Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Sep 1914, p. 9

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| \ | | OUR STORE From now on, will be Headquarters, in this io- cality, for the male contingent of the Human Fami- ly, looking for Fall and Winter Outfitting! : We are showing a gathering from the best and foremost manufacturers of high' grade Clothing and other Outfitting. The superior style and the excellence of the, Outfitting, for which this store is noted, is in evi- dence on every hand! Make this store vour store and you'll be a well dressed and a well satisfied man! Sure-to-Fit Clothing and Correct Hats and Fur- nishings at the Lowest Price Possible! On this basis this store solicits vour trade. Al- ways think of us as the store sure to please you! Men's Suits and . Overcoats, $12.50, $18.00, 518.00, $20.10. LIVINGSTON'S BROCK STREET A Little Out of the Way, But It Will Pay You To $15. 00 1 TO THE PATRIOTIO FUND IN KINGSTON. Names of Citizens 8 Supporting the Cause -- List Includes Money Up Ao and Including September 22nd. the first list of subscribers to the { Patriotic Fund was given out to- « day Subscribers are requested to examine the list and report to the | secretary or treasurer any omissiong, jor inaceuracy. Following is the i list, which includes the money re- ceived up to and including Sept. | 22nd : : $500. Y. {'hown, Frederick Welch, Daniel M. Gordon, Macnee & Minnes, John Laidise & Son, Fenwick, Hen- dry & Co., Davis & Son. R100--R. Void $300----W. B. Dalton & Sons, S. Ang- lin & Co., H. B. Kirkpatrick, D. B. Murray. 8250---N, F. son, $200--Steacy & Steacy, MeKelvey & Uglow, Kingston Shipbuilding Co., H. D. Bibby, W. Jackson, W G. Craig, C. Livingston & Bra. 8150--~1va Martin. 2120--Miss Waldron. $100--Selby & Youlden, Jas. len- dry, R. E. Kent,r F. G. Lockett, Mrs.' Jas." Richardson, Henry R. Smith, R. Easton Burns, R. H. Toye, Ena Giles, J. I. Hanley, J. M. Far- rell, A. W. Winnett, J. -Walkem, A. B. Cunningham, James Redden & Co., W. F. Kelly, a friend, Archdea- con Dobbs, Francis King, Oberndoi- fer, Jas. Sowards Coal Co., .Jas Swift, A. Simmons, "Newman & Shaw, J. M, Giles, S. C. Calvin, Dr. I'hird, R. W. Brigstock. 8$75--.1. M. Hughes, Robert Fraser. 266--Dr. W. I.. Goodwin. $60--R. Meek, J. H. Birkett, A Waggoner. . $50--R. McFaul, F, McCue, I. W. Newman, James McCulla, . R.. B. Cage, R. Crawford, John E. Gow, Jas--~B. McLeod, William P. Peters, Thomas Dawson, John Nicolle, Shaw, Thos. Milly, J. Cappon, W.'G Anglin, employees of ' Steacy «& Steacy, Frank .). Hoag, W. BR. Ma- die, Warwick Bros., A. Macdonell, M. E. Rogers, John Fisher,: Robert Mc- Kelvey, Alex. M. Richardson, M.D., E. A Turner, Alice Rogers, G. E Hague, H. J. Coleman, Edwin Uo sey, John R. Henderson, Chas. R. Welsster, 1.. U. Lockett, Smith vos. 100. H. Smythe, Bishop of Untario, J. H. Sutherland, M. B. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. DD. Stewart Robertson: $401. W. Gill. £30--Col. T. D. R. Hemming, Thom- as Driver. 828 French-Canadian Association. $25 -- Anderson Bros, Thomas Hewitt, E. A. Rees, Prof. W. E. Me- Neill, M. G. Johnston, T. McAuley, C. J. Goldmark, F. D. M. Hammond, 0. W. Daley, C. E. O'Connor, M. D., Mis-es Brown, J:°M. Lanos, William Mundell, H. Harold Hughes, Melville Hunter, Taylor & Hamilton, "John Educational Tweddell, R. H. Hunter, 'H. Hun- Warwick, D. A. 'Givens, George D. and Raincoats Saturday 8.30 O'clock THE $15.00 SUIT OF THE 15TH FALL OF THE 20TH CENTURY .The Suit of "5th Ave., New York." In a suit you like to buy style If quality is added so much the better. If a $15.00 Suit is turned out in a $25.00 way is doesn't make it a $25.00 Suit, bat it doesrmake it s mighty fine Suit at $15.00. We had to buy a quantity to get this suit to sell at the price. We nave it in two makes of Serges, and six colors; all the coats are silk and satin lined, all sizes. This is the best value in a suit ever offered to the people of n. 2% SPECIAL AMERICAN RAINCOATS, the 'lat- est style in cut and cloth, made with raglan and set in sleeve. A Regular $12.00 and $15.00 ccal. Saturday 30. DOZ. EXTRA QUALITY WHITE FLANNEL. + ETTE NIGHT GOWNS, a Manufacturers over makes; nicely trimmed with embroidery, both high neck oi low neck. Goods sold Togular, $1.25, $1.50, $1. 75. Saturday . 15 DOZ. WHITE LA DIVA FRENCH MODEL CORSET, made with high bust and low bust; with long hip, rust proof boning. Six hose sup-, rters, colonial hook and draw «This a corset always sold at $1.50. Sa y ..98¢ Ferguson, B. Blackhall, Edwin Lotgden, R. R. F. Harvey, Richard Elmer, Isaac Allen, H. Jennings, E Williamsgon, F. A. Bibby, G. G. Pub- low, I. Anderson, G. A. Bateman, James Lackie, Jane -R. Henderson, 3amuel Griffin. Conditional--Dr.. J. C. Connell, 3525 a month during continuance of war $23--British Navy league, (per J Canpony. $20--R. J. Diack, Campbell Gros. W. G. Kidd, J. F. McMillan C. M. Nash, J. S. McBride, Rev. R. S. For- neri, Prof. William Morgan 8I18--R. F. Davis. £12--Robert Coffey. $10--Rev. W. F. FitzGerald,, C. 11 Boyes, M. J. Gratton, Byron Derby shire, H. M. Ruttan, F. E. Callag han, Mrs. H M. Hitchens, Harry Hitchens, A. E. Copley, James Nor vis, William Nicol, A. Twigg, Eliza beth McCormick, W. R. Glover, W R. Grimm, D. A. Cays, D. Couper, Paul Beaupre, 15. Blake Thompson, E. B. Ryckman, T.-D. Robinson, ® 1. Halliday, 'Emily and Annie -Muckles ton, W. J. Moore '& Son, Farnest Sawyer, Thos. Nicholson, J. E Howison, W. K. Shortt, Thos. Gallo- way, T. A. Hanley, Dr. Charles A Morrison; A. Klugh," Thomas An grove, James L. Faber, Samuel Green George Wright, H. 'Flvan, Z. Pre vost, Dr. Isobel McC Cia Jo Bennett, M. J. Biown, M.D. Bateman, Ladies" Musical Club $7-David Hall and famaly. $5--John Strange, Walter Ellis, Mrs. W. 8S. Ellis, Misses Crisp, Part- ridge & Sons, C. W. Burroughs, F. G, Marquis, Prof. W. C. Baker, A Nesbitt, G. Searle, J Maxwell, {ner DD. 'B.. Murray), Mrs. C. Rayson, Joseph Roadley, W. J. Nes- bitt,"A. M. Daley, 'H. Harkness, G. S. Kirkpatrick, 8S, V. Horne, W. Drury, A. Hanley, A. Amodeo, H. F. Nor- man, Robert Robinson, C. H. Pick- ering, W. J. Burns, H. Tweddell, Mrs. James Bews, sr., Joseph- Wil- son, Mrs. F. Wilmot, James Hogan, D. J. Millan, Ross Livingston, Mrs. Tames Dix, Archibald McLean, R. Bunt, H. €. Brown, Mrs. F. J. Johns- ton, J. W. Bradshaw, R. McCormick, Misses M. A. & J. Shaw, James Han- ley, F. W. Cooke, C. H. Hyett, John Ballantyne, W. W. Gibson, T. R. Carnovsky, °G. A. Macdonnell, Thom- as Turnbull, W. J. Paul, Dr. A. E. Knapp, J. Gillespie, D. Buchannan, J. BE. Mullen, Florence Sawyer, Mrs. Mary Gildersleeve,' F. R. Coates, R. Richardson, Peter Dafnas, W. J. Baker, S. J. Driver, E. F. Martin, N. A. Wilton; M. J. Dolan, Miss B. L. Horsey, Chief Armstrong, F. There is° more catarrh in this secs don of the country than all other dis- few years was supposed to be incur-| 'hie. For a great manv years doctors | pronounced it a local disease, and bre: sertoed focal remedies, and stantly faiMng to cure with Joear treat ment, pronoun it incurable. Science Cure, manufactured by F. J. ney & +. Toledo, Ohio, is the only titational cure on the market It n internally. It acts directly on mucous surfaces o ey offér oe one ana 'testi so care on, finn & CO. Toleds, ifs 8 = " 3 23s E Dupuis, B. W. Robert- Birch, Mm. 1). Ross, D. Murray, RR. tel, Harry S. Warwick, Charles J, Waugh, T. G. "Bishop, Joha = Twigg, W. J. B, White, H. W. Wil-! der, J. M. L, Stephenson, Frederick Whitney, "J. B. McGall, William Me-' Fedridge,' H. V. Callaghan, W. J. Keeley, jr., C.A. Bryans, R.C. Brown, James Kelly & company, W. M. Sul- livan, Dan Fitsgibbon. R4--W. McGlade, Madeline® Graham, John Marshall. £3---J. T. Morris, Alex. Flett, Ben. lee, L. M. Begg, Miss leader, Geo. Athaney, G. P. Alairie, S. C. Wright, Hubert G. Sargent. --Mrs. 'A. Potter, J. E. Jobn: Phi Olive Spriggs, 0. Prevost, Mrs. Vanalstine, J. Kavanagh, F. A. Montgomery, William Tesnnell, Luella Knapp, - Mrs. Percival, Robt. Suther- land, Miss R. Hiscock, Mrs. His- cock, J. Cousins, C. L. Attwood, W. Dunnett, Charlie Fong, Joe Reid, Fred. Elmer, E. J. Metcalfe, Mrs. J. Johnston, Mrs. Carr-Harris, . Miss Bateson, John Veale, R. J. James Taugher, R. E. Cuthbert, J. McQuade, Henry Bryant. : £1.65~R. Macdonnell. £1.63--R. Alarie. £1.504--W. Charles. $1.10--¥. Smith. $1-Mrs. E. Sullivan, H. 5. Assel tine, John Hunter, M. Manahan, Al- exander McCartney, Jr. kenzie, Joseph Gates, G. B. Hiscoc 1 8. T. Lilley, Bert Stewart, Frederick Willey, Lec Shing, S. Stenzler, Joseph McConnell, A. Reeve, Wah, Long, Har- old Glover, Blake cad Frank Robbs, J H. Hanley, W. Mack, Joseph Elmer, Sr. hal 1, Mag. Pettigrew, William Leslie, ¥. Us Smith, J, H. Melean, L. J. Foster, Miss L. Walker, A-Friend. . She--James A. Sherman, New York Cale. > A DISTINGUISHED BELGIAN Is at the Head of Embassy to United States. Henri Carton de Wiart, minister of justice of Belgium, and who is head- ing embassy sent by King Albert to United States, in order to lay before the president and government at Washington a record of the outrag- es perpetuated by the Germans 'in his dominions, outrages constituting the grossest kind of violations of in- ternational law, comes from a very distinguished Belgian family, «and bears a name that i§ known far be- vond the borders of his native land. For his father was the distinguish- ed Belgian jurist who endowed the kingdom of Siam with a code of criminal 4nd civil laws on western lines, his memory being honored to this day in Siam, and throughout the far east, beyond that of almost any other foreigner. His brother Leon Carton de Wiart divides his time between England, where he has a country place in Surrey, and Egypt, where for the 'ast thirty vears he has been the leader of the bar in the interna- tional courts, and the representative of the khediviate and of the British zovernment in all sorts of contenti- ous matters. | o His son "Adrian, a? tain of 4th regiment of Dragoon Guards of the British army, Ig married to the. eld- est dauchter of Prince Charles Fueg- rer of Badenhajsen and of his wife, Princess Ef of Hohanloke-Bar- tenstein. The prince and the prin- cess are members of some of the nrondest of the mediatized houses of Europe, that is to say, of the horses who have a right to mate with royalty on a footing of equal- itv; and that thev should have giv- on their consént to the marriage of their daughter to Captain Adrian Carton de Wiart, shows the esteem in which his family and his name are held everywhere in Europe. Captain Trench Reappears Nowhere have I seen it mentioned that Captain Bernard Trench, of the Royal Marine infantry, was serving on board the British cruiser Highfly- er, when it sank the German armed ocean liner Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse, off the coast of West Africa the other day. Captain Bernard Trench was the Fnglish officer who. on the strength of perjured evidence was sentenced fo a long term of imprisonment in Germany. as a spy, and who enly re- covered his liberty after two years of captivity, on the occasion of the visit to Berlin of King George and Ouneen Mary, to attend the wedding of the kaiser's only daughter to the Duke of Brunswick. Owing to the escape of a couple of French officers incarcerated in German fortresses, for military of fonses, the imprisonment of Captain Trench was of a particularly, severe character and he: was entirely out ~f from all news of his family, and of the outer world. Source of Supply. The milkman had been discarded for 'a rival vender and was high)' indignant. "I don't want to say _anything against him, but if you prefer milk that's been knocked about on tv" railway-for 'hour#®to good milk fresh from my own cows--well, you'll get it. That's all." "But he assures me that his milk is brought from his own farm in the neighborhood." '"Does-he? Well, he may be speak- ing the truth; but it's a funny thing that when fs up to the station for my milk ev morning there he putting milk into his cart." -- Ex- change. Natura! Inclination. The stout party had been in the boot shop for over an hour, and the patient shop assistant had had half the stock down for her inspection. She found a fault with them all, un til his patience became quite ex- hausted. > "These would suit you," he said. taking another pair down as a lasf resource. Sul the lady was not satisfied. 3 "1 don't like this sort," she said "They have a tendency lo get wider when they are a bit old." "Well, madam," retorted the ex- asperated Assiaiam, politely, "didn't | your: has proven catarrh to be a constitu President Wilson has taken steps} to curb the tongues of the diplomats Fiaton the United States international tions: Tha wed 194m the AD ree Plitaans sh Er : indeed, { | | Shales, > | | i Sarah Maoc- {in view of the short WAS FOUND AGAINST DR. C. K. ROBINSON. By Grand Jury at Napanee Assizes ~The Case Goes Over Till the Spring Assizes. Napanee, Sept. 24.--After "deliberat- mg' for five hours the grand jury at i the assizes here yesterday, before 'Jus- tice Rely, returned a true bill indict- ing Dr. Clifford K. Robinson on a charge of having, between July Sth and 14th, murdered Miss Blanche Yorke in the village of Tamworth. "Having heard the charge, are you | guilty or not guilty ?"' asked the clerk of the court of the accused. Without a tremor in his voice the accused phy- sician replied : "Not guilty." "Are you ready for your trial?" "Not yet," answered Dr. Robinson. JJ. A. Hutchinson, K.U,, of Brock- ville, prosecuting counsel, stated that he had. been notified hy T. U. Rabin- cette, \.U., of Teronto, counsel for the accused, that' the defense desired = an enlargement of the case until the spring assizes. " The crown prosecttor® explained that timé that had elapsed between ge pre@minary in: vestigation int the death of Miss Yorke and the date fixed for the as- sizes, he did not consider it would be fair to force the defense to appear for trish. His lordship concurred, 'and granted 'the enlargement. W. S. Herrington, acting in the in- terests of Mr. Robinette, statedd that | application for bail would be made in l'oronto immediately. Immediately after pleaded and resumed | his seat, his young wife, sister' and mother. entered the room amd sat beside him, his wife and he being separated only by a stall railing. / No ebjection was raised to their conversation, and © for three minutes husband, sister, wife and mother con- eT in undertone during a delay in court proceedings. It is expected that another sensa- tion&l arrest will be made in connec- tion with this case as a result of some pew evidence secured by the po- hee FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD, The Selling Price on Thursday was 1415 Cents. At the meeting of the Frontenac cheese board, on Thursday afternoon, cheese sold at 14jc. 'There was board- ed 637 boxes of colored cheese, as fol- lows : Colored--Arigan, 30; Elm Grove, 4); (ilenburnie, 100; Glenvale, 30; Gilt rage, 25; Howe Island, 25; Bay View, 34; Ontario, 44: Rose Hill, 80; Sun- bury, '75; St. Lawrence, 29; Thousand Islands, 30; Elginburg, 70; Wolfe ls- land, 25. i At l44c. Mr. Alexander secured the offering of Bay View, Ontario, 'Thou- sand Islands, Elginburg, Wolfe Island, \rigan, Glenburnie, Gilt kdge and Howe Island. At the same price Mr. Murphy bought tne * offering -of Elm Girove, Glenvale and St. Lawrence. Owing to the fact that next thurs day will be fair day in Kingston, the board decided to meet at Il a.m. in- stead of 1.30 p.m. Fell Off A Roof. On Thursday morning William HBen- nett, the seventeen-year-old son of W, C. Bennett, Frontenac street, met with ap accident by falling from a secafiold on one of the House of Providence buildings The distance to the ground was about fifteen feet and he was fortunate enough to hit the ground on his feet, but sustained what was at first thought to be a broken ankle, but under the X-ray, in the Hotel Dieu, it was found to be only severely strained. To Help Fund. At the meeting of the Frontenac cheese board, gn Thursday afternoon, when the war fund was under discus sion, George Smith, of Parham, stat- od that he would guarantee $1 from each of the patrons of his factory. soseph Cramer, Frontenac's cheese king, said he would give ten bags of turnips and five bags of potatoes, or the cash value. He thought there might he some family who would ap- preciate a gift of potatoes or turnips. . em-------------- 7 Heintzman & Co's Pianos Recognized M. 8S. Grace, of the C. W. Lind: say, limited, Piano Co., made a business' trip to Montreal this week and while 'there witnessed the Pro- testant Board of «School Commis- sioners purchase two'new Heintzman & Co. pianos to be placed in the main hall of their new high school. Good Grapes, Fifteen Cents Basket. Better one at 20¢, and the best Red. Roger, Black Roger, Delaware, Niagara and Concords at 25c basket, Friday and Saturday at Carnovsky's. ™------ Robinson had | Specials For To-morrow QEVERAL good things just received, and we ex- pectto turn them into cash To-Morrow. The prices ought to do this. 600 Pairs Very Fine One and One Ribb Women's Cash- mere Stockings e------ These are a fine pure Wool Cashmere, reinforced toe and heel to give double wear, and worth regularly 50c pair. Girls' Sizes 8% inch and 9 inch. Ladies' Sizes 9 inch, 9% inch. 10 inch. Yours To-Morrow 29¢ a Pair 100 Pairs Housemaid's 'Chamois Gloves . These are a great help to women doing housework. Theyare a loose Chamois Glove, to protect the hand, and are made by DENT, the great Foghh Glove Maker. Special Price To-Morrow 29¢ a Pair Sn ew Shoes -Black Russia Calf and the new shade ig ia sian

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