~ became very irregular - BRITANNIA. Men deemed her changed, and lo! At word of war, unveiled, She stanfls, as long ago She stood when son sailed, The sea wiad in her hair, The salt upon her lips, Upon the Forelands fair' ) She guuids the English ships. walched the Norman's land, The Gilden Hind set sail, And, touched as by a hurd. The 'great Armada ml, She watched the Victory Lead 'out the Fleet to war, And o'er the salt blue sen . Return from Trafalgar. She Men deemed her changed, and lo! w he Manda unto the end, ith sword to strike the And shield 10 fare § friend Across the wave shi rules That lesson shall be read By foemen--and the fools 5 'Who dream that Drake is dead. H. DeVere Stackpool, iu London Express, BRAVO! Fred Weatherly in the. Londén Daily a 3 Kitchenersat in his London den, Silent and grim 'and grey, Making his plans with an iron pen, Just In Kitchener's way. - And he saw where the clouds rose dark and dun, And all that it meant, he knew; "We shall want every man who can shoulder a gun To carry this thing right through!' Bravo, Kitchener! want, No one shall say you nay! And the world shall know, our bugles blow, We've 2 man at the head-today! Say what you where Jellicoe rides on the grey North Seas Watching the enemy's lines, Where their 'Lord High Admirals sknlk at ease. Inside of their héllish lines, They have drunk too deep boasted fight, They have vowed too mad a vow! What do you think--on the watch to-night? What toast are they drinking now ? to be Bravo, Jellicoe Call them again, And whenever they take the call, Show them the way, give them their Day And settle it:once for all. And French is facing the enciny"s front Stubbornly day by day, /~ Taking the odds and bearing brunt, Just ip the Britisher's way, And he hears the message, " makes him glad, Ring through the that the smoke and ame; "Fight on, Tommy; stick to them, lad; Jack's at the same old game." Bravo, Tommy; Stand as you're stood, And, whether you win or fall, Show them you fight as gentlemen should, - And die like gentlemen all. So Kitchener plans in London Town Freach 1s standing at bay, Jellicoe's ships ride 'up and down Holding the seas' highway, And you that loaf where the skies are blue And play by a petticoat hem, These are the men who are fighting for you. What are you doing for them? a uy y Bravo, then, for the men who fight; To Hell with the men who play. It's a fight to the end for honor and friend, It's a fight for our lives today THE PLOUGH BOY. By Hirace Seymifur Keller Behind his plow the long, furrows rolling, Wave upon wave bespeak his pa- tient care; And in his heart no envious thrill's controlling, Finds aught but peace, content, and kindness there, Ah, It he longs for other made splendid By all the glory and the pomp of de--- brown scenes pri No one may know; such yearning's . not extended Beyond the soil his plowshare turns aside. < ; Mayhap he breathes to earth his to§- ish pleating, a The fond delig of many as gild- But If Se ea lls up all u ie lig she rolls up un- heeding FIRST AID TO where It is easily available his team. its splendor O'er the wide fields bh feet have trod, Mayhap his slender Will find sweet solace on some un plowed sod. These be the times when boyish fan cies winging, Take flight and soar to height sublime ahd sweet; and singing, golden street. with laughter, with life always, {A street wheré crowds with © more crowds crowding after In endlessneéss are thronging nigh and day. ! While the gréén leaves that canopy his dreaming streaming to tantalize. all her moiling. into dust, ing Who from his fan thrust. 'Again he guides his share unerring, loves him well; Forgetting dreams _ he's veering, Tow's spe loves him well; -- SOME OF THE KILTIES. "(Apropos of Capt. Whitehead's de- barture for the front with the 5th Highlanders.) There's Timothy O'Flaherty, and onohue and Shea, They're drilling at Valcartier now in battle-like array And if yon call them Irish you'll be wrong-----of course they're not Why, every mother's son of them is now a bare-legged Scot. "O'im thinkin' thot over beyant," says Tim, "There'll be a bit av a row--Hoaot Mon! An' all ay us wants to te joompin' in So we're all av us Scotchmen sow ~-Hoot Mon!" Etienne Dufort, Pierre Lachapelle, and Jean Baptiste Trudeau Are skirmishing to capture an im aginary foe, They're husky boys, all three of 'em, ' 3 tall, sturdy, and well-built y, no, théy can't be French Canucks, for each one wears a kilt. "Me, I'm goiln' fer have leetle serap," says Pierre; "La Belle France she's mix in dat row---Hoot Mon! . Ap' sobr'§gdod French-Canadian " dey mus' be dere, <i S0 me I'm a Scolchman now-- Hoot Mon!" Bill Sykers. is a se#geant and he wears his stripes with pride, And Heory Atkins at the butts is shooting by his side, You might think, by their accent, if you listened to the pair, That they were from old Lunnon town, but, no, their knees are bare! i® "Hover 'ome all th' blokes *as en- listed," says Bill, ¥ : J And i New, rich blood is what is most ARS, matching, needed in the declining up energy and ia That Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is a wonderful help in maintaining good prolonging life is ' attested by the writer of this letter. Mr. Stephen J. Leard; North Tryon, P. E. I, writes: -- "At seventy-five yoars of age my heart gave out and and weak in. Walpicate. Mi "weak, and action and would' also » bs t Jmeuth." No man more eager for the front, no tjso a [that It shows mighty poor taste in a sy wat a "ell of a row!--Hoot An' Blimee! I carn'telp awantin' to kill Them Dutchers--I'm a bloomin Scot now--Hoot Mon!" on the left flank when 2 egiment's in line You'll find among the kilted fight- ers Ike Rubenstein; man youll ad nore game, Apd if yo ,» he'll wink and say "MacRubenstein's my name." "I t'ink I should make if a fight- ing," says Ike, "For siness is dull anyhow,-- Hoot Mon! Sure, to Mike ~A'm & Yiddisher Scotchman now-- Hoot Mon!" * * "BEN DBACON. ty hea my nose turns up I" He--"Well, all I have to suy is king away from such a lovely Packet contaliing two fest fleld sings, incl oi Sider po fy Ris ressings, included in case of The furrows rich that trail behind At noonday when the sun has spread is plodding limbs so sinewy and And like a bird on Jlnions poised, He sees, with eyes that shipe, the A street made glad with music and A street that throbs and/ thrills Wave gently to and fro before his eyes, The noonday sun a fairy lure is With wavering gleams that come Then Mother Earth comes back with Where her rich furrows crumble Recalls the lad again unto his toil- cies is so sadly 50 sharp, Cleaving the breast of her who while * skillfully His team along, back to the fur- And also you flag, ain't mine?-- | the Very Clever. Jicture of 'herself taken in 4 wash- She--""But how think | bowl. ' s 'm un y os If you heart prompts you to do THE WOUNDED. in the outfit of ing of his coat, AN, tra ESCAPED FROM GERMANS, d pocket in the lin wounding. m-- British Prisoners Got Stealing Horses. A correspondent of the Central News Agency, cabling from Amiens to Loudon, relates the following: ~ Down one of the side streets a figure dressed in the uniform of the Fifth French Dragoons came toward me. As he drew nearer I thought his face was familiar. Then I re- cognized him as none other than Champbrun, a welterweight Ffench boxer, whom I last Saw in the ring at Liverpool fighting Young Somers in London and made something of a name for himself. : He had been w Away by 8 ith his regiment af Charleroi, Dinant ahd Namur. After we had shaken hands he remarked, "I've a story for You, I have just left two of your Highlanders who with sixteen other - soldiers were made prisoners by the Germans, but were not prisoners long, "They were captured about t ten days ago," he continued, "but escap- ed before midnight, after each had possessed himself with a horse and lance. This is how it happened. "The Germans naturally disarm- ed. the prisonérs, who besides High- landers consisted of some cavalry- men and, I think, some Grenadier Guards. "The Germans made them march for miles along the road, but the captors got tired first, and the Ger- man guards after locking the. Bri- tishers in a barn, fell asleep. "It was not long before a London soldier who knew something about locks had unfastened the door, and the eighteen 'men stole ont into the darkness, past the sleeping' guard. "They made their way to where the horses were picketed, and each man took a horse and helped him- self to a lance from a stack near by in case of trouble. ""Ehe noise they made removing: the lances awoke the Germans, and the "Britishers had time only to dash to their horses, leap on their backs and get going when a score of bul- lets whizzed past their heads. "But they escaped all right. More than once during the night they fell in with Uhlan patrols, but always defeated them." "How did the Highlanders, with their kilts, manage on horseback?" I asked. "Oh, they rode side saddle, like ladies," said Champbrun. The picture of the two Highlanders riding like knights errant, but like ladies, on German steeds andsarmed with the lances of the Uhlans is worthy of a place in history. ------------ HON. MR. DUFF'S FIASCO. Proposal For Shipping Unemployed to' Farmers, loronto, Sept. 25.--It would appear from the paucity of apswers received by the provincial government that the efforts of the department of agricul- ture to induce farmers throughout Untario to assist in relieving the em- ployment, situation in the large cities by. taking men on their farms for the winter at a nomhal wage with board and lodging is not meeting with any great success. While the farmers are willing engligh to take in the "hired man' at the" proper time and share their home And board with hini, the idea of assisting the "stranger" at this time'is not meeting with any great favor.' Officials of the depart. ment of agriculturd are not comment. b ing on the situation _at all, but the reticence to talk in addition to the admission that only a few score of answers have been received to the ciroulac sent out by the department is evidence of a sense of discourage- ment. It was frankly stated that un- less some relief was secured from this source the want and suffering in the targer centres would hecome more acute than the farmers themselves were prepared to realize. HUNGARY RETALIATES. Will Cancel British Patents in That Coutitry. Vienna, via Paris, Sept. 25-- In consequence of the reported action of the British pasliament in cancell- ing Austrian, German and Hungar- ian patent rights in the British Isles, the Hungarian cabinet has empower- ed the ministry of commerce to ad- opt immediately extraordinary rules regarding patent rights and {rade marks in Hungary. It is asserted that 3,358 British patients have been granted in Hun- Bary as against 280 Hungarian pat- ents Hated in Great Britain. Owing to the constantly inecreas- ing demands of the army for meat, Supply of cattle arriving in Viens #4 has considerably diminished, with & consequent advance in prices. After a girl gets to be about so old she makes a bonfire of the baby a good deed, do it immediately de- fore you have heart failure Nothing succeeds like success-- arless it is the way failures fail. ir oll dealer, Lots of people give advice who haven't any to spare, - ri JF Keep your Sugar Supply 2 and 5 Pound Cartons In these 2 Pound and 5 Pound Hea Cartons the pure granu- lated sugar is sealed tight in the Refinery, and protected perfectly not only on its journey to you, but also in your own pantry, until you are ready to use it Even then you do not need Wo alin San Just snip The Bull-Dog Strain T HE SLLDoc 5s Be ATER Lon RACE MEN FEARLESS AND DETERMINED, TENACIOUS, INVINCIBLE. WE IN CANADA ARE PROUD OF THE BULL DOG STRAIN IN US--THAT QUALITY OF BLOOD AND HEART THAT MAKES US DAUNTLESS AND MASTERFUL THE BULL-DOG STRAIN SHOWS IN US AND OTHERS IN TIMES OF PERIL AND MEN. ACE. 2 \ ¥ a ; portion, Ask 'for full particulars. : Everywhere in Canada mxaSachirers, rs Railroad ana Sicnimabip Agent, Cor. : : wholesalers and retailers of the bull-dog # Jonson aud Outatio Sta. breed are Fswering the Shallenges of wat Hy Hho --the challenges of trade disturbance and 'g --~ Ty i business opportunity. The identity of 3 * ol hing A of < I 'some of these valiant-hearted merchants eA f 5 '®. and manufacturers is revealed in the. ad- COLONIST of vertising columns of this and other news- | ; "papers, for advertisements are expressions © F ARES a "of courage, tenacity, and mastery . : J a Ey : | (One-Way Second Class) rom stations in ntario to 3 certain points in BULLDOG' BLOOD SHOWS ITSELF AND ITS Alberta British Columbia | -. alr . California Montana QUALITY IN FIGHTING. Oregon Washington Wye i 4 AE : Arizona Idaho, etc. } " sing a : iy 4 i & : Particulars BE et or o& A ii | onesie b CORA OF | tC and Wellington Sts. Phone 1197. J yoy asa np ratoeorc | ATTCONENEN ree Running ~no matter what the WEATHER convinced. rs ! NOLAN'S . GROCERY CANADIAN SERVICE "3 | =no matter what the CLIMATE ANS = St. From _Seuthampton ANER Montreal -- EASO t SCAN o . 28 after. What the § N Phone 730. Prompt Delivery Pans enll Plymouth Eastbound It's a dally pleasure te have such pure, fine, Rates: ASCANIA--Cnbin (11) Baste dry salt 10 use on the table. Get a bound $57.50 up. Westbound $47.50 up. package from your MM | Third class Eastbound 25, West~ grocer. 128 chance of ge A bachelor no membership club. in in these Handy Did' you ever see so neat and. convenient a way of keeping Sugar ? off a little of the corner, and or preserving kettle. genuine condition. Get the Heap Cartons ! It's well worth while ! hk rn 5 3 Try a sample order and be Pure Spices and Vinegars Are necessary in the making of good catsup When ordering from us you take no tting second woods. We handle only the Best J. R. B. GAGE Montreal & John Sts. | himself a wife than he cancels his Smee Ae ene sugar pours out just as you want it, into sugar bowl, measuring cup Besides, the 2 and 5 Pound Sealed Cartons are a positive guaranice that you are getting Rigg Extra Granulated Sugar, clean, pure and in perfec _rasEvEv Low Colsmist Rates Pacific Coas DAILY, SEPT." 24th Ho OOT. Sih Princ a» Rupert, B. Van wuver, B, C. 50 h $50. $52.45 Vic' joria, B. C. Se' jetle, Wash, P jrtland, Ore. San Fraacisco, Calif Los Angeles, Calif, San Piago, Calif. Mexico City, Mex. And other points at rates in pro- PERE bound $35.00, Apply Local Ticket Agent or THE ROBERT REFORD CO, Limited, Gens eral Agents, 50 King Street East, Tore onto. ' PLUMS! PLUMS! Lombards, green gages, blue, red, Yellow plums, 11 gts. bask- ety, B0c. Pears, 55¢, basket. Grapes, 25¢ basket, Peaches, 11 ats. baskets, men ie New York Fruit Store 814 PRINCESS STREET houe 1403 Phone 549. sooner takes unto, the Don't Mdrry /] the 9 hw BR SL