+ wheat, on the way ~~ TWO VESSELS ASHORE BOTH GRAIN.LADEN ON WAY TO MONTREAL. Oil Steamer Toller Went Aground Near Fatran's Point And the Steamer Charley Marshall Went On at Sparrow Hawk Point -- Movements of Vessels. Early on Wednesday night the steamer Charley Marshall, loadé&d with grain, on the, way from Port Colborne to Montreal, ran aground at Sparrow. Hawk Point, one mile he low Cornwall, and a call was sent to the Donnelly Wrecking company, and the steamer Cornwall was dispatched to the scene. Ihe Marshall is owned by the Uentral Coal company," of Brockville. The oil steamer Toiler, loaded with from Port Col. borne t6 Montreal, ran aground early Wednesday 'mornisk near-a gas buoy. hed her on the upper side of Point eaver, - between Far- ran's Point nd Morrisburg. A call was given to. Montreal for assistance. The steamer City of Ottawa cleared for 'l'oronto, from' Montreal, at 7.30 pm. Wednesday. ° The steamer. Aletha was down from Picton on Thursday, I he steamer Britagnic id due, down, from Montreal, on Friday. 'I'he following steamers passed up Dorie, at 3.15 p.m. Wednesday; Dundee, at 1.30 a.m.; Strathcona, at 4 a.m.; Calgarian, at 530 am. and Neepa- war, at 7.30 a.m. Thursday. I'ne following steamers passed down: Natironco, at 10 a.m.; Uanadian, at 3.30 p.m; Donnacona, 'at 9 p.in. Wed pesday, and H. M. Pellatt, at 1 a.m. i hursday. * ~ M. T. Co's elevator ;. Steamer Kig- mount passed up, light, from Mgnt- real to Port Uolbortis stean Northmount and Simla, 2 pass Hp to-night, light, from Meutegal do Fdut Colborne; tug Emerson Seri, night, with the barges Hirma The captain' ill and, ps lasts Pelkirk, io load Port Lol borne. ine steamer Waffle cleared, on 'Thursday morning, for Sodus, to load coal for 'Smith's Falls. The steamer Midland Queen arrived from Fort William, and is discharg- ing a cargo " wheat at Rich&¥dion s elevator. The barge Muskoka, of the Montreal {ransportation company, is at Rich- ardson s elevator, loading grain,which wil be shipped to Seyth africa. gram at * D. D. Rogers a Judge David D. Rogers, of Pittsburg, was Mountain (Grove, on Wednesday, as one of the judges on prize farms for the Ontario department ot agriculture. Mr. Rogers has been one of these Judges for .about ten years and because of his fairness his deci gions are never questioned. There is keen rivalry for the blu ribbon for the best appointed farm in the distriet. J. Lockie Wilson, in charge of this department, makes th. contest arn annual feature in connec- tion with fall fairs. at acting The home of high class sweets. Gib- son's. Mrs. wife and Wmitmore, tional -chvreh, nt: passed Whitmore and daughter, May, daughter of Rev. H. BD. late of Cavalry 'Congrega and now of London, through the city on hupsday noon. Mr. Whitmore' has accepted a call to the famous old church in Maxville. He 78 now In London ahd leaves the end of Septem ber. I'he only store in sells strictly high class sweets. son's Red Cross Drug Store. Henry O'Brien, clerk in the dolph hotel, is back from the Mont: real Jockey Club races. "Hank" had his usual Tuck--won $500 one day- and lost it all the next. Wallace Gilmour, Rideau and, bride, returned to the eity on Thursday afeer "an extended tour "through the western part of the pro vipee visiting with friends: in Lon Kingston that Gib Ran- street, don and: Windsor. nu War 'Relief Fund Treasurer Patriotic Fund Board of Trade Rooms, Kingston subse Sir:--I hereby Kingston Branch of the 1 ribe Uanadian Fund Patriotie and enclose the amount herewith 0 CUT THIS OUT NAME ADDRESS Fhe Bsn Let us call your attention to our tion" of the new styles " Autumn Presenta- in Women's Boots Patent, Gun Metal Vici Kid Shoes of indifferent style and scores of shapes and lasts, so daintily made that they please 'the criminating woman. ALLAN 11.1 Princess-St., most. dis- M. REID Kingston THE DAIL DAILY BRITISH WHIG THURSDAY, THREE COUPLES WED TWO IN KINGSTON AND ONE AT SEELEY'S BAY Sharpe-Mathews Nuptials in St James Church--Pickering-Thomp- son Wedding at the Bride's Home. In St. James church at seven o'- clock on Wednesday evening, a hap- py event was witnessed when two of Kingston's well known and nighly | esteemed young people were united in wedlock by Rev. T. W. Savary These were Miss Kathleen Louis Mathews, eldest daughter of Mr. anu Mrs. WW. H. Mathews, 121 Beverley street, and Joseph S. M. Sharpe, cond sof of Mr.. and Mrs. Harry Sharpe, a fon of this city. « The first bridesmaid was Miss Ella M. Mat hews, sister of the bride, who wa daintily attired in a beautiful gown of Alice blue silk with trimmings of silk net and lace Upon her unead was a little Normandy hat trimmed with white silk net and roses of French knots. She carried a shower bouquet of pink and white asters tied with a white satin ribbon. The second bridesmaid was Miss Amy Partridge, who was charmingly dressed in a gown of white silk mul- je with trimmings of pale blue silk and lace. A Normandy cap was also worn. Miss Partridge's bouquet was composed of pink and white asters, The groomsman was Noble Sharpe a brother of the bridegroom. The bride was artistically dressed in a gown of white silk crepe-de- 'hene with trimmings of pearls and medallian, also 'a bridal veil caught up with lily of the valley and pearis over which was laid a Juliet cap She approached the altar at the side of her father, while the wedding march was played by Mrs. A. B. R Williamsqn. A choral service immediately/tol- lowed which was participated in by the whole of St. James- church choir of which the bride was a de voted member, he Voice Ti Breathed O'er Eden' was beautifull rendered. From the chugeh after mony had been solemnis py couple and party rep home of the bride where u umptu ous wedding supper 'was pr pared The immediate relatives of bhotn con tracting parties sat down, to it. The happy pair left on the night train for western points bride's travelling suit was of 'navy blue whip cord with velvet trin mings. She wore a hat to match of white and green felt "with silk cord trimmings Before leaving, Mr....and Sharpe held a reception at bride's residence where a hundred gues were received. The house was deck- ed in flowers and otherwise prettily decorated. Upon returning Sharpe will take up Nelson street. The gifts to the bride were very numerous showing how dearly she loved by a large number of friends. * se- the cere- the hap- ul to the The Mrs. on Mr. and residence is Pickering-Thompson. A quiet wedding was solemnized at the residence of Mr. andiMrs., Wil- Ham Thompson, 41 Main street at 30 o'clock Wednesday evening eo their youngest daughter Lu lian Isabelle was united in marriage to . Norman H. Pickering, vounge son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Pickering Nelson street. Rev. Douglas Laing performed the ceremony in the pres- ence of immediate relatives of both parties. The bride wag "given away by her father, and was the picture of daintiness, being neatly dressed im a gown 'of white duchess satin with baby Irish lace trimmings. The happy couple were unattended. Mrs. Thompson mother of the bride was 'dressed in a gown of point lace, Mrs. Pickering mother of the bridegroom wore a gown of blue silk, with trimmings of all-over lace, Each carried a bouquet, and the bride's was a beautiful shower bou- quet of white roses and lily of the valley. After the knot had been tied, ail repaired to the dining room where a wedding feast was served Here the company tendered the sincere wish that the bride and bridegroom might forever spend their remain- ing days in happiness. The bride's travelling suit was of navy blue serge with a hat of black velvet, trimmed with white Public Meeting rerio Clly HANA Thursday, Sept. 24 at 8 O'clock - Last Grand Rally in Connection With 'the War Relief Fund Announcements by Captains of Teams of Total Contributions - Patriotic Music Everybody Come and Have a, Good Time I H. Macnee, Secretary Aros £ May, : 9 mid roses, At wideight My and Mra, Pickering went abroad the UG, T. R. train for Ottawa. Upon returning they will' take up residence om Nel- son street. The bride was the recipient of nu- merous and costly presents . whieh went to show that she as well as her husband, aré held in high es- teem. The groom's gift to the bride was a handsome gold bracelet. Married At Seeley's Bay. -At Seeley"s Bay on Wednesday evening, at nine o'clock, a happy event was solemnized ' when Alice daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Da vid Patterson of the above place, was married to Horace Wilkinson of Birmingham, England, The cere- mony was held at the home of the bride which was prettily decorated with pink and white flowers. Rev H. Smith of the parish chyrch, offi- ciated. The bride was given away by her father and was dressed in a pret- ty navy blue suit with a white blouse encircled with a pale blue sash. The bride also carried a bouquet of white asters. A wedding supper was later serv- ed to which the immediate relatives and the country folk from the near by places were invited. Mr. and 'Mrs. Wilkinson will take up residence in Kingston. AT THE GRAY, To-night May Robin the-/¥py The attraction a House to-night wi who, under new mafep a new company, apa comedy, "Martha Bg 1s an adaptation of ilar title, by Julie and. it is heralded a #nishing much that is novel and r Shmg in char- acterizations and sit Stions. ~ Lhe scenes of "Mar ha By-Thy-Day™' are all laid in New York stafe, and its characters are all American types I'he first act discloses Martha's Hat in New York: ¢ity, and the other two show portions of an estate in the Catskill mountains. Lhe settings for these scenes have been prepared upon a particularly _ elaborate scale, and from an artistic viewpoint will gain important recognition. artha-by- and Opera by Robson, and with bo fetching fay. 1 his jippmann, and Arctic Hunt Motion Pictures, I'he forthcoming efigagement Alaska-Siberia pictures at the on Friday and Saturday, September 25th &nd 26th, with daily matinee, has seQused interest. 'I'hese remarkable filmé 'have gained the approval of New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Phila delphia, Pittsburgh and other large centres. where 'they have been exhibit ed. Iwo hours of wholesome enter tainment is furnished by the wonder ful pictures. which graphically show the chase and capture of the moose, mountain sheep, seal, sea lion, walrus and polar bear by the members | of the expeditiop and Eskimos. Scenes showing Kskfmo life in the villages and in thei agquatic sports have been proven of great interest. of the Grand May A. Bell Marks. Vhe announcement of the coming en gagement "to 'Bhe Grand Opera House of May A." Belt Marks, supported by RR. W. Marks, manager and proproetor of Marks BEOR" No. 1 Dramatic com pany, which opens a week's engagé ment Monday evening, September 29th, will be appreciated by all the theatre: goers as they wil receive an aftréc- tion that is run on entirely 'ditierent plans to the gemeral line of stock companies. 'lhe opening 'play for Monday will be 'Ihe Girl from PE as. | NOT SETTL ED YET. The Ownership of 230 Found in a | Kingston Mattress. The ownership of $230 found in a mattress which was being cleaned in the establishment the Kingston Mattress company, June last, and over which there a police court case a few days has not been settled yet. C. R: Webster, who hali of G. W. Richardson, proprietor of the niattrdss company, when ihe case was heard in the police court, stated to the Whig that there had been no settlement as yet, and that the case would likely go to the coun ty court. It will of in was ago, appeared on he that James the money, two other remembered Swift ut in a claim for and is understood . that partids have also a clam. "he | Red Book 'Magazine. The Red Book Magawine, - which, within the last two years, has brought Rupert Hughes 10 the fore a8 a novelist, and Id M. Fvans as a khort sfory writer, anmounces a new "'discovery'"' in its October issue. Bertha Knatvold Mellett the name of the new writer, and her first story te See print is a strong episode of life in Alaska. The spory ! has all the power that made these first tales that Rex Beach brought !but of the north so gripping--and something besides. The Red Book announces that other stories by the new writer are' to follow. Mrs. Mel- lett is the wife of a Seattle, Wash- ington, newspaper man, and has lived in the mining country of Alas- ka. 18 Ald. Harrison, Attention! The City Property committee might have a special session during' these war days, and. after full debate, de- cide to have the lights in the city hall clock tower turned on before darkness sets in. The dials should be lit at six o'clock just now. It was 6.556 o'clock were illuminated. 'The street lghts were on at 6.40 o.clock, half an fr later than they should have tk m "a dark and rainy evening. the appointment of H. general superintendent division, tanadian Nr. Grout, whose St. John, N. HR. bh pany's service sin Witham Downie, The grand jury ed a true bill at Ni Mnnue Tetum. Kobinson in the Blan Blanche Yorke case. lee cream bricks, 23c., at Gibson's. vok of sim last evening when they | Every enduring tion. A¢ a good foundation to build your health and properly 'cared--ior feet. If you have two good you, take care of them, into thesright shoes--and y« pect the permanent basis ¢ lasting foot-comiort. Exery "INVICTUS" ful mold of the upon Mit, from the very terials, 8 made '"I'HE SHOE. 3 last human best BES The Foundation of Comfort superstructure this world must have a good founda in This is of primary importance. upon which happiness, nothing can be more substantial than feet under Put them U may ex ot real and is a faith- foot, and ol ma- 1 GOOD Shoe j Repairing If your old furs need a attention, now is the | time to have them looked after. We are specialists in the manufacture off Ladies' Persian Lamb Coats and should your old one require lengthening : or remodeling, we will be pleased to quote prices. CAMPBELL BROS. Makers of Kine Kurs. 84 Princess{ Street. Phone 79 AMERIC Pays Tribute to Protection by Britain. An American ward Russell, lowing letter Given Charles Ed- tol socialist, has addressed the to H. M. Hyndman, the chairman of the socialist party in Great. Britain. The letter was written at The Hague and dated August 23rd: Dear Comrade Hyndman,--1 was de- lighted to have your most kind tra- "nal letter, and to see that your Uieas perception of things was not astray about the present situation. | should have known it. Sgme of the comrades seem to be strangely mud- diegl. The cause of socialism, as well thé cause of political democracy, good faith, national homor, morality, and everything else that decent men care for, at stake in this horrible conflict. Ii the principle should once be established that big nations should have no obligations to respect their solemn guarantees to small nations, there would come such a flood of re- action and of the supremacy of mere brute strength as would overwhelm us for years. Socialism is true, right and moral; it can have no tolerance of international brighndage such as Germany practised on Belgium. if nations may violate faith, shall indi- viduals be any better ? I am not fond of the government of Great Britain, but 1 confess 'that | do not see, in the main, how it could have done otherwise. Let any doubt- er read the correspondence; that seems to me conclusive. I acknowledge also, that in times gome by | have been (in error about the British arma- ment. _If it were not for the British navy to-day we should be at the mer- cy of the banditty of Berlin, and civ- ilization would go backward four hun- dred years, and remain there for the rest ol this generation. Great Britain stands between us and a eatastfophe beyond description. So long as we have the conditions that produced this war, we must remember that a part of these conditions is the neces- sity of being prepared. to repel the as- saults of capitalistic savagery. 1am glad to read your analysis, and to note your faith in the eventual tri- umph of righteousness. Here, at times, we are overwhelmed with news that almost makes us doubt. Still, it cannot be that the world is to be lovershadowed by a _clond so dark. But these are sadly trying times. | as IN Best in Kingston By Government Test SAKELL'S, Next To Opera House THAT NEW FALL SUIT If bought here will be up-to- date in style and quality; and the price will be bone. that will please you. Call and see our new I'weeds, Worsteds and PRICES FROM $7.50 TO $20.00. Raincoats, Uvercoats, Sweat ers, Boots 'and Shoes, etc., at popular prices. ISAAC ZACKS 271 PRINCESS ST. LAUNDERING DONE WITHOUT ACID. If you want your clothes to last, you must have them washed without acid. We use no acid whatever. A posteard will bring our boy to the We appreciate the opportunity to serve yo Best 'family washing, 40¢c to SOc, CHONG BROS., LAUNDRY. 854 Princess St. stock of Serges. » Ofl Cloths and Lincieums nnd Carper Squares. We have a large stock of Refriger ttors und Gas Stoves; also all kinds of sew and second-hand furniture; all t se sold at reasonable prices. Come, see the bargains. H., SUGARMAN, 242 Ontario Street. Phone 1580 Opposite Craix's Wholesals Zbar'slce Cream Parlor We sell Ice Cream in bulk and deliver to all parts of the city. . All geasonable fruits kept in stock. i ---------------------------------- Phone 1128, 280 Princess St. STEAMER BRITANNIC Leaves Canal Basin, foot of Dale housie St, Montreal, every Wednes~ day at 5 p.m, arrives at Kingston Friday 2.15 p.m. retur Folger's Whart, Kingste, taking passengers for Head Office Parlor Furniture SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY A Parlor Furnished Complete I'hree piece parlor setts, loose plush cushions, only $32.00. Reg. $40.00 Fancy odd pieces in silk, divans, sete tees, rockers and chairs at a snap: JAMES REID, THY URADING UNDRRTAKWES, Phope 147 for Ambulance BEST SERVICE MODERN CARS $2.26 | Always Open. AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE IN THE CITY CAREFUL € 'HAUFERURS per Hour. $1.00 per hour Po standing. Porritt Garage Co., Limited WELLINGTON STREET, KINGSTON. cling to the hope that before we are | through with this ordeal men will be. come. so utterly sick of slaughter that they will be willing to consider the source of war and ready to eliminate 1t for ever. DELTA FAIR, September 28th, 20th and 30th. A large exhibit in all classes. Trials of speed on 29th and 30th. Good band both days: Faure and one-third on C.N.R. Yarker and intérmediate poitits to connect at Brookville with the Westport train. For particulars ask your agent. Eliminate kitchen worries, use White Rose flour. Bwieny Rasp k § have Sonido ao. of 1913, I ow prepared | , 4 am now reductions on ; berry Black are Put up in 12 on, jars and S3b. For Bale 41 Al