Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Sep 1914, p. 4

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One year, 10 United Staten 0 | - ix and three months pre rata. in the way of those who are canvass- . Semi-Weekly Edition) x WN aviakihs a 0) your, by mail, Sas reprise 190 ing for subscriptions. m---- @ year, Af not paid in advance . The " otic er os gear to United States ...... :§1.80 | Then the canvass for the Patriotic ghia. . Six and three months pro rata. fund will not, and should not, inter: % a focanniBR rm Published Daily 'and Semi Weekly by ne 18 WH PUBLISHING TE Ro. LIMITED, : .. President J. GQ BIMott ..uc.cona fe 2 Director ens. Leman A. Guild ... UBSCRIPTION RATES (Daily Edition) One year, delivered in city . Ona year, If paid in advance . One year, by mail to rural offi Attached Is one printing offices in TORONTO REPRESENTATIVE of the best joo Canada. H. BE. Smallpeloe ........ 32 Church St. U, PRESENT ATIY New York OfI08 oss. 225 Fifth Ave. Frank R. Northrup, Manager. Chicago ... Tribupe Bldg. HF ranic . Northrup, Manager. THREATS FROM THE OUTSIDE. Montreal's City Council, by a vote of 29 to 1, rejected a proposition of tbe coutrollers to purchase the Wate; snd Power company's plant at a cost of 39,000,000, IY was a hastily pre pared proposition. It may have been long ia the minds some the gontrollers, but they sprang it on tioir colleagues, and the result majority and minority reports, being fejected, one suggested that the council's deci- son and judgment could be overcome by an appeal to the legislature. In Giher words 'the legislature could be neked to amend the city's charter, permitting of things not covered by the present charter, and the voice of + dhe council could be smothered by leg- i islation which it did not want. 'I'his theorg rests upon the inference that members of the council, in favour of the $9,000,000 deal, can in some way Weielicot its passage by special act ot # Jugislature. That idea has been com- vigotanblyy. 'end. a member of {4% Montreal 'council yemarked : "Une + bl our colleagues menaces us with the 1 legislature if we do mot accept. this Wheheme. Let us take up arms, and fight until the legislature gives up the attempt to force us to a scandalous purchase." BY-LAWS THAT ARE DEAD. There is a by-law which is supposed to protect. the public from offensive smells, and it is not enforced. The garbage waggons, which traverse our itreets, aliould be so protected that the contents of them will not be ex- posed. Yet on one of the main thoroughfares one 'of these waggons stood, uncovered, on Tuesday, and the offlovia_ arising from it stifled "those who passed within fifty feet of it. I'he disposition of some people is to break laws, 'or to ignore them., They have of ol oN was both "79 Fo be kept under surveillance, restraint woecasionally, and hence the laws which are passed by councils, and without which the otienders become unconscion- ¢ble trespassers. 'L'hese laws, too, are jpinced in the" bands of our officials, and. they are enjoined to permit of no infraction of them. Let any one ex- iviine thesé by-laws and he will find that some public functionary is named to see that they are duly honoured, I'his functionary. should not require wy one to call him to account. He hould make sure what his duty is, bmd, without pressure from any one, hscharge it without fear, favour or af- fvotion, Failing in this he invites unment, . and sometimes it is very wistic. It may not be necessary to wall any more attention to the garb- system just now. A VERY SERIOUS LOSS. ds"a curious circumstance that, so after the remarkable deliverance n. Winston! Churchill, the Ger- : ring made. havoc among the the British navy. 'Lhe first L the admiralty was in Liver: bh the interest of the recruiting 2, and, referring to the Ger- ips, whieh had been bot- Kiel Bay, observed : "ii it come out and fight they 'out like rats out of a t day a German sub- Stitish cruisers HS submort wy Whig] ships that ventured out of Kiel Bay 0 should remove any Then it was that some (cising the militia department, escaped Albany, N.Y., Sept. 23.--The W. H. Grant company, of Cape Vincent, filed d the quick tary of state to deal in farm 3 rant, of C ter erick' A. Grant, of Wa Ihgve had their reward. In the mext place there will be increased' diligence famong those in charge of the British fleet in the North Sea. 'Lhere may: tlave been some contempt for the Ger- mnn submarines and mines, and a danifestution of this is excusable un; der certain circumstances. As when the Hritish. ships chased the German | back under the shelter of the land fortifications and sank some of them, But submarines and mines can be very destructive, and. they will be more carefully watched in the futdre. dhat is the splemn conclusion of us all. 2 KEEP THE AIM OLEAR . In the interest of the Canadian Pa- triotic Fund it should be stated that there is no expensive machinery and no paid officials in its service. Not one of the men engaged in the local movement is being paid for his work. It is contributed generously and free- ly. Outside of stationery, postage, and printed forms, there are no local expenses. This fact, - clearly stated, misunderstanding upon the point, and also any obstacle fere with a general relief movement. 'The Whig has heard of cases in which the relief fund has had a preference, in which men have promised. to. give their contributions even moré &heer- fully to this than the patriotic cause, 'These funds or schemes could not be managed together, and collec tions could not be made at the same This proposal was duly dis cussed and abandoned. 'I'he local commitice was guided very. largely by the experience in other places' and ex- perience was against the, double move- to time ment. It may be that the amount aimed al here may be exceeded. Ii Torobio the purpose was to raise $500,000. As it was neared the limit was made $750,000. As the receipts were aboul a million dollars the subscribers were consulted with regardto the turning over to the general relief fund of all over the second limit, and this will probably be done. .In Kingston the £50,000 may be exceeded, and if it is the general. relief fund can be helped, and to the extent of whatever sum has been realized beyond the $50,000, EDITORIAL NOTES A short war? Not likely. If great armies are to continue fighting, as thoy are now, from trenches, the éam- paign may he Prolonged indefinitely. It will be a test of endurance. Hon. Mr. licadrie going out of the local government 1 The loss will not be great." As a minister without a port folio he has been of limited use- fulness. Like a fifth wheel' on a coach. I'he canvass ih connection with the patriotic Fund every other city and town has been a pronounced suc- Make it a success in Kingston. If the limit is not exceeded some of the workers will be disappointed. cess. Because of the hard times some of the smaller salaried officlals of York are being dismissed, while the New budget is being amended so as to pay the higher safaried oflicials still high- er stipends. Not very consistent, it? The German. Humanity réague'at London, Lngland, is quite persuaded that the only salvation of the German empire will 'be to arrest and lock up the kaiser somewhere. *'Prussia," in the opinion of the league, "must be swept. awny forever." The rally in the City Hall on Thurs: day evening, at eight o'clock, when the final returns are made, when the captains report, will he the event of the campaign, 'The people will occupy the body of the hall, and the workers the platform. Cabinet making in Ontario is still in the making. With the retirement of Hon. Mr. Reaume from the govern- ment the French-Canadians will be without representation. Has this been planned 7 Ur is it because a sue- cessor cannot be found to Dr. Reaume? Fhe officor who caused the arrest of Knox Magee, in Winmipeg, for critic arrest Mimself by starting in' a hurry for Valcartior. There. will be some way, eventually, tof getting at him and exposing the plot in which he acted. ---------- Why didn't the winister of mililia, if he wanted to attack some' editor, arrest the editor of Saturday Night? He was much more severe in his he is quite handy, too, and is passed over while a man away off "in Winni- peg is persecuted. Produce Co. Incorporated: -- | and Harriet, PUBLIC OPINION _' A Good Sign. Sty Thorag Journal. "Sign in London, kng., shop : 'Busi ness going on as usual during altera- tions to the map of Kurope. S---------------------- The Genuine Patriot. Ottawa Journal. The officer who is a genuine patriot wan't ask to go with the first Uana- dian contingent unless he is actually needed as an oflicer. - a ao------ They Certainly, Have Not. Hamilton Herald. 'Ie penchant of German soldiers {or the destruction of churches a seem to indicate that they: haven't much juse for the church. ° ". ., Who Shall Rule, Toréntd News, Sir #. M. Barrie puts 'the whole case in a nutshell. 'lhe issug of the war, he says, is as to "whether soldiers or citizens shall rule in Europe." A Poor" Choice. Brantford Expositor None of the appointments is likely to be' received with favor. A. W. Wright is supposed to represent the fabor interests, but he is first and al- ways a politician, and is, in addition, entirely out.of touch with the labor party of to-day. Another Touch. Hamilton Spectatof. - ¢ Of course, Col. Sam Hughes knows his. own budiness, but it seems an- ontalons, if true, that forty cadets are to 'be gent to Valcartier as dispatch riders, 'When the corps of guides, hitted for: ju§t such service, have been tem porarily disbanded > Kingston Events . 28 YEARS AGO. B. W. Folger sold fifteen flat cars to the Duluth and Port Arthur rail- roads. . Another much larger sale is expected. . Rev. Messrs. Crossley & Hunter have arrived in the city to conduct a sclies of evangelistic services at Sydenham street Methodist church. James Sutherland fell off his biey- cle on "Ontario street and fractured his right arm near the elbow, FAILURE COST 1,000 MEN, Belgium. Forts Brilliantly Repulse Three Attacks. Antwerp, Sept. 23--I have just heard of a desperate but unsuccess- ful attack which took place yester- day and on Saiurday, on the part of the Germans to take the Waelhem forts, the strongest which protect Brussels, lying between Malinés and Brussels, and is in reality the key to the situation in Belgium. Shortly after dark the Germans, who brought up" considerable forces into the region of Hofstadt and Can- penhout, opened fire with their dead- ly artillery and at the same time half of the division of the enemy fired on the Belgians, who were con- cealed in the trenches before the forts. It was intended as. a surprise attack, but it failed. The forts of Waelhem replied with telling effect and the front line of the German forces was devastated. Still they brought up men, who continued to fall before the guns of the fort and then the German firing ceased as suddenly as it began. Just before 'dawn on Sunday the sudden attack was repeated, but on this occasion. the Belgians were more fully prepared to stand the attack. Again it failed. Later in the day there came a third attack, but the enemy's shells, which fell wide, af- forded little covering and protection to the first line of invaders. Ultima- tely the Germans withdrew, having lost nearly one thousand men. GUEST OF THE KAISER. Exployer Sven Hedin to Describe Sit- uation, Berlin, Sept. 23-- (By wireless via Sayville)-- The Swedish. explorer Anders Sven Hedin, is a guest of Emperor William at headquarters. He will be allowed to visit the eas- tern and western fronts in order to give a non-partisan account of the situation. Advices from Vienna deny the re- port that Henryk Sienkiewica, the Polish writer and author of "Quo Vadis", is a prisoner of wak of the Austrians. He is in Vienna en route for the Tyrol and is preparing to" write a book on his experiences in the war. I The crown council at Bucharest, capital of Roumania, decided to con- tinue the strictest neutrality. TAKE SOUTHERN COURSE. Admiralty Temporarily Closes Belle Isle Route, London, Sept. 23--The Admiralty has dirseted that for the present season all ships running to'and from Canada must abandon' the route through the Straits of Bells Isle and travel exclusively by way of Cape Race. The Admiralty points out that this alternation in the Canadian route is made in order that British warships employed in the North At- lantic may give more effective sup- ervision to the crossing of vessels. British ships have quite recently in- tercepted wireless m between German cruisers only a few hundred miles off Cape Race. " A -------------- 1 At Lavant Station, 1 1 l 'oriticism of the minister's manage- ment of the militia department. Me| Lavant Station, Sept. 23.--Dr. R. a "thinks the minister should go. And |E- Sparks, Kingston, spent the week- end here, leaving op Tuesday morn- ing for Omvah. Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McFarlane, a son. John wrence and sisters, Misses Eva eneats at "Hillview Farm on Sun | Ye, 40d to miss having Md ALY gra: day. Silas B. Jacob has returned Kieication out of it is a calamity, in- tion papers with the secre- N° of home from the north. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lee and family motored to Ottawa last week to ai hitjition. Th tiend the = , David Crawford poms, ho also mo- J unless it is the way failures fail. pepsia." the aviator down and arrest him?" suport." - "My husband is so good to his employes." "is he really?" "Yes. He came home late last night all tired out, poor fellow, and I heard him murmur in his sleep, so dull, too." conviction that needs for its sustenance something and needles, and facture of spongecake.--Higginson. but they are also consoled by trifles. ~Vietor Hugo. by herself as former are as' objectionable as thing, with small ears and notions, about as applicable to the business of life as a pair of tweezers to the clearin Eliot. wife adorn herself? -- From Spanish. sweet poison. --Turkish Proverb. founds enemies. soon the fellow to whom you are un- Just will have the screws on you: hers to be true to you. cerity 'will give ~ an i i ~ Many a sermon thal touches the spot is wordless. Lots of people give advice who haven't any to spare. Nothing succeeds , like success-- It takes a strong-minded man to admit he is in the wrong when he is. Lovely Woman. When lovely woman stoops to folly, The world may 'weep; and yet irs ; grouch Wort be so spiced with melancholy ~~: when she does the 'Fourteen sloueh. --From Judge, - Seeing and Raising the Wind. "Just see the wind," exclaimed little Bobby, looking from the win- dow on a stormy; day. a "You ask me/to do something im- possible," answered Bobby's papa, who was a great sticker fortaccur- acy. "Wind is air in motion, and You cannot see it. It is invisible." "But papa . "Well, my son?" "I heard you talking about a sight draft the other day." ; And papa dida't explain how he had raised the wind to meet that.-- Cleveland Plain Dealer. They're All Alike. Jack and I are going to be mar ried as soon as the vacatien season is over. Why wait ? I want to be sure I"won't find someone I like - better. So It's All Right. She was very much, in love with him, and ome evening, while they were alone, shé 'asked.' "Frank, tell me truly: you have kissed 'other 'girls; 'haven't you?" "Yes," replied the young man, "but no one you know.'--New York Times. No Dancing Floor, "This apartment is not big ough to turn around in,' said Groucher. -- "You are not supposed" to turn around in it," replied the agent, idly "We are letting apartments, not ball- rooms." -- Utica Press. en- Mr. Deserve The Punishment. Mrs. Scrapp--Statistics show that married men live lopger than single men. ' J Scrappy-- Yes, it serves them right Heard in an Office. "I believe Grumpley would sooner fight than eat." "So would you if you had his dys- A Vagrant of The Air. "Why did the police officer call "For having no visible means of Her Generous Husband. Jim, I'll raise you ten.' And business Said Of Women. Nothing can hide from me an immortal the soul more than visiting, and gardening, novel reading, and crochet the occasional manu- Women are afflicted by trifles, A woman who is always thinking is ' always thinking of mischief. -- Anonymous. There are female dandies as well clothes-wearing men; and the the atter. -- Carlyle. King Hats $2.50 A Flannel Sale of Men's Blue $1.00 and $1.25 values ~ for 69c. Sizes 14 to 17, full sizes, well made, perfect fitting. : Shirts | o Trouser Sale Men's $4.00 and $4.50 trousers for $2.75 Side straps, five pockets, belt loops, fine worsteds in neat stripes, sizes 31 to 44 AROHEO > MMDAC values Sale Price Sale | Suit Cases Genuine leather cases with two solid straps, three hinges; sizes 24 and 26 inch. Regular $5.00 and $5.50 $395 King Hats 50 For getting houses built this year at our reduced rate. Brick houses, frame houses and bune galows, 6 rooms, hot air heat. ing system, modern improve. ments, finished in mission oak, $1500 cash or $1600 easy terms. i Chas. Leeder, Bnd Floor, Room 4, King Edward Building Our Boy's Clothing Department Don't mfss seeing our new suits and overcoats for boys. have some splendid and unusual values in school suits. "+Bibbys | Last Opportunity Thomas Copley Telephone. 987 Drop a card to 13 Pine street when wanting done In the carpen- tery line. #tihates given on all kinds of repairs and mew work; also ha wood floors of all kins. All will receive prompt attention. 40. Queen Street. yd --~ SE =a Is The Time to} Buy When i Now Farms For Sale' ~ Choice farm of 250 ac res, 6-miles from King- A fine lady is a squirrel headed small g of a forest.--George For whom does the blind man's the Women, like a good wine, is a A Preachment. Be kind; it makes your life like June day, attracts friends and con- Be just; you never can tell how Be joyous; there is but oue life to Be true! then yoti may bxpect ot- Be sincere; other ston; first class stone dwelling; all necessary outbuildings; orchard; rich soil under ecultiva- tion; plenty of water; rity. desirable pro ides a We have large list" of" farms for sale, ing - in price , from $1000 to $24000. ibout 130 acres of deep, |. large sugar bush; a very | Prices Are Low | If Cement block bungalow with i} every convenience, fireplace, el« i} ectrie lights, gas, Food © if aud gu.d lot for $1950.00. can be arranged to respon- ji 'parties. | Double frame house on lf street, renting for $18 Can be bought on easy terms for $1850, 86lld brick. house on John Stanley § 00 per Sale of Children's Felt Hats 50c and 75¢ values, plain blue, grey red and brown, for 3% Each. Street, seven. ry s apd lmprove- ments. Has en utlt about five years, for $275040, -- 4 d be berm We certainly Bing Hate Cheap Auto - Tire Ford size 3C x 2 1-4, guaranteed 3500 Gasoline 20¢ per gal. Bibby's Phone 201 Garage, 917 FLOUR. . Our Robin Hood Brand of flopr has a guarantee in every bag for good quality

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