Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Sep 1914, p. 5

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NINETY--THREE YEARS JOHN MAYNARD, POSSIBLY OLD- ' EST MAN IN KINGSTON. He Was Born in England -- Reads the Whig Every Day, and Does Not Wear Glasses. : On Sunday, probably the oldest resident of Kingston celebrated the 94rd anniversary of his birth "with his friends, in the best of In 1821, John Maynard first saw the light of day in a little town of Croft, county of Durham, England. | He came to Kingston in-1844, crossing the ocean on a sailing vessel that took six weeks to come over. He was a cabinet maker and work- ed for years with william Holgate, who had a cabinet and undertaking 'business at the corner of Sydenham and Princess streets where the King- ston steam laundry is now. He married Mr. Holgate's daughter and then successfully carried on a eabi- net business in a store 'opposite the present Y. M. C. A. corner, where Swilt's wood yard now is. Many of the older residents will remember his store. He was a captain in old city fire brigade when the engines were drawn by hand. He tells many interesting things about the early history of the city . and remember episodes that happen- ed while he was in England with great clearness. He distinctly re- members riding behind the 'old health. nd looks no more than eighty years of age. He reads ihe Whig every ef- ening, and has done so for years, This is about the only paper he reads. He has not used glasses for years, and reads books and maga- zines with interest. : He has one son. Johh Maynard, of Cape Vincent, and three daugh- ters, Mrs. Hablyne, of Bowmanville, Mrs. J. Friendship, Alert street, and. Mrs. W. Moore, Clergy street, He spends his time in the city with his two daughters. : INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up by Owmr CITY AND VICINITY. "To Go Back to Daty. A . - -- | Guard Dowsley, who was assaulted i A : oy ER alas . | by the escaped convict, Victor Szy- THERE WERE 133 MEN IN MON}, oii, - 13 mptoving from | DAY EVENING'S TURNOUT. wounds rapidly, and' expected to' re- . tarn to his position in the penitenti- There Are 270 at Valcartier and On|*™ this week, Home Duty ~-- More Recruits Are Wanted. Canadian. Regiments. Canadian regiments are to garrison Curragh camp as soon as the present' occupants are definitely removed, ac- cording to rumors on the spot to this which with the 170 on duty at Bar- sammie aGthority to be the base of all rieficld and 100 at Valcartier, ae-, the troops sent to the war from the regi-, dominion. There were 135 members of the }4th regiment Monday evening Busy Reporters. White Rose flour for all 'purposes. ¥. Bibby, Frontenac street, returned on Mdnday from a. business trip to Toronto. : Uol. Roosevelt begins in the Ugtoher Scribner his description of the start and early days of the voyage down "The River of Doubt." Melville. Hemmett, business manager for May Robson, in "Martha by the Day," is in the city, arranging lor his attraction at the Grand, gu Thurs day, September 24th. The brass band of the 14th Regi- ment was at Fort Henry, 'on Sunday afternoon, and played for abéit three hours. The men of the regiment on duty appreciate the hand gomg over. White Rose flour, pure and 'whole some. . "oid" Wilbur, the engineer, who so energetically looked after the power, counts for over 400 of the ment, : On Monday evening the weekly parade of the regiment was held. The 'corps. headed by both bands, Miss 'Elsie 8. Watts, 19 Yorkville paraded the streets for about three}, conue, Toronto, formerly of Ports Engagement Announced The engagement is announced of loth Top Shoes For (Children Black Cloth Tops ° Grey Cioth Tops Brown Cloth Tops Shepherd Plaid Cloth Tops Sizes 83to 71-2 ~............ 81.75 Quarters of an hour after which they returned to the armouries and were | OUtH, Ont.uto Arthur Ebert Busa, drilled under the directon of Major Montclair, N. J. The wedding wil Ww. Y. Mills Y is 2 | take Place on Sept; 30th at Mon.- Before dismissing the regiment "'*'7 N. J. " a Major Mills pointed out to the men; s ' the necessity of learning t> shoot A Graduate of Queen's. well, and for that reason rifle prac-| (weorge Malloch, a member of the tice is Peing held in the armouries Stefansson party on Wrangel Island, every night of the week with the "to died oi nephritis before rescue oe- exception of Saturday. carved, was a brother of Mey. UD, The officers are stil] anxious to pet Calvin, Toronto, and a graduate "of a~number of more recruits for home Queen's University, B.A. in 1903, and service. 1 [B.S¢. in 1906. Hie home was 1g Ham- Col-Sergt. W. Elder and Sergt'D. itton. He was a quiet, 'studions Partridge are in charge of the re- roung man of splendid habits and ex- se this. week. collent attainments. ° st parade of the regiment held on Monday evening, | Shown At Kingston Fair. Also Cloth Top Shoes for Girls Prices $2.25 to $3.00] Shoe Repairing | Abernethy's Shoe, Repairing Ihe 'management cominittee of the > ws . {Board of Education has arranged to Pure Ice Cream = hold "an exhibition of writing by the |pupils of 'the public schools at the . . ® "wi Best in Kingston By Government - Test i . 3. Waldron's fast $acht w bur ngines used: in En . ruafiities of R. 5, V ) 3 . a Darang, a oyaan Yorn Riota 1I, and who was instrumental of the best quality of coal, of 'which? the yacht winning the Col. Staples they did not know the value. cup from the Americans at Alexendria Mr. 1 hearty Bay in Angust, returned to his home ir Maynard is hale and hearty at this latter place on "Tuesday. CANADIAN FLOUR MILLS WILL RUN AT FULL CAPACITY Orders fromthe Pominion and On- tario Governments for an aggregate of 1,250,000 barrels of flour are on- On Duty At Quebec. Militia orders issued at headquarler on September Sth contain the follow. hingston {air on September YUth and ing : Nursing Sister E. I. Pense, Army Uctober Ist, Space will be alloted lor Medical Corps, is detailed for duty. ae the exhibition, thd committee will the military hospital, at Quebec, trom name its -own- judges and these will August 25th. eward 'the prizes for which the board tas made a liberal appropriation. GILL¥SPIE-BRICE, tin -- Traflic By-law Violated. motor-cy¢le -rider on Monday night said that on his trip home at eix o'clock up Princess street be kng., [tween Bagot and Clergy four teame eldest rand one autonfohile were travelling The Wedding Occurred in England A Last Month, i 19th, On August at St "aul"s church, ove lark, Chiswick, Miss Flizabeth Alice ~ Brice, of trial. In the home market also there will be an increased demand for. flour. ly the beginning of the increased de mand on the flour mills of Canada a8 a result of the war. The mobilization of 'the armigs of Kurope will result in a large rey tion In the acreage sown to wheat } that continent. That reduction in acreage and consequent reduction vied will greatly increase the de- mand for wheat and flour from other producing countries. Canada will {ind a ready market for all the wheat and flour she can export during the war. The flour mills of Canada will be kept busy grinding Canadian wheat into Canadian flour for export to the Mother Country at this time The tendency of many will be to use 'morg bread and other/ staple articles of food instead of sgme of the lux- liries of the table. /This will mean an increased conswfaption of flour. Thus it w appear that the 7,- D060 en who are working in the flour mills of Canada are assured of continued ®mployment throwghout the war. It is possible the number of employees in flour mills will have to be increased but even if an in- crease should be unnecessary the continued operation of this industry wiH mean the circulation of approxi- mately four million dollars a year in wages to Canadian workmen. Millinery Openin Wednesday, September 16 | And following days Misses Hannay & Ramsay, 179 Wellington Street. Mrs. M. E. Adams, Tuesday, Sept. 15th Cordial invitation to all. Cor. Princess and Alfred Streets. % Phone 1619. Let us call your attention to our. 'Autumn tion" of the new styles Presenta- in Women's Boots' Patent, Gun Metal and scores - of lasts, so daintily > 3 s of indifferent style made that JKingston to-day, and will spend a tew | Former Kingstonian Was daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. {on the wrong side of the road. .A H. Brice, of "lhe Elms," Grove Park, I am of horses drawing a heavy load was married to Dr. Norve Henry up the left side of Princess street at Gillespie, of Duluth, Minn. Rev. W. j the corner of Montreal were sudden- H. Rowlands performed the ceremony, {ly turned in front of him and he had and the bride was given away by Ur. {lo run on the, side-walk to avoid an R. Murray leslie. She wore a gown |accident. of ivory crepe de chine, trimmed w ith | russels lace and orange plossom. Her | The Late Felix Melver. tulle veil was embroidered with a de i On Monday death called Felix Me- sign of true-lovers' knots and orange yer a well-knosyn resident of Cai- blossom, and she carried a bouquet of araqii, who has been an invalid for, lilies of the valley, white heather, car the last six years in the General hos- '# Are exceedingly attractive and distinct from those of nations, and gardemas. the bride- pital, He was born seventy-four groom's brother, Major Gillespie, at: years ago near Cataraqui and has tended him as best man, and Miss' ways' lived in the country. His Alice Rae acted as maid of honor. At cree predeceased him thirty-five ter a" reception at the town hall, ]yanrs ago. He is survived by one Chiswick, Dr. and Mrs. Norven H. Uil | daughter, Mrs. .H. Rodway, and one lespie left for Canada. I'he bride's brother, Damon, in Sibbald, Alta. going-away dress was of raspberty- {mpg funeral will be held from the colored silk crepe, worn with a black | ocidence of his daughter on Brock hat trimmed with Ospreys. : . | Street, to Cataraqui cemetery at 2.30 Dr. and Mrs. Gillespie arrived 'ighy Wednesday. The services will be conducted by Rev. G. I. Camp- days with the doctor's mother hetore beli going to Duluth. Boy. Severely Injured. A young Roumanian, Samuel Ripae, a he aged sixteen years, had a narrow es- Local Livery Has Horse Who Takes cape from meeting with serious infur- Objection. ies on Sunday afternoon, while he and It may not be. generally known, {Others were but a local livery has a horse, whollutile's Hill, near Kingston Mills. refuses to work on Sunday. He be-l Young Ripae, who. was coasting at a REFUSES TO WORK SUNDAY, cient for Bim to labor, and when with a boulder, which caused - the Sunday comes be draws the ine. | front wheel of his bicycle to swerve Last Sunday a young Kingstonian and throw Lim heavily on the read- hired this horse to take a couple of way. Where he fell were. some loose his lady friends for a drive in the | sharp stones and his clothing was country, but he "kicked -over the badly torn and his Hesh gashed Jan traces," and kicked good and hard.:places. The lads shoulder was badiy It was with much difficulty that he-injured and it was thought at first was hitched up, and when taken out when he was taken to the Hotel Dien of the stable did ali sorts of that it was dislocated. However 1t "stunts" in an endeavor to get back|was not, but the lad's left ankle wus to the stable again. Several times seriously sprained and in order to get he went around in a circle, in spite him back to the city for treatment of the frantic efforts of the young: his companions placed him upon the driver to head him towards the city, bicycle and pushed ot along for sever limits. = After much trouble he was miles. 'ley went stratghtway to Dr. compelled to do his duty but made{R. J. Gardiner's surgery. things just as unpleasant fer the | party as he could. His antics were witnessed by quite a number of citi~; zens who declare that the horse has', placed a bau on Sunday work. i -------------- The Canadian Club. Lhe executive of the Canadian Club ad a meeting on Monday atternoun and arraoged with Queen's University authorities for an address by Sir | fseorge Doster, om Uciober 16th, at | Queen's in comjunction with the Big fall convocation. The club will {have special accommodation for the occasion. The diub wiil have its ia- augural meeting at the * Hotel Fron- tenac on Monday mext, at moon, with Rev. 8. G. Bland, DP. Winnipeg, as the speaker. Ur.' Bland is an old Kingstonian and the club desires to apark his visit to the city amd to have thy honor of listening to inspiring thoughts from him. His theme will be purely Canadian. 'H. B. Ames, M.P., will 'be asked to give his address on "he British Navy" gn his reiurn from the west, about November ist, and later Pribcipal Peterson, of Gill, President Falconer and Principal Hutton, of the University of 'I'oronto, will be asked to give addresses belore toe club. 'These invitations, if accept- ed, will carry the. club's programme along until Christmas. KINGSTON DID WELL. Its Vegetable Growers Won 1Share of Prize Money. E.bert J. Bushell, presiient 5 eo 17.4' Vegetable Grower's association is much pleased with the prizes the vegetable growers of this disicict hate been awarded in the field crop & mpetition Held the past season ir onions, celery, tomatoes ind pota- tees. The amount of mona; offer ed for those competitions is $250. Thr branches of the Vegetavi., (zow- ers' association, competing are, Hull, Que., Ottawa, Picton, Bell:villa and Ktgston, The Kingstoa Vranvh #on $105 out of the $25. The ro- sulis demonstrate to the citizeus of Kingslon that they ure suppiiel with the Lest vegetables, fhe amonnt awarded to the local competitors and their names as follows: Cooke Bfos., Cataraqui, $55; B. Lancaster, Cata- raqul, SL5; JoLn Bake: Cataranui, $10; E. K. Purdy, Cataragui, $15; taal, $20, A SPLENDID RECORD. the Lead- Wedding at Macintosh Mills. Macldtosh Mills, Sept. 15.--Thomas tiraham is threshing in this vicinity. Charles Fodey, at Mrs. B. r's. and Mrs. Frank Leeder, on the 7th insi., a daughter. rand Mra Mosie Leeder = visited. at A. Leeder's on Sunday iast. * W. Curtis fias im vroved the looks of his mew dwelling by painting it. D. Patience was 'a guest of his sister, Mrs, B. ¥.; Leeder, Bom, to Mr. er in Campaign. Mitchell, formerly of this ei is the president of the Board of Irade, in London, Unt., and that body has just Saneluded a successful cam- Paign in aid of the wives and nd- ents of those who have ot A on Sunday. fromt, and also those rendered desti-| A very pretty wedding was solemn- he by the war in Europe. 'he board ized in Si. James' church, 'I'tevelyan, st out to sccure 350,000; but the [oa Tuedday morning, when Miss Kobe initial meeting was so successful that the figure was raised to F100,000; a thrée days campaign was put op, with result -that $130,000 was collect- Mr. MitcheM was third in the t of sub ition ived. It is campaign has immense good to the city --_y 8 it has created a civie {who classes and has jmony, the y motored to the 22 Sition} and social bar- tbride's home, whereia wedding break- itchell is complimented jfast awaited them. - Mr. ip. hi Te. riding on bicycles down | lieves that six days a Week is suffi- high rate of speed, came into contact | (BE last season. YOU CANNOT WEAR LAST SEASON'S HAT | without people knowing it § is old. We are sole agents for the § best known makes, CHRISTY, BUCKLEY || SCOTT, HEATH | Campbell Bros The Big Hat Dealers. IN MARINE CIRCLES. Movements «+ of Vessels Reported Along the Harbor. The steamer Dufidee arrived from Fort William with a cargo of cats and wheat for Richardson's ele- vator. . oy The steamer Sowards arrived from Ouwego, with- coal for Soward"s. The steamer Mississiquoi was up from Gananoque to-day. The barges Coteau and Ethel are at Richardson's elevator . loading wheat for Montreal. M. T. company's elevator:-- Tug Bartlett, from Port Colborne, with barges Selkirk and Burma, grain laden, cleared for Montreal; tug Em- erson cleared light for Prescott to bring up two light barges, will clear with two grain barges for Mon- treal Steamer Glenmount due to ar- rive on Thursday morning - with grain from Fort William, The steamer Kinmount will pass up light to night, on the way from Montreal! to Port Colborne. The steamer, Donnelly of the Don- nelly Wrecking and Salvage com- pany's fleet, is being dismantled at Portsmouth and will not be used again this season. The steamer Toiler passed down The steamers A. E. McKenstry and Acadian are expected up from Montreal to the Welland canal. 'Whe jsteanfer Strathcona passed Outlet, spent Sunday Leeder' f¥teamship line, ' up to the Welland canal from Mon- {real at 3.00 p.m. Monday. The steamer Tonic passed down to Moutreal from the Welland can- al at 2.30 p.m. Monday. The steamer Alexandria for Montreal at 5.30 p.m. Monday. The steamer Aletha down from Picton om Tuesday. Capt. William Little has been ap- nointed shore pilot for the Canada 2Had & Severe Fall Albert 'Ivey, Lansdowne, who Was walking dawn Queen street, near Wel- lingtom street, on' Monday. ni wher en route to the G.T.R. sta! and fell , | unfortunntely stumbled cleared SAKELL'S, Next To Opera House Announcement ? As I have decided to vacate my present premises in the earl of 1915, I am now prepared reductions on any I have in stock. tention of purchasing ft spring Tt it is your ime. would be to your advantage to buy mow. J. E. MULLEN Cor, Phone. 1417. BUILDERS | Have You Tried GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? It Saves Time, P. WALSH T™E (Published Annually) communicate direct with English MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS in each ¢lass of goods, ides being Bes! & complete commercial guide to London and n suburbs the Directory contains 0 to Montreal from the Welland canal, | jie Myg-| Monday midnight. J EXPORT MERCHANTS & with the ds they ship, and the Co- toulal and Forelgs Markets. they sup- i ply, STEAMSHIP LINES arranged under the Ports to which they sail, and indicating the approximate FROVINCIAL TRADE NOTICES of leading Manufacturers, Merchants, ete, in inet and Indus rincibal provincial towns ¥ trial al proriania United Kingdom. A f the current edition will forwarded freight paid, on receipt Ry OT ¥ sin vertisements from LOxDON DIRECTORY L THE Abchurch Lane, London. gn. So 135 'and Ciergy Streets. - Kingston. Green Gage Put up in 12 oz, jars and 5-1b, © For Sale At All Grocers petits fe Sra Ter or ees OU Clothe and Liners viors oe "Come, Bramble Jelly pails $nables traders throughout the World CARPET SQUARES, RUGS hy MATS © ° 'o make '

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