ih jit. fay and telafhune: ce: } arpet cleaning and laying, George x or corsets, underwear, boots rei Noties ? a Y ihat Awhe ly ; | ann 3 l= . WS Muller, ng st Unposite Griffin's I'he: atre Watch For Our Exhibit of LL ues Drchise x fine "ac in dort on Friday to , hE Roy se AND YRE- Tou HLE FRAME DWELLING HOU SKB Apply to i gham &| Quic] nantes; haga. Stu. 76 Clar 8 . - King- | \ a horse he lost this week HAVE We [ | € was ' At x in t J € A esman? We a propositior a Te Te i Brick and } ile dead nore was valued at $300 the grou of aduitery and deker fo Samal which WHI enable you t : { v : 'Fresh Huyler's sweets." Gibson's. n more--money than you arel| . = ; : : o Dr. S. A. Avkroyd and J. F. Crum ated a \ h n a of | nd a 2 presen { - EVE N ROOMI D FRAME HOUSE, NO | A FEW cov una AND Vie TROL. : 1 Au A.D, 1914 | fae d | | | | | 1 | | | t : . ev fishine | yughbore like o with record At Kingston's only Fair, we want to call the attention of arene ib Leagiibero lake an c\ oc de 1 by idress to Manager Box 47, King- | } k 3 § tak a8 Part payment in exs hooked on to two nine ir Lien, V 1 Also " . ' ston, Ont every farmer to our drain tile used for government dem-{and a halt pound salmon: The rest onstration purposes. were all good size fish [THE ston y | WE [ .® week-end sweets." [igh as Ly = rrr - 4 h Huten-| > 3 4, ES a JRL ; ool esq and fecd store. Pos- [DAILY AND WEEKLY A. N A Miss Clamentina Keegan Waiertowi : ka i af '1 0 n M. Sullivan snirac vext. | Apply | Month and . E ; 4 NY. expects: to return home this Pi 4 BR i . Bg hv : Ty stantly- 73 Kingston Brick Yard. Phone 1396 cousin, Ni ih oy Lond | : o th her tov LR | WORK WANTED. NO. 23 WEST ST, STONE HOUSE, EN- Reed's t ummer resort on Wolfe Is i. NE | - - SE R : ' STO : I PIPING. AND 0 Ea i 24 3 Pov: #10 FURNACE RH ) hot i * everything ir usie I'eachers hs Sdn 5 | dit tel i all' Vite Flo ones Apply to I Connell i 'Dengozo Maxixe, was h ; t et -- - r-- nNE in AL RIGHTS, RL DSPAR AND ton HIGHEST GUARANTEED | 4c, now 15¢. Dutton's, opposite Grif 3 if 5 w ny al WRLLINGTON STREET, SUIT- HRY Ni w FRAME. fin's 'I'heatre, ¥ ? ) : S YORK ' ' i oo t % AT Xx vi 3 ' ¥ 1 n t Y a 3 Igate's Cold Cream." Gibson's | So ; . AV to vons ' me ent in £3,000 nit KX HOUSE, LARGE LOT 11 ) | : | ® : ; 5 | ; . a mil y kee lectrii 1 stable ( 1 | oh A. b. Carnet, Pa tor of ot Wohi wr) | 3 ) t and gas 1 al ' | $1,8500--FRAME HOT SE, 6 'ROOMS, 3 i re church nck) iam, left, o * Y Sumy Cm ST I emi Se J on | $1 le NF W FRAME HOU SE, Mm C * > ARK. ectr IC Yon, 3. 5 wosday, for Valcartier, where Lo hay Aleit TG S tree |: land * SITUATION VACANT. G. A. BATE MAN, INSURANCE AND | ------------------------------------ been appointec ne h 1a qs ie " - - p . For a short time only {of he Cannio oncigent" a [Fanti Wavten To po wasy. [cnr "weamen mevss, anwosr "Fresh - marshmallows." Gibson's § The September meeting of the | jorience ve ary; anv a i TO LET OR FOR SALE. id lectric Si OA er wecting of th HE | ation arin re | : - a 1 ay: 's ctri C 10P i 3 ay rimnet was 1dld on Tasrs NO HIG R PRICE Dept & 9 Adelaide St. East, To A sa pote, Ap; t | ron SE, INE sr, ROOMS, Phone 94 . - - - 345 King St. {by the-ladies. An extensive pro (For the present) -- ' -- Ee ---- - f eT LA je jot with barn. ! ramme is planned for the fall and TEACHER WANTED, -- " - ter and the prospécts for. the CHIVERS om SR ------------_--" "in all departments are brigat re ---- : sc Pe t 8 AR, omen Eefociand il tn ope tor| PURE ENGLISH JAMS |**fi52 pif tito "RITE | SAMI Ed CLARY BO Ah nosy Jame *Parlanc > open for ) Ming year : tre p te board. Apply 138 Wels SAL business in his new building at the | and 4 to h omy ence wn J 3F PAncs AND SPARKS, UL Lar + Of posite post Vel old stand 341 King street, Satur- | : ¢) A Sed. ont gt v 'arnoveky' n Solid Brick Dwelling, 7 rooms, 4 bed rooms, furnace, gas for day, Sept. 26th, instead of Thurs [ORANGE MARMALADES | em - ls ia i cooking, | Sept." 24th, with a full line of | Your Family Grocer can supply you | FOR . + 8, 080, eH ! . ER. 3 CATE RING. . ' wit 1ece qu Dining room at front of hous e, opening on verandah, v liquors and cigars ™ Duties ' ary * Qua Lot, B6 x 182 #3 gata's eastile soap." Gibeon's 1lb. and 2 1b. Glasses. summer holidays FOR . This property is in good location. On account of the baseball dia-{ & Ib. and 7 1b. Tins. Esjary She | exie ries t 1 a mn - -- ; a x R ALL SUP. nond on ericket field being occupied | Hon . OD taric . H. SIMPSON, 1, Ds. D. Ds. INI: Silver e cutiery to Pr on Saturday afl'crnoon it has Lesn| Many are taking advantage Apply to R. . 1 it 1 | . } si rem-- ist, corner : ¥ i H. Tos Ee ; » , found nece to ostpone the | to-day's price and buying these lines | Etre ras t S50] Toye's Ki store Price $3, 100.00 1 SARL Gime of ABR Saale Dn Ae a ar WANTED GENERAL. a rane 0 Lae Junior A : ere ee WATER TO Get in touch with your family | 4 Room WITH A FIRE PL ACE BY A 1d break! grocer and take advantage of th 3 baseball series until sow» afterpaon { J. next week. | t arro enc "Colgate's eastils saan." Gibson's. | | Harabrooik, | i 4 i pportunity 3 H 58 BROCK Pons as. Prof. 1. W. Gill, on Prof I E. Ms ar pportunity. a -------- - tus FRONTE NAC LOAN | M. | eld; 3 I n Street oC JOAN DRIVER onrasentative. {tins team, did the collecting for th Fenwick, Hendry & Co. : nG AH ted i ~ 303 triotie fund in Portsmouth. He se | (Distributors) ed cured S253 from the penitentiary staff | : ' ; | 3 | AUTOMOBILES AND CARBIAGES " Wood's dine, | nd 8275 from villagers: ,.- Infor : Jeg Sh 13; Inortgages. par 2 PERSONAL , o Phosphoding, | ind £275 from village en = ebentures; gages purchased FOR HIRE , )) The Great English Remedy. | hospital odve » which, h TENDERS TTRESS REPAIRING AND RENO. : a Vaal ond 1 esl. 3 -- Ph 1 177 \ Toues and invigorates the whole | went to Toronto, but it may > Sealed tenders addressed to 1, J. Mig at t all descriptions. Als iarence street + Manager, 87]. AIR, mo, ES, WARTS, BIRTH ARKS one etvousgyste m, maket pew Blood | 4, ned to Kingston luey,. Eng. chateman Civile, Uthitic ; Dow ma tresses kept in sto "at a a -------- 4 1 wths and blemish. a . in of eins, Cures Nervous i ' - * 1 5» he omminsion, Queen Street, and endor es K nach adl work o »V ed Bm 1 » without Rubber Tires for Carriages apd Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despon- | Colgate's --shaving stick 1b: | wed, "Tenders for Excavadon," will i Evarnnieed. ig : Hee J a Li ' LOBE i ars' experience. Dr, Pla Autimobiles. denct. Jona, of hvergn. Fatman: of Ge | reebine unto weil wi Seianet | 66. ROIS 00 MU {includ HI | AVERRGQL, LoNnaY ann arom) | 7 rire, De BY " - ny A A nieating of the executive. of the |int 1014. Tor the excavation nnd bani | mr ------------ -- ' / ST215. Lin ada nd 8 cotalist, 268 Rar G Ww Bo d forsa, One will please wie will our e. Sod by ull | Kingston Poultry sociation i 1a | Sing for the extension of the WW nics COTTER 10 kG tam ict icy hota : av a t sti eo . A ag . : : fain from the Fronteune Ploor and | GENTLEME porn security unlimited lab rge . y ' rice. New pamphlet mailed free. THC WOOD held on. Thursday evening ast] un nie ay in ¢ hE Lius loth ard have | de ' ity pi y, It 1 Co, northerly 10 the Religped MEDICINE CO, TORONTO, ONT. (Formerly Windsor.) the poultry show held hire a » io, |. ificntions . may be ween mad nil ie | ------ " pe TRIE 0 Ry | -- hraced the whole of egntral Ontario, ng I Aone cb Information obtidued nt the offie. ! LE y « ---- BAIS Lb it owing to the war the armouries uth the Chr able Thomas Galloway PRESERVING AND jis given over solely to militis On| the lowest or auy tender not Beces- 31 Bro Sireet, near Bibby's . or a e this account the poultry show wilk|saeily accepted. PIGKLING TIME IS (his account the, poultry shoy EE r a = A. prise Mes irom the city Chairman. Civic UtHitles Commission . cum ns -. VIOLIN INSTRUCTION HERE. . me | LEGAL. 7 | WISS CHRISTINE COCHRAN, Gramophones, Ulonographs, Geaf Bath Brevities, ("Yen I. P. Pell tier, - postmaster eiaimpa-- S-- niacin Y , eri i ps Rubber Rings, Corks of al [onolus, Columbia aud Victor records, | Bath, Sept. 24.--Rev. A. 41 general, 1 confined to This re ideuce NR van nL DIE, a, mattress ns ating Drop. ei ea weep ens sizes, Freed's Bottling Wax, [Odeon and Jumbo roe Edison 2 ton, Toremto, is conducting --rivive witha sev attack of gout Clarende street, Kingston " MUSIC AND DbRrAMA TIO INSTR Ow "Ordinary Sealing" Wax, Paral fminijte records, Blue Amberal re- services in the Methodist church here 1 a na tian, 216 Fy St. Miss Norma fin Wax, In fact Wé ean supply |eqrds. cach avening. » D. H. Robinson, J. | : E RE o : : INESS CHANCES. elgmann, 4 Alida toniEmann, B..; a \ ------ TT Th gacners o S100. anything you may Shibley, John Murdock and John a y a NIE ERE or m---- a } 3 ? INE n violin and ail stein the preserving or pickling line Big discounts for July and August, i Armstrong e were in Napaueo ; or " A -- ANYONE ANYY HERE "CAN stan) instrument 4 nd thged VOICY CULTURES fu A mall srder business at home; n. Qanvassing; be ¥ aur own boss |~ te en 2 y week attending court there. Quite a] E i wb bool REL Allen S rnumber from the village went on the | Jf i San ok She To NY how miss LORE: NCE - LOSE '8 steamer, Aletha to Picton fair on | ---- - - 8, Normal clas 9; Phone 252 113 Brock St, | Wednesday, Mr. Anthony, Giuelpl { g unto, { © <OF her class Opp. XY. M. O. A. Phone 233 also Mr. Whitesidps, Kingston, 2 have | fF f : Smbag fheory, on' Wednesday, ne tuts | I £ mber h, # § Princess St, {returned home ter visiti friends - pr -------------------- pi i . WAL NE VI ANDS : 1 Cor nmunications I { here Mes! P rinyer and daughter, of tects, ete, . Te soy. pARC H ! ve date address Collin' 8, EER---- | 2 -® 1 ; TO ET Wolfe Island, paid a short visit to 2 Phone 6} ' - i friends on Tuesday last. Mr and HE i nn POWER . | E 4 & SON, ARCHITROTS, MER. fi! Mrs. < Cooper: eft "on Thursday for i ' chants'. Bank Building, ' corner PELE ELI EPII000 40000084 House No. 114, Victoria St. | Orange, N,.J., after spending the sum-'}E > Bro " ok and Wellington streets. Droy KINGSTON BUSINESS COL- between Karl and Johnson { mer here, oA ] EE Heal EX mtd. streets; 7 rooms; modern (if | i Superior = cdureés In Books brick, newly decorated. | i: { fd BUSINESS NOTIORS, ping, Shorthand, Typewrit- $18.00 per. month. Possession |i i We are offering our entire "H [sosken muss, o ciiEsTAGT ST., HAS i Tmprovement. and sv Con: eral Jriprovems nt and all' Com- Sept. 1st, opened up a quarry on Stephen St 0 |" amet sicher pret SLT ies oder : : oily Ii stock of New and Second- | ERR AA CIR a HF Hewenite, TEMPLATING THE PUR: McLeod's Drug Store | Voter's List, 1914 | Hand Pianos, Player Pianos | We = Principal CHASE OF DIAMONDS, VISIT OUR PRIVATE a a hg oi" Froptenne = 5 an rgans at Reduced i P A 5 TA A DIAMOND ROOM. WE SR ; & larouce in or rE i Sahat ! Py f gi Ma ] Bl k CORSO CAE | Tn eos . Prices, before moving to our | pie OCKS Wom: s E. J. COUSINS ic So, tv comes rire os New Warerooms, 12] Prin- | A} i, (16 inch length) delivered, of the Hst made purs: ! i sald of 11 persons ¥ by E vo INFERIOR M said uct. of ail persons epnenring cess Street TET _J{FURRIE RESEERERELE ll 'conL B $1.75 \ nd at g Muni ipa nan at R77 remarry NT | 3 y R. J. RODGER, {| 201 Princess street oi peieghtul | 8 | LINDSAY, «Limited! GES For 14 Cord h 3 i : » $y i ND MERCHANS Repairing and Remodeling 25 Toner wirars are. found. therein ® imadiats nradeednge th ha o ; : ecial the said errors corrected according to I . ¢ i ' . " 'Where the Clo = on the | a Sp | ty | "Dated this $4th. day of September,' Hi 294 Princess St. JAMES SWIFT & C0 A "" - po 2 1814 ! » " v . Prices Moderate | | CHAS. F. ADAIR, : Lervice