Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Aug 1914, p. 2

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1914. week from Murray Bay, where they ws have spent the past two months. Mr. James Stewart left Gananoque yesterday for Valeartier, Mrs. H. W. Bnelling has returned: home after visiting at Kirk's Ferry and Ottawa, Miss Jennie Workman and her nicee, Miss Loraine Faber, of Brant-' | \V4 | DESIG a a | A few of the weit noticed at ford, are visiting Mrs. James Gow- Just arnved Boosey's well-known songs mn a the Yacht Club tea on Wednesday | 4 Sydenham street. hat IV » » (30 ¥ y= CTO! fternoun werg: Mrs. Norton-Tay ] oy genet. Rothester N.3 four keys. Price Thirty, Cents. I flor, Mrs. Stuart Sutherland, (New |! : sr . se . 4.8 oy i EE » =~ : J es i fire RD. Suthep, [O'DFlen, Brock gtroul, | ow York. Finest range of Postal Cards in Canada, , Mrs, K. M. Saunders, Mrs x : 3 a po lav : a «| arrived 5 , to visit Mr. and 2 og : * i IR LN gals panes. Mis. Frederic [3 iNey A mas. Oasis a prices ranging from Ten to Fifty Cents a | - 3 be Ee J : ' - - ' aux, AM > D awh | §/ 4 | MN ' N AY i Mra Fk oh Petige, Hie, R, Hal . A Lewis, superintendent of ty dozen : . " ow ! " ona addell, Mrs. Andrew For- A wis . FEL TCR OR, -- @ 7 AR J man, (Montreal), Mrs. Hansard Materaity hospital, Hontreal, She | A . h f M . . | B k Hora, Mrs. A. P. Christmas, (Maon- | '0, ah Josten a an Wolfe taiand } dine ne o lanica QOKS. : treal), Miss Muekleston, Miss Mary | © Mrs, Francis King, Wo . Smith, Miss Isabel Waldron, Miss| Mr. George Hague, Uniersity av- All University, ublic and High School Marjorie Brownfield, Miss Caprio | #008, went to Metis yesterday for i . : Waldron, Miss Mabel Browafield, | Mis holidays. ~~ = 4 Books amvin dail . 5 Farniture | Emorrows Lamren. [iid Ba" Nei J. Devan Dunbar 1a suse Canadian andAerican P iain ; 718 Market St. ngston, On A jolly Duteh luncheon was given | fay for Ottawa, where she will spend 5 anagian an . erican apers con ammng on the shore at "Alwington," on | she week end before going on to . 5% E80 Insurance and Real Fst ate Thursday when those present in- | Quebec. r War News. : , cluded: Mrs. Ernest Young, Mrs, Master Bert Sutherland, West Telephone 708 [Charles Taylor, Miss Eva Richard- | street, has gone to Toronto to viwit EU Ss mm | 00 Miss Mabel Richardson, Miss | Mr. John C. Smythe, f . SETTERS LL Anglin, Miss Susie Anglin, | Miss Marion Lesslie, William street, ' ---- A oy TT oy | Mies Mildred Sellery, Miss Hilda [left yesterday for the Thousand Is- A NDERING DO NE Hagme, Miss Edith Hague, Miss Rita | lands to attend gfe Archer Dickson : WITHOUT ACID. Sutherland, (8t. Loni), Miss Aileen | wedding, which will take place from ) v z, Jtdnxtigne tn Pumitare from 14 It you waat your clothes to dart, you [iFoiger, Miss Lilian Mundell and the Dickson summer home on 'one of to 20%. It will pay you to buy now ave iin Nauhed without acl. }Mfiss Eva Martin. the Admiralty Group of Islands. A postcard will hring our boy to the| ~~ °° * = Mrs. James Kirk and children re- even if you do not need the goods Hour, We appreciate the opportunity The singles in She eras tala turned to Brooklyn, Be on Puke. SR - ° e you: ment, whic 18 being played on the day after a two months' stay with until winter, CHONG BROS GA NR City Park courts, were contimued on Mrs. Kirk's mother, Mrs. N. Wilmot, 854 Pri St. Thursday and Friday. On Thursday Clergy street. We will hold your purch ; Miss Helen I'raser defeated Miss Lillie Mrs. J. C. Elliott, Barrie street, Fraser, and on Friday Miss Maude has returned from Belleville. PE ---------- STH Juss defeated Mrs. Charles I. 1 ay- Mr. V. Bishop went to Ottawa on ° ATENTS or. Friday. Herbert J. S. Dennison 3 3 &* = Y '(Continued on Page 10) INOCU ars . REGISTERED ATTORNEY, 18 Mrs. F. W. VanDusen, Bridge King Street West, Toronto, Pat- fll 0 Napanee, will hold her first Soprrity marks. Peulan reception on September 3rd, assisted DIED FROM POISONING, WANTED GOODS THAT WILL APPEAL TO here; _elsht years - / he or, Miss Nettie Van- . ha Te ; : : ; lence. Mrlis Tot Bobkiat 0 JD con" a ire ein Sole SAL | 4 Lice Child a¢ Cruden Drank #1 DRESSY LADIES High power, much Kingston. Poison Water. . hi | . tha din Tr 3 Water i Rats igher n ordinary lal Ty As a result. of drinking some fly A big range of Satins in all the wanted and most field glasses; short, ----- a > y Mrs. John Carson, Kipg street, left, poison, on Friday, afternoon, the two : ; . : . : | on Thursday, for Vancouver. year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs popular shades for girdles and sashes. Special compact, light in weight Lieutenant-Colonel Frank Strange | Samuel Doupe, Uroyden, died at the : n vith oth came home LOm Petawawa to-day. family residence on Friday evening. Compare these with ot - Miss Navie!' Clark, who has been From the information received 1n a p ers Price $25.00 each, visiting Mrs. 1. C. ConneJl, left, yes | the city it is supposed that the child i des ai : Ww }h: a atch terday. for Watestoun jo. f used the, dish, on, the table, which Fancy 8ilks, including Roman stripes and plaids, altham wrist watch- Mes. Nedham, Wellington street, left, | contained the fly' poison, and evident- g oud 3 es with heavy figures on on, Friday, for New York. ly thinking that it was water, decided some exquisite designs $1.25 dia) Miss Emma Pense, West street, has to drink it. When it was notiee fi 3 ns : als. > y : : received notice to report for duty at | what the child had done Dr. Wilson, Neck Cords with tassel ends, all the dainty. shades, We made a misfit in a lovely the military hospital, Quebec, 'and will | 1 amworth, was suthmoned, but it was and only | Fr 10c each : " save for ¢ 3 ni ate 'he chi fiered very Cd . leave for that city tonight. too late Ihe child su ' ; ° brown Oriental Wilton Carpet. It is Kipling's pathetic tale of the Rev. Frank Fraser, Pelleville, is the much during the few hours she was al- * i a artist who lost his sight teaches Ne A je up 10 x 23 ft., and cost $71.75. hr b guest of his mother, Mrs. John Fras lowed to live i : Xt 8. P Hrs hong nee of thon er, King street, lhe sympathy of many friends - is Our Dollar Special Corset, casily leads the van at Jewellers : Opticians : : i sizes. 18 to 30 Issuers of Marriage Licenses the price; six models in all sizes, 18 to 30. nr Fons We wil let it go for $51.75--it's a Trust your eyes only ton re- Mrs. J. Montague Strange, Earl extended to the bereaved ones in their ? NiO: optometrist '0 mown street, went to Toronto, yesterday; to-| sad bereavement map. : We are Optical Specialists. We An Carpets, Curtains, Linoleums do nothing but examine eyes visit Mr. and Mrs. Yarker. o oad a Nr Nr tt a tt a tt a fit the proper mianses. One abil- Mrs. J. Peart Birley, Albert street, | rae "The Sj itr " At Tdeal Theatre | © Sp a } . iol Fr . agen ts 3 - 3 ' 1 Pp 'hita acle A ity to correct defects of vision 4s Hl / Went up to laronto on Thursday. Daniel Frohman prese Bs the Jop Ladies' Lisle Thread Hose in tan, white, black, the the reason for our being in op- Miss Ethel Waldron, who is wisiting ular photoplay star "Carlyle Black host vale in the trade at 25¢ a pair | | ties exclusively to-day. { a x i . well", in the famous nautical com- 3 er sister, Mrs. E. A. Moore 'rince : A : : : a , 3 keunce sted avin Jos wail, TIE ister, Hire. 12. 8 pn vnerdn Prince | dy drama. ~The. Spitfire." a melo- Girls' 8chool Hose in white, tan, black, strong and farce of laughs and thrills. i i Se drama yi all eine ? ----s------- iki} the end Remar. has been | It is a big four reel film version of durable ' all S1Zes ese - S:Asselstine 1] 0S street, left, on Thursday, for New | drama. A thrilling romance of the . 0 e ' July» Miss Irene Shaver, Kingston is| theft of a yaeht, a case of jewelsill py sier Brown Hose for hovs, wears lke iron and - the guest of Miss Stella Rose, Pres- | and a heart. A play that has had , {| cott. more than one thousand perform- bn No charge for Examination eslght 'Specialist perfectly fast in color, sizes 6 to 10 inches, 25¢ pr By tH Mrs. Sidney Warner is spending { ances on the stage. Don't miss see- Phone 1019 | this week visiting friends in Kings- ] i it at Ideal Theatre Monday, if ton. Tuesday and Wednesday. Admission Ladies' and Misses' Fall Coats, onlv the newest Miss Norah Gleeson, Napanee, is | 5 cents. itvles " ¢pending the week with the Misses TE Whe Sty es. GO OUTSIDE FOR GOODS. Gleeson. Earl street. 14th Weekly Parade. Hi : While They Can Be Purchased For I'he weekly parade of thé 14th regi Same Price Here. Masters Hugh Duff and Grant Min- | ment w Il be held on Monday even It is doubtful if the local merch. |VeS, are visiting at Mrs. T. D. Min-.| ing Every man not already on duty | i : A. merch. 7 at | mn -~ | nn = ll Like the Parrot Trial Offer of Pictorial Review Magazine for 4 Every bargain wo. have to offs months, 35c. Subscribe now. speaks for itself. Bummer prices on now. hk i ; "can sad Man's Bay. Jarriefield is expected. Bot is | ants .can make an effective stand DS : NI Dead Hun a Wain- | oo riofield : expected. Both bands i Ars Sd Miss . yw phesent. against the habit of departmental I n ; ' Gourtler _ Furtier { i | | | Pi " : wright, of Ottawa, are guests of Mrs --- r---------- g PR ¥ Rp ie 8 Cig . s . . 3 . » Po + . - tores in the larger cities freightink Colin Hamilton and Miss Sybbald George W. Thornton, Smith's Falls, parcels to the city 'and have them : F.-) : sx : A Hamilton at Wolfe Island. spent Thursday in Kingston. posted here to take advantage of the . a ax » oh m3) | Miss Helen Finkle, who has been Se. Elulsion, 25¢ Gibson's. Sheape r oh aig -- Hie ; Iweniumile spending her holidays with Mr. and ---- zon a Nec anl C SEAS Iae eH Finkle, Earl street, re . . the situation, said that he would not a . J twmed to Boston yesterday and her expect any of the trade if he could . ye " * not equal the prices of the larger |=! Miss Ward Finkle, acggmpanied ! 1 We have passed into J stores. They have an immense over-{/e" « + ov 0» head expense, paying higher rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Nickle return taxes, etc., that the local merchants] ito town on Wednesday from Que do not have They buy in large bec and are again at "The Shiel Meicad I quantities but this does not make a ing." of Rugs. Designs are big enough difference to allow them | Nis Robert O'Hara came from | | | : to sell cheaper than the smaller{ouawa yesterday after spending -- = | DETECTIVE TESTED A GUARD | "THE ALWAYS BUSY TORR." stock sixty-seven bales smalle rand prices as stores in the smaller cities. If peo- several weeks with her son, Mr. ¥. ple would bring the catalogue to his C. T. O'Hara and Mrs. O'Hara, and low as last season. store he is confident that he canis with Ven. Archdeacon O. G. equal or sell at a cheaper price the | Dobbs, King street. - on ake Wf stair goods advertised, People are misled Mr. and Mrs. L. IL. Henderson Every make of talr by the attractive cuts and reading | and family will return to Montreal i | natter in the catalogue, and do not [next week after summering at } ©; : ; and hall to match. 4.7? realize that the iocal merchants can (Thousand Island Park. waiting Jor g i fo Jul] oul sell them the goods just as cheap. | Mr. william Bates wil leave wal ed down the irack towar Ble {for Montreal about September 15th, C.N.It., bridge over the Napanee ri- RT - ) 8 er a ver, A guard noticed him, and asked { Th uri oi to: th lta Bleveland oY ss son him where he was going. He did not} -.To ive sou hetter service, we § jah avd haianas oh e men engaged in laying the | A hate Fos op answer at first and then replied sul- hh stones between the tracks on _ Prin i Mik Harioa Bo ell, J! ih oIote. E d T Ni h Lr tirat he pov from Perini, Tn See. Sur nw ad Ban. dd ud et Vans. pess street completed the work' on | W&S the guest of Mr. an ek. nas 0- g t {and was a C.N.R., employee. The tonal yawn aud machinery, Friday afterpoon. The pavement | Chown, "Sunnyside," this week. | ££ & maw §5 Hi------ i | guard asked Lim what he was doing 5 u re ) 11 5 i ¥ Our lucronsed efficiency means E WwW Carpet Warehoues I ---- rh Poftugrnd "the Tn "ol Airs. Charles Taylor and little A big lot of soft haps Jf and he replied that he was investi-| § o Tower cost to you. . . Bok, om ey "Ye : Tried to Bribe Him to Oross Bridge Near Tamworth, On Thursday afternoon, on the ar- Nine good building lotr (38 x 130), "§]te 8 15 toot ay, rival of the C.N.R., train at Tam- d Buil 10 2 JS Toot Innewny Brg worth, a man jumped off and after an rs - t. Phin those Twelve dolla and 'fon ohare + : 3 pe | gati nlosi : the week. It is mot known when the {Miss Jean Taylor, Johnson street ng od colo! 3 worth /as lsating the [3plosiqh {HAL hahpeped ylmving, Planing, Wipptes, Col Rinidw of Meal Rutute street cars will be running on the | Rent do Napanee ff sterdny 10 'visit high as $2.50 and $3, on fl! not alowed to pass, however, as he offing, Ste. dn 'yitek time, Fob wl pol muperin: | "Miss. Allee oe Se I f $1 : 'would not show his credentials, The : | tendent of the railroad company, says | Miss Alleen Folger, Sydenham I}] scle for $1, 8. ANGLIN & co . Bien "| street, spent a few this week ! Ly man then offored the guard a cigar, eke A os pong "ih iy ats min, e434 Moe. Nok at "Pha ||| Any straw hat, in our [f Sie "vi. ittea uS4 f ie \ : | Shiel ney to get across the bridge. He was WOODWORKING FACTORY | pak dodide to. pave Princess street, | Miss" Marie Clarke, of _Colaabs ||| Store for... firm, however, and after the man LUMBER YARDS { #om Clargy to Barrie .strenty. {Ohfo., is the guest of her aun. was convinded that he could not Bay and Wellington Sts. Ofer Tie Br... Mrs. 7. C. Connell, West street. cross, he pulled open his coat and Phone o6. ' | 4 > Services. i { Rev. J. A. Waddell and family, of showed that he was a C.N.R., detec i! Wiliam 8. Lucky, Hatumond sport, | Seelay's Bay, are spending their vaca- tice. He complimented the guard on | Va. was in the city on Friday. and {ion the tome of Mr. and Mrs, W his strict oboyance of orders. | asked tho- Ameriean. camsul to. offer the |, "Robinson, 98 Division street! ; eed | DEATH OF YOUNG KINGSTONIAN British (war office the use of two aero Mr. and Mrs. S. J. 1. Huray, West | tamer aud himsell on the field. He { mount, are the guests of the latter's i re Edward L. Goodwin Passed Away at On Thursday afternoon, in the Sud- made the ofier to Ottawa, but - the | t rd Hi authorities there are mot sending any {rene and Yes. W. J. Robin » - - bury general ital, the sad death cgurred of 5 vine Leigh Goodwin, Se, aged twenty-four years, son of aeroplanes to Eurepe. The Present | » Goodwin,, dean of Queen's Bor Don't fuss, don't worry--we'll offer will be made through the: Ameri- | p,. Vincent Daley motored from can consul in London to the London | pascoag, R. I, and is visiting his authorities, - {parents on Wellington street. ) > y {of Miss Reta Boyd, Brockville, School of Mining. Th Will tho ladies knitting Balaclava | Mrs. A. R, Wells, Toronto, was a ) Th of -_-- : inkist in. ibe FR , launder those caps for the Red Cross Society please | visitor in the city for a few days ; Mond N REM he of, Sudbury, 3 syt 3 RS, send in by Saturday evening to Mrs. | this week. ig i si bn elif hu yy ox Cilia AD A i--t-- i h Notice To Red Cross Workers. | Miss Kathyrn Soward is the guest 3 L} g Iva Martin, 31 King street. 401 3 Sathleen ughea, Ottaw r BLE : jek Pe DRESS SHI Ie are urgently needed; more will "ho Ba guest H Miss oR Hr \ 3 Ji a ago he, En / oi be required later, and these who are patrick, will to visit | : ya ia death. is survived hy kaitting 'caps for the 14th kindly Miss Ei jt. : ly : i mother, four sisters send to Miss Bessie Smythe, 109 i thieen 1 Bk WN yma ! y, Alice and Chrissie; | Gore street. Ry 3 i nie any raincoat § and one Williath M., all at Lg -------------- camp a th oo wo a { ; home. y : Great Clearing Sale. | Mrs. J. 8. Sutherland, cior 1 funeral took place at 230 In boys' and youths' suits for | returned to-day from wi sting ) "J o'clock Saturday afternoon, to Uata- school, Prevost, Brock strest, has a Flizabeth Sutherland as } ; J § rauui cemetery, the services being. con- great assortment in tweeds and blue! Bay. © : : wi § ducted by Rev. Dr. Macgillivray at and black serges and chevort. All npw | B® 8 I} = == oe the home on Alice street. «prices extremely low to make! Mrs Stuart Suthrcland, ; | : room for winter g . | been Flirtation is nature's lure re en tw

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