Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Sep 1914, p. 5

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aOR HAD ITS OPENING ON TUESDAY . WIPH GOOD WEATHER. A Baseball Match and a Horse Race Were .the Field Attractions--The Attendance Was Good. Ideal weather greeted the Wolfe Islanders for the upening day of their annual fair "which took place "on Tuesday afternoon. Although it was the first day, over three hun- dred people paid admission at the gate. The field programme' consist- ed of a baseball match and a green horse race, In the main building on the grounds, there was a splendid dis- play of vegetables, grain and other crops. In ope end.of the 'building the ladies had arranged a beautiful display of flowers and fancy werk, hich, were highly praised by all who attended the show. e islanders stated that their grain\ crop this season is a great deal porter than a year ago while the hay crop is not nearly as good. There has been a fair crop of pota- toes when one considers the dry weather which the farmers had to contend with during the early part of 'the summer. Although the offering of poultry was somewhat smaller than at pre vious shows, it was of a better class Very few horses were shown but those on the grounds were some of the best seen at any of the fairs this fall. The cattle will be shawn or Wednesday afternoon. A number of people from the city went over to attend the show. The Steamer Wolfe Tslander made a couple of extra trips so 'as to ac comodate the crowd. Fight ladies from the island are rn ------------ : War Relief Fund 'Treasurer , * Patriotic Fund Board of Trade Rooms, Kingston Sir:--I hereby subscribe $ wid Kingston Branch of the Canadian Patriotic "Fund and enclose the amount hI CUT THIS OUT AND MAIL IT to the erewith i % ad NAME ........: Poy ADDRESS... .. 9.5%. wuard pants, Bose guards, knee guards, te, adn an excellent line sible call and see onr goods, {Tah IR ZR SLE PHONE 529 Let us call your attention " Autumn Presenta- to our tion" of the new styles Women's Boots Everything for the football player will Secretaries of clubs should write and Sat Lo aA LR be found here. Shin shoulder and elbow of footballs fram $1.28 to EB pon- get our prices and If IT Cine © 9 Srorrine Goons in Patent, Gun' Metal Vici Kid Shoes of indifferent style and scores of shapes and lasts, so daintily made that most dis- they please the eriminating woman. ALLAN M. REID 111 Princess-St., | on. aiding the local patriotic fund holding tag days while the show is hey "are using the boxes owned by the - Kingston ° general hospital. Ihe following is a list of those who took part: Miss Mata Dwwvis, Miss Dottie Campsall, Miss lilhe Wood- tnan, Miss Ola Hinckley, Miss Hazel Larush, Miss M. McDonald, Miss Ka- thleen Taplor and Mrs. William Sa- or, The following is a list of the men who had chafge of the fair : Hender son Horne, president; Richard Me- Cready, first vice-president; A. Haw- kins, second vice-president; George Friend, J, Br®wn, T. Fawcett, Thom- as Rodgers, R. Walke:, William Al lum, Fdward Briceland, William Hal- ey, IB. Kgill, directors. : Committees--On races, Oliver Haw- kins, A. Hough, William Haley; gen- hdrses, Rod. Walker; culture, J. Brawn; sheep and, swine, William Al- lum; cattle, Fdward Briceland; poul- try, D. Keill; dairy produce, Richard McCready. During the afternoon an exciting baseball mutch took place between the 'married and single men, in which the single men won out by a score of 13 to 12. At times the game was very exciting; some very long hits were pulled off. The teams lined up as follows : » Married men--D. Cosgrove, ri; W. Cummings, p.; E. Crawford, 'c.; T. shea, 3b.; Whitmarsh, 1.1; J. Davis, ef.; J. Berry, 1b; H. Staley, Dr. McManus, 2b. Single men--R. Spoor, 2b; J. Horne, Lf.; J. Allison, s.s.; F. -Ho- gan, ¢.; H. Davis, 1b; H. Davig, 3b; N. Horne, c.f; E. McDermott, p.; S. Woodman, r.i. \ Umpire, Thomas Moran. Ihe green race was very interesting Nellie (G., owned by Grimshaw, won, I'he result was: Nellie 6G. (Grimshaw) 3381 1 1 Direct (Greenwood) .. 4 12 3 2 as 1 ® Nettie (i. (Melarén) .. . 2234 Fhe men in charge of the raees were: Starter, Thomas Nicholson, Kingston; judges, Dr. W. Nicholls, Dr. S. A. Aykroyd and W. J. Metealie, of this city | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up by Oar Busy Reporters. "Week-end sweets' - Don't buy White want a cheap flour. at Gibson's, tose flour if you Vincent. Walsh, of Hamilton, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. B. jurke, Portsmouth. "Better than soap," Johnston's Shaving Cream, at Gibson's. Nine ponies were shipped to the city on Wednesday from Belleville, to W. Murray, auctioneer. "the home of , high class Gibson's. David H. McClement, Pittsferry and Stanley McNinch, Leeds, are Spending a few days on Wolfe Is- land. Hundreds of customers save money on drug wants. 'Ihey bhdy at Gib- son's. W. H. Bradt, of Toronto, govern- ment inspector of boilers, was in the city on Wednesday to make an inspection of the new boilers which are being installed at Rockwood his- pital. "Library books cancelled." Regular $1.50 hooks for 25¢. at Gibson's. Mr. and Mrs. W, King and' Miss King, of Birmingham, England, came to Kingston on Tuesday and left on Wednesday morning with Mrs. C. E. Spear, of Cobourg, for Brockville. The only . storé in sells strictly high class sweets. son's Red Cross Drug Store. No meetings of civic committees have been called this week. There is verv little business left for the council to do this year. That great hody however, will convene om Oct. 5th in regular session again. Quite 'Seriously HI. Charles Wilkins, Trenton, who is with the Kingston Queen's college Engineers at Valcartier is seriously ill" with pneumonia, "and has been removed to the hospital{in Quebec sweetd." Kingston that Gib- entertain the idem "that Don't the Lord has not a full record of vour prayers Buy Johnston's Shaving Cream. Gibson's. to ot It would come nearer the truth say that the law is. a respector persons, "Week-end _sweels'" at Gibson's. { | | | | | blic Meeting! City Hall fy erul superintendent, Henderson Horne; 8.8.7 WILL : CALIBRE THIS FALL, A List" Of the Players Who Will Try For Plaves -- Honorary Monday. Queen's rugby prospects for this season are certainly excellent, if ome is to judge by the men who out for the heavy practice Monday. The following of last year's team will be out: - Hill, Hazlett, Scott, McCartney and Macdonald, in the back division; Quigley, quarter; Pil- grim, White, McQuay, Box, McLeod, Ellis and Freida on the wing line. The following second year men and interfaculty stars will be on the job on Monday : Rowland, who is at present practising with Hamilton Ti gers; House, Hara, Nicholson, Slinn, Buéhanan, wash, R-"Eyons and R. Young, who were two of last year's Collegiate cham- pionship team stars, are already out to practice. Erskine, who played on the team for the four years he was at college, and who is at present at Valcartier, has notified the coach that he will try for a place on the team. Coach Lindsay Malcolm is "expected up from Valcartier on Sunduy and the team will have its first werim- image on Monday. , Meanwhile the players are getting out every after noon on the lower campus, kicking and pasbing. The above array ought to be one of the best teams that Queen's have ever turned out, and there #8 no doubt that it will be one of the contenders for the championship, as 'Varsity and MeGill are both weakened by the loss many of their best players gradua- ving. Coach Malcolm has 'arranged with "Hughie" Macdounell andv "Art 'Turner, two ex-stars of the Queen's gridiron, to. help him get the team mio shape. Kingston Rifle Association. In the Canadian Riffe league com- petitions for 1914, in which every rifle association in the dominion is represented, the first team of the Kingston Rifle assoclation secured third place; last year in the same competition, its position was fourth. The second team did much better, having advanced from 49th place last year, to 25th place this year. i This is a highly creditable perfor- | mance by the association in gen- eral. The interest and harmony ex- isting amongst the members ac- counts in no small measure for the success thus attained. Intercollegiate Rugby Meefing President "Jack'- Hazlett of the Intercollegiate Rugby Union has cal- led a meeting of the union for Sat- urday afternoon. At this meet- ing it will be definitely decided what Bey M., Coy ares R0iNE. 10. do. The management of Queen's is ar- raping with the Hamilton Rowing C wh for an exhibition match on Thanksgiving day. Collegiates at Practice Collegiates had their second heavy work-out on Tuesday afternoon un- der Capt. "Jack" Rvans on Queen's upper campus and although the weather was warm the hoys work- ed stranuously. Although Principal Sliter has lost his entire back di- vision, namely, J. Stewart who if eoing tn attend Toronto 'Dental col- lege; W. Evans, "Punk" Macken- zie and Harry Cook snd have lost Voung and Lyons off the wing line these nositions will be filed. walsh of last year's Regiopolis hockev team has turned out with the Col- legintes this vear and is almost certain of a position. City Soccer Tepone, The Kingston Soccer League execu- tive meets again on Wednesday even- ing. It was decided last Friday even- ing to open the season this coming Saturday with C.L.€. and Shipyards playing the first game. 'l'o-night oth er © important business will be trans- acted, and a good turnout of the members is desired. Rugby Notes The latest report to reach the Ot- tawa rugby. camp, and which has sent it into a 'state of enthusiasm, ig. that Barwis] the great punting and running half of last year's R.M.C. team, and who was considér- ed the best centre half in the inter- collegiate, will he ont to night in an Ottawa' uniform. - Barwis * has '"re- ceived a commission from the de- partment of militia, but is' not cer- tain when he.will' be called away. It may be that he will remain in Ot tawa throughout the fall, while on the other hand he may be called within a weék's time. Arctic Hunt Motion Pletures, A more inviting attraction could QUEEN'S RUGBY TEAM BE OF «CHAMPIONSHIP Coach Malcolm Will Take Charge Next have notitied the' coach that they will be 8; Welch and Bur- | ob Styles for Fall Straight lasts and Narrower toes, Jouger We have a large, well assorted stock of n nglish patterns are $+. vamps and cloth tops are popular for women. , e correct styles for men. - .- ew fall footwear from, and a call from you will be looked for and appreciated. for all to choose Shoe Repairing Eg New Hats Are here and await your inspection As usual we show fashion's. latest and in such celebrated makes as CHRISTY SCOTT BUCKLEY STETSON See our wonderful val- ues in $2 Derbies CAMPBELL BROS. The Big Hat Dealers DELTA FAI R, September 28th, 20th and 30th. A large exhibit in all classes. Trials of speed on 29th and 30th. Good band both days. Fare and one-third on C.N.R. from Yarker and intdmediate points to connect at Brockville with the Westport train. For particulars ask your O.N.R. agent. The Late Mrs. John Donoghue Thé'remains of the late Mrs. John Donoghue, who died in Toronto on the 18th of September; were brought to Kingston and the funeral took place on Monday from her son's re- sidence by Rev. Mr. Magee, of St. George's cathedral. The . deceased was formerly Miss Bessie Pogue of this city. Irvine Pogue, of King- ston i®is~brother, and Mrs. George Marshall, and Mrs. James Higgins, of Toronto are sisters. May Robson in "Marth-By-The-Day." An early season' theatrical visitor, who willbe mbst cordially welcomed, is May Robson, who comes to the Grand on Thursday, September 24th, appearing in a new comedy written by Julia M. Lippmann, and called, "Mar- thn By-The-Day." Miss Robgbn in the Lippmann comedy is anticipated with an. unusual degree of interest by both theatregoers and book readers, the former appreciating the fact that this comedienne's "record in ectentrie character impersonation ensures for them a laughing treat; while the lat- ter are keen to see how Martha and all of her charming associates will ook and act, when they step out irom "between the covers of the book. | Abernethy's | -- Pure Ice Cream Best in Kingston Test By Government All Builder's ~ Material Best Quality--Lowest Price "Corbett's" oll Cloths and Linoleums and Carpet . Squares. 'We have a large stock of Refriger- Ators w.nd Gas Stoves; also all kinds of sew and second-han furniture; all t¢ be sold at reasonable prices. see the bargains. H. SUGARMAN, 243 Ontario Street. Phone 1550 Opposite Craig's Wholesale Just the thing for New Goods {Announcements by Captain of Teams; of Total Contributions ursday, Sept. 24 at 8 O'clock Last Grand Rally in Connection With the War Relief Fund - Patriotic Music Come and Have a Good Time House next. Friday and Saturday af- {p | ternoons and evenings, when the mo- tion pictures taken in Alaska and Si beria by the Carnegie Museum expedi- tion, last summer, will be shown the first time in panied by an lecture by 'I. '1, Jackman, a member of the expedition. Kingston, accom- Should Have Sunk It. "Au elderly citizen of, the Wesleyan faith stood before the Whig. bulle- tin on Wednesday morning, and when he read the item about a Brit ish cruiser . capturing a German Cruiser on the Atlantic, he became very excited, . "They should have sunk it!" re exclaimed, "and made them pay for some of the lives lost When the three British ships went own." ! ¥ -------------- The Late Mrs. Beavis. On Tu the death occurred of Elizabeth "Beavis, wife of Henry Beavis of this city. The deceased had been confined to the Sir Oliver Mowat Memorial hospital for some time. The Mineral takes place on Thursday' from 8. Corbett's un- narlors to ca ---- -------------------- scarcely be imagined 'than that which twit be provided at the Grand Opera for interesting explanatory Had A Serious Collision. Alexandria Bay, N.Y., Sept. 23.--An automobile in' which Dr. A. J. Dick and Dr. G. H. Cole, both of Water town, were riding, tolfided with a motor cyele on the state road turn wear this village Sunday afternoon. Ukarles' (Gonyean, the driver of the motor cycle, was rendered unconscious when he was thrown from his machine. His condition is good to-day. ! Proceeds For War Fund. Tonight will be the lass presenta- tion of the beautiful pictures of ry Nears a at rand Opera House. manage: ment announce that the proceeds of this evening's entertainment will be given to the patriotic find, . Weather Changes Tuesday night was as wart as a summer evening, although it was the 22nd of September. No ridin had fal- len Yor sixteen days but this re- cord was broken in' the night a beavy shower, accompanied by thun toning. der and ligh Always at your service. JUST IN ANice Lotof AutomobileAccessories Fresh Tubes Porritt Garage Co., Limited STEAMER BRITANNIC Leaves Canal Basin, foot of Dale Rousle Sty Montreal, aa my = p.m, " Friday leaves Fol A at 5 pam, tak ngers Ror, Lianansus and Brockville and t for Mom~ treal. A. N. Mgr. Head Office Cornwall, Ont, Parlor Furniture SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY A Parlor Finished Complete Three piece parjor setts, loose plush cashions, only $32.00, Reg. $40.00 Fancy odd pieces in silk, divans, sets tees, rockers and chairs at a snap JAMES REID, TE" LEADING UNDERY. Phone 147 for Abia your Equipment. 4 Cut Prices Phone 454 | es he re o-- 7s: TA HL A

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