Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Sep 1914, p. 6

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~___" THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1914. A ADVANCE | NEURALGIA SETTLED [ROAD | A ---- a -- 1 OF THE RUSSIAN FORCES nme one PUBLIC RALLY She Took *" Fruit-a-tives : b: Makes Some Stirring Remarks || & > ° "== tain of h British trawler who haé| CAMPBRLIVILLE, ONT, MAvsthi gry, | About Germany's Disregard of So-| just arrived at London from Jee- WEL ivi apek tod highly of lemn Treaties. : land. The skipper said it was "abso- ruit-a-tives"', over thirty years, London, Sept. 21---Addressing 2,-!/ : lutely impossible for any foe to I have suffered from chromie-Neuraigia 000 London Welshmen Saturday af . : break through undetected," so con-| ®0B¢ Ti peexpericucing tutoid ternoen at a pafriotic meeting des- || ' stant and thorough was the patrol| 28°0y. The Neuralgia set in my ligned to stimulate recruiting, David || y ] : 3 . I w lungs 'and 1 took bottles of ici + to the north. : 2T medicine Loyd George, chancellor of the ex-|! Possibilities of Roumania enter- witout elief. The doctor told me I lehequer, sarcastically referred to the |! : ee) ing the Européan conflict on the side tives * g€ Detter but Fruita- |gew famous 'scrap of paper" inei- |§ I Al f T of Russia are reported in brief offi- proved that the doctor was |gent. ! n 0 © cial advices from neutral observers finally by giving A gn relief and "They tell us {hat treaties are on- || BSIANS CAPTURED MANY |in Bucharest. No reasons were given | "uy y curing me. {iy scraps of paper," he said. "Let |l ; sothave my present heal oral Ha : A 4 PRISONERS AND GUNS. I he probable Jetion of Roum if it were mot for * Fruita ives': Be ask ¥ oh re 20y Dank | : > ' rwise, "| 1am glad of thi : cod ? ell if you | - / i ing strong sympathies for Russia. you 2 Bia letter abn aay Of giving have, just remember that they ave! a ; : $ 1€ un A ) H yz Under Attack From Three Gen. Dankls Austrian force in Ga- remed " Hl Aivaa I scraps of paper. You can go ahead Austrians Burned Jar. | li¢ia has been- entirely cut off and ' - Fruita-tives », das aud burn them as rage if vou want || full surrender is expected shortly. RS. NATHAN DUNN. to. They are worthless if ii were not|! law -- Emperor Franz Josel| oo. troops ambushed "and de- 50¢. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. | that the whole 'credit of the British|p x min Reported Dead. feated a large force of Austrians. Atall dealers or sent on receipt of price |smpire stands behind them. Treaties op : ) rad, Se Japanese land forees have taken| bY Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. are somewhat the same. They are || er usic : ograd, Sept. 21.--Further ad-l.ome of the outer defences of Kian the currencies of international stat-|| ' ' | . . . . ' of the Russian troops was an | chow THE TOWN OF GAN ANOQUE i esmanghi yi i { h 3 3 . NA? be SME P. And yet Germany did not Op ted by the war office to-day. A| "The 'entire city of Rheims has think them worth respect." ! { -- EE g night , attack, the culmina- | heen reduced to'. ashes following | Arranging For Addresses By the This reference was cheered wildly. ; A . . of a day's bombardment, over- | German bombardment. Hon. W, T. White. Referring to the accusation that|| ) \ p ped the Austrian defénders of The Russian Baltic leet of twen- Gananoque, Sept. 21.-- Mayor, W.| Great Britain had used the treaty || ) ® " : 4 : 0, on the San, and the Rus- ty units is cruising off the Dardanell | y "oope 0 has; consented AO. aut as | Providing for Belgian heutrality as || . : ' . forces captured thousands of es to attack the Turkish squadron if | .hotrman for the evening at the ar a cunning cloak to veil her jealousy |! x # ! A - - Boners and a score of guns, to- | pecessary. mouty when Hon. W. T. White, mini-| © & superior civilization, the chan-!, fic b with large GVantities of sup- Official Paris report says German | gor of finance will address the citi- | c¢llor said. | i D | 1] é bi left behind by the Austrian's | crown princes' amy retreated for zens of Gananoque and vicinity on "Our answer was the action we . .. ny Przemyzl now under | six miles. the subject of "The European War {100k in 1870. In that case Prigce ' von ek from three separate directions, | Japanese troops landed at Iao In the afternoon Mr. White will ad-| Bismarck respected Prussia's tresty Vi : ; : gs vilice Stns declated. Shan bay, twenty miles across the| gress the officers and members of | obligations, but it was to the inter- . NotRT Na pe A mbardmen 1§ contmmung | [sthmus from Kiau-Chau. t en mmt---- A: 4 LE ot 4 (Rith, our lores scaly advancing | A" Peiragra dabaieh says hit | Qudy Doge eg market "was THE MEETING WILL BE MILITARY IN CHARACTER, THE MILITIA " ow entren . © re- } Saxony cavalry sent from France has | he ay. Ld 5 ¥ TH RS AN AD Bee Austrian forces butned Jar- | suffered severely near Sandomir, Kus 3uid her gu Saturd SAEs ih ' ---- : IN THE CITY, E OFFICE Y C ETS OF THE RB, M. C. IN £ oslaw before their evacuation." dan Poland local purchasers. ed ATTENDANCE. i | hay iy Replying to Switzerland's neutrality Clark Shipman of Ivy Lea has J whey en : y ie : : . : £ | Austrian Emperor "Dead Again. leclaration, France, Germany and | purchased the farm of Patrick Boyle 4 ERE i The public are cordially invited to attend and assisst ir. this most worthy "Rondon, Sept. 21.--The report that | Austria aftirmed their intentions to |a few miles west of the town. ; : sont il cause Bwperor Franz. Josel of Austria is | respect its neutrality A slight change has heen made X ; bd was revived today in a des ihe Russian * legation at Antwerp | in the T. I" R. time table to mo® to the Chromicle from Geneva. | announces that the German ofiensive | changes in the G. 'F. R. schedule Be despatch quotes a high official [10 Fast Prussia is checked. 'The Rus- | The afternoon train to meet the | E Q 3 irning to Lausamme fron Vienna | Sians captlired German artillery sent | westbound mail will leave the T. | A SHAW Cl (1 R MEEK o Lausanne from Vienna : . , Chairman. . , wecretary stating that the efiperor died, a [rom Breslau ( : I. R. station at 2.30, five minutes pk ago, but the news was sup Official announcement. Sunday after-]in advance of what fit previously pr " $80 avoid a revolution noon states that slight advances were | was. 3 ? | ARSAS ~ % : : lm de by the allies, who: captured Harold Wilson, son of Mr. and The Losses At Sea. 1 v prisoners and standards. Mrs. B. Wilson, who has spent the . 3 CR I lk of the alli remained in. summer with a surveying party in 5 - ---- --- -- -- nm ---- . New York, Sept. - 21~Forty war hu . ' 3 y 4 the trenches all Sunday, while their | the north country has returned pn fips have either been destroyed, bad artillery perfornied wonderful feat | home. Mrs. David J. Lloyd = who : 7 3 LAUNDERING D 0 NE damaged or Stharwice lost od 1 agninst the German masked batteries. | has spent the past summer at Swift ¢ A " WITHOUT ACID. in powers since war began. 1hosed =. v tof the battle i | Current, Sask., with her daughter¥ | | % q ; Z you want your tlethes to last, you : 1 he ninth day of the battle of , Res. . I : 3 must have them washed withon hown losses a The nid in belli- \isne opened on Monday, with little Mrs. A. Shook, and Mis Ethel Lloyd, PA 7 4 We use no acld whatever. t sem. t countries, Sinkmg Ol | dvantage to either side but with ter- | D388 returned home Mr. and Mrs. p Gop A pusteard will bring opr boy to the German surveying ship Mowe, by | © © 0 eo Robert G. Kelly spending part .of » dave, _ We appreciate the opportunity t : >, { "ible casué Ss. : r y Wi latives pre Bes mil Oe. British oraiaer Pegasus, amnoun | Ihe Hritish admiralty announces | 'heir honeymoqn With relatives here LAN a : ¢ t family washing, 40c to fd in London without date, sug that the auxiliary erviser Uarmania | 30d at Sweet's Corners have left to 3 . 3 g CHONG BROS. LAUNDRY that - other warship disasters : Gerth liary at Uape | reside in Ottawa, where the groom v ; : . ae: 2 . be concealed. The smval casual Sank : the A RE ne ape has a position in the government fia y The Household Remedy 834 Princess St. show that Frame aloe, vy the German cruiser Koenigsberg disabled rinting Bureau. : . LW A YS keep a bottle of Eno's in i at re 14 as ie a Pe the Hritish ecraiser Pegasus, with VOICE OF THE PULPIT , the house in readiness for an emergency. ie losses ol oLher cour heavy British losses, in Zanzibar Bay : * . There is not the least danger of any ill : Germany, 23; Great Britain, | 0 Co 00 CO ncellor is at Geneva ex ; - eff i i i : rmany, 23; e Lie ce } wa . a ; i 2 ect or improper use in any case, as its action hk Austria, 5; Russia, 2; Japon, | and is reported (to. be sounding the Services in ve Of the Churches { " te is entirely in accord with Nature. | | din. peace Tn Sunday. gi Eno's "Fruit Salt" contains the valuable N - » a foreign ambassadors regarding Entered A Protest. The name of Mother Adrienne, bead] 'the congregation of Calvary Con 7. A. 8 WILLIAMS RET constituents of ripe fruit in a portable, agreeable A Bordeaux, Sept. 21. President | oi (hs Dames du Sacre Uoeur, Paris, |gregational church had the pleasure alii of ie. Canading. contite ge and simple form, and is in every respect as rn mneare to-day: directed a formall.j, formerly was Adrienme Bubet, ap- [of having the services of Rev. John pi t Vales . : Hh harmless as the juices of the fruits from which Lombards, green gages, blue, jest to the neutral powers against re in a long list of names of those | [.yal, of Guelph, at both services ~oy |- v . ee -- 4 v it is obtained. red, yellow plums, 11 gts. Danke destruction of the historic .ea-lLied on the hattlefield. She was | Sunday. In the evening he preached [€st of Prussia to break hr treaty Sold in ell the principal towns and cities of etn, BOe. ral of Rheims by the German ar- | (ruck by a bullet from a German ma- [irom Revelations i, 5: "Unto him | to-day, and she has done itd To Prus- ) Canada. ramen Sa ea tet, by. The protest of the French ine gun as she was raising the head | that loved us, and washed us from [sia a reaty is just a scrap of paper. iA \ Prepared onl¥ by rates, Bie hasket oo nent states: "The German. , wounded soldier. our sins in his own blood "This doctrine of a scrap, of paper J. C. ENO, Led., *'Fruit Salt" Works, Ex. ; wy yt RA nA pope, without military necessity, ------ During the course of the sérvice [goes to the root of all public law. a Agents for Canada : | N » oN Mr. Ly We are fighting against barbarism, : Harold F. Ritchie & Co., Limited eN ork Fruit Store for the sole pleasure of destroy J; . . solos were rendered hy al and . Ri subjected the Rheims cathedral Discussed C.M.B.A. Rates. George Allen aud there is only one way of putting 10 McCaul St, TORONTO of 314 PRINCESS STREET Phone 1405 a systematic and furious bom A. mass meeting of the Kingston -------- it right. If there are nations who dment. The famous Basilica is| nembers of the CM B.A. was pe m At Cooke's Church. they will respect treaties only A mass of ruins." % The govern: | Sunday afternoon, when the proposed In the absence of Rev. J. W. Mein 1en it is to their interests to do so, it denounces the 'revolting act| ow rates were under discu n. 1h tosh, pastor" of Cooke's church, Rev * must make it to their interest to . s------ ---- ! ) - . v The a pn ¥andalism," and declares it would |, , proposition to make quite an or. FB. Ryckman and Lawson )d99'so in the future Pp r ns and it Ww Referring to the German excuses u e », pices Larousse the indignation of the world. 'reqse in the rates, Chambers, M.A., of Queens Univer Py Ll u 4 ------ trongly objected to. sit cupied the pulpit on Sunday. [Mr Lloyd George remarked "A Bs War Tidings. The Whig was informed on Monday Br Rea pies De Slag the oe great nation ought to be ashamed of . FOR QUICK LUNCH The British Admiralty announces morning that the increase was four | 0 sa Me fuawson in the even. | Debaving like a fraudulest- banker and Vine ars | Crosse & Blackwell's the loss of the submarine AE 1, be-| times the present amount and thatit} Arthur Strowger sang "'Urossing | (T¥YINg to escape his obligations." } pencer, Potted Ham ' £ to the Australian fleet. would mean that a great many of | ipo hur" at the evening service, while Referring to the case of Servia, . . . Potted Chicken yrmans in the Kiao-Chau district Khe Weather would have lo Srop. put Miss "Ada Rosvear sang the solos in De aayealior = Sus ex Roques said Are necessary in the making t he I al oY Potted Lobster ol £8 = {| Fre t that can ye learne here Hm 4 § wmiperor Nicholas ac given ¥ 1 report that an aeroplane ah ful i : i oi Siti htion over the in- the authem Austria the only answer that The J of good catsup Potted Anchovy iy dropped bombs on the Japanese is gener: RELIC R tne " een ; Ben Bo eaid "I ene For the Potted Ham and Chicken hk north of Ping-Tu, killing 80 | er 180 No definite action was taken Sailors Fell Into Harbor. a man w en . he said, will tear When ordering from us you take mo 2 Mush Catsup wounding 30 others. Ha a rent of the hd gis the I'wo men. had sh unexpected dip i ramshackle gh] I rom Uausy ur gigas vewnd cian sods. LATEST FASHIONS Mushrooms in Gravy side of the Austrian dread-'other meeting wi )e held an. the : indian > > {limb le is doing It," he added. " Bourn: Viribus Unitis was badly [course of a week or so pt the Jingston Shighaiding wharf "Prussia." said Mr. Lloyd George, We handle only the Best and D COUPER 1 a fight in the Adriatic, a-- om on aan ay morning. A Schooner was) is the 'road hog of Europe.' Men, IT * rae lhe ercaped her pursuers Picton Fair And Re-union. Pispanig lo wh sail = thone ay women, and children, and nationg J. R. B. GAGE PERFECT F Phoné 76 841-3 Princess Bt. v fu Rome from 8,8. Aletha leaves for Picton at 7] 3®Mors were adjusting the sails Irom |;re ordered out of the way. .-Even| y sal & 2 A report received .S. Aletha-leaves fo ¢ the -Fope ladders. ~ The rope . upon | Great Britain is ordered out of the fontreal & John Sts. Phone 549. 9 § ihe Austro-Hungarian fromtier says{am.. on Wednesday, Sept, 23rd which i i he E ut of a t troops are | pare. 50e¢ wh one was standing gave away |way If the old British spirit is still x that 300,000 Austrian OOPS are | Fare, 50c. and caused him to fall back into the|jert in British hearts the bully will FREE 10 ALL SUFFERERS, 3 PETES team KIDMET, BLA Deskasun \ ieste ---- a 3 watching' the Italian border. Trieste ore | water. The other sailor was also | be torn from his seat. They thought YEE SLURS " sot n left with only a garrison 6 pots Chiver's Marmalade, 20¢ . : ODER, NERVOUS Hr pill ; ; at Ae th € 3 ¥ mnt ution isto. the » ater. by the we soul wot beat fhe. it wil hot a Saha 320 Princess St. "A solid wall of warships" is Cheese su': Cornwall, 14 1-8¢; Gg 0 BI cdmath. be easy. wi 3 a long job. It wi oc sven TELLS e . ' thrown across the morthern part of | Picton, 11 3 -16c; Napanee, 14 Large round red Tomatobs. 30 be errible. But In the endgve Shall hk Oppostie St : Fadrew's ccording to the cap-| "-32¢; J.indesy, 14 5-16c. rod ed y a Bh march through terror to triumph." urci. the North Sea a bush. at Gilbert's stores. Appealing to Welshmen to jein colors, the chancellor continued.| Sess ; Laird fl. Dwelllug, corner "This struggle is a-great war for the | laser Surdou. he emancipation of Europe from the . Aen Sper uk in, Mnaltas thraldom of the military casts which ae, te For Fartie has thrown its shadow upon two | THERE NEVER WAS A Ea a rome kad ot: H blood." ieee av 0 ? CHEWING TOBACCO SO GALICIANS AIDED RUSSIANS. e Y u Seen Them FARR Fashion's latest decree in footwear for MEN And Austrians Will Execute Them as DELICIOUSLY GOOD AS § | ,... = %, wcll The New Mahogany Tan Boots -- -- - ' Galiciang, peasants and villagers, have been taken to Gratz, Austria, there to await sentence of death as trait 4 - ors, lhey furnished information to Russian commanders «as regards - the R movements of Austrian troops. 'Lhey P- ) Sent up smoke signals, the varying La 4 1 density and color of the rising smoke ' . indicating definite news to thé Rus BRIGHT CHEWING sian observers. "Others volunteered : Ro . théir 'services as guides and as spies. kSome of the Galicians are women. Cit i | § The disaster to the 'Austr mi for it is just pure arid wholesome Ti Sivantel tothe Austrinn wruicn tobacco It is clean too -- every the enemy to obtain 'information. 5 i : : Godfrey Happenings. plug wrapped separately in foil so that no dirt or * Godirey, Sept. 19-Mr. and Mis. H. 3 : = Giles, Medicine ITat, are here, W. R. soiled hands can touch it or prevent it reaching you in A ei Tat re ho ea ab § R. Judge have returned from Valear- ® i 1H * tier. Mrs. €. Lake and Mrs. M. Xk i perfect condition. : Haney are at Mrs. C. Gulfes. Fils ade 5 the latest English models, neat toes, low ¢ hy > | [cis Goodidlow intends leaving for calf} and double soles, suitable for fall and winter 5 i Y YOUR DEALER'S AND NOTE HOW i . G. and 1. MeKmight and | J". ' £05 BUY A PLUG TO-DAY AS YOU GOB ? L Kenedy Fi ts e _g eis wear, ' Bas ot se; schools, alter spendshg Sunday with DIFFERENT IT IS FROM THE KINDS SOLD IN BULK. their parents here. Mr. -- Mrs. G. : : : y. Shepherd are at T. Renal 8. The : Tk 3 3 adies' Aid tea at J. ahon's was Inside the wrapper you will find one of the much sought after satin inserts well. attended ot Riiday ovemng. His 3 : M. Goditey is visiting friends in Syd enham. UG. Clark is at J. Percy's, from which so many beautiful things can be made. See displays around town. 10c -- AT ALL DEALERS. | 5558527), H. SUTHERLAND & BRO 1 ---- -- RES" £51| THE. HOME OF GOOD. 'SHOES / ! a fous i ------------------------ a

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