Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Aug 1914, p. 7

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GRAND OPERA HOUSE "Our 7.6 ms Your Best Interests Jas. K. Hackett|} | LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF | cn SARANC od ' 3 Are served when you place your Banking affairs GENERAL INTEREST | er Sernstinnc hi Rapala } os » an ; with The Bank of Toronto. In addition to its ample po ; Seats ou fale Bohr | Happenings in the City and Vicinity : n Aacilities, widespread, well-chogen connections, and an the Meorchauts Offer. : nant the strong financial prestige of this Institution, you the Readers of the Whig. Tea Merchants (0. ing George IV Bi Ye " v v will find careful and interested attention given to Police Constable Lesslie Clark is BW CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES LOST. " pnjoying his holidays. ET = i - - your account, and an accuracy in handling the tiuarantesd hot water bottles at 3 Firat ltestif le & word. Fach con- FRIDAY A SRYOON, A anys ; gE y an » fi Oh .. 3 Brom Re) sécuth Nanertion thereafter, half. Feam sess ; 0 1 , 350; i : smallest details that you will 4 prec] ate Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, secutive Hae tl atmum chncge for P k. Patrick St, Raglan: fd, to SRRIEt A aRCE, Jo; three times, Pei Paia-up Capital . 000,000 knots die Wand. O01 wveley's gue ianertla 3%e; three. lusertions, } ease I Xe p pi . $8, Bay, was in the city on Sunday As Agents For Se; six, rionth. ¥2. rim om bio Na ERaTMIERS. APPLY TU MES, Reserved Funds . . $6,307, 272 1.. 8. Poole, after spending a w ; 3 ; or dina, 337 Division St. I ling a reek SIR THOMAS J LIP AIT EARRING SET wi MH RINE- in town returned to Haileybury on . . he stimes on Harl street, betwen Aii= Iappapit Cor > SHAPER Satarday SE ere erdech and Alfred oats Thr.oh HAND ORGAN, GOOD SHAP INCORPORATED Biurday, : TON, AN ADYT. OF 25 WORDS OR LESS. 'fred streef, on Friday evening. Cheupa, D. J. Dawson, pinnos an - 1888 It pays to buy tooth brushes at We are pleased to an- under this head, egsts 2c for one Finder please return to 7 Abardesn Victor Mictrolas, 244 Princess St. 7 Gibson's." night, or 50c for three. street and receive reward. GAS RANGES ND REFRIGERAT- tuts Were two typhoid cases re- nounce that ors at reasonable prices, while they 3 i ) o> re ---------------------------------- . t q ported to the medical health officer A GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY MRS. FOR CHARTER. AL Me. able prices. whi] OF last week. N Ad ; Brownfield, 1% + Wellington . Ta fot Sonve. Cr : ~~ ILAUNCH MAYBEE WITH RU, = {ANYONE HAVING SECONDHAN Mi Margaret Sears, (ueen street, 0 vance ; R. INCH MAYEEE, WITH 14 licante RE TING SE CONDRA D Apply in on ning at § i , pilot, will handle fishing and picnlt me for first class prices. J. Thomp= left on Sunday to visit friends at h i d < Vince M d City. parties search-light river trips an #4n, 333 Princess St. Phone 1600. Market Square, Kingston. upe Vipoen. will Be Made - | week-end Island rambles = Por 5 5 Lhe thermometdr at the police sta 210 : 1 he slice 5 OMAN WHO CAN WASH] terms apply W. J, Driver, Phone 812 | GOOD-WILL, STOCK AND FIXTURES GEORGE B. McEAY Manager. tion, on Monday afternoon, registered , 'e e of FT.jpton s Tea (OF CA ABLE . W good wages. Apply or G, W. Allen, Phone 127 of the Irwin grocery on ATLREN eighty-eight degrees. o y t The same high yr Street. Apply at the store or Hors t'oilce Constable Marshall Arm- Be a oe qualify will be - = "riven, TO LET. ace F. Norman, i Wellington St stro ros y a a aintained. a tho prices wi AT ONCE FIRST-( LASS 1 mn eee = t me reat ined duty on Monday af Iintained, ang tre prices il oxcr, employment, n wages | TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS, | CHEAP, ONE CHESTNUT MARE, GOOD er his vacation, be the same as her ore, Viz., Apply si \ Once 2 three times 50c ariver, one new set single harness, Mrs. Josiah Miller left for Pie 30¢, 40¢, H0e¢, 60c, T0c'and $1 z ree . -- en one buggy. Will sell' separate or ton on Saturday to spend a few per 1b. SECOND COOK, MAN on WoNAY. TO | STORAGE FOR YR FURNITU RE, ETC. all Jose 5 Ch ) te quick, buy- days with 'her friend, Miss Lynn This tea is the finest produe- finish season at suw esogl. | clean and dry. McCann, 32 Brock J Alan ' : - Apply at Hotel Frontena street. ert ime . + , . Dr. Stewart Polson, who was in ed by the world's largest tea a : hee OFFICE | DESK, SIX FEET LONG, 41 u ers on ractors ention ['rieste when war was declared, reach grower. Cook, GBNERAL AAD NURSi| FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT FROM i. high in front and 561-2 in. high . -- ed a Greek port and sailed for home housemald. Apply in evening to ¢ WE ha & Heal street fo a hit. Tan, ased. and Dy J 52 . ngha § Mrs, "Brigétoke 162 University Av Bruen Whig office. P Sand for sale in any quantit on Saturday. © Co infan' Cs Cp Cunning 8 es | Bun Whie ofice, CEMENT BRICK A a. ae fon anteed tooth bhushes. vib- Lipton S Tea 4 ALL 1. 's Ap or £4 ane A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYC Les : also Dunlop tires, at $2.00. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Brechen, St orders promptly ata to for 3 § i : S » World. I wn a NG / Louis, Mo., motored to the ¢ity fro Largest Sale in the stree ; JWELLING, 6 ROOMS, carpet cleaning and laying. Geor Cheapest Brick on the Market Toronto on their or to By, fod Over two million packages sold it hogpmious gmriaimar ran 3. ar r water $10. J.8'R, Mec- Muller, 373 King St. yg ge THE KINGSTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, on Sunday. a oo Weekly. ranpian Fike BAREIS Dann, ex - -- | 10 CLOSE AN ESTATE, 40 LGTS IN LIMITED +The Salvation Army will give 2 pa- W. G. Craig & Co., Ltd. - age, postage. "Ri car Is CHEDROGUS THRO! Brandon Manitoba, $40.00 per lot, . triotic concert at the corner of Bagot Sole x Tag Agents By Whig a wer bedroo and sitting 10 down, $8.00 per month: worth 168 Princess Street. Phone 286. and Princess streets, this evening, at pointment. for Lipton's T Co TRAE Em RE: re from Sept. 1st" Apply 44 Wil- $100 ough. Clear and Torens title. ' eight o'ciock. > , G 3 " FERRY 3 8 L 5 ig olice Quire ply Mrs. Frat 111 || meme sememerereeeees | ramets i pv Yards, Sowards' Dock Hugh lawson, fortherly a mem- |V/NEEG_G--G----T------ ginsy Jmol i roRseE, Fon FLRNITURE, OLEAN. | 1 Teoh , of {ings i ot - i rea) : ; your ow ock an I N by ber of the Kingston police fo 3, 8 ' & Ar okay 299 as) bor sals cheap with records. rt -------- = as in the city on Sunday, on his R 1 N 1 3 . 2 Sg je take ay - i § Th pe " RY ob at Paons 526b. ju takeu as part payment in eX y » emova otice N INTELLIGENT PERSON WAY a os oF mee Also pianos and Organs. s . * ! Bu id Wi i Bri ck ! | way to Rochester. earn $100 mc Y OOrTespopaing | mere Tr EE nS FROM $0 3 ° ---- . WS > : Y PURSISHED DWELLINGS FROM $20 A 'good square for § cash. J. R, Fire ! Fire ! Fire . ul it ric 1 Miss ! illian Melntyre, who has y Kes k moved his. barb Ser a orspaby ars Fink to $50; also unfurnished from $9 Cote. 35 Montreal St, Kingston, been visiting for the past mouth og Princess St. to-corne: Bare, 3 960 Loc kp N.Y. to $30. IT 8 R. Cant, 82 Brock The recent fire at the , Davis, nery should bring home 16 the people of hh ith relatives in Sydenham, returned \ g "Princess . Sts. next t Sod 4 x St.. Phone 326 or eo | 1300 noysLe FRAME HOUSE, BEV. Kingston She So denhger to life and property from building with anything but) home on Phursday . tore Three chil ot : MEN, er eres | RY Stree? roof tent i ar L ! : : . : FOR THE SUMMER, FURNISHED | g3600-- NEW op AN over he world the fact is being demonstrated that brick is the be Fmulsion Cod liver Oil, 25c. Gib : ay ho mmsidon Xperience i all ¢ anyenience Slecie Ham ™ Tobin TI id DUR fireproof building material, and as w. are making as good an ticle as any | son's -- eT INNeCeRSATY. Ad p Hight, gas and telephone: centrally | g2500--SEMI-DETACHED BRICK, on the market to-day, we want to heip build yp Kingston with ou Un-to-da e : Ald. Litton chalrinan = of = the Angus Bower, Kingston, located. Address Box L, Whig office Vietorta str fire root ods, a a : a ay we - $4300--SOLID BRICK, NEW, » a do not believe we have rh o and look at that house at | Board of Works, states-that no ar "Auction Sale CHREL MEN TO T IL: SALARY oo pb, THE SE 3 provements. , NE ALL IM+ the a of Brook and Diysion 5 1 uebec and Cherry Ets rangement has vet been made as to eekly and expenses Al y mises 5 Be street, < GFO. A. BATEMAN, 87 CLARENCE ST, \ 4 0 f « houses, WE ov an pply lenty a) ™ 4 ' more tér 1 n e--------------A-------------- brick ye proud of th and w AD supp i residential street paving : WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 2¥D, 10 A.M SS SATY. nder Me e, Nia- Mudie Ears eet Baring ONE MARINE 801LER IN GUDD RI Our tile Is going fast, but we are making more. So e along and or Leo Mcintyre and his friend, D. 3 hehe -a 'Falls t ston. pair aboat 125 Horse power Baar what you want. Lindsay, have returned to North 7 WELLINGTON ST. . : : ¥ anteed to stand 160 lbs. cold wate Bi Tho idltiHe at the = lormer : iz . he sh RS RECEIVE $15 TO san WEEK- er pressure. One marine boilér of Ki t Bri ck Y d Bay, afte gl iting at he former's | opie hairs, Rattan and oth lv Why not you? Write immed. |FU RYISHED ROUSE TO RENT, SEPT. about 80 horse power, good heavy ngs on TiC ar home, "390 Princess street, : ro ' hE tu) iately- for full particulars: sample t. No. 159 Stanart St, eight rooms, plate But needs some repairs, Ons Divisk 8 A letter received from Lisut.-Col . OERT hoy Ble, chairs picture, literature, etc. Jxperience I rn conveniences. Apply on stationary boilet, 46 hérse po vision St. . -{ Duff at Quebec states that he is 1 1 Able, Oh ah unnecessary. Mriclose 10¢ to cover pre mises or to Miss Burton, Draw- shaking grates all Jn good Pepa - EE -- roving aicely and will. SOB A rn rt Ge I k et cost. Clifford C: Mitchell, EB. O. Box "Q." Belleville, Ont Adams & Duford Co. Chaumont, Proving nicey 2 80¢ g. Bitch 4 . hy 2, Edmonton, Alberta. Canada ee y able to resume his duties. springs, mattre NAGA Tlebebitoteil SRG RS AE oo STREET ; Mayor Shaw has not yet been noti- ; . ; . HAVE YOU ANY ABILITY AS A ; se: 4d IY Hutch- ROOMS AND BOARD. fied by the bank what money it will Ai THE AUC NEE salesman? We have a proposition y - s Pos- advance x: ph it a rg to make which will enable you BOs n January xi. Apply | FIRST CLASS BOARD AND s 2g nee the Sy 2s een Bow aug earn more money than you Sulllvan, Contractor. also tabla aa Apply owe Frontenne St, brick, #11 modern, ond location. Price a TT he end 0 year for ros TK. earning at the prexett time, ideal lington St. opposite post office. : . HOUSE, Forse ' ' sw ref y ans h pSPO eo dential University Ave. double brick, corner. Price £4,000 Money refunded on any tooth brush v re ndence stri confi : py E ROARDING dare p88 10 aielly Box 47, King PERSONAL 25 Princess St, brick business block, two stores. Price .... . FROG purchased at Gibson's Red Cross Drug ve : aton, Ont Taversity Avenue and Johnson : Vietoria St., double brick, sil modern. Price Ct saeen | Store if bristles come out 8 i ere apore - street. Hot water heating, gas, |__b _. __. : n : James Miller, Oshawa, and Mrs. Ne a 4 f all modern conveniences. Appl¥ R HAIR, MOL BIRTHMARKS 1% We sell Life, Fire, Accident, Health and Automobile Insurance. | Robert Miller, Cressy, have return- W. Nesbit, 3 Street 8 ' ad home after spending a few days ia 4 ling Catds, dung | = TT car: Jihye bdo ently. ithout h Mr. and Mrs. 1. Miller, Col- BE a rk} t 1ars er of asily | THREE OR FOUR BRIGHT NICH J. Lake, Eye, Ear, * lingwood street, Se 3 p in half an r h eve yurnished bedrooms, so s 1g and skin specialist, 258 J. K. Carroll Agency, Fete. emmers! Buy. your sen 3 REG SON Gat de "erage tne. cheapest | momen aver fon With fonken | wot street con's stock now. Special discounts ¢ Coa B be, : to ; shone, NDply 232 Bro "hone gos -_ #8 BROUK ST. Hn IVE PHONE 88. | op all studies, etc., for one week on- it Gals 1% AX ng Card Co. § ap re, To Te. pmy waz 4 bt Pron MUSIC JOHN DRIVER, Representative. ly. Dutton's store, opposite Grif fh ; erm ee impie { eer -- fon's Theatre. : we ee . oe bo AND DRAMATIC INSTRUC. ; i " 7 : CWO NEW SEVEN ROOMED HOUSES § Frontenac St. Miss Norma - A party comprised of C, Messier, | y : : with bar trip of land T nn. Alida Telgmaun, B. Ee & Migneron and wife,* Adrian Messier (31 4 near Alfred d cession streets elgg in, teachers. of eloe i} M. Messier, Marguerite Messier, 'aul : 2 Ake sisi oY With mad. y ano, in and all stringed i K. Migneron, Raoul Migmweron, C. Mig ~% 5 3 : . ! s ye and Quebe 4 sum ner _ -- -------- HIGHEST GUARANTEED | i s Mi I M Ir i) Ta h Yr rel hor nd Cotta at Easiviey a A rh: MISS FLORE NOEL CONSER- nen Romeo gneron and Migneton,_all- of Montreal, spent the i oe $i to C. I. Nicholson, R 3 . vatory 'of Music, Norial class, To. : . 0 t -- - - - rer class n l i i $3 50 or Nig fire King i received A " . Le e | 5 SB Wr oSnemnt: e iremar ave ecejve é % ~ p y 3 Ser) uber 9th, » a Pr cess St ectr Ir SQEALIEIED TE LoneR FOR 5 22 : : ! t 45: Princess ots C on cheque for $25 from George Robert No. © Must be Pr 1 122 tniv A ng t All © communications 9 ® gon & Son, for their work at a re NO HIGHER PRICE ant, 1 es to com Bint: 1st : oh ary oY efare above date address Collin's ent blaze in that wholesale gro (For the present) app Mica } I hai { floors, with two -- - For a short time only cery. The fire was extinguished CHIVERS Sec. - Tres or : , ont. hag our bo ading from DENTAL. without the use of water and there by saved the stor k from damage Qt ALIFIED "HER, PROTES! Ie separa dk ' ! 4 X as | Ae E. KNAPP, A DDS, RE- Halliday's s Electric Sho [iy saved the Sock rom damage: | PURE ENGLISH JAMS |2vitrien Jreacur, vaotedt | fears, Sian Line © Solid al Vuldtor hthi I 1 1 ant and 9 Olden, for Hae vear alse hy LL Good { 5 Store and Duties to commence after holi New hot water heating service | SPARKS AND SPARKS, 150 Phone 94 - - 345 King St Se. Lingeed Cough Syrup, 15 days. Salary 5 Apply to D throughout and gas. Wi ao lin Rt ' Car 0c. Kidney Dill. 2 JRANGE MARMALADES Attewell, as, ky Dou. Ont sal ent ire apierty, o rom | Phe M6. Dyspepsia Tablets, 40¢ Qual will | Wa -- looth Fo te, 2 35 vour Family Grocer can supply you . ¢ ' d vv Syrup Figs, lie et % qu » or } i gli . savi-- AUTOMOBILES AXD CARRIAGE: { Na building permits have been] 1Ib. and 2 Ib. Glasses. . alnry 0. Jos dened-for ms ply £0 Thomas |S He SIMPSON, LDS. 1 or e taken out for the past few days. Tt 5 1b. and 7 Ib. Tins. enh . Jea i , Be a8, A 4 ' @ Stree fe fur st, corner Princess & Phone 1177 { looks as if a very small amount of : 18h ther particu streets. Entrance op Bagot street, i i rations will be Many are taking advantage - - TTT i ET rR \ new building operations FOR 8. 8, NO. 4 0850, A TE 3 : . in : . hf " CACHER J S$ NOTICE Rubber Tires for Carriages and iramophomes, "Phonographs. Graf- | started now. However, considering | o-day's price. a ud buying these line with necessary .. quatifications FINANCIAL. BUSINES NOTICES. . ; esa etme teeter Automobiles. onolas, Columbia and Victor records, | everything, Kingston has no cause yy the case Duties to wmence oiter mid. | hs m--------------------.---------- JOSEPH RUSE, 6 CHESTNUT ST, HAS Odeon and Jumbo records, Edison 2- | for complaint in regard to building a Rhye - ' one TRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. opened up a quarry on Stephen St, G PO WwW Bo minute records, Blue Amberal re- | operations this cent Get in tuuch with your famii§ Cragin. Ser Treas NN 3 ment Society: incorporated 1863; L Iding and rough stone are rge . yd. 'or ; rocer and take advantage of this thon Omatie. or ; re . Colonel Henry R. Smith supplied promptly at reasonable i cords. issued on city and farm prices | Big discounts for July and August PAY CASH 0 ENLIST, EN onivy & C SITUATION ox vase, a vo argh st sod los re Fenwick, Co. | Shale gL CATERING. PRESERVING AND | Allen's SAYS HIRAM MAXIK| "heuer "| NTT Srv oe cold A A ---------- ---------- r dinners, . ---------------------------- po 0 € iY ' s : PICKLING T IMEIS Phone 143 Brock Si. : STEAMER BRITANNIC erie make i OR8AFY} anvass | AVERPOOL, LONDON: AND GLOBE ; Jverware and . cutlery HER : : ® i iti illi i | lati 1 - > 1 0 lars apply Lo t Lenyes Canal Basin, foot of Dal I Decors ) Insurance Company. Available i particu Who Thinks British Millionaires | | tena Cotman vers Wednon ni. National | becorating ¢ Insticance Company, Available oye King St plore tay, bo 5 "pam. arrives at Kingston onto, Ont toh the poliey holders have for i : TE , of all} § 15 pam. returning leaves ae ma " security the unkimited Hability of [WE CATER TO PARTIES, BALL Rubber Rings, Corks of i Should Supply Money For cri nS A apn tomy 81 5 ile city property, insured at lowest Wedding breakfasts, banquets, 48 2 i sizes, Freed's Bottling V/ax, in' aking eRe Tor Gannwodque LEGAL. possible Before renewing also rent dishes, table linens and Ordinary Sealing Wax, Paraf- Rein orcements om Brockville aud Frehiitt yor Mon- EEE: a as old or g ow busingss get lvorware jhe and Hambrook, . i ' x real. A. N. SMrY en. rn y x rates fro trange, 2 2, ei 0 Union Street. oC fin Wax, In fact we can supply House No. 114. Vistorfa St. London, Aug. 31--Citing the syste trea me N. 83 1 Gh. We Reh A * RUINE, BARRE, Ro a None Ham brook, 176 ifrod Street .- anything you may require in between Earl aud naan Li vsed in the American civil war, hen -------------------------------- Clarence 3 thgston ~ Phones 843 or 30% » the preserving or pickling line. streets: 7 rooms: odery the man draited had to serve as a] co . seman pr : -- brick, 1 sorated. soldier or pay three hundred dollars, % WANTED GENERAL. . a ~ rick, newly decorated . Sir. Hiram Mavim, writifg to the bo ra EE ET rpm BUSINESS CHANCES. i v » ¥ or. BD ARRARE] : i x ; (R18.00 per inonth. Possession [ff Siandard, suggested something similar RL ll be ad Torn oom. | ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START 0d 5 Scpi. 1st, jor Britaiu. y ¥ two having fireplaces + further a mail order business at home; no of ' A i BR f § Na 4 % information apply 250 King St canvassing: be your own boss, He savs: "Great Britain and Ire Send for free booklet: tells Apply F a : a ave » x ] : Opp. YMCA. Phone R68( land have a population of 40,000,000 . | OCTOBER 1ST, TO RENT SEVEN Heacock, 2,968 Lockport, N.Y. A majority of "the men have depend recom MNouse, modern conveniences (= ents, and it is not an easy matter for near street cars. Write X.Y. Z, them to leave their families without Whig office. UPHOILSTERING. = npport. Britain has a vast number = : Ips he a 38 EE VATTRESS REPAIRING AND RENO. |W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLS TERING, RE. ¥ - = | of millionaires, and it is their duty tc . a a vating of all descriptions. Also, pairing. and carpet work, and oN J gerve in their capacity quite as much LY » new mattresses kept in stock. Lat- Mattress renovating Drop a card . n as it is workingmen's to serve in the est modern machinery. All work or call 216 Bagot street h » : Faare s on attr tanks. Let the millionaires, suggests guarintesd 602. He HR id ' i sir Hiram, raise the money, and then tt ARCHITECT, Britain would quickly have an enor GENTLEMEN TO BRING Bin wn - mous number of men meeting all re- cloth and have Jt made up wa up: | WH. SEWLANDS _& SON, ARCHI- , ..Offices, 25% Bagot St. * | Men and horses wanted at| quirements. He says the men who en- to-date Suits. Trice and Formal: Phone . ded gman. ; {ten on Tete de Pont Barracks, for st should have at least hve shillings 3 Dri d E ari Shr A apie p fone an the SowBR : rr 4 . ~ ALY nad entitled Oo oO o tic a Ww . 5th Battery, C.F.A, vn a pe To train as Drivers an Qynprs. Xperience BSChasar? shortest notice Thomas Galloway, ER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. predicts, if Britain makes right use of 131 Brock sireel, near 4 ding. its wealth, it cod have many mil- For th e Garage : Broek ! and Welungton streets. Drop lions in the Held in in forty days. We can supply you with FEES EEEIFEEOE IRIE EII INE Wristlet Watches from * $2.75 up to $15.00. oe # KITCHENER'S OPINION. For Home or Foreign Service Avalos okies Tevet ot the ob LSC. Recnits SEEESE) RATE OF PAY $1.00 per day with 10c per day for field service and We also have fine Binocu- : Paris the further they will be 76¢c Toc por | Say for subsistence (subsistence ceases when re- jar Glasses for officers from J : nt # fron ultimate Vietory. 2000 550.00 each | Wanted, 300 motor car driv- During this "week the Ger rracks). Pay starts from the time of recruit- Apply to | ers, 120 closers, 92 artifie-[} mon rich will be far less ve: a I | ' 5 : } . | when y of EDT +d

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